Variety (November 1963)

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“dighting, Reuben Ter-Aratuaian; inciden-{ . tal ‘music,. Sale: Styne; orchestrations; |. . Ray. Ellis; associate producer, Neil .:Hart .. adapted by George Tabori, is. an ostentatiously lurid account. of the. = ligible for pictures, ‘tentionally garish; blatant and ex-. “mode of Brecht’s ‘liner Ensemble’ company. of East . fs simple and | ‘hideously . impres " arrangement . of. proscenium ‘lights -Styne’s ‘background and punctua‘that infamous Nazi march: song-re-. | ‘called from the Hitler. heyday ‘hewsreels. The whole effect is. of ~ Capone “was commonplace even |: today, but. may actually be -a bit | 42> ‘ casional sparks, hewever, in stand-_ “ard melodrama. fashion, ~ as’ ‘for. instance the mobeter-type rabbing . the “celebrated. Valentine's. Day |: ‘Taseacré: ‘in Chicago. “a mote. forcefal show. in “the | ‘straight-action seqvences. of gang and rather heavy scenes stressing. ‘venturer and the . . Capitalism:. and. political. “piracy:|. _Munist Brecht's: mind, but. the‘ex| purposes retard and weaken the |. “ ghowas: entertainment. “seizure of Austria, the. theatrical . “going. becomes: “heavy, oglaring ‘Tights and: harsh. musical | “the. transparency or the juvenile a pickup. of impact’ at the finale, as ‘David Merrick presentation » “of. drama | the: ‘brown-garbed -arch-criminal | in two acts (16 scense), by, Bertolt Brecht, | rants His intentions. 6f: taking over adapte “George Tako 3 Richardson: scenery, cestumes and | the world, but *by then the impres| fightin = fen-| sion is inescapable ‘that: the audi-ence:is being had.. thony ’ Ponsini, Jim. Stark.. ; ually large. supporting company, which generally seems competent. <If a. gaudy, Hopped-up produe|" “Arturo Ui, may have.‘a modtion can make, David Merrick may have. another hit. with “Arturo: Ui,”. which opened Mon-. day night (1) at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, after..a series of previews in lieu of a tryout ‘tour. This. Bertolt. ‘Brecht melodrama, from: the Brecht. cultist. trade and... sonable operating hookup ‘and the. -fact that,.as a. non-profit ‘project. of the David Merrick Foundation: paid. as. admissions: tax: But: as-en_tertainment, “there’s. less. to” the’ -show. than: strikesthe. “eye ‘OF as sails. the ear. ‘Hobe. Touring Shows (Figures: cover. Nov. 11-23). Be) yond the § ‘Fringe: ‘@a ‘Co)—=Studebaker; Chi (Nov.11-23). . Black. Nativity®?—Ford’s, . Balto (Nov. 11-. 16); ‘Shubert, New Haven: (Nov.. 18-23). : ‘Camelot—Nixon,: Pitt. GNoy..: 11-23). . Wore Ian, (bus-truck)—S “Split-week stands aggeratedly ‘stylized in what. is |. "cirole in the Square (huis-truck)—Splitpresumably .a .gesture .toward the stands :(Nov. 11-16), .closes).. . _celebrated Ber rise of Adolf Hitler in terms. of Al. Capone. As usital with the late German playwright’s works, ~ it’s: questionable. boxoffice: material, | but depends sprimarily on: gim-.| micky production: uproar. its ‘neg “The show: is. volcanically staged | by Tony Richardson. In. fact, the | whole production ‘scheme is. in-. week .Gtri. Who.. Came to’ ‘Supper. (tryout)— Shubert, Philly. (Nov.: 11-23).: Helle;. Dolly (tryout)—Fisher, ‘Bet; Nor. Berlin. ; How’: ‘fs: “Succeed in ‘Business. ‘Without {| Rouben Ter-Arutunian’s. scenery. Really Ervine ‘Qa Co)—Shubert, Chi 23) : .How tos Succeed Ain: “Business” ‘Without Really Trying (Gd sionistic, including an elaborate A tedit: . -sonville (Nov. 11-10); ‘Auditorium: | .Mem his :(Noy. 18-23). | that flash on ‘and’ off semi-blindP ove and Kisses Gi put)—Shubert,. New ingly | between the’ ‘numerous |Haven (Nov. 11-16); Wilbur, Boston (Nov. =18-23).. Man for All Seasons—Amierican,. St: L. (Nov. 11-16); Brown, Lyill a: (Nov. 48-20): scenes. A pit orchestra blares Jule tion music, which. is reminiscent of | Mary, Mary ¥(bus-iruck) — Split-week stands (Nov.. -11516); Shubert, . Cincy (Nov. 18-23). pt My Fair -Lady (bus-truck)-Orpheum: Mpls. . (Nov. 11-18); The Gardens, Londons | »Ont. (Nov. 21-23). * National ‘Repertory | Theatre—tccust, ‘Philly WNov. 11-23). a familiar, undersized idea blown™ up to gargantuan size—in short: obvious, loud. and somewhat. spuri‘ous. er Too Late (2d Co, }“Blackstone, The parallel between ‘Hitler and SRANRindt oncom, ‘LA. (Nov, 11-237, -. Once for the Asking (tryout)—Wilbur,. Boston (Nov. 11-16;. moves. to N.Y. _ contemporarily, . and it not. only | ‘Palama. Tops—Geary, S.F. (N ie, . offers «nothing new ‘or-revealing | | Seman and Sen—National. Wash (Vev.: Sevnd_ Sy Musie_O'Keste.. i= ae ‘the Werld—t Want _ to Get’ on ous “gruminals.: The ‘idea strikes ac--|Treusai “Ciewne—Royal Alexandra, Toroato Gov. 1-23). woot stand d Gnas a q.(bustruck>—splt an ¥ : Fine. of of the. Barracudas. (tryout)—Hart: ‘out of the Nazi: secret police chier, | 28.0.4. Nov. Ernst: Reehm, in t .O£ | Co.—Bilt L.A. 1 i the’ pat ern "Fenda gout) Pasadena. Gor. | . Tut, closes). Off-Broadway Shows’ (Figures: denote. opening dates): -Batad Bimshire, Mayfair (10-15-63). Blacks, St. Marks 6-4-6): ' ‘Beys Syracuse, Theatre 4. 15-69): © “ Cages, York (6-13-63). ‘Cerruption. Cherry. Lane 0889. East Bad “Thus, “arture Ui: tends te: be warfare. rather ‘than -in : its: slew the big. ‘business: ble amine. rela | tionship: underlying Tise 4 both ‘the monstrous: political ‘ad|. Sears” Uneen Blea Circle 1-8-6. ically ontasticks.. Sul SuHivan St. ee : ‘lannoralist, Beuwerie tape 73m). vicious racketeer.. It may be S| in White America, Sher,. Sq. . (10-31-63). sumed: fhat the theme of the ‘un| deurney to Day. ae Lye Chet 83). | 7. r ays.. e holy. alliance. between ‘corrupt Binarwied kotace ‘Playhouse azi2 62)--| ‘Six: Characters. ‘Martinique ©-8-63).. Streets of NN. Y., Maidman. (10-29-63), Theatre ef Peretz, Gate. (11-5-83). Walk | n. Darkness, Mews 0 “CLOSED. oar Simios, Aster PL. coaiém: closed | > last Saturday (9) after. 22. performances. Fer most of the second act, coy. 7 SCHEDULED. OPENINGS... “ering the undermining. and ‘mur|‘: sasids, 1. Sher. Sq: (1:1463. | der. of Chancellor Doltfuss and the yelemachus: ays Writers. (1115-63). ). , 7 gs] es the Thistle” A, Bed; Gramercy Are 18-63). and . Gieger. fis. eum = € * Next 111. Sing, oenix (11-25-83. s Chase Bonk. Theatre Kast C1279. Surning. ¥ are, a rail (12-4-89),° re eegie. erie ad Sein Scones pita flavor. of the. _ Script. “There ipa “Memner "és ips 2-1880. was: ‘paramount. in the pro-Com|. 4 Da | -positery. scenes ‘for ‘propaganda on ®, -exclamation points don't disguise. because of its comparativelyreatN freddy Winters. vrisicess sy it will retain. ‘the 10%. normally |: Teronto : +11-23), : Who's. “Atratd: ‘of Mi rginia “Woelf?. (ad | . 11-23). Larry, Parks. and: “harried ., |as the. . “BROADWAY _ Hughes... _ ” Marathon °33: . e “Allen, Tom tl: Avera, Joe Don * ake -Eane Brad|. te Richard: * ord, Lonnie Chapman, © Olive * ive, Deering, Tim | “Everett,” Don. Feflow§, ‘Will “Hare; Julie Harris, Robin ‘Howard, “Philip. ‘Kenneally, ‘Adelaide Klein, Pete ‘Masterson, Margaret ‘O'Neill, Lu ‘¢iHe Patten; Gordon Phillips, | ‘Pat. . Qitinn, Logan’ ‘Ramsey,’ Pat _Ran-. ‘dail, Doris. Roberts, J ohin: Stras|, berg, Conrad Janis. ~ .2: Dylan? Jonathan “Moore. > Easy Does It: ‘Tom Poston. ‘OFF-BEOADWAY *: Lesley. “Thistle ‘Herndon, “Michael: ‘Miller, David ™M “Manhattan Bank: Nancy. Haywood, |: ‘Liz Otto, Brian ‘Watson. KRiverwind: |. Joleen © Fodor (sue ceeded Nancy. Tribush). ‘Pinter Plays: Michael ‘Lombard. deve. and. ‘Kisses. vt New. Haven, Nov: 11.. a by Dore. Schary; | setting ‘and: Highting, ‘Marvin. Reiss, cost “Pons; associate. producer, Walter : ley. Stars Christopher Plummer: fea: ‘Under the deliherately extreme | ures ‘Bande ? Mens; | production. scheme, not only the. penal. Roger ae . ‘Murvyn’ | Vyex| scenery, lighting and. indidettal Frawley. Harold Gary.) fees ik sea oe re Be wear. frankly. exaggerated | Beah Rich is. Warren. "Wade, Robert }: ‘makeup _ ‘and’ “costum és {that cém-' Weil, Madeleine | Sheryoertanne Thea| Dine the flashy suits of gangland) fre. N. Y¥.:$6: tap weeknights, $7.50 fiction with the toy-soldier. frap|. Baker... Paul Michael pings of Fascist uniforms. ~. . -| ‘Dogebaro gh “wo ‘aictael Constantine |" Even the, atari ble Srequendly | Gidseppe Givola ....--.:. 7 EuShS ao in. terms * ughable scaricature. | yen ui ea nriateene pemter [under . Richardson's almost ‘fran|. Mulberry ......--+:---.-George Cotton | tically inventive direction, Christo-+: Fae oc RY | per seme eta tavern Sheet tee the William . Shust | performance as the in ering| Soang: Desiborouak Hugh Fracki@ | ing, smirking hoodlum who, with Ernes A +. sscvs,.) Murwn Mye| success, becomes 8: “swaggering Ariure's” Bodyguar Bee een Pail tyrant. 5 a a "Harold Gary | There are colorful’ featured por="} Hage 2 .-00.+-+crens tees sog Lottis Guise, trayals by. Elisha Cook as . the’ Good pO peecoeseeeeeess Baal elghiael f nel fawning, . treacherous. Goebbels | Gaffles .....s00..-ss.0+-. Warren Wade |} character, Lione Standeras thet rs eae oo CII age Reo ‘strutting, evil Goering figure; MiIq: . (Jim Crockett “3.022. ---.+John Marriott . chael Constantine as fhe vainy,.guli Woman ~ nears esse eres an evade. ible figurehead, Hindertberg; Mur|e Fish ......-)--++-+--Leonarde Cimine|vyn Vye: as the savage, devi ous | . Doctor | .. .-.:...5.5... Glenn, Stengel Roehm: :Warren -Wade as a “yenal, { Betty D lites on Ma gin 2 Sherwood demoralized ~ Nazi . judge;:. ‘Hugh | pre yO fiiteinons Chuch Haren| Franklin as a ruthlessly two-faced : Ignatius Dullfeet :.......... Robert “Weil Dusiness man, and vice |S x ba ese se as, y earon a curious ~at-ease Others Dae Are i Maan, Are} Mrs.. Dollfuss. Phere unus Reilly. ‘Stars: Larry Parks, Mary Fickett; | features ‘Dennis Bene Bert _Convy, Katherine Baht. Michael ‘Susan. Browning, . Currie, ‘Alberta Grant: Qpened Nov. 11,.| ee ‘the ‘Shubert ' Theatre, ‘New Haven; erate run: on Broadway,. partly Ke top... Jefe Pringle .....c.c...6‘Larry Parks ‘Rosemary -Cotts......... Alberta Grarit ’ annys = web ose .vavee Katharine. Raht Carol Pringle .::......:..: Mary: Fickett Elizabeth : Pringle a0 Susan -Browning B ‘Pringle. etesves ‘ Cooney Tt. di. Jones toes oe . Classification oF -as.a family: comedy Aas double connotation . in’ this in: | stance. Ft is not only a chronicle ‘|. o£ contemporary’ family : life totd “fn appealing but humorous: terms, _ {| but .also clean -enough to. warrant 2 -extensive. family. patronage. What-. ‘| éver its Broadway. outcome, and that. looks decidedly. favorable,. there’s potential film paydirt ‘here {and | definite: ‘material fer prond longed: “stock: atceptance. Pleasurablé reaction to this one is” dransitory,. meaning that. its fheme is quickly ‘dismissed on jéaving the theatre. But. its. happy | mixture ‘ef laughs. and. emotion and. ‘down-to-earth exposition eonsidetably * relished . / While “the curtain. ‘ds cup.. ° oriam, Jack--| “Tove and: Kisses” is: somewhat in. the vein. of. the old. Booth. aoe ington comedy ..““Seventeen,”. and } as such’ provides‘a.welcome change’ OF: a dedicated. clerk.” {| from’ ‘the. barfage “of. juvenile de-. linquency: mate bombarding | -|-yvirtually’. every: medium of contemporary expression. Anita Rowe | Block, in her initial try at’ play writing, . has indulged in a hit. of: literary: legerdemain. She has tossed the’ time-worn | theme of youthfulspouses ‘having. their ‘first. quarrel, the hackneyed |-L } thread of ‘a: father’s bringing exj-planation: of the facts-.of life to a. teenage-son.and the familiar situa| Joan ‘tion ‘of offtspri ing ‘problems: almost. ‘Bertrand de ‘Poulensey. -Richard Hampton toppling. the parents own marital applecart. The. playwright. ‘has | ™ Combined these oldies to. create | ‘Gi | something ‘fresh: i m* of | De rollicking Iaughter, . ‘heart-warming: 3 .sympathies ‘and: a. keen regard for: me the. play’s .charactérs. ~~ . Heading the competent east are ul: deride, ‘effective .are : Katharine. -Raht as ‘the family * servant . and. Michael Currie. asa. “policem . ~One of the handsomeest settings |. ‘| seen:-here -in. some time, a suburban Detroit living. Toom, has’ been | devised. by: Marvin. Reiss, and the’ ee ‘costuming of an upper middle-in -cOme : group . s_ attractively ac‘counted. for by" Helene Pons. : :. ‘Dore Schary -rates double: ‘bows |: "as Producer-director of ‘this. fudlity ; Bone we ee eer Con-|f oy dy mance: Ferd; Barna Girl to Remember: Tina Louise, Reuben ‘Singer,:~ ‘Burn “Me ‘to “Ashes: Brenda | | Ame My. Bed: . William Koch's: that. the that audiences . jamuch’ research on their ‘stibjects |: |as they have. The essential facts .}in his play are: largely aecufate,. .Schary presentation of comedy ia these "acts <i (six 1 scenes) by Anita: Rowe : ‘household seems. “incredible. ~~ ‘Bert: Convy { Michael -‘Currie_ “Tove and. Mary Fickett as} ted parents: who find: . ne owner “difficult..‘the sudden | -| famity adjustment ‘required when ‘| their ‘high ‘schsol graduating «son '|'annownces he ‘has, taken a. bride _without.censulting -.. | combination -of acting. and. direct| | ing “Has held’ these. roles. to .a. | status: of underplaying that makes . ‘the. ‘interpretation Bighly credible. | ‘ “Several. ‘personable. ‘youngsters give. strong. support, with good: contributions ‘by Dennis Cooney ‘Alberta Rust, the. teenage bride, Susan |.Browning: ‘as the daughter _and-|. -| Bert .Convy us: her: firiance.. Also them. :A-skified | | distinguished plays.” y. -This version: of the ‘elastic: was | first presented at: the: Chichester: Festival Theatre iast summer. and oo The ‘Albatross » .. ‘:duondon,’ Now. 5.+ Giles Gilbey. &. Richard Krakeur presen: tation of-a two-act. (eight scenes) arama by Howard Kach, » ‘Gaamberlain: decor, Alan Tag wihorne, vOpencd Nigel | “Nov. 4,. 63, ere the Theatre Royal, Strat ford, East London; $210 top. Elizabeth Lamb........ ‘Vivienne Burgess ‘Mary Lamb ..3....04.. » live McFarland Charles Lamb :.....+.+% . Emrys James . Coleridge. ......% ‘Nigel Hawthorne ‘Samu | Sarah. Coleridge pecveeess,, Maureen Back ‘Fanny’ Kelly .-......... .--. Pamela dane 4 William Bazhtt eres BAM ‘Lockart Thomas Tipp vegeriesead = 3 ses Jan Wilson = Emma Isola we ewwe rene -. Waveney. Lee American "_gcenarist. ‘Howard play, . ction. ‘and it-would be. a risky bet or the West: ‘End and jit cis certainly not a‘project for ‘Broadway. . A snag “have -done’ as | put: the. unknowing’ ‘may have dif| ficulty . them. That the” gentile essays and ‘poems. in swallowing. ‘some. ‘of. “of ‘Lamb should © have ‘emergedfrom. -such a. turbulent it shows ‘the stammering ‘Lamb both ‘stimulated ‘in his. writing and. .Lyet. ‘erushed ‘by <his possessive’ sis ter;'a frustratéd ‘neurotic.who has. att { a2. near incestuous feeling for her}. brother... Ortasionally they entertain suéh celebrities ‘as . Samuel. Coleridge, -ajunkie, and‘ William Hazlitt: “a fanatical revolutionary. ‘There © ‘is|: ‘also much name dropping ‘such.-as {| “How .were the Wordsworths?” and. references. to” Lord | ‘Byron’ &.|.. exile .inItaly. Hya ‘Chamberlain: ‘has’ directed | with ‘an uneven ‘tempo, “but. ‘;com ‘mendable Sense ..of period style; ‘andAlan ‘Tage’s ‘settings are eco-} nomical ‘and ‘sound. Emrys. James: ‘plays Charles Lamb. with “insight, humor..and pathos and. Olive Me ‘Farland pulls out. all stops inher. portrayal .of the: thwarted, ob-: Vivienne Burgess |. fen, scores in the small but’ vital ‘role 7 of ‘their vulgar,. nagging, gin-swig” ging mother. 7 be sessed sister; ~ Nigel © Hawthorne: © roles, . but -Ian © “Wilson registers vividly In: the non-speaking role “Rich. Saint Joan. London, Oct. 31.. ‘National ‘Theatre. of Great Britain | ‘re-Vival of a ‘drama in two acts (six::scénes) by George Bernard Shaw. Staged by. John. Dexter, « y Sunny Amey; decor d assisted by 1 Is; Jligh and cos es, ichael Anna ting, Leonard ‘Tucker Banting . Stars Joan Plowright: | features “Robert Stephens, John -Stride,. Anthony. ‘Nicholls, Frank F ang, Max: Adrian. Opened. Oct. -30; 763, at fhe National, 7 Theatre (Old Vio), London; $3.95 ip Steward <. Baudricourt.. --Martin Boddey StOward 2.5.0. ce cee cone Keith Marsh ° Joan Plowright Archbishop: of ; Trevor © Martin ‘Mo onseigneur de ja Tremouille . Gilles de Rais...... eeev Te e Knapp | ses rsaseecesse Robert Stephens Captain la Hire .....:... Michsel Turner de Ia Tremonilfe.....-Anne R Court. Pai ge .....:. Christopher Chittell wot BE or. Alan ‘Ridgway ‘| Dunois fey ehes wtveretys wee John. Stride. ‘His page 2.0.05 ;.55...%.0..5 ‘John: Rigers Richard de. Beauchamp. haineee! Nicholls. His. Page Chaplain de Stogumber:. Peter ° ‘Cauchon | Po A o owe . ” Robert Brother John. Lemaitre. ee eles Max: Adrian Canon John. D’Estivet: . : Roger. Heathcott . Ganon de Courcelles......Lewis Fiander _Brother Martin. Ladvenu:...Derek Jacobi | itioner =. -ee.:ecce sek Menden | : English’ Soldier .......... Colin Blakely Gentleman Sylestsicaeewe cee -Peter. Others: Rod. “Beacham, Elizab eth’. ger, ‘Peter Cellier, Raymond. Clarke, Mike: Gambon, Reginald Se Wi Roger Heath cott, Jeane * ‘ Landis, Lomax; Keith Marsh, | Dan Meaden, ‘Bruce Purchase, ‘Louise ‘Purnell, Lynn Redgrave,. Jean “Rogers, John ‘Rogers, Michael -Rothwellt. am ‘Rowntree, Bopert “Whe. National Theatre's “Saint: Joan”. rises to ‘great*. dra-. {matic heights, largely betause -of |. the outstanding title performance ‘of Joan ‘Plowright, though most’ of. supporting. players sustain a high ‘quality. ‘It the: featured cast: and. ranks as one of the best. productions. of -George’ Bernagd Shaw’ Ss tom the ti a] style of -presentation ‘has fn, Charles and ‘Mary “Lamb.* "Staged, ‘pyeliya: ‘adapted. to: meet the: demands: of. 3 lighting, Bs, phe | Old Vic. “apron stage. John: oy _pnirys ‘James Ha: : 7 version, ‘again. distinguisties” him {self as one. of the masters. of the craft: It is a. powerful yet. subtle... production, with the. cast’ giving its. | revival: “The Albatross,”. based. on the lives of: Charles and | Mary “Lamb, only fitfully comes arpulies t scure ‘much of the “Plot to. Assassinate, the Chase | oj ‘Words ob much of with . most’. plays. about i : literary figures ‘ds that the charac| ters. themselves ‘are apt to be less i| interesting than: their ‘work, and authors"presuppose |”, -. Maureen *, ‘Beck, Pamela Lane, ‘Harry ‘Lockart. -|and Waveney Lee ate adequate, -but scarcely. more, in supporting Konrad” ‘Apfelbaum "— oa . James ‘Mellor . Raymonde | ank Clarke Russell, _ Clive second: production at the Old Vic falls just short of ‘being magnificent. This |. _ Wednesday, November 13, 1963 _ | as "later seen Tat the edinburgh | Festival ‘There’ have ben -a few: _ Gast: changes. subsequently, and y: 3 and the best... “However notable ‘the. “eontribur tion of.'the.others,: however, the: ‘singular: represents. .: a, triiimph. for. Miss. Plowright, “The vitality: of: her. ‘interpretation ‘of. ‘the Maid ‘is. matthed. by. ‘her .un questioned: ‘intensity cand “persua Siveneéss. Her playing is. a unique combination" of * ‘simplicity, one. of: the. highlights : of the current ‘Bondon. scene, The -role, ‘brilliantly. conceived, ‘offers _ [rich ‘opportunities, one of the most: % moving being the renunciation of. the confession Of. heresy . at: the ‘praspect 6f: a ‘sentence. of life. dime prisonment. : As. in the vase with the “National . Theatre’ s ‘opening « production «: of of acting... falent ~‘has ‘eruited for: supporting roles, and there. tinguished. players: and perform 1 ances to back the star. Max Adrian portrays the. Inquisitor with skill |-and polish, Robert: Stephens" is a ‘| suitably petulant Dauphin;-Joha. Stride -impressive: Dun ois, Antheny’. Nicholls: a. ‘powerful Earl of. ‘Warwick; ‘Robert. Lahg.a sympathetic . Bishop . of Beativais,. and -Frank. ‘Finlay. a cold . and vicious .Chaplain.. Among’ others “been . ‘authority....and we “Hamlet”: a week earlier, fhe pick 7 “been re area number :of | dis* we pe ste epee uate, "] who stand’. out are’ Derek. ‘Jacobi, 4 Trevor. Martin, ‘The “least -effective ‘feature of lines’ the vanity : of Joan of Arc.” are particularly impressive. Miro. : The ‘Reses Are ‘Real Dublin, Oct. 29.” wards; setting,’ Robert -Heade. Michael Mach iammoir. Mary . Kerri Thorley -‘Walters...Opened: Oct. 28, °63, at the -Griety. Theatre, “Dublin: $140 top. _Karl Sehultz Bilt ore rpews'voe \ Gretel ° pecs Reheat Herbert. : “isigestvesce Mary Kerridge Thorley, Walters « Miebaer ‘MagLiammoir lem in-a West German mental ‘hos+ pital. with Konrad Apfelbaum as § the inmate who claims te be Hitler. . ‘and’ whose, knowledge’ ‘of. things | past gives: reality. te his claim: What : must the doctor in charge do? ‘The drama is presented as a flashback, with Dr. Karl Schultz on trial and the audience. comprising. the. jury. .£0 return’ from araid on ‘London, t6 Schulte’s wife, a former patient in. another hospi”~ tal and a true.Nordic woman. whose.~ Finlay | youth had -been’ dedicated tothe |¥uehrer. and the. bréeding ‘ofa. child for the master race and. awhose. : r mind fell with fhe Third Reich." enden | > ‘The Hitler figure ‘of Apfelbaum tier. brought .a resumption. of her breakdown. and playwright. ‘Paterson. Sug° gests that what ‘happens to Schultz could: happen to-the: wortd. ‘Johann Schneider’ ‘acts. the: near“sane advertising: co ‘sought refuge in the hospital ‘from =| er: who the. play is the epilog. This. essay. ‘into theatrical contrivance was de‘vised to ‘enable. Shaw to bring the | episode into: historical: perspective,...-./ but it is far. from. satisfactory, apart from. the: fact: that: it ‘under| “Notable ‘features of tie .produc~:‘tion, ‘however, are the. bold ‘sets. ‘and superb’ ‘costumes ‘designed. by. | Michael Annals. The: priestly robes. : ; ‘Blliman:EdwardsMacBiammoit. Prodiie “tions presentafion of three-act drama ‘by ~~ . Patrick. Paterson, Staged by Hilton. Ed~ } ‘Ts Hitler dead ‘or hiding? Play--J wright Paterson, hitherte’ known .© as. film scriptwriter; :sets the prob-‘.: Colin Blakely, Martin Boddey. and: 4 nity The work. is well constructed. ‘and. the characters aré. acceptable, Tone. | ranging from. the. inmate-maid . ye | Gretel ‘whose dife ‘stopped when her fiancee f the dishonesties of ‘his ‘profession, wy ‘}and represents: the light relief Tigs. . : i ce Ps Sid ure ‘Of ‘the’ piece.” “The ‘Roses. “Are Red” holds. ap | weil,’ but. a “long dispufation “be-. ‘tween. the Dector. and ‘Aptelbaum in the’ third. act ‘becomes: wearia some, the Hitler ‘character gétting. --| olf the old stuff‘ about his domes-. tic’ Jewish: problem and defending” ‘extermination: camps as being. ne | «worse than theHiroshita~ raid. ~-1 “Trimming” here. will. tightén the. ‘+imoact of the anticipated: ‘imax, ' rst... ‘rate. as .an. aging -Hitler ‘Figure “ Michael... MacLiammioir :: is (Continued on” “page 65).