Variety (November 1963)

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_. ers: filed. out quietly, : PICTURES a Dae ain Sl ore ORO ie alae) Mixture of Intl Talents in New Pix More. Films. ‘Launched Nationalities Figuring i in Casts. ~= ” Baris, Nov. 26... : ‘The. mixture.“ of ‘International | film talents: and biz is. summed ‘up| dn the” currently-shooting. producf ; tion. hereof “The Love Cag (MGM). This is technically French |.” -but is being made in English: and | French, “with French © names, a. Frenchdiréctor, “US.| money, through a locally | backed ‘company, “worldwide... Alain Delon. °° > ‘MissFonda. thinks she. can. hoia| on to her. U. Ss. eareer ‘by selected stage ‘appearances _ ‘and pix? she: also. iritends to make ‘films: in many ‘countries plus’ ‘American pix}. made abroad. Delon, who recent! y. formed his | own company, . adds that being. al. “businessman is part. of star status |: today. In fact; he got Japanese ‘rights for. ‘another. pic he madé for the” ‘Metro-bankrolled company, Cipra,. “Any Number. Can.’ Play,” -as. part :of his” salary. And: sold it handsomely. | ‘Director . Rene | Clement has made films in Italy and Asia and| “His last French stint was ‘alsg for Metro’s .Cipra. ‘The presently shooting. pic thas a Frenchman on/ ‘he run from Yank gangsters who. gets entangled. with. an eccentric American~ widow ‘in France.. oo Some. N.Y. Scenes Being made primarily in -Eng-. lish, ‘some: closer... shots. ‘show French lip | movements.: has. some: : ‘Gotham: scenes «to. give it a worldwide. look -in: -its .backgrounds, thesps and: story... Crew is expected to head. for. New. ‘York in December. for. a. few. -weeks of finial . shooting. on _.. French -title -is a play on “Safe. “and. Sound” | via “Ni Saints. Ni Saufs” which Ieans,: literally,. “Neither. Saints Nor: ‘Safe. oP. Also inline with “International ‘ prodi uction. is Jules Dassin’s. “Topkapi,” which. is. a. _French-ItaloGreek-Turko prod ction being made in English, “with United -Artists. distributing: ‘Cast has" Ger-Mman-Swiss. “Maximilian” : Schell, Greek actress. Melina © Mercouri, ‘British actor Peter Ustinov .and a mixed* European .and-..U.S... supporting. cast;.:-Exteriors. were: ‘made. in . Turkey © “with*. done here | ‘for five weeks. “The ‘Train’ ‘Nears’ ‘End: , Also. winding © here: As. Train,” “The: Frankenheimer and. Burt Laneas ‘ter. respectively, .There ‘is alocal|’ . co-director forthe’ French ver-| °° sion, with. Frankenheimer® han-. dling: the Anglo” -aspects.. Then _ there. is a mixed ‘British, French “and German cast in this ‘story’ of railroad resistance’ to the Germans: Suring: the. last ‘war. _ and. US.[e | ‘and MGM distribution | Stars are Yank ac-| tress Jane: Fonda: and. Frenchman 7 But} ‘Pie also}. line.: ; *sMitchell Reflex’: tional’. Carbon; -Lamp, | Levitron . Film.. Processor;. “Hous ‘interiors being | | } Women of Industry; a French-Italo pic: with al Yank ‘director . and . star. in: John 7 ‘tn. “France_ With. Man | [war Not Take All of Us?. ” Knoxville, Nov. 26... | “Mayor John Duncan is inak-. ing a bid to have the world reem -of “The. Fool: Killer” . “held in Knoxville. “was filmed: in the East Ten-. _hessee ‘area by Ely Landau. the’ film: A .release’ date and: “Hot. been revealed. Mayor Dun‘Civic: ‘Auditorium ” as ‘the site ..ofthe ‘preem.’ The Tenriessee. Theatre is: also expected” ton 7 ‘bid’ on: the ‘picture... ae ay for Jay. ‘Hollywood, “Nov. 26. Academy of Motion. Picture Arts & Sciences ‘has selected 16 tech-’ nical achievements of the past year for consideration in the 1964 (36th). Annual Academy Awards. A final: meeting will be’ held in Detember | -by. the Academy Scientific or Tech|. nical Awards Committee to. ‘de Selections follow: ‘Panazoom. . Lens, Camera, ‘Mitchell’. Camera’: Corp.; 3 Ultrex _ Positive. -Titan Studio “Mole Richardson: --Co.; ton: Fearless Corp.;: 3 . Techniséope System, Technicolor orp.;. Travel-: ing ~ Mattes.. Fechnicolor -Corp.; i System For Recovery: ‘Of Solvent | "Vapors, Consolidated Film -Indus-. ‘tries; Laced. Process, Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer:Film: Portable: Playback Machine,. ‘Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer: Panaflex:70 | Varispeed ‘Electronic |. 1716MM | ‘Magnetic Panavision: ' Motor, : Panavision: ‘Portable Proj 1 ector,. Atlas: Electronic. ‘Co.:: Port-: ‘able... Projector; Co.; ‘Portable Camera Crane, Martin ; 'G, ‘Kashuk: and. Atlas’ Replacement Hollywood . ‘Film Sound: “Unit, Atlas. Electronic, Ce] Up Mary Heueisen For. . ‘Progress ‘1 Wm "Tat os Kansas: City, Nov: 26. New: president of Women: of the Motion. Picture. Industry (WOMPI) International, Mary’ ‘Heueisen, has chosen “Progress. in Unity” as. the: year’s theme:’Membersare asked ‘| to” work in ‘unity with each ‘other | to promote goodwill within the -in Better Kind. of Fire | And Audience: Reaction |. Albany; ‘Nov: 26." The 061. head of Manager Sid ney Sommer and the calm attitude}: of a. predominantly youthful audi ence of 1,250 prevented: panic and | Anjuty. at the first’ show ‘Sunday:| evening (17). in the Stanley Warner Troy. .Then, smoldering tim-} bers under .the stage (apparently | faused by. defective wiring) filled. the. 2,000-seat: theatre: with. heavy smoke.” As ‘an off-duty. fixernan turned. from. the building:. ‘Immediate danger.” the final strays. being accompanied through ..the lobby by policemen. The ‘evac “uation took less than .five minutes. | Ticket-holders received: money ‘re= funds. | ‘the. surmise-the blaze’s “core” was centered. ‘This. did not: prove to be] * the. case. Fire—never" visible—was. in. ‘the . . basement,” to’ which.‘it was con-| ‘fined, with only. ‘minor. damage. ~The Troy reopened;: per: schedule, the next. noon, ” “| dustry. and for: the “industry. In |: |more than. drapery, also: separates. ‘unity, Miss -Heueisen. asserts, ‘WOMPI should participate in Club. | Service. projects, . ‘gether to reach their goal” of..'a ‘sponsored: room. at. the. Will Rogers. ‘Memorial: Hospital. Their. “‘progress,” she ‘added, will be shown by increasing local:. mémberships. and: -by: organizing -new. WOMPI clubs. ‘President. Heueisen ‘announced |. that ‘Mrs. «Grace: Engelhard © ‘and. Marcella: ‘DeVinney, : both “of St. “Louis, will co-chair the. 1964 Con-.|~ vention, to be -held ‘at the. Park|: | ‘Plaza, Aotel. in St. Louis. in ‘an alarm; Sommer ‘called to} ‘patrons that:.they walk, not~run, |. “there: is no}. ‘The custom-’ ~ Jablonows’ New Unit St. ‘Louis, Nov: 26; A new:4,350-seat motion. picture: ‘house will be openéd early: -in 1964 near: Jablonow, : run. house. ‘to. their extensive. chain in this area.. It will embody a new ‘concept in} created by ‘peripheral * design, architect Gerhardt’ Kramer. . breaking ceremonies "were: Paul. -Koenig, ‘Mayor’. Feature ™: Anthony: Perkins | stars. in “ musie’ “for a “publicity gimmick, '-. gehedule. of final’ editing. has | ~ _.@an has: suggested Knoxville. . = = | Felix’..Leew,,. ‘Panavision, |: “Mark... IE. “Carbon, . Na-} ‘and «work te --the.: ‘suburban Crestwood shopping: -eentre. Julian ‘and Louis’ owners of Mid-America |: -| Theatres,” are. adding it as ‘a’ first As fire ‘apparatus arrived, ‘the’ helmet-wearers. ‘raced to. the. top. balcony, ‘where the. smokc led tot. Participants. in‘recent ‘ground -of' Crestwood: “Martin. Bloom,: General contractor; | the Jablonows-: and: “general. man=. i ager of. the sew: house, : ‘ae NS SUNDAY. ~ DANCING VICTORY 7 Calgary, -Alta., Nov. 26: LA “eharge “of ‘contravening: the | Lord's” Day: Act’ against . drive-in 7 ‘theatre owner Jack Diamond ‘was —. dismissed in: city police court ‘Dbe“dancing ‘does not. neces-: ‘/ ticket sold to every grownup. person in the. country. (Imagine a eause. sarily constitute a performance.” aa -He was. charged after moral; a squad . detectives: visited. the Sun}.set Drive-In ‘Theatre. prior to a ‘Sunday midnight ‘preview . and. “found humerous young ‘people. dancing . . | ears” in. driveways: ‘between “twist ‘orchestra’. was. supplying and: not™ for funds.” ” Detective testified he. told Dia-’ thond the dancirig had to stop, but |-was: told | ‘by. the accused “he was: : Pafraid : to. stop the. music because | young ‘people. ‘are: difficult. to han.|dle..and a riot) may break . out.” . assistant manager,. | stopped: the. music. and’ told . the} erowd ‘there -would be: no more. “| music or dancing ‘until after mid ‘| night. He said he had stopped the ‘music once. before: during the eve-. | ning to warn that: dancing ‘was not. | allowed ona Sunday. A ‘dance, he -argued, agreed, pointin gg. act. and. “dancing, or whatever that ds teen-agers jump’ around to, doés not.-fall. inte. the category Of -entertainment, and ‘therefore ‘is ‘not a. Performance.” me | New Twin Theatres Evoke “Charlotte’s Estheticism Charlotte, N.C, Nov. 26. . Charlotte’s (and. Smith. Manage ‘ment’s) ‘new. $750, 000 -deluxe. shop‘ping. center -:twin-theatre . ‘housed first audience. Nov. 6 at 7.:p.m. | and. ‘early ° ‘attendees: pronounced it. “mighty . fancy.’ mo -"Set‘back. within ° fis. 1. “vo0-car paved parking. ; “Jot opposite the. “Charlottetown Mall, and Il. ‘WAS ‘lighted ‘up with . Jean: ‘Cinema J Kerr’s:: comedy, “Mary, | Mary,” “(WB).starring Debbie’ ‘Reynolds. Cinema I-has 1, 000 séats facing. a _60-foot screen. “Cinema. II seats 500 and has. a 50-foot ‘screen: Seats. rea push-back type,” which: per ‘mits people to get ‘in or out. ofa: TOW. ‘without ° everybody. standing The .customer merely -sits up’ a straight and. ‘slides the seat .of. his | a chair back about 5. inches to: make room. ‘for the. in-or-oiiters. . ; * Fach : theatre. has: a section for . "|| smoking, with chairs covered with. ‘ta ‘fireproof, gold-colored fabric and ashtrays | on. the back of. the. ‘seat | ahead. 1. The two. theatre’ auditoriums are. -back-to-hack. | -with: _ ‘water-cooled | _projectors | up. high between them, | facing in opposite: directions: in. sin-. gle: projection. roon. Alsd, in’ this}. _area ‘are 100. ‘tons-of air condition ing. and: gas -heating. equipment. The -. -“lébby, .$tressing lighting the two: theatres. It has “X-shaped heavy-cushioned ‘seating, . a. widesreed. concession stand, and behind. it rest. roomis,: ‘including. women’s powder. rooms of a .surprisingly élaborate’ nature. ‘Manager H. B. Palmer said cleanliness is a fetish with the company. Prem. Ends: 1.Bure Tour’ : For Columbia:‘Cardinal’ . Producer-director Otto Preminger this week’ concluded @ cross-country ‘tour. ‘during which he talked it. up | and.. undertook. to ‘win... friends among. Civic. ‘leaders, . ‘the . clergy, “| press: and public’ for his newest -Columbia. production, “The Cardinal.” He covered. 11: key cities and. in ‘all of: them screenings of the Picture. were-on the agenda. 'Preminger’ s call on ‘Philadelphia : ‘yesterday (Tues.). was ‘to be‘ the. wrapup’ of the tour’ ‘but. this was. ‘eancelled because . of ‘the. city’s ‘preoccupation with: the President ‘Kennedy: assassination. ° .Reception. and. screening. ‘was held last: week.’ in..-Dallas ‘where ‘Mayor Earl ‘Cabell signatured ' the invitations: ‘to local . V.LLP’s and ‘press. reps “from. Fort Worth,Houston, San. Antonio, Austin and 7 Oklahoma oy. Rae Court” was: ‘told’ ‘a local Catholic. Swiss.Jew, she accepted. the. Jewish} ifaith.. She: became so involved in vorced her husband, she felt com ‘Catholic. ‘simple people. immigrants in Jerusalem, with all {their hopes and ‘sorrows. It is a. Ne ‘one. subiracts the Arab population -of Israel and among the Jews the new immigrants who.: don’t. yet understand: Hebrew, ‘the net result Broadway. theatre selling. more tharf “106,000,000 ‘tickets a year!). | Habimah was founded in. Russia, } immediately. after the Bolshevik revolution; ‘by a few young Zionists (Zionism wasn’t yet a sin), who had ‘artistic. aspirations. They. were. im-. -‘mensely lucky in the fact that. the | great. panjandrum of the. ‘Russian. ‘theatre, Stanislavsky, took a liking |: to them and instructed. ‘them from the very beginning.. For their.third play, -S. Ansky’s: “The Dybbuk,” delegated to them as director ‘one ‘of ‘his most talented disciples—{ ‘ be-: came the showpiece of Habimah;. which was performed up to now Vachtangoff... “The -Dvbbuk” more. than ‘1 ,000 times all around the world. “Though it was. per‘formed in the US... |Habimah’s two. visits there—in the "20s ‘and. ‘in -1948—"“The Dybbuk” twill. be performed this time again. | |: The prosecutor. sought: conviction’ : “because Diamond. knew teen-agers. were .dan¢cing and he should have stopped it. before. police arrived.””.. is a -performance: ‘under. the~ ‘Lord's Day. Act. “tes ‘Magistrate. ‘Fred ‘Thurgood: ‘dis-: out the word : br | “dancing” is ‘not included’:in the will e recommended. for: ‘awards recognition: ... — Pursuant. to” committee “poliey;. the” selections are now: publicly. ‘disclosed to permit those with. ‘elaims of prior art. or with devices | similar to those. under considera| ; tion. to so: advise” the. Academy, too, during Saga of Eva Kerbler — ; The -play is a Hassidic legend, a love story based on Jewish folklore (it inspired Paddy .Chayefsky ‘to: write “The 10th Man”), centred around Leah, ‘a girl obsessed by a ‘| ghost. The part of Leah .was played for decades ‘by: Hannah Rovina,. the First ‘Lady. of the Hebrew Theatre. Since she will not be. cable. for rea | sons. of health, to join the ‘com-_ pany: on its present tour, all the ‘available actresses staged a. bitfer behind-the-curtain fight for the part, which is’ supposed to be the. | classic role in Hebrew. ‘By the decision of Julius Gellner, Habimah’s. -artistic. ‘director, the choice. role ‘went to a young and very talented actress, Eva Leon,. who. could be. the heroine of. a different. play— her own story. .» Only a year. ago, Eva ‘Kerbler was.’an. extremely popular actress in: Vienna. ‘Her parents are Catho lies and she, too, was raised as a ‘When | she married. a Jewish: affairs, that after she. di-: pelled to visit Israel. She liked the. eountry and decided to settle here. In one year she achieved a’ j series of quite. impossible feats: she’ learned’ Hebrew, was accepted by’ ‘Habimah, succeeded in. two plays: -Duerenmatt’s _Ustinov’s’ crowned it all by. being given the ‘and "and . “Phy sicfSts” “Photo Finish,” role of Leahfor. the: theatre’s ‘American tour.:.The net: ‘result is. that the most Jewish role in the most Jewish. play in the: most Jew lish .theatre -will.‘be . played. by. a Viennesse actress who.was born a behind so thoroughly, that she even ‘changed her name from the. Ger‘man sounding Kerbler to the Jew‘ish Leon. Only Eva remained, It is a name eternal. . “Bwo New Plays . ‘Habimah wil! open on Broadway with “The Dybbuk” on Feb:.1 and. starting. Feb. 25 the company will present acontemporary Israeli | playwright, Ben-Zion Tomer, “Children. of the Shadows.’ . formance will feature Israel’s No. 1 ‘male actor, Aharon Messkin, in the role of. an emmigrant haunted by} memories of .sins he committed The per-. against. his Jewish brethrens, during the Nazi holocaust in. Europe. It is a deep, probing play,. which ‘poses a crucial question: is Israel.a beginning ora continuation: of. the ‘long shadow: the tragic fate that haunted the Jews in -Europe? The third play, “Each Had ° Six Wings,” also. by a young Israeli playwright Hanokh Bartov, will be performed. between March 10-21.|= The title is taken from the Proph-| et’s Dedication in the Book . of | Jsaiah. While the Prophet spoke ‘about angels, the author meant own words:. ‘On. occasion people ‘cover their feet with two wings and. their faces ‘with twowings. Then they are. left with two wings. With these. wings they raise themselves above the earthy and selfish; above. the hard: and.the ‘cruel, and fly.”’ It is the story of a family of new play dominated -by “atmosphere” ‘which truly reflects one ‘of the dominant: features of Israeli real ity: the fate ofa minority which as in fact the. “Majority in the country —the newcomers. Since only a fraction of the New Continued from page 1. . , York: audierice ‘might ‘understand 1931. ‘sistrata’’), !and the moderns: ‘Several plays. by She has left her past . According to his}. Days. in May,” which is” due for. Habimab’s Catholic-Born Lead ‘Hebrew (which. is a completely different language from Yiddish), the producers of the plays will. install simultaneous. translation; Since past experience with foreign productions: has proved that mechanically ‘simultaneous translation sometimes. causes’.more confusion * than it helps, the translations -will be fitted to the play’s needs: sometimes .it will. be explanatory and only when deserved will it. be. word-by-word. ' Eugene O'Neill and ‘The. Deputy’. The theatre toyed::for. a while with the idea of ‘presenting . on Broadway ‘O’Neill’s“Anna Chris‘tie”’ “While it .would have _perpetrated with it the cardinal sin of. earrying coal to New castle, there: was at least one. argument in favor. of it at least part: of the. audience would have known the ‘play’ and: therefore. been less inhibited by the Hebrew language on the stage. ‘However: this project was ‘dropped: mainly because’ O’Neill’s ‘widow objected to. it. _. Theplays. chosen for the American. tour reflect. only: one aspect of. Habimah’s endeavors, ever since. the theatre settled in .Tel Aviv in (Habimah left Russia in 1926:. and’ settled in. Palestine: after a five-year tour of Europé and America). They represent the tendency to reflect Jewish. life in general and -Keraeli life in ‘particular. . Hows ever, Habimah’s repertory is by no means confined to .its national. character. It... includes: practically ‘all of ‘Shakespeare’s. plays, Greek classics (“Oedipus the King,” “‘LyMoliere,, Ibsen, Shaw Brecht and Duerenmatt. After itsreturn from the ‘States, Habimah will by all probability present Rolf Hochhuth’s: much) publicized play, | “The Deputy.” Following ‘New York. Habimah | will appear in. Boston, Washington, . Philadelphia and possibly the West ‘Coast. The theatre will also: play in Canada: Montreal and ‘Toronto. AS ‘a. product—and_ carrier—of an extremely. intense theatrical life | in ‘a small ‘country,. Habimah: “will ~ |be probably. judged by. double. standards: as a reflection of: its people’s culture it will arise much. curiosity and, one’ mayassume, . sympathy, as. ‘a theatre, purely and — -simply, it will be: tested against the Israelis, . standards of Broadway. . who relentlessly criticize’ at home Habimah’s every flaw, will: follow’ ‘their National Theatre with. much loving anxiety: on. its tour to" the United. States. a, “Continued from page 2 — so. | disturbing were it not. for the fact that Yank. entertainers ‘and . U.S. show. biz’ in ‘general. is pres-. | ently. making no noise at. all over seas, in his opinion. This is a serious matter,. Ferguson. concludes, and. one which should rate the: attention’ of the entertainment — industry at large. Even in the U. S., Soviet entertainment is a major. “event, mostly. via. the importation. by Sol Hurok and’ Columbia Concerts of sensational ‘concert and arena events. Another to express dissatisfae-.. tion is. indie producer Martin’ Jurow. “We talk a lot about. bally| choo and public. relations,” be com‘mented, “but don’t do much about it.” He particularly notes British influence: in Broadway legit and | pictures, In this regard, -he notes. that. the film he feels is creating the biggest. stir just now: is. the | British-made. “Tom Jones.’ mo Pending Releases — Continued from page 2 ———,, . distribution early next year and has. to. do‘with an attempted coup .Wetat by. some top brass of the. U.S: military. ° It’s felt in. some quarters. that. while not all of these films deal: | directly with current events, they may: :now be expected to create a reaction — re the-U..: -S. political ‘scene. — entirely different from ‘that originally’ intended. | This is particularly true abroad: where last week’s. events in Dallas. are reported to have had a profound effect on the. US. “image. ol