Variety (November 1963)

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te . a we <a ee ° me a ae “jean. Federation of Television & Radio ™ Artists: raising the: question: of the role of the Taft-Hartley labor aet. in: the broadcast industry in: the: event of a strike. ‘The. employers have’ “Intiiaated that they would attempt. to. invoke. the. ‘Taft-Hartley. ‘law ‘machinery, which. can defer Strikes in vital-industries for 180° days. Trade union execs minimize: the possibility | that the T-Hlaw pertains ‘to commerciais” and -entertainment: shows. Thus, txe union is operating ‘on the : belief that it has: a free hand: in} stazing a walkout: While no ‘progress | is as “yet disr cernible. in the intensive meetings | aiming at closing the. gulf between | the union .demands: and" ‘the ‘agencies? counter-demands, there’s still | a lot -of mediation. and conciliation |° channels ‘still. to. be) explored: be="| fore. negotiations ‘break down com-| pletely. The. ‘anions, for -instance have to, give the ‘Federal ..Media-. . tion. Service: 60. days notice. before: ~“pulting. a: strike. New element in the current’ talks | is. the leadership of the ad agencies | tough bargaining tech| and their nique. Whereas ‘the webs. have | handled the © past. tv. commercial | codé . negotiations: ‘with a relatively |‘liberal: attitude, the. ‘agencies. have} come swinging -in. with .a .counteroffensive’ which. has” made union _ @xeCs: somewhat... pessimistic’ over “coming, to terms witheut a display. of: pow er. Winnipex——Board_ ‘of. Broadcast | Governors, Ottawa, last week: approved the construction: ‘of ‘an $85,000, 10, 000-watt rebroadcast sta-. -tion. by” Southern. ‘Manitoba Broadcasting: . :Co., south of here.” _RADIO-TELEVISION ~ Contiraied: deadlock in the fiego-4= tiations’ for a. new te ‘levisioncom=wa mercial: code between | thieAmer« .and ..the: : Screen’. Actors’ Guild, on ‘one: side, and the | webs: ‘and: agencies, ‘an the ‘other,’ ‘Land TPEA ‘camps. The. dimensions |of the:foreign market: is over: ¥ $60, Operators . -af. radio | station CFAM,: Aone, 60 miles 19 Mate ES ~ MPEA Vs. TPEA ; Continued from: pase ‘3: — ‘said that the: trade. organization. | should: be ‘the one whose members: ‘represent the. bulk of. American |: : J tv .product,. -both im. quality: and |. quantity,. and, according. to. that logic, the MPEA’™ has: -emerged: as that. organization, inhis view. He went-‘on to. say that ‘the “failure: ‘to ‘speak with: one, voice.-doesn’t do. the industry -any..good.” | “At stake, in“ this : TPEA™ -and | “MPEA rivalry is ani ever-growing |: foreign market. for . tv. programs. It can: be ‘helped or: hurt -by. what. ‘happens in the respective MPEA 000,0 000, estimated. for: “a NBC Station a Swap — Continued. from page 2r — bringing | the. long, hot. contest to: a { close. hs Officially’ ‘the ‘Examiner advised: ‘affirming the..1957 three-year re-. “newal | and::-granting another -re in. 1960: Philadelphia. outlet by. next: June. The “Commenting on the. contentl: ous: exchange. in 1955 when. NBC and Westinghouse traded their -Cleveland.-.and “Philadelphia outlets, Cunningham: said, ning: of a misconduct . label... on NBC at this time: appear: unfitting:”” | (He averred” “the. evidence ‘does tack 6 GOULD, ae. “time.” o . > <5 ‘newal : for. the. ‘period | “beginning, The. web i ‘is under. a Justice. Dept. . consent decree order to jettison its |. “the ‘pin (now). would J | taining. Philadelphia’ channel 3. He. made’ -lepoints "ander all “of: the. circum=: . stances. ‘to -Yejection’ of .a~ bid by have. one: ‘trade organization. speak: for the: American tv industry. He. an... ‘automobile ‘manufacturer broadcasting” network . is owned by Ford. show. record ‘but said. the ‘web’s } overall performance and: “historic-. ‘al place ‘in :the~ development of-|. broadcasting” shows: -cerned”...and ” willmake the new security. procedures on. quiz ‘Shows } “con . work. . Tn ‘okaying ‘the: ‘WNAC ‘trade. ‘f ‘Cunningham. ‘rejected “assertions ‘Cincinnati, Nov. 26. | work. The: ‘suds. sponsor; which’ has an ‘exclusive radio Tights’ pact With J, 'y the. ball club through 1965; via. 1ts | ‘Examinér | knocked | down. s charges by FCC's’ Broadcast Bu-‘reau that NBC shouldn’t. have. its: ‘Philadelphia o & o-renewed since it ‘garnered the ‘station. through. |: “abuse: of ‘its. network affiliation, “Midland: . “ad agency. ‘rep, Signed with WCKYlast week -in. a switch ‘since: 1957..: Mrs, ‘its. “Jamborée”. nighttime. pregrain format. . will be changed. perma-|; nently:: ‘when baseball . broadcasts | begin ‘with -20exhibition games ' prior “to the: ‘Notional. League, “Teg ular’ season. . Waite Hoyt has~ ‘been Burger's *: play-by-play ‘announcer from. the: start and. continues. © New York Times: reas unexpected blessing’ .« «liveliest ‘and’ most: >» imaginative ‘with Jack. Gilford as. presiding officer and occasional: Participant . Can go. network. any --CBS-IV. | Presented d Sunday: November 17, 4 P. a ON THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday; November 2 28, 2: 30. P .M. : and: © _ Sunday, December oh A not: support a finding of “iaproprk, ae ety .on the. part’ of: NBC,” ‘in. ‘ob| ' the: ‘same. assertion | EY. about. the. proposed’ exchange for) TEWNAG. | 7 mi .In: “denying Phileo'’s ‘competing | application. for: channel, 3 in Phila-. favor -of the Jppheation , by. the | ” Phileo . “The: ‘Examiner: rapped N BC’ s quiz. that. it would .restrain: competition | among Boston stations for network | affiliation, among: the webs for sta-. tion. .affiliation :andamong. inde7 -pendent" Porgram producers, =| WCKY Bumps Jamboree”. } For Cincy Reds Ballcasts | « |invasion . and ‘an. atomic. attack. At week’s end,: ‘network: had Tead ‘Country ‘music, a WCKY staple | sirtce -1944; gives: way. to basebail | in ‘spring. when the ‘L.-B.. ‘Wilson. 50; 000-watter: "s t arts. _ origiriating. airings ‘of .Ciney:: Reds: games. for |’ the Burger Beer: /80-station -net|. 2 Miami TV Stations. from: ‘Taft's. WERE, the: carrier ‘Jeanette. “Heinze, -WCKY “| veep. ° ‘and. general. Manager, “said NBC-TV's daytime hospital ‘meiler, “The Doétors," m. ‘is not ‘as critical as. reported. Network syas: the half-hour. strip. is firm ‘through: “April 1 “with. ‘scripts already complete through March.. Colgate, which via ‘Ted Bates and a production’ company. Jaunched. the show. last April, will continue. to: sponsor,. A:Ted ‘Bates spokesman says: ‘soapery. is: still high on the show, with special research i indicating ; that: viewers are using: Colgate products. ° The. ABC-TV “ownied &: operated. ‘stations: ave launched. re : media in |: advertising campaign to the public via its own stations. .The.campaign has taken. the form of.a‘orie-minute commercial message ‘dealing : with recent special community’. efforts. undertaken by each of the stations on behalf of their own. communities. ‘The one-minute .film describes. a special public service’ campaign: conducted by WABC-TV, N: -Y.,..0n behalf .of ‘the Red Cross. | In: Chicago, WBKB “has. ‘produced : a. ‘documentary designed . to introduce: the’ white. community to the Negroes. ‘The school dropout problem. was spotlighted ‘by WXYZ-TV in Detroit, The spot also, described: KGO-TV’s; San Francisco, drive to. find-summer jobs:-for. 16,000° high. school students, and. in. Los: ._Angeles, wanes initiation. of. a project to recruit men’ for the. police department, About 500 members’ and guests are. expected to furn. ‘out. for the. 0th annual convention of the: ‘National “Assn. of TV. -& Radio Farm: Directors. which opens: this Friday-:(29) at: the. ‘Conrad. Hilton Hotel in Chicago. ‘Organization, ‘eurrently presided: over .by.. Bruce Davies of KFAB, Omaha, works towards improving broadcast | ‘service to farmers and others: in the field . ‘of agriculture. —— NBC Radio’ s: experiment: in. repeat: sci-fi: drama, broadcast: of two “1 ald Ray Bradbury mellers.from. several .seasons. back in the ‘Meet ‘the |-Press” ‘Sunday slot (6:30-7 -p.m.) Nov.. 17, had. Pulled’ morethan 3, 000 . Jetters. ‘by. the: end of last week. ~ .. Listeners were asked to send in comments concerning’ “tZero ‘Hotr® and “There:Shall Come Soft Rains,” ‘Bradbury dramas about a Martian 1; 500: of the Teturns—all praising. the program, ‘Nixed by FCC on Use _ Washington, Nov. 26:. requests for additional identifica in Fort Lauderdale. to succeed... . Commissioner ‘Rosel ‘Hyde diss Of Ft. Lauderdale Tags| FCC told two. Miami_ television ‘stations: they. cannot add the’ Fort ‘Lauderdale tag line ‘to. their: ‘sta-. ‘tion identifications. . 7 In‘ letters to WI'VJ and WCKY, of ‘Commission said it denied their |: tion because. it. might discourage’ ‘future ‘applications for. channel. 39): Lone 1 WFIL,.Philadelphia: ” “Commission said. ‘granting : the. Miami stations’ requests for waiver: of the rules against. double: identifi| | cation might also make: it more dif|ficult for a station on. ‘channel 39° | Fresno, :. Calif. . sented from the: ‘etter’ and: Com_.| missioner Robert’ Bartley said ‘he | would deny the requests: on the “| grounds the stations. didn’t. have ‘studios ‘in’ ‘the. ‘second city.:. Backing ‘the: denial were. Chairman. E. William Henry and Com‘missioners Robert E... Lee,’ Fred‘erick Ford; Kenneth. Cox. and Eee Loevinger. en . ee, "Dial AA’ Salés . ~ Allied. Artists: Television’ Ss. “Dial AA for Action Features”. has’ been sold. to.. 10 stations, including -KSHO-TV, Las: . Vegas; and ‘WNHC, | “New ‘Haven-Hartford.. ‘Other deals: ‘were. “made “with WEBG, “Altoona: -WBAP, Ft. Worth: “WLYH, Lebanon; and: “KFRE, an aa ; . ~ — Currentlya | on FUNNY THING =| ~ ~ HAPPENED. | na ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM” _ALVIN THEATRE ‘New: v York as “ROSCA “ELEDERMAUS” 7 “METROPOLITAN. OPERA HOUSE an 7 S : New. ‘York. : "Performances: Sat. Mat., Nov. 30° . m Q Eves: Dec. 7 12, 31; Jan. 15, 20 y: : Management: Milton Goldman, ship Sistas ais”