Variety (November 1963)

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. ee ; a : , wo. weyt a . oe a o . wt . . . . ate 5s Earl Jones oromoted Sen te; Jaoceb K. Javits RR. N.Y. to commer? cn this srecedental diametic psreseniation from the g C o QF & ao iJ ie lab) floor of the U. S. Senate. Ris remarks are reprccduced here with oa! _* (oe my fox Q ia fF ° =) ae > aes 2 GWoOreciGrmesr. EAST SIDE WeSt SIDE’ Produced 6, SOCIATES -PARAMOURT, LID. ’ssociati ion with $he LEVISION NETWORK wie | PROCEBDINGS aND Dusarzs oF’: THE 2 88 ‘CONGRESS, FIRST SESSTON Fel 05 _WASHINGTON, ‘THURSDAY, ‘NOVEMBER 7 1963 Ne. 180 ] -EAST SIDE/WEST SIDE Mr. JAVITS. ‘Me: President, the "East Side/West Side" _ . seties: of the Columbia Broadcasting System last Monday night featured a powerful drama, entitled "Who Do You Ka" Iwas privileged to see a preview of this production — before: I teft for the NATO Parliamentarians’ Conference, ; “and lwas impressed by the ‘courage and the sense of public ~ responsibility’ of the network and its executives in assuring hat this production, the first to employ a ‘predominantly | : Negro: cast since. the: revival: of "Green Pastures," was ' _ shown to the public Ce “But Iwas distressed to read i in the newspapers that this " drama was not. telecast to audiences i in two southern cities. A say this beceuse many people in the,South, and-with some | . Feason,. have charged that northerners have a “holier than 3 thou" attitude toward them on racial. matters, although . racial discrimination 3 is actually both a national as well as a | sectional problem. This “drama, essentially a love story, dealt honestly and sensitively: with the vital problems of job | _ discrimination, housing conditions and the terrible cancerous cleavage that can exist between the Negro and the white communities—even i ina part of my own city of New York. "Who t Do You. Killa" was certainly a drama of protest, , | shocking i in: jis revelations: of ‘what life can be like without “hope. At showed that the bitterness of a feeling of racial | | “Injustice knows: no sectional boundaries; that there are no . color bars to disaster, suffering or love. think this trail-blazing effort on the part of CBS to "portray vital i issues. facing the country in. valid. dramatic ' terms should. receive ‘the highest commendation. Special | ‘praise. ‘should: ‘go to William Paley, chairman of the CBS | ’ board: Dr.: Frank Stanton, president of CBS Industries; dames. Aubrey, president of the CBS Television Network, as welll as the author, Arnold. Perl; the director, Tom Gries; the producer, Larry. Artick; and. David Susskind and Daniel Melnick who presented this drama... Public Relations: JACK PERLIS