Variety (November 1963)

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RADIO-TELEVISION 9D SRT ‘London, Nov. 12. An important new. “market ‘place for the buying, change: of tv ‘programming. has been opened. up by the European Broadeasting Union. Latter recently staged: a‘one week program mart within the .framework..of MIFED, the Milan Trade. Fair,. to. which. tv station reps from all over Europe flocked and, according to British tv’ers, concensus was that the affair was well run, of. real ‘value and, generally, a big success. According to Milton Shulman, a senior program -executive with Associated-Rediffusion, the shindig provided a. good opportunity for view | European tv personnel to: ‘what ‘other.. countries were . doing not:so much in a “spécial” vein, but in terms ‘of routine program ming. . Certainly the: évent was well. en-: fee sélling. and ex dowed with produet “froth | most ‘eountries operating under the EBU umbrella. There were ‘between. 50: ‘and. 60.programs. screened per day: and, observers report, considerable | , program "buying | and selling . all around. the place. .. . Among. the Britishers at. “the mart were BBC’s Michael Peacock,. {head ‘of programs ‘of the .second’ web, Gordon Smith; program. exec, Sandy Callum, program ° selling factotum and. producer Anthony -| D’Lotbiniere. Accompanying Shul man from A-R° was overseas Sales. exec, Tony.. Bartley.. From Anglia came Peter. Holmans, program sociated British repped”. (ABC-TV) during. the meet. . Says Gordon. Smith: “Tt was a pleasant : and rewarding occasion| and a unique ‘opportunity to pect (Continued; On page. 48): out. ‘the: différence ‘between: valid | | and. false claims. _. , ‘All of this effort by WMCA wai Fr prolog. ‘toa claim. which. the. sta-'| ‘tion: wanted : to. make that. it had the largest share. of . audience: in the. New York radio market. Acres, . WMCA: | was-in first.-placewith a‘ 15. 2% | § ‘share of audience and. WABC was.}~ ‘second with a 12.7% rating for the. July-August period:.Similarly,. C. E.. |. Hooper Ine.. rated WMCA with a{ ‘17.8% share of audience and WOR. ‘with a 17: 1% share for. the: Septem: chieftain. And: Chris Towle of -Asber-October ‘period. . Continuea from: ‘page. ‘3 cording to Pulse. ‘figu _WMCA’s programming VD. Ste-:| ‘| phes: Labunski; in his latest eom-. ‘Taunication to the FTC dated Oct. 31, asked if it 'was okay for. the statiom to claim that it had the largest. ‘Fadia: audience’ in ‘New. York. . Tyne Tees-TV Boss ‘London, -Nov..°12.. New chairman.of Tyne Tées-TV, I ‘the’: -plush independent. tv station | ‘serving North-East England; is in-. | dustrialist E..G. Fairburn. He suc| ceeds Sir Robert Pease,. who: re| “Mains. on the board. Further TTTV changes. | ‘include the release of. program controller} Bill Lyon-Shaw from -his contract: as from the end.of the year..He “will. be ‘replaced | -by Arthur Clif-: ‘ford, at present program chieftain. of Anglia-TV. Connelly-Mosher's s Karen’ Hollywood, Nov.: 12... ‘Harvey: Korman has’ been. signed ‘to star with Debbie. Watson. in “Karen,” half-hour: situation “com-. edy plot. being readied by Kayro Productions at Revue. Joe Connelly. ‘and-‘Bill “Mosher are producing... | Gina Gillespie is also set. as: al. ‘regular in. the pilot, which wiill relk the first week in December } bat Revue. ree? | "eraPere oe. ‘WHERE WE STAND: 1917. vs: 1716 With. Richard C. Hoitelet,. anchorman; others | Producer: Al Snyder ~ a. amas Thurs, 8:15. pm. CBS: Né ews, ‘strongly ‘cominitted. . to hetwork radio" ‘through. all -the _glamor, these’ days: may fall to: the: : tv web,” delivered. a lively, -intel-~ ligent: program: to CBS ‘Radio. on | the status of US. Versus. ‘Russia... “The. ‘assessment, ‘ done ‘by CBS” correspondents throughout the. world, marked the. anni of ; the Bol ‘shevik Revolution: in* 1917.. Only ‘non-CBS’ voice was that ‘of: Phili ip E. Mosely, : ‘specialist in. Russian ° pean Institute ‘at’ Columbia UL vase “Richard Cc. Hottelet, United: Na. tions. ‘correspondent, served: as an-:. chorman,: first: called on. “Daniel | | ‘Schorr, stationed in West Germany, ‘to. ‘give his assessment. of the. thorny Berlin .‘situation.. Marvin’. Kalb,: in .Washington.. and. . former Moscow: CBS’er, ‘etched in the revolution, ‘as it was. staged: 46 years 7 ago. Paul Niven, added -up the’ ;° | plus and “minuses of Soviet reality today. Bernard « ‘Kalb. in, “Hong Kong 3 .| spoke of. the: Sino-Soviet split: andits ramifications. Others . calledin’. for various assessments of U.S, ‘and . : "Soviet: societies ‘included: Alexander Kendrick; Charles von. Frend, Stan-. ley ‘Levey; Stuart Nevins, and Bert. ‘Quint. . Eric. Sevareid’ delivered ‘a ‘polished ‘and thoughtful “essay. at. the’ windup: on. the “Liberal Soci-. ety.” The. 45 minutes, was’ a Yeprisé. of today’s East vs..West: sitaation; with: occasional new. insights. > = Hora; Martha’ “‘Deane‘Show. Latest author:to join the endless:...‘| plugola ‘parade. of radio .and. tv..." “| guest : shots’ is. former President : Ba Dwight B. scheduled. . for. several : exposures, © | and ‘one of: the first was .this. two D. “Eisenhower. | He’s. part, repeated. interview by ‘WOR’s ; Martha Deane.- The former president wad: “golicsy. tas could: be -on ‘the: ‘two. ‘45-minute -tapes. with Miss Deane. They .got. Linto such. issues .as the amount of .. his birthday. mail. and‘continuing | | “cerrespondence: problem” (900. to. ‘1,000: letters ‘and. wites-a‘ week), his’ inauguration prayer and ride: + te the festivities withPresident. | Truman. and. numerous’ advertisements for his ‘political: memoirs, “Mandate for. "Change, the. White. ‘House Years.” Miss Deane -com-_ pacted all’ the regular sponsars ‘into. a preamble to leave: ample .f room: for. the prodact of her guest: Show did provoke. thoughts fram |a listener on the verbal kemeliness.. _.¢x-soldier *.ag.” |.compared, ‘say, to. another. Bepub of the two-term, .. lican, who ‘once said,”".“You can [ fooF al¥ of the people some of: the . {time, and some of the. people all of the ‘time,. but you ean’t foul all of : the. people™ -all.of the time.” | Eisenhower’s version of same, wia, -1 Miss Deane:: | phony, the. public: won't be: fooled.” For text,:an. airy and arid two- “Tf .the “man. ‘is: a part. ‘chat, but one that niust have “| Teftsome listeners with: a. nostalgia. 1 for. the. father image former prez. Bul. There’s sho ‘people | like. * ‘SHOW PEOP| and no place. for them... “to. Hive Nke 320 W..'56: ST. (lust below: Columbus. Circle) "Neat theaters, TV ‘studios, Lincoln Center, rehearsal. studios, . Casting offices . ‘Phone TR 9-5300-_ cus Rms. Fr. $155 VIET NAM cour DETAT EXCLUSIVE COMBAT FOOTAGE : ° “Phone—AL 5-4232 | an ~9-e-5-8"5 6-8-8-5-8-8-8-5-¥5-3" 8-9-8-3-8-8-8J ‘ . ' . “ : ena ee tea a mrt RO we bet halt de nance amma mew aerae oO ee 4 26 2 Se Bey A, br sr aR Aaa eT Pa! OE EPR egbxs . , LL semana heey Baeiey hte Oe ee ~~: