Variety (November 1963)

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Jong-suffering -wife of. .a. modern} ” A zoom lens is also: oveyi nduigied | “‘pusiness executive -who has an af-. into ‘swoop in and out j fcessantly: |. it sjmulates the}. “Al[ breathing | of.-the. pp otagonist. ‘in al -Toho production. 1s constructed on | picking .up.-agil .@ story laced with coincidence. and | ‘police tracking.” _contrivance, and is sprinkled: with} . In its examination of the despair |.pose more , that-can darken. the lives of emographically -manage to hit an-occasional.nerve, |full “but. not. often. enough to be -suf-| stretch ding a. good idea for a short ficiently “ revealing or-.-arresting.| to a full-length pic. *: . Still, Difector Claude “Lelouch has to =| _ a highly successful ‘serialized. yarn | by. Yasushi Inouye, follows ‘are ‘sad |. man whose husband of seven years | -has gotten: the: itch: and, “Occi-. S . ‘ordinary | ‘matrimony, feels women “Jose their . individuality in. marfins" Nome. ‘with’ that bad guy. of a husband | ‘during which their passion :is.-eon} _summated.. Satisfied, the girl. goes | for ‘hack home: am the. husband arid | ‘fragile atid sensitive as the mixed: up. girl. ‘Nakadai, Chieko ‘Naniwa, Hiroyuki | Toyoda, cameraman Ko . has. employed. “visual techniques,. gein, Georges’ Wilson | Catherine. Rouvel, ~ §@an Sorel. Directed by Julien Duvivier. novel, ‘by James: Hadley Chase; . camera, | tarty: young: wife. She finds -out|-who. he is and blackmails him intof“. ‘opening the. husband’s. ‘safe. He} os “4s. really-a.nice-guy.. Back comes: Ploquin préduction: tos. “yauch “working fa. “montage |: _ Madame Aki GAPANESE-TOHOSCOFE: _ | sequences ‘that only intermittently | COLOR). : [have. something to do with. the}. .Hollwood; ‘Nov. ‘21: LS ‘Toho release of Ichiro'S ato roduction..| this. abroad. A sadist, who attacks little: girls} With Hisaya Morishige, F amamoto, | Michiyo Aratama, Chieko Naniwa. Tatspya |. Nakadai, Hiroyuki Nagato, Mayumi | Ozoro Directed by Shiro Toyoda. Screenplay. | Toshio Yasumi, fromoriginal . story by Yasushi Inouye; camera, Kozo: Okazaki; and. women, has: _escaped from 8 ‘prison. A-man’ is’ followed -in -a. jewed at Toho La =. usic, kuma Ran.. Reyle time ‘posedly the'-eseaped con.. “As he Fe Theatre, . Nov. ind "63. nn 14 MINS. *! turns. on the radio programs ‘they: Japanese ‘soap opera about. the: rapid little sequences... fair with .a-.girl who's carried: a| At. “one. time. torch ‘for: hira-for 10 years... though. distinguished © by ‘some |'snowy landscape-which is effective | beautiful color’: puotography, the |.if vague. Suspens¢ comes with. his. :-Interminable ;/ Ariving ‘scenes are | overly ornate. and flowery didlog. also. ‘somewha ‘ overdone. .Thesps | “ excellent. In tionally’ unsteady. . people, it, does. ‘this is: : .@XCESSES “and -samewhat } -Japanese’ distaff audiences | should gobble it up. It’s a woman’s | pract ice.restraint . and: give . picture. a. hhanky-ctanker ‘of the | tecHnique: for its ‘own sake before first : ‘Magnitude... |he ica] * Toshio’ -Yggumi's “Scenario; : from | “pos pip le Pic-future here.’ Be judged as to. having. a . JmostTRI : (The Monsters). ° WTALO-PRENGID dentally . (eq). on. purpose, “has |. . Rome, Nov: 19.. Titanus Ticei release. of a Mario. Cecchi. taken up. with the: sister of his de-: é ori production for Fairfilm-Incei-Montceased best friend. The girl lives | our. taris). -Vitto , in a world of “idealistic fantasy.” | Uso Tognazzi; features Rik Tognazzi, |. She “dreams of ‘immaculate ‘congela Portaluri,. Marisa Merlini, . Michele ception, foresees no fulfillment.:in | Mercier.. “Directed ‘by Dino Risi. Story and “screenplay, Age, Scarpelli,. Petri, Scola '.Maccari: ‘camera, . Alfio. Contini. . Running time,: 120. plight of an. unhappily-married wo| ~ riage. Target and upshot: a ‘night |™ "This: item: “Should make it three three for “producer Mario Cecchi. -Gori.:.-after. his. ‘previous: wife realize they do, after. all, love sleepers,” <“Sorpasso” and “Suc each other. -) : ( “Mi: J; sublect.“matter. pace’ and: ‘name |5 rr | _Fujiko Yamamoto (a Miss. Japa | values ‘of ‘the: Vittorio “Gassmann— IU go. Tognazzi | ‘duo... Offshore | of. several years. .back) is .. fine. as the “wife . and “MichiyoAratama ‘worth: consideration: Pie: fs anexample of: the episode trend at one of its extremes: segments here, with few exceptions, ‘| [are mere. vignettes, 20-in ‘all, andi On vastly different: subjects. ‘Only | Hisaya. Morishigeé is con| vincing as the husband, and others | of prominence . ‘:are.: Tatsuya. Nagato. and ‘Mayumi: Ozora. direction. of Shit common .denominator in: all is the some interesting presence of ‘one: or. ‘both: of prin| and. -his color cipal stars ‘in -various getups | ‘and i‘. t-| disguises. This ‘pokes. jabs. at one! and .all: ‘political | figures, “scandal | héadliners,. Italo -: Manners . and ; .| mores ‘topics ofmore.-or less re-d ‘cent, conversation. " Humer.. is; rather. * caustic. and: Under the. photography, as.noted, is. an* ou standing . element of the: Ichiro Sato. production. Dube. “€ hair Re: Poule: _-(Gooseflesh) . | free-swi inging,. ‘sometimes .(se-} -(FRENCH) ....... | quence of blind: ‘man’s _exploita; Paris, Nov. 26. . Pathe . release of «. Paris Film ‘Inter Europa ‘production. Stars. Robert. Hosfilm’ s. title: Scrtenplay, Rene Barjaval,Duvivier from | H.. Burel; editor, Suzanne DeTroeye.| his young son tplaved ‘by ‘his: real-; At Marignan,: Paris. Running . ‘time, 1101 jife. son): some. tips ‘an: how. to short: | N Daniel: 2.00. --s sess eee «Robert ‘Hossein ut -:one’s “way ‘through everyday Paul ©. 2+. cease se ee oe: ean. sore life by illegal. ‘devices. One sample ! Thomas. .i...... eee e eee Georges. Wilson “ . * wetsensdeees meee, “eatterine Rouvel is’ feigning. illness’: and . holding ; Vetgiiréctor: Julien Duvivier has] dow-:. to break ‘through: chronic: ‘Jistlessly concocted a sort of ‘Post-|Eternal--City traffic jams.’ A“‘few the advance monev required -since. “man Always: Rings Twice”. affair[others are’ just silly, .and”could { then. has been a pain in the pocketCo with only a few different. twists. |-easily be“‘done. away: with in hwo| book, although in almost -every Flat characterization, . ‘ordinary hour. ‘pie. ‘But ‘on’ the whgle, the’ case: they more | than’. got their | thesping. and: an ‘obvious. yarn} pace: is. fast cand amusi ig. Both! relegate this mainly” ‘to local. tise. Tognazzi and: Gassmann It. does: not have the. fillip in pace | meaty ‘Toles with all stors ou ‘or suspense,’ for much “foreign | there are few. lags... interest. except for ‘grind or play-|° Teehnically, “the pic “is “faneily + off use on its themé and_action. ~ equipped with. a.‘fine | lensing: jo an A workman-turned-thief escapes:| by. Alfio. Contint ‘and a’ ‘topical from jail to hold. up-‘an out-ofmusical score. of current hits ‘sup-.: the-way roadside gas Pion Here | plied. by. REA Italiana. Hawk, he ‘finds the aging,..good natured | paeanceere ane ‘boss: with: hidden money and. his. Ea. (The Blockhead Fair) -AFRENCR).. ws Paris, Nov. ‘19. "btence ‘of UGC-Sirius-Ra6u Features Dominique doesn’t really want. to because ‘he {' Sepe Paturel, Christian Marin; ‘Rene’ Lefevre,. the . husband: and she . supposedly: Sophie. -Desmarets. ‘Jean: Rochefort, : a ccidentally kills. him... Stephane Gatti. Directed by. Louis ' Da! uin. . “Screenplay, -Pierre _ Acting also fails to give this: low: {4 Francois Boyer. “Jean Charles,-‘Jife ‘workhorse . ‘fhe’ ‘needed | Snap | Jean’: Lhote: Jean Marsan. from ‘book: by Jean Charlés: Camera, Jean Penzer;: edi“while ordinary’ scripting ©. and ‘for, Claude Nicole. At; Balzac. Paris." outine handling.cut short the. few |.Running time,,.90 “MINS. / surprise: ‘turns. Production” dress. Levaneour 7: ies gegsate “Domini lau Papel | _ fs adequate.’ | Mosk. Principal Selboetanarseae we Ren © Lefevre | as : _ Mother lees eee eas the B AveeRes sit. Tutor SAUEEISIINS Sepnane est | ‘dn the Affirmative). we aris, Nov. 19.: [ ple” moppet pic about: bucolic. Aid| fie 1 vs ‘La , mainte release of Films. Warfare “Fhe -Button War;” ; pr uc ion. uy airesse, Ju y Hugron, : Writien. and directed. by. Claude Bs ole new eycle of “juve. pix thas | Lele ouch. peameree Jean. : wees Pane | een Be ate ‘up here.: This ‘one . ude rrios. viewed aris. ea Wi _ “Running time. So Min NS s with. the lovable dunce’ ele oy ematensree sass eos ". “os Se enn sue ea J to’ poor, without: the...more: léaven Some good visual ideas ¢ ZO: ‘astray | ing. observation’ and | insight. irito” in: this. pic. bya young filmmaker. childhodd. to make it: more ‘than, a. ‘There. is too much insistence: on ‘local -bet:rapid. cutting and.-unusual -angles| A group Of Dboys. intro’ each’ ‘seg. for. their own: sake.” Then there is ment” with. “little: ‘BONES. ‘One. ‘diffi a ‘| story. Only minor arty chances for. ‘winter drive . around: France, sup-|* are either shown: or interpreted. by * derstanding ‘co hitchhiker ‘and |: an. act: It. is photo-|-short, | 7 sympathetic. youthful try |. up. Mosk. ol = Leult student. shows. he is. “adept at mechanics. if ‘short. on. book. learn-| + ing when. he fixes. the principal’s’ .| broken. down’ car. “Another shop[lifts because: hig.) parents ignore}. him, ..One. learns’ ‘a lesson. about | money when: he finds a pill, ete. | Stars ‘Vittorio. Gassmann, }. ‘Moppets range from self-conscious to” -easy-emoting. kids -while adults| 947, | ? It'sa surefire. local hit on| | chances are -more limited, though |. : —. Continued ‘from ‘page. 3. — f | houses. During ‘this. period only a. me white: handkerchief: out ‘of car. win-: p av their . 4 , Views’. and re-adjustments -would |. Foire AUX. Caneres. | Tchernia. | length: two. weeks ago:by .a Justice attorney ‘who . questioned | theatre: owners about: alleged ‘dis Daquiy;-} : Dept: Since the | ‘surprise. hit of” a sim-{ a Guy Mairesse ‘ment, in ‘schools. ‘But’ it is. mainly. /-Hugron a series: “of. sketithes,. from: -good. “Myr ‘Vodjaschemu a “Peace To Him Who. ‘Enters) “Peace -To .Him “Who. Enters,” -which -opened ‘Satur-' day. . (23) at the N.Y. Cameo, . was Seviewed in. the Variry. Issue ‘of Sept. 6.1961, when |} ‘the ‘pic. ibe s shown “at the 22d Venice /} ‘Fest... Hawk. re . wiewed_site fit under the ‘title. of “My : ‘odjaschemu” or “Peaee if Him: Who . En a {: ters.”: “Ae ing; ‘hh mor. and ‘pathos. combine ‘in this ‘fine Russian film in which, the. Soviet idea ‘of peace. and International unes out in simple’ human _ terms, ” -he: wrote. ” Stating’ that it is. not. basically. a-war story,. Hawkins said: “It tells ‘of three men, a driver, _a shellshocked ‘sérgeant. and. ‘a youngster, "just. graduated : from ‘officers’ school. The three ‘take . a. German woman. to a rear-line’ hospital ‘and their experiences: form the basis. of the yarn.” 5: Critic. ‘described ‘the. impact. of the picture as‘strong, and ‘that the: vacting was: topnoteh.. ‘But -each: moral issue: is forced and. telegraphed: on. the episodes. remain in. the. stereotype. category: ‘Direetor.Louis Daquin has ‘been | ‘content to just. put these uneVen [| pits together in a routine manner| _ without ‘any visual: force. Result | is uneven if technically good. — . . | one “Pay. Now-PlayLater : pute is’ the boom-and-bust. nature | of ‘subrun biz this year. . . The: first five. months of the year -were less | than auspicious, for the. outlying handfull of pix caused any A-run excitement; among them “Days of| Wine and® Roses,” “Son: of Flub| ber,” ‘Baby. Jane,” “Gypsy,” “In ! Search of Castaways,” “Divorce— Italian. Style”. “To Kill 'A Mocking| : bir “ and in some situations “Mir-'| acle of the: White Stallions.” et ' Ho ever,: ese. all ‘did. exceptionally: ‘well, . ‘they represented less | | tion; broken-down pro boxers, etc.) j than one-third: of ‘the: total num: cruel . -and ‘Brotesaue, fitting . the. ‘ber: of pix .to play. the nabe houses, |: — cet + and: operators. began clamoring for | “Opening. sequence. features Ugo tbetter percentages and guaranteed. ‘ a Roman father. giving | reviews .on..allfilms: During this : period distributors became. alittle! ‘less aggressive on the ‘subject. of cash: advances. Then. came “Irma” and’“Day” and the buyers’ market turned into a seHers’ market. down-payment ‘during the spring, Money back. ment against advance | money. for " Chisubruns has yet to happen— /a casé-where hefty.sums are paid Sin -advance and the. picture fails} ich | t in. the’. neighborhoods. New. York last week by Filmways’ ‘Martin Ranschoff, currently fight i The. ‘Fesulting: ‘squabble ~ over reno dcubt put front money de‘mands. on ice. for. some time. er -and less affluent nabe' ‘theatres. ‘This point: was. dwelt’ on-atpreat. . eriminatory‘booking practices as ; the. prelude to an. investigation. of consent. decrees agreed upon’. in “New ( Cleburne S Studio. Cleburne, Tex:, N ov. “26. “Work: will _ “Five ‘Horsemen four. new’. started ‘on From: Hell.” ing approval of .the ‘script from his: femme choice, Patrice: Wymore. To the. nabe : owners, used to. no|. The’ crucial case in the argue |= shoot his “nude” ‘pic in New York sans distrib, ‘get R “Sy. ‘Smith Jr:, head ‘of. Dallas-. | based ‘Cinema City Productions, | has. completed: a new ‘permanent | moti | on picture city near here. with ‘concerned, would -like to have Weimeeday, November 275 1968 | ‘Amusement Stock Quotations Week Ended Tues. (26) N. Y. Stock Exchange c Net 1963 *Weekly Yol. Weekly Weekly Tues. Change Low inl00s High Low Clese fer wk. 12%. ABC Vending 190 18% 11% 134% —% 27% Am Br-Par Th 332 .323628 $114 —114 144% Ampex ..... 993, 21% # #«:16 204, —% 4214 CBS ....... . 548 78 7214. «716% 2 12% Chris Craft. 117 1444 12%. 13% — 22%, Col Pix..... 73 23% 21% =21% #—1% 45144 Decca ...... 7 4556 4554 4558 oe 2734 Disney ..-.. 127 41% 38% 404% —% 106% Eastman Kdk 463 11332 110 112% +1586 5% EMI ........292 5% 5% 55% 4% 2056. General Tire 464 2436 21 2354 —%& 95% Glen Alden ..1254 16% 15% 13% —% 1534 Leew’s Thea.. 229 1754 16%. 17% —%% 48 | MCA Ine... 356 60% 5212 57% —3% 15 “Metromedia . 487 3378 304% $=33 + % 28: MGM ...... 149 29% 27% .28% =—1% 7% Nat. Gl Corp. 491 114% 9 +10 —1% 2014 Outlet .... 1540 22% 21% 21% —1% 3514 Paramount .. 296 544%. 481% 531% -% 120% Polaroid ...1157 18454 155. 171% —934 56 RCA .......3463 95 85. 94 + % 634 Republic ... 57 8’, «=6—855R—«—sCi#SH + % 14 Rep. pfd.... 4 15%. 15 15 — \. 2042 Stanley War. 127 25% 23% 244 —¥%% 31 Storer. .. I9 4014 39144. 3914 —1'4 17% Taft Bdest. .. 168 25% 24% 2458 —\%, 20 20th-Fox .... 356 27% 20 26% —1% 1734. United Artists 193 2214 19%. 20% “—1% 12% Warner Bros,. 134 14 13 1344 —% “51 Zenith : 24 j9%4 7214 77 — / American Stock Exchange 21,.-Allied Artists 41. 27% 256 2% —%% 5 BalM’nt GAC 68 954 . 814 814 —ll4634 Cam-P’kway . 18 8 73% mm —% 167°. Capit Bde. 70 19% 174 19% —% 12% Cifierama Ine. 762 1338 1054 1214 — % 614 Desilu Prods. 18 1%. 7. ‘1% 434 Filmways. ... “89 934 8% 96 ++ .%. 9 Movielab ... 43 10% 95 10 —% 934 MPO Vid. .. 24 1154 1058 1158 —\%,. 214 Reeves Bdest. 62 3 234 «3B | 2% Reeves Ind.: 174: 3 2% 234 —% 13% Rollins Bdest. 13 16 15 ‘1538 — % 163%, ScreenGems 15 2016 1934 .1984 —~W%4 854 Technicolor . 401 1814 14% 174K —% 414 Teleprompter 23 5% 44 $4%°° —% % Tele-Indus ... 52 1 1 1 ae 11 Trans-Lux 20 12 11 12 — %& * Week Ended. Fri. (22). t Actual Volume. ~ (Courtesy of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Stith, Inc.) Over-the-Counter Securities | Bid Ask Four Star Television ...... stares eeeees 83 9 : Gen, Aniline & Film linet iai gan” +o General Drive-in) ....... ccccsssseoce 10 “41 + 1% Magna Pictures .........csccsccsevecese 144 1% te "Medallion Pictures ..........ccsecsceeees 16 I714 ese Pickwick. International ..........:.. Seoee, 334 4144, — B&R. Premier Albums are a a a TSeTETeCe TST ee 41%q 514 . : | ‘Rust Craft Greeting Cards cose rere aemece 10% 1134 — %& Seven Arts Productions 7134 _ Transcontinent Television . ew eaewepacesese 19 ‘2036 oe. U. A. Theatres......... La wevecsenscccese Il 122% #$—1 Universal Pictures EIN, 66 7112 — 1% . Walter Reade-Sterling Inc. ....:+---+s--. ids 4 .. Wometco: Enterprises veces hee eeee eee ees 3444 —814 Wrather Corp. ..... “Late tescovecccccecs “eA 738 — %& (Source: National Assn. of Securities Dealers Ine.) “Does Public See What Critis See? 2 they’re leaving themselves open to. charges of a certain amount of sharp. practice. .. .-Ransohoff’s Quip ‘This’ situation was Spotlighted in ing the Sroduction. Code Administration in order to get a couple of ‘|so-called nud ( Finally, the advance. guarantees | € scenes (the patron, tend. to further. Separate the apif | proximately. 20° firstrank A-run paar from thé many ‘other small-: “The Americanization of Emily. 7 Calling. attention to -several im ported pix which had opened in|] N.Y. to fine reviews, and then been ‘quietly edited to. get an acceptable Legion of Decency rating, Ranso hoff suggested facetiously that per haps ‘he should go ahead and ‘scenes, open the the fine reviews (which he feels are | dependent on the nude _ seenes),: |then just reedit the picture for Code and Legion approyal, -and go} on. about: his business. But, he. acknowledged, he didn’t think the New York critics, who are .SO influential, at least. as far -as roadshows and imported pix are their. quotes adorning ‘a pie which ‘was not necessarily the exact \replica of the one th . Rory Calhoun, has. signed to. do ey had re : the male lead: and Smith is await viewed. te (In. this connection, one ‘Yoeat distrib suggests that the Post-preem pruning practice on films is not Continued from page 3 by the Legion’ of negotiate” unlike that done on Broadway ; shows, after their Main Stem open Tings, However, in the. case. of legit, the | Post-opening -changés are usually made in an ‘attempt to. save a show blasted by the crifics, whereas in the casé of pix, the changes are most often made in ones that Have _ been received favorably.) says Ransohoff,; would not see any|. thing as daring as bare breasts) for his now-shooting Metro © pic,: Re ‘Sammy Lee’ , . Another. recent: case of © postpreem pruning. was that performed by Seven Arts on-its: British-made “The Small World,of Sammy Lee.” Pie was given a ‘edgdemned rating ecency Shortly after it opened at the. Sutton in New York. Then, following negotiations. between TA and the LOD.,. cuts were made which resulted in an upped B-tating (morally objec-. tionable in part for all, . but still not as bad as.a-C).: Incidentally, it is “not likely that “Cleopatra,” which originally received a comparatively harsh Brating .from the Legion (accom-’ panied by a LOD blast at the PCA which gave the pic a Code seal), could now. hope to. get ‘a higher ‘Legion rating as a result of the new. cuts. The Legion -will. “rea rating only if .a picture has. not had extensive /public. exposure, which, for ex ample, “Sammy Lee’ had. not re éeived at the time its rating was changed, “Cleo” has been. exposed all over;