Variety (November 1963)

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“David “Merrick, ‘always a x good’ subject, was Boston’ critic Bliict a ‘show, repeated on. ‘Channel. 13, New York's educational outlet. The critic ef the Hub. } TA! Norton’s guest -on -liis regular -WGBH-TV | ‘and . Boston Sunday Advertiser, and. also lecturer at Boston U.,. much empathy with his subject] lye seemingly refrained? from chiding the ‘Times and: }}-*: Trib, only mentioning in passing that these two 3 sheets panned “Becket” “Merrick’s d4and Herman Levin's). reversal: of: that press. cor i Merrick detailed..that he has a Foundation bearing.‘his name.” ‘which: gambles on plays he really: ‘ikes to do—“Rhinoceros” was one. and the current: “Luther” is another—because _. they. went along sale. When: he gave. a’ generous nod to. Laurence’ Olivier, Norton reminded _ tertainer”, or the film version thereof. | " Merrick seemingly. had: “What does. a. producer do?” on i his mind “because he Jed Norton into it and stressed that most legit musicals: _.start with ‘the producer: It’s invariably the producer's idea, and he ’ Feeled ‘off a flock of his and several Rodgers & Hammerstein clicks ‘(for..which he gave “Terry” (Theresa). Helburn the credit): but he. admitted that “Bells Are. Ringing” was one which originated with the authors. oe. reprised hew ‘he put. “Gypsy” together; how . ‘another set. of librettists ‘couldn't lick. it: how Arthur Laurents;: whom he called in, found the key and it took him only three weeks ; the ‘ book; bow he: got the idea then of calling: in’ " Jeronie Robbins. He cites. again’ the integrated importance of . choreographer-stager* with the upcoming. “Dolly” «Carol Channing) |. ‘which -Gower Champion will do, ‘based’ on: one of his. (Merrick’ 's) favorite plays, “The Matchmaker”. There’ is was no. doubt about’ it—in ‘“Merrick’s eyes. and exe. iperience’ the producer is the main. contributor to any: theatrical : cundertaking, ‘whether he has the vision to scout Paris and London. ‘and elsewhere and ferret. out. plays already done which, as hap-. ~ pened with some of the Britis: product; were flops en their bome41 ie his life. Everyone lies ‘prone. to. |-him ‘whom they call a beast—tike | grounds and. hits. on Broadway, or with original: concepts. . Merrick calls his Foundation the | “answer to Lincoln Cenier’’. He. “stated that ‘he hasn’t too nich ‘hope for # repertory. company... | © ‘because it’s good. only for existing. plays and cannet attract aew or established playwrights ‘because of the limited mumber of per-formances. The ‘Merrick Foundation, however, ‘chances. new ‘plays /—Bertolt Brecht’s. “Arturo Ui" for: ‘example—on ° ‘Broadway,..and -pecause “I don’t avant to. to ‘burden’ my “backers” this is one which is “underwritten by. the He whimsically ceploned' thé: idea that it may well be ‘that his. 4 so-called “commercial” éntries. may not come off as well as his... lays, ‘citing Albert Finney in “Luther”; ‘how unex -pectediy well “Man fer All Seasons” and kindred plays have done, eo Boing. . Foundation p _ He cvedits this to aby ever-widening audience whose # higher; that they -will ¢ a? Subsect material” the had pegged “Rhino” for six necks and it ran a year), and he is heartened. by. these larger audiences for: “offbeat... subject. miatter’’. It was a well-done interview of Stbstance | and “intellect. and worthy %. repest.” of iis WNDT AN “Abel. however,. ‘went ‘on to imamediate boxoffice succeas despite: hem. [On P. 1 is ‘a ‘BeWS. ‘story anent ul he’ “‘does: not. {fF want to burden-N.¥. backers.” As an exception, he detailed that. {4 -: he told them that “Becket” would probably wind the red but* || regardless even though it was‘a costly production. -{f($190,000). but ‘it. did-surprise allby: tilting into the black via.a film . | him that even the knighted star couldn't save “The. EnShee 7: —_ . — | Homialiia’ 4 in 1926 ‘offered: ‘Six’ per1-formances at ‘Vienria’s Josefstadt} | Theatre of then] ‘neither: in. Germaiiy. hor Austria ‘(has the :play been shown. Here Brecht: seems -under influence | “of. | poets like Villon and Rimbaud. | world like the. angel of” Death— | after the. God of fertility. «whose .| symbol is the steer."He. needs a sea of naked female corpses. He does: 2 not. onty Tape girls and wonien. but) also: men and’ steps. ever the}. -corpses of these: to lie dawn. en his’ ‘lonely death-bed. with. the. cry of nether on his lips, in spite of | the time, what was. generally: not | shown or said in publie places and}: -.| Stages. But still next. to Baal,.the4. {incarnation sf everything. Bad, 7}: “| stands . also. the -Good.. »istages 5 Continsea inom page 2 = . -London, but. Jooks dubious, ‘tor he Roses. ‘Are Red seemingly. 4Jeéss: mad as fhe play: ‘Broad develops ‘and: close tothe charar -.,, ter projected. to the: German. peo-| fons oF the. Croeodile” the title ‘of which is beys’ school. terminal-| ogy for being out-of iine.:The play dis about a: couple aho five in: “ple, a domiant and vital leader. easily accepted dy ‘the: Nordic: Hilda ‘and. Gretel. The tragedies of the two women, of. her recovery ‘through. “revived: Memories of “‘gleries”. and Grete) _ Hilda weakened from the eontent. in ‘her ‘never-never land of expectation .: are effectively a2 Mary Herridge to the -‘mad-happiness ‘of a “Bitler 7 _ Raiden. —_ . gratiating .ad-man .with .a -con “°C sejence, contributing. little .to the ‘: play but relieving its: tension ‘in |“ characterization. +: Hilton Edwar: ds ts the conventional . . Johnson: ‘as the: ‘married. pair and. : Kenneth . ‘More as the alternate. {tenant.whp straightens :out’ their ai acceptable : ‘portrait. . of ‘a | medical. -superin -tendent, an earnest and ‘honest: “psychiatrist . with. a strong, ‘Protec. a imaginative and firm ‘and -he con-} plenty . of: vunspectacular |. ‘novement ‘to ‘relieve ‘the. ‘essential | ~talky. character: of the play. The. pace slows. during the ‘third act, | * i: but should. speedup. and. enhance | “the obvious..chances af. the’ pleve | e | for) Broadway or London. Mae. > am nana; fe 2. ures Ar rp es at. the Phoenix Theatre, London; ‘Henry : Hampster Cyril” Raymond Belen sti Saene sv, Celia. ns Peter Pounce ... ..... s: Menmeth Mo jaa Be, sae Katharine tee sc eescetes seo, nee Be ‘of this” ‘Lightweight © yarn, -which vs thereby: could ‘have a chance, in’ Visti : | atrical experimental, oF unees Spituafind zauch 1p London during the Week. and. at Brighton’ on weekends, aod an amusing situation that arises when. an unmarried maa. takes over their |. itwo. premises’ on an. alternating: = basis.. and}. The yan is at st5 best when at | Vholds to a farcical noté, ‘but the. | mood. changes ‘from time. to time, throwing. it. -océasionally .-off-key. |° The brisk dialog. mainly: matches ‘the basic “preposterous situation, . Thorley ‘Walters’ portrays the ine: ‘and Donald McWhinnie’s. aauthori-, tative: direction ‘derives. maximum. fun by ‘sustaining the: action. at a slick. pace... “There are’ top diawet perform| ances by Cyrit Raymond and Celia’ tangled affairs. Amanda Reiss and. | ‘Katharine ‘Barker, 2s influential ial | Ford. Fund ‘grant, Baal Bae Uh ’ Vienna, Get. 30: : Atelier “Theatre. presentation of “1918. ‘piay ‘by. Bertcid: Brecat. Wee. Sc hy Jen: Directed ‘by: Veit cenery tames .‘ by © Agnes “Laurent. ~}music, Paul: angerer. At Atelier Theatre, “Vienna... q -by | thre |Initted in the vocabulary of well-. a Dred :burglars. In 1918, the war‘disillusioned youth of those days.|.~.Oylan, Plymouth 2-18-64). took 46 “Baal” at ifs. world pre-|-"; Miere in Leipzig. “The play. was | : ‘soon. forgotten sor shélved, because} Brecht himself. was zot interested}: any more in his highly. individual-: Baal. Oskar]: 6 c, _ Bepcentrie signed -an ‘attractive living’ reom |: = set, caituay. lighted. UE, Richard. | ee ai “Ages of Maui. Her Majesty's. > lappy anvalia a on ‘Annie ‘Get: Your Gun, ‘Her Maiesty's. . ‘For these ‘who empected”. a the-| 3 | “scandal,” the first’ per-] . ‘opera ‘formance | of: Bertold Brecht’s +7 ;| youthful drama,: written in| 19184" “ | when he was’ panély 20, was a dis. ‘appointment... Today’s..habifues~.of | -. Barker offbeat or ‘cellar |. eiss|-theaires do’ not. getenraged ahy| “ ‘more either. e-quarter | 7 ast | naked. girls or. by words not ad-| 1 ; End stage after’an abeoace of ii . years, provides. ‘Tharquee gloss. for this Gites Cooper farcical ‘comedy, _.., brought inte. the ‘West End: by . (Michael. -Codron.” ‘His. ‘boxoffice: etrength | should prove. | ‘@ major factor. in determining the. wuceess. | PHILIP > DUNNING an “with the theatre In oon: whiesey titled. A Daring Idea: _ Normal i People: ‘He.: named. ‘his hero, Baal. the: poet, : whe. storms through. . the ving. despised ‘sactherly ‘fertility his creator, Brecht himself, ‘Brecht tried to: show and “say at ‘Even: ‘the pornography has. the sound ~ of | poetry which:: made. ‘the: . ‘play: ace: | ceptable: Seen in’ the distance of 4 years it has. perhaps. a‘docu-, mentary. value. ; Director: Veit Relin. followed his | line -.of. experiment in. ‘putting. ‘on: ‘the play. He is. himself as ‘proveca1 tive .as: the young Brecht was and: tif ‘the play is ‘written for bigger. and more. professional |. * tactors than this company has—the .,-:] Conviction, earnestness. and . pas-. “ j sion. with which : everyone applied: 2 himeelf. was. admirable. If Relin = (in the lead was somewhat ‘more romantic than the text called. for.{He = rubbed , off the ‘sharp edges. {Only in. the death scene. did: he. heach the true.grandeur the author: 2 mast have wished for his-hero. Ail | other. parts are played with dis-{ play of. personality and. character‘and. solved ‘ail technical problenis | in the 22. changes and so. was the | ‘speaking ‘chorus as well: ‘as music}. a -. l\ment. It's ‘slated -for. a nine-per{formance campus run at the Carjnegie. ‘Theatre in’ the College of |-Fine Arts ‘beginning » Nov. 26. “president of the ‘United and costumes. Goth... 6.490 Rockelallr | Gift Fer. Actors. Studio. Unit awarded a $56,400 grant to. ‘the }: “Actors Studio, N.Y. The. money. ‘is: to ‘be. applied to*the costs of the | ® studio's ‘Playwrights. Unit. and its|— instructional -: programs: ‘the fitst-such grant ‘awarded |. to: the. ‘studio Since : jts. “inception | _ . = Continued ftom page — — L with: Us: ‘Cities ‘of comparable ‘size, which might be found in the} cients to plan for the futere with. _ Tmore -confidence . . ‘Ottawa's population should. hit: 1,060.080 by the _year.. 2000 {a ghastly theught to some residents), : “| predicts the report, ‘which plans Jfor needs.40 years ahead. If alse} | | notes ‘that since the National Art | i Gallery. moved downtown. attend-: oo ines. has increased tenfold, 363,000: ° in ¥ . “| galepart tim tes 1.40 perform. | Council, ‘| auces in pr in. : 1967 (drama 138, music 111, opera: ‘uted in the main to the “adventur| 22° Fallet.15, musicals amd revues. 7 | eight, etc.Proposed. site overlooks | ~" 1 Parliament Hill and is close to:one of the: three. bridges connecting: (pop. | ] ave . broken down : into | over 25%, .| $2,460 per seat, $46.25. per square various It's: in 1947. “The . Actors: ‘Studio: Theatre; an ‘autonémous: producing ‘affiliate ‘of the Aetors Studio,: doés not. par-. ticipate “in ‘the Rockefeller Foun dations grant:..The theatre opera-} | tion was. “previously awarded. a Op Australian ‘Shows. _ (Week Ending Nov. 9). ADELAIDE. , MELBOURNE. Dniea.. How to Succeed, Her. Majesty's. Mary,: wary: -Comedy. -Orpheus i a Ungerwortd, ‘Princess, 7 Physicists, . MM Incidental : PERTH “ciking and Ps ‘Capital. . . Sy seGnight, ars. Puttin. Roy. Minstrels. Tivoll. . Repertory, Elizabethan: Physicists ~ Sweet: ‘Sire: of. ‘Youth, Independent. ‘SCHEDULED: B'WAY “PREEMS: Cuckoo's: Nest, Cort . 113-63). olden Xiases, Albatress, Lyceum, 1127 Marathon /33, ANTA. (12-22-63). Hello, Bolly, S : James <1 54). “After Fall. ANTA:W:-h.. Sa. » (1-236. : -dittie ‘Theatre. (2-1-84). What Makes Sarmy, S4th St... ‘Rugantino, Hetiinger, {2:8 64); Foxy, Zisgteld Marca. ANTA-Wash Sa. ozo. a funny Siri, Winter den. aT0e). ‘Charlie, ANTA-Wash. Sq. (-1248.. ri te. Remember, Hellinger.. G26-640).. | seer ota , “J with | ‘Associated . *Television,. Singer. is an actor. Their previous. plays. were “Any Other Business”: (presented .last. season on Broad-' “way under. the title, Risk”) and “Guilty Party,” which: had a Bit. run. at. the St. Martin’s ‘Germany, : France ‘The cast comprises Dale Phillips, Peg. Wathen, Henrietta Valor, Al/ ‘The Rockefeller: Foundation | has. = } i: — ‘DIFFERENCE’ ~ SKEDS LONDON PREEM London, Nov. 12. > Peter Bridge’s | “production © of a ; “Difference of Opinion” is to-open: {| Nov. 21° at ‘the Garrick, replacing: 3 {| Michael Codron’s Risie,’” Which. folds next Saturday: 416) after. a four-week run. “Cider. With . The . newcomer .is the: third Gebrge Ross Campbéeli Singer drama ‘dealing. with the. worid of big business. Ross ‘is. an accountant several seasons’ previously...” “‘Differenee of Opinion,”. which has recently been on a. successful road trycut, stars John .Gregson,. Raymend Huntley, Lally Bowess: | Gillian ‘Lewis, with: thony : and apr An ” become more marked over the past 1 few years. Sharp directing. “| ict. the Go’ Dae | Fer Exropean USO Tour | wnt M. J. Beyer has produced her fifth ‘edition. of the USO. revue, . On the Go,” for a 12-' week tour. of the European: Con. Taand beginning today <Wed.), The j. Scotland.| sons “Right. trek will take in sOVETSCAS . ‘Valor, Ellen’ Tucker and Jeff Bot‘ton, Cal: ‘Santo, wpec currently. ‘with ‘the -Broadway : production Wednesday.” Howard Bay Will Direct ‘Tech’s® Pitteburgh, Nov: 12. Broadway. set designer Howard ization, the scenery «was excellent ‘Bay; ‘whose activities have aiso ex tended te films and television, will direct’ Strindberg’s “Crimes and ‘Bay, 4 Seenic.. Artists .union, is the} Andrew. .W. Mellon Guest. Direetor. ‘of: the Carnegie Tech drama de-' partment for’ 1883. same.plight if not. worse. ‘Ottawa.. with ° Hull, Que; ~| 68,000). : Costs foot: floer -space; $1.60 per cubie ” }foot over-all ‘space. Report doesn’t 4 Say who's to. put up the $9,000,000, | but -it’s likely the federal govern— meni will be tapped—using money [Has aay sever tines wait “Come pas Several times “Come: ‘and “get it--when you have con-|“The Sage of Rottenberg,” by H. crete plans.” (This capital, unlike :1-Washington, D.C;, is not-a federal G40. | area,.and residents. have a vote; -} but a great deal of the land around “4 Doth Ottawa.and Hull is federally ; ‘owned “and. administered by. the |sic by Heneckh Kon, were designed. ‘| National | Capital Commission.) and: “Caleulated swith | accompaniment by] pianist Bill Clemmer and drummer q play. meet | co is now preparing a scheme where-. Crimes” for presentation here by: the: Carnegie Tech drama ‘depari-.: 7 | ain’s “wilcepread ‘stock theatres is emphasized anew in the 18th an{nuai report of the iArts Council ~ [of Great Britain. During the autumn of 1962, the report observes most. provincial repertory theatres had improved attendances and a generally satis factory season, but the severe win ter with proplenged ice and snow. was particularly damaging to the south of England, less. ‘30 Zar those in the north. ‘The main effect was that com-. panies which normally. profit by their Christmas shows made iittle or nothing at all, arid the Joss of audiences over the unusually Jong period has been serious for a number of managements whose. reserves. were already low. The report adds, however, that. by the end of March, most theatres had weathered the storm better than they had expected. In the ear jly summer, though, a secand: reces sion occurred, and both Londen and provincial stock theatres were playing to poor houses. That trend has In the face. of weather, competi-. |tion from film and tv and. many | other aspects of entertainment, the Teport urges that the problem of the stock companies. must do during the summer must he faced and planned. “Perhaps”, . seys the Arts Council, “they should porate 3s . . the Continental: theat and close fora longer summer recess”. Meantime, artistic standards in. ‘provincial playhouses have port largely Rig neal nenagementa have extended the period of preduction (and of. rehearsal) of ach. ‘The ° * and ‘Shef ‘ Mise’ ‘Boyer. ‘is. also assoviated experimented with two. and ‘three week runs, which has led to a< complete change to the Jonger rehearsal and Jonger " ran, a policy “The Council, “which ‘aiready ofguarantees against liss. fer the production of new drama, by “neglected plays” can be re-wived with the aid of financial guarantees, provided the Council’s Drama Panel és satisfied that they: ‘Rave “a reasonable chance” of D:o. Arts. Council backing of f new drama totalled. $18,068 during the 1962-63 season, abd $84,600 was gpent on various achemes. capital i The Council welcomes. what K des cribes as “the most’ important in‘nevation. of the current: financial year”’—the Treasury's deciaien to fix in advance the amount of the. ‘Council’s grant. for 1964-85 and | ¥965-66. The report concludes, “This will oe deprive us of some of the specula| tive excitement of annual budgetjing in an -expanding economy— and it imposes certain limits on the exercise of creative imagination— -. but # means we can felp our — and it frees : ais from the crippling uncertainty ~ that vitiated to some extent all our work on new developments in their most important formative stages. bad Scot Rep Alse Up Edinburgh, Nov. 42. | Repertory theatres in. Scotland. 1 are having a new boom in attend ances, According to the Britis Arts the improvement is attrib ous and enterprising Bolicies” pursued by the theatres in their choice of plays, supported by increased grants ‘The ‘Citizens’ Theatre in Glas‘gow reports upped attendances of while an increase of 38% has been noted at the Edinburgh Gateway Theatre. An ward trend in receipis is also re-. ] ported. from the Dundee Repertory Theatre. until its recent destruc. tion by fire. ‘Another Yiddish theatre entry, Leivick, opens next Tuesday (19) at the Folksbiene Playhouse, N-Y. un \der. the direction .of David Licht. | Sets and costumes for the presentation, which has incidentally. milk in ‘Tsraelby Lidia Pincus-Ganl.