Variety (November 1963)

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LS, 07 ES Se — Continued from page: 42 — | one’s opposite numbers. and, in’ ARB FEATURE FILM CHART VARIETY/ARB's weekly. chart. offers a. dayby: -day analysis’ of the top: feature evening slots in a turn, pravided a. valuable oppor-" _ particular. market. On Saturdays and Sundays,.daytime feature slots ‘complete with nighttime piz tunity to exchange news. and views. ~-periods for designation as the top. feature slot of the day. ‘The. analysis is confined to the top rated “Tt il d'and lack d feature slots in the ARB measured: period, broken down. by days in the week: The ARB measured | was well organized and lacked | period usually covers three or. four weeks. ‘Other data such as the time slot.and average share of the hurley: burly of a_film festival. } gudience’ is furnished. Top. competition and competitive, ratings also. are. highlighted. ‘It was more a gathering: of broad}. casters who. were tooking to ‘see | . ‘whether their programs and others |’ " (Continued: ‘from. page 40). Total Area’ Homes: 277,900. "TOP COMPETITION * were compatible:” : KN BC STATION: &. ‘While the British: reps. at the| Metro: Rating: 10 © 7 Milan pregram mart are reluctant] . ‘Share of. Audience: 19. _ PROGRAM. ‘TOTAL HOMES to Feveat any actual mie or sales,. ‘§ ATURDAYS: 9: 00-11:00: : ; Detenders cS pai as negotiations are still in. progress, 9: 00-9: 30... “8. 4G 100. it is no secret that a lot of trading | Program: SATURDAY N IGHT MOVIE 7 : has been going on since the in-|* June 45 “BENEATH ‘THE 12-MILE REEF. Gun: Will Travel -KNXT augural session unspooled. } L. Robert Wagner, Terry.:Moore -. oe © 9: 30-10: 00. oo 404,600... Jt remains for the EBU to de-|. 1953, 20th Century-Fox, 20th. Century-Fox a ae termine whether to run ‘the event | “ CTOR”. . Gunsmoke | a a00 on an angual ‘basis, but from local June 22:“WHITE WITCH DOCTOR” BONEN 478,800 Susan Hayward, Robert Mitchum . 8 1958, :20th Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox “June 29 ““SAILOR OF THE. KING” : Jeffrey Hunter;. Michael Rennie a i 1953, 20th: Century-Fox; 20th. Century-Fox * 6: “THE PRESIDENT’S LADY”. -Susan Hayward, Charlton Heston. -.. pe 1953, 20th. Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox, | sources who benefited from the get | together, it would bea valuable |: addition to the Ww calendar. ‘Mix Your Pix’ | _—————) Continued from pase 31 — . uly pix; Wednesdays; chillers from sei| — ence fiction; and Fridays, pix a“Total Area Homes: 409, 300. TOP. COMPETITION bout teenagers. Thursdays finds the: slot devoted to rerun telefilm serKHJ ‘Metro Rating: 17. PROGR AM ronan oes ies. This, approach, : plus the buying| “Share of Audience: vA of selectiv 1 atin wer has paid off in the Nielcens for| SUNDAYS. 7:30-9:30° nisheys om orld. Exec both the. “Big Shaw" and | “Best ‘Program: THEATRE ce : of Broadway.” For the “Big Show,"’|. J «s ” Ed: Sullivan KNXT : une: 16. FACE OF FIRE WABC-TV Bosted am Oct. 63 NielCameron: Mitchell, ‘J ames’ “Whitmore 8: 00-9: 00... 600, 300 the 3.4 oe ve posted for the com: 1959, Allied Artists, Allied. “Artists TV McCoys: Sullivan : ‘KNXT : parable period’ last year. ‘Best of} June 23° “AFFAIR WITH A STRANGER” | 9:00-9:30. 482,000. Broadway” is also markedly better | Jean Simmons, Victor Mature: Oe ot gen late night pix showcase ; 1953, RKO, U. "A. A. : In this s juggling ef pix to secure| June. 30. “SAYONARA” the winning rating “mix,” smaller] Marlon Brando, Red Buttons 1957, Warner. Bros., ‘Seven Arts. ”. oTpAR: GUN RUNNERS”. : Audie Murphy;. Eddie ‘Albert | -1958,. United. Artists, Seven Arts distributars suck as, Embassy, Medallion, American International Pic|. tures, Regde-Sterling, NTA and the! July.” Goldman Sapersteim combe play if = ‘gown’. 10% ” ‘Figure. ‘set for. the — “| show isbelieved to . be around |‘ | $100;000: .a-. week, which would ‘mean its: costing. around’ $20, 000 ashow. . That. Dig: ‘problem, gays “Frank; ‘has been. -in “pacing... Filling’ the half ‘hour, or to: -be. exact, 22-min-|. utes of actual: news ‘time,. has’ been no problem: at all. But, he says;..the “magazine,” or: feature’ ‘segments, | at first tended to ‘distort. the over: | all format: They were. running. ‘six "Huntley Brinkley ~Tietolman | Continued from page 23 aaa —— 4) edge his. team gets. in ‘the Nielsens || although. lie might ° be. ‘impressed a} if they were trailing), and: figures he canonly offer: viewers | what interests himself — “and. staffers, a| come what numbers. may. a) Budget: “We're 10%: over. The i and seven minutes,.and since: have #q} reasen for that is that I gave. them. been sliced. back'to three and four. |-’ m a figure and they si said you're: out} ‘easy assignment. | of. yeer “mind, and knocked| The feature segs are a: ‘matter: of | outlines. for a: series: of half-hour ‘serious*concern. behind: scenes..and: "| call fora: special “magazine meet-}-< ing” each.-Tuesday morning. ‘Same |." }time, Frank hopes: viewers haven’t| ‘|heen able to. tell’ ‘the Aitterents ‘els se — “Continged from pare wr = ‘| that the two; ‘there. are plenty of. things ‘space. ‘Satellites. and -commiunica, .| tion: ‘pendants it: will. need’. in. the | press, tveand. radio. areas.. Commercial” application is: not | yet and ‘the differing “| private. and © state: controlled| “| aspects ‘incountries. will lead to: certain “problems in -worldwide : programs: ‘But ‘it is intimated. that the: spread of international con_-} ‘sumer products. could have.say one} {show backed -by -subsids. in . alt}. private or commercially :equipped | _{ tv countries: with others: adhering| a program payment. | HUNTING BIG GAME ? You'll find it in the Northwest : 100 big, rich ready market: for your product. A This is the area which KSTP-TV: serves and sells 5 eee $5 Billion in spendable income. and. 810,800 TV families. . ‘Let KSTP-TV start a sales stampede for you. — service.”,. 7 redericks 100, 000 WATTS NBC: Anyway: there is a-strong feeling ‘MINNEAPOLIS « ° ST. PAUL | of .optimism _:that global — tv. and: oo radio. are near, = . BOO py .. : | Station). |-“Honey, f think it’s about time you =| latter listeners: who had been’ un The original great horror films _ ‘that made motion picture and Ww: _history...are-still making TV. history from coast-to-coast!. Available on only from | servative food product ' SCREEN GEMS, iw \a| ‘Yon Fre > potency diet ..{“Not *iPmy jnvention:. There’s . = 1 selentifie works. detailing. 24 diets”). ; vented. tat At ee eee _— Continued ‘from page 30 ‘_ | French-Canadian’ “playwrights were . upproached.. and asked to submit | programs. on “the subject, .which}{ ff would: be. dramatic’ and realistic; |§ : emotional: but. not ‘seritimental; in-#8 : formative but not technical;. ‘seri-]§ | ous’ but:-not. grim. It was: not bent The society: said about: the re-’ ‘grams, that” they chave:. provided ae. N. Hightand Ay. 2 Tietelman’s. unique. approach -to} ; commercial’ radio” with| |: a ‘dynamic public service policy, is| } “you: Teally cannot separate} | op | Each. garment handmade. on the: ‘prem a fi Finest ‘talian and. British Fabrics . — Continued from page: 23 — ; 000° listeners (he: reportedly draws | : 1,000,000" letters ‘a: year on‘WORT. and .14,006° ‘monthly. OR the ‘DA. 1 or ts . Fredericks’. proudest i. | moments. ‘Was: ‘at a’. luncheon ‘in| { .: | 1960’ when a sveit . blonde intro-| A duced him te her husband, sayimeg, | ‘met. the father of our children.’ ” *‘| Frederieks didn’t. have: ‘to duck; | j= | because’ this was’ a lumcheon. for| = _| 227 children and their parents, the||| | jfable_to have. children until going written It such | One of ‘Fredericks’: main ‘spon-||} is American “Kosher | || ||| HERBERT W. TUTTLE CO., mained. the same since it. was itr | 1G Election Ft Continued from page. 23 —— bby: 15,000 votes and his Republi_|can opponent, after. conceding, is _{ now. challenging the results; . ABC's staff. also included 10’ ex-: ecs from New York, ‘including the.| company’s controller, and. .60° pne-~ -| night: tabulators, . operators,’ ete. It ‘was. a: small, but: expensive van *.| guard -of the. army: which will be. {required ‘by ABC to get: into con-. tention during the 1964 race. The | equally ‘large NBC ‘crew in: Ken 4 tucky also. worked ‘very fast in com-|ing‘up with an early election foreeast and, like’. ABC, -hadtosweat | it. out as Breathitt’s lead was steadi-..: : ly.’ whittled away. during, the’ -eve: 1 ning. ® . ‘Next staging ground’: ‘for “the: | television -webs’ will be the New Hampshire. ‘Republican : primaries. { This: will: be. an. all-out.. three-net work face for. the figures. when {| the’ polling. ends. next March ‘10.: ‘Arnold Snyder; ABC News’.man. ager of election returns, has al-' ‘ready set ‘up ‘bases in. New Hamp-{ shire té follow the ‘progress of the ‘| campaigning ‘between. the Rocke feller and. Goldwater forces in that Lower, who. ‘was’ a ‘key .. {eno up the NBC vote-gathering oo ‘machinery, has asserted in the past : + that “being five: seconds -ahead of . the competition is not. very. impor|: -| tant.” But, he also says, “yout must _ | have..some. good: numbers ‘te : -| the‘ball game .at all.” Co be-in. f Hollywood: | 5 Commentator |. ON. over” . 800 Stations | "Hollywood 28, Cal. 7 in » Americal 469-0804 © | Plea =b655.” | —— LA 4.0707 “CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS J} with a canvas try-o . $85.00 —. $95. 00 . a) wii. not let: yeu: ‘wear it it it dees: net ft.” JAC K. FINO . 1576. ‘Bway. eer. 47. St.. New York. + ‘Y.-S. i ate OFFICE. SPACE. Hf 5455 sis. i; | | “$50 7TH AVE: oo New York’ _ Modérn: office suites’ now available og. rms TES ‘sq ft $225 mo” ff ah: cms 800. sq ft $250" mo i. See ‘Supt Seidel en premises a. . lnc. oe STW. 57 St., |New York. JU 8200 | if _ Tt 123 East 54th St. New: York Ee -we -do, ‘such. as our FM or cancer|]. co series, which ‘are not designed. to} .¥ make money; but the trick is to|.} operate. your: commercial program-|* ming on the basis of demand and} } [. “public. . taste: Once. the success. of |. 1}. the commereial ‘operation is. as-| sured, there is more incentive. to|-}-.& '1234.W. 44th ST. NEW YORK } 1 operate in. the. .areas’ of. public}: aaa | ame Se . ae al de es ia ee eee cena salen tlm camera!