Variety (November 1963)

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Lende Stanley Kubrick's “Dr, Strangelove,” the H-Bomb satire has been postponed. Wil reach reléase later. Deciaion follewed secassinatien. _ Assassination of President Joku | F, Kennedy can be expected to! have a direct effect on a couple | ef completed > but-still-unreleased fiims, as well as on one projected | pie, the sercenplay of which i& currently being written. } Latter is Gore Vidal's first orig! nal screenplay, “America the/ Beautiful,” which indie producing | team of Stuart Millar and Law. | rence Turman revealed recently | that they would praduce fate next year. According to the original report, “America” would be a politi| campaign in the middle west, pitting & New Irontier-type of poli| tician acain.t a rcht wing cen servative. A source al feaATilar: | Surman says that Vidal oricinally ceseribed the story a¢ a sort of | “Hobby Kennedy Mcets John Woo ne.” | leace, mov have to be reedited in view of recent events. Picy how TaiC4 : ~ cal comedy about a state election | NEW ¢ W F : f : , a zt 8 im i ag te BS Jerry Lewis’ backpace ad in Dany Vaniery of Hollvwaod last week-~one word, “Gops'” recalled « similar ad some years ago placed bv Frederie¢e March and his actress-wife, Florence Eldridge, in the Now York dailies following the criticat lambasting accorded mein eee Obedient Tusbanc” 1938. The Marches, abetted «hy publicist Dick Maney, repras duced a New Yorker cartccn which showed the man on the fiving trapeze missing his fermme partner on the eriticak hand:te-hand catch “ops, gurry'? was the caption. le ee rs ne ee we meee By ABEL GREEN Some five veare after the first! ¢ nee Rerer ; appear F . | Cleveland Amory (wath Earl Blac k-| 6 Meanwhile. there are Succes: | welt hae produced another “urs fiens that some of the dialog 19) sevant compendiant af Atuecrieam the screen version of Vidal's “Best ‘quotable notables” (Harper & Row: | Man,” which Millar-Turman af@ | gos. goo¢ sn until pean, cities for ft nited Artists res belongs wWitls the Wiio'’s Whig and | Aindred antl-otogies for researctt C, HOW: ers but, in this case, alse makes VOT, will probably hew to ifs Orig« road reading. Like Whe Wiio'a, ’ final release date of May-June, the editors (Amory & Co) “tap*| , ‘the subjcct but untike the WW Columbia, mean are mnie ream Amecica series, the “Celebrity consider the timing of release, Sct Register” biogs are not sclfsep| a). atiaf-ctio: abo , America for next month, of Stamey Kub| ptied, Result ig an offbeat appreacts | dis ate tee bout th Cchetr com Mt rick’s seriacomic “Dr. Strange: | to the VIP names, coneraliy Sint elusions. arrived at and discussed | * love, Or How | Learned to Stop | patica but not ali asa. Worrving and Love the Bomb.” | Pie tells a bizarre story of high level UES. Government snafus which results in a H-bomber heading for Moscéw Same company also has “Fall Safe” wirich: is simflarly plotted but more of a) Another potentially: tricky re | ,, lease may be Paramount's “Sever | (Continued on page 14) Gv cee rao ee Se Viena Fika Theatres Strike Asainst Burden Vienna, Nov. 26. With distributcrs siding with film house owners association, a two day “strike” was held Nav. 2324 throughout the country against the “cultural” tax on filmy admis| ** sions, Which money soes to support legit houses, . Several theatre proprietors who were unwilling to join the strike } were informed by the distributors that they would not be serviced with prints—so they might as well “Come to their senses and join.” They did reluctantly. i i | &, outs, as for example three. Gi a tr OF gold, art oa | 5 | Sophie but her hushand, Adar) Chorus is the talk of the town: In Piitend are . : Home-Hypactherapy aks Sth Ave, is; Rome the Ruse soccer team is ink y 3isg gives Cotumbia Records | Gels Jaundiced E | ite 39th gold disk prize Out of the ucis Jalluiced Eye RIAA, Col haz acquired the great-} The Federal Food & Drug Ad;esk number. Capitol follaus with | ministration {ie hot on the heels of ‘Zi and RCA Victor: ts third with |p new wax racket «hich, however, }20. Miller’s 10 other goid disks 'Gimbel, head of S } ae | anh ‘not included). The columnists! town and, although not specifically blogs are treated in their own| * show biz item but definitely one styles. Posh and pop eatery bonti‘faces like the Kriendlers, Shor, ‘Romanoff (ex-) and Soule are ing ., but the Calony’s Gene Cavallerg, ; | Se. or Ir., are outs. Jeweler Harry Winstow is in but sans picture (his insurance forfends such identifica tion) and so is Walter Hoving (Tiffany) but no Carttiors (or Jules 'Glaenzer) nor Van Cleefs or Ars pele’. Quite a few Necro musicians | Subscription Order Form are ing but some tvecons are aut, after having heen in the first edi| te ton. wo. On the premise of the introduc-| Hig tory definition that a “celebrity’*} a {s a name which now makes news] by itself ali four Gahors are In-| ‘cluded, ditto Bill Paley and glamor | (Continued on page 67) Enclosed find check for $....cccccnee i q To SCUSHREEE HSH KO ROHEH LES EES : L a i Street: e t SeeeeeaesA@Ooeeeeeeee OoseeeGeo sr. GFOeceseavane. | | Please send VARIETY for [] Two Years | | [] One Year Cl Three Years @aeeeeanete+s eacevreeoeaceoantsatee © “f @@ ea aaece City. .recee: @#@seseeeec ae eaeav.e2e8 & Zone... s State. *“é¢na068408 \ Two Years—-$28.00 Three Years—§39.90 Canada and Foreign—$1 Additional Per Yeor it | | | VARIETY luc. | 154 West 46th Street ‘ i , 4 New York, N. Y. 10038 Christmas” that | H\| No Show Biz at Fair? | ! ! i I b 4 | A ! { JOEY BISHOP NEC Gaturday Nights Of toalh tle cals thing Pack has to reccrminend oy @e & fe {@felont revat aes ie oll Wools ‘the acc size Lat IN’ & WHY OUT? Fi ug ae dec ence he was | Nee ad — 1 ee et — ont “oe ° : ‘ 7 i" q fa if a . Two US. film exees, one rel | separately, both seemed ta ques: ; Averaging about four sublects| tion whethor US. show biz is doing. ito a page (kingsize? thes’re skil-| enough overseas in the wav of| fully written thumbnail closcups| creating « dynamic and fresh of vital statictics coupled with! image. -eansule blocs of achioverient. | 1 ‘| There are the uauat errors of; Pictures ad-pub vp, retucied from atraight melodrama in treatment, | oon and Commisiat Inevitas| Europe tat Wednesday "20° and set for release next summer. : wig the Senet and vite some | abroad the Russian wortd of enter' ni-| fainment is creating enthusiasm. f n Paris, he said, the Russian Army | | obert S. Ferguson, Columbla erment at| declared that wherever one S0€5! siteg ggure. ! ‘which provides entertainment, the junit is stirring cansiderahte ex, citement. | a Although not of Soviet origin, the film “Fram Russia, With Love” ts the talk of London and) adds to the feeling that the ‘USSR, net generally considered ‘for its competition in the bread making itself felt. It wouldn't be (Continued on pace 34} Ralph D. Hetzel, exec veep and Aser:. of America-Motion Picture + By his election, which came in a} late MPAA prez Eric Johnsten, Was to expire at the end of 1964. 1 While in Paris for the meeting, 4| Hetzel launched a number of Ht cy. The group adopted new ar | vals, including policies to liberalize | fest’ registration and others “to ||| (Continued on page 70) San Francisco. | Editor, Variety: What has happened to Show Biz at the World’s Fair? Hasn’t any‘one told Moses that the only thing Fair is “Little Egypt” and that Billy Rose and Mike Todd have only be remembered by philatelists ‘for the postage stamp cancellations? I ain’t coming and neither is my American Express Credit. Card. i Sam Stark. oe ‘ P. : j a J , . ‘ haa q . a? te 3 7 _ . a 3 5 Y i 4 n . ’ ¢ 4 of ‘ X io a q R “I s, Pe . XS j y af . . : ee. a. Le P : -. a) | Og 2 q A ¢ R . _ . G a t ws y ; 5 ‘ A” J : 5 4 “Wf ’ ¥ . oe yy F a “ vy : q } F ; . t i . 1 | RAUL ANKA sings, acts, com (2B }Pesew de fact he dues everything bLurmier , Pars. Sov 28 I cently returned frout #@ trip abroad, | ‘last week expressed feelings Of | oo of America authorizes a ze"S disk Sages and facilites. 1 ‘field of entertainment, ts definitely ¢ jacting head of the Motion Picture jj {Export Assn. has been elected |i] | president of the International Fed||} | eration of Film Producer’s Assn. | if | Paris Nov. 20, Hetzel succeeds the [if at whose term as Federation head | /moveg relating to Federation poll| ‘rangements regulating film festi}/| Temembered from the Chicago |jj made a couple of Fairs all by them| selves. Will the N.Y. World’s Fair | Wednesday, November 27, 1968 rest Exhib House In the World WCBS-TV, NV. rorfainiag ts firat-run feature thrust, now has 1.800 bocouncs me rer sear, 260 of these heckings heing strum in tie market The ings for the station ulere the “Late Show” was crigs , hae hecn multiplied t:13 Sear Be the ststion’s eatrance inte i i the all-nickt fe"4, which finds the CBS o&Xe murecling pix until about 545 am inthe merning, S'at.on beg:ne Hs day’s operaticn at © am. bene cf the ait only sheut 15 minutes dally. _ King-sued jc of bocainge Utes ie handled by station's film director, BUL Laces, who attempts te offer a variety of pix fair Cally amd throcciout the week. Stathom atili hae the heaviest backlog ef fim p-opertics in NY. for He feature slots, Lacey feels thad the Gill be atte te continue Ke Arst-rin thrust in the feceseeelte fi'..0¢ pontine te the releasing patterns of the reaicr dlstriseters ard the sti) Cotapped poet-48 pix librasies of Universal amd Fasc rcaunt. | ; | Midweek of the “Late Shou”? on WCBS-TY is higher than last yeas fcr a ecoicaratie peried, althcuch cn weekends there is a alig’t Noetsen defecticn for the “Late Snow” due te the | growing pix eocpehtion cteced by WNEC-EV ard WARC-TY, New $2-Mil Studio in Manhattan . cee a SQ000C6) attn Cay witch wi Seutanate Ser € j@ $2,000 €¢0 Bulm Culp which we Marlene’s ‘Expenses [Rave up to 30 tren, fer majer warts (Aim preducticn cs cell cs ty, Og Marlene Dietsics anpucently «| West 44th-4o¢h St. 1Gth-Tth Ave, knows how to detend Rese jin whieh he has intecestcd Mayor Invited to a pasts in Muded | acner ag @ Kev ip by ueenc-backe recently, with # nate aswiC% i Hottsuced-to-New York. Movmes Whether she mit a cong jalse owns the Balm ass telestudiog or tw, Mist Ductruh ive ed aad has been 2 realiv developer that she would he del.gnted. |) Gotham for cme sears if the host paid a few of her |", Se ee ee expenses, Rspemes” Gere | Hoswmes’ Film Cuts Kos been deitemised: fee C2 $.5b0u, seven Pers to include — projection i i ~ round trip faces ard an or| cooms, cafeteria clus deluxe dinchestra of $7 picce: jug facitities, Realth club and gym But the Giccesta, sie i fer execs, in the Helly wood pointed cut. covté Le keeol | manner. : ne He claims teu hase show biz yell MILLER CHAMP junicns’ persion funds interested Bi STALLS 4 3 in financing & since the eastern OLD DISKER: NOW 21 aos hes mote to entance trodse i} | , ‘ ; ie { t & ea. *, Hiteh Miller racked up hig rath; SCS Wm the eas i igk award fur Coumiia’s | Has mcs ‘vill pow the mafor oe ee ae org Alone Wate companics, both film and tx, on Mitch.” The Record Industry Asan, | Possible lease commitments for for an LP that's lit @ $1.Ce0,c0) = The award gives Milcr the high. ta Recorded eat number of gotd disks earned Care-All le Recerded 100 gold recosds acaccded by the Hollvwood, Nov. 26. sets no precedent for comartistry. ‘The gimmick is quackery, simple and faney. While the P.D.A.'s Dis Jeffrey Savre Mi iden R. Wood, confirmed the iney Sayre \ ugsed Vestigation, he was reticent about Jeffrey Saire. “former “a oe of! liseussing the exact direction of ‘Screen Extras Guild, (2 recovering | Se new attack. oa a after being mugged bv a pair of | Fer the record all Wood would young hoedlurts nece hs home im §4¥ is that the current investigaHollywood Friday riety aay. | tien hears striking similarities to a | Twe muggers took Shvre’s wal-| 1959 Chicago case—U'S. vs. Audiolet, containing $6 in cash and a | Sussestion Institute Inc. Chi wax $400 chec ;quax were caught shipping disks | with accompanying booklets la‘belled, “Applied Home Hypno° (Continued on page 70) were copped by his ‘Sing Along” series, 9 ($200 check and ever: took 30¢ from ‘bis pocket, and beat and kicked him in process. Sayre received three broken ribe. > a, — = Trade Mark Registered FOUNDED 19485 by SIME SILVERMAN; Published Weekly by VARIETY, INC. Svd Silverman, President . 134 West 46th St.. New York, N, ¥, 10036 IUdsea 2:2708 Hellyweed,. Calif. $6028 6464. Sunset Boulevard, HOUyweed #1141 Washingten, D. C. 20064 784 National Press Building, STerling 2:5445 Chicage, 14, 66611 e 400 No. Michigan Ave.. DElaware 7-4064 Lenden, $.W.1 4@ St. James’s Street, Piccadilly, HYde Park 4561-23 SUBSCRIPTION Annual, $15: Forelgn, $16; Singte Ceples, 25 Cents ABEL GREEN, Editor | Volume 233 opp Number 1 INDEX Billa CO neOaaeeesresnese onee6 58 New Actg oevneaseven eesaenen 57 — Casting ...cccccscceeen .. 64 Night Ciub Reviews ...... 54 . Chatter ..............28. . 70 | Obituaries .............. 58 | Film Reviews ......... G6 | Pictures ........... 00. . 3 House Reviews ....... we. 57 Radio ........2000508 cee 20 Inside Legit secs eewscces 63 Record Reviews ... .. woe 44 Ingide Music ............ 50 Frank Scully ...... dea eaee 67 Inside Radio TV ........ 40 Television ...... ee aseee .20 International ......... .-18 TV Bile 2... ce ccc 31 Legitimate .........c0c0 59 Television Reviews ...... 33 T&Hterath .......c.c.cene .. 67 Vaudeville ........... eee G1 Musie ..... wen cccecaccnns 44 Wall Street ...... esancace 6 LL ee SSSR SSS Soa PSPS? DAILY VARIETY (Published la Hollyweod Dally Variety, LidJ $20 s year. sad Foreten.