Variety (November 1963)

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--* Immediately.:” '.” Levet’ restrained ' ‘the ‘ocak from imposing any: summary disciplinary action against its. members ..based |: Wednesday, ‘November: %, 1963 B's Mail Local 802's mall. referendim, ‘by4 “which «the :union’s. . adminis . tration sought to: ‘cancel. a new. by-: .~ Taw'on fiseal policy, received ‘a set| ” “pack. Friday. (22): . when ..Judge:|: Richard Levet issued a 10-day: tem|: .” porary. restraining order. in: N. ¥. Federal Court. The action ‘to: bring ‘the: ‘anion -. Into: court was. backed by a. group. ‘of over. 500 of its members, repre : senting. the Musicians’ Voice Emer . gency: Committee; ‘said in‘court by: . _ labor: lawyer. ‘Donald Grody.:: . The | 10-day. “injunction. “was oc= ‘easioned ‘by the fact that the mail. ‘pools onthe referendum -closed: > the: foltowing .. day” Saturday and’ the: result ‘were to -be.‘announced: However, Judge. on what ‘is contained. in the refer2 endym until he reaches a determi~ mationn 6” ‘The difficulties. began last. Sep 7 oo tember: when at’ 802’s: annual | by-. ‘law meeting a program’ to ‘update: . the -Local’s laws ‘sponsored by .a. -.: membership . newspaper. ~The: Mu -’ Sicians’ .. Voice, ‘produced a ‘turn-" 2 out. off 1, 200; a. quarter-century, rec... cos ord. ae ‘Three: “resolutions of. the: reform. : program became: bylaws.: ‘Two(by. |: almost unanimous. voice vote) car| "pied over. a..disapproving ofticial | “-. recommendation of. the 802 ‘execu-:} ’ “tive board; and one—killing 2 work’ tax. and raising. ‘the: annual . dues |. _.(by a ‘two-to-one secret: ‘ballot: “was. passed. over the “‘no comment” apJ praisal . of the: Local’s board, . Formation of ‘the -MVEC ind “ y raising. the Musicians’. ‘Voice Emer ‘gency Fund was: precipitated by’ “an. announcement. in. the October Allegro, : Union, -of a. mail reférendum: of. the 28 ,000-plus Membership: of 802: seeking to throw:out the. third. new. ‘bylaw’ ‘before: ‘it became Sperative: . January. ‘1. “:* Though it | made. “No “comment”. on the ‘bylaw resolution : preceding the membership meeting, .802’s ad*: ministration: unanimously" reversed: -itself: and” recommended . ‘the Tef~terendum resolution: (to rescind the new bylaw) ‘pe: passed, > * A. ‘wave of. ‘indignation at. “the: _move to. allow .non-resident, . active, non-present : ‘vote: to: prevail ‘> -over the working membership de-. ; veloped in‘ the tootler ranks. -At 2. midnight meeting Oct: ‘24 ‘of: more _., than 500, the Emergency. Fund. was |: . “begun ahd a program ‘of:: protest | ‘by appeal to the Local, the: Ameri-|r 7 ean. Federation.-.of Musicians and. : me finally, the Court, was’ laid: out..: The: MVEC fears more: ‘ of: an | end to. Iembers. participating. dn’ union affairs ‘at: democratic meet-' oes ings. than .reversion to the «work. “802 has al-'| tax and: cheap dues. ‘ways. been the most. ~apathetic ‘of |. “unions without reeourse:to government by referendum. of the~ dis-. _ -intterested,”: said: one member, : “it -‘gould be the. beginning of the. end: oa —and rr mean: ‘another ‘union,’ me Cleffer Marjorie Deatsch | ‘Wins 1586 Award in Suit | LS Over Son’s Birth Injury |] The. NCY:. ‘State. Supreme. Court: awarded | Marjorie ast. week: | sai Tooters ai i official . journal .. of, the |. “in|: ire Sang Vote Results for 10 Days : “She Loves. You. sseBell | ; re Pickwick’ Leslie Eyes ~ Expansion in 0’seas Tin| | “Cy ‘Leslie, president ‘of Pickwick. os |-tnternational, left for’ London last |: ‘week on. the: first leg. .of. a two| ‘week. promotion tour: -of: the. Brit| ish Isles’ and Europe ‘to: arrange 7 expansion’ of his: company’ 3: over-. | seas ‘operations. Pickwick, a ‘lowpriced: disk. combine, ‘already many. " London,: ‘Nov. 26: --BBC: which 18: ‘months “ago ‘sought’ “and. ‘received. :permission. ‘from. the. -Government -ta ‘extend: ‘its | ‘radio ‘services by: about 95). hours: a. ‘week,. is further seeking. to} ‘split: the’. additional’. airtime into. 50%*.live music ‘and 50% disk: It ‘is the latter proposed’ use. of. wax. that: is. meeting with’ a firm. “no!”’. from: the “Musicians: Union. ‘The ‘org. is | diametrically opposed” to: allowing © BBC any... -inerease «in: “needle time”. Continued on: ‘page, 46). “represented ‘abroad through: ‘Pickwick Interna-'} ‘tional: ,of Great. Britaini,.-Ltd., its ‘ England: .The. ‘subsid: |-distributes’. records. under . ‘Pick-: ‘wick’s. various -labels-‘in England, Belgium, : “Holland and, -West ‘Ger Leslie: will: negotiate ‘with: ‘other ' “companies: in’ several . European: : eountriés. ta. develop new. distribu| tion. ‘outlets. throughout. “Europe ’ _;and the, ‘Common: Market nations. Set Arbitration lh ‘BBC-Tooters’ Tiff Over More Disks | In. its’. “protracted. ‘Fight | ‘with’ certain: sections of the ‘Music industry ‘over’ the. ‘proposed | increase“Tin? “needle” ‘time’. on. radio,, BBC has decided. to. take. the: issue’: to “arbitration. .Matter ‘will. be put: be|. fore. the-‘Performing Rights). “Tribunal in the nearfuture. : Ole, Orch, Gi in 1 Red, , «Sets: 2456 Fund Goal |’ ‘On . grounds © that. | disks. displace musicians. Musicians? . ‘firm stand: on this point’ is. one of: the main .reasons. why BBC. was: not. able to make its February . ‘deadline with: the .extended | Tadio . services, ‘Even with a “British Disk Best Sellers | pean ‘London, .Nov, 26.° | Oo Never Walk Alone | Pacemakers’ -(Columbia) '-~. -Sugar ‘And Spice. . Mearchera.. {Parlophone): 1. Parlophone) | Be My Ba aes . Ronettes. a Londen. ; Don’t. Talk Té. Bim. ge . Hichard (Columbia) :. wea ye cae cc eevee r Bassey (Columbia) ” , ath t Blue Bayou — eeeeens /.Orbléon (London) oa . Memphis: ve oe e vse eee eee Berry” (Pye). Do You Love. Met. ‘Tremelces. (Decca) © ; _Beeret Love . oe Hiss Kirby .(Deeea) : i vA INKS DAILY, PLANS OFFICE IN NASHVILLE | HW. (Pappy). Daily, country &. western. artists & . repertoire. man, ‘has been: tagged. to ‘another Jongterm deal. by. United Artists Rec-. |-ords. Coinciding. ‘with: thepacting: “pof Daily . is the. ‘diskery’s: plan to! | Dee. an. “office in “Nashville” on! ae | . * ‘Under the. supervision Ot: Daily, d Batoners Lose the: Nashyille .hq ‘will serve as]. |.UA’s base: for country: product | in | ‘Simone. and. Carnegie, ‘says:that Vale’s b.o. was: j right: up there with the tops of his clients: and. other personalities es. saying one-nighters. ” Vak’s C re ie e Click! Cues Another. 64 Concert ‘Jerry. Vale is set for a 1964 Car |} negie ‘Hall, New -York,. concert -as | | result of his. biz. last: ‘week -when, | according fo boxoffice ‘attaches; ak. | most::1,000 were turned away." The: ‘1 sale, in. fact, ‘suggested ‘Vale do ing.-a ‘midnighter ‘tthe same Nov. {15 night but manager Mort Farber ‘land Dee Anthony, in association. _|.with: ‘GAC’s.. Sid. Bernsteiri, de‘| cided that four ‘hours -of. straight. | songalog would be too. rugged: on: | the. eee 5 Bernstein, who ‘booked ‘other: tients (Tony Bennett,’ Nina ‘Enzo -Stuarti).. -into its. drive to. expand in the. c&w. am, * ai ‘fields Daily will ‘continue to com-.|. } mute: to Nashville ‘on a. ‘regular | basis from. his. home in.Houston:| ~~ Tommy. Jackson, longtime ‘assis|. *..” tant to. Daily, will be in: Nashville} ona fulltime pasis. ~*~ “Daily, one of. the. pioneers: in ‘the’ country “music. field, has. beén working: .in recent months ‘with. such UA’ artists as. ‘George. ‘Jones. ‘Melba: Montgomery, and Kathy Dee. . Audy am ‘Supreme. Court. Justice Jacob sions. was. ‘handed ..dewn. by = N.Y: Markowitz in “favor of the. Federa | tion : against. ‘expelled. bandleader |. *1| Joseph’ ‘Carroll. In a. suit levelled o Cleveland; Nov. 26. The | Cleveland’. Orchestra — in. curred a $2,000:deficit:in the fiscal ; ‘year ending. last . ‘May, and’ the group will seek. a1963-64 fand. campaign goal of. $245, 000, ac“cording -to. Orchestra.’ spokesmen 40 safeguard: the group's upcoming .§€ason, “Total | ‘expensés. were ‘$1, 444, 900.. “) "Phe ‘Orchestra ‘has. ‘alse. disclosed : it will make ™ a -10-week:. tour’. of. Europe,’ including. ‘five weeks. in ‘Russia, The ©.106-man. :. musical’ group will be’ under the baton of ‘director George Szellduring ‘the : Spring . 765, ‘tour... wa \ . ne I SE a |at. the-union;:“he: had:.sought an .| order. for’ ‘reinstatement ‘after pay-. ‘ment-of ‘accrued ‘dues and: fined. . « Carroll charged: that he .was un-. lawfully. expelled: from AFM mem-. bership. He: ‘contended that he. had | ‘hot been: given. a fair‘ trial .and also claimed that: his ‘expulsion. was in the.: nature .of:a retaliation by ‘the union . against him. for: having eourt “actions ) brought. .. “other: ~ against. it. . A similar suit ‘which. Carroll had: pressed’ in N.Y. Federal ‘Court against. ‘the -AFM™ was tossed : out: ast: Jan. 15: by" Judge Richard H.. Levet who. held: that.: the’ .band leader had been Jawfully expelled by the AFM. after a fair hearing. (Continued: on: Page 46). ~ Speak u up. ° | Give Your! Name... 000: damages ina suit against ‘Doc. ‘tors Hospital, N.Y., -for brain: in-| .. juries suffered‘ by herson, : -Chris| -topher, ‘at: his ‘delivery: The jury. “gave Mrs.: .. damages. : Last year a jury: had awarded her aT $187, 000. It was ‘set: -aside by -the. Appellate Division. as. “contrary: to the lawand fact.” res -Mrs:: Deutsch. charged * ' delay. learned. whether: the: “planned . an: “appeal. 4 ‘that'| eo, -nurses at’ the. ‘hospital had delayed : | | ne the birth of the .child ‘for ‘a. ‘‘con|) sidérable period” -until: the. arrival |e ..of her doctor..She ‘said her: son‘s| i]. io “retardation ° “was. caused” by athe if “Justice Maurice Wahl ‘denied all} .. Motions” to ‘set .aside the. verdict | and reduce the amount.’ It. ‘was ‘not! hospital | iy. “Norman Roy | ‘Deutsch $150,000.. as ‘guardian. of. her.-son; ‘who. at. age: -of six is ‘mentally~ retarded, and awarded. her $80, 000 in: “personal ; | oo ew YORK: 10036 4: St. Jomes' 's. Street: Grutman: was the. attorney. for. the || oe Deutsches... ae “One. Big ‘Season | Deserves ‘Another. . a * Lovingly ‘Warmed And: Wetered.. lat “Credit, id You: Don't. Attend, To the Record, ‘Achievement. Can: Wither On The \ Vine: _Stey As. + Bright A As + you « are. : 2 a “154 w. bth Ste. ars ae foe By we “LONDON, SW ne "Piceadily aaa le aon ‘Your _ HOLLYWooD 90028 404 Sunset Blvd. PARIS 40 Aye: le. Neullly de NesitySerSeine ~ — ~ Publish Your. license. to. ‘Prosper. | _ og ‘say. Right Out You, Were -A Hit. Admit You were. ‘Going: at. High Professional I Speed. Put ‘Yourself | In the Class Marathon. ‘Advertise i in. Al Beef to Se Senate Appropriations fli lic ‘of ‘China. ttee Hits Taiwan Disk Pirates. The. Record Industry Assn. of. ‘America has. protested ‘the. pirecy of American records in Taiwan’ and the export sizable quantities of. these. counterfeit rec or ds throughout the Far East. “In -a statement filed with the Senate; Appropriations ‘: ‘Committee. inow. considering foreign aid. ap propriations for the. Republic of China, RIAA ‘says. reliable figures. | indicate. that 150,000 pirated rec ords are being exported from Tai ‘wan -eath month ‘to such areas as Hong Kong, Saigon, . Viet Nam, Singapore, Burma, Ceylon, Indonesia, The ‘Philippines, Thailand, Macao ‘and. Cambodia... : Terming this paracy “one of the ‘worst forms .of commercial law-. lessness,” the RIAA told the Com|: mittee: ‘that: it.has been repeatedly”: called to the. attention of the Na |tionalist Chinese Government as: well as the U. S. State Dept.. but. {to-no avail. RIAA pointed out that’. ; legitimate agents of American rec-. _pord companies in the Far. East are | being increasingly ard more se verely hurt by. counterfeit record {ings from Taiwan that are being 7 smuggled inte their countries. “Because the: Taiwanese coun \terfeiters pay no royalties or fees,” . TRIAA: notes, | | undersell the. legitimate product. ; Moreover, 4 lings. are -.of . questionable . quality. “The. “American: Federation of ‘Musicians racked. up two court.vic‘tories. last week: against dissident} patoners. ‘The first*of these_deci “they candrastically these pirated. record American manufacturers are thus not -only being deprived of their legitimate business pursuits abroad but their reputation are being. damaged’ by having these |Poor recordings foisted upon an ‘unsuspecting consumer as legitimate article.” : American’ record manufacturers | are not tryingto suppress ‘the. Tai|” wan. record: industry or to ‘reduce’ its potential, . ‘the RIAA statement. | declared. . Most American compa nies,-in fact, would be most willing to: negotiate manufacturing ‘contracts with any. reputable Taiwa ‘nese manufacturer “if their prod-. uets ‘could be’ protected. from the activities" of predatory vounter | feiters,” the . statement . added. “¥t noted that the American ree-. ord: industry. finds it ironic “that the Government of the Republic of. China, which. has been supported. and upheld :by the U. S. as part of . the Free World in the Far East, has. not. been. able, or has. not con-. sidered. it: important enough, to | eliminate : this. piracy. dudge Markowitz; in dismissing: the | ‘jon whether foreign aid should. or RIAA said it. took ‘no position should -not be voted to the RepubHowever, it asked that the statement be incorporated: |into the record of. the Committee | hearings “in order not only to apprise the members of Congress of ‘this: situation ‘but forcefully to. | bring it tothe attention of the Government ‘of the. _ Republic. ‘of | China. in the hope of. securing. : remedical action.” The statement. ‘filed with Senator \Carl Hayden, chairman of the Ap | propriations:. Committee, ‘was ac-. jcompanied by ° | newspaper. articles reporfing seiz |-ure of pirated records in key markets: inthe Far East. ° : Wi personality Productions | Forms $.0S. Inc, Subsid: reproductions of. ‘Both to HQ in Vegas Personality Productions has | formed asubsidiary company: to. | be known as S.O.S. Inc. (Special Original Songs Inc.). In addition, |-P.P:has set up offices in’ Las. ‘Vegas where ‘S.O.S. Will also ‘be ; headquartered: + Prestige ‘Should | Be. ie You. Don’ t Plan For: Continuing S.0.S.. will write and ‘produce commercials. for international. dis-" | tribution’ and is under the man-— ‘agement of Sam Melchionne and. . | Jack. Eglash,. with Jerry Cearns” | presently ‘handling P.P.’s business end in Las: Vegas. ‘Plans for the new office include ‘. “If the writing of new matertal :for: i placement with “name artists,” ‘tal { ent: management, plus’ ‘recording CHICAGO 0a1T-400°N. Mickigon: Ave; ROME 3 | Whe. | and: production of singles and LPs; The first talent to be signed. by -H Personality in the Las Vegas areg ‘| is Sam ‘Melehionne’s “Modern Mu— {sie Men” to be known as “The | Big M's.” ‘Buck: Ram, Personality’s Bj music director, has already. re corded’ and. released their . first single for Entree. Records, and is in. the process. of recording ‘their. 7 saa! first album.