Variety (November 1963)

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Variety's: weekly. ‘tabulation based on: “yatings ‘furnished by ‘American Research. ‘Bureau, highlights. the. top. 10 network shows:on a local. level ‘and offers -a“Fating. . 4 study. ofthe ‘top .10° syndicated, shows: in the. Same. Particular, markets,: ‘This: week. fF two different. markets are: covered. . Te oe are ; and thé metro area ratings on ‘each. show. The tctal. area homies: reached reflects" the: audtences: on the basis of. the . total market ‘area. ‘examined, The ‘metro area * ‘ratings: are based” on. the metropolitan’ ‘markets ‘within, the: total area ‘examined. Top’ CHICAGO stivens: wi Bath the. ‘network and syndication study: features’ the total. area: ‘Kiéthes ‘reached: a 10 shows, both network “and syndicated, are tiated ‘on: ‘the’ ‘baste, of. ihetr show | | in ‘the total area: ‘homes: barometer... | Various: -branches of. the. ‘indisstry ranging from, media: ayers: to: Toca stations a ta. ‘syndicators will find. the charts valuable. : Over the’ course: ofa year, ARB. will ‘tabulate. a ‘minimum ‘of AT. tiarkets: The kL ‘gesults of. that tabulation will be found weekly. in VARIETY Coupled ‘with:-the rating 7. “performance. of the top10 network shows, on the local level, the VaRietyARB charts | are. ‘Gesigned to: reflect. the rating tastes: of virtually every market " in. the U: Ss a mM ° re ‘Area: “Metro as 7 Total © a tet ; ) Hemes Areal | a eOtae RK Too: “Network Shows. Sta. _ Reached: Rtg. . va Day & | be ‘Top Competition : 2 8 Homes. 1. What's: My” Line: vee -. . WBBM "73, 600-36] -1. ‘Mr. ‘Lucky; “Fight; ‘Spare: (Fri. 9:30). “WBKB. ... Official. 219,200 or 410 Jack Paar’ Lime te eee aise WNBQ ‘475,100 _ 2. Bonanza \) 2.6 lke. _.WNBQ -.. 735,900... 344 2. Law & Mr. Jones (Fvi..9-30).. -. . 2. WGN.....: Four: Star. -216,300=: 9) Jack Paar o.oo. yee sith INBQ:. 475,100 © 3.. Candid Camera;.JFK. :WBBM 673,000. °. 30 3. Huekleberry : Heand (Mon. 6:00): .. WGN... .. Screen: Gems 197,600 9] 6 O'Clock. ‘Rpt;, ‘Standpt. WBBM. 247,200. | 4. Beverly Hillbillies (22s WBBM 639,200». 9:29 |/-4, Quick. Draw: McGraw . (Thurs: 6:00). . WGN. cesee Screen Gems : 195,800. ..9| Chicago. Report: nace. WNBQ 198,190. 5.. Dick .Van. Dyke... ++ WBBM “581,100: 26115. Ome Step’ Beyond. (Fri. 8:00)... «i WGN,.... ABC Films 179,000. . (8| Sing Mitch; B. Hope. WNBQ™.:. 421,800: 6. Greatest Shew ..... 2. WBKB * 528.100. 251) 6. Vegi: Bear (Tues..6:00)...... tert et WGN.. Screen -Gems '1178,500°: 8 |. 6 O'Clock ‘Rot; Standpt, “WBBM. 195;800 1. Fugitive ce dees .-WBKB “519, 790" -. 25°): %.. Maveriek;. BB;: ‘Naked. ‘City. _ WGN ee “Warner, Bros. 171,500 8 Fugitive. (eee teeta se ves WBKB 519,700 -8. Ben Casey; ‘My Way Be 7 Soh Pe (Tues., Thurs.:9:00) 22s... S teewcpeses a Ck _ | Nurses. oor cee eee '. WBBM : -. 493,700. Higgins :*..00 6022. 2.0300 .WBKB. ‘SLL, 800" “$24 8: Surfside: 6 (Fri. 8:30) 00. .gisyccesWGN, ae 2 Warner, Bros. 164,500 9 | 7 :7TSS; Farmers’ ‘Dent .. WBKB ‘372,000 . 9. Comedy; Opening: oe, ed |e an : soe Se Jaek * ‘Paar. se cles c'sewebe > WNBQ:.-’ 449, 500.:. Andy «= li. ccs ecu ene WEBM . 498,200 23 {-s. Checkmate (Wed. ; 9:00). teuieets WGN, MCA”: . 159,100 7 Reckoning; E See Kay. ‘WBBM “394,600. * 10. Wagon ‘Train Save ve cece . WBKB 23 ‘10. Wild: | Cargo: Sun.. t 30)... eee esac ses, + WGN.. osee Lakeside Tv ae 7 Grindl WNBQ: _ 496, 300 a 1. ‘Beverly. Hillbillies. a ‘It’s A Great Life: BB (Sua, 2: 30): -KMOX 290,700 = _ 37 7 . "81,400 2. Dick: Van Dyke::. os. -.KMOX . 264,400. 36 || 2.. Trails West; BB (Sun. 3: 00)... aivtect dade RSD Robeck. , 157,500 21. NEL ‘FB;.. Round. Up;.-.,.KMOX. og 3. What's My’ Line. oe -»-KMOX, 255,400": 34} 3. Life of Riley; BB (Sun.'3:30)....:..KSD:.....NBC. Films’ 156,100 :. -21|NFLFB; ‘Brannagaa. »-KMOX.._ -34,500 ‘4. Bonanza. i..2.) KSD_ .. 239,700. 32||.4. Biegraphy; Miteh (Mon. 9:30)... -KSD. -2:..Offieial“:|, 120 200°” 15 | Breaking Point. .--"...; “KTVI ~~ -173,000°:. 5. Candid. Camera ~ Le oo 2s -KMOX 227,200. BL ILS. Sea Hunt; Maverick; BB. (Sun. 5:30). KSD. :iiy-Eeonomee OF Football; . Movie... KTV “5, 800 a 6. Phar; : Prophet. Ball...) .-KSD. -225,590 -S21]. : Warner 109, 200. 414} : = 1. Nurses © 0 2.2.2 en. -KMOX: 204,600 28 || 6. Ripeord; ‘Art; BB Sat. 4330; ‘Sun. 4) KSD:: -UA-TV. 78. 900. "21 Early: Show: NCAA’ EB. _KMOX 83, 800 = 8. Comey; Openings: rs Pn a, ve. | Football: “Movie. .:.:. sssKTVI::.-" 49,100 — “S Andy... o.c:.0..KMOX 201,800 °.27]| 7. Pepeye: NCAA: FB (Sat. 4:00) <2... KMOX. -.UAA: King’ 76,400. -11| Wide World. Sports..°.--KTVI —* 26,100 a 9. Comedy: ‘Opening; — 28a se IP 8 Death Valley; Kax Bil (Sat. 6:00). . -KSD.:....U.S: Borax .* 65 800.-°8) Big. 4; NCAA FB... . .KMOX. . 73,600 -. De Thomas .....'.:.,,-KMOX 176,600... 24 ||. 9. Riverboat; Chckmte; Para (Sit. 7:30)KPER.. wees. MCA -* §8400,: “g| Hobdfenanny;-L. ‘Welk...-KTVI . 163,800" 10. Breaking: Point’ wea geaze KTVI. 174,000 °° © 22: oa —KSD_, wees _ Warner Bros. °°49,8000 7 | STATIONS: m = wei su ‘s 10.. ‘Maverick (Mon Fri. « 30). LOC Les . WEIR. TV's Big Nov. 26. qe " ° WBIR-TV. ‘in’ Knoxville has the. sunve a a “Soom KSD...., NBC: Films 2° 492,200 ° Rena Football .. °.... ...KMOX | Barly Show; ; News... ws on _xitox TV's Big Stick “Ohi EW Tape Hassle “ 452,900. A 4 083 63 35,100. . . : woe soy? ar] . . . ’ 7 . . . 0" a0 raya venient ogemeniealld aplasia amieratbaestar ad C4 Cabaramig anes obey oe sardeve nc leememtie hea ure nate yaa ra nts aterm een neh eee Americati Grs elect: ‘to remain in (China. ' nation... in’. a. ‘lueid, ‘low-key. ‘style. Richard Hanseér’s © script,. which. eschewed ‘the--purple prose, . in ~.< corporated the honest prose of the. fighting men:.: Asked: what? -he wanted. most’ in ‘, a Marine answered: : “Tomorrow.” Rich-: ard. Russell Bennett's -medley~ -of amartial and pop. airs of. that time underscored | _the Pictorial images.. cae Herm. “gesievini. FRENZY © With John _ Secondarl, narrator;: -others. | -Exec_ Producer: . Secondaii’. -Producer.Director-Writer:” ‘e e a e Searchinger... _ 60: Mins., ‘Wed. 10 pm. -.PHILCO_ ~ ABC-TV (fitray: oa (BBD&O}): we ‘Of the knowledge that U.S. tour‘{sts. are wild about: ‘European. fes-tivals, John Sécondari. fashioned. a. 60-minute special that: highlighted six of them, ranging: ‘from: the aristocratically staid. British: opera annual. at. Glyndebourne to: the yiambunctious .carryings-on’ at -P na,:.Spain; with the famous running | of the bulls and. the-eight-day revelry ‘of drinking. ‘and ‘dancing.: It was .a fascinating ‘kaleidoscope of pageantry, exhibitionism and feasting, marred only. by Secondari’s.intellectual aloofness from what: he ‘called “organized: mayhem. ” “s While conceeding that. the once a-year‘madness‘fulfilled a human’ ‘need ‘the world over, “namely of: releasing’ “the hobgoblins of hate and anger. . be’ civilized. again.” -. for -the -“DoléeVita” _ atmosphere’ of the : Venice ‘Film. Festival ‘was ‘understandable, but for therest. df: them ‘his. detachment ‘implied perhaps. unintended . disapproval: .He was more patronizing than. under7 Standing:: in short, not. with. it’ Except for that the program. was. good. viewing, with ‘some effective} ~ @irectorial touches by Gene Search‘inger, notably. his‘ cutting -back and} ‘forth from the ‘veddy proper. cham paghe picnics: -t Glyndebourne to}. the: garish ant Slightly. improper. ° ‘publicity antics 2t.the.cinéma. blow-: out in v Venice, to. accent the points | "Television Reviews Continued: “from: ‘page. 33. ‘of contrast. of two festivals. net de, -./ signed to. release: Passions, Richard* Boone. ‘handled the: nar° tional, involvement’ of . the © city’s ‘competing districts déspite general. ‘Bastille Day. ‘celebration near ‘Lim-| ‘test, folk dances ‘and. ‘clumsy. ballroom launching; | the. epicurean or _|-world’s highest transmitting tower. | “John. Hart, ‘manager ‘of ‘the: sta-| tion,. : Says: both. the FCC and FAA . ‘approved construction : of the tower: which is 3, 049 feet. above sea level. : “Hart saidhe ‘received: complete | ; Cooperation. and: a consulting service: from both. Federal agencies. 2 Continued from page. 30 after: the show was Syndicated. _ The. local AFM office. Said that: it has a mandate from the: national oe | union. headquarters. not: to discuss: 7 ‘the ‘matter with’ the.station’ ‘until. ws | WGN-TV signs a Television Video-|.."" © tape: Agreement, a contract. that.|_ ‘The ©300:. year © old intramural . horserace . ‘in Siena, with. the. emo-| WW knowledge of. its crookedness; the oges, France, with its fishing’ conhas been signed by. the other three |™ . T v Follownp Comment — ‘Continued. from: page 33 gy. of :“Rome’s ‘Festival ‘for -Our— ment. was nade to: national ‘seale | scheduled. ‘on: Saturday ‘night and ood “ “proceeded with “ plans to tape a... | pair’ of. “Bozo ‘Circus’: Christmas “4 specials that would. use live music.’. | — Continued from page 31 —<—" | Chi stations, ‘all. network affiliated: |‘and; with: ‘the. exception: ‘of ‘the tv. af A WGN spokesman’said that ‘there: Spot. issue, all. points’ virtually-in selves” _. ado. of the bull-chasing youths ‘at. | Pamplona all held interest; as much ‘for. their historical ‘significance as. jfor™ their. curiosity. value. ~:~ but: the viewer may have ‘been left '| presentation whether traditions and. festivals were déclasse with ‘the in| telligentsia’ these. days: ‘THE -FOLK WORLD or “Seen | | | Participating: -been_ one of. the high: Priests. and. ‘for. those who ‘don’t give: a: -hoot _agented. bellowers, this .was one ‘to “ning: tube ‘with such down-homers. preparing. man. to: * “it: “was | elear. : that’ he, -asnarrator, “was. not and}. ~ could ‘not be infected with the. fés-. ". “tival ‘spirit.’ His. apparent -disdain ard guest: for-the: night, ‘Dale Mon ‘do: -at rehearsal, . but their: music. had’ pleats and: ‘trim: lines. {not want to leave: while :he’s ‘sing-ting. .Monroe was -.a ‘right: ‘fine’ * somehow’ ‘connected ‘ with ‘trayals’ of ‘Lincoln, however; ‘than -| religious processions; and ‘the brav quiréd™ ‘of therole: ©: ; “Ossie Davis: ‘was a fiery, eloquent + Jt -was a: slick production. job, ndering: from -the. tone of ‘the wo B. : modern-day. Dixiecrat;. in defense: of his Position. ‘The . _ tintypes Bes... sketched ‘in by the. ‘Supporting cast pas, uniformly good. : Horo,” Bet Telephene Hour. It was -old: home week on. the NBC-TV “Telephone : “Hour” © (19). an with. pop: singer Patti. ‘Page: making : J her. third’ appearance on the ‘ser ‘* lies, Joan. Sutherland who made her. 30 Mins., 6:30. pti. . _c: tv debut’ on/“Hour” in: 61 and bal-. | KTEA, Holly wood . {let dancer. Maria Tallchief and part There’s‘a. swelling cut. across. the ner Erick Bruhn doing their fourth jand for. the syrupy. ‘sound of ridge ‘shot on:the show... .. rhythms.. Jimmie Rodgers ~ has } ~ Miss. Page. ‘opened . with a. nos: ialgic medley of “songs of the thir-. ties” which matched the music.with the . ‘coreographic’ norm ‘for this show. Miss Page belted in her w. k. BRODGERS . : With: Jimmie. Rodgers, ‘Dale: Mon-| ‘roe, : Fairmount. Singers. ars Preducer: Kip Walton aan Director: Gary ‘Markas for -high-stylists or: over’. “press relax by. Four lads. with ‘ guitars -can make /a lot of: Mmusie and. Rod‘gers. W armed up the Saturday eve to have’ been. on a Buchenwald diet (long: way from. the’ chubby young as. “Find the Girl. You ‘Left Back Home” ‘and “Got. No Use. for Red. Apple Juice” =. inthe early post WWII years as a . bya saxman named Sam Getz), ‘There was. nothing. ‘fancy. about | a, diva Miss ‘Sutherland od Rodgers, tt ay unt~} a new -opera. to her S iree | Fairmo) Singers with “arias from. -Bellini’s “I Puri{tani,”’a most difficult score which -She executed . brilliantly. Miss Tal roe.‘They dressed like the stars -Rodgers exuded a‘ warmth: that’ ‘made: you want ‘to--pull up a chair ‘and. brow aspects ‘with: one of their. deft ‘ballet. ‘terp. ‘duos. | helper: and” the: folks .comefrom | livan's ” “HMS Pinafore,” with Mar miles around “to. hear “him. °-The Fairmount ‘Singers ‘backstopped like they* oughta. wn. “KTLA's. ‘Bob’ Quinlan, plucked. rs gBcodie™ ‘here. ‘It's .a--Kip’ ‘Wa'ton package,” with. Seymour. ‘Heller: as an. associate. -roducer. os . Helm, and Mac. Morgan in the leads... Guest .. roster -concluded with: set -of. instrumentals. ‘Wilson,. a real gentleman. ‘of jazz, Was as usual: in’ {black tie. ‘for. fhe turn. Bill * that of Donald Davis, “who. -dida’t project: the. inner ‘eonviction Fe-|; ‘Frederick Dougias.. Judson Laire; ‘as Jefferson Davis, sounded like ‘a. ~-| the: ‘pop: style, but: looked. thin enough: | ster who wowed the jazz buffs back |} vocalist with ‘a small. group headed. ; chief.and Bruhn. filled: out the high | ” Show’ 3° highlight; ‘however, was |. ‘in excerpts: from Gilbert: .&. Sultyn Green joined by.. Margot. Moser: |. ~| Steady Teddy. Wilson, ‘jazz. pianist: and -his trio in ‘a. ‘melodic, ‘precise al id ae a lia a ae AIT mae PD eee ce ee FEL Le ae if :itsigned the. agreement . ‘first, ‘before signing. ‘that a taped. ‘show: willbe used Hour” that same. night. "The station: with “Great Music”, ‘that: is tape | and that the: station would like to |: have further talks with. the union + Te. appears. to ‘be WGN’s position. that. because it .is an independent | ‘station, there is less of a certainty | again and that an‘arbitrary nation-al. scale for taped shows precludes. the . possibility of taping for ‘one-: ~| shot convenience or easier produc: | ‘]tion than: live. The. ‘Chicago Sym|. [phony concert could. not. :bételecast | ‘llive because the orchestra plays on | “Chicago. Sunday Evening ‘would. be no: room for negotiation | agreement. ‘with. Fadio | to sign at ‘any. time. AFTRA’s® _Fesponses ‘within the first 24: hours, ‘and five were anti-union. Approxias ‘mately 19‘AFTRANs are beleivedinvolved: picket lines. and: talks’ are ‘continuing... (24) from doing the ‘telecast of the ‘at the’ local scale .and‘adjust it“if'| Browiis-St. ‘Louis ‘game for ‘CBS. ’ ‘the: 'showgoes: into. syndication. | formula. provides: the. _musicians ‘Lwith no protection, since the union | | will have:no control over the tapes:A‘ union spokesman. suggested that: ‘the. tapes. could be played’. in the ‘scale: is, $79.09 per man. for ‘five hours. of rehéarsal and. a one hour show.. The ‘difference for -a :-single’ symphony: show would amount. to. | over. $2,000. In: addition, the nation al scale also includes a 15% residu-: ‘al for thé second ‘and “third ‘runs. and a 50% residual. ‘for the-fourth:! and. fifth round” ‘of ‘syndication. the union’s. “adamant demand that bear.” Station’ ‘substituted ‘a ‘syndicated -ealls, WGN teleéast:.a : previously Htaped “Barn Dance” The: ‘AFM. maintains. that. such. “al growing overseas syndication mar| ket without the AFM’s. knowledge. | The Chi. local live scale is $41.98 |. per man for :two hours ‘including. : rehearsal and a show. The national | —_ St ‘cartoon °work, : -WGN’s position, ‘as. expressed. by}: exec’ veepee Ward L. Quaal;:is that. we pay: national network rates for | local. performances : is: more: than | ‘any individual local: ‘station can} program. with: Yehudi. and’ Hephzi-| "bah Menuhin for ‘the cancelled Chi { ‘symphony telecast..Sirice the AFM. Aocal; would not return: its phone |. “outing. ‘as + Jack Drees :of St. Louis substituted. ‘Coleman: ‘and: ‘Lahr: protested : the ‘ban, saying ‘they: were. CBS ems. ployees, but AFTRA . charged: ‘they. . were using struck facilities anda: protest has been: lodged. with CBS: a over the’ ‘use: of Drees.” Europe | Com’ls” —_ Continued trom Page 30. ‘with ‘every part of job, or: almost, ae under:. ‘a different. director or tech-...”: nician. One’s original. ideas . nat~~ ‘urallybecome more dispersed: and. diluted-as ‘a result.” -After. working: in. the: U. Ss Hess ; went : to London. for a. ‘spell: ‘of | Wy. then. -worked -Milan.. _before | settling: in. "Rome. One Jocally.made cartoon.commercial, for: ““Baci’ .Perggina, ” “has. all>” ready: won him a..-first’ prize at the . ‘Annecy Festival, : while’ his --more:. ‘recently... won . unusual: praise ‘and. ‘}mention for. his -tit'es to-a. RAI-TV™ comedy series,. “P.E.P.” Currently, ... Hess: is: working of ‘a: comimercial ' Y concluding’: “editorial: _ j.remarks were a plea for ‘the pub° } lie to: ‘phone or. write Storer. Man-.: -§ .agemefit has ‘reported: only ~“54 | “although “IATSE: : and’ ot NABET. members: ‘have. not crossed Je Storer supervisory: ° personnel ‘are. keeping -the. stations . ‘on. the .air:. Federal: Mediator. :Gil.“bert J. ‘Seldinhas” been. ‘called: ‘in, = In. one. side ‘issue, Ken ‘eolemant . : would like to do. asit. had: done | ‘and ‘Warren. Lahr: weré: prevented: © oo so As re slings 4 oe wae atu TS ad. Unie, sont sesa etic iie Cote N:, eluate for: Cleveland (Ohio) Black: Label ae Beer. main market. for . ‘theatre ‘and. tv commercials, Hess. feels. The. US. ‘However. ‘remains: the: :