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__ °°. Director: Bill Morton _ ae "2 60-Mins., Wed., 9:40 pam... ne Associated-R. e a if fu sia. Be
| POWeR,.
__:democratic procedure the “American: Constitution: ¢ould |.
OS lgake of ‘the. ‘President's ‘pitimate-|
“Freedom of the-Press,” on ‘which
_Wodneniey November. 2, 1968 : eee Z oS : ao
‘ + + isaac. “Deutscher,
With John. ‘Freeman.
trom ‘Eondon _
“ imhe extent’ of. President. Ken: | ‘nedy” 3 achievement during his first: “= term .was* the theme: of: this’ il
--lustrated probe by. jeurnalist John
~: “Freeman; who follows it up with a
similar-examination of Khrushchev, ; Importance © ‘of the hour can’ be judged by the show being scheduled
for a repeat six. days later-—which | is .a. precedent for the.:commeércial:
Web: “Althoughthe. upshot was’ & -clear' essay which said little that ‘was not:common knowledge among |
UE diligent scanners: of the newsheets,’|. gram. had’ humor,. vigor
it.made. an’ interesting. ‘survey. of |
i Kennedy’ s ‘background, his rise to. and: -the Congressional | *
blocks. to. dmplementing~ his ‘pro| . ‘gram. Its. chief conclusion ‘was ‘that uilt.: into
easily ‘foil a progressive President |:
“. slike: Kennedy. ‘And this point was ‘4 reinforced: by. .filmed.’: interviews “with ‘Representative -Henry Reuss | and: Professor . James ‘MeGregor |
‘Burns, Kennedy's, biographer. :
oe Burns, Kennedy’ s. biographer. | ‘(Re-| '.£ peat will ‘take on new. timely _in| én-.
terest in view: of President’ nedy’s .assassination, the.. origmal ‘ telecast. having: ‘taken Place two days ‘before’ the. tragedy. ye
‘Kennedy’ S$ progress. through. ‘col-. a lege and | ‘the. Navy was. crisply .:! charted, and. the lack. of faith: inj ‘ _ Britain’s. capacity to survive .after |.
~Dunkirk,:.expressed. by his father;.
: Amabassador: Joe. ‘was. chalked. up J.
as a family black ‘mark. His part
dn” the: investigation:. of _-erdoked | unioins: was. stressed ‘as. the‘factor | that . brought: him -publie. promi|:
-nence,. and his path to..the White
“House “was: supported by: ‘film. ‘of.|
‘the primaries, the crucial. ‘tv en
counter with: Nixon, and. his.’ dec|: Jaration:. thats his: “Catholic faith: would’ not:’ impair” hisexercise : of | -* power: in <a’. country | ‘that. had at
Protestant: majority.
Freeman acutely: ‘éxplained the | aa ature’ ‘of Congress’ -opposition ‘to ; of: Kenneédy’s.. progressive: '.: ?measures;,. -and .the President him-. self. disarmingly confessed that he
'-. Many:
. found ‘the: job. much’ more difficult . than he had imagined wher: he. was:
voted into it... Finally, Freeman | Sold ‘plumped: for the segregation ‘issue 22" Jvas. the’ one that ‘would. test Ken| “."S nedy’s power. to: the. utmost.
foreign ® affairs, ‘the ‘show .awarded
= the : Kennedy © regime full . marks,
. but; “with. ‘James Baldwin ;,to “state |
. Negro faith in: -‘Kerinedy,’ ‘it con
. “sidered that ‘parity for.. alk. Aimeri
~ cans -must be achieved. for. the.
-_ reputation.
oo <-+. Director Bill. “Morton. ‘skilfully | ar assembled: the.-available material, v1, which ‘sprang. few.: surprises,at aac, John’ Freeman’s.:lucid . script. was | ““< more. an indictment of. ‘the “Ameri|. «can Constitution’: than" Kennedy; |.
_* who impressed.‘as ‘forceful, sincere,
and ‘clear-minded, but. , Nampered
by. Procedures:
. Otte. CELTIC: ‘CHALLENGE . ~ guest” Producers: -. Anthony me ‘Peter Lilley... Director: Ned ‘Kelly : 30 Mins., Mon,; 10: 40: ‘pam:
a z ATV. ‘Regional. ‘Coproductiea; 0; from|
< Scotland |.
‘This weekly. . ‘program, a. joint}.
: “ome ‘by’. the regional tv. companies of -U-K.* “commercial . tv, put
_ Roy Thonison,. Newspaper and: tv}
ry magnate, in. the hot. seatfor |
“| Hively-. quizzing ‘by = four” : . students. : from. ‘Scotland, ”
_— and:.:Wales...: Subject : chose 7 Thomson ‘spoke: vigorously: before é: allowing himself. ‘to ‘be. ‘grilled by. ‘the students.
_ “Program -. field. much attention; | * especially: inview of its. being” ~. transmitted: within “hours: of : amy .. official ‘announcement of anew _y ‘newspaper merger. by : re SOR,” linking ‘two Edinburgh eve='. ning shéets, Students gaddled the _magnate.. with -over-much -respon-|:
“sibility for the ‘virtues: of the’ press;
; ‘but: he took it, all in' general style. | ; “. The -undergrads. plied him ‘with! jour ‘questions, and raised such: points | A
as the: intrusion into. private ‘grief,
., influence of: a newspaper .owner. -"“, on his‘editors (which Thomson des. nied‘ flatly), “and. the: over-use of 1)... eheesecake : and’ pornography... The} ae Powerful. “Canadian. Feplled. eff
VI ieee
a -clentiy. to all: ‘quizzing and stressed
|: that. he was in the-game purely ‘as. a business-man ‘to-make more coin} ‘| and .
In, An’ “this,
=<: With. John Freeman : :. 4 Director: Bill Morton.’ 160 Mins., Wed.;:9:53° pn...
oy .Thonis].
therefore. produce. better newspapers... -‘He-:parried . students. ‘by saying the: ‘public. only “got: the. journalism it wanted; and that the
customer had the: ast. right to de=;_ cline’ to’. buy. any . “newspaper. or
~ Quéstion: of ‘how: far ‘advertising le ‘departments. dictated . to’. ‘editorial, | in such. “matters: as: ‘He ome criti-{. «
eism,. “was also. raised
‘Clusion. of advertising. weight.
Camera “work was * * good "Pro: ‘and inter | est, and was ‘notable f for’ ‘its: ‘topical.
slotting. ‘Gord.
‘COEUR. DE. PARIS ge : (Heart of’ Paris) -. ee
With Zizi: ‘Jeanmaire; ea pelt:
Mareel Marceas, Maurice
Chevalier, | others... °°: Director;. Choreographer: Petit’ 60. Miiis.,. Tues., 8: 40 ‘Bm. RIF, | from Paris "
‘Taped by: a. private’ organization
. ‘and sold fora first:airing by the ‘state-run. French tv . setup, . this: -Intertel. emerged aS &n. hour. ‘with | ‘good musical: and: -terp-:humbers. although ~ dineven -in* tempo: ‘and/.
pacing.” Pert,. ‘leggy’ -singer-dancer
Zizi: -Jeanmaire . was. the focal. point of this revue conceived: and executed. by. hubby Roland’ ‘Petit.
Some. mumbers had the: deft. brio
‘of’ sharp’ visual annotation ‘while
‘others’ were “just. photographed |: dance numbers: that: lost Snap and.
precision.an the-small screen: But
‘when Miss Jeanmaire was sporting: ‘feathers . and: whirling. with. other | ‘dancers ‘there was a fine dash and exuberance: ‘that: Made’ -for’ Good
video: ‘appeal.
But having. fier. sing anid dance ‘ouf -a coupe of-oldies ‘with’ tap
in the. streets. ‘Was. a. bit too, Confin
ing. to. have / it..come .off. : Petit. “Warbled: a number that. ‘gould best: : ‘-have. been left out: for he is better} ° in‘a good pas de:deux with: Miss|. Jeanindire. : “than | as. a. -, romanitie
“‘erooner. na
‘Maxime’s :and: finally climbing ‘the
Eiffel ‘Tower: only: to: drift: back. to.
Teality.’ If -ballet. and ‘mime-are re-‘lated,they. ‘did. not.:quite combine but ..
homie was: ingratiating. as. uStial as,
| he: did a typical good | natured ‘ditty: on-love and-a ‘takeoff ‘on the twist.|. 27" -22 _| Miss. Jeanmaire ~: has ~’a° ‘throaty;'l 4 as.
gamin voice that is: ‘both: innocent |.
able as’ “ever.
one. quiz| zer, ‘and: ‘Thomson. replied :that his |: scribes . had ‘the’ right: fo criticize. where. they’ thought fit, evento: exe.
_Marceau’'s.. elegant face: and body’ did: make :an ‘impact: in ‘this fanciful if uneven: “number, a
Maurice: Chevalier’s. bright: on-:
“There was. ‘much © ‘unusual: miaz|
‘terial. culled: for. the. program, and.
‘it. never failed to. intérest: But. it
didn't come within ‘a continent. of.
getting inside . the” motives and
thoughts ‘of. the ‘Russian boss,.-who
stayed. as | enigmatic and a “ ta.
“Foreign W F llowep
‘Sunday N ight at the Palladiuin. A ‘good. mixture ‘was stirred ‘in
this: ‘segment . of: Associated Tele-| “1 Vision's « top. vaude” “show,” which ; took "in. dance,-.voice,..and ‘comedy and had: ‘agreeable allround: appeal. + Main -viewer-bait "was. the. classical partnership of: ‘Svetlana’ ‘Beriosova
and Rudolph. : “Nureyev : ‘from the Royal Ballet. ‘They ‘offered: the ‘Diana. and. Actaeon pas:: de. ‘deux;
unfamiliar to tv; .and.a. showcase
for’ high terping . jinks, Nureyev,
sullen in demeanor, -produced-some| ./ nonchalant. turris. in -the air; “| Miss.“Beriosova: scored in: a splen“| didly. asstired solo: : “The:. choreo
graphy . itself. is nogreat shakes,
but it ‘made: a fine excuse. ‘for ex:
“waxings: © “Forget | Him,” which
‘soared _in the-. Ipcal” ‘charts. ‘last ‘Season, ‘Was. ‘worth. reviving, ‘and the’ closing | “Walk “Right In”. showed | rhythm-and-blues fringe.” There ‘was::a certain: ‘stiff-| ‘ness in ‘his presentation, and, when |
‘him -on™ .the’
he. relaxed,. it was-just ‘too. late, to ‘get :on. -effortiess . terms,
‘the. debut of. aStalwart group. of glee: singers, ‘dubbed: “The: Square
Pegs.” After.a comic buildup: from emcee’. Bruce’: -Forsyth; they: belted
oom... conviction and ‘looked. like
adding .aweltome. musichall. lavor
to the: ‘proceedings. |
' Forsyth, ‘at his: egregious “Best, Was: joined: by:. Berhard Bresslaw ‘in’ a-smart imita
“ttion of ‘the: “Steptoe” ‘stars of ‘the
“Miss: Jeantaaire dia. a mime’ turn: with Marcel Marceau: ‘as. two| -tramps — dréamipg . of .a night cats
BRBGC-TV ..series: This: might ‘have | been aided’ bya more. acid: touch of parody, ‘but. was. ‘welcome never
theless, Bresslaw,: once “a. big’ ‘slap
stick name in tv, was: ‘overcalled. as “a great: artist” ri ‘but-is certainly an artist :with more
to ‘give. than’ he’s yet. been. allowed }
to show,
adroit. ‘throughout; and: the -show,
still ‘dependent’ on: -Forsyth’s out-.
‘siving : Personality, as ‘potent..
Ota, ae
-and suggestive. and had | § ome. good | an
and | Paris songs: to. vunderlineAhese} 4
qualities. : Incidentally,”
ing. on. the air. It was‘ straightened
| gut. and may .set: a precedént for “| more | shows being. Bought A, the}. _. With George: Scott,’ “Roy. honsion,| A
state-run web... Mosk.
Associated-Rediffusion, from’
_Bondon| = *
: Journalist J. ohn: Freéman won his tv Tenown .a§ the. “Face to. “Face” ‘anchorman ‘for: BR¢ -TV.: Here he ‘provided: the: coi tplementary | pro
g| file: to his: study of the late Presi-. 4 |} dent’. -Kennedy. fot thé care i |: web... It was: as: good-as, and 7 ficient as, its Predecessor, It lacked what. Freeman brought’ to: his. inperson.: interviewing, an‘ abiilty to]: ‘explore. character through Close dae fighting.
‘Absence ‘of film miaterial, ‘Strictly biographical; was’ much:. felt—as well :as..a Jack. of precise’ information: about :Krushthev’s -f umative Years: This was. pay -by.:director “Bill : -sembled:.some harsh i: ‘film of the birthpangs of { ‘Union ‘and its first: criseg, ‘sprinkled: with. alert
But. the. power: probe. gay realy got’ under weigh in. secon
‘part of the: program, Teh: stressed: Krushchev’s: implication with: the} Stalin. terror without distinguishing ‘his: Part fo it. Here. Professor
“the” ‘show’ “almost |S
did not. go on when governmental} ’ personnel... ‘objected .to a: privately} ‘made show ..with French. tak nt .go-|.:
oe ‘pleasing variety . ‘session..in which “., + [the low pressure: approach . some(.. ‘} times, might’ be confused: with leth-.| . 'Largy, Some crackling.turns. by. Vic|.
: {tor Borge and. Jose Greco, howevs.
4 ber in: which. Nanette Fabray:team-.
| was appropriate. for the theatrical
up last ‘Thursday: night: (21) at’ the
era. House’ ‘for ‘a live stanza . with |.
‘fa. standout artay. of guests. As ust= |
al, this Como. outing .was ‘another
er, injected some. .extra.. “special | kicks into. the layout.
The. -opera hhouse setting... which
had: meaning only when. the cam€ras . panned. ovér. the: audience in the. elegantly. tiered. hall, .was . the. ‘peg for-most of the routines. ‘Numi
ed: with Como for: an. operatic-styl-.
ed workover of some of the latter’s |
pop hits.: It was, an amusiiig idea, ‘but ‘carried slightly’ too. far. Borge, however, came-through’ ‘with’ a socko spoof. on. a Mozartian opera. with. one of his piano-monolog: creations, ‘backed by. the: Lee ‘Becker. Theo|'dore Daneers..
". Greco, with ‘a. . éompany: ‘of four:
dancers, also furnished some spark-. ling Spanish flamenco dancing that
setting. A followup parody of ‘a batlet: by. Miss .Fabray, ubed. tat ‘& Chinese costume, hai | point : nor or humor, ‘Sim & TOUtine joining €omo, Bouse, ‘Greco and. Miss Fi ’ into chamber ‘music ensemble ‘failed ‘to ignite. :
Como,: working ‘sometimes “with: thie. Ray Charles Singers, delivered.
several Songs on a his. own, 1 Including"
we nett le oe el ee ate Bel re te a ee eat
|: ‘Millstein, .
"| Director: David Green :110 -Mins,; ‘Sun.,
. Bobhy Rydell, on & . beturn. visit to. the show, pleased with a.selec‘tion from: “Bye, Bye, Birdie,” ‘which: he: followed. with . a couple ‘of: his
‘Innovation: of. the gegmént wast?
| from. Beethaven’ s. burly | comedian |" rel
‘In. Forsyth’s: intro, |°
JonScoffield’s.. prodiiction was
“Perry. Goxao’s s‘Kratt Musie Halt . q
‘ Perry Como,.who’ s traveling ‘his | | half-dozen: stiows. for Kraft, turned
‘San: Francisco: War: Memorial Op-]
: -protsky's. bio: ot
¥ | grapher; came up with’ the. ‘most | ~~ ‘stimulating. comment,:. ban -? | the nature of Krushchey’s authority ne a ‘land, establishing -hisreason. for |. va! ws Sticking’ to coexistence,
iy NEDY: ‘FROM: THE: ARTS. _Eldridge, Marian Anderson, Sid
Christopher Plummer, Nathan _ Boston Symphony “ Orch, St. John’s ‘Episcopal. Choir Exec ‘Producer: Robert. Saudek Producer: ‘RKoone Arledge
g. pM. : 24: ABC-TV, ‘trom -N. y. (live,. tape).
poetry and biblical readings: by an
array | 0f . “prominent performing ; artists.:The name of John F; Ken|. nedy was. mentioned only: once, | but the presence of.the late. President was ‘deeply. felt ‘in: every seg-. ment ~ ‘of, this _nearly«: ‘}wo-hour
‘tribute. . Pwo. ‘nen n~‘Americaris: “Canadian
British ‘actor Albert. Finney, conmost. moving: ‘sequence with ‘their from “Hamlet.” Marian’ /
the day.and “of the ages, sang ‘a
couple of. Negro ‘spirituals: while. ‘Chariton. Heston. ‘réad a Robert: ‘Frost. poem ‘and: a passage’ from |the.. Psalms, both ‘mournfully. in‘toned.
Fredric March, thie. host, . “also delivered” “Linéoln’ Ss.” ess. His” wife, ‘Florenee . “El
cratic | ‘Party ‘convention. -.
ute: toa. ‘closewith a: movement | Third “Symphony.” ae, Herm, | GREECE” THE. GOLDEN: AGE. ‘With * Trevor Howard, . others
‘| Producer-Writer: Lou. Hava Director: Ray Garner = .
60° Mins,, ‘Tues.,. 9 p.m:.": . NBC-TY.. (film, “golor)
Igu | surveying: “what: ‘he ° termed | ‘man’s: finest. hour”—a: golden. age |
| of .creativity. and’ democratic free| dom. ‘that :has never been: equalled.
in -history although it. dates back}: ‘to the middle. of the Fifth century,
_|B.C:—he has. once. more . produced. la. ‘monumental hour. of. t. television,
A “TRIBUTE: “TO. “JOHN F. ee With © ‘Fredric: March, Florence.
; ney Blackmer, Isaac Stern, . Eu -. gene. . Istomin,. Leonard .. ‘Rose, Chariton: Heston, Albert Finney,
actor: Christopher. Plummer andtributed. the’-most theatrical. and.
reenactment of. the death-scene: nderson. ‘her: face lined: with the tragedy. of
. Gettysburg
dridge; recited poems “by. Walt. , -Whitman and others. Sidney Black-. meér.-read:. John: F.. Kennedy” S ac| pies ceptance: speech. at the 1960 De: emp‘App:
‘priate “music. ‘by. Brahms; Gluck. ‘and Schubert was: performed’ by. a group. of distinguished yecitalists. -and. the Boston’ Symphony, under |} Erie Leinsdorf,. brought. the trib
one’ “of visual “beauty and cultural. .
and intellectual. _ enrichment.
“Greece: The: Golden. Age” “was.
that rare program that can redeem a ‘whole. week. of video: ‘mediocrity.
“It. was. superb in concept and exbeution. from the technique of
recreating.the life of the. great. classical age through its sculpture *
and: literature; to the poetic elo
.quence. of ‘Hazam's own. narrative . .fand‘Trevor Howard's articulation tot it, to Ray Garner's knowledg-:
ably and at times imaginative di
jreetion: Like. several of Hazam's
_In key with the solemn: ‘national: ofher ‘contributions to the medium,
“mood last weékend, “ABC-TV” presented. this. quietly: ‘poignant ‘pro-" gram of classical.’ music, | hymns, |
“The River Nile”. and “Van.Gogh: A Self-Portrait,” for instance, this was" a. ‘consummate ‘work. of video art that will doubtless capture some major awards and add ‘to. the evergrowing stature of NBC: ‘News. ° ‘The..cameras roamed. from. Mt. Olympus, home of the gods, through remnants of the Mycenaen.age and the ruins of the Temple of Zeus,
out to sea for a dazzling shot of {the Temple of Poseidon, and across
the Athenian countryside for ambient studies of the Acropolis, the ‘Parthenon, ‘Delphi, the. Tempie of
Apollo, the athletic stadia and the amphitheatre. wherein eontempor-— ary ‘Greeks staged “Oedipus Rex” aan
as of old..
In. Hazem’ $ script they were. never mere sights but scenes in a recreation of history, much as. the statautary served for a “live”. cast.
‘Heard from ‘in the course of. the. _ ve were. Pindar, Sophocles, |
Pericles, Socrates, Thucicides and
| Herodotus, the latter in what was perhaps the most brilliant se-quence of the film, a reenactment. of the. Athenian, defénse. against } Persian attackthrough. the. move
ments of wheat (Greeks). and,pop
(Persians) ina field. It was a. realized idea: and one that epitomized the real marvel of. . Hazam’s film, the sensé of. action ©
it conveyed “through essentially static. objects. .
Implicit ‘was a lesson in history, ‘an appreciation of classical art. and
an astoundingly productive : civili-.
zation to ponder, all. without the
-ttaint ‘of ‘academicism. But most -of jal, and ‘even in black. and white,
7 it'was a feast for the eyes, Les, narrator; |’
4 ‘With Richard Boone, narrator ant o Prodacer-Direcior: < Donald Be Hy
' Lou. Hazam, has: dene’ it ‘again. | Writer: Richard Hanser
96 Mins:;: Wed., 30 Pan.” XEROX. . NBC-TV (Gtm) °
(Papert, Koenig: & Lois):
For. its first special of this. year, ; “Project 20° fashioned ~ -Some oid film footage into an en‘grossing recap of that “United Na-. | tions ‘police action” which ended in. an inconclusive truce a decade
'-“@lago after causing more American
PASE a UE ee a “ss _.@ (forward. picterial narrative: of the. a a Korean conflict. and, if it was lacking in-any. restrospective analysis~
N 7” « : ° Other: Love ‘You Do Someof underlying forces in the strug
thing..ToMe,” “But Beautiful” and
a. couple. of Paeans to‘Sar. ¥ran-::
_ More. “of: the Civil War: {was Cap
‘tured in Wednesday’s (20): edition.
of. ‘CBS-TV's: “Chronicle,” than in
a host: of other efforts, ‘both in. mo
‘tion. ‘pictures. and tv.. | ‘The ‘hour, titled “A Season of War, ” “was a brush.. ‘with history,
encompassing’ some of the leaders | and some of the plain ‘folk of that:
period.. :Producer-adaptor: Don Kel-. lerman used the now. familiar tech
nique: of ‘using’ ‘historical, private:
diaries, ‘other sources: and ‘the’ poet
| of: the. period, ‘Walt Whitman, to
thread’ his tale tugether.. .The: ‘flow: ‘and: the ‘movement. in
the hour | were. in -the words—the
declarations | of the big? men, the
-wéariness.and sorrow of the . plain’ ‘folk, ‘the Sadness and joys: oftheir’ tragedies and triumphs. It. would |. [Rave | helped. if. director’ John J.
Desmond could -have‘achieved more. physical movement: to match
‘the-flow of. thoughts and. sentiMments. ‘Whit was. offered ‘was. ‘more jin. the: nature of a tabletx more takin to Teadings’ than adrama.
The -hour, though, : even. within those terms, | offered. many ‘com
‘pensations. : Lincoln’ Ss: development from: an. ambivalent position on outlawing slavery ‘in’ the ‘South ‘to: the -Eniancipation:: ‘Proclamation was: ‘traced. There have been: ‘por
» Continued. ‘on. r page. 38) .
casualties than ‘the First World War. This show was a Straight
Ble between the west and the Com
‘| munist. world, it did succéed ‘in ..f being -a. chilling reminder of. what ©“ “ happens. when the cold war turns
Into: ‘a hot: one.
The ™ core of this 90-minute stan-_
za was.the-combat footage shot ‘by.
a brother team of NBC photogra
phers, Gene, and Charles Jones, back (in. 1960. Without overdoing it: in either direction, these clips Tecorded. the heroism an ror :of the Korean war as the hat
‘tle lines shifted from one end of —
the peninsula to the other. One: of
the most effective . sequences. de-. tailed the long retreat of a Marine: division from Korea's frozen north’
‘after a massive Chinese Red. Army
force entered ‘the conflict with 2:
‘murderous: attack. .One deeply, moving shot showed American “Wives. and mothers bidding a tear
ful: farewell to their men depart.
ing for the war.
: The documentary © also: touched lightly upon the political -events
‘generated. by the Korean war. It. summary of the. ‘McCarthy -era. that was too quick and kalaidescopic: to do this’ epiSode justice. The conflict between | President Harry S. Truman and
presented -a
General . Douglas MacArthur over strategic goals was handled’ im-. Partially, but not at all profoundly. ‘The. stanza,, however, was very good in. reprising the long truce negotiations and the ultimate pris-.
‘oner. exchange which. saw. 21°
(Co Continued on page 38)