Variety (November 1963)

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5) ” Canoe T Tale ) Twentieth-F0x,. which hada earlier reserved a $250. table for}. the New York Newspaperwomen’s| Club annual Front Page dinner dance, last week eaneelled the reservation on learning that Judith |. Crist, N.Y. Herald-Tribunecritic, is to be given. an. award fort her review of “Cleopatra.” The} Crist review something of.a cen versation piece Iast June; tore. the} picture to. bits “ gen credited * with having. “put femme reporter. “on the map”: for the first ‘time with the. fie companies. — Miss Crist gets 1 and the fact that “the. ‘citation specifically mentions “Cleo” was Aster on Friday (22):. In his letter to the organization asking out from dinner, 20th veep Jonas Resenfiel Id Jr. called the Crist review. “a full-page abortive. assassination” of the film. Ad dressed. to Lorettz: King (known a2; Kate Cameron on the N.Y. Daily |, News), the elub’s first vicepresi-~ dent, the letter went on to de‘scribe the Crist review as “a minority report of ‘one, among all |: the metropolitan papers.” It said that 20th had’. never (Continued on Page. 18). " HLANOVA 70 SI se Moscow, Nev. 19. the Bolshoi Ballet’s No. 1 ballerina a couple of years-ago,. will probably be named to head. the Bolshoi's choreographic — who has “retired.” Bolshoi's 1 to.“the old school” and. didn't. en-{ courage new or young choreog‘governmental -. : British Caribb : ib ean island. and in| "Processia skies as director. and co-: f ae author with Philip. Dunning .of ¥ considered hat.: red somewha controversial ig9a7), as director a nd coprodu ‘of: “20th Century”. “€1932), irector raphers. ‘Ulanevs Teaching Seale Milan, Nov. 19.. La. Seala of Milan and Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow have come to di ‘an agreement about cu-tural ex-f Jamai | banned ‘im. the Bahamas, Delieved | ; [by many te be: the implied locale | : film events detailed in. the: novel and. : ‘Previous | “bookings: for "Nassau bo have: beer “announced change of the two. companies... Di Bolshoi Ballet will play in “Milan | next season at the same time when: the epera will be performing inj Moscow... The. program has notth been. set. Another agreement was reached the with the Ex-Prima-Balerina Galina Ulanova who wilk teach extensive} courses. and: mester-classes at ‘the is Ballet School ef La. Scala. President Jom ¥ ‘Kennedy has| ‘made'a theatrieal trailer for: the KENNEDY'S cOMFO TRAWLER: —i Bet Ha ‘Civt Rights Wit Nething | lille film}. Council. of. Motion: Picture. Organi|. ne in the Bill of Rights, Nearly: 1,000| ‘prints: ‘are being distributed free | ‘ef charge to. exhibitors by National ‘Sereen Service, © «. _" .-| . The President’s message. is. tied a ‘Fwith “Bil -of Rights: Day, which ‘is.[ Dec. 15:.In the film, the chief executive’ ‘discusses ‘the: origin. of the | . apparently foo.-much ‘for 20th. to: . especially ‘at a.$250 tab. | Dinner “wilt be held at the -Hotel: writing. No reference to civil Tights or COMPO’s cerisorship and classi: fieation drives is‘made. It is in con| ‘nection with the classification ’cam: paign that the organization began | its Bill of Rights push, in the hope’ of alerting the public to its provi-| sions as: an. anti-classifieation faetor-. . ‘Kodak contributed 200,000: feet of.|: ‘raw stock, News of the Day filmed § the President: inthe White House 4 Movielab donated the | | National Sereen . is f handling distribution. Charles. E. |. , | exec vp, em-f So % | phasized, in a. statement about the} ~ = “| project, that. ‘it. will constitute a} | public ‘service which ‘should. en| ep fance ‘the film. industry’s‘ reputa| ‘ * | tion, which . is: in organization's publie relations’ pro| sem He urged exhibiter support, OSCOW, | ‘w~ -Epointing out, for enefit o Galina Ulanova, who retired 28/ those: ne that the miessage ‘had nething to do with the Ken-| edy. administration’s. elvil rights. ent, stand. — oF replacing Prof. Leonid arrest tN iC AUS AU'S DELAYED 57 | -cently appointed new general man-t ' ) ager, Milhail Chulaki, is not talk-} ing, but admits that “changes off importance” are being considered. | ~ Lavrosky has. been the target off : a lot of criticism here of late tof”, the effect that he stuck too closely} 1) ting ithe politica intrigue an and in At. -COMPO’s: request, printing and: McCarthy, C Nassau: . Nov: 20. “Island ip. the Sun”: had: its first ,fWwhen Srst. released: ‘in 1957. Al h shown in other: West -In line with. the | from . time |. DANNY THOMAS “PAUL. ANKA with ‘unique. ac Complishments has acquired wound‘ the-world: ‘acceptance. ~ “So ‘young and yet sO. “gifted: ‘bis 7 ‘Universal appeal rates PAUL ANKA = truly. phenomenal at.22. . . “EL -syish I ‘had. iptarted ‘tn. ‘show business’ with: as* much : talént PAUL I: might have made. ‘tt. big... “By ROBERT. DOWNING “ “Mister Abbott”. by. George Ab-: |bott (Random House; $4.95) is the | autobiography. of the. doyen of the | American: ‘theatre, It wilt be pub| lished Nov. 25—the 50th anniversary | | of the author's debut ‘on, the Broad| way ‘stage in. a. Play ealled, “The 2 ee | Misleading Lady.” o f. ‘INTERRACIAL ‘SUN’ PIC. Teading -audiences.. ‘Chronology ‘in. ‘achievements in show biz as actor, {director, author; .coauthor, =. | doctor," producer and: coproducer. | From thesping in “Lightnin,” “Dada | dies,” “Hell-bent for Heaven,” and | Abbott is noted for seldom‘ niis-. tome. cites his. half-century. play “Processional,” Abbott lit up ‘the |} “Broadway,” . (1926), | “Coquette”. “(Continued on page Way. Wiliam Helden Phas To Continue Producing. Piri a Overseas. Spots ‘Tokyo, Nov. 12. * Globetrotting ‘William . ’t -been: before the U. S.. since | -“] have a ‘reputation for going [ “Ttfte. various ° ‘parts of: the-:world to | Enclosed find check for Sesstesennede Please. send VARIETY. for £) Two. Years. “One Year” : [} Three Years: :3 Te peedeccccacacecceccuccacevedcsectasee Corccssecenee . Street. teeceeeccecsersonseecsocsese eeee Beereccevecoooe: . CHF secsviivernrestersenssert Zone... State... |. Meme Siri an “Three Years—$39.00 Twe. Yoors—S28.00 New York. N.Y. 10036 | a} take . grounds,” I| “There’s ‘always new ‘stories.. and | I} old ‘backgrounds. This As an ever{| ; | changing world.”**. f reissued : | Kwai’ | effect. of -his .picturemaking ‘in’ re| f | mote ‘locations: might not. be° takting him too’ far. astray for ready. A} audience. identification. -. BI nobody . Hollywood—although: the -subtitle advantage: of the. backHolden . told: Vartety. | * During: a break. ‘in. promoting the | “Bridge on the” River “Holden was -asked if the} “It's “possible,” Holden said, “but | “(Continued on “page 8) “with. a. “Cast. of “Thousands” by | | Jd} Schary .Zimmer (Stein & Day; ||} $4.95) is an aceount of ‘what it was |} to be the -daughter. of Dore | ing .up-in Hollywood. ' Schary,: growing ; | Cwell, actually, Beverly Hills, since “Zimmer :makes it clear: that} who was: anybody lived in. ‘op her tome is .“A. Hollywood | 4 Childhood”). ‘Mrs. “Zimmer has written a ‘Te p of family life in Schary. Manor | cite which might be the ‘life. of tahy American. family of amar | components: were it not: possitte | ‘(Continued on page 7. . BEany Faceted: Comedy: Star, saya: f ‘as| director and ceproducer. Holden | ans | said here that he'll continue . to: +1. | make . ‘pictures in: Overseas loéa-. th. {tioas. Holden -hasn }the cameras -in #1958. He’s -been’ making his’ pic| ‘tures in Asia;. ‘Africa: and. Europe. Wednesday, November 20, 1963. ~ Israel Plots Own Riviera’ Natanya, Israel, Nov. 19. . N atanya,, a seaside resort not far from the city of Tel-Aviv; will be turned into an Israeli “Riviera”: at the cost of 10,000,000 Israeli unds. The city with spotless. beaches, shaded. walks and .parks + been an attraction for the local population but. now jit is | intended to draw more overseas visitors. There: are to be 2% hotels, _ all airconditioned. The planned improvements are a large picnic ~ area for 10,000 people and the rebuilding of an:806 seefront. amphi theatre up to now unusable because of bad. acoustics... A 16-story, 120-room loxury hotel is under construction: Natanya: “TOUJOURS SHOWMANSHIP MGM Seeks Le ‘Thuy Nhu ror} “Fu. Manchu's / ‘Daughter. Hollywood. Nov: 1%... Metro. ‘producer ‘ Lawrence. Wein | garten: can ‘wangle adeal. -He’s | trying: te sign the Viet Nam: beaaty, | :<| now in Rome with her-mother. but | who electrifted Hollywood. when. ‘she was: here recently, for his up|coming film, “The Mask of Dr. Fu Manebu.” |. Producer -has: asked. GAC agent. ae Bill -Josephy to “investigate the-| possibilities” of. inking the slim |. | looker for film which.rolls in Feb-| } fruary. She would play the role OF: Dr. Fu “Manchu's daughter. TY HARDIN'S ANGER AT HOLLYWOOD BRUSH’ |... | Hst of musical clients; starting with ‘Leonard Bernstein,; whom he hag “|managed. sinee the conductor. was a 16-year old virtuoso. Other talent. Madrid, Nov. 19. °. Ty Hardin has secured. his release from: Watner Bros.. and is embarking on a series -of producaa a-.} “| tion with Richard Meyer. Differ} *© ences ‘between Hardin and War|: ‘ners arose over accruals to the ex-.| ‘Hardin decided to blow. ‘the disputed:-sum .as well as~a tiqns and. coproductions in’ video star.: major.role in. ‘Warners’. ‘upcoming .“The Undefeated” to Play. a lone: hand in the future. | TROY DONAHUE EYES first venture, : SBeadine” tas: star, announced his: separation ‘from the ‘Hollywood major befere his de| Parture’ for London; where he will} -sereen. his 95-minute: ‘western fea|} | tare and try to sew up: individual. _or conglomerate distrib deals. « . ‘Soured by ‘what-he terms. “Hol | lywood’s neglect in, building. .newj|-young-gutty : stars,” this own six solid years. of tele | vision stardom only to end up in. “PT 109° when; he said, ‘“Important roles like the ones in ‘The Carpetbaggers’ * -Nevada Smith’ were offered thett old-time. veter encounter career growth: on the West Coast, where studios offer no. future, ‘influenced his poecision to. strike out on his. « own in n Spain. {radio ‘program’ .. and orchestra. showman, ‘is esta ;a new Management office . in. ‘York: at age.82.. He. will. Join. Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhw’s 18-year| onyeiil.. old -Gaughter, Le Thuy, will ap-. “pear. im an American. picture if ‘Judson . and. he pointed to. kid ‘mutually.” . Recalling’ the ty series in which he appeared; Donahue said “Surfe.... side 6”. was “an abortion of. the: arts if: there ever: was: one” |.and.“Hawaiian Eye” was’ not much: bet: . ter.. “It -was only: right that ‘better. Ashows: take. over,” “he: > opined. eT ans.” Continued disappointment to ed By. ROBERT J. ‘LANDRY. like himself a associate of: Columbia” ‘ Artiots ‘Management Inc. ‘inthe ‘new. offiee.**. ‘Judson is president, Miss O'Neill: secretary-treasurer, ‘and twe parter-vice PF _Harry.. Beall, of the Boston : Soe: and Frederick Steinway ‘of « | piano-manufacturing family. ” ‘Establishment of Judson, O'Neill, Beall & Steinway comes a matter | of weeks after. the .withdrawal: of: ‘CAME. Details ‘of : exit transaction Last ‘summer. the his "slma meter “university, Den a ‘I nison, at Grandville, O. In 1907 be a, pecame editor of Musical A where his writings ‘Leopold Stokowski, resulting “ (Continued on. page 3) ~ OWN PRODUCTION CO. troy Donahue states he's. plan ‘Ring to: start his own film. produc-_ ing company when : his curreat.{eontract expires. 7 “Til admit. I .couldn’thave. made ° the top without Warner Bros. . I was. also an asset to. them. Let’s: not benefited. ourselves; : we 156 West acth St. . Syd Silverman, President , New. York, N. Y.:1 pe ‘Trade Mark Registered : ; ste ra ‘FOUNDED 1985 ‘by SIME. SILVERMAN; Published ‘Weekly by VARIETY, Wie... FUdsou 2: 2700 Hollyweod. Calif. 9 6404 Sunse +d rain 9 Hollywood #1141 D.C. 20004 7 ist National” Press Building,STerting 35443 Chicago, Ill. 66611 * 400 No, Michigan Ave. Delaware 749e4 “ eh * London, $.W.1 . 49 St.: “James's Sireet, Piccadilly, HYde Park 4561-2:3. _ SUBSCRIPTION: Annual, $15;. Foreign, $16; Single. Copies, 3 3 Cents « “ABEL GREEN, Editor oe _— fa | New Acts. Laveseasiegeses . : L Wall Street" BAMY ‘VARIaTY i 7 cPuptisned a. ab bert Pore poral verety. ‘bte2: ! =v Concert Barean ; e Symp jony, Concert and Radio. History—Partner _With Miss O’Ned, Harry Beall, “Fred Steinway. Q’Neil' . from are not known, but both. former: 7? principals, ‘sold: their ‘stock, pre-. isumably. to Kurt. Weinhold, new. |CAMI chief. “He “comments, ee Tree a 16 F oT will Bave a ‘week-long music: festival in the 450-seat Bei Hayal oe ae ; Arthur Judson, pioneer, ‘concert, Lo, “sympiiony..__ birshing * ag INDEX . | on | Bills... 03: peeceacecces 65 Night. Club: Reviews. eo tl : Casting Beecees e«< cwosnes 16 ‘| Obituaries ua pe dage es ve __ _ Chatter weeee ore ee ee eeene 78 . 7 Pictures ° a . x te Film. Reviews aeeee eeceee 6 ° Radio’ nee eee oe weegae eens BA Inside. Vaudeville ....... 62 [.-Record Reviews wveseesee, TF if Hause Reviews ew eecore , 6. a Frank Seully. s. oe cececevse 28. | Inside Radio TV ........ 42 | Felevision” :.5....0.¢:6022 “He | International eowesees ‘veces 21 . TV Film ee dewsencdeen e6 3i-. | | Legitimate ..-...65...... 68 | Television Reviews .....3: 35 : Literati ese ceecseccocces 29 Vaudeville edisveeuce whew” on fil: Music. Space ccdececouesse rH Unit Reviews vecevewecese | wr ‘