Variety (November 1963)

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Lote a ft ws wt ; ai hades a Re ie, : ome 40 _ akan rei armen. ee _ VARIETY ee Wednesday, November 13, 1963, ARB FEATURE FILM CHART mamas Continued from page 35: mamas | Vanrery-ARB" s weekly: chart. offers a. day-by-day analysis of the top feature evening lone Continued ‘from page 23 al 7 ‘angles and his use of medium shat | . particular martket.: On Saturdays and Sundays, daytime feature slots compete with nighttime pis with major buys it may place beand close up. matched his ability! ‘neriods for designation as the:top feature slot of the:day.. The analysis is confined to the top rated j fore ‘Thanksgiving. fo control and mold his actors’ pet) feature slots in the ARB-meatured. period, broken down by days in the week. The ARB measured. | With the virtual certainty that formances. When his “grip” loosens | | eve fod. ot with experience. and confidence,| period usually covers three or four weeks.” Other data such as the time slot and total area homes: every (eneers possibly Monday "7-30 Foreign wW Reviews | swait T it Next Year’ however, his touch will doubtless. is furnished. Top competition and. competitive ratings also are. highlighted, |to 9 and Wednesday 7:30.:to 8:30): become more deft and subtle and, : 60 _} will. be: programmed. with’ a new. importantly, mo re ventur e@ NXT, V,. show on at least one. of the..netMeantime, he has learned his ‘basie Los Angeles STATIONS: K KNBC, KABC, KH, KIT Ke P. | works, those ’64-65 schedule ‘skull lessons well, and all that remains | ; @ SURVEY DATES: JUNE: 14. JULY 4H, 1963. | Sessions: are on in earnest as. netis the acquisition of the final polish | _ ‘TOP. OMPETITION. | Work toppers burn their office midwhich could lift Duguid into the) _ Total ‘Area. Homes: 313, 600. | Cc _. —dnight-oil and hold ‘weekend. secret: top rack of video directors. : KNBC Metro R ating: Zt = 7 STATION &. strategy. sessions: in one. of their Actors in the piece rallied round . . 99 4 PROGEAM ‘TOTAL HOMES -exec’s’ homes: ‘The concentrated. and responded well. ProfessionalShare ‘of Audience: 22. ot ee . cogitation. spreads from Manhasset. appearances came from John perl MONDAYS 7:30-9:36 Ter eo Ear _|'to Westport to-Mamaroneck. lon and Jane Werham as hero # | Program: MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE | en ears While the network operating heroine. a Got-a Secret — KNXT |heads are sounding: out the Danny : ot ‘June 17 “KING OF ‘THE KHYBER RIFLE : &: :00-8:30 531,300. | Seymours, thé Bud Barrys, the Dick. FRANCIE & Josie ck Milro an} Tyrone Power, Terry Moore, Michael Rennie eye 7s | _ |Pinkhams, et al., in the usual: ex-" With Rikki Fulton, Ja an | 1954, 20th Century-Fox. 20th” Century-Fox: : ; Lucy Show KNXT | change of web “tentative thinking” Producer: Liam Hoed fo . sn: oe or 8:80-9:00 574,100 ‘and agency: advice, this: season’s . Director: James. utherland | June 24 ‘FROM HELL TO TEXAS”: a ° sO am network-agency plotting powwovs, 3¢ Mins., Wed., 9:15 p.m. _1: Don Murray, Diane Varsi:f. Danny: ‘Thomas KNXT | according: to fhe “Madison Ave. : S-ottish Televisien, frem: oe, . 1958, 20th Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox a g: 00-9: 30° 472,800 | boys, are: more guarded. than » This situation-comedy seriés,. the | ke wWaTrR” : | normally. ‘Apparently, the agency... first really ambitious skein to be; July... 1: HELL AND HIGH : {men sense, there’s the, fear—based: tackled in‘ Auld. Lang: Syne-land, | Richard Widmark, David: Wayne -__. _|om previous. experience—that “conhas much local appeay,and relies | 1954, 29th. Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox, ; | fidential” schedule plans of one: largely on. the comedy) Wiertifon| duly 8 “BOY ON.A DOLPHIN”’ — rat . | network might be intimated to a nd Jack Cered ray a rule SiC Alan Ladd, Sopiiia Loren, Clifton Webb: | ° -| rival web. © and ys B Gias-{ 1957, 20th ‘Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox ' , of. For “many an agency man has ci toaes, they gab "in the city’s} : 7 i aero ne one seeing used ‘such: informationi. in prévious” vernacular, and ‘essay all Keds " at fo Total Area Homes: 156,500 a “TOP/COMPETIZION : {Seoposed sek Bs pager pm err iets and adve ntures. ‘Theit mis| _KNXT | Metre, ating: 7 | STATION & || it. Thus. when, a Dick ,Pinkham : spots and. English langage as it hore of udience: 28 : “PROGRAM. . ‘TOTAL HOMES: learned -from. NBC ‘last. year -that should -be spoke” rouses MAY pep AYS 5:00-6:30 _ I Lloyd Thaxton; News © KCOP --"| Hour and Andy. williams sneclals ‘Though some of the humor is of| Program: EARLY. SHOW = | _ 5:00-8:00. 406,200 | Tuesdays: 19 to t,he moved with the childish variety, ane n as met June 18 “BELLO, FRISCO, HELLO” . Ty News: Wea Com. _ | NEC . WwW ili jaro non the competing ABC” appeal to tae ent tert werien Alice. Faye; John Payne, June ‘Havoc oe. martedaiee |*Eugitive.” Often, an: agency~ has. for adults who sppreciate the West | 1943, 20th: Century-Fox, NTA. “pe -: fused network-supplied “plans for of Scotland phrases. Tune 25 “THE ROUND: UP”... | ‘ _| the client and om ssite for sonther. Fulton is a :toothy, humorous} ' ‘Richard Dix, Preston: Foster, Patticia ‘Morison, ane’ OPpe ee Josie, and Jack Milroy, a sort of | o . 1941, Paramount,. MCA a : Cat & Mouse. Game’ Scottish Jerry Lewis; makes like aj . ‘}It's” a cat-&-mause game—no. rubber-faced idiot as Francie. Pair July. 2 “BRIGHT EYES” . >| matter how frank. and. open it may: are well supported by a team of/: Shirley. Temple, James . ‘Dina. : ‘seem to an outsidex—with ‘both the ; character players " iy notable. : 1934, -20th ‘Century-Fox, NTA cf. aetwork and. agenoy endeavoring ° chael: being especia 7 ‘ eT: le | to trade only:.a smidgeon of.. its” James. Sutherland | steers © -the: J uly 9 ‘ BLOOD -ON THE ‘SUN’ wo } own: plans in return foe complete . ‘comedy situations for proper camJames Cagney, Sylvia Sidney: Los ne information from the other. .While era angles, under the production }. | 1945, United “Artists, Sayark — os _ se ; _.. | the network fears-its plans may. be hand of Liam ‘Hood: ‘Gord. —_—— : — rn — | replayed. to -another. web, e Fy Total ‘Area Homes 198, 800 TOP. ‘COMPETITION a agency: is likewise fearful that its THEY'VE SOLD A MILLION “ _KNXT ‘Metro: Rating: 8 | ST ATION & . plans: in programh and budget straWith Alan Freeman, Gerry. & Paceont 33. PROGR AM ‘TOTAL. HOMES | tegy may be passed. ‘on: to. another _ makers, Cilla Black =~ hore of Audience: | . -Jagency. handling a competitive Director: Robert Flemying | WRDNESDAYS 5:00-6 30. “Lloyd Thaxton; N ews “*KCOP ladvertising | account. There ‘have. 9@ mins.; 9:16 p.m. Friday ‘Pregram: EARLY SHOW "5:00 “6: 00 121,800 even been suspicions of ‘deliberate. Associated-Rediffusion, from. for , _. +camouflaging “in the. network vs don | *"Jine“19 “NEVER. TRUST A. GAMBLER” News}: Wea; Com: KNBC’. | agency. tactics. For when infermas, A A. snippet-type glance -at hest-|Dane ‘Clark, Cathy. O'Donnell 6:00-6:30. 237,200 {tion -and intelligence becomes’ a selling pop singers, this show Is. : 1951, ‘Columbia, Screen ‘Gems: 7 -# [weapon, as. it certainly is in. tv; a. a sequel to Associated-Rediffusion’ s| Foe 4 network’s plans _may:_ be. «check ; ., { mated. should a competitor _ Bet advance word. me :4 All of: ‘which: ‘has. led: to. ‘strate. a 1 gems -at which: the Lee’ Riches and... -j the. Bud Barrys; among otheis,: are suprise fating, snatcher ., “Here} ;., Yune: 26 “HERE: COMES THE COEDS” Come the Girls” which spotligh ‘Abbott & Costello. a femme popsters.. f. . os 1945, Universal, Screen Gems_ ES Treatment here ‘was a brief: fact: ; i | Leela terview with current .chartopper |} ‘July 3 TEXAS: RANGERS , : Gerry Marsden, leader of the, Pace; | Fred, MacMurray, Jack: Oakie | said to ‘have. deyeloped -. consum makers best ‘a shout group, with] 1936, .Parampunt, MCA . : | = mated 3 skill. On. the network side, eejay n’ Freeman firing me “ ae mas as _ prexy Tom Moore's handquestions. Rest of. the ghott. show fe July” 1. ‘HAPPY LANDING’ . i oo Jing of “the: “ABC. ‘negotiations. with. was devoted’ to the group in-action | ‘Sonja Henie, Ddéh Ameche, Caesar: Romiero, we as they rehearsed $00 s stage show: pe ; (1938, 20th. Century-Fox, NTA save for one skort interview ‘with ea _ Total Area Homes: 186; 900. + the General Foods agencies .in the, : Pot. . a ane “Phot: ‘three-network ——ermne—enm:| set the fat slice of Ed. Ebel’s.’64-TOP. COMPETITION | +t: 265 GF billings,. with the. “Andy. a ety ‘& =2 Cilla eee a ning true te ‘for. Vey, ott a s Ss a motienal veéhic ft 7a. ‘STATION & : 46 ith Show” thrown in, quali es Marsden’s oatfit it was fine, but as} ~KNXT Metro Rating: Lae PROGRAM. . “TOTAL HOMES/| ‘Moore (inthe view. of: insiders) . as. a program it fell ‘down.’ Insincere |. . Share: of Audience: 33 7 tthe. acknowledged. master in: the . and innocuous -question from} THURSD AYS. 5s 00-6:30 “Lloyd "Thaxton; ‘News ‘KCOP _ | £d'll-trade-you -a-little-of-my-infor= a Alan Freeman who hadnt even} ‘Program: EARLY SHOW 8: 00-6: ‘00° E a 107, 100. +) mation-for-all-of-yours” -art:, troubled to memorize his ixquiries, | * a pane | . Agency and network $2 opera-. ‘WwaS -a major fault..Qn the plus | " ; Jone. 20°°THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS” ‘News; Wea.; ’ Spt; City . “KNBC ttions. Is an. aspect. of the. business side, ‘director Robert Flemying in|Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Cummings’ a 6:00-6:30 -241,300° —-] that the ‘networks: are ‘as: anxious jected: some imagination into creat| 1946, Paramount; ‘MCA © rn \to keep: out of. the | trade “and \ing the atmosphere of a theatre} {general press: as they ‘are’ to have rehearsal. Show needed, however, June 7 “TORPEDO ALLEY" . ; their. own version of Nielsen: rats, a.lot more care and attention ip all}: :: Mark: Stevens; Dorothy Malone, Le. ‘Winninger | ote og ei sas ings. in. 7 departments. Watt. fo 1953,: Allied Artists, M&A Alexander 4 oF ° a: While, “the ‘network press. Te a . : pe 0s. jeases| ma “gerve ‘as. océasional. FRIDAY NIGHT’ : : July = “GOD IS: MY PARTNER on camouflage “the-seal communica-" With Clare® Kelly, Brian Wilde, Walter Brennah, John: Hoyt._ as .. _|tive. grapevine ‘continuously’ fune-Sandra fmm oe ala Bes my > 1957, 20th. Century-Fox, NTA” mn ‘. Nftions . with: powerful assists from Director: Graeme McDon e “ re key “program salesmen,. such, as Writer: Anthony Lipter “ft. Jaly. 11 “GREEN. LIGHT” 1 At 1 ‘A .| William Morris" Wally Jordan; 55 mins.; Fri. 9:10 pm. . [.. ao 1984, Wann 3 ter UAA nite Louie “ a . . -MCA’s: Sonny ‘Werblin. ‘and’ Screen: Granada-TV, from Manchester eo armer: TOS.» : A Co ee . . ou ae Gems’ John ‘Mitchell—perhaps the’ made several important contribu: Total ‘Area*Homes: 286, 00 TOP COMPETITION | future -ageney : and network. Plans: “ Hons to ty Gr am witha put 08 j KT , V Metro Rating: 12° . STATION& j are. concerned.’ | . its pioneering hat oe in the North Share. of Audiences 2 20. _ PROGRAM TOTAL ons fe. of England (the station's home} ‘ERIDAYS 8: 36-10: eo a Sing Along. Miteh: KNX. coe. me |. Mae ad nw s sNew NBC Slot area}, which is. being networked | . Program: FRIDAY MOVIE. "9: :30-10: 00 i 448,400... oe 7 : to the rest of the*countty, . By, _ | | | of Ps Jérry . “Madden; ‘whe has. been. Opener: was an offbeat comedy, ‘June14 “GARDEN OF EVIL” : “Alfred ‘Hitcheock ; KNXT. > ' 4 head of-NBC-TV’s Telesales’ (closed... incredible yet amusing that dealt} Gary Cooper, Susan Hayward, R: “Widmark © 9:30-10:00 ~ 358,200. =| circuiting -operation), has’ ‘been. with a back street shop awner who . 1954, 20th. Centuty-Fox, 20th. “Century-Fox ” | ‘1 named director of special projects: rew. tired of ‘habbies quickly. ; When he picked up: with his wife's} Stine “21: “THE FROGMAN® _ best friend. who -camie ‘to help out! | . Richard Widmark,: Dana. Andrews, G. Merrill while his missus’ was in: hospital, |" .-1951,. 20th Century-Fox, 20th ‘Century-Fox’. an une 28 “DONT GO: NEAR THE WATER”: ‘Glenn Ford, Gia Scala, Ann Francis, ‘Keenan ‘Wynn; Eva: Gabor, Fred. Clark, Mickey: Shaugnessay. . 1957, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer,. ‘MGM-TV "July: 5 rs ‘A BIG. COUNTRE™ oa ee sone Janet. Leigh, VanJohnson, | ne Kelly, “Fredric: March . "1952, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, MGM-TV | Gordon oven Satie “fs ; Continued or: page” 48) KRLA,. Los:. Angeles: | for NBC News, replacing Carl Lin-: ‘| demann who recently ‘was. ~named con ‘to head up Sports. .-In «the new job; ‘Madden’ will . ‘be. representing ' ‘the news operation . with: the sales. department : ‘and -in _| contact. work with ad ‘agencies and “|-clients. ‘Job: also ‘calls for super; { Vision. of the | Today” show.. mY evitable decision af telling. his’ ‘wife about the affair.* | As 4 solution, the childless wife [suggested. they ‘should -alllive to-} gether in a bigger house Outside its far-fetched plot, ‘the story was is turn charming, funny, | pathetic ana at times gloriously |. _matural with its studies. in weak and strong. characters. Watt.. Houston == Cecil Tuck,’ “Foimae: news director of KILT here,. the ©