Variety (November 1963)

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ay ow cen, ‘Moses Gunn rewarding productions. ‘of the off Broadway season. The program sale and sound, system adequate for the } type of event it Presents. Different | === ‘can. Negro from.1788 to the present |: in about. cok) | meee thas eschewed the obvious, choosing | “warsing ‘French ‘Negra falsely accused of raping a} “white girl (an excerot from: th in| was ‘Rock N.Y. ren 3: the eorner of the Bowery and Sec-} ~ ond. St.. is — In White America he “Two By } Judith Wutherford Marechal resenta|. George Mernard. on aw’ ee Se | ‘(Dennell Library Center, N.Y.) Stone; sets, Kobin Waster: . ay Brand. Sheridan Square Playhouse, N.Y.C.;' $3.90} yariety of ‘musical, film and. allied: a aaa SAY weehemos Greene.| events, staged -dramatic readings | O'SuRivan, un ed F Faier. af White America” ranks: as the most mnusdal and one. of the most |. 2€ar i names. ert auditoriunt seating ‘about: 300, with steep pitched. floor and lights excerpts from writings speeches dealing with: the Ameri| is thoroughly engrossing, and as ‘fervently performed by six ‘fine. tan, the. ‘Bronx and: ‘Staten’ stand. actors, it. is more dramatic. and. theatrical than. most plays. _— Martin’: B: Duberman; ‘who: seselected and arranged. the reaterial, j arate ‘library: | was: a concert reading of two short. Shaw plays,: instead” ‘lesser-known, fascinating _ accounts: and reminiscences. to ‘Her Husband,” presented ” by as Jefferson calling groes: ‘an inferior race, and a notice |} “officers _ during | Wortd War I not to fraternize with| ‘Negro troovs lest the white Ameriwho. appreciate ‘the. Sh ian ‘wit, cans be offended. no’ matter how delivered. ‘The Moses Gunn is excellent | ‘as = house was over. ‘half filled: lence . ‘pear to be mature book-b the line-cadger and more deft famous Seottsboro case). But most than the others. As’ a boon from: memorable ofall isthe sequence | Queen Elizabeth he pitched for 2 hosed on the story of Daisy Bates,| who. made an abortive attempt to} national theatre, an institution enter Central High School in: Little} fromthe stage. Inthe second in 1957. -Gloria Foster -is| entry, Bob Gordon played an echo. _othing less than suverb-as. Daisy, | og “of archbanks in “Candide,” while. “leaving an indelible impression. Ed ‘Steadmanson, last-minute: Teout verfarmer. proving herself : ‘ath ‘the ‘husband. ‘who: displays rancor. actress. of range and dedth. Gunn,| only when his young rival: rejects: James Greene, Clandette Nevins,| his wife, read .by ‘Helen. Dayton. : Fred Pinkard and Michael O’Sulli-|” Most. of the players had. done van are all effective. however. The stagin®, hy Harold Stone, Ig: moved. well about the. small. stage _ fluid and imacinalive. “Ia White | and rudimentary. props, ‘but their -Ameries” may be a dubious ven-| weakness was in. the: reading. of the: tire commerrial[e het there is no} ‘Shaw ‘lines. . doubt about its: merit.” Hens, © The Immeoralist: Bruce Becker presentation: of a. aroma ‘Another group: performing. ‘at |} Diana Barth duo, who host. and: perform with such. players as Mil three acts by Ruth and us} dred Dunnock, Aline MacMahon, Goetz, based on a Staged by. George. Keathley: sets by Peter Harves: lighting. . Weand; | dental musie. EAist. an. Opened Nor Ny SETS top weeknights, oh9e week | one ‘poet, ie. TS. Eliot, Wallace Stevens, Thomas... | | Leve. Paul Gennel, Ric Fields; Cal Belfint. ae | The ‘Theatre of ot} Peretz. Aw excellent cast, .. in y c| YAR Ce. presentation of directed by George "Reathiey, | from Jase ‘make “The Immnoralist” » sipping Paks Bp 1 oy pe Stee evening. resented om Broad| 1954, with Geraldine Pade,’ Saale is hl James Dean and Lowis. Jourdan: Isaiah Sheffer, . t, th bee "Goetz dit athetion’ at of. Issac Loeb: Peretz, a Polish Jew ae Gide’s' feank story of @ ‘who lived: from 1851 to .1915,. has. | Michael Tolan, Perry: Wilson, ‘ete. ds. Frank Eavetia, ‘Marcie Hubert, Ane: Mi. Ottenheinier. Kichard | ‘ Masawe!..[ -Yom Klunis, Marian Corr, David. Metealt, | fortunate {been called ‘‘the father of modern’ homosexual and his un ¥ literatare.” ~ But. judging. ‘from the ife seems. destined for 2. good: run | wife stories that. at the new Bouwerle Lane Theatre. finak scene is unconvincing. But: his works are: probably tore effecfor the most part “The Immoralist” | tive on ‘paper than en stage. Is a taut and dramatic study of the! The tales are all. softly’ ironic, | anguish -caused ‘by sexual perversatirizing the :Jewish .viewpoint} ‘sion.. Marcie Hubert. as a young! with affection and humor. riage. that. her husband does“ not{amd are essentially .non-dramatic. desire her physisally, a tes ones ‘They end so gently tkat the: cong. .She. performs. intimate: scen ‘elusions | re anti-elimactie. , believable and fervently, ard han a dles a difficult. drunk sequence} skillfutly. As tter lusband, who be‘Sheffer who also: adapted thé pro }gram and is a member. of the cast; comes. aware of .his: true. nature . "tapproach the material. with reverduring a. stay in North Africa, ence, but-fail fo .make. the. Peretz Frank. Langella. is. expert, conveycharacters “heli evable oF ing rally the. torment of the char-: | peli ng. | Kenn, Richard Manual plays a°malev-| alent Arab houseboy. effectively, | ‘roles. Keattiley’s. staging gives the Murray, begins a.six-week engage entire production the stamp. of| ment tonight (Wed.) at the Charles ‘professionalism. The sets, by Peter: Playhouse, Boston;. ‘with Herbert ‘Harvey, and the incidental ‘music. ‘Voland in. the Teac -by Vilicot Kaplan are just. right.” |} —— ag role. > The Bouwerle Lane, situated. at: an. attractive. theatre, t decorated in ‘soft shades of purple..| The . seating. however, is. trouble| some. The rows are uncomfortably | ‘and in so that if 2 spectator sits straight} in. his chair, he Jooks at the walk} and not the stage. ‘Stiff: necks are | that, the result. £" Comfort . aside, the. ‘house: ap. | pears. to nave a . hit in ‘The Im-| mora Kenn. | | | Janis allergic. Bella. Itkia ac directot of “Barn{. i te Ashes,” opening, off-Broad-} Wy: next week. costumes, The N.Y. Public Library. keeps ‘Batic Sd opened Oct Sk, "a ofa | its toes Wet im show. biz with’ a The horse” is the | Donnell Lacan Center,. Sn 53d St: near Fifth Ave., which. has. a mod}. Claudstte Rong Michael |} andpoetry: Prite a by legit: (Brooklyn. and Queens” have. ‘Sep-} systems.) : f Caught recently at. the Donnell’ : “~The Dark. Lady : of+., the Sonnets” and “How. He Lied ( by: by Earl. Among the highlights are = letter| Studie Stages and directed by Fart | Srai Ne-| before: live. audiences | and -must be judged accordingly. ‘Audiences attend for free and ap-. owers. In the first. script Frank Murphy opened. "360. years. Tater; as. noted okay. with their «memorizing and | | ponneit ig LBeslte Barrett. and ‘Nancy: Marchand, Paul. :Sparer,. in programs. whick each déal'.with |” Teave. something. to. be desired—: in that they are chanted in the {Maori tongue, a. baffler:to all. but la -very few. customers. As for. the. it. stresses. expressive \ hand | and..arm movements. . It -is. ‘| pather : earthbound terpsichore, ‘the. z ‘dancers rarely leaving. their feet. Robert: Lowell, Dylan: . dancing, Theatre. N.Y.;: “9450 ‘ture. director is « Albert. “Whaanga and ‘choreographic: integration is ‘The-play. begins slowly, and its [make up “The Theatre of Peretz,” by. Jack Regas “They | womam wholearns. after her niar| have Tittle. momentum, . however;| # ‘setriction | to replace. ‘the burned ‘Whe actors,. directed by Isaiah | on the: old ‘building ae =< 1. ta fund setap by the Irish govern funds. The ‘new building is to ‘be ‘completed : in “1964, with the first. | prdduction set. tentatively for De-tcember. . . Managing director. ‘Ernest Blythe. has named an ‘Irish-born former |. Airlmes hostess, | ‘eom Rugene. Tenesee’s ‘Rhinocerds,” t and Cat Bellini and Marian Carr | presented. by Framk Segrue : and. are particularly. good in’. other | Miehael Murray and: directed by | Trans-Canada Colette. Gribbin, © as ager. for the. ‘Abbey. ‘She. will be : tr tion Joined the, Stat ne a 1 concentration: camp, st ter y slept on: premises: His fanatic . Avihony Michaels. has sarceeded devotion to opera brought him: into conflict with political realities. and ' Austria and altimately. Hilbert war o te 1950s, His return to power ig all the more‘efoquent Of the desperatinn. : | . 8 deeper, in Vienna Over Karajen's eeaygoing ways ea ant administrator. adelphia. » The. production, costarring Wil; liam.-Roderick, George Rose and |° ; | Bruce: ‘Gordon, -iscurrently. at the | | American ‘Theatre, St. Louis. 7 “Te. Arokanui Maeri. Hollywood, ‘Oct. 31. Polynesian. Cultural Centers presenta|‘tion of two-aet song-dance spectacle. Pro| ‘ducer, ‘Michel -M rector, Albe ‘integration, ‘Griltkhies; cultural . ak Whaanga: ch Smith; hi “al res ctor, Join Pearee. 3 e > Craig c oral 3 re, at the wood Bowls $5.50. top: The: -eurrent. us. tour : of ‘the } Te ‘Arohanui Maori (great love of: ‘the. .Maori) company of. New Zea| ‘land shauld. appeal to culture: buffs | -and students. Less:. ‘ethnic-minded Yank audierices .are_ -apt to -find’}: it a ‘generally unspectacular af-'| fair, for all-of-its huffing and puff| ‘ing, hemming ‘and “hawing, and | ‘Polynesjan | spectacle. In a:seétting as crassly commerof ‘cial as: Hollywood Bowl, where in|: ‘congruous. jéts. roar. ‘overhead and { ‘even the high-priced boxes afford |. the ‘spectator a view. of the stage | that ‘has. all the intimacy” | -wrong-way peek ‘through binoe= ulars, the pageant: seems. dwarfed,. : ‘second-hand. and: out of context. It. loses a great deal of. its primitive 7 charm, flavor and impact. -: : ‘The two-act program, “presented: by. the: Polynesian. Cultural: Cen-.| ‘ter of Hawaii .and produced © by fs ‘Michel M. Grilikhes, consists of |: some: two dozen. songs and dances ‘tracing: ‘and: illustrating the. history of-the sea-oriented Maori. peo-.| ‘ple’ and .depicting. ‘some of ‘their [= customs and. rituals. . Highlights of 2a are. a rousing spear dance’ featur The. ‘tine, but: the lyrics’ As-a spectacle, it often resembles something ‘out of..“Mutiny On The | * | Bounty”: : "lw. great . deal of Jmatehed ‘mass —lavish and colorful, with. movement. ‘The. troupe: ‘consists. ‘of 436. singérs. and dancers. Maori ctil : Pube. | Dublin’ Ss. ‘Abbey Theatre Due to Open i in Dec., 6 Dublin, Nov: 12. the: ‘Abbey Theatre, under con= out old building, wilE cost. around | $1,000,000." Fhe’ financing. will‘ be | be provided partly from the insurance ment-‘to use. Tong-unclaime..Be ‘ house’ -man -the second. woman, to hold the post, ‘her. predecessor,’ ‘Phyl. Fleming,. a having bowed out for’ Marriage. é title.of co director, but. actually to restore business methods, to: ‘which von Kara-| { Theatres..:: "Florence in 1946: direct. from a German “$A Man for AW Seasons”. will nati nee " brought back ‘to. New -York for a{ * | two-week. gngagement at the. City : | prodwuetion «of ° FO drama. has been. booked for : « Jan} 27-Feb. 9 engagement at the pop-} Priee house. The Maahattan stand will ‘sandwiched. betweet'. Boo a : ings at the Colonial ‘Theatre, Bos-| Meeker directing a rehearsal, makes him look like’ a. well-fed ‘Tos-: ton, and the. Watnut. Theatre; Phil 'Milwaukee’Drama Council, “Although there's. a $506 . nounced, the author of the winning play must: assign 60% of alk... ¢setting, | Wiliam Holty; . ‘%. questions. submitted by: mait . séale. Show will need. $45,000 to break. ‘ing the. males. and arr ‘interesting + {stick game. ©. | 3 .and: his. nev Panama and then California, to remain: until next. spring ; |. . Charles Meeker; Dallas hotel director and. former managing diTector of the State Fair Musicals; staged: the. recent. Miss Teenage . Pageant. there. A. picture in the Dallas Times Herald, siowing canini Sang mustache. . There’s a big.catch to. the play. contest being conducted by: the 7 an-. rights to the sponsoring organization, which is supposed to try to arrange a professional production of the work . _Hewatéd Lindsay is now. sporting a luxurious beard—#t’s very impressive. wee: ‘Life. mag and the producers. of “A Funny Thing.Happened on tlie : ‘the Way to the Forum” and “Never. Too Late” are working with Random House on. a publicity outburst. in connection with Geerge Abbott’s 50th anniversary in the theatre, which occurs Nov. 25. That rn ihe. publication date of ‘the: noted: ‘stager’s autobiog,. “Mister AI Resen, company manager: “of the ‘touring “How to Succeed: in the Knoxville Civic Coliseum to ‘honor his 71st birthday and 50th anniversary .in ‘show business . ... David Merriek took ads in the Minneapolis Tribune recently ‘to plug his Broadway’ Productions of “Lather, ” “Oliver” and. “Stop the World—I Want to Get. Off,” "Brooks ‘Atkinson; N: ¥' Times orteeese s voters drama critic, é | | elist-wife. Oriana Atkinson, sailed: fast Friday (&. te Business Without Really Trying,” was. giver a: dinner last week at. although the’ touring edition’ of the last-named show: played. there. mae last season. _ John Gielgud’s new ook, “Stage Directions,” willbe. ‘published next. March 19 by Random House, to coincide with the Broadway opening of the Richard Burton revival of “Hamlet,” .which. he. will ‘stage . . .-Samuel, French has just published scting versions of “Harold,” ya comedy by Herman Raucher; and “Lord. Pengo,’ ” So Ne Behrman’s dramatization of: his biography, “Duveen.” Both. are paperback. editions, $1.25 each . . . Albert Finney; currently starring on Broadway in “Luther”-and in the recent film Felease, “Fom.. Jones,” is. the subject of a picture spread in the’ Nov. 19 issue. of Look mag. The weekend entertainment -section. of. ‘the ° ‘Toronto. Star. recently carried an interesting piece under the by-line. of David Merrick. It dealt with present: conditions and’ future prospects of. the Broadway theatre and was assembled by Star entertainment ‘editor-drama critic Nathan Cohen from. ‘the producer's answers to } . The acting versions of. “My ° _.Mother, My Father and Me,” Lillian Hellman’s dramatization of ‘Burt Biechraan’s novel, “How: Much?” and “Next: Fik, Sing ‘to... qe You”: a London play: by James Saunders, have been ‘published: by Random House in. cloth -cover, at $3. 95 each. An author’s note ' indicates that the: Hellman. play is in the original. text, not as. ~ with. the: revised second act as Played. on Broadway. Jast season. ~ Cohen s ‘Rugantino’ Logistics Continued: from: page ae gets 14%... ‘Cohen ‘and Jack ‘Hylton are co-| producers of the American -and ‘will be. 100%, in Atalian,. for: pop ‘London, companies~ -and, in. turn, they ‘will :enlist ‘a “French: and: German caproducer when it’s ready for , those . countries. Hylton is due in from London shortly’ and will return later for the Toronto | ‘ -openittg. When the musical. ‘hits |London: tt will play” Hylton’s S| Adelphi Theatre. t > Jack Harrold’s importance tol ‘the. show is stressed by. Cohen because he must know it:sowell. that |his‘:cuweing of the. Telesync must anticipate. the. Isughs,. or ‘know wher: to. possibly. retard. ‘the. Eng-' lish ‘titling. in’: fhe: évent a laugh lasts. longer, somebody. ad. libs, -or -Ethere ‘is any other’ unanticipated acceleration. oF . Tetarding: ‘of the. j action... ‘The: key ‘to the Telesytic projec | tion: is .a newly developed 2,500| 4) att: bulb. ‘and. Zeiss lens-.whieh ‘twill afford ready visibility of the projected. titles. whieh will be.on a ‘traveller. just over the. footlights. Thus the. words and. the action: will e in’ direet range.. apart from the awkward ‘vantage ‘point, if‘ was.out of line with ‘baleony. ot other. side-seat: vision. Cohen says this technique circum-| jeg. vents any. sight-line hardies). that,. unlike his colleagues’ ideas fo -adapt it into English, when he told .authors-producers Garinei &: | Giovannini (they. did the libretto; tmusie is by Armando Trovajoli) that. he was interested ‘in’ bringing } the entire production, intact as ts, ‘the closed the deal. last season me ne tenor: arrived in. Vienna’ for “Meistersinger”| : vestigation losed that none ha beer contracted. affairs. at close together, and sharply angled, the Statoper under’ the artistic direction. of..fhe seldom-there: Herbert. von Karajan became a national scandal This relates to the latent con viction that the: operahouse is. ‘luxury for a nation of 7,000,000 and: when so atreciousgly administered, the situation.was. intolerable: Resultantly, the government. hired Egon Hilbert, with th ‘The show: had. the longest: run. ‘in: Rome: legit. musical history from Dee: 15 last to June and,: by coin-cidence, . Lady” :which opened in Milan last -Fhursday (7). at the same. time that _Is.. ‘bucking. “My: Fair “Rugaritino” opened, respectively at. the Delia. ‘Seala: anid the Lirico tours } and Turin after Milan "Rugantino” | and thence. to Toronto. : .Drake “will collect. 16%. of the . .. (When : the. American: company. of “West Side Story” ‘essayed a titling: technique ‘in. Paris, itwas done on a scrim. above tite action on the stage, and ; ““Rugantino” was eyed in Rome}! ; ‘also by Leland Hayward: -and ‘Feuer & Martin.and Cohen. states ‘the | -episode. deadpan. paragraph: luncheon. ‘meeting. always. ends: with .a “prayer. given by. ‘Rabbi: Stuart Rosenberg. | ‘It . began, and -the . criticized; we thank: yo for the love of -reproof . me the | gross. for his. adaptation and Super-. | purposes:. there. will: be. English ‘lyri¢s to-the Trovajoli ‘melodies. on . the Harms’ editions).. The authors ~ graduate from. 6-8%: of the. gross and they, as producers, share with .. Cohen | in royalties after. Profit. Rap Grities — 5 Continued. from. pase. ri — out. ~The management. withdrew. . permission “for: the. show's. star, Kirk Douglas, to:be. interviewed on: ducted by the Record-Americasm ‘reviewer... It also pulled: its ads. from’: the: paper. previous ‘video interview by: Nor ton on Merrick is inLegit]. As: reported. by. Cohen ir his: daily Star. cofumn, Levin let go at” ‘Evans atid him in a prepared talk ‘at a regular ‘monthly ‘luncheon meeting of. the | Toronto Variety: -Club.: The producer was quoted asrating “Girl” as. “one. of.. the ‘best. -musicals ‘ever produced’’: and’ .de-~ ‘scribed Evans as a “nitwit,” advis-. ing ‘ him,. “Quit. .your job... ‘You're no good ‘at it.” — According. te.. Cohen, ‘the.’ “ pro-: ducer called. on the publishers . of: :: ‘the Star to. get. rid of the: eritie. editor. Levin reportedly contin-. “¥. wonder: at his ability. to .. sling vituperation at: his. ‘betters. ‘J know a damn. sight .more ‘about the : ‘musical © theatre than ‘Cohen. kriows now,.:or’ ever will kmow.” He..was. quotedas. ‘adding, * : “Broadway ‘producers ‘are not. going to ‘subject themselves. to this could “likely: destroy . Toronto, as” a : tryout town.” - Cohen. concluded h his coverage of: with the following “The Variety Yesterday’ Ss was. 0. Lord: ‘of the. critics The tryout. ‘tour ‘of. “Girt”. ‘fs ° continuing. this week in. Philadel “Fhe production is due Musie . ‘Publishers. Holding: Corp, . Even though ° “the stage. version: ~ ~ ‘a. local. television. program -con-. sort ‘of .juvenile abuse much jong. 7 er,” -and. criticism: of their’ shows: . phia,. where: musical: drew enthusis astic notices” from: all three local’ ‘ criticis; ; ‘Dee. : ‘5 at: the. Broadway. ‘Theatre; : . ‘ we rey too. ehoay er ” ce an . ” . ss . a ee a i a ae wate eet ‘ suet ae a