Variety (November 1963)

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: W: ednesday, ‘November ; 13, 1968. (Studie Theatre) ve ie | oa . 2 _ Oo a S sees Alt ay Peet Gynt at a : ( Se Ne Anakernry ot His 50th year in Showbusiness). ‘Beat to stage of ay playover rien, done by college students at an obscure | “Page Al4 THE. SACRAMENTO a | Friday, Ociober 25, 1968 tis "miracle are “hwo: Joseph Schild| : ‘Bsen, ‘Schildkravt And West Create Memorable B Davis z ening wire et ome an Arab emperor arid -be fused in almost all his people den “dejection; “the world~“of] soutene Were many 00d ree crowned king of-a madhouse; and there. are scores of|Sadness when he walks. away| . were of central: importance: ito: return at: last-to Norway,’them — a ‘pulsing vitality from Bolvelg. 1 It isa mapa oO Ibsen's Peer Gynt, forall its}: old ard empty, no wiser OT,which : lights: up ‘ everything|cent perfc vue ‘varity in ‘our time and coun! richer than when he left." “they do and say, even in the/-’ Alas iquietest moments. oon | ‘Crushing Lesson. : a iced ony haar papal “There he finds, in a gentle, -And_ here,: of. course, the|ances. may. stand. up’ for. By William © ‘Glackin. [pei whom be ows immed. sautling, menacing: monsters ditferent, eets we. ste i> the} _ theless have ‘marveled at finding hiro y:as the love. of his life;; who have ust: jumped on brash, “eager, “a athletic ‘youth: . Self staging this formidable classic at, agitate, “Beg thous. ot t he cannot take his arms'a nightmare.. (The extraordin-|the. ‘hard eyed; ‘pot Dellied,| " fate ven oe eee ohege, UC t “Theater. in ‘East. Hall: at the! fromaround himself.‘and sol ary masks: and. costumes ‘ollsmooth, talking . middle .aged| “priginal ‘concest.30 # now has other | University, of. California atj7¥"s. away—to' woo the. ‘Troll; William Barbe, who has also|man? the slowed,, embittered| deparimments: But that was its status ‘Davis last ‘night‘“and-tears on/King's daughter and natrowly;lit the show wonderfully well, oldster-—are-the -werk of. a . UBHE very recently,.and thinking of ' stage at the final curtain, andjescape her peoples’ retribu-| are: amongthe’ finest, and born. and greatly gifted actor.[ in those terms underlines a point made -W spplause’ which. refused: nd Fon to make a fortune run-/ most frightening, I have ever Bat -even finer are the: sug-|.. before in these columms, Less and fess Ml quit despite the fact it. was ning slaves ‘to America and'seen on any stage). . gestions ofthe. Peer: inside—}. Se Ra enka after midnight. ols to China; to impersqnate ' ‘Finally, Schildicraut has in-|the pathetic bravado; the sui-/ sana cote could net henge | smilingly implacable f e 11'0:w! director must bow to. his-act-jgreat many fine ones: — the 7 ‘and. allows the to run nearly four io ang Donal West a 26 ‘who ‘calls “himself“a.Buttonlots, too.There ‘are a ‘great|wild, funny,richly colorful! hous, Despite this, and the elusive year graduate student, is deli-: ‘ Moulder and has been sent by|many vividly outstanding perTroll King: and Dr, Begriffen-|_ nature of the work itself, *“Peer’ -vering in. the: title role ‘a per-): The. Master to: scoop Peer-up formanices in this show. . -|feldt of Alan Stambusky; the} rbeen a sf Dees Bay prior: i formance of absolutely aston-: in his: ladle “with.the other}. ~.. Inside Peer. ___..|warm, touching, comical and} sby time and other factors. It West must -bé‘seen. to’ bejeminently . human Mo ) iled: goods,”that ‘he has!” 7 : , varie yand power ‘maturity. never been: himself at all. ““To|believed. The detail, the clar-\Gynt of Patricia ; =be one’s self,”. the Butt oniity, the perfect. physical yeri-| gene! “IE you: are oe of the: 1000: Moulder explains, * ‘is to slayjsimilitude “with which: -he|Carlson, so agratle and vet ‘OF SO people ‘Who have UCKELS: one’s. self ‘— to-starid : forth creates: the ‘three. drastically] so" fatal: for the remaining eight origin-: i everywhere. with the Master's]... ‘ally. scheduled. performances,; intention displayed -on him| -you-are lucky. If you:are not,’ like’ a ‘signboard.”:: ae get one for the added. -But ‘if-Peer at ‘Jast has to}. vember S€V-i 5 | ‘eral ways, .thisproduction’ is! face. his failure, he also. finds ‘a truly ‘memorable theatrical’ be experience, . | : tnie:self.ail this wasted time? "and Braga on st es Her. answer-hag a transcend-}: oné.of the m v ‘ent beauty: “In my. faith, .in ‘markabi 7 aoe ‘my. ope, and in my-love.”Ulat nae “The first thing Schildkrauti at all. It. is. a long. dramatic’. “has done for this long and ex With. a cast of 72—all except two Or three. in their late. teens or early 20's—Schildkraut has conceded noth3 ing +o. his limitations i in technical fas termined ‘to ‘plunge. into professional =. theatre~— with Schitdkraut's ‘sponsor @ director’. good. enou yh to: Piece is workable}. ‘Téalize. fem: cand aters: tal-i 1 acting ‘version. and then see to! WP ented. enough to help. Schild-i#t that. his extremely “Jarge} 3 kraut has made it work bril-! tcast.speaks-itwith an ‘absolliantly;, play or not, it not only! ; ute: clarity, which is: Tare. ini holds ‘you: but often grips you.; college productions. ‘You.-cani: “As you ‘may know, it traces hear.. and: understand: ‘everyii the progress of a ‘Norwegian| Jast word’ everybody. Says, and; .. Ml Everyman whi, ‘with a ‘ruth-" ‘every word is. ‘spoken, with a! “less, resourceful atetntion fo. finm sense. ‘of its:meaning. | ‘MB his ‘own’ desife-and: profit; °. Snuffling Monsters” 3 runs through. life hewing. to.a:. ‘Secondly; he-has. drawn: on! single ‘motto: ‘Man, be. thyself the theatrical: ‘wisdom «of. a| —only to find. at:the end; as. lifetime to. fill his °T shaped/ __ @soznany of us do; that he. does. ‘stage ‘with:allthe action, ex-} YY not know who he is. -. 7 serial can gad humor the -mata’ As. a-youth; quick of mindie can legitimately. support. f and. Prthreas Peer: eases the: ’The show is.fulk of brilliantly Fache of his dissatisfaction imaginative examples of this; ‘with: brags. and: -lies; ‘chases[Dut none quite 'so spectacular after girls and finds ‘one, Soke as’ the scene in the Troll King's cave, f full: ‘of ‘morfing,| arieg . _— 0 tat Shank, Mary Offermann, Joan Oetfinger, Alan Stambusky, James Haynie, : tings oy Clifford Cc. Fellage and Wil‘Ham Barbe, Tesbelle Lider did the useful choreog .. Faphy, . . E It is ‘Significant that Schiidkraut, in | observance of his 50th anniversary 3s ‘an actor, has ‘not chosen to note: the oécasion with. a display piece in ‘which he is starred. He is busy enough any way, in films, TV and perhaps soon @ _. again on the Broadway stage. But his 3 ‘" Gmportant: gesture, as he sees it, is to gpass the torch to these young people. 3 His 2 gesture ate ee achieve f 0 ‘SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE V a Wei DU een “Toe ea ‘Peer Gynt" Te ene pias 7 She is a veterinary major ialDonal West shoold have: a | By RALPH ROSH . on opening night ‘seemed to com:|: Most of the people doubled in ented: ‘William.’ Barbe: who. lei husbandry, . as Schildand .‘lustrious . career impact of a dramatic The greatly inc pletely ‘agree’ with ‘some .of the!two or even three roles, 1 the splendid over-all’ set(KtTaut ‘told ‘us ‘in another r “post-leveti Schildkrant's o years i the a ‘ton. of Henrik Ibsen's dramatic|interpretations, ‘but: it. must. be ‘They . accomplished * these concept together with Clifford C.} lay’: curtain speech. = _jthe theatre. : He off Hike as ‘poem, “Peer Gyi ” directed by aéreed that they are otiginal, if changes and rransitions with re-/Fellage and ‘also. created the. her “‘te type” and I is no secet.that we claim| Be went off like a skyrock Joseph ‘Schildkraut for: the UC|especially “earthy” ‘at times. fmarkable helievability.and with tume designs and light palterns. jas. had no. previous ‘acting, ex-(Doval West, with: pardonablejfrom the -opening lines ané ‘Davis. Department of Dramatic! In the second part, “The Afri-ithe invaluable aid of Charles F.|'. “Mother Ase” was beautifully|PeTvence. Her completely honest;pride and ‘pee Schildkraut, 2s our played every transition from Art and speech in’ cooperationjcan Act,” as it is called, “Schild-|Slater and. his: crew.of makeup)played by Patricia Shank. It is*lfort, devoid of -excessive his-/own’ personal. “discovery,” dat-irogue to troll to lover to mer with The Regalers, opened ‘at|kraut has. “Peer” assume. alartisis. {amv Ungrateful vole, ‘She: dies at|*Tionics, was’ joy. jing back to om iret expesure ol share fo prophet to Emperor 10 East Hall. Theater ‘on the. Davis|half-Southern, half-Texas dialect}. The heads of the’ ther technijthe énd-of Part One. The strength| To us, Joan Oettinger ts one of work in “Man’ And Super 0 ~ | jbroken old man crying out in the campus. Thursday evening, : |Which, fo us, serves. to heighten/eal depattments.and their crews|0f her performance, her the most: naturally gifted youngiman” two summers ago. : f his true “sek” -Producéd in tiny ast Hall with/and point up the comedy: and a-ideserve. an equal accolade—Dav-\exts: of" tenderness, . fury. sndjactresses we have ever'seen. Wel It was partly bécanse we reWiiderness cal L college: students, ‘local amateurs|tire inherent in the piece.: .. -: lid" Sales; lighting; Mary. Wallis, Pathos weré:not forgotten as‘evi-/Were y_ enthusiastic: abou ‘the ‘discovery of. this ex.jWith force, ¢ ism, pene and a few players with some pro-|. In the same ‘act, sultry, .sexy|costime-making. (over 256 injdenced by‘ the reception she reether performance in’ “Electra” |ceptional talent to .’Schildkcrautiness, bravado and inner intro-IiAfessional or semi-professioual ex |"Anitra”’ turns, out. to /have “alail); Charles A. Grover, set -con-|ceived at thé ‘end ‘of the Play, lag Yours ‘and she is equally ef-jthat he agré e Uniof this complex. role, AyPerience. using a. ‘combination|Brooklynese accent... ” . [struction and painting; Lawrence|some two ‘hours Jater, as “The Green Clad One” |versity’s offer ax guest-directorwhich can only be accomplisheds Proscenium = arena: stage and| Schildkraut: has taken. a con-|C. Hendrick, technical director;| Alan /Stambusky, ° a. ttyl roto oe Milecturer: and ‘came to ‘Davis ee evetines ence the doo ha mpdike: ‘platforms, expending |glomerate cross section-of hu-(Jerome. Rosen, musical adviser member and present acting head” ‘Peer Gynt” oe {stage and produce this play. -even the individual ‘Monetary’ pittance, . theiman beings and’ temperaments,|Leonora Rogers, assistant direc-(of the department in the absence} ‘Finally, we "There have wally been two oth. {bimsel is not aware of their ex¥ : enid result. {a aimest unbeliey-jalmost: as varied as the .actualitors; Jerry. Sutherland and Doralof Theodore Shank on a Sabbati-|West—“Péer: © Gynt — Hiner productions Ment e [ei gece em ei! te re Isabelle|cal, played two roles, “The ‘Trollj. We. feel Schildkraut will agrée|“Peer Gynt” in this country dur-|. For “Pee A ectiveness. |. , JSix short weeks melded them info|Lider: for her excellent .chareog. King” aad’ “Dr. Begriffenteldt. enteldt.” | thet: West is. the finest. “Peerling. the ‘#year lapse mt! Bravo Mr. West! “* TE Serene nthe ila company of sbesve players any ene Cele acme Solreig Gat ance ance Schldirant Himes |Schrant played Afi se Bravo, the ene company! ex! eo | if ow : : le ee re . ; er oY? 2 iby at og? A 3 < iy: ro, “3. . “ ———_ b ae " om . eo. wet me 9 Oe . . oy : ve ee ee oe