Variety (November 1963)

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| VARIETY'S weekly tabulation ‘based on. ratings furnished. & amenian Résearch 10-8 shows,” both ‘network end syndicated, are listed on. the Basis of their showing, * Bureau, highlights the top 10 network shows. on.a local level and: offers. a ‘rating in ‘the total. area: hontes barometer... _. Wednesday, November’ 13, 1963 study 0} the top: 10 syndicated. shows in the same. ' > Particular markets,’ This’ week”. Various. branches of the. industry,* gin; : from me dia buyers to toe at tion 7 oe a * three different markets are covered. ; _ ~ | te Q syn dicators «will fi nd the: cha rts ‘valuable. " Both the network and. syndication study: features thie. total area” homes: reached..”,“Over the course of. a year, ARB ‘will tabulate a: minimum of: 2487. markets. The.. fh, | and the metro area ratings’ on each: show. The: ‘totalarea homes: reached ‘reflects . ‘results: of that.tabulation will be found weekly in Variety Coupled with: the rating | ‘the audiences: ox. the.. basis of the. total: market “area. examined. he metro area performance of the top 10 network shows, on the local level, the.:Varrety-ARB charts ratings are based on. He metropolitat ‘markets within. the total area. examined. Top. Pare designed to reflect the rating tastes. 5. Of virtually every: ‘market. in ‘the. U. S..: BC OSTON ; “STATIONS: WBZ, WHDH, WNAC. sateey. Petia: storevack 11S OCTOBER:1, 1963. . "Tomer Area . a . i wean on. Dee nel .. Homes Area. ar = _ Total RK.. Top Network Shows ‘Sta, Reaches Rte. at Lien Bats, Reached — Tep Competition . §§ Sta. Hemes oe ; Se Sr Wi. Ripeords See ‘Huet; " 30). WHDH UAT 203,200 15 | News; Weather ......... 0 BZ 150,000 1. Lassie eee _c.WHDE * 433,700". 30 2. Dawg; Bozo; NEAA FB. eat 330). WHDH.. ..CBS. Films, 193,800 13) Wyatt Earp -...........WBZ 66, 2. Dr. Kildare we 420,700" 29|| 3. Danger Man: My..3‘Sons. “Th. 8:30)... WNAC. . . TEC “+ 190,700. 15] Perry. Mason ...........WHDH = 266,700. 3. Sing Mitch; Bob. Hope, , .WBZ . 398800 24 || 4. Everglades; Racess:¥B {Sat.. 6: 060). . WHDH:...Economeé. «188,000.13 Death Valley PR nee WEE Hoa 4. Newsexs |... Bees -. « WHDH _ 373,900 7: 24 | 5. Hobo; _Rebel;: Ozzie (Wed. 7:00)... eae. 7 -Storer. : "186,800 BH Youlus oe ees WBZ 351'500. 7 5. Sat. At. The Movies......WBZ 370,100 28 ||. ¢. pilko; Trails: West (Trias. AE 00). + WNAC.. _.CBS; ‘Robéck 177400. 14] Huntley-Brinkley .:.....WBZ 303.300 | ¢. Int'l Showtime eye 368,200 020-2211 ‘Sith Press Movie "WNAC. : «.NBC Films 174300 14) Eleventh Hour fe veres WBZ 268,100 : 4. Arrest And Trial... -WNAC _-364,50030H. ed. 10:00; Fri. °7:30).°. ee ee Sten ete oo, {Intl Showtime ..-::..-. 63, 200) 8. Jack Paar) oo WBZ. ; “gee 100 Pal & Foe Scene; ‘Mitch; O"Toole © |” "" WBZ... : Desilu170,000 «=: 12] Stump Stars; E.W. “side! WHO es 00: vonertne ards: WBE. SS’ (Mon. 10:30; Sun. E00) 2 pene TE ae ~ | Abassie. watery rseeed + Oxo'ann 9. Candid Camera... HDA 357,000 22/19, Rescue .8;. Movie; Silvers. . a WNAE: . ..Screem Gems . 167,200 13 Huntley-Brinkley | wea + 292,900. 10, Vinginian coeceeeee WBS 353,500, 22. (Fri. 7:00; Sat, 6:30) 42... a tees . : : site. Fractured Filckers. “a MAC. “TRE = | ae a CLE | L _ eee ty ;ATIONS: Kew. WeWs, wow. -SURVEY PERIOD: : SEIN = a‘ 1. Donna ‘Reed wae sees WEWS | + 398,000" ° > "34 }f.1. Untouch: oa ‘Lewis (Sat. 3 00). co ” WEWS:. Desily ~ -245,000°" OY Sat At Movies. 0s tw 312,400 2. McHale's Navy ---+++-WEWS -.384,600 35']| 2. Battleline;' 77. Sunset: ‘Strp. (Fri. ‘10 -WEWS-. “Official . © 221,000 21 |JackPaar’ .s...252:7.: KYW = -246,100. S. Beaver; My 3 Sons... "WEWS. 384,000. -" 30.]| 3. Thriller; Parade; Kaye °~ WIW:. 2. veMCA; 20 Fox 200,800 me Ales City; Channing... WEWS 210,400 4. ‘Beuznes. weidteeeeses EYW 342300 30-1] GWed. 10:00; Thurs:. 10:00). se. i | kepa; Sid-Edie.....-...-WEWS 212,900 5. Greatest. Show ©: evans “WEWS 331 Of). 314) & Mike Hammer; P. Gann (Fri. 10:30) WEWS: . MGA; Oficial 192,700 : ; = i 277,900 _. 6. Beverly Hilbilliés cviee WOW, 320,100 27° 6; EW, Side: (Mon. :10:00). WSW.. Warner Bros. . 188/000.".2c4 . 47,400 7. Sat. At The Mevits.... KYW 318,100 32 |F {Films 185 8. Ben Casey; My Way; e.(Th. 10:30). WEWS.. ‘ :CBS* Films. © 185,300 |Et. People ;Tholce;: eavi ver (Wed. -8:30) “WIJW... ABC ils 176,600 tea eee de WE 8. Cimarrén; Hootenanny (Sat.: 1:30). WEWS....MCA:) } 154,600 9. Breaking ‘peiat 2.02! "13211 9. Love Bob: Fenster (Fri. 7:00)... ‘WEWS..:..MCA" 152,000 10. Jim Dean; 3. Sons; (10: Biography (Sun..7:00)..c..... KYW. fficial soe. 4 ¢ “ . fF * sd ad if Wl i. Death. ‘Valley Days (wed: “F097. a Kem On. US. ‘Borax “toe : 1\-2. Leave Jt Te Béatte.(Tués. 1: 00)... uM , 95,300 See. E 3 M Squad ‘Sat T0092. 62sec SSRING....MCA 4. Arrest And Tial. MO: 16S s< 31 | + Expedition; . Expiore (Mon. ONL KOMO. .ABC Films ' 5. Dens Reed -. oe ~ 3. Champ. _Wressiitg (Sat. 6:00) : 433 Bea KI vans Paramount TV. | 6. Beaver; My 2. Sens. KOMO 16559 e 28 “ge: Hemnesek. a es 5 boy. ae 1. Grealest Show | . 4680 27 ||1.-Rifleman “(Mon 6:30): .-... Sie oe =. a Pe OR i BO Rcae cn rt A kininbgo 7 oy ° L McHale's ‘Navy | . -. 2. Outer Limits. pein : 3. Wagon Train .....:..7KQN &. Disney's World ....;.-.KING3 «S665 io, *: 2a || 8: ¥ Seas; Bold Journey; FB. 9. wey; My Way::2 See (®hurs. -6:30) . nies : cows al _ 2. Ceamp F Bowling (Fri. 6:30)... 10. Bonanza ...,...:' | . t] the’ "fields. of nat-.) = == ural history . a be a” anthropology, ; | Youngsters. wquld seem ‘tobe es| ae pecially suseept le, although Stew| 7 | ares ‘narration ¢ doesn't. ‘discriminate en | against adults; {i wirewalkersy ‘Soon: to-gd*into syndication, ‘the | tra ‘k betting ee fe pression was ‘given: that much. of animal acts, yeh: there Ly : -¥ >" L geries is ‘piléting at present‘in.a 30one, = 2 FS pthe, do-ggoding was a contsivance, horses. and feréc animale, * This ws y once-ovels) minute format on Stewart's resi> Christy Minstrels got ‘that the poor "and downtrodden may be $00, hte. forthe audience. jens an: ec adventure," | dent station, WBKB, where Be also blacked out completely in the mid>| glse\whete:“inthe world. taught. was intended , | , but it had ax} and if it: ‘proved’: Nothing else; "4 lot of charm. and enjoyment for! showed ‘corvlusvely that. combat the older sef. ~ | photogeaptiy. improved. immensely: ‘The show was ‘doné ingeniously | betwega’ WARE. I. dle of one number 105 4 Se eewa election he arters. Otherwise, the kids were “bright and ‘lively in’ $90,000,000," ‘and hard to believe. fronts ‘the kidshow, “Here's ° ‘Ger‘aldine.”? For the half hour: presen-: | tation, ‘he uses three of the filmed. |Huntley-Brinkley: seep ee WBZ” SPicaced ‘Corpsmen more than. Corpsmen . i taught them. That’s hardly worth. and economically. The. talent, Sapa “toned :the visual. this |° : ae a San pobre iacoin. folk singer'g-m snther “This stiow is mnie & ‘Corps had occupied r comprising’ Nelle ‘Fisher, who] gotosas Wie track, featured, old. |) Paré Zoo, and captive relatives of | 204 15 © “and. Mine.” —_._..| al hout; followed: by a critical pro. choreographed and. played Rh, nn : disks. of “T Didirt the ‘wit “ite exposed : the "Sa: . : 2 ly): the; fin and. corr from the! officials and. ob-. ~~ clown; Robert Molnar, Emily Kid~bpeisg,* oa Boy. ‘to Be a Soldiers”. faint” im the “Sax artistic ger -Canee? | servers. -. atter zincluded. Joseph: well, Jeri Barto, Jay Devlin, DarEe Foe ite Oui Oui Marie,”. footage. | , OF! Kfaft. of) arpers* and. | ‘win ‘Knight : ‘and Paul: Owsley ‘douhs re Broadway , Helle!-: Show caught iad Stewart ‘Stalk} with | Tribune col : ing: x herd:.of elephants: with :mo| ar six who. was. : --> bled as many things. The only tru thee! and “‘Long, Long ‘Trail ial ta nding”—a .songalog as° WWII tueneee by wigs we be lel se° “fie | never: had (when the Army had to Daton. twirling’. by. Owsley. Otherputt Out.a general order to get the. wise, the circus ‘routines. ‘were tropps té sing at all). There was" ith concocted, ina ‘manner that calied.| APSs’ "Chisolih done nwt part of imagination. for a. major “bit dn’. the ‘interests of Liberty. ers were attractive enough to re Béntis;and scenes-of Elsie. Janis: terest the young [-entertaihing doughboys in France.: One of the m: -Actor.Richard Basehart. could be ne of the major points of in‘fe best... new: narration ; _vgice terest was Miss Fisher’s choreog‘around: Bil. Taphy. Much depended ‘on. the| 2°” * design of the patterns of motion.| *. re The various bits were carried off. ‘SAFARIEAND! with humor and’ charm. Another With Jim Stewart, . others’ : added asset. was the Syriala, set. ‘Preducer-Writer: Stewart * p Bil light touch, bute who didn’t say Payline “neatly ‘as funny as his ion picture camera and: making a.| se ‘hurried © escape when. -the jherd 4" showed signs: of’ growing nervous. | ‘This, the narration. noted, -was. the | tipoff ‘to: a. ‘stampede, ‘and ‘the eam: era didn’t. ‘stay ‘around. to: record ‘the -violence.:* Another. sequence dealt with an: African game farm, | where z0o-bound: animals ‘are: bil| [leted. while they’ adapt to: captivity; | {and the third. film: was: strictly. of ‘did. ta travelog nature, showing the} Show ‘was mainly an advertise: wood..carvers ‘of | the: Wakamba | ment .for the:Corps, which was all. “| Tribe’ fashioning ‘the pift’ shop |ritht.. Basic to. viewer ‘disinterest .”| Wares in their al fresco “factories” was the. endless number of pane|: in Nairobi. ° flists,: which~ xeemed to prevent moderator Leo Ros rom . hs, te Se snes interet in ging out much of vital. interest. (it | | cination. as a gt “f a | aso’ until the end of the second arzan: “tar se | Hour tha was reve y Corps. |? terri tory. < *Thete was. | director Sargent Shriver. that the No matter: how Jofty the purpose of. these pubservice-.shows, there. is no .excuse. for .boring viewers; and that’s what . Metropolitan's. to size. OL. _~Bill, TORONT 0 CRBS ” $3,000,000 STUDIO ch Toronto, Nov. 12. “Approval. “has been given. to TV's two-hour “Under Discussion,” | we THE YANKS ARE COMING {PARTICEPARING: 22 Ft Producer: ial Flaum ° ‘WERKE, Chicaze (film, tape} >": Director: Flaum’ . lh. the library -of . five-,minute’ ‘great informational ‘télfout in ‘the % ~ Writer: Flaum a ‘Bas eas arodieed. in the Afri: obtrast of the show, most of it un-. program seest $90,008, 000 ‘annual: | pal Board: by the: Ontario Muniel 60 Mins., Mon. inn. m.. van bush country, Chicago-tv per| obtrusive, and: the“fodtage offered . Panel: included ‘several returned | PARTICIPATING. , |Sonality .JimeStewart.. erlacts 2). peek ‘at’ such. romantic: critters | men and women of the Corps (nice. ne largest independent. radio WPIX-TV, NW. ok. s . | white hunter “whose ‘semi-fis gonal | as the: “maribou. stord and: secretary | folk, all), three writers‘and several | move to the important. crosstown Yanks Are Coming* was 5 Raid adventures ° custially wind €pj-with | bird, in’ additipe mee iraffes, ga-|Corps. headquarters _officials.| location from its present. studies Wolper deep in the vaults: again: insights intota l or -h ‘bezelles, rhinos, -and the pa-.| There never evolved a clear pic-|-but first had to get approval of . New York independent-\WPEX=T¥ Ehagier, or -bi he Ps ‘a canny smixaired the World War. I reprise on: ture of education and esedpism Veterans Day as the Premiere. ‘of pand the kind. of tv fare that stimu -ehyderm in. their native environs: Stewart does. an ‘able job both thes‘Pieally amd as: narrator. Les. ture. of ‘just what the kids did over}. there and “how well. In fact,’ a {rather . strong and. unfortunate -im|. structure. os fellow columnist’ from. ‘McNaugh-— “who: concluded, the sec-. ond hour, that if Sen: Barry. Goldwater: were elected to: the presitdenev, he ‘would ‘trim | the Corps. CFRB,; Toronto, to: construct. a Se $3,000,000, . -42-story “prestige” building. toward the first of. the. two. Toronto rezoning bylaws -per| mitting ‘the building of a ‘T-story