Variety (November 1963)

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‘So Why Waste Reporter’ s Time? : i AITISH SEE Pat Weaver's Subscription TV Press Confereiice mi N f iL Mm i : : Reveals Nothing—A 1] Real Bore Eotiden, Nov. 26. HAL. KANTER ” “Outside the United States, where | | ‘there hes recently been a-noticeable | “with on ‘ewarenens. of @ growing evil: {reversal in the trend, the decline en ‘© meons to curb: “it in a bright ‘piece ‘entitled . = |e. Famous Players-Canadlan Corp,” ‘Hi Toronto-based operator of Cana-" i stations, community “Book Editor. ASHBEL GREEN. details some inside stuff. on ' book publishing. ia « ° bright piece titled. ° By ‘DAVE KAUFMAN . Hollywood, Nov. 26; =. Subscription Television Inc.| -prexy Sylvester (Pat) Weaver has ‘anten systems’ and. film theatres which Paramount Pici tures. ‘owns F:) 51%. ‘controlling interest, is: reportedly purchasing .a cogs }in attendance’ at. motion ‘picture |] | theatres has been fairly‘ universal. | found -himself ‘in the position of. ft ‘Nearly all countries “blame” better. 4Jimajor. Montreal CATV .s ystem the man who came bid Sinner but Fi rst. ‘Came the Word, |\living standards, ‘car’ .ownership,|| What T his Town || which has upwards. of 20,000 sub-. . wasn't veody to pay or a ee 2B Th Si || the: spread of television and other | R lly Ne eds. ‘|| Seribers, ©. the feevee system bok ads ut al reme. Song. .. {new uses of leisuretime. ..:"'|| eal ¥ ive |" ° Contacted: in “Toronto, Famous. Weaver, giving the. first public {|} Ts | Better. . “Ll °-These facts emerge: from ‘a. def] Stel _.4|-Players prez: R:W.. “Bolstad said talk about tv, failed to come up a aes tailed survey: prepared “by Ellis|{ .cnother Eaierol Feature” |} he -was “not .prepared to make ‘with any new info regarding the |} other Interestii ‘Feeture. ‘Pinkney, general secretary of the||-: “ie the: upcoming. . | any statement”. but intimated that. ‘system, and when newsmen quizzed. eee ia the urconiag «| |, Camematograph Exhibitors. Assn.,| “58th ‘Anniversary Number. j| Such’ a deal-was in the works but. him later, he either fended .off{ | 58th th Anniversary Tone | ‘during his recent attendance at. an |. on ‘that no papers. had ‘yet been ‘signed. | ‘their questions, answered them in: of ry {temational The objective of the| | a Po a .) =~ |] A Famous. Players operates auton-. | | He VARIETY . ARI | “|, omously . from .Paramount so no roundabout, ambiguous terms, -OF | flatly refused to atiswer. Result was, nothing new was clearly. learned about the: plan and | just why thepress conference was. held is .a mystery. Weaver himself. had. prefaced his) remarks by acknowledging “we're a little bit previous. with this press conference,” and there was no argu| ment on that point. He did bring out the feevee. sys| tem’s “‘answer-back” box will check on its subscribers constantly toa see}: if they are watching, : and that this] consequently -will give STV a per survey’. was ..not’ to. endeavor to justify ‘conditions: in. the. United. Kingdom. so much as:to bring them charts and articles | into perspective with those: operat: ns J; ing in'other countires: -: ac. oF: Pinkney‘ s fact-finding exercise. . elucidated the following data. on]. ‘the number of picture theatres | Calamity Falls : throughout Europe:. When Burg Los es |": Italy: -with.a ‘population © of | 50-1 | details. were . available from: that: | company, ‘most: : of the execs of. 1Which. were. in. Spain: with Samuel. Phas sther ‘statistical. ond dato-ftted. VARIETY _ Plus other‘ statistical and ae 000; 000, -is. one. of. two. countries “which. has. increased its. number of |: theatres. rand: ; “HOW has. “around |. ‘1F,600.: : Sole Situation © Spain: ‘also better though no tel — Bronston in’ any. case.’ he “" : | Telémeter, Par’é tollvision.. subs Lome | . | sid, had at. first been thought to be « involved inthe deal but this. was 5 ley. denied’ by. the division’s brass, ancton tan 7 ‘| meter | operate’ in: Toronto and it -Was.. confirmed. by. that company ‘| that. something. was going on. ‘but. For Hen, | no details: would ‘be ‘advanced ex*/ capt: that -it did not: involve Tele: Weaver. stressed he has been in|. * Minneapolis; Nov. 26..:| Germany: .620 down, : ‘Jeaving |mund Palmieri: has “formally ap-|: .. Telemeter. itselt is involved in the job only a few weeks and:that| In what. almost amounts +o‘ a'{ 6,300: theatres: “proved Stanley. Warner's petition | expansion’ plans. in the Toronto. “the lawyers are telling me all tKe|.drive. to get People away.. from Belgium: 163° fewer . with 1, 350 to operate a new drivein ‘theatre | area where it. has been particularly things I cannot say.” It was a legal | their television sets and back into | remaining = outside of -Camden, N.J. Opposisuccessful in-recent months with. probiem, he added, without exformer. moviegoing habits,” a -num-|. Japan: theaters reduced by. 1 300 tion by. the.Redstone. theatrical |.the theatrecasting of ice ‘hockey as. hard facts go,.:almost nothing | arebeing regaled by. free films in| ‘Sweden: 200. fewer,: now: 2; 200: | Of amicus: curiae, got. no place: © “| Nov. 17,.the operation had another emerged about. the new ‘system. theatres from time to time. ' In the main, declining. total of} | Perhaps a significant’.angle ‘is ‘nine-theatre. ‘sellout: for. a hockey Weaver did have a swipe. at exhibs|~It’s to local merchant’s advan-| theatres is matched. by reduced ad-| that Redstone’ has ‘a. separate suit | contest, with an-‘estimated: 12.000 : resisting feevee, asserting “they ‘tage tobring people: out of. their | Missions. Attendances in. Germany pending against SW and the dis-} people paying. an. average of. $2. were’ opposed. to talkies, radio, tv, homes to. the downtown—they ‘keep have: dropped ‘from 818,000,000in South: Philadelphia |.to seéthe ‘game. expect them to, oppose us, but I| finding that. they‘ often can get the Austria is ‘down from 122,000,000 ‘reason for denying the SW. lica| cussin: the Montreal eg ‘wonder if they’ re playing their | storekeepers to sponsor. tie ‘free in’ 1958. to. 90,000,000 in: 1962; tion in the Camden area. * Pen tion, that, Telemeter. re diekeving { cards. right.” Film: theaters" have} oyening ser en. sh 7 Belgium from 110,000,000 in: 1956 ‘for the .theat lost 85%. of their audience, he e a g scre ows... ‘| to’ 61,000,000: in "1962; Spain’ from} “In any. event. ‘SW now~ has’ “the: r the .theatre tv. presentation of. maintained. | Madelia, Minn., .is one‘of. the 328,000,000 in 1959 to. 230,000,000. Fed Court's. okay to go. ahead with | U.S. National Football League con-. area’s. towns where the free movies operation..of a’ newdrivein, with tests,” the: company. was said to“eommercial tv has,. Weaver com“in 1957: to.” 325,000,000 -in. 1962; mented, terming them “fairly prehappening there prompted an edi-. Italy from 819, 000 000 in 1955 to} condition that the :company: re-| It: is not. alone in..the. battle for. dictable. monkey business.’ In torial. in. the local: newspaper’ ex-. 728 000;000 in. 1962: ‘and Holltand|linquish the.’ Stanley ‘Theatre -in-| elosed. circuit‘NFL rights, however, answer to a‘ question, he said. he | Pressing puzzlement that while: the from 70,000,000 in: 1956 to 48,000,Camden,’ as had been Proposed | with others like Theatre Network. expected ft would be: two-three public has been -blaming. allegedly. 000 in 1962 by SW: |: [Televi sion, TelePrompter and ‘SW at. one time had four: theatres. more . in the running. break-even point,. and added’ the |.attendance “these pictures stack up| attendances. ‘at America’s -..17,000|:in Camden,: and now the last of |= Sey company hopes to have 20,000 sub-| 4S. good enough to see if no cost is| theatres have. been’ rising steadily |:them, Stanley, has come: to’ be an} a scribers when they go into opera-| involved in ‘doing so.” .|from:: 1958 :when the level was| unprofitable operation. .. ..* Milita + Admits Som f ‘tion, whieh should be about July| The editorial took the stand that | 2 059,000,000 . to 2,400,000,000 in| _ In. -his opinion, Palmieri ‘said’ | ary ome. i 1 of next year. ‘it’s. a calamity for .a. small” town | 1962. | SW’s operation of.tse. new ozoner.|~ ¢ Ceeseehy of Filuis Shown in GI Cinemas + Both Famous. Players. -and Telefect rating system, so to speak. fails provided. in: the breakdown. New York. Federal. ‘Judge’ Ba. méter directly... planation as. to why it.was. As far! ber of this: territory’s small. towns.| to:6,000. | interests * of Boston, in ‘-the.. form |’games. Just the other weekend, on big. screen, driveins——naturally, Lb open: nights — and. exhibitors. are} 1956." ., 458,000,000 in 1962;. and sought. to’ offer: this action as{ It was also. coafirmed. whilé dis--STV will not have series such as have been packing’ ‘em in.’ What’s|*" 1962; ‘France from 435,000,000 capacity of -about -1,500 : ears;.:on | have the inside track on such talks. years before STV reaches the| Poor pictures for. declining. theatre | Aecording to: Pinkney’s S‘report, im Asked where STV will : begin like’ Madelia. to: lose. its. only. film: : From ; the. standpoint: “of gross: would place no restraint upon com-.} operations he. declined to say.’ Asked if it would. be in’ Santa : Monica, he said he wouldn’t dis theatre. : | receipts, Pinkney. concludes: that| petition. ‘SW’s. petition had been -[the: United. Kingdom. has faréd | filed within the. framework. of the|_ -’ |-worse: than other ‘countries, though historical antitrust: suit against. the |”. cuss it: Although Weaver gave a/| | earnings ‘generally have. tended to}. ipal. di tri b t oe oh Mainz. ‘Nov. 26. lot of high-flown talk about bringJa oc Jackson Reelected | drop,: Be oes . Teeeipts ‘in -Italy, ‘Principat = _ ors ‘and national { The Army: and Air Force Motion: ing cultural. events such as the ‘Dallas Chi f Ba k France, :. Switzerland . and: Japan. “Redstone, operating the Tacony| Pi icture Service in Europe has. ad= LaScala opera, the Met, etc: to S. e r er | show:a steady rise notwithstanding Palmyra’ drivein in. the “Camden. mitted.” that. it. exercises “some. 3 feevee, it turned out the only thing |. definite was the Dedger and Giant} games. In fact, if it weren’t for} those two clubs; “we wouldn’t. be -here,”” Weaver. said somewhat enigmatically. Asked what the charge. will be. for those. games, he turned the question. over to a Dodger official, Dallas, Nov.. 19. declining admissions.. Joe. Jackson. of Interstate {| Theatres: Inc., “has ‘chief barker of Tent® 17,. Variety. Claims a Squeezeoat; Club of Dallas, for a second term. ‘a t Co t . ‘Remainder of the slate, re-elected. }for: .another . year, includes . Bill |. meraman. 0 our Slaughter first assistant chief} ~ _' | area and the South: City. drivein. in censorship”. ‘over. the films. shown is. a. dinector'. of ‘National General: | all: booked back j in the Pe the | Corp., which. has’. extensive: thea| Overseas: headquarters: has. ad | trical interests, and -is president | Mitted. that--it has the rigkt. to j of: the Council of. Cook: County, Iii,:} Slice. or ‘ban films that might be~ -barker; Ed ‘Gall, second assistant. | Over Tobey Tinker ea who said the .matter is .. being: | ‘objectionable, for one reason. oF: | nt i : ther, -to the ops and their. il | chief ‘barker: Meyer Rachofsky, Los Angeles, Nov. 26. ano studied, but. it will be roughly dough: guy, and W. -L: (Boog) |. * Hassle over rights to’ the cartoon James Roosevelt Files com arable to general admission. ; families. Or. ones that might even Weaver stoutly ecerted sTV4 Marshall, property. master. * Jeharacter, Tobey ‘Tinker, has ‘| be ‘objectionable in the area’ where a |’. New members named fo: “the reached the litigation. ‘stage. Latan , | the troops are stationed: 7 ~ oP r al 1 : wt wan nv ae : ores Com board of directors. were -Debbs:|-est legal action was. taken last | se of DeMille jape i -The Mainz-Kastell headquarters ; ; es Hayle, Walter. Morgan and’ Don “week: awhen-. ‘Robert D: : _Krupnick, : ashin ;of A & AF ‘MPS,. for-instan rec productions with ‘people “who | Grierson. Re-elected “were Alfred | ABC: cameraman, asked: declara|‘: at the penne of ae Re responsible . for. 642 theatres in Teeognize the potential of ier ae Sack, Sol Sachs and "Raymond | tory relief: and: deman ded. $1,750,-| James Roosevelt .(D.,. Calif.) Jast | countries, with the films. ostensibly prexy “ieclaced, It would take more| Willie. New officers .-will be in| 000 damages in’ a. cross-complaint| Week eulogized the. Tate “Cecil B.| being shown to. the servicemen ¢oin than the company has raised { Stalled in January. | filed in. “Superior Court’ against DeMille . in’.the Congressional Rec-" and their famifies ‘plus’ DS; Govto do that, he added. | Pane | Lonnie Salazar, Charles Green and | ord. Said he: ‘The nation: is -in-| ernment, employees. But, f At one point Weaver asserted he | .| Brian Stone. of Green-Stone Pro-; ‘debted to MGM for having pré-| stance. while -the milita , would not talk specifics anent} Harold Lyon ir in | Exit’ ‘ductions, and: ‘others.’ | duced the upcoming NBC-TV show | office” expects | to -buy. STV’s plans yet, and he was not. Kansas. City; Nov. 26. Suit claimed that, cartoon propjen pemille, pre ones s Greatest) Or aepia wend play the. picsas, City, Nov. 26. . ‘ert ‘belonged ‘to Krupnick through. ‘Showman.’ Program will be aired | ture 3af.the American Air Force . exaggerating. His discourse on} Harold Lyon has d rted y 8 P cultural events brought out that manager of the: Tri States Paras | an option held Dias nigh he de. | Sitooe ue told th H of h ‘course in Hees were red § a he had in mind running tapes of|. ~ | Nick Nichols, under’ which he deevel to e. ouse the / course, that. the fim is banned In pro ad in mi games a day st 30 mount old foe 8 nes ‘post ee veloped a presentation for ‘submis| approaching 50th anniversaryof |-Turkey, not. being: complimentary : later, it might be profitable since! heen with the circuit, Blank-Tri| 2°" ,'° -publishers. and ‘others, ‘in; | DeMille’ 8. first. full-length feature, | tothe Turks.” £ the cost involved would be almost States. in recent e alas t ed the: form of. drawings: and: a. story} i “The : Squaw Man: History, he| ‘This is in. apparent violation. of F nil, he said. with: "AB-Param ount. ars ra ‘30. line book. | said, designates DeMille as ““‘the!a regulation called “uniformity of: Feevee will be the next massive | ears, beginning with thé a vat i | -Complaint alleged . “Krupnick world’s’. most successful. produéer-| privilege.” that regfrdless of: advance in audio visual communiyears, aL ng wi eoutfit in} brought in Salazar ‘as a financial | director whose ‘films have. Srossed | i i where the troops: ‘are. ‘Stationed, cation, will enable people to|) “to ealth and plagued | figure with a view to backing proj;over $1,000,000,000-" they. get the same programs. -In_ “broaden their experience, intoon h *h more than. a year, al| ect,. and further, -that he intro-| Roosevelt, who reps. a. ‘Southern | other ways, the Army .& Air Force . crease their aspirations, elévate| Ug e now reports himself] duced. him to, Nichols..:--Salazar{ California district, said-the growth | Motion Picture Service can use its. their standards arid. upgrade their okay and states he'll reveal a Dew thereupon took: over property. him:j.of his area’and: the. film industry | own humbstick in ‘deciding whethtastes,” he averred. affiliation soon. { self. according to’ Krupnick, who! are parallel. phenomena. He then er to okay. or decline a pictute. | Feevee will bring ‘viewers the| Circuit has: appointed. Marvin | said | -he then was. squeezed out.| cited Metro as among the compa-| If the: pic shows aspects of milballet, opera, recitals, circuses,| Gtaybeal as manager of the Para-~|Named as co-defendants with Sal-| nies which have. been. outstanding itary. life in_a derogatory manner, acquacade, rodeos, ice shows, Shaw] mount here, downtown first run, | azar were. Joe De Carlo, Tobey); in leadership. ‘in: ‘the. area. = “Lit likely will not be shown in GI. and’ Shakespeare, not. to mention] transferring him: from Waterloo,|Tinker Corp., and Nick Nichols.. “_.. | einemas. However; the service did Broadway hits and -cultural attrac-| Iowa, where he was manager of}. Salazar in earlier suit filed. Oct. | Blake Edwards and Martin Jurow. okay: “The . Longest Day,” ‘sans. tions from abroad, he said in as|the Paramount Theatre.. Frank 14: sought to enjoin Kripnick from) added “What Did You Do in the: cuts, and. such films as. Attack,” aweeping a statement as has ever|Dorcy, assistant. manager under | “further interfering” with the re-' War, Daddy?” to their. “two-pix | about: a. cowardly: captain in : been made by a toil-tv proponent. Lyon, continues with Grayheal. Jtationship he had with. Nichols. . lattes Corp.-United, Artists ‘deal. first world war. orn wes Bike, steer tip nat ne a. t., . ue ghee eapurne,