Variety (November 1963)

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22 SNE WT oe eee ROLF HARRIS __ Comedy 40 Mins _ Blae A sel, N.Y. ; Rolf Harris, an. Australian. ‘im: port: via’ England . is an extremely wierd zany who should excite. the imagination of producers: ‘in. many. fields. He is a natural funnymen who. expresses himself via song and. story and wildly extravagant mannerisms. Harris is. known to US. audiences via his Epic: disking. of “Tie Me Kangaroo _Down” and he previewed some -others still tobe released which. should maintain his status. as an offbeat talent... Harris, armed with an aceordian: and. bearded. goatee, sings of. many things, | mostly ina comedic | vein sions of items. like: the Edw melodrama as played .in England, a satiric version of Percy Grainger’s * “Country Garden,” ‘and. a crybaby “T Lost My Mommy” which ‘is beAng released for disking in. time for the Christmas. trade. At. ‘show caught, he. did several. encores to provide : an. unusually long session for the Blue: Angel. seem too long for the. ‘bulk of: the customers. J ose. -NICK ARN ELL Comedy 25 Mins. El Morocco, Montreal At a time when. comedy seems at the in-between ‘stage, with. the | sick funnyman. appearing on -the. fade and. the newest trend not yet established, it-might. be a good. opportunity for personable young men like Nick: Arnell to start taking a little. stock..of what. they’re doing and where they're going. What: -they. shouldn't take, however, is.the stock and. style of other ‘comics, and while Arnell isn’t. really guilty of this in the broad sense, there is still too much. familiarity with others who've’ been. around a longer time. — Actually, this is his most serious fault, and it’s not. too serious, since there's no. question. ‘that with a. little work: he can eliminate the material that will tend to remind audiences, of. just another fill-in On his own, Arnell has excellent. Potential: His standup: style’ is ex-| selling ability: and possesses 37 Mina, a neat, offhand way. of f delivering Le Hibeu, Ottawa. a . ‘gets ‘results—big laughs— because. he’s. a worker who's obviously. de‘termined to earn his money, even if the competition on the El Morocco. bill is a star like Billy Daniels... All he has.:to do is eliminate the odd:.blush line, prune his stint ‘of | £o¢ -the standard: stuff. ‘do a-little dis| 5 be rendy for : ciplining, and he'll be any Class A spot. _ Anita Ortiz, ‘petite ‘powerhouse | of Navajo-Spanish descent from Albuquerque, looks about. 20; .:was _. formerly ‘one .of The Coronados.. She’s breaking in a new. act, and takes it-to the Living. Room, N..Y., in February. ‘It -was devised. byt: Jerry Graff, with arrangements. by Jack .Pleis. | The act is a honey: and so is Miss Ortiz who. radiates charm and exuberance and sings a remarkable. G COUNTRY BOYS iB: 35 Mins. | Folk City, N. Y.. : | In its anxiety ‘for: gold rush]. sales, the music industry seems: to: the: clutches of .a.fad for fads. | Thére’s. been promotional hysteria . currently” by. origins, “It didn’t) White. "lin 1933—is an: extraordinary. per-. ic, | former. A halding, -slightly stooped |: brown man of ‘67, he. is. totally ‘blind; Has to be: led. Onstage and even |Piaced at the mike. When caught fiter plane trip from his Harlem: -ftesh. ‘to these ‘environs: and comes Orc. ‘in’ from “Britain ‘where she. ap| peared ‘at the ‘Endinburgh: festival | 4 | and also sang in London’s FestiGe “149. |. Val: Hall. ‘She. has a remarkably |™ fine voice and her high: ‘notes. are} Carolina); he: told the audience, “Tver Bessie Smith Songs, I ‘Instrumentals: | expended. on religioso,: bossa. nova,. r&r with a-twist, jug and various other bratiches ‘of folk:. Latest . ‘to make “it--to. ‘the New York club} scene ‘is ‘blue: grass,. represented. the five -Country’. Boys, ‘and their . brand: 6f classic | hillbilly has: whipped up:a’ formid-. | able -cult even if it. isn’t going to | sweep the ‘nation. . q has" Anglo-Saxon | is . more. melodic ‘than } = solidly rhythmic: (like Negro folk), | ardian. ig. instrumentally ~ primitive, ‘but still demands ‘great. instrumental ‘dexterity in its intricate harmonies |-set against pellmell tempos..‘To ‘a. man, the Country Boys. are. gifted’ string . instrumentalists, and. they’ project this: music with “great. skill, verve. and ‘amazing discipline. All sing’ with .an .authentic ‘moun-. Blue ‘grass’ tain twang. (although they: got to ‘gether inthe hills of ‘Los Angeles. about six. years ago. and. have heen“ | playing. the country-western ‘cir-. ..-euit in. California’ as‘ well'as_ the . [Ash Grove in-L.A., all are: orig-. -Finally -. from: the ~ Southwestern | states, . having moved west © with: ‘migrating parents). . ‘Leader and lead singer is. ‘Roland ; “Clarence : White, guitar; ‘Billy Ray, ‘banjo; Bobby often seems to have the tone and. resonance of. ‘concert ‘violin; ‘RogeF Bush: plays bass and emcees. “Their projection ds as cleancut. and.| fresh as .an Ozark. Mountain. stream; ‘and, dig this. switch,. -wear suits and ties (in: contras the college-bred . ‘sidemen -in .thejug. bands, who dress like. they're. ‘playing for a mine disaster).. Folk City audience returns the enthusiasm. in ‘more. than ‘kind. ‘It’s: overwhelmingly : in the college on. mandolin; fiddle: (which Sloan .on age range, And if. early -overex- ‘posure to the. paverty of pop. r&r. ‘cured these lambs for this genuine } stuf, a: “small hooray for. Date &:: Grace et. ca. RW “The Rev.. Gary ‘Davis—ordained (he. was born in South. else).:to warm up. But. while doing SO" he: got the sophisticated, largely | upiversity audience singing ‘That |} Old Time Religion” “with. ‘him. CATE] “|S Biche breathing diffic ain, an| emotional: impact from. a_ -well-| Marilyn. Mict ae ‘}rounded. selection of ‘sad-sweet ee sTAIRS ‘ei DOWNSTAIRS Twice’ tre Dison Pani Dooley, Richaro Liber-. ‘bo When he did warmup he some times sounded, in a high tune call ed “Beautiful. City, ” ont the -late _ Bleedin’ full -of warmth. and: feeling .on_ his -guitar—on which. he’s highly ‘skill‘ed and ‘inventive. He’s also;a harmonica. whiz’ and. did one tune on: gamut, from.a. Mexican rural: song “it. ‘to “Inka Dinka Doo”, with a -refer-| -ence to. Jimmy Durante and. a false _nose—not, for. a switch, on her but on handleader Russ Thomas: behind cher. That “number drew .a full minute's. mitting. She also usés her hands. superiatively, _withimaginative, meaningful gestures, and does some. effective bits with ringsiders. ‘Her voite and range}. are good, her enunciation erystal|: clear, her . projection’ terrific. She |: enhances. her stature: with . ‘a nearfloor-length gown. Miss Ortiz. teed. with a. half} whispered “My. Romance” and “changed pace several times with: a. novelty, ™ Show . Me,” the standout of her fast. ones. Only dubious: material was: a ‘high, monotonous. ealypso, but she ‘did | it with skill | ‘and zest Connie Francis played the. Gati. neau Club: at somewhat: the same} point in her career. Anita Orti:. -all it takés to duplicate her's ° in. all fields, including: films. _ an Gard. hing: at his. best. : 8 Rev. Davis ‘chats with: the audience as he. would to friends, ‘with -some. amusing remarks at one point —but mostly, as he. said, “FE. don't. ¢lown. around; I ‘sing.” ‘That he does, and there aren't many. ‘like Gar ds —, Continued trom: page — — ‘Tidelands, Housten |: spur-of-the-moment ‘bits. are flat. . Boys have trunkfull of praps, and use all before ‘they finish |: ‘after about: 50 minutes. Villa. is: ex eellent in impression of Jack | E. . er. or minimum. and | .. _ they: ak . MO oe a: large. patrons,. although a few. seemingly : , ‘a + folk singer, yet her ‘phrasing | and | feeling for lyrics could easily push] _[[ her to top in intimate nitery field, | |. where: she appears at her best. — ‘Her pipes are good in all ranges, --. {and she. gives: fine dramatic inter: |]. {pretation of the English. “Milord.”. -{She does a swinging “Stout: Heart ‘ed .Men,”: 7 rangement of “Porgy” and.“Black | .| Mountain: Blues,” tunes, in her: 20: minute opener, ahd Ethel Waters. ar _among’ : other |g NEW: y YORK city | -MUSIC “HALL — Rockettes, Ballet, Raymond Paige Symphony. Orc., Femme; does most iof her..own. ar-|. rangements and. they’re good.’ | ° Freddie Noble orch. is. good in | backing, and it is tough job,. for Miss Scott’s “arrangements. aren’t routine,. and. the: comics are pretty wild.: : Show. plays; % ‘two’ frames, “with |; ‘Gene Austin. and: “Marge: Cameron due, next... , me _ Skip. “Tropicana, 1 Las s Vegas Las Vegas, Nov. 9. produced by. Henry: Dunn; no cou “Jerry Colonna and Henny. Young-’ Fe Iman,;' ‘back to back with. 100% bill “ing: in ‘the ‘Showcase Lounge . here,. ‘are. Droying. ‘a. strong draw: for. the } “Colonia ‘sparkpligs a: miniature on musical revue which has-something ||... for everybody: songs, dances,. mu-:|’'—— -sic, and comedy. The popeyes. and fs mustache embellish ‘Colonna’s:.dis|’ tinctive high ‘marathon. notes,‘ and. the star‘Keeps: the’ ‘party moving a at. a fast pace.. -:. ‘Three young femmes. cailed The M.. "| Betites are shapely lookers who | click in. the song and ‘dance: de|. partment:: ‘the. Marv. Blue: Quartet (piano, bass, sax, : drums). provide | ¢ fine: . vocal and instrumentat | ‘backing.’ Youngman i is ‘being rediscovered |" here with his. tried and new. ma-. terial, “Much of: which. has ‘been | printed in his ‘freshly _ published |: ome one-liner’ fraternity, and has a knack ‘of -making | audiences yock at stories they’ve heard. | ". Youngman’s’ timing and delivery \ are ‘Superb; he~ proves here that |: he’s. a gold..nuggetfor. any room; whether . or. not ‘the. patrons’ are’ showroom stable or lounge flexible. “Two ‘excellent. Musical groups, ‘the Al DePaulis 4° and the Dubon-: net 3, take-over: when the. head‘liners are not around... . “How Do You ‘Like. ‘Me. So 7 Far?” : ‘He's ‘still: the master: of the ‘Butz utz.. | Nancy Manning, elen.. food, . Maria Neglia, ° " Naniey if Leighton, “Alan” Cole. ye: co. AUSTRALIA. ‘rays, Chetney. Clark, Théodore .. Paxson. The ‘Whitley,. Radic Mendoza, .¥Eric Currie, Balcombes, , | Harry ‘Keith. Leggett, Jackie "Griffiths, Maureen’ . Wilson, Wendy. Faulkener. a BRITAIN The Coventry Theatre—Bruce . Forsyth, Matt: Munro, Adele. Leigh, Freddie .Frin ‘ton, Rastellis, Johnny. Hart, Chocolate & |: ” Jerry Colonna, Henny: Young‘man, Al DePaulis ‘4,-Dubonnet 33. -Co., Four Starlets, Derek ‘Taverner Singers; “Joan vis Darice TIVERPOOL (Empire) Jimmy Edwards, ‘Beryl Reid, Reg Varney,: The. Raindrops, | | Kuban Cossacks, ‘1& Pat Delrina, Jimmy Currie’s Waltzing . ‘Los Filamencos, Waters, The. Joan Davis’ Dancers. MANCHESTER Sisters;: Eve Boswell, .. The Taverner Singers, Joan Davis Dancers.: Cabaret Bills — ~NEW YORK CITY” AFRICAN | ROOM — Tad Truesdale, Ritchie Haven -3,: Johnny ‘Barracuda. BARBERR Y ROOM—Conrad Monijoy.. ‘BASIN ST. ‘EAST-—-Shelley Berman... Handiéman, Dan Elliot ‘BON SOIR--Kean ; : Mae Barnes, Bobby King, | Flames BLUE. ANGEL-—Rolf Harris; “Stiller & Meara. -Mara. Lynn Brown. CHARDAS—Millie. Fling, Elemar-. Horvath, ck Marta, Janos Hozzsu. ‘CHATEAU: MADRID—Los Chavales de ana, Emilio Reyes. Orc., Carbia .Orc.. -COPACABANA—Alian Sherman, Shir Jey ‘Harmer, Joseph: Mele Orec.», ‘Marti Orc. CRYSTAL ROOM—Larry: Storch; Jay. Morelli ‘Ore. Lounge: Jackie. Heliers Yao. Morry Kings. aan: : SHOWBOAT—Pat ‘Collins,. Johnny Paul: °-/ Lawren EMI ERS—-Harold Quinn: Ore: HAWAI LAN. Keolu Beamer, Auletta Orc. . HOTEL AMERICANA. Buddy Greco, | : Orc.” Orc., HOTEL PARK: elds HOTEL PLAZA—Ethel: Merman, : Frankie Dash. SHERATON. — ‘Irving Matthews, Rex Robbins, Lovelady Powell, Susan. Bro Gordon. Connell, liam. Roy,Ro bert: HOTEL Shaw : Quintero. Ore, : Bill set” for four frames. LST yeni Sarkozi. oi Duke. cf afOTet $AVOY-HILTON—Artura “Ar : Inquisition, ‘Vancouver | ‘Vancouver, B.C’, Nov. 6: 2. “Carolyn: Heste’. Goldcoast: ‘Sing-| | ers: (25 $2.25 admission. . "Carolyn Hester, a ‘Texas lass, is héld‘with, ‘pure tones of rare beauty. = . Miss Hester communicates. effortlessly and derives maximum yi ' arilyn . songs” that ‘includes ‘ballads. and ‘blues both old and new. Tunes on this outing are culled. -from her]: ‘three Columbia. LPs, new material | picked. up ‘on her European jaunt is(and ditties attributed to contem-{poraries such as’ Bob Dylan, Pete} strong. voice, with accompaniment Seeger and. Tom Paxton. frames an: attractive face. _ Miss Hester is not ‘a big girl. but packs “Jimmy amount: of . warmth” and |. natural -poise™ to" ‘go with. her. ap Dealing. pipes. The. Goldeoast. Singers. ‘comprise 4 Bd ‘Rush . and” George Cromarty, service,, Rush will brush up. ‘on | collegiate work in the intérim and}. the ‘pair. hopes to get together. for} Tri weekend. ‘campus. . concerts ‘whent ; army: leave’ permits. Satire. as they. reprise a medley . of lines.. High. spot of their .turn. is t-fa wildly: outrageous. number ‘aimed ~ nj directly: at: those practitioners who copy of Sinatra (the. elder). “Other j impressions. that’ run. from: fair. to ‘good are of Ed. Sullivan, comic: Jackie Mason and James. Cagney. ~ Patricia Scott. ‘has appearance: of | fessional performance. Shaw. ‘Scandals, . Jackie. & Roy ‘Kral; ‘Ike Asaacs. Trio.. | Her . down -home ‘background . from Dallas. days. ‘shows. only: in}: ‘her informal intros’ and ‘comments, | the unobtrusive and effective. ‘way. | She handles her own guitar accom: paniment and her Iong hair that ‘Their routine is-a-slick’ blend of]. |. good-natured | parody. and .. sharp} .Elder, Sally Hart, Dick King, ‘Myer: Davis. O INTERNATIONAL —_ George Mike Durso Ore. rion Conrad, Jeanne Michelle, Lomba re., Sammy’ Bidner Ore: — “LIVING ROOM_Matt & Ginny Dennis, Dick Lynn. Brothers | ‘Cain, Bob Ferro NOs . a FIF} De Maio. Fran RAT. FIN Jeanine. ‘Napoleon, © Barber, Kathy Preston. : ROOM—Jackie Kannon; anin Ocle : _ Smith, Norm 3. Bias ONION—Banjokers.. ‘Screams,’ Bob. ‘Dishy, "Paul. Dooley; An|. thony. Holland... Andrew. Duncan, ‘Barbara Harris, MelInty re Dixon. Michaels, Mich ael & Ore. ‘ane Alexander, MacIn Bes-Arlene; Ernest.” oen ; VILLAGE “BARN-_Violinaires, | Dona Sid: Kassimer, Lou. VILLAGE GATE— Gloria Lynne, Flip Wilson, George. Morel. 5 VILLAGE VANGUARD —Irene Reed, CHICAGO. Revue.” Mitsou, Maurishka. The sonian ' Al D’lace ale. CONRAD HILTON — "Hats Oft!”’. Biack: stone Jr., Helga Neff & Theo Ernst, .Barclay Shaw, Sherry Stevens, Ernie McLean,. Boulevar-Dears . Gs v. Palmer ‘Ore CRYSTAL PALACE—Irwin Cor -DEL PRADO. HOTEL—“Hits of “Broad: way” revue ; GATE. ‘OF. HORN—Gaslight Singers. lano ‘Trio. Larry Novak* Trio LONDON HOUSE—Terry Gibbs Quartet; | Jose. Bethancourt: ‘Trio, Larry. Novak Trio. MISTER KELLY’S—Jackie Gayle, Jackie:| :. Cain & Roy Kral; John Frigo Trio, Marty. The lite Torres Orc. ‘Rubenstein Trio. PALMER: ‘HOUSE—Keely © “Smith Half 5 ‘Brothers, Ben. Arden Orc. -. AYBOY—Joi Dari, ‘Duke: azlett. Billy Frisco, Gayle. English, . Billy. Falbo, | well-worn folk tunes and’ refurbish | **22 the: lyrics. with ‘new and humorous “13 Minotaurs”” Schaal, ‘Avery -Schreiber,. John Brent, Jack Burns, Del. Close. Bill: Mathieu, Omar Shapli. “Burn: . SECOND ciry— SHERATON BLACKSTONE — Denise “Darcel, Franz Benteler. Ore, : ‘dabble commercially. in the name} of .religion,..and lands squarely on} . ‘tthe mark.’ ‘Musicianship is sound}. ‘and pair presents a personable, pro 10S ‘ANGELES. COCONUT GROVE—Juliet Prowse, Sergio Fran “CRESCENDO ° — Wayne. Co ISDY. 7 “pINO’S—Jack: “Biton.” Corps. de | Neil | (Palace)—The Beverley | Monarchs, | Dailey &.-Wayne, Ted ‘Rogers, 5 -Olanders,. ‘Eliane. & Rodolph, “4, Escorts, Derek Russ ‘Black: Orc. .| Cleopatra’s: ‘Nymphs. of Nile, Rene ‘Paule fl 4, Bob Sims. ote “BITTER END—Serendipity . Singers, -S.. ‘Hampton. © Bela. Babai Tibor: : Rakossy. . “| Basil .Ore. ‘Eberle, nm Hank,. Frank | nk,;. Russ. Cantor. _ | cubian . “Coss. GRINZI NG —_ Kalman _ Banyak.Henry" “ROOM. _ Dee‘ Marquez, : .Emil ‘Bros., Coleman. ‘Orc.,, Mark. Monte'-Orc. Plaza-9. Bros Room: Julius Monk; Carol Morley, Gerry: jerdon | Wil-. ROOSEVELT —Hildegarde, Milt. ‘Moore’. fs Ore : MOTEL | ‘$T. “‘REGIS-—Peter Duchin Ore; | Walter’ Oo Ligya ‘STATLER HILTON. = Ceeit | HOTEL WALDORF-ASTORIA _ ‘Alan: White's LATIN. QUARTER—Kim. ‘Sisters. “Ven-. | Drves, H AVENUE—Hankinson’. & ! RA — “Land | of Milk, & Honey,” TOWN & COUNTRY—Jackie © ‘Mason,. a aula, . ‘Frankie Fanelli, ary Lou Wilson. and Sinners, Ted Fio. Rito Ore, =~ VIENNESE | LANTERN-Monica , Boyar, Virice | Harold Orc. : -| Good 4d. EART “Murphy, Clancy ‘Hayes | FATRMONT | “BLUE ANGEL—“International Calypso | Boulevar-Dons 6), |. ley. ‘| van: ‘Dreelen, ‘Marian: ‘Walters. a | ION—“Les: Moppeties” rev; : ‘DRAKE HOTEL: —. Dorothy: Sarn att: | co SHERATON-PALACE HOTELGarden. e Orc. Jimmy Blade O ‘BEACH—Dorothy Done| “gan, Edgewater ‘Beach Guys é& Dolls, Don |’ ‘thaking.their last club’ stint before |. Pavis_O . | Cromarty ‘heads. for military. draft} . EL SAN’ JUAN—Ada -Cavallo,. “Newton, | Bil: Wednesday, November 13, 1963 : ‘CURRENT r BIL 1 S] ‘WEEK OF NOVEMBER 13 | Steve “LaFever : 1 " {CE HOUSE ‘— Stan. Wilson, Jaime Griffo;; Bill Willoughby.’ INTERLUDE—Woody Allen. Meehan. JERRY LEWIS—Jody Martin.:: |. MELODY. ROOM—Rita Moss. PURPLE ONION — | Bill ‘Henderson &. 3 “MELBOURNE (Tivollb—Nelson . Eddy, | P@ul'.Horn | Gale -Sherwood, Des: O’Connor, The Dal|. The ‘Kempinskis;' SYDNEY: Criveli)—PennyNicholls; Bob | Penni _|-Andrews, The. D’Angolys, The 2 Pirates, ‘Quintet. SLATE BROS. —Jock Jones, Russ: Lewis. ‘STATLER . HOTEL—Geo Palade HOUSE—Red TROUBADOR-. Sabicas, David. Bernard. YE LITTLE cLUB—Rudy Render, ack. og Smalley. duo.” ‘LAS VEGAS: +. BOURBON ‘STREEF—Lyn Keath. CASTAWAY S—Barry. : Ashton’s | DESERT. INN Jicrasy Durante, : ‘Eadie. a Kimchi _Sistersg,:: +4 Donn Arden Dancers, Carlton Hayes oe. a s:° Violins. : of Mexico. _ Jackson, Sonny:King, Lounge: .Ben . Blue,.: “Mafalda 3,_ Peterson-Baker; ‘Silver Springs... DUNES—Showroom losed.for eling: ‘Lounge: “Vive. ‘Les: Girt”: ‘Janu: ary ‘Jones. -Johnny. -Pulso, “FLAMINGO— Bobby. Darin, Pat ‘Coopers. * Fats Domino, | Lounge:. . — |" FREMONT—Joe King; Zanicls, 4 Fables, “H {| Emblems, Bill :Britton ‘GOLDEN. RUGGET— Rose ‘Maddox. 0ti ‘plomats, Cut-Ups. hotel ||. ‘HACIENDA—“Les: Poupees de: pa Grover : Shore. Trio, Johnny ‘Olenm, Four ig Tunes, Kay Houston. ‘MINT. — ‘Pat’ ‘Morenio’s “Artists. . “‘Moaels of 63," Sheb Wooley... NEVADA—Carol. Jean: ‘Thom son, . deri. o: | Lynne ‘Fraser, . King of imbo NEW FRONTIER “Paice! c Qoo: La! La!’ Spotae Lounge:. Clara. Ward ‘Singers, ‘ink Sunny Spencer.. a RIVIERA—Dinah ‘Shore, ‘Rola & Rola Jack Cathcart ; Ore. : Lounge: “Lione ° : to &. SAHARA—Jane Powell, Dave. ‘Barry, Maury Wills, ‘Moro-Landia -Dancers, ‘Louis. ‘Lounge: Tex Benecke,‘Ray’ .Modernaires, Paula: -Kelly,. Ro-. & Danny a eoree Liberace . : ; Nichols: Five. 7 tony agg mas se tru 4 os : “Plays. Ef mates of ’64,". Pearl , Wiliams, Peter. AnoF -thony, ‘Don Randi berta Linn, Freddie Bell; ‘Senaters, Peter” 4 _-SANDS—Diahann © Carrall, man,. Bill: : Carey,’ . Copa : Girls, Antonis Red’. .Norvo, ‘Strings, Ernie: Stewart. . _ SILVER SLIPPER—Hank: Henry;: Sparky: ye, Danny. Jacobs,: . Eddie. ‘Redman : Ore.’ “Lou onte. STARDUST —. “Lido de Paris,” O’Neal Orc. ‘Lounge: ‘Novelites, B Nalani-. -Kele; -Esquivel, Orc. .: Lounge: Ken Colman, MT ROPICANA=Folles Bergere "63, Ray atra’ Orc: . Lounge: 4, Bonnet 3. al RENO-TAHOE Innes... Lili_ St.. Cyr, Viennas, Slipperettés, Gee: erly Marshal, Sk te Minton, Johnny, a , 4 “HOTEL NEW: YORKER—Milt Saunders | Mf eels Minton, Johnny. La . Eddie: “3 ernard Andrint tt THUNDERBIRD—=“Flower. Drum Song.” a Jack Soo, Arlene Fontana, ‘Juanita’ Halt, .:} Nat: Brandwynn . : Dinah’: { Washington,: ‘Suzie & ‘Nite. Owls; . Frank {5 Christine’ Chat“ok ‘Allan: ‘Sher: Jer Colonne,La Henny ‘Youngman, UAL. DePaulis -GOLDEN—Paris Playmates, Dick Wes. ton. Christine and. Piroska; Eddie‘ Law-. roe | rence & . -Whatnotts. . HAROLDS—Dou Cornell, ‘Del. ‘Ray, Don: -. ‘Conn: Ore. "‘HARRAH’S . (Reno)—Louis ‘Prima, Sam. ‘Butera, Witnesses, Big: Tiny “Little, .Nick Twin ‘Tunes. Belafonte Revue, Harry “(Woo | Charles Gould’s. Satin St Strinj Comedaires Joe’ Sante Quintet. : . NEW CHINA. CLUB—Skip a’c Connell.: RIVERSIDE Lancers, . : Corvairs, ..: Red, Enola, Hea “SPARKS. NUGGET —— Andrews” ‘Sisters, Nipsey ‘Russell, George Arnold: Singers: ang dancers, E Foster :Edwards Orc.. Joe: ‘Karnes. ‘Esquires, SAN. FRANCISCO THE COMMITTEE—Kathryn Ish, ‘Irene: ‘Gia George’ -Rock,: | Co. Lounwe: Larry. Janes, Billy Eck'HOLIDAY——Four Aces, George. Young: | ‘Woo. Stevens, a | S—Mary. Ford, ‘Jack: ive) ‘Schaa '. MAPE fer, pGachanted gs, a NEVADA -: '(Tahoe)—Art ‘Kaye: a Little. | HEEL (Tahoe)—Gaylord -& : -Ginny Greer “.and. Gallions, “9 Pat. Yankee” a | .BIMBO'S 365=-George Cark. Gall Gall a ‘Yacoubian : Co: ‘Riordan, Scott: Beach, h, Bobby Camp, Gary mn tow, Larry HOUAKES ‘MeGOONn’s HOTEL—Ella _Filigerald.. .GALAXIE—The HOLIDAY. iNN~ tings,* Characte Marian -Montgomery. HUNGRY Henske. ‘comic Simm ‘JAZZ 'WORKSHOP—-Cannonball’ Adder= aa Johe: en , LITTLE. “FOX— “Private Lives," PURPLE ON Dinner-Theatre, . “South -Pacifics” Dorothy. Collins, . ne... Holiman.. wn . SUGAR HILL—Mose. Allison ‘TRIDENT “ AMERICANA-_The oTreniers, lejo. 5. Lounge: Humberto: Morales. 5... Asea, . Miguelito ‘Miranda ; Ore., Benjamin 5. ‘Lounge: ‘Renee. Barrios. |. ‘CONDADO BEACH—Tito Guizar, Pepi-. Lopez. Vidal 5. Lounge: Lolita: ‘Vargas, Paul Dillinger LA. CONCHA—Serenella, Noro. Moralés Ore. Lounge:. Nilda Terrace. €L CONVENTO-—-Carmen’ Torres, Myr na Esteves; Pepito Arvelo 5 Pepe er, Damiron . Leungé: Julio Gutierrez. 5, Russ.. Tr wk 7 -& Chapuseaux 3..." Marlo. 5... (Gakland)—Ray: “Has 1—The sshanteymen., Juay_ i ee esatito? —_ Jean = -Hofman, . Trio, Joe Sullivan a LE. TpistTRO— Anita O'Day, Connie Mi-| CARIBE HILTON—Sandu Scott,. Los: 3 ae Luisite . f OCHO PUERTAS—Mari Pacheco. Luis: oq * | & Soledad. : | “SHERATON—VI “Velasco; Los: ‘Hispanos, . _—_ “| Margie’ Ravel: & Hector .de San’ Juam, ‘Bobby Capo Orc,;. ‘Hector ‘Narvaez 5. “ PONCE DE. LEON—Pepe ‘Lara Ores Cruz . &, ‘Nalda Terrace, :