Variety (November 1963)

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a ween ca oo . 2 ae . RRS rome gar T rr at 420 Ja SUSE Se Were, et _Teteeris November: 27, 1963. ad : “Werner s ‘Burner Bob: Mosher & Joe: Connelly, ‘and starring Harvey: Korman’ and. Deb bie Watson: “90 Bristol Court”, | four half-hour pilots supervised. by the World”, ‘A’ Girl’ From Ron” “and. “Interns. "2 Also from the MCA . factory. “ThatWas. the Week That Was”, the Leland Hayward-preduced half hour U.S. variation: on the BBC-TV: satiric theme, : -which ‘was ‘greeted’ with considerable. enthusiasm in its recent Sunday. night’ “‘sneak-preview”. Colgate turned -it. down for |. a January ‘start but At looks’ set. for next season.” . -“Paut Lynde Show" (tor be. Te titled).-It’s Screen Gems’ sole pilot:| for ‘NBC.. In) the story’ Lynde, al. V STATIONS. OFFERED “HUMAN | /NEWS BLOCK Gabriel Heatter, billed as “‘the | greatest. human. inte rest per| sonality of our:time”, is now § being. pitched to TV stations, Bin a series of episodes live: on videotape, by. ‘Winnebago ‘Productions, a division of Balaban TV. 7 os The 110 degnients are 3 ig: min @ utes long and are available on § a multiple play basis..'The live quality of the ‘videotape. and ‘ff Gabriel Heatter combine. to | provide a strong, audience hypo. ‘int the stations’. own Presenta: : i tion. | Heatter on. tape j joins the local stations’ own personality team Band. provides. the impact of.a. { powerful and dramatic human # | interest: feature: to -the local. potpourri. The program is also §. fin format for 5-minute: spon-” sorship: entry. . BContact | Winnebago Produce tions, Meridian-Road, Rock“ford, et : “Continued from. page 23: ‘embracing: To. gall your. : Seduce 3 in. 2 the big _ Northwest ynarket, KSTP-TV i is. “8 ‘a friple-thront performer, ae * atation, KSTP-TV ‘come © | ‘widower with ‘two. teen: -childrén, owns ‘a thriving: toy: factory. ‘and | the: basic: ‘conflict is: bétween ‘his. lave for his world’ of fantasy and ‘the nécessity of: being involved in. “Mosher & Connelly. They bear ‘the | the. of ‘his. children and titles of “Hughey”, ‘Harris Against business. Weiskopf & Schiller have. scripted. “Harry. Ackerman. is. exec |." producer. + Other. ny Funny: World”; Shankan. °-Final’.. NBC pilot _ is. -“Pearce’s: World”. starring. Arthur. ‘Kennedy and ‘Produced : by: Herb Brodkin.. os not. ‘yet. drawn, -Washington, Nov. 26. . Fee “tetused to -reconsider | its. ban against: CBS! ty incentive com1 pensation’ plan. : Commission. Teiected-a “petition ‘by: the web to review its May 28 ® | order which -said the sliding scale. | plan hada. “restraining effect”: on. -affiliated: ‘stations... * Phe. original . nixing: of the CBS =P ‘plan came at. the. same. time: as | |-BBC’ intheir nationally-networked: the. option time: ‘ban. | ‘NBC’ “pilot ‘projécts ‘to ‘round: out. the. diversified“ list. in5 clude: the GAC production of “Funa, variety show. 1 produced by: Nick ‘Vanoft: ‘Also the “Seven Little Foys” involving Bob. -Hope Enterprises ‘and. Jimmy ‘Saph-. jer, Whichwas: developed. by. ‘Milt. was excessive. a It Was Murdered Although: the final ‘schedule isly .. its . fundamental | Bue: | Big Moutlines: are clear=the: big | | ME of ‘MCA: and: MGM ‘that appear | | to: loom as the dominant} NBC. “sup| pliers 1 next. year. ae | Fee STAND PAT ON. -CBS INCENTIVE PLAN ‘gow,.and igriored its ‘many -points.. He: attacked the: “bearded weirdies” of BBC production. for: | “staging . scenes “to. create” “sensattiontism.” . . ‘Despite a semi-apology trom’ ‘thé oo ~WWAR Penalized “Washington, Nov:. 26.. FCC. ‘ordéted: WVAR,. Richwood, |, W. Va, to-fork over $3,500 for fail| ing * to. ‘have a -fulitime radiotele phone: first-class: operator. FCC : said -the “station operator..and that W.. ‘Courtney’ ‘Evans ‘principal: ‘owner :of.. its li censee Royal Broadcasting Co., did not’ remedy the deficiency... “In ‘its. response. to the’ original ‘lnotice-of the fine, the station point: -ed-to the. scarcity: of: operators in. the’ area. “and: contended ‘the fine Glassow Sereaais C Panorama’ ‘Glasgow, | Nov.. 26... oe ‘BBC-TY” : documentary On ”“T'Scotland, ‘in the. weekly. “Pano-rama” series, has irked Scots, par ticularly. ‘residents of Glasgow. The .| city’s: civic: chief, Peter’.Meldrum,. has protested. to the: chairman of. the BBC. governors about “the un-. -| balanced. Picture’ of. ‘the’ elty:. Pres. sented.” _ According | to Peter’ “Meldrum: the program: stressed too much: the. ‘unfortunate : ‘aspects of life ; ‘in. -Glas| .| news, “Meldrum returned: ‘to: the Two. Bobs SEGS FOR Loc AL . ti —. ; Continued . ‘from page 1 —, . ‘the NBC: operation that would have. A. ‘questionably. ‘rate ‘encomiums: for’ ‘| for the: two-Bobs. and. their: Heu-. a nothing’ to: -do: | with the Nielsens—in fact it readi| 1 ly ‘concedes the unqualified No. 1 | | status. of “CBS when. it. comes. to'| ‘tenants, This” has. numbers -and programming: f for, ‘the | ‘argest. audience. Rather, this. has “been. a well . thought-out; : skillfally executed ‘|campaign designed: to. convince. all sand. sundry: that, ‘for. all the NBC ‘! sins .of omission’ and .commission, for all-the triviatities and banalities tof ‘a: “Harry's. Girls,” a “Temple. Houston”,. ete., there’s. depth, ‘a dimension, a. diversity, “HE you: will, about the. overall NBC | ‘programming. concept that makes: the dynami -|it unique among the networ t’s. y c. _bresentation of. ‘1a 3-D. story. that’s predicated ‘on the. =| NBC boast that while at least -half tof the program. schedule: is* hardly.|}calculated to’ produce. ‘Top 10 rata tings; they. do. recruit. the: biggest. ” audiences. fron the: discriminating -lupper part. of the ‘socio-economic scale, Or, to put it: more:. bluntly, ‘}the. dollar ‘spending ‘audience. |)... | _:That’s their story, ‘and it’s’a ‘story: ‘that they’ve been. skilfully: transla ting. in terms: ofpromotion, adver-: tising and. critic persuasion. Over. the -past.month it’s been. paying |. ‘Loff quite’ handsomely—so. much so i | convince. a lot of. monéy-ob|: \ sessed affiliafes: that all -that.glit-|' ‘ters isn’t “necessarily reduced ‘to |: -| Nielsen. numbers. . And, brother, when you: éan ‘dol. that, you've. got. an affiliate e right in ‘your Pocket. ml . ne ; ‘968,844, ‘Income from radio adver-. | tising at $342; 835 was. ‘marginally. 2 below the previous year.. “The Northwest's ‘ins TV. bines maximum coverage,:: ’ top. entertainment: and su-*: "y “perior. service to. dominate. _ + this. market of: 810,800 TV.” farnilies and-over $5 Billion a in spendable 5 income. “100,000 WATIS NBC | MINNEAPOLIS « ST. PAUL | attack, saying:ue | apology, and it-has come’ too late. | 1I. -hope’ ‘the. BBC. will try to. remedy 1: _°__‘|the impression’ -of Glasgow: -Scotland: ‘they gave. by. putting -on a “Redigo”, i “This is a. another . program, and this. time: ‘give a: ‘true picture. -From. the. scenes . of vandalism:: in the: ‘pro gram, : one would. think there was} — nothing but. bad‘ in. Glasgow.” The BBC. admitted; following the program, that thé acts of vandalism screened: ‘in the “Panorama’” program question. had: been | staged. A ‘spokesman’ said: “Obviously, this sort of thing has to. be staged. You actual vandalism.” | He stressed : that the fact. that’ it. “was. was only.’ an. impression. clearly stated~ before. and’. during this: brief film sequence.” -Civie leaders ‘here felt’ that the ‘program, as youths. smashing -.the -windows of buses; | Might also have indicated. that: the ‘great majority of. the. city’s youth were: industrious ‘and. well-doing: The “Panorama” © _program . ob jected. ‘to was. emceed' from a]: ‘Clydeside : Shipyard ‘by. lish TV-Radio vs Shows : a Deficit Dublin, Nov. 26.: sound. and tv in.the Irish Republic, 4 lost -$47, 807 in its ‘first. full year of Operation. : “Ty. ‘advertising revenue was $1: = ‘Of: an output. of 2,200 ‘hours on 4 tv. imported: programs . accounted 4 for 55%. Largest share of the im-. ‘| ports..ccame from the: US and detec| | tive. and: adventure’ ‘seriesdom-. 7 inated’ these buy-ins: ::.°° a |, -Gatest TAM. ratings, covering ; : ‘October; show ‘home-produced pro|. “| grams dominating the Top 10 chart. . 1 for the first-time.’ Imports do -n0 | better, than. sharing a’ third-place > é r | Nurses”. shares. eighth place ‘with |‘Tan -Irish. quiz show. and “Sergeant. -Bilko’’ shares the last place in the: *.4 Top.-10 ‘with: “Bat Masterson” and . “Mr. Ed. 99 . District: Atterney”);..-“‘The | UA. ‘Showcase’ Sales’ 7 .7.United’ Artists -Television’s |: . no, -“SHowease. for the. 60’s” pix: pack| ~..:| age has been-sold-in: nine ‘Canadian ’ "| cities, ‘all ini ‘the: province. of On-| —tario:: “.:| Deals: include CKNX.. Wingham; | |CECL, Timmins: CKCO;. Kitchen + ery “and ‘CBET,: Toronte:, ie : ge | “offered | ‘no. ‘proof. of: trying to employ: an ma [ feeves. setup). lame. ‘and | wae ‘Radio ‘Bireann, controlling’ ‘both: ” World Tv Fest — Continned from page 23: =! sume detection show from Polish| At présstime, ing ‘include Southern-TV, ‘UlsterTV, -Border-TV,: Television: -Reporters International -...and . British Home" Entertainments ‘Ltd. the. . While. the.main structure Of: ‘the: Fest cwill be held within the Na-: tional: ‘Fiim: Theatre.on the South: Bank, the nearby Shell. ‘Theatre. | has, ‘een. lined up for the overflow. : Even. 80, ‘accomodation. is ‘strictly [{}} .‘” limited, though’ ‘goldticket (dele|U]... | gates): and | pbluéticket Aindustryites.|]{ | and press) guests. will get ‘reserved: | viewing. -accomodation. | | | Fete is arranged: ‘by’ ‘the . Na: | ‘| tonal | Film . Théatre’. Division of : {the BFI (it’s: ‘presented, by the |[|. °° | video. magazine. Contrast): in | as-{ sociation with. BBC, Independent Television: ‘Authority ‘and: the. In{dependent ‘Television . Association and: with. the. cocpera-. tion: of the Association of Cinema|: tograph . Television . and... Allied |{l ‘Technicians, British Actors’ Equity, |-Musicians‘Union, Variety’ Artists |.” Federation,. Sereen Writer's Guild,.|. Qa ‘Society of Screen and. Television . Arts and ‘the Television Society: “, Official ‘vost of the festival is |B -,; ‘estimated tabe just under -$2;800 | ¥F& Companies a. ‘doden.“Yank | vidshows': ‘had been ‘selected for: screening in. various ‘. categories ‘including. five-from ‘NBC. and five | |from-CBS. Besides: BBC; “ATV: and |: | TWww British companies participat~" tion; =| Cle. Educ TV Gifted « With $1-a-Yr. Tower. Site ~ “Cleveland, Nov. 26. Jand . Louis. Pierce,-. a day....As ‘part. amortization . of : pss this, ; ‘BBC, 1TA’’and the indie tv |. ay companies’ are contributing $16,800... Program will “be. :showen: ‘elecZz. ‘tronically: on projection screens and |. ‘monitors placed’ through. the. thea| tre on several: line statodards. ~ Sugar Bowl —_ Continued ‘from ‘page. 2 —= “i ‘Bowl cancellations ‘could cost. well } Rel ‘into: ‘six: ‘figures. a : -Further (and: this ‘could. ‘be x strong factor in the’ network’s: de| cision to’ go ‘ahead with the Sugar | | Bowl game), ‘there ‘are the. forth-|]. * eoming negotiations for the NCAA|] ‘football contract, covering telecasts |9-® {of weekly games through the’ sea-|] & }son . (row: held. by’.CBS),. Under {4 : New. sports. director. Carl Linde| -& mann Jr., NBC: has launched ‘a| concerted: ‘drive to land: the: college*| ‘games (as well as pro) for next |{: year. Lindemann. has ‘been wooing |}. the ‘college officials in a campus-by-' -campus drive, and.:it’s| Teported he has a financial free-hand when: the) that. at. this time NBC: doesn’t: want to upset ‘any faction in the NCAA’ authority, anda. riled. south might} J" .*figure" Megatively : in. negotiations. to a3 3 East & 54th St. New York 1 It. Richard: ~ -Dimbley, > ‘and. ‘the ‘film .-sequence |‘ ‘on. youth’ was: ‘presented : by. inter-. fae ‘viewer. Michael : Barratt. ~ Lew Grado a = Continted’ from: page 30 = | ™ a ~ Grade: “The sale. of. the UK: rights |, 7 | to-independent television. will con| {-}™ 2s _: -tribute. greatly towards the. cost of | | 234 Ww. 44th. St... NEW. York e | production: There: will still be a} 7 ‘lot of money for ATV. to recover, eee but overseas. “prospects. look: ‘good:: : ce | Already. we have'more than a ‘dozen | — inquiries and: Iam absolutely con{ ||. | fident. that. we shall be. able. to sell |. these ‘series in the. United: States; | Canada and Australia, .as ‘well: as |: France, : Germany. and “Italy.” At the same time. as ATV’. 'pteps | to go into production with two new -vidfilms, its: current -celluloid pro| has'| ‘wound production . after’. only “13 ||| | segments. This: is because. its star,|||. ‘Carlos. Thompson, As ill in a Swiss f ject. “Sentimental Agent”... nursing home. . vot MGM's Pro's té-ty end: of the biz after a hiatus ‘of fresh pix releases. ' Going price for pix in the. N. Y | ‘market. ‘is from. $30,000 to $35,000 per pic on “an: average .when a first-run “bundle ° ‘ig offered. “Of course, features,’ currently. being ||. ‘| priced — ‘Individually in packages,:||° “| earty’ Separate price fags ‘above | and below: the average. ‘Tadianapolis ~ — “WLW-t: edge.” : | ano a "300 E. SistSt, ew St, | York. City; cf : PL 2-1764 DICK | W17 N. Highland ‘Av: “Hollywood 28, Cal. a _PLoza 1 1-6655 » 2! tA 40707 — “WANTED ‘print. . budget | control. ‘Box. V-3537, ‘VARIETY. STUDIO, REHEARSAL | _. . ., OR OFFICE SPACE. —_ 45th. STREET OFF 6th: AVE. Sn, For. rent-at $4.00 per sq. ft. -Alr Con ditioned,. Pvt. ‘Elevator, :24 ‘hour : building. . ee inane See SPECIFICATION. “IRVING R: NEIBLUM, INC, La 2-7077 “Indian: 50. ST. “EAST, ‘NEW YORK ooo apolis,.-has’ received. -the. Golden |] Mike. Award -for:the best: local. tv. .| the interest .ofyouth,. fromthe. American Legion. Auxili| ary, for. dts “Exercise. in ‘Know!7 5 orm. magazine: featured. ‘modern: duplex: ia. fine older co-op: ‘Bldg. Mies bale... 1 Yee lease, hh 24628: “e A ‘doilat-a-year: tower site: ‘and or use.of WERE’ transmitter: building’ ‘in North Royalton have been.niade.. °: available to the. Educational .Tele-° = vision: Assn. ‘of Metropolitan: Cleves a land... (0: “This: follows’ a.. “$250,000. ‘grant . | given. by-the. Cleveland” Founda-. board.” ‘chairman. of: ETAMC, said hiring. -Of a. staff for: sample. programming’ to start in spring on UHF Channel |: 25--will’ come after: an. additional. $250. 000:: has. been. raisell os . . eo wb, ate fo os eo ota cote cote .! . . . tee . oe ne e . a . me ° . Tag . _ oe 7 . . . : . : . 4 : se oe os ee . i hy . ery . 2 PU MR SS i ler VR IRR SNE CRETE BN 9 PR Na RA I NRE TN SORIA NN al AES a) eee eer ap a ee Eel ee nn ee dle nn en ate Wit tans gone a . : . Donte t, . wet : ‘Commentator I | . 800 Stations oe in Americal (J. Prediction. supervisor. with: “totet || ‘||| knowledge of TV film. production |from script inception. to answer || ‘Must’ be: able ‘to maintain |} Knowledge | Of |} “animation kelpfat but not required. Le Bathrooms,. Self-Service: |: uo _ 74 4 i a 4 . . . ot oe ae . ¥ . cw . . : “oy . . : . . . rie ae gab yeni arate yeas pace eet a Ete te ae aes, WMT. val De in ack ; soe “atY 154 W. 46th, St. ‘New. York 10036 ae REAL aan 4 | —. Continued from page: 31 — . ‘ . . an t ot ” oe . . . rr cr . a , “4 “ . ete . to ot so “ne em . oan. SOC ee iC Der wim eat Shee bg ak Tete a OE al a ER let ate at me fo tee ot ow aa . a ppt yt, | ae a ae Fs SREY AD spines "pti! (Re: sae: wegen sine . . . . . . . oo. Oe _ Pad . a ‘ . vot