Variety (November 1963)

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_:., Vania: 4 oo, Rangers. ‘star Andy Bathgate. oe areas “-» sssistant to: managing director Lew Grade... “2: three books bs<<d‘ on ‘two. ‘ty. shows, “Z Cats”. and “Beat. The Clock,” . New. program ‘director at E Senttion-TV. is. tae ee elena aa RO ct te in| ee te ead mA SEY 5 PELs RP Wd on PS RE TE SE ERS OPT Ly ee gk ee eT LY Ew Oe =a OT Py ae oy ary eR ' nates eee ee . a . n eee TY ns PING LTE RE TT E ra ey he Ma fea ce 2 7 7 a 2 De ber, A len a ke ta SRNL SP pO eK. Cee PR ae Oe Br: p 2 eon tes re . 7 te te oo cn + aN NEW YORK ..2 0 . an art: movie, which. may. be Shot : in “Spanish (with English subtitles) in ‘Puerto Rico. -: a ed ‘Thanksgiving ‘Parade’ special. . «. ‘CBS-TV. associate: press info director: Harry Feeney, starred this week-{ — . end in. Marist ‘College Drama Guild production: of “My Three. Angels. ds Oe : -Phil Sterling, ‘of CBS press info,assigned to act. as liaison: with | . John ‘Sharnik,. . producer’. ‘of World. War I ~* documentary on: “Twentieth Century, ”elected. to Norwalk, Conn., board . of education ...... Richard Sears, ex-N:W. Ayer: account: exec, joins ‘CBS-{ : ORS News Election Unit . “TW network sales in'N. Y:; effective immediately’... .. WCBS Radio News|. ‘has. added three: new: ‘staffers, including Peter ‘Wells, Reginald Wycliffe}. and’ Robin Turkel ...:Arthur Hull Hayes, CBS’ Prexy,-and sales-v.p.. '. George Arkedis have returned. from. a. west. coast. swing, in. which they ' noho | “Ed | Sullivan | Show” : gave. CBS" Radio’s: presentation, “SRO-1964"": nae . Douglas ‘H. named. Detroit’*manager for CBS. ‘Radio™ -Scheduled to: originate from: ‘the: Deauville "Hotel, ‘Miami, Feb..16 . WCBS’ Radio. newscaster. Ken ‘Banghart marks his, third: year with ‘the| —-a Now Comes New "station tomorrow (Thurs.). _°” Ed Sullivan: will be the guest of’ honor of ‘the’ Federation of Jewish ~~": Philanthropies’ ‘amusement and broadcasting. luncheon at the Americana *: Hotel Dec. .10: : ‘Elliott Ames,:.-ABC-TVsales: ‘development writer, :. promoted ‘to™ manager of -promotion..and: -client : services -for ‘Sports| Ella’ ‘Fitzgerald. starring in ‘a’ WNEW Radio special Programs Iné, . .E. James Hodgett has joined ‘the ‘New: York ‘sales ‘tomorrow. (Thurs). ss : staff of. ‘Television Advertising Representatives... .'. -. » Joe ‘Tempone, retiring .after shining shoes at NBC for 30: years, will]: 7 be: a guest on NBC-TV’s “Today”: show Monday, (2):..’...Richard. Hanser, . “writer. of. NBC’s “Project: 20” unit:.. is taking .a_ six: monthis: leave of. .absence to. write a book: ‘for Prentice-Hall about ‘Hitler and the -begin " ning. of the.'Nazi. movement ; | : NBC. News producer Gerry. Green back oa at his désk after a ‘seven-week trip to Australia and: India filming: for} : “Sing Along’s” Leslie Uggams: opens in first New. ' two: news specs. .~”: -York nitery Dec..8 “at. Persian. Room: «: . :: NBC News “Washington cor > respondent Herb. Kaplow: -to. receive. Queens. College : “Alumni: ' of-the Year” award: ve -NBC-TV-Hallmark spec. “A Cry of “Angels.” Show: will be taped .day;|. “~~ 7 before. airing:.(15) with Maureen 0 "Hats flying in from appear. . Hermione Gingold. and. Hurd Hatfield signed ‘for in. show: and Walter. ‘Slezak ‘winging “in from.:movie . set .in Spain .. ... .NBC News: producer Fred Freed ‘was offered film from inside ‘Cuba. for] *. " “his “White Paper”. show (8) .about.Cuban invasion. but ‘declined because’ he had better film from.sources in Canada and East and West ‘Germany. General ‘Mills close circuiting ‘Tennessee Ernie’s Christmas. spect on ; NBC-TV around. network Tuesday (10) ....; James Franciscus, NBC-TV’s “Mr: Novak,” -eited by | Southeastern. State’ Education Assn. of Pennsyl-NBC sportscaster’ Bob. ‘Wolff has" ‘written’ book with, N.°Y. IN. ‘HOLLYWOOD . : 7 KTTV; the: other Metromedia-owned.. station, ‘KPTV,. in: the corporate 7 D ‘setup: :He ‘holds. aSix-year contract. overlapping from ‘thé former Mort, Hall. ownership: : : a ‘Community Television of So. Cal., now financially:seeured with $250, -. . Alan Henry: assumes _Forward’s. “duties; oe, pattern. ‘on. ‘UHF 28 in late: "May. “Schedule. calls’ for full: educational |. ‘po. programming . by’ September .. .. @arpeting of -a. newsroom in. the ‘country. -Makeover.on move to new aa . NBC’s program chief Mort .Werner ‘has :a_ 7, handshake. ‘deal. with: Paul: ‘Gallico. -and Louis de. Rochemont. to team. . "gp on.a: brace of biggies pale: .-Compton insists it didn’t cancel “Laughs: “For Sale”.and: had, in ‘fact, ordered 26. more. ABC would-rather have "a show with ‘more -income ‘than an alternate: ‘half-hour ;.-. . KLAC’ boasts’. the only’ wall-to-wall “quarters. costs. $150,000: . mons, “back: from shooting ‘a: commercial ‘in. Europe for a: cartel. with "a budget enough to film.a-B picture, found so mary. obstacles aH 4 | he can’t understand: why: film: ‘producers. want: to ‘shoot abroad. Commons, .“I -could do it in Hollywood: for. a lot -less’’.. do-one in Mexico: with Cantinflas’ and. two’ in Europe’ next season with. Jack Benny, . ‘who'll be. romping around the continent .:.; Don Kent, -whose voice of ‘Gallo (wine) is heard in 34 states,. tied. for a: third: ‘year’ but: for his face: only. ‘His: voice is in: “public domain.” IN: CHICAGO... * Bob. (Coffeehead) Larsen, long one. of: Milwaukee’ 'S. top: deviays, ‘has all-night man |’: . “WBBM Radio installed a new strip with John ‘Harrington: ‘at. 4:30: p.m.,. making for..a solid: two-hour news: block: andfour. -and a. half. ‘consecutive. hours of “talk’’. _programming “antil 9: p.m.”: .. Christine. Fahy, schooled .at’ séveral ‘ocal agencies, ‘has a Joined Keystone. Broadcasting System. as. director. of station: relations ore: , Rex Gay. .and Andrew: Muldoon have” been uF ‘tapped for: the sales staff. of John. Weigel’s new UHF-er, WCIU . . Burr Tillstrom. and “) Fran Allison. (“‘Kukla, Fran’ & “Ollie”) will: describe the State’ Street “Christmas Parade on. WBKB-TV’s telecast: ‘this. Sunday . : . Donald “exee’. ::.. WIND. broke the Canon:35 barrier in gaining entry ‘to Monroe St. (“Skid Row”) Court for ‘Red Mottlow’s documentary. ° “Day's of f Judg-| oa ment.’ ” It gets a Fepeat: airing this s Sunday." IN BOSTON” PO Se wrge cn Im ‘President ‘Keinedy’s s “home. town ‘all: jegular ty: _progtamming mee Friday : (22). afternoon "and" Saturday. (23) . was *. cancelled. Throughout . the \day..and night, all’ stations, WBZ:TV, WNAC-TV, WHDH-TV, : WGBH-TV : carried :programs of news,: ‘memorials . and. special broad _:€asts_ in connection’ with the assassination. of ‘the Boston-born Presi-' :. dent..: Localprograms ‘were dropped: The: tragedy also: affected Bos| ‘all. its -‘ton’s radio programming. : -WEEI; ‘CBS ‘outlet in ‘Hub, . regular shows until. after: the ‘funeral. WEEI, WEZE,. ‘WCOP, WNAC, _« -WORL, --WBZ.. revised. Saturday: and ‘weekend. skeds: for reports: and : = where music: was: played, . all: reported it: ‘would -be* ‘soft’ music.” . a IN. LONDON . Four new exec appoiatiients at Associated ‘TeleVisiow: Bit’ i ward: productions controller, upped to executive controller’ (Elstree); ‘Ter-. ‘ence. Macnamara ‘elevated. to technical counseller: Bernard Marsden. steps in‘as technical controller and Pamela. Grey is appointed personal Profits.from sale of or will. be: donated to. ‘Oxfam :. _ “(Continued on page : 3D). . ne -WNEW-TV kiddie | .4 “show host. Fred’ Hall completing his fourth ‘book for ‘publication: next! | year, He’s .also preparing a one-man art show next” spring .....’. ‘Peter |. ~ Kalison. named :.:coordinator of sports for ABC “Radio, : reporting -to} ":." Howard. Cosell.. ‘Thomas. B. Jones named program: coordinator and: John |. _¥.. Wade. is national research: director of ‘the: Triangle radio-tv group.|: pes "se a. ; oe ls ; David. Com| ; .¢ | . Red Skelton | | ~ ~.' hias cooled: on‘ doing. two shows in Japan due to bad. weather, He may |**" 2 -WBBM-TV : news ‘director: John Madigan addresses the ‘Chi. chapter of filmed. in-N-Y., -.. American’ Women in Radio and TV. on Dec: 4 . “John” Stryker,” j venture. ‘Series “filmed: in _ Holly. | alga 26. | ow : that “That Was . eg oats Week That: Was” would be... “coming off the air at the.end: a ; : rae en A baad harp 20 a to ‘ta the | ic ; controversial on ‘in the TV: scripter ‘Larry Menkia, now residing. on Coast, has: finietied his 1964 Election. year, the cast -second novel, “Who Is Julian?” and’ a screenplay, “The Larger Cage,” | indulged. in: gentle ‘iibbing..of _ fr: pact execs: responsible for.’ Paul Levitan, €BS-TV: special events ‘director; back from: Toronto re i] er ecision. Deunis ‘Feeney, thesping son .of| the ‘show, suggested, for. ex-. = vo “Dr... Kildare’. ' | ‘would. be an: inevitable victim |. David. Frost; ‘anchormaii. ‘of ~ ample, \: that --of the ‘no-politics rgling which . would prevail in’ 1964:He . "pointed out. that there was al-".. -ways.-the. likelihood © of.. a woman Patient in the program. with labor pains. As it was.un.. “likely ‘that there would. be a ease. of a patient: with either’. . “Conservative of Liberal. -pains,.” “that ‘could create an undesir-: 7 (The Projection: DE "Rating: projéctions are the latest |. wrinkle. in ‘the. numbers game. to./. make. insomniacs out ‘of television: agency. execs... While . ‘projections { { ‘are drawn up ‘by. all. the webs. and. major. agencies in. advance. of ‘the Nielsen . ‘books, ‘they . have.: been | ‘Now, :how-’ ever, with =the. fever. over © ‘Fatings. ‘at an alltime. high, the. projections |. are being-made available. ‘by some™ of: the webs. to, :the Jay and trade}: " . |press.. . The “projections. are. ‘based: on a |. ‘estimates. of how’ the. ‘Nielsen: fig: will ; ‘shape up.-in ‘the. next. ratings: : strictly ‘Intramural... ures, -. themselves: estimates; The. projections, according to the « “network . Statisticians, customarily quite accurate when -examined -in’ their: -gross’ figures. _-*/| But’: closer “inspection . finds. that. “-l'the: projections usually: tend to “Bob ‘Forward; top man in. ‘programming. at KLAC, “moved. over: to | favor: -by .someé “measurable -varia-: tion the -party: . which. ‘is amaking the: projection. . _» One hetwork exec. said. tiie situa° | ton ‘is getting: dangerously | ‘out. of ‘hand: ‘when projéctions: are being. circulated: .sofreely. -and so ‘pub-.| licly...““We. have. to. worry. enough ‘when the official. Nielsen: figures ‘are posted without ‘getting nervous |: client” calls: on ‘the basis: of the projections,” he said. “United: Artists Television ‘Ys in af thie midst. of. preparing for. the ’64-. 65 ‘season -with. six: pilots; all to one: for.-ABC. Home,” filmed ‘in Boca. .Grande, ‘Pla:, for’. ABC-TV:phin,”. | Cruces, ~— N.M.:-~ Phil © Silvers” Gladasya-UA-TV © ‘Production: -of ‘Sherwood — ‘Schwartz. _ .. half-hour: comely: series. for ‘CBS-TV: ‘Hawaii: and. the Davstar:. VA-TV-. .. Production for .CBS-TYV, a: ‘one ‘hour ad British AR’s Ding London, Nov. 26: | don ..area:— The :company ‘has just declared.'‘an~interim’ divvy of |. ‘122%. tax. free, against “10%. last At. is. ‘anticipated: ‘that: -thie total divvy for the ‘year ‘will soar to| 30%, and: improvement. .of. 212% |-a “) over the preceding a. ‘months: | sored. vehicle. oe .|-Wayne Hardin, football: .coach of “David “Susskind; ‘Beverly -Campbell ‘Soup prexy; ; ‘Navy,. Headaches | . :,-P stated, © — planned to destroy: his ‘professional ‘ | career : throught‘. ‘the use.--of. the. § | libelous publications. directed «to. "| the places. where. they would do him the most harm.” © ‘| ae “The ‘guilt ofthe: ‘defendants Was ° so: ‘clearly * -established, ”.. the. ‘opinion stated;‘so as. to have left. — | defendants. liable.’” o ee, = be’ completed by Dec: 15-and all: being.‘shot. in ‘various “parts ‘ofthe’ _ -U.S..Five are ‘for.CBS,. the other | _ been -wooed away by WIND: which. dropped :‘Thom Sherwood to make |: pein, ~-poom -for*him.. Larsen ‘starts’ next Monday . (2)\ in the afternoon. ‘shift, |: ‘These’ six ‘coproduction deals. in‘Bruce Lee. ‘moves’ to: the late. evening; and Perry. Marshall becomes. the ‘clude. three: ‘under the. supervision. -of Robert Alan Aurthur—the half’ hour. comedy. series. “Pioneer, Go : “Mark -Dolthe. ‘one-hour’ adventure ‘sericés, “Kibbee ‘ ‘Hates Fitch,” both |. and: both for CBS: ; TV; ‘the. Jackie ‘Cooper Production |: ‘one-hour’ series for CBS-TY, “Cal| | houn,” based‘ upon the: experiences. 7 Carrell, former: ABC ‘Radio sales. staffer, joined WLS: as ‘an account Of a ‘county agent; filmed in Las. oa “Gil: oe Higa’ $s Island,” : with. filming -in -| Kowal, . Better results. ‘are in’ the: offing. : | from. ‘Associated -Rediffusion, the 7 commercial tv company which’ has } the. weekday franchise in:the Lon| ‘Great Debates, | Aaron’ S: ” to P Touch » For CBS ‘Alumni Fur’ | a “Wiien: ‘Alumni Fun” returns for. a. second try on. CBS-TV in Jani. ary; under ‘the production ‘reins: of. --| John Aaron; the big-name lustre.of:| -|“Person to: Person”. will:‘be addéed: to-the. ‘American: Cyanamid-spon | participants include. Janet’ Leigh, Murphy,. Bennett: Cerf, Marguerite: ‘Higgins, Michael Land; senior... Look: Jackie" prez; . Corcoran. “Clifton, Faditnan ‘will host.. Avard trates ‘all, ‘In: the judgment: of the -N.Y. “shockingly exeessive” and ordered. $550,000: in. damages or go through another trial.. compensatory damages to $400,000 from Vincent. ‘W:.. Hartnett; an’ of sively: . ‘established, “that “the . ‘defendants ‘the jury no choice but to find the court: said: it ‘was: oneerned with the” size of: the award. it -so. ‘We: ‘find : ‘WHe--verdict. to’ be ‘grossly. excessive and ‘most unrealistic—even. in. the field: of. entertainment.”..” In: actuality. ‘the: $3,500, 000. libel state® grocer Johnson, ‘who died: in ‘tnid-trial, -was “not the multimil| ‘lionaire supermarket. tycoon -whose “pressures” . were: allegedly feared .by networks: and: sponsors, but had left:-only. a. ‘$175,000 . ‘estate. In ef| fect,-evéen if.the $314-mil. award | remained, ‘Faulk figured ‘to: coliect ‘about -1e. on the dollar. ‘cided’ if hisattorney, J Louis Nizer,. will: appeal. mS a Pair For James Fonda c Hollywood, Nov: 26.. Prodiicer James’ Fonda. has ‘begun. working: on. ‘a ‘pair of : half: hour. ‘situation. comedy: properties at Séreen’ Gems; as. ‘part -of his re cenfly-signed . new. Pact with. the company. Fhe producet ‘evianel”™ ‘drew a under terns of his new. pact.’ His’ untitled: comedies ‘will probably be geared ‘for the. 1964-65 ‘sea-. : son; rather than: next t year. editor. of | Robinson, ‘Lloyd. Bridges, Vincé:Barnett, Colgate U. | Eva’. Marie: Saint, Quentin | Reynolds, ‘Ruth‘Hussey, and: Tom Democratic ' ‘party. candida Appellate -Court;. that jury ‘was. Faulk to accept. a-reduction to: ‘Thefive-man ‘court: ‘cut Faulk’ s. and -punitive damages’:to: $50,000. from Aware, ‘Inc., an: organization } which, ‘deseribed itself. as combat-. ting Communism, ‘and: $100, 000 | ficer of Aware.°A third. defendant, . Laurence A. Johnson, an upstate. N. Y. _ supermarket operator, died However, the:|. “A court may not stand. ‘by -idly when it. is | | apparent. that~ a@.verdict’ is shock‘ingly excessive.. “AS jury’s. verdict.) ‘must have-some relation to reality.. and. it: is. the ‘court’s: duty to keep: award « to. Faulk. . was ‘academic 7 when -it: was. found. that’ theup Not. de-| | nominee: : | vention is in, July and the Demo~ \eratic ‘Party. convention 1 August: }. 10 Dean Persone | "Ten Even Greater Need For | Stanton Pro > ‘Television, which broke historical” | ground: with the “Great Debates”. of 1960, now has an even . -more. ‘urgent “assignment: in. °64, which. will mark the first. election year after the assassination. of. President. John F. Kennedy... The death’ of Kennedy . throws . an entirely different. light. on the * various | proposals" to. make’ next. ‘year’s. series of: tv debates: between” wi th. ‘Jesse "Zousmer, “alrea ay “has the: two. major Presidential can. a ‘lined “up -some’ big names for’ the ‘cable -potitical: imbalance. _-’.: :.’| half-hour: Sunday ‘afternoon quiz _zerwhich. bows Jan..5: Pledged -didates. more . meaningful to the: {electorate. The light differs. ac cording’ to observers;: in. that the | debates: ate more vitally: needed, lcoming at a:time when the nation still will be unnerved by the Kennedy assassination and when the ‘Democratic nominee hasn't. the. established’ image .of a JFK.. AS in ’60, the “Great Debates” of: '64, when. ‘the. Republican .and: Ss face each ‘other.on tv, will havé. principals .new: to ‘the electronic. Presi-.. dential forum,.unless. Richard Nix Lon becomes the Republican™stan‘| dard bearer again. — It. is:in. this altered . framework . seta»: | that the proposals of. CBS prexy. ‘our Hold Fa if. | Frank. Stanton’ must. be: studied. =... ..Ehe efforts of NBC's board: ‘chair9| man Bob Sarnoff to. bring about .. 1a more meaningful series. of de_ batés also takes on altered tones. +The ‘same holds true of .ABC-TV’s. Cut to $550,000)" “John, Henry Faulk: {s not getting |; -that.. $3; 500,000 libel. award. after Jim ‘Hagerty, who: ‘has been working in this area. _ The most: -detailed public. proposals ‘were made by CBS’ Stanton, in an address before the: National Institute of Social Sciences,. prior to Kennedy's assassination::. Stanton ‘said the: Presidential ‘debates: ‘should be expanded to -run. from Labor Day.:to Election Eve. In letters to the Democratic and Re | publican. National .chairmen, Stan ton also urged that opposing candidates considera substantial revision of the debating’ format: and perhaps devote an hour.or 90 minutes to to, the discussion of. a “single issue." | | ‘In an nt almést ‘prophetic addenda‘. to his. proposals, Stanton said “CBS: ‘wants ‘to--emphasize: that time is. . also available for joint appearances -.| of the. major party candidates for ‘The new. ‘decision found that the proof. of support ‘of Faulk’s ‘case | : | was. ““overwhelming.”. *He -corcluthe . decision. ‘the: Vice Presidency. It has been truly. said that the Vice President: is but a heartbeat away from the Presidency; and by Constitutional: -. provision as: well as in practice, — Vice Presidents succeeding to: the... ‘office assure all its powers, and Te. of the. awesome. potentiality of ‘the. | office, candidates. for the Vice Pres| idency—their characters and their ‘minds—should be as familiar to the voters as the. candidates for’ the Presidency. itself.” — 2 NBC’s ‘Sarnoff -in testimony: be‘fore the: Oren Harris Congressional committee also called extension-of the debates. NBC has’ given” a grant of. $10,000 to the American Political’-Science Assn. to Study ‘ways: and ‘means to improve. the ‘Presidential debates. APSA, to date,» thas received more than. 400 recom-. -mendations from national and state party chairmen, from Congressmen. {and Governors on how to. improve, the ty debates. . An NBC spokesman ‘said. “we'll” ‘go along with whatever. the ..can didates agree upon.” “ABC’s Hagerty; former press sec ‘retary. to President Ejsenhower, | saidhe has been in-‘constant con-. Sultationwith political leaders. .of ~ men. maior parties. ‘held . unlikely’ that either major party will take .a: position ~*~. on the’ various debate proposals. until. after each party selects its~ -(Republican Party -con-._ is in, -Stanton’s. . proposals, which ‘ape proximate eight direct | dialogues between. the two major candidates, without reliance on a panel of newsmen to ask questions, could materi cally.ease campaign costs for both Parties. Ejght hours of prime. evening time on. the three networks: J-would. run’ to about SB. 125,000 at ‘Rormal. rates. pay hike plus a participation. in] any. vidpix. propérties . he creatés, Congressional suspension. of the’ FCC provision requiring radio and’. tv. to: give equal time to ali candidates would be needed before authorization of the debates would be given by the networks. a minor