Variety (November 1963)

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: Season by T “| editor: Richard K Doan, a ~ This week, we offer: an 1 oa" CLL ON PS. | Last week we reprinted — ; _ some observations. about” NBC and the current V and. radio of the: New York. Herald | Tribune. | article by P.M. Clepper, | of the St. Paul Dist atch, | St Paul, Minnesota, on. | the same. subject, . a “Every 80 ‘often, the discriminate viewer: a : of television: should thank the Lord for’ | : : | the National Broadcasting Co. nace | 1 “You get the feeling that ‘Someone Up 3 : : There’. —in. the NBC. hierarchy—cares . 7 | enough to send the public quality 1 no: mat7 ; . ‘ter: what the. ratings are, and. no matter . 7 ” . what the time and | trouble (yea, even: pe money) involved. we : Oke . ‘sion’ s ‘old good days,’ : 7 “$0 on; they. look back at the old ‘Philco’ . : a ‘and ‘ ‘Alcoa’ “and ‘Kraft’ drama. shows. a . like'the top of an. iceberg with the greater . ” And to. ‘Playhouse’ 90," the wonderful : g : & de CBS. experiment that USED to be. ° 7 ca “But NBC: is: ‘still doing: that: sort: of. _ . ~ oe rote Ld toe we : 7 sont ee soe *, e : ” : y R ° 8 woe : we . . 7 . : ae . 7 OM “ft “. o.e es oT, ° "te et . ate 7 ote . “it you’ ve ever ‘seen. distinguished a ke opera or. ballet on television... " : “ and’ ‘so consistently at putting ‘good stuff” : if " ood : on the air. Everybody. talks about televiL ee ‘Series—in. which each week's. story can: be. 7 5 . . characters or setting; NBC has ‘Show: of | : the Week,’ Richard Boone,” ‘Bob: Hope y Ben a ‘Theater,’ ‘Suspense Theater’ and ‘Walt : 7 . : interesting and, at times, great work. | 7 “No: other network now has. anything . like tl the ‘Telephone Hour,” ‘dispensing not. |: : “only; popular. melodies, but hunks: of: clas| ~ ‘sical. singing and ‘dancing too, No other: is can be had.” ) -_ | : ‘network. now ‘has a nature series, such as | | | "drama on: “your. screen, it s 60-40: that it: | Wild Kingdom,’ No other network ’is deio was on NBC. The odds j jump enormously . | . younger set, such as ‘Children’ 's Theater.’ | voting time to good. fantasy for the when, you: ‘talk about Shakespeare or: |. “And neither of the other networks has AN 0 other network has worked so long Z been: able to build a news and special iz events department with the authority and depth of NBC's. Iti is fronted—in the pop| golden days,” and. : . ulat mind=mostly by ‘Dave and Chet,’ _ but they are (to use a frosty comparison) portion of the Structure not-seen. ° “NBC i is, of « COUTSE, a business concern, “ and it. has its: share of bread-and-butter | = | ” thing. No other network has: an anthology o 7 shows (Dr. Kildare, , ‘Bonanza, “Hazel,” | : . | | ; ete.) and has. its poor ones too (‘Redigo, . ~ 7 anything, n not being: tied to.a certain set of : “Harry's Girls’), but even though the Co, », , _lumbia Broadcasting System continues to. | ‘dominate the. Top. Ten rating list, NBC: . hasn't been: ‘panicked into abandoning a | “Disney. ? Every week, these shows put tout, : valiant effort (admittedly: not. always : suc; ope cessful) of placing, among the routine or’ : ‘ridiculous entries, something that is not | just as good:as, or a little bet ter than, but the very best that. |