Variety (November 1963)

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een ” Hollywood; Nov. 26. the U.S. ‘Technical ‘Delegation. miles within Russia included General Film. Lab’s chief. William E: ‘DuPont. ‘picked up Capra’s tab. Others were. “tion Picture. and TV. Engineers. SW Into Fiscal “Ings of: $3,283.300 in the fiscal year: ended Aug... 81, as: previously re Aold ‘stockholders in his" annual re“port: this . atrés. Major expansion | of. its consumer” goods © ‘division. ‘on.:d global: basis |: “ing, from: “the simple Kiss . and em "a | western, ‘know how: to do one,” ora cos-| °° “Boviet “Russ fa contemplates}: large-scale. ‘replacement. of out to needs and villages.-‘So. ‘Frank: Capra: Te ported upon his return from three weeks. in. Russia as a member of Group which browsed 8.000. Gephart Jr:, Deane “White of El and | .Eastman Kodak's Ethan M.. ‘Stifle. State. ‘Dept... sponsored | by the Society. of Mo . Both. Capra ‘and Gephart voiced. enthusiasm “over. way group was treated,. reporting they ‘were accorded ‘ view whatever. they wished within filmic sphére as: well as. to take whatever. Pie: “tures ‘they wanted.. Delegation -perused™ four: studios, ) six labs, film equipment factories, ‘state ‘school... of. cinematography . and: two «studios “under, con struction. 764 Still Upbeat! “stiatey Warner, which had: earn| eis continuing on the up, president S. -E. (Si)) Fabian } week. = “The 1963: net represerited a 15%. gain ‘over 1962.. Fabian. said’ 1964's” ‘first’ --fiscal | ‘quarter, which, ends ‘Saturday (30); _ ‘will exceed. both the net ‘and gross for the. corresponding period a year. ago. Gross income “for 1963 amouiited. | to $148,693, 100 and this marked the fifth year in .a’row that the total | .. ‘revenue climbed to: a. new =high. SW. circuit now. comprises. 242 the "Company | -has” underway: .a. with new manufacturing plants. and -sales | outlets...Industtial chemical ‘unit. also is”. moving up, | a said Fabian. | . No Hitchy Compulsion To Slip Clean Lil Film Around: His Trademark * Hollywood; “Nov.. 26. . “The. secret fof. good filmmaking). is: to stay ahead of your audience,” according to. producer-director. Alfred: Hitchcock. -He. points to the evolution of. filmie lovemak-. brace”. ‘variety. of. several: years ago.. “Audiences see ‘that: today,”. ‘teachers.’ ” °.Hitchcock | ‘pooh-poohs: the “Gdea| 7 ‘that screen: ‘violence. can spur: ‘anti-| social behavior. He. recalls: the ‘tale: f the man who. allegedly went ‘out |° ‘and ¢émmitted “his ‘third murder} after seeing. “Psycho.” Asks: Hitch“cock: “What did: he. see before ‘the |». : ‘gecond’ murder, and, “before:: the} " first; did he have a glass of milk?” | -"* Acknowledging: that he is firmly ‘straitjacketed. with. his -trade-|. . marked style, he denies any secret. ‘urge to go. out..and make-a ‘clean | :.little picture-.on the sly, cracking: |... “My: audience -wouldn’t let me. If}--. -¥did Cinderella, ‘they’dbe Jook|.Ing ‘for a body in the coach.” — of He rules out meshing Hitchcock dan: elements with other ‘types of pix, declaring that he wouldn’t do| _tumer, ‘because “nobody in. a. cos-|" ‘tume picture ever .goes to. the toilet. .I dealin nightmares anc |. nightmares are vivid and real.” | The director started work last: “week on “Marnie,” “starring: Sean | ‘Connery. and Tippi Hedren for. Universal. _He' -has|. dropped . bis long-planned ‘film.of “Village of} *which deals with aj ‘Strategic Air Command. Hebomb), The Stars,” ‘Meadvertently activated, theatres, _| Shapiro,” -| manager, : ‘one of _ sraTus FOR FIM BUYER . Veep. ‘Braid , 108, Dan» Polierm dated film theatres with ' pre-| NT&T ok farbicated houses of. 500," 1,000): ‘and 2,000 seating -capacities geared. of .various-sized fowns| Bos: “Angeles, Nov. 26. Dan A. Polierm | film. buying. depts. . -Klein ‘stated: . “Theatre operations today must: pe uheatre oP . nership formed. last. spring to -pre|-, ‘gent. the film: version. of Richard } ‘Strauss’ opera ‘Der. Rosenkavalier” on a one-nighter type tour’ ‘of the: US:, ‘had registered a ‘profit of f $2, 082. ‘as of Aug. 31, according to | La. financial statement issued. at ‘that time. ~ be: ‘primarily. concerned with what’s on: our-'screens at “a. given’ time. ‘That is .why .we -are. effecting a ‘| tighter liaison hetween ‘depart=| ~ ments. and” the slosest: day-to-day | coordination.” oe VONDERHAAR FAVORS. WILBUR SNAPER IDEA| “Minneapolis, Nov:. 26... ie president Ray "Vonderhaar has: his “way,” members. of . North | Central: Allied;. this. ot national’ ‘Allied States unit, will . tHine’up solidly behind the proposed -| (by: Wilbur .Snaper) national buy ing plan for; ‘one 1964. release. Vonderhaar | -has: ‘contacted “for without. a-look.”:-For. participating Nathanson. Named nw Variety Chief Barker “Minneapolis, Nov. 26:. “i ?heatre‘cireuit -owner succeeds ‘two-termer Don Swartz. 20th-Fox: head. here, : who. remains -on: the board. . Other. 1964. officers ‘elected. also‘are from the: film industry. Byron. | ‘local | Columbia... ‘branch me “will ‘be: first assistant. ~~ 4 chief: barker: exhibitor’ Clem ‘Jaun-. fich,: “second ‘assistant: circuit own--| er ‘Ralph: Green, property. ‘master, | and . cirenit: : owner. Bob’: Karatz, dough: guy: | reelected. : . The. ‘board ® itselt reinstated © ‘as. -its--members theatrical printer * ‘Eddie. Schwartz. who had resigned: on: account of. i health | and ‘had. not been a candidate . at ‘the recent: election: He also was’ Named, ‘along. ‘with ‘former — chief barker | Bennie. ' ‘Berger, © alternate’ ‘delegate. to the next. she said, “and’ complain,’ ‘Heck, we. ‘do that. in: front of. our’ ‘sehool= as. ‘Variety Clubs’ annual. ‘convention. territory’ Ss. Calling for. its ° united ‘support, the members, telling: them..“we’ exhib‘itors stand -to lose nothing,.. but {-. * have everything to gain.” — He pointed -out. that. the one pic-. ture:‘in. question: likely -will. bea ‘roadshow: film. of -the .sort™ whieh we have to -pay.a‘firm 60°: he. explained, . that na-: | tional’ group: will try: to. buy: such pictures for less. than: ‘that. a The last-named. was. “ACINERAMA HOUSE” 7 [New ‘Quarters For Width Medium |. | Capra Reports. US. “Fedak Roamed Freely In| Film Circles, Well Treated | In Manhattan “Cinerama Ine., which. has had its 1 homeoffice on Lexington Avenue, “| Manhattan; . will shift. ‘its world { headquarters. to a new four-story _| building at 54th Street and Madi son’ Avenue in February... -New structure is ‘to. be. called. Cinerama House and will house .a. ‘projection room for C’rama pictures ‘| plus offices for .all N.Y.-based per| nnel‘for the moti , chief: film. buysonnel] for motion picture com er, has.. been. elected . veepee of ‘NT&T.. Amusement. Corp.; prineipal |. | | subsidiary ‘of “National “General |. Corp. Move was’ made, according. to NGC. prexy -Eugene V.". Klein, to further. ‘strengthen: the coordina|| « tion. if: ‘company’s. operating: and | pany and its newretail ‘pr oducts, r division;. PROFIT. OF 92, 082 ON ‘ROSENKAVALIER’ FILM .Rosenkavalier Co.,.a limited part Rank film. was’ ‘secured by Show | corporation ;for distribution in the | -|}U.S. andtiis outfit is among the principals ' in the ‘partnership. The. financial ,statement. réveals that. $40,000 hadbeen. raised’ by the limited partnership’. to. present the ‘filni,.As of the’ end of. August, the ‘company had $rl, 610 available for further distribution. Production cost'-involved in the presentation’ |. of the film had amounted to $7, 4725 as of. that: time. ‘The partnership had a balance of capital of :$34,610 of which $15,000 was being held in a “sinking fund” ‘for reserve use. Of the $19,610 left. for distribution availability, another $8,000 was being with held; leaving ‘the ‘$11,610 available. The ‘state| mént also reveals that: $7,600. was prepaid : in the form of. royalties on: the property. ‘“Rosenkavalier. Co. ‘has been ‘dis . ‘tribuiting ‘the film on: various per-: |-centage against. guarantee deals and. fiat rentals: to civic: -organizations, -publie ‘promaters,’.schools ete.. for -! limited engagements, often just one Gilbert: ‘or: two performance benefits. One |. ‘Nathanson of this. ‘city was chosen. as Norfhwest .Variety ‘Club; -Tent No. -12;°1964 Chief Barker by ‘the. Tecently: elected. board. of. directors. | ‘He of the most. frequent bookers of the filyn for the latter purpose has been. local _ orchestras, ‘opera’ companies “and such who: have used ‘the film to aise: money via. benefit -perform} ante. If has: been planned to book. the. ‘picture, : a: color’ extravaganza,: for regular theatrical run after this . ‘Specialized: Playoff. has been completed, . Gerd Oswald’s Skeid. 7 ‘Hollywood, Nov.. 36. Gera Oswald, “just: back ‘from. Europe. where he. -directed. “The Scarlet “Eye”: for ‘Tyro Films, will ‘helm seven _ “Outer Limits” ségments. for “Daystar. _ Initialer, | “Den’t ‘Open. Till | ’ Doomsday,”. started Tensing yesterday.” ” Director. is “set. to do another feature for Tyro, “The Last. Hundred Hours;”: starting next March, n | to’ star Jeffrey. Hunter. be filmed in’ Spain, Italy” and Hol-'| }ywood. : however. Woodpecker,” “The Berries” and “Chilly . Willy” for theatres. — Pie will ‘ “because. I: wouldn't}. “! ee “mites: for the Wnited: ‘Artists. “Cinerama ‘comedy; 7 “It's A “Mad, . Mad, Mad, Mad World,” ‘produced: ‘and directed. by Stanley .Kra-. ‘around the world.Here's s the ‘present list of switches: Spain oe ‘Latin America El Mundo Esta ‘Loco Loco: Loco. Loco : ‘Brazil: Dew A. Louca: No Mundo. (same’ mean‘ing as in English except that-it’s used. in.a colloquial Brazilian’ sense) Un Monde Fou. Fou’ Fou Fou Seek ee ee France & Belgium: mages) Germany, . Austria” & vv ‘Switzerland we ine ‘Total’ Total Verruckte. ‘Welt. Italy va Leldate eek ede lees :3° Questo Pazzo Pazzo. Pazzo Pazzo Mondo.« Denmark . ” -Hopla. Vi Lever (Hopla | is ‘Danish ot “slang: for’ “wonderful,” so. “it: means _ ‘Wonderful We Are ‘Alive). Egypt ooo: lec. 2:2... Literal translation in “Arabic ~~ Finland. ...2.. tie ..< Mieleton, Mieleton’ Maailma: Greece : 2... Translation. in. Greek is: The World ; oS Durned Crazy. : Holland... bee c eect nee aes Het ‘Is Een Hele. Gekke GekkeWereld Israel 2... e one d. oe.. Eizeh Olam . Metoraf (What A Mad oe World) « .Japan bebe ee ewe eeu eee ee OkKashina Okashina ‘Okashiria ‘Sekai ; Lebanon. ~. Al Jounoun.:Founoun (This is’ a well. “known . Arabic saying. meaning ‘MadSe “Ness Ys Art) ~~ a Norway beetseigelicec.. Using literal translation | “pakistani: wane noe ~s2ee.. Using literal. translation... Sweden eee, a Var Snurriga Snurriga. Snurriga SnurYiga Varid. : Thailand: & “‘Paiwan : “Using literal: translation in. Chinese Indonesia voc aseceueuaes . > Dunia’ Gila Gila Gila Gila. “mer, ‘will’ undergo drastic ‘alteration in various: foreign ‘countries ' 200 Average Before Accordingly, Lantz points out, 10 years ago there were about 200 cartoons being made by around 70 majors. Now: there .are about. 85 such films made a year. Also, 10 | \years ago it cost about half as -|much .to make a cartoon and_ it: ttook only two years to get. a | negative cost. back. The result: -Warners : Bunny,” Metro has stopped “Tom. & Jerry,’ has dropped. “Bugs Columbia has halted “Mr. “McGoo” and even Walt Disney has_ stopped “Mickey Mouse” and “Donald Duck’ for theatres. Paramount is still mak ing “Casper” and Terry Toons is still working through 20th-Fox, Lantz makes. “Woody But statistics have taken their | toll on even those who still make’ cartoons. Running time. is down. from nine to six minutes. Lesscharacters are each strip and there are fewer colors em-4. ployed. Other savings have’ also been instituted. Lantz still main‘tains a staff. of 52 employees, the’ same as always, some key men]. ‘having been with him for as long -as 25 years, And he still develops new characters. “May Go Extinct .Not much aside from the cast ‘Shavings can be done about production but Lantz: feels that more could be done on the booking level to. boost cartoon economics. “It's. quite possible that in three or. four years it won’t be possible. to. make them unless the exhibitor ‘helps: out,” he points out: Although ‘cartoons don’t sell tickets, he says { that “the audience is. entitled to a Six. minute. cartoon betweeh_ fea tures.” He’ feels that the cartoons ‘themselves: aren’t exploited | ¢ enough: by exhibs, especially. considering t h e plugs they ‘Bet! I from. tv. “The audience is entitled to” see more than a feature,” he opines. ‘In that crucial five years, cartoons used: to. enjoy 24,000 playdates whereas now it is down. to 14,000.. As things stand. now, -30°% of car toon gross biz comes from: abroad, he says. It costs an exhib from $3 $5 to ‘book .a cartoon and, by the }ehd of. the 14,000 bookings : the -average house. yield. is $3.50. He. doesn’t think that cartodn features are the answer either, for |. an. cost as much as $3, 000,000. and can ‘take as long as two: years to make. Besides, this is a one shot biz, whereas a producer could make as. ‘Many as 40 cartoons for that. independent at least. ‘These The only answer is the diversifi ‘cation and inventory backlog. sys‘tem: he follows,. Lantz figures. By doing. this, a producer. covers lotsa }. ‘ground and covers his investments all over. This protects against the five-year lag and also allows: for. A more Hquid. operation. Action From Universal At a time when the production | of theatrical filler material such as short subjects, cartoons and news ; reels: ‘is in the wane, Universal has: -feome up with an extensive release | program. of same for 1964. Involved in: this program’ will: ‘| be the release of two two-reel color ‘| Specials, five color one-reelers, 13 }new Walter Lantz: color cartoons and’ the reissue of seven other Lantz animations, a new “Football Highlights” series and 104 issues -of Universal | “Hi” Martin commented that, ‘connection with the release of | these items, U has set a full-seale {drive to enlarge the number of News. Henry a. exhib. customers for the bi-weekly newsreel issues, under the direc 1 tion. of Norman E, Gluck, U sales’ | coordinator.. The two two-reel specials. which go into release with the beginning of the vear include. “Sound of ‘Speed,” the story of a Searab race ‘car which follows the pace of the auto over its initial trials on a California. road course. Jerusalem, narrated by Martyn ‘as well as. sacred areas of Christian ‘and Mohammedan faiths. Seven of. the. 13 new Lantz ef {forts will be Woody Woodpecker ‘the coming and future years. making this point, he said that Uni The second is. {called “The Land” and déals with | the Shrine of the Three Faiths in: Green, and panning modern Israel: "Lantz on Cartoon Future . Continued ‘from pase 4: thereabouts. For him, this means an investment. of $3,500,000 for the production of his 19 pix a year as Jand he has to wait five ‘years: to ‘see any return on this. items and -three of the reissues ‘will star the veteran bird. The five new one-reélers include such titles . -“Qne..Man’s Paris,” “A Nice Place to Visit,’ “Flying Fisher. man,” “Duteh’ Treat”. and. “Water eolor Holiday.” “Football Highlights of 1963,” which will be avail able Dec, 1, will present highlights of the college football season. as. it has for the past several years. Martin emphasized that Univer sal intends. to maintain this form of film .theatre entertainment for In. versal is continuing to seek the ‘support: of exhibs “everywhere to make this Possible. ‘It has been noted that, in recerit years, many theatremen have become increasingly .less interested in booking. such material, in many cases just showing one feature with no filler —raising their: admission prices at the same time. Producers of filler items “have |} complained that this exhib reluct ance, coupled with rising froduction "costs, have made it very difficult. to’ operate in this field anymore and many have left if. This has been particularly noticeable .in the cartoon and newsreel fields, . with short subjects ‘ever-decreasing as well. It has Been claimed that better exhib support ‘would enab’e a heavier flow of such material which, producers say, enhances a program and gives the patron a little some 4thing extra for his money at little cost to: the exhib himself... Not everyone agrees, however, and Uni ‘versal remains one of the . have ‘a major program for. ‘the re-" lease of filler ‘items, "Continued from page 3 ae warn ‘that tv wouldn't be a ‘passing ‘annoyance and urged Hollywood to ‘get on. the bandwagon, had these urther’ observations: °° “More. intelligence is being ' shown -about commercials " ‘today I than there has been.”. . “I will work closely with | the. network. that: gets my. pictures. ' ia will see. that. they are properly edited to. accommodate the commercials and_ protect .the picture.’ ” Comedy Films “T. hear they. are looking « ‘for comedies. If. they want to. Jaugh, ‘I’ve got the goods.” The. “goods” includessix Danny ~ Kaye features in color, not. counting “Hans. Christian. Anderson.” ‘Talking of comedy, Goldwyn revealed that he. had tested the 1932. ‘Eddie Cantor musical, “Kid from. Spain,” with. a “theatre audience about three months‘ age. He re ‘peated that “it played better than 1 when I first showed it.” _ On. the subject: of ‘tv comedy, . Goldwyn | expressed the opinion that it’s: impossible to come. up with a top quality fun show week after week, adding that he some times worked over a script for two* <j years before he considered it. worth filming. While. it is at best: dif-. .| ficult to do comedy, Galdwyn as. serted it is easier to do a good half. hour comedy than one that runs an hour. “Unless a comedy has a point of view and situations that carry. the comedian along from one scene-to the next you have noth ing,” the produced commented. Trend to ionger tv shows is disturbing Goldwyn.” I. wish them. all every success,” he said, adding that ‘making shows. longer’ is not the | answer unless the story stands up all the way. “Some of the pietures: that used to run an hour, or 80 Ininutes, and now run two hours and more are not necessarily better | pictures. because they are. longer. -Asked what he thought about prospects of theatre bookings for. | telefilms running up to two hours, Goldwyn replied: “Theatres are net looking for B. pictures. If:a show is not a success on television, can it be suc . cessful in theatres?” “Remember that tv turned to hour shows, because some were ‘unhappy with the half-hour show. It was too short. but with the extra half hour many still were unhappy. I’m afraid they’ll be twice as un. ‘happy with two hour shows.” Rod Taylor, who just completed “Sunday-in New York” for Metro, will star in studio’s “The Yellow | Rolis Royce”. as one of three re maining commitments. “Perils of Paula” is another of trio.