Variety (November 1963)

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gon Gym, U. of New Mexico, Albu-. oo ian Sd, 5a ee re et _ ¢ : a Wake etme” tore ne. . . vom, oe ee es ar Pe TP BP eT ‘age ~ L ” ne aan a ete Sate . Tote Wednesday, November, 20," 1963. ; >| Ba it wD ‘on. the: lesser-pald Ja | Fresh Format |: Miss ‘Kitt recailéd how ‘an ‘ine formed artist:can come to the aid: — S Continued ‘trem, pare. i— — of. sa ‘troubled. itery. . its. was. a ‘stir than pantomime. Returns al-|im Canada at a clu ad sufready ‘insure -sellout. houses: and pti a longer: run. Present: indications advised ‘to cancel .her engagement. thana a year. | put | “up. the “Teauired advance i All this happened; ‘he notes, ‘ev-|money. . | en though neither the authors nor| “But I learned. by" asking: around: ords during their « four ‘weeks’ cast had been announced and only | that “he. always. pays his. bills ‘and | Poor handling of sound equipment, booking in Melbourne. ~~ _'}the concept was made public. It}1 insisted on working so ‘he: could ’”..and” the sound | Setup in this | The ‘supporting bill, which oceuwas an idea that was dreamed up. keep. the. club. open for at least ° pies’ the-show’s first half, is. one jin company with producer ‘Robert | my’. schedule,” the singer pointed: ’ First half of thie ‘two-hour con-. ‘of the strongest to -back an inter-| Nesbitt. It will have réar, front, | out. “There: was a full -house and cert is musical, with jazzster. Vince national star here.. At no time: is| and side projection in conjunction |-7 saw. no reason. why nightly’ pay| Guaraldi trio and thirper Margie| a. “marking time” atmosphere ap-| with elaborate sets and. space-age} ments could. not be accepted. ‘McCoy. Latter, a blond looker, is | parent, . so frequently. Present. on gadgetry, . and of. course, live ace “Phe agent is trying to make the ‘sexy, sultry. and: adequate as a|such occasions. — tors. best deal’ possible’ for an -; | “singer. But she: should brush up} English “comic Des O'Connor ‘Maedonnell ‘points. out that” he and. it’s always the best economic -_ her stage demeanor, since ‘she| emcees unobtrusively with an.en-|tcok the step before the public| déal," she observed. “But: there | ‘doesn’t: come. across nearly as gaging manner and original pat‘smooth as. Guaraldi. or. Gregory.|ter: It is perhaps ‘a mistake. to She. looks”: good, -sings:. about | have three turns with an acrobatic average asa jazz” vocalist,.. but | qavor on the ‘same bill ‘such as ! | needs: to improve her: staging. | this but, ‘since. these ‘are. all really | plore new paths of entertainment. | | Jazz “pianist Guaraldi is a. tal-|top rate, it doesn’t seem to matter. Thus far his. contention is being eae | ented chap with a lot-of music in| too much. |. -| supported by British. theatregoers. emg | just two: hands: His trio work} From .Persia: are The. Iran Boys|He believes. that: it’s best for ay | (piano, drums and*. bass) is a|& Vera (the latter being: merely |Showman to decide whether a , 2] pleasant ‘hit: of stuff that satisfies | decorative. onstage); Foursome ob-| policy is old -hat before: the: public | nicely. This “is jazz that is crisp,-}-viously: would. make. more’ ‘impact | does it for him. -bright_ and .well-arranged, although | if they didn’t follow the other two} Another point’ that ‘Macdonnell | Vit. comes across sounding very. free |‘acrobatic acts. and finish the first. stressed was. that a showman should. | and ad. 1 ib, ‘half. | haye. no Lage He. has been buys Grego comes. on. for’ the Jast “f The Kempinskis, from Germany, | ing sever items irom e€ sovie | Bale a ny bill, and the audience have ‘a suspenseful routine with} ‘Union such as. The Red Army ft and | ‘there “are plenty of them | aerial ‘pole on. ‘his shoulder and} feels t that if there were more shows | @ | throughout the 45-minute solo—j then head, up. which the female}? hat cf vorld, there s md hom s hit hard’ and ‘hit home,. ‘but still Partner Clambers and somersaults: Hess" indersta di ere wo ‘bey _ | please: It’s ‘a running commentary |...But loudest-applause goes to|/€SS misunderstanding. : ‘oh’ present-day American life, ‘The ‘Dalrays, two males of ‘con-|. He opines that the. ‘Russians are 7 | with the. race relations angle con-|trasting.. heights,. who — provide just as anxious ‘to export big’ at-|f }-stantly the focal point.” © |-much fun: in. their perfectly timed |tractions as the public’ is to ‘see |f S| The overall. ‘performance, howknockabouts. : Particularly effecthem. He has travelled extensively | ea ee | | ever, isn’t racial, but-~runs the tive is a-duet from “Carmen” (in. behind Iron oman comms in|l re Helen Gershon of Eat. Unlimited: -|' © ' Himit. of” the -stuff in’ the” news| appropriate. -garb), -. meticulously | for 1 d. suitable ‘attractions }| Franke for your confadence—t won't J. . |papers. Constantly: ‘there are |mimed operatic recording. [1° #ngan | _ beve ya | {| bright. ‘endings, ‘bparhs and. ‘bombs American Chetney: Clark more | Macdonnell. emphasizes that. there| ‘on established institutions, With a:| than holds attention. with a har-|is.a-need for showmen to reorient} ‘|| college saudience;. they ‘go across| ‘monica ‘recital. -He also conducts their thinking. They cannot remain |much smoother. and get” better | the. band. in ‘traditional grooves in a moving ‘results. © Mitt. -Except : ‘for a. brief warmup on society. Competition will foree ae the part of Des O’Connor, Eddy them into new ways. He cited one | FH. ‘and Miss Sherwood otcupy the example .as the need to come upj ‘Eddy. & Sherwood ‘Show. -whole ‘of the‘ second half, being of with an _attracti a to. counter fel ‘Melbourne, Nov.’ 3. stage for. 50 ‘minutes. Stan. razy Gang: . te whipped up Presented by. Chequers Restau-. —— “Black & White. Minstrels” whieh } Illness Ends Nelson Eddy I will ha’ run of several ears. Me ‘fl rant-Aztec ‘Services Pty. ‘Ltd. and He is ve a working. ‘on a. * tk {{ Tivolt Nelo Baan cule aie): -fedition’to open in 1965. | Stars . Nelson: y ale 1 . ‘}] wood;. features: ‘Theodore Paxson, |" Show. at Tivoli, Melbourne; ane ola te hope for vaue| | att. \ Te | Des .O’Connor, Chetney Clark, Del| Nea ‘Riot. t Earlie Per f he carinot see any future. for it | TARP ICH KA ACL |} rays’ (2), Iran Boys & Vera (4), rhta er Feri. | put new thinking: will put the thee |F VAURIL AFITIVGIT 0} .|| The. empinskis; designed. cand | : ‘Melbourne, ‘Nov. 19, | tre on a firm.basis and. it’s up to}} ga‘, —— ‘ ane i: 1 staged: by. Angus: Winneke; must a whe Nelson... “Eddy ‘Show ‘ showmen to come up: with the. ideas: RAT FINK ROOM. ae — |} cat direction,-Chetney. Clark.: :. wound. wp. Saturday. (16) night that will keep the theatre prosper-. GEES. 2 SaCER FSW weire .. H Opened . at. Tivoli Theatre, ‘Meb after © ‘th é ‘ailing ‘singer ap-. ous and. entertainment’ seekers 7 | Atop The Reundteble. s ; ]| bourne, Nov. 2; "63; $3.93 top. | peared for 15 minutes against |} 151. East 50th Se, New York, N.Y. ] This apparently is Nelson. Eddy” § “doctor's orders. He was di happy. ° first venture in a. theatrewith: his ‘rected: to rest his voice for six . in. fine voice, prevents this getting ‘ft out. of -hand. by. his warming ‘mod‘esty which’ registers. well. with | patrons. He also reveals fine. traits | . A} of showmanship and. delivers what : i the | audience wants te beer wie | a humorous andunexpected twist.. Audience here, predominantly : Miss ‘Sherwood is Casy on. the college ‘students, responded Mets J eye, has a voice tomatch Eddy’s Dick” Gregory, Vince ‘Guaraldi well to: most of the. “bright barbs.| and is “an: acconiplished comedi-| Trio (32), Margie McCoy: At John| “Show came across: excellently, enne. The duo got. a tremendous, _ ‘with only possible criticism in the | well deserved ovation: on the first acoustics, Many. of the: “well-timéd| night and. look set to. break recgags missed completely because of Dick Gregery Shew Atbugquerque, Nov. .19.. querque, Nov. 10, 1963; $2.75 fp. ae Dick ‘Gregory, who’ Ss oh a one‘nighter tour, has a-hip-show for hip folks. It digs in, it damns. many | established institutions, but it stil. delights. — This ‘was the. comic's first outing in this. area, but his approach and his style are not new to local folks who. have caugat him on tv. look for something new. He felt} besides money. It works out. bet-. that the Palladium should apply ter in ‘the long. run.” : its: traditional leadership and ‘ex-} : > now cot att ise, ; BONNA LYNN vs a3 year ‘eld-geing oan stardom). Reps ERNESTING McCLENDON, oe Rat Fiaks Rejoice— a ae : You H Have A New Home... aE 10Sher-| Weeks fellowing his return te | CAG FILES | 7 [20 year old att — aa. Faake -. the U.S, later. this week. Le “Eartha Kitt meters Ea ‘S08 — the transition. from. cabaret. toa Nelson Eddy, who's topping. the | sams — “Continued from page i — sche iy ar a ee | pil at the Tivoli Theatre here with partner Gale’ Sherwood, ‘returned ' ‘to. the stage: Thursday. (14). after. missing’ four. performances due to illness. During the week following the. duo’s Nov:...2 opening Eddy ‘developed ‘a :cold,. laryngitis. ‘and & fever.. He insisted. in going on: for | a Saturday matinee . ‘but lost" his. | | voice after-two songs.: | -Before. the ‘start of. the. Saturday :f | Hee-Comebacks $3; 408 Bruni . : ses 53; 500 Coll e-Teenage type F | a BARGAIN: 6,260 gaga $28. v. an (42. W. Toad St, New Aid ai, iY. : [ilarge house. | | Possibly: the..turn. is. esséuitially ii the .samé, with pianist Theodore 4\.Paxsen and 10-piece orchestra on ‘stage. But. it: runs smoothly in the [| Tiyolf-and one gets.thé impres-. ‘I sion ‘that. Eddy..and Miss Sherwood fil don’t: really need. mikes,’ so power: fully do ‘their -voices come ‘over. . =| That: nostalgia is janie. alr “is I evident. with ‘a. burst applause. (9) evening: performance the audi1 rent announcements . ay te ro ence was informed from the stage: L Gwe. _ {1 enquiries te } pe Ram's | }that ‘Eddy would..not. appear. |] XN @F WNW me BLE Nera,’ 743_ Breedway, Bvifele, N.Y. Hundreds. ‘of angry patrons de| RY KS . | Ne _— = manded their money back. Threats jj. fof legal. action were. also. ‘made. |[E | English ‘comic “Johnny: Lockwood |] woe {and Irish tenor Bill McCormack | | were hastily: ‘substituted, They and‘| Miss Sherwood filled in nicely and jf _| show: ‘Tan. a minutes. Jonger . ‘than jusual. . mI : "Some “400 customers ‘of ‘the. 1, 400 ae capacity-filled. house sought refunds ’ 382 | aceording ‘to. Tivoli managing disee -| rector. Gordon: C: Cooper. He && | pointed out at the time of the in-| 23 | cident that. refunds would. either be} ss | made or ‘anyone caring to. could} ae : a have -tickets exchanged ‘for a per:|formance later’ during the four| week engagement of Eady a and: Miss ; Sherwood. | can &. place pook » expensive’ acts? Only: once or. twice _a year. They. always Iose money on them. They do it. for ‘Prestige and: hope’ to} 3 £0. wer ex amt, ‘San Giese inc Calif. | A roan ROOM, en Ha | 1 aerery Wincsire Hoos Bort Mi S. WHALES 7 | has a ‘good voice. ; “ noteble figure... . scores with her: comedy material... She'll be , heard from: again and again.” ae | — oemdfack: Thompson, New York Journal-American oO “Thank: you. MAX GORDON for’ picking up my option at your ‘BLUE ANGEL in New \ ” York. oo . December. 2—Suttmillers, Dayton. © December 16-—Eddie's; Kansas City. ; edema: oo ‘Parional: Ménagement:, Doris Henig, 307, N. Michigan 4 Ave. Chicago, [Manis _ } . nee _ a _ Special Arenson JOHNNY FRIGO a art me koe te _ ASSOCIATED nooKING F CORPORATION It. *palatepapcamen™ Diane 2 . x ree ee could. get tired of the old and {must be a consideration .of factors” _