Variety (November 1963)

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L vs per te we ee, aw ¢ £ le ee ee 3 . on ao. € . a ae ™ oles ab. tal ced Ss Thos! . aan . eras = «4 ‘Followin, are ‘available. parts: in ‘upcom way, and cing are shows, as well:as ballet, films, industrial and tele” vision shows. All information has. been. obtained | ‘directly’ by. the VYarrery Casting Department by telephone calls, ‘and has, been: T@ cked as of noon yesterday (Tues.).. ° one Aas he oon at will: be repeated weekly until filled, and addi: tions to the list will be mace only-when information is secured from responsible parties. The intention ig to service. nerformers -with: leads provided. by the: managements, of the shows involved rather than. to: run a wild goose maruthon.:.. This information: ic: published without. charge. Porenthetical d designations are. as follows: { cj “Comedy;: (D) Drama, (MC) Musical Comedy, (MiG) ‘Musical’ Drama, (RY Reviies. (Rep): Repertory, (DR) Dramatic g Reading, (78) Souble: ‘Bill. te: q i villain, : “Professor. Moriarty: “male: ; 26-36, handsome, light baritone. or. |i tenor: boys, . 8-17, sing ahd dance; —}.| be. able to do cockney accent, Mail | photos..and . resumes = c/o . -above ~ -.p address. _ Ae -Pro“Dylan” (D). Producers, George BROADWAY “Abraham ‘Cochrane” (D).. ducers, Walter. Fried & Helen ‘W.. George & “Frank. Granaf .(c/o Jacobson -(119 wv aamie. Be ‘Casting Consultants, 444. Madison vailable par , Ave., N.Y.).. Available. ‘part:, male, -. parlor maid; male, middle-aged, femme, late 20s-early 30s, attrac“tive. Mail photos and resumes ‘e/o above address:. Do not phone or visit. “Raker Street” (MD. "producer, Alexahder H.. Cohen (c/o Casting. Consultants, 444 Madison Ave., N.Y.}. Available parts: femme lead,. 26-36, glamorous,. intelligent,. soprano, must sing well: male, middle-age, Dr. _Watson; male, ‘SBE en international drama quarterly 28-35, . ‘handsome, sexy; preferably | Spanish or Italian looking. Accept-: ing’ photos and resumes c/o above: ‘address .and. through agents. '» “EasyDoes “It.” AC). ers, pany, 1545 Broadway, :N.Y.): Avail-. lable parts: femme lead, 30, attrac~ tive, flippant serse of. humor: ‘male, (30, zany, uninhibited writer; ‘male, 35, alcoholic . “artist; male, 23, bright college grad: -femmie, 20, -busy-hody, ‘comic; male; 28. “poin‘pous, efficient PR. “nran; male, 55, | ative -but nice. army officer: ‘male, , (type, no sense of humor; femmes, . Rietiy, -1 40-60, comedy members. of ‘women’s | Editor: Robert Caw. (breakfast club. Mail: photos and. $%. Jean-Louis Berrault, resumes to. Michael. Parver. ‘(e/o | Georges Schehade, Daany Abee ‘above. address). -Do Not. phone. or i Paole Levi, Rene de Obsldis, visit. Be Laurent Leurson. . R “Fanny Gir ” an, Producers: | “|. Ray: Star Dav errick (1650 | Appearing shortly — #3. . .| Broadway,..N.Y.). Available. parts: New American. Drama Issued. femme, .40ish; comedienne,. .must: | sing; femme, 20s; beautiful, dancer | | who: sings: well, must ‘play comedy; [male lead; early: 20s, must.sing and. | move’... well; “character: : women, THE WINDOWS OF . HEAVEN a Dark Comedy by. Shimon Wincelberg. from a novella by R. Bryks “THE WORKOUT -by Albert. Bermel. | must. sing™..and © dance; -| Negro; male, character, must sing; ’ femmes, ‘Ziegfeld: ‘girls, must: sing. | and dance; : male,” 50ish; _businéss| man .type,..must:-sing. Male or | {femme expert roller skater, 5 ft..5 | inches. tall,, medium build. Mail Aigeuen | Photos. and. resumes to. Lawrence "". 1 Kasha c/o above address.. a | Producer, Joseph Catés:(1,000°'Park |.) Ave.,. N-Y.). Available parts; male, : attractive | character. lead,” 30-40; }| femme, 25-30;. chic, stunning, ‘must | S.. {| sing; ‘male, 25-35, ‘shy, ‘intelligent; | t| male, 50ish, -paritone; femme, 25Seu |] 35, must dance: well, Tatin type; Oe Be tale, young, smart, totigh’ stooge; |'male, middle-aged ‘shy, Tetiring, “3 || dignified; ‘male, ~50ish,: head. § || bank; :male, 22-28, ernest, -respect= || able; male, leading: man: type must. SS | dance. ‘Mail. photos ‘and: resumes. So | & George Thorn. (119. We 57th: St.,. 1| “Side. Show”. <M): ‘Producer, | _ {| Kermit: Bloomgarden. (1545, Broad-}? | SERRES ASS CG eee: || WAY, N.Y.; JU 2-1690). “Available sé [| parts: “Male, 30s, tall, ‘gangling, Z |} who. can -sing, dance, :-move. | ARLENE FONTANA || well. ° Mail. -photos: and res-. | A , {| umes. ‘efo Casting | Consultants (444 : Co-Starring in “FLOWER DRUM SONG" 4+) Madison. Ave., » ¥). ‘Do. not | Phone: or ‘visit. _ OFF-BROADWAY to Co —.. # Equity. only: Boys, 12-16;. femme, _ Per. Mer: JACK BEEKMAN, JU 6-2926 1/15, attractive: male, vearly 30s, so“ ne | cial. ‘worker, . ‘femme,. late. 20s, --attractive:: . character. male, 35-43; ‘male, early 50s, . Ed: Begley. type: [i male, early. 50s, legit German: ac_1} cent; -malé, .mid-20s, brotherly, | . energetic. | -Mail‘photos and: res|umes. c/o above address. ‘Do. not: phone OF visit. “ “Lady be: ‘Good” (MC). Produc MITZI GAYNOR | Richard Poblers, (161. W. 54th: St., N. Y.) aged: Adele ‘Astaire -~type; femme, «must. sing. and” dance; femme, 20's, sing. and dance; femme dancer-singer, . chorus girls “boys, 20’s....Mail resume. and ; ‘photos. to. Jack Levin’ ‘c/o. aboye | ae . Do not write or wvisit. < “Ride the Cockkerse”. AC), Pro-. ie $50 8th Avesse, New. York UP M.~3'PM . ©1105 W. 55th: St, _| Associates), © “. Z| characters . Rollins (c/o Laurence ‘Henry .Com-} pretty, bright; femme, 25-30; ‘office’ : blustering boss; male, 35,. authori-|"} | 40ish, : “maust sing; “male, ‘juvenile, abe a Femme, Coen |Male;. Ziegfeld; boys, .7-12, must] | ‘}sing ‘and move well, ‘experienced; ‘Producer M..J: Boyer (445.E. 58th. “What Makes Sammy Run” (MC)| | -Shréw.” ” eee Week “Circle of Sparrows” (D). Pro|” _THUN RD HOTEL 4 diicers; Parard: Productions (24 W.|. | ‘Les Veges.. 76th” St,,..N.Y.). ‘Available. parts: | | ters, Keith Holzman, Robert. Kreis; ; | oo Available | parts: male, juif venile, Astaire ‘type; male, lead-|= ing man 20-30, singer; male, 30-40, |. comedian: must sing:. male, middle-| | are: 50s, small, wily,. determined: male; mid-40s, “thin, ~ male, ‘early. 20s, male, 40s, -. thir ‘must be Irish tenor; male, late 30s, outgoing, . vital, “peacemaker” -type;. male, . 40s;. brains”;. male, 30s, ex-fighter, not ‘too-bright; male, “40s; .beer belly, | wheezy. robust” ‘laugh;. ‘male, late | -g2ret’ Webster in her play, -40s, . small, :-comic;. male, ‘middle ‘aged, ‘handsome; . ‘boy; nine. years} old, tough, rough: ‘kid:. Mail photos. and’ resumes: c/o “above : “address. we ‘Do: nat, phone or: ‘Visit. “You: the People’. (MC). Pro ducers; © Ave., “N JY.).. “Available. parts: femme, .30, Nancy”. ‘Walker _ type; male, early 30s; Buddy Hacket type; femm,. early 20s, : soprano; -male, ‘middle | 505, man;. femme, about 45, contralto or’ Mezzo; « male, -early . 20s; and’ femme,. ‘Orienfal ‘and Negro ‘types, with comic ability. Mail photos and. ‘resumes to. Harvey Flaxman, €/0. .Danot. phone’ or]: above: address, | : ve visit. . Prodiicwets Laurence Feldman .&: Jack|<°. “"" Coconut: Grove. Playhouse. (3500 Ae-1. thy. CoHins. and: featuring . Honey | Sanders, ‘is being held over. at. the | Sheraton-Palace Hotel, San ‘Fran‘cisco, through. next Sunday: (24). © |: A series of workshop. perform' ances of Niranjan Bhagat’s English |. version. of “The Vision of ‘Vasava| STOCK -. Main. ‘Highway, Miami, Fla.). cepting photos and résumés through agents only, for fall and winter season of star. package ‘productions. ‘Mail ‘to: Kip ‘Cohen: 1234 Ww. A4th 1 St., N. YI. . “Hartford Stage ‘Company. Execu tive.. Director,Jacques Cartier (65. Equity | resident company: is accept ing photos’ and resumes from male. ‘and femme :dramatiec talent for ifs: ‘12-week season, beginning in Feb. Auditions will | be held ‘in... New York later this ‘month:: Mail: to. Jacques Cartier t/o ‘aboveaddress. ttation: ; | Barbara Dana,. ciirrently on tour with “Who’s Afraid: of Virginia Woolf?” and Alan Arkin,. of the |f -Broadway _ ‘production of : Laughing,” ‘in which the actress | ‘made her legit debut, are. to be} married next August. . “Mich Ado ‘About, and. a ~The Wall”(wD). Fichandler (c/o° ‘Casting. ‘Consultants, 444. Madison Ave.,, N:Y¥.): Available part: “male lead; 30s,. Tugged.. Mail photo ‘and resume to| ‘Casting. Consultants | c/o above Address." “TOURING: = -apfooterianny ‘in Revue”. (MR). St. NX)... Available ‘parts. young ‘mate: and femme revue types who ‘male:and. femme folk’ ‘singers with or . without ©“ instrumental group. address ‘for. audition appointments. “Pleasure Cruise”. (MR). ducer-Director, Andre Villon. Au tive, miust. sing French;.’ ‘Italian, must sing and dance; femmes, 18 Theatre ‘tn. ‘Education. Executive producer, Lyn. Ely (527 Lexington. -Ave., N.Y.). 30-35, to play Henry V_ and: double * [as ‘Petruchio; male, 25-30, to play Hamlet; . femme: to: -play’ ‘Ophelia and double. as the French ‘Princess. in. Henry V.. Must ‘have authesgtic ‘to ‘play. of “The . Classical ° acting ° experi|’ Send’ photos: ‘and’ ‘resumes: to Theatre In “Education, ' Room 303, ‘e/0 above. address. ae ‘femme, “Taming French .accent; Katherine in ence a ‘must. | ~ Television | “Adventures’ in “English” (edu: ‘cational | series). ‘pearance,. shandsome, no ‘aceent,. ‘resumes. : to _ Gordon Kelly, c/o ‘USIA-ITV. (1776 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, ‘Washington 2 25," DiC). a “Sentence. of. Lite” @).. -ducer-Director. ‘Boris _Available ‘Fifth “Avenue, N.Y. eo ‘parts: femme, 17-24, sexy, sensitive; . vital; male, 25-35, handsome, character male, 35-45. ‘Mail photos |and .fesumes: c/o’ above address. ap Do. not t phone or visit. o 2 ee Spence” fit _ ae : _ haggard... bright; | ’ “sits. on. his: 'SIS.A: Productions. (c/o Harvey: .Flaxman, ° -498 West: End successful, business |. ‘Kinsley. St., Hartford; Conn.).: This. “Arena Stage, | ‘Washington,D.C.,; Producer; Zelda | | Nothing, ” | fourth production, possibly a nonShakespearean. work,’ wil prise the repertory. “program. next sing. and: move well. Also young | Mail. photos and. resumes.c/o above. Pro|: ditions. this Fri. (22) from 5-7: p.m: for femme soprano, yoiing, ‘attrac| also teach in. the theatre. arts Adivi-} ‘Spanish; : male musical | trio; Latin | ‘type, ‘must. sing; ‘femme Orientals, | 24: . attractive, must ‘dance ballet, ‘pantomime, -jazz;.all at the Harle of: quin’ Studios (203 W. 46th St., N.Y.), Available ‘parts:.male, Available: part:. ‘male, 25-35,. ‘Latin ‘American ap-. ‘good -Speech, at ‘for... continuing... role. ‘in this... series.. --Mail : photo. ..and HE ‘costumes: for ProBerést. (c/o: Creative Motion: Picture Corp., “550']. : dueer, ‘Frank ‘Roma. ‘Productions 7 N-Y,, ¢/o ‘Singer |} “Available. ‘parts: allj] “yf Irish-American, |} ~.: 21 male; ‘60, short, stocky; male, 40s, |] @ | huge, strong, ‘aggressive;. femme, j\ a ing “Broadway, terete : Dorothy : "Sands | hhas. suéceeded Nydia Westman: iri “Once for ‘the "| Asking,” opening on. Broadway: to night. (Wed). Joseph: Harris. has succeeded the late Herman Bernstein 4s general manager of “Jennie.” A repeat performance. Dy. Mar Brontes,’”’ which opened: this ‘sea-: son’s ANTA Matinee Series. at the N.Y:, several. | weeks ago, will ‘be given at the deLys next ‘Friday’ (22).. ond offering. in. the matinee pro-. ‘gram was Pp terday : _afternoon *(Tues.).: -|. “Look. At Any ‘Man;”’: ‘by. Harding LeMay, an executive with the Al{fred A. Knopf . publishing. firm.’ Theatre dé Lys, resented. house yes The Alley... Theatre, “Houston, which booked. Rebels,” headlining Nan. Martin, for four. ‘weeks, has extended. the. engagement an additional fortnight through Dec: 11, Maurice. Settle. manager ’.of the | { Browa Theatre, : Louisville; was. in-. .. }advertently omitted ‘from ‘the ‘list Log: house managers recently: pub+ lished. in VARIETY. . “South ‘Pacific,”. starring “Doro datta,”. by Bhasa, will get. under way ‘next Friday (22) at the Insti| tute for Advanced Studies in the |] Theatre Arts, N.Y.. The play was | staged by . Mrinalini Sarabhai, vis| titing director “from. India, assisted Diana Barth |} by Rupande ‘Shah, has ‘a ‘featured role: in. the Presen-. “Hamlet, ” “Richard IH”. summer: at the American Shakes‘peare . Festival, Stratford, | Conn.. -“Trial -at. Assisi,” the’ tentative . title of a new play by: Timothy |] Holme, will be: staged by E..Mar tin Browne, Coventry Cathedral's |{ = ‘drama director; . for, Dec. 12-14) &: presentation at ‘Boston. Univ.: The | stager; accompanied by. his. attress-. ‘wife, Henzie. Raeburn, resi-.} “The | ‘The. sec-. ‘Theatre. : ‘White’ ’s .. play, will ‘be premiered tonight . Tues.) It :was “Queen . and’ the]; . “Enter 4 ‘com. | thorized: to. conduct * and: ‘promote theatrical ‘tours nd other enter‘tainment, with offices in New York. {Martin J. ‘Machatwas the attorney ‘Yecording. ‘the. certificate with: the Secretary. of State. |New Patrick White Play’: To Debut in Melbourne oe Melbourne, Nov: 19. ‘The: Union. ‘Theatre . Repertory. Co. is. staging two productions ‘on ‘consecutive’ nights. ‘Jan. de Hartog’s ‘‘The Fourposter” opens: Nov. 18 for a-run‘at the Russell Street and”: novelist..: Patriek “A. Cheery. “Soul,” ‘at the’ Union Theatre... -“Cheery™ ‘Soul’ has. 38. charac ‘ters, but John: ‘Sumner, -who’s stag ing the work, is. getting by’ with .23 actors by doubling. .: The leading part is being played by . Aussie actress: Nita Pannell’ for whom White. wrote the _role. -. “Cheery. Soul”: is ~ the third. White ‘play. to. be: staged Down. ‘Under “in’ the last two years,: the other two being “The Ham: Funeral™ and “Season .at. Sarsaparilla.” A. fourth play by: the. ‘novelist, “Night on. Bald Mountain,”: may be staged bya ‘fringe group: at. next year’s. Adelaide’ Festival... mat wolfe -Ce-Starring in “HOW TO: SUCCEED IM ~ BUSINESS WITHOUT | REALLY TRYING” 7 vo : Londen we. 2 England dence: at: the eollege. where. he'll | & sion. during his ‘stay... at an: unspecified: Broadway vision.” Paul. Mann, .a memberOf: the | Permanent company of. the Reper-(1. . tory Theatre ‘of . Lincoln ‘Center, | N.Y., will supervise the continued |} draining. of the younger “actors. of |. the: group. ‘He’s closing: his ‘own. Actors’ ‘Workshop, ‘which: has been’ in ‘operation since 1953, in. order | | toconcéntrate ‘on his* new as ssign“‘ment.: | ‘Lehman ‘Engel: David Merrick plans producing an original musical with book: by. cartoonist Al Capp. It’s tentatively |f “— Picked’.a Daisy,” -which |. was the label: for the abortive. col-. laborative effort. of: Richard Rod| titled, gers. and. Alan. Jay ‘Lerner: Paxton’ Whitehead: has: switched | from the touring company. of “Be-.|]| yond ‘the Fringe” to ‘the Broadway |} _ “edition, having exchanged” assign-.}s _| ments.’ with Leigh Wharton... — {tr Irene. Sharaf? : will design ‘the. |. | “Funny : Girl,” in|}. | which: Danny | ‘Meehan will. play a | featured role. Barbra ao = who'll star. in: the ‘musical; will |} ° : give ‘a: one-woman. .concert. Nov. |-(29-30 at-the Arie Crown. Theatre, a ‘McCormick Plate, Chicago. Douglas. ‘Watson will. guest-star’ 5 with a stydent cast in a production-| { .Of Chekhov's “Three. Sisters” -at|.): | ‘Chieago’sGoodman Theatre, for: a three weeks beginning Nov. 29. | Chatham. ‘Produetions. Ine. ° au: ~ : ” “Pimpernel,” -a musical” version: 7 -of ‘The Searlet: Pimpernel,”. :with |}: ‘book: arid: lyries by: William Kaye-|1. cand. musie by Mimi.. Stone, planned by Gerald Krone. and ii. | Dorothy: ‘Olim for a Dee. 26 opén{ft ing Theatre. Malcolm ‘Black will direct j. ‘and Julian: Stein. will. handle. the : arrangements and. ‘musical super tl will, ‘conduct Wt “What ‘Makes Sammy: Run?” re | Streisand:. “MICHAEL DOMINICO ‘Currently. Featured ia “TENDERLOIN” | .-MEADOWBROOK ‘DINNER THEATRE " Cedae-Greve, N. J... ‘ALFRED ZEGA MANAGEMENT AUTHOR Wite STORY WRITER WITH EXPERIENCE Object: BOOK OR PLAY "Contact: CHAS. re MARWIG.14105 Merchandise Mart: _ Chicage. 54, Minois: ~ ST, nes HOTEL -Phila.. Headqearters: . “For People in Show Business. ‘BOB SPEDDEN, Managing bir. Located Centrally: . 13th end Welaat. Sts. ‘ROOMS: $5 op _ PENNYPACKER. 100 .