Variety (November 1963)

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Lew mew (ATV) aa cal : Vidfilm Indus ry | eso World Theatre’ ‘London, Nov. 26. : Inthe face. of the near ‘death: ‘of the British tv film: industry, which “has been-drastically threatened by the upcoming $50,000,000 -Govern| ment Jevy on. advertising income, ' the-commereial tv: contractors have | collaborated in a major-bid-tokeep} : their. British vidfilmend \.up. The program companies have. each agreed to: hike the “network. rate” for British vidfilms’ ‘in. order that the producer can recover substantially. more of.the nut from the local market. And while a producer. will still have to export-his product: ‘to make a profit, the increased local rates. will go some way. towards | Lee putting a successful vidfilm series. “Gn the black. Importantly, the ele| vation of local.:sales prices: for} ‘domestic tv: film: could mean. that a series not. sold inthe US., ‘but. in. other “overseas markets, still stands: a chance. of profit to. ‘make : fhe .expensive venture .in. telefilm avorthwhile. Hitherto, |a:“U.S. sale has been the determining factor in| -tland,: starring Sir “Ralph ‘ Richard “son in “England: Puritan ‘Vs.. Cava-. lier,’ showing the conflict between: ‘romantic and. narrow: Anglo’ ‘Perr sonalities. through: history.” the profit and ‘loss ledger. ~ ‘ Prime mover,: and first. ‘to ‘take ‘advantage of: ‘the scheme, is ‘Lew: ‘Grade, managing diréctor of ‘As‘sociated TeleVision, most film ‘con-. scious of all the local commercial |: ‘majors. -Grade has_ previously : declared..that he would ‘be: forced | to curtail : his film ‘activities. in view of the. crippling ad. levy. But faced’ ‘with a. large slice of productibn costs from local sources and: internationally sales-geared: through its subsidiary, ITC, he has: given the. gfa-ahead for ‘production: -in. the spring of. two: hour-long: film shows: ot hamely,, another’ series of: “The: Saint” ‘and “Danger: Man.” Former show, which stars: Roger f. Moore, has peen. proving one of the| §station's hottest. ‘properties: . both] ..°:) Europe on Making’, Of Lom Is for TV, ~ locally and: overseas.: With. ratings |’ _ here of anything up to a 50; it has been’ distributed to more than -40 |. ‘markets. ‘throughout, the. globe. | -which domestically } “Danger Man,” made. .a‘ big impact'.a couple ~ of: years back in its ‘half-hour format} —it was also sold to the U:S.—has } 4 reportedly. been reactivated because -chester;. ? ‘ster’ Abbey... Bath's “Cantebury Tales.” Plan to Sur ive Sets Double Exposure “Pattern In’ Key Cities| ‘The Eéso-sponsored international. tv series dealing‘ the cultural his-| .. tories of various: “nations,has been. set’ for’... WOR-TV, New . York; WHD-TV, Boston;; WOKR-TY, Ro-|: and WNHC-TV, New] Haven, ‘and negotiations continue |. for... presentation. in. Washington, | DC., Philadelphia and ; a major | southern city: mn In mest cities, “Esso World. Thea: | tre” will get. double ‘exposure, with. air time scheduled in New: York for ‘Sunday nights (beginning Jan. . 12). from 10 to.11-p.m., and’ again Wed-| nesday nights, 10° to” 11. -p.m., on}. those. weeks. wher the. ‘shows’ are'} -bein aired: Initial show: will be: ‘from: Eng “Show . reportedly. ‘ran. into . pio ‘duction difficulties when "a. |‘sequence ‘was. censored. out: ‘by: church ° Officials, who. .were . involved .. via. séquences to be. shot at: Westmin. Rather. than lose the} location (most. ‘was. shot -at.Kenwood.:House). ‘producers deferred to} the scensoring. of “The. Wife: of from © ‘Chaucer’ rs! ‘Prolog’ . he Big Big Trend To. To ‘Rome, Nov. 2 of the intérest shown: by a Canadian | sponsor who. has: given ‘his’ fiscal blessing to the. show I in the Canadian -market.. Announcing. his leap ‘pack ‘into _ vidfilm production, : Grade. said of. the indies willingness to hike fees for native celluloid: “This: has. been ‘a splendid gesture on -the. part: of | all the (commercial tv). cornpanies. It reduces the basic risk ‘inherent: in all film production . news: Will} come as.a real shot in‘the arm for ‘the, British film. industry as well as for independent. television .. ‘as a whole.” = | With the cost of the hour longsegments’ of both “‘The:.Saint” and “Danger Man” series. ‘estimated -at ‘around $84,000 each,: the two .26-: -episoders will represent .aniinvestment .of around $4,370, 000. Says (Continued on. Page: 42) UA TV: $ U. K. Shop, ‘other. advertising. films to be: made France, Britain,” Holland; ” Spain, ‘and . other . ‘countries as a major “producer of brief ‘commercials. Reasons’ are: many. the perennial | urge for ‘artists,.. rectors, writers, etc. ‘to .come “to ‘ber one, no local figures” -are -cited, ‘but: ‘one. man’s estimate . is, that a locally-made ‘commercial “at least” .a_ third cheaperthan. the | same: product made: ‘in. the US., American ‘talent just the same: . | “boom” ‘in: this. field .has .been’ the | rash of tv.:and theatre Ad ‘Film Cc ontin ental‘centers, . -such. as Cannes,. -Annecy. (animation: only), + Trieste, Milan, ete, . Apart from |: prestige | Valiie--(vi ia” .prizes),. these ne med by | ralg events. -also. serve .’as: worldwide | London, ‘Nov. : films. Taking the. view that © ies Oe ; Creative. ‘freedont ° is “the” -prinpanding. U.K. and European. tele-|cipal reason -why | Harry | Hess; a film. market -merits “on-the-spot: operation, ° United . Artists: TeleVision .. International: has’ set up-a London. office which: is” being. helmed by. George Blaug,_ who: -has: moved over from Screen: Gems; ’ the. company “with. which’ he chas| ; been associated’ ‘in: -London: for the: top. country some’ years. The appointment. “was confirmed” “last week. by’ Herb ‘Banquer, | UA-TV’ s “International tor (who. started With UPA) in the ‘animation ‘films’. for .a new ‘Pub| licityoutfit, Studio PL i.e -through in. every ‘facet. Tn. the U:S., "There's. “been an in creasing! trend, in recent times, : for -tv. and: ‘Lin’ Europe for the.U.S. market, and os most: : recently. ‘Italy. has_ Joined oo Europe .as people. in-related fields {have long done.. For reason: num-. : ‘Little: Story Shop’. though made —. or’ guided — by |. Another result:.of ‘the. -European,|" Festivals held each yé, ‘sampler -of.: Aatest ‘trends in: “ad: suceessful ‘animation. creator-dirée-| U:S., ‘has now settled in. -Rome;. where. he. is: producer ‘director’. of | “Italy,” Hess. feels,. “is currently| ‘for ‘animation. |: Here, ‘we can do. any thing: and, im‘portantly,. we: Can -follow ‘a. project |. its: perforce “ set’ up” differently, | topper. ‘Blaug’s | sphere of operation. “will |: | FOURSTAR SYNDE BID TO PLUG HOLES Four Star. Distribution “hag Te-. searched and found a. few: hundred'| markets .where one or. another,. or: of ~ its eight ‘off-network.| shows. ‘have . néver: played and is} be largely. centered ‘on the United “Kingdom territory, . but. will-“also’ embrace: the whole of. JTreland ‘and; from. the. New. Year, -willextend | to Holland and Germany: The ‘Lon-|° don. “‘h.q: will: also ‘handle program | sales’ to. such companies as Tele_-Nision International . and Overseas: Rediffusion, ° “Which a operate. ty: stations in various over‘seas. markets. UA-TVhas ‘two. series’ “sold to -the British networks. in *‘The Phil Silvers.Show,” on the, commercial:} network and “Ripcord,’ a which ‘has. been picked up by the BBC, Other _ program: deals ‘are said to be in an: “advanced stage: of. negotiation.and dcisils -are expected in the’ coming | Wwe eks.. Enterprises more, . (Continued. on page. 38)” making” a special: ‘Sales effort . ‘in the. premiere ‘situations. “No. -web series plays in all. 924 | -and. FSD . has |. ‘researched... the original: station lineups’ on network-runs, .pinpoint-j * ing ‘the numbers of Yocations where’ tiational. . “markets, ‘Four: Star. series weren t.. aired. ‘Many. of: ‘the: markets: ’ are. off ‘the ‘ayndie ‘Sales beat. ” Hank Booraem to WX | * Henrik (Hank). Booraem,. Lenneni|_ “| & Newell: tv: exec, joins WPIX-TV, ‘|New: York. independent, Dec. 1: in: ‘the. ‘newly-created post. of. ‘veepee | incharge of programs, -: =| Tir broadcasting. since °37, Boo_ raem: had “previously: ‘been: with |wae Kudner agency, Young &. Rubicam, «| C.J. LaRoche, “McCann. Erickson -jand Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, He]: -also. was. “onetime. ‘Manager. of national : programs | for Mutual Broad= casting, | Legality of {Sapermart “TV Shows in Mpls. To” Minneapolis, ‘Nov. 26... eral. is. making a study of the oncea-week ‘television ‘programs of. the ‘Twin Cities’ -two largest. supermarket chains to. determine if ‘they. ‘constitute lotteries Which are, Al legal. ‘in. this. state. . Both ‘programs ‘ate on: ‘the. Joeal Time-Life. independent. WTCN-TV.. The Red. Owl: store. ‘chain's “Tele-: Bingo” is ‘a -bingo game played: by. the: winners. receiving — valuable. prizes. and trading. Stamps. other, National Food stores’: -“Let’s Go to the Races,” is based ‘on actual. horse. races: “already run. ‘and victorious: participants _receive ‘Money. oF. trading stainps. . order to participate. In“his: letter asking the state ‘at-. torney ‘general if: ‘the. games are (Tegal, the city. attorney here said’ | that “both “the Minneapolis: ‘ city. | eouneil: and police’ ‘department are. concerned as:to whether the games} _ | violate. ‘the ‘Minnesota : ‘antilottery law..: “Heads of: ‘poth. chains ‘deny their gimmicks’ constitute lotteries. They . }-point: out that.‘not. only “is it. un| necessary for. participants to’ make « any purchases. ‘at .theirstores, but also, players” don't risk. the Joss. of | any money..-' ‘Crusade Ih Enrope’. i” “Crusade In. Europe,” a series of. 26° shows ‘about. Gen. ‘Dwight ‘D. . | Eisenhower, is being ‘put: into syn-. Economy. ‘is | naturally : one, but: athermajor: in-. ‘centives are: ‘creative. freedom and) | over. the ABC-TV network. dication by. 20th-Fox TV. Produced by Louis .de Rochemient. for 20th, the. shows were ‘originally telecast The five Metromedia stations, ineluding. WNEW-TY, ‘N: Y., WTTG, ‘Washington; KITV, : L08 ‘Angeles; and . KOVR, -Sacramento, : bought. ‘the: seriés, | Animated Puppet Sales: ' Hollywood, Nov. 26.° " Hollywood Television. Service reports It deals: for: its “Little: Story: Shop” . package * of ~Christmas themed: : ‘filmed animated. Puppet. shows. __ Deals. include’ “WSLS, Roanoke, ‘KNTV,°: San’ Jose,; Calif.; WHY. Springfield: ‘Mass:;:: WBAP, i | |FLock OF CHANGES | AT CLEVE’S KYW ‘Fort. Worth: : WLEX: Lexington; |: WVHE;. Johnson City, .Tenn:} IKXTV,. Sacramento; WGHP, ‘High WwW. “Va,.: closed -with“ ‘Canadian _ bury orn WINS” Trhaith Show WINS ° Radio: : Group™ W's: New ‘York outlet, ‘has. ‘scored: a religiosa’ first tri-faith . cooperative. “‘produc | tion; “Trialogue,” which. bows: Dec. 1. ‘Show. ‘will. present ‘members -of the. Romar’ . Catholic, Protestant: cussions. *Bert Cowlan,’ WINS ‘director of. public” ‘rélations: “Was: responsible: tion. from the . Archdiocese, “the can Jewish Committee. A year ago; Cowlan: brought ‘the. Protestant: ‘| Council and the: ‘Pauilist. Commun-: ications for” “Two. Worlds, of Jazz.” ” Keiter's Syndie. Sports a “AS ‘daily ‘radio interview show; “Keiter Contacts” ‘with ‘sportseaster Les: Keiter, : ‘has. ‘been: put: ‘Sales. r Metromedia Calfes At. the ‘local. ‘city attorney’ Ss: re-) quest: the. Minnesota attorney. gen-: | “Under Discussion’ “Question | ‘of. Life” and “Opinion | § ‘audience and--dialers. with | ‘The: : ‘In|: neither: case: are: purchases. neces-. “Put Into mal | Musicians: and WGN-TV; the’ Chi. indie:-. station, . have: ‘drawn battle | lines over _ musicians’ taped tv shows. As a result a Chica-| ‘go Symphony: .« Orchestra. ‘concert. scheduled for. taping last: Saturday |: | (23) --was .caneelled,. Program: was }to.Have been aired the following. ‘hight in. ‘station’ 8 . have’ ... séasons, ©. the. symphony* was used ‘the: Point, NCS. and -WHIS, ‘Bluefield, : ‘Deals ‘also’: have; been.|. “stations. a CKCK, Regina; : and: “CKSO, “Suds-|" ' KYW $radio-’ disclosed: ‘the -appoint[ment of Merle Levin,,. ‘ex-WCUY; ‘programming coup in“bringing the:}: | Archdiocese’ of New York’ into its .Seegar, onetime Plain: Dealer poli and Jewish clergy” in’ ‘oné-hourdis4 tical. ‘writer: who joined’ the. sta for. getting the “tri-faith coopera-.| ‘Protestant Council. ‘and the. ‘Ameri-. ‘news ‘director,. replacing. Pat Trese into:' syndication hy. Triangle Pro-| | gram” ‘V¥ork: Rig Proof ‘Four Million For" You’ Bingo-Type Entry a “Bit of Winter Season _ : 100 Half-Hour Shows... To ‘Educational Siations| :. The’ Metromedia ty ‘group jhasset ‘up. ‘special office to: give pro ‘grams ‘away.. Run b ‘Metromedia’ 's: gr. yy. | This Denver-produced show is. a. | ‘ . . . ; this operation is part: of the group’ *s ‘| positive attitude. towards. educa-: bet Atty. General Airing | tional programming. in :the. U:S., highlighted ‘by Metromedia’ s|| gvants of $600,000. to. educational Stations in: New ‘York,. Washington | and’ Los Angeles.: In the programming “area, | Metromedia has been cuffoing oyer [ 100‘ half-hour shows in the. Colum|: bia International : L. ectur € wand Seminar series,,. . Shows: In The Capital” series and various Publie. service specials, : ‘The -distribution "is coordinated" ‘through an. informal. eastern : network . of edu cational: stations who: handle ‘the | station. Tequests for programs. ‘The Metromedia ‘shows: have. played. on}. all. key educational. stations. in the country, ° The Metromedia : group’ request.. With respect tothe edu-}. cational : stations,.. E. -Kiuge who’ has: ‘been: ‘pushing for. their support, yo ; ‘Symph ph Cancelled In Chis WGN-TV, AM Tape Hassle | ‘Chicago, Nov: 26. The ‘Ameri¢an Federation .of seale: for “Lively: Arts”. | Series. “At issue. is an “AFM: dictum: that any taped: show.‘ has syndication. potential and is. thus: eligible. ‘for | _ |the national scale. The issue flared | “-|to the ‘fore this year _becausé ‘TWGN’s six’ ‘projected symphony con‘certs. were to: be one-shots. in. the “Lively. Arts” ‘dineup. ‘In. ‘previous’ regularly in the: “‘Great Music” that to the best of his: recollection “Great. “Musie”™ shows . were. taped ‘at lecal: scale and: an ee (Continued on: ‘page 38) ‘Cleveland, Nov. 26. |'inghouse’ Cleveland; as public relations director, the fourth ‘man: assigned: to ‘the spot in .about..14. ‘months. _At-the same .time, Bart Claussen | has resigned: as. editorial: director, | a post he held for: over four years;: and --will: be -succeeded.. by ‘Murray | tion: during. the. newspaper. ‘strike:: | Claussen, .who ‘is. ‘alsa. president: of: ‘the City ‘Club, has. not announced ‘his new plans: In: other shifts, Jack: Riley has been. named public. affairs“ director for. KYW-TV, replacing. Dennis: ‘McGuire ‘who. has been ‘upped. to. executive | producer of.: ‘specials. Chet: Collier, Channel 3’s: program -| director, : has. left. to’ become: exec-: utive producer. for: the ‘Steve Allen show, with Paul Turner . coming: in from’ the Coast. to. Teplace . ‘Collier. ‘Dick Trembath recently: was named . who. Tejoined | NBC" news in: New its: | two-hour 1 its. Metromedia... is. acting. on. the orders. of. prexy J olin: =) hn auc “Denver, Nov. 26. pressing © Taisins .-:or’ ‘Stamps .on a bingo-type card. as they play -Denver KBTV’s new ~ ‘audience participation. game, “Four Million. For You,” -are fast” hecoming fact. = = a hit -of “the. winter tv season in ~ Denver, and: \its ‘future ‘is fons _ sidered: ‘most. promising. | nee Since. its: -Nov....11° ‘start, studio . ing the: ‘Sfation’ Ss. facilities, phone calls, . and | is “making spone ‘SOrs. happy. : of. the winning . ‘combination’ -to viewers, and. insure open-handed . detailing -of :the® ‘game, “elves, the oe show a ‘space-age. angle: « : re Originator and. owner’. of: ‘the a ‘show is. Norval. A.‘Luxon: who ‘claims “the first true .audiefice. participation: show. in. the. history of tv, because of Univac TH”) To play,” ‘housewives use: a. game form distributed. through. the King * ‘Soopears . and. Red . Owl. grocery. | chains, ‘as -well ‘as 600. other users --. “ alsol gives. its show to the United States | Information: ‘Agency and the| Armed Forces Radio. Network | on ‘of the™-Sperry. and : Hutchinson” Green Stamps,. all-sponsors ofthe Show. Bob Rartell is MC of the s ow the Show. ‘An involved: telephone a ‘possible ‘to: ‘cheat; ‘a button. can. "dump" anyone who ‘tries to call in: before Univae. has. Tung: the. bell. | for a -winner. ~ Giving daily prizes: is’ ‘considered ‘| to. ‘stimulate ‘interest in. ‘the show.. ..} Luxon believes.. it: makes Viewers: +as. involved as if: they: ‘were in, . the’ ‘| audience... actually. . This -first : use. “of. ‘Univac’ ‘com . split-second computations » Angeles. . view of tv audience: ‘Praise from . clients‘ indicates . -Denver. may finally have broken : through: and. created.‘a ‘prograin ready’ for: national . circulation... -Luxon -hails from Columbus, : and ‘started .in radio when he. was: in -high: school.. He -has -several ° ‘tv |-shows in the works, . including “a sports-type ‘show, ahd a crossword. ° puzzle word game, both’ of. which ‘are to stem.from KBTV,. Denver. National | -syndication . of :. “Four | Million For You” is pected. after: the first of the year.” Weve tS Omaha & Lincoln series: which -was offered for syn| ication. ‘A union. spokesman _said.| J Clash 7 educational. ; Initial plans: “tor: ‘| television. in: Nebraska have.Omaha ‘Land. Lincoln forces.“ snarling © at “leach other across the Platte River. The. $600,000 made available. by the: ‘Nebraska: Legislature for: etv: has. proved:: an interesting target. |for :both citiés,. ’:. With: ‘rumors of major: changes “lV yet to be announced | vat ‘the West Original | plarining has called ‘for... the“. University. of © ‘Neb., where .. it .would. cover: both: Lincoln. andOmaha. “But’-Omaha_ school-_offi--. cials have asked ‘for: one-fourth. of. ‘|the ‘money’. to use to establish :2 an. , Omaha etv ‘outlet. ‘The Taw’ creating -the: ety comar mission provides that: the network. Shall consist: of. ‘no fewer than two ‘originating. broadcasting “produc-. ~ tion. and: transmission interconnect--:: ling facilities, one. of. which shall be. ‘located in Omaha, to.serve a series. of. interconnecting units.” commission a have | ealled ” for™ ‘construction ‘at ‘Mead’ and Lexington, Neb., in the :. western part of the state, using the >: $600,000. state funds and a federal. assistance. of $450,000... Officials . -ofthe Omaha wants ‘construction: of ~ ‘stations at. Omaha; Lexington and’. . Alliance. and. the. inereasing .of the... University: ‘station . to’ full: power. Estimates ‘for the .construction: at’ Mead‘ and. Lexington: are.. ‘about : $874,223; Two thirds of the re| maining funds’ would be. used. for. a ‘toperating expenses. Visions: ‘of hee of Denver": housewives. o ‘peas or gold stars‘or S & H Green: ~ audiences of 100: have beeri crowd-. « it is. bringing. ‘in. a ‘steady .. ‘stream of 2. -Use of Univac: nt to. ‘speed news a -: Luxon says it’s ‘impossible to rig “s 7 ‘setup: in. the. studio | ‘makes. it im-" © ‘puters -on “a.regular: ‘basis’ allows. be for daily winners. because ‘of ‘the. :*:. “made. a | by the machine,: out therein Los. .*.. Exclusive: attangement FS with: Univae. puts the’ computer : in : _ Nebraska’s -.".. KUON-TV ‘at Lincoln to: ‘place its. ‘transmitter “at. Mead,