Variety (November 1963)

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“Nask ty ec : Declassified elements of the U:S.+ inissile. program have been" harnessed :to. show biz. uses “and. will be employed at New York’s World’s Fair. starting. next ‘April in’ ‘applica-| : ‘tions that ‘may. have far-reaching | _effects on: fhe. entertainment. in* dustry. -.. <" At.the: same. time, it’s anticipated ‘that: the: new’ formats developed . for presentation. at. ‘the. Fair’ may fave a profound influence on stag“§ng in-all phases. of. the amusement: * §eld.. That’s the pinion: of Morton. _Broadway‘with: Love,” which will “be housed in the Music Hall of. ‘the “Texas ‘exhibit at: the Fair.» « a ‘Actording. “toDa’. ‘Costa, Broadway. with Love” : will be. a. . huge’ production ‘with two casts of -%5each and with .a' double ‘set: ‘of. costumes for which new techniques pf: staging “had -to. be. devised. missile shoot.. An application: “of the console’ a made. it pessible to house the‘en-|. . Jf tire lighting: system as well as.con-| ff trol the. curtains and sets in~ one |: ., comparatively simple device... ‘Other. gimmicks | developed by | the missile ‘program are also. being |" studied: for. . application to’: show | -biz;. it, was ‘Tevealed ‘by Da -Costa| ‘and. Gordon “Wynne, executive di-}.. rector. of Wynne-Compass. ‘Produc tions, Compass Productions’ subsid. “which ‘is’ staging. the . big . musical | oe in a 2:500-seater. which’ will’ pave ailing | voice meant: a‘$30, 375loss. ‘| to ‘the: house according | to: Gordon .-} Cooper,” Managing. director of the. TivoliCircuit. | .Eddy, whose show épened: Nov. |. 2: lost his. voice. during the: matinee. | of Nov. 9. He did not. return ‘to the 1 stage until « five days : Tater. when he: appeared tobe. better. But: by: _{ Saturday’s .(16)..matinée: his voice. ‘again failed and: the show was Can-.} celled. Meantime, he’s en’ route. to. the U:S.,: where.-hé’ will résf.. his “= (Continued: on: page 57) .. “ Sa ‘Ringling Starts, Tour Of. Germany as German Big. ~ Top Begins Russian Trek Frankfurt, Nov.. ‘36: ‘This appears“‘to be. the’ circus: a switching. -season. Ringling . Bros. “and. ‘Barnum’ ke Bailey—whieh ‘made ‘fits last: ‘ap. pearance ‘in » West | Germany April: and: May. in 1900—is ‘coming 7 again ‘after the 63-year. absence. : Phe -big top-:will ‘be indoors. at |. Hamburg, ‘Kiel, Dor tmuad, Frank-. ‘Cologne, ‘Stuttgart: and _Ber-| “din, With, appearances starting. this |. . furt, . March; following: ‘the circus” ‘run in. * Paris. © “to0,.after | .. And“ this “month” “R: German ” ‘circus ‘is: heading: for.a -three| . month tour of: Russia, under terms | of: the. German-Russian ‘Cultural | ‘The “German govetn| -Inent ‘is handling the hefty. casts: : Exchange. “ of the . transportation. Acts | from. three’ of the big: Ger-| Man circusés: of Carla: and. Willi. : Hagenbeck, | Circus’ Krone. ‘and | the it _-SarrasaniCircus. ‘make —up ~ the -show.”: ‘The. circus. will. _ perform ‘fora. month in each of. three: Rus{fl ‘Kiev and: a sian. cities, Moscow. : Chinese Acrobats Pend ~ Odessa; For, Alhambra, al _— Paris, Nov. ‘26.: the: “Rea Chiriese Peking ‘Opera, 1; “which had’.a. spectacular™ success: 4 Tavlin,. . ‘Dockey, .Flying* .Artons; Carlos Twins,. Van:Downen’s: Seals. and Cathalas ‘Duo... ‘Show; ending | Dec. 31, has been. pegged. at a. $5) : Onéof the items . that. ‘became. top.” ra --available_ to.*.the .was:.‘the |". on ‘console arrangement . ‘which con-i wi a ¥: 9 trolled: the. various ‘Phases of the | int Gunty to Ringmaster" Coliseum, : N.Y, Cireus “Morty. -Gunty, * the © nitery per: |-. former: also. topper’ of . the: | WOR-TV kiddie’ show,, “The Funny: ‘Company,’ i ringmaster: © Christmas Circus, . which © opens. |. Dec.21 at the. Coliséum,’ NAY: Paul } ‘Lavalle.” has: been®™ ‘Signed ‘to ) Con=}-: duct. the. band. =~ ..Da Costa, ‘who is. directing. “To} has’. ‘been . signed. as ‘for.. the. phants; -Princess: : ‘Tajara, “Rudy “Haslevs, “With S435 Loss | Yeats,. also ‘until ‘end-January, Melbourne, Nov. ‘26. . Cancellation: ‘of the: ‘two. remain ing.-weeks of “The. Nelson Eddy: and Gale ‘Sherwood. Show” at: the | ‘return to: biggies bookings: will de“pend. on’ how the more modestly budgeted. production ‘gamble. pays’ off. in. ter ms: of attend, ne and: Te> * ance: ~ {15 and 30 days after the majority | “of the board: votes for the confab. Tivoli Theatre’ here. ‘due: to’ Eddy’s voice. for: about. -gix. weeks. © Although: the: first . half. of ‘the Eddy. show had..a strong. support : Coliseum. : Others. ‘pactedfor “the » -eircus, which is .being produced: by. Jack. include” the -Hannefords, “Here ‘Lottie’ Brunn, ‘Madison’s Baby. Ele-: BY LARY. SOLLOWAY: : Miami Beach,. Nov. 26: Beach ‘and: south. -Florida-. “Gold Coast hoteliers and. indie. club ens, trepeneurs. : “But. this ‘year. also’ has. ‘an. in “| triguing ° ‘aspect inthe | ‘division of the ‘top. big inns in ‘presentation thinking-—three will. compete for} ‘the tourist. buck with. the’ high-pay names: while . the ‘others are-con ‘centrating: on. ‘production-revues.. The. division can be. traced: to |" “two. factors: ‘lack ‘of: enough. top. talent ‘that’ ~‘can. draw. heavily.| |Adams ve enough -to-warrnt: their. demanded Lo | Las: ‘Vegas: “payoff : figures and‘ the. . “| vagaries. of. a ‘long.. séason.. Thus,| . “Lonly: a. Deauville hotel” Casanova 2. ‘| Room will present a near contin-. “. | dous. pattérn of top: names -begin| oe ning. with -the. Christmas holidays | _ | and .running. through‘ Easter.“ -:") ': ‘The others. in the ‘star ‘Béokirigs.| . ‘group will in one case: (Eden. Roc), not: open its cafe until: end-Jariuary.| © while ..the. other (Diplomat). shut-. ters its Cafe Cristal after New. “The. ‘former. fourth © fnember of ‘the -high. bidders. ‘for :top: names;. the Fontainebleau, has decided ‘on:} trying «a: revue policy: again; any | turns,’ -: The. Fontainebleau “ “rags “eame up..with Freddie Apear’s._ Dunes | "(Wegas) | click package to: open in. time for. the ‘holiday “périod | ‘with. : options. ‘to “Vive: Les © Girls” -hold -the ‘reyue into: mid-season Or longer. :Whether.marquee. names will be added at. that time. depends on availabilities _and;. of : course, tthe grosses the. “Apear’ confection : : pulls, ‘Meantime, both the Deaiville ‘man’ ‘Johnny Woods, -has-stated that. ing bill, the Tivoli ‘wasunable to jae ‘Diplomat ‘have. definitely. ‘set __ (Continued: on Page: $2)" Say Right Our You during -its Iast visit here: in‘'1958,) feces is. due. for a the. Alhambra . ‘Music Hall from: Feb. 20-March 17,4 1964: . However -..a pending. “Taw | “could: hold up its. visit. : _ i Technically. -bailet. and: opera 1 a are: exempt from taxes for:the first: | 40-performatces.:But new law could |! ie : :thake. them liable ‘which -would: “make it: difficult for ‘the: Peking’ -Opera: which -has a. big. cast . and. ‘tons -of ‘equipment.. The ‘tax. ecould:| Tule out: the needed monthly take. :. .hO -matter how. ‘much. of a success, aT it would be. ‘ Despite: its name, ‘Peking Opera {ff “Ig Mainly’ acrobatic ‘and: mime with}. only singing ° bits. The. final. de-j@]-. . Cision. ‘on this’ move. ‘is: expected j. an oe soon. ': Alhambra directress’ Jane |f} _ Bretedu “ will not. get {I} <: _ NEW: YORK 10036 SW. Abt St. a: 9 St. James's Street me ; through ‘andthe culturalexchange Hoe a ‘aspects will, still exempt i it, One’ Big Season’ Deserves. “Another.” lovingly Warmed And: Watered. Wf You. Don‘ t Plan For: ‘Continuing ~. Credit, ‘If You Don't. ‘Attend. To, the’ Record, ‘Achievement: Can Wither. «On The Vine: | Stay A As « Bright As s you a are. — “LONDON, S.W. ne (Continued: on. Page 52) ° ame oe es s A CRIME AGAINST YOUR STATUS... ~ Speak: up... “Give Your: Name. Publish Your License to’ ‘Prodpet.’: . “Admit You: ‘were. Going at High | Professional Speed. | Put t Yourself | In the Class s Marathon. Advertise in: Were A. ‘Hit: “Your Weltywooo 90028 . S, G404 Sunset Blvd) PARIS 80: Ave. le. Nesilly: de Newlly-SerSeie sl i IES, _ [Libor N. Y; on Top Accent on. entertainment ‘offer-|" 5 ings: ‘ts: again” ‘ the ‘winter Season. main . “prestige-factorfor. Miami | AGVA ae ( : 2 Gutaeo ea 60611 Latino N:; ame: Kick April 22.0 Blanco. ‘is working ‘on somé.. in ‘terim, names.-following Miss. Guil lot. ‘Recently, spot . played. Lilia Guizar, daughter ‘of. Tito, ‘who has: the * ‘March. booking. . me “Ioey " Kdains,. Sreidaant of. “the “American Guild: of. Variety Artists; has: ‘wired the: interim . ‘committee. .:| now’ governing the.union, to. poll | -the national board on ‘the. desir-. ability. of. calling: a ‘special meeting of that. body :to-review. the acts of. the | execiitive committee which Tast “week . dismissed. several’ top {' -employees of AGVA (see separate |, story). Constitutionally, the interim | ‘committee must:set a date between “Request: : forthe ‘meeting ‘was | preceeded by a wire. to. ‘board |. members.:from. ‘ousted. national. ad ministrative secretary Bobby. Faye, |. telling the board; that Adams’ tele-}° gram ‘was’ coming, and urged: them | to vote. for. the -special: meeting. a ‘Telegram. also‘denounced ‘the ex-| ecutive board. : and” the . _Anterim ‘committee. . ‘f The “{niterim ‘committee chaiz. he: ds opposed to spending between. -. (Continued. on 1 page: 52)... ‘Prestige ‘Should Be. 7 7m “mal 7: “Fin ires Fey Sharp Other Top Officers =t The ‘American Guild: of Variety” ‘The. Liborio; N:. Y., is unrolling a. heavy’ bankroll ‘for: a ‘series’ of Latino names. “Perez Blanco, spot's Operator, will . tee. off . with ‘Olga | Guillot; a. Cubano. singer, -who goes in Dec..9.’ Tito Guizar is set March 14° Miguelito.: Valdez. is. pactedfor: March ‘$1 and Latin fiilmster Liber-. tad. ‘Lamarque.:. Is. Hined =P for in Massive Purge, | Artists . is: undergoing one of. the ‘most. sweeping:. upheavals in: its ‘history. .For an. aggressive ‘executive board: is cleanin®. up: what, had ‘been regarded as. the-most trouble~ some of the. Associated: Actors and Artists of America, affiliates, a ‘Inthe course of a “two-day. meetIng ‘last -week,...the union-fired Bobby’ Faye. its. ‘national adminis: trative. ‘secretary; his. assistant, Dolores" Rosaler;. Irvin ‘Mazzei, Coast regional director; suspended Al Sharp, Chicago branch: ‘manager, . and. accepted the resignation of © Helene Tetrault, ‘head: of the AGVA ‘contract. dept. Miss Tetrault of fered her. resignation. ‘voluntarily, .. even after some execs. expressed « | the* -hopethat she. would . stay. : In: charge of the union's adminis: : tration: is a five-person ‘executive: -) Committee. chairmanned by vice"| president. Johnny. Woods, and com| prising Anne. O'Connor... _| national board: member; Ernie Fast, -) former ‘midwest regional director; . Chicago Dick Jones, former. eastern regional _{ director and -astormy. petrel in. union affairs, and the union’s newly -{ elected. ‘treasurer,. ‘Russell. Swann. ‘All are: serving sans. “pay. ‘The | interim. committee is. scrue tinizing “all. items of. past union | administration ~ in an -effort to: houseclean the setup: In addition, itis looking around for a likely.. ‘candidate to succeed | ‘Faye for presentation to the:-union’s na-. tional board. which: is slated to meet in February... There were reports that Margie Coate, ‘in “charge of. the union's Sick:& Relief Fund, would be. the. acting administrator: to. replace. the interim. -committee.. It’s under"(Continued on: page 50) (hi Booker Al Drorn | ~ Sues te Cat Name Off ~ AGYA’s ‘Unfair’ List -. Chicago, Nov. 26. “Attorneys “for local booker Al Pvorin: filed suit in ‘Federal Court. last: ‘week. charging that his being -| placed on. the American. Guild of omy | Variety. Artists’ “‘unf * Vist is. 2 violation’ of the antitrust Jaws and: | the ‘Taft-Hartley labor ‘act. Suit. also claims that the union’s move 4s libelous. and constitutes an il ii} legal interference with: ‘operation of his business. ’ Dispute ‘with the: ‘Chi Office ‘of ‘AGVA started nearly a year ago. | ‘when Dvorin refused to post a 7 1h -41 000. bond, maintaining that it “was not universally ‘required and. ‘wes. discriminatory. The compiaint. geeks an immediate. injunction to: remove. ‘Dvorin’s name from the “unfair” ‘Jist. .AGVA Chi. branch. manager Ak | ton. ‘Sharp ‘and. nationall | prexy || Joey Adams are given 20 days to. reply ‘to. the ‘charges, but Dvorin {is asking a temporary restraining order before that time. Action con|-tends ‘that the list may not be. | libelous for. others, but Dvorin is junfairly: being: placed in a category © Tin: which he does not belong. “Hi. Paul Muni Anditoriom _ Eyes. All-Time Gate Mark a) 9 ‘Paul, Nov. 26. “With. such: bookings. as those of. the Theatre Guild-American’ The-1 atre: Society and. other: legit stage’ |-shows, along. with: "numerous. con| certs, skating ‘spectacles, Jectures, circuses and. athletic .events, this 1 | city’s “municipal ‘Auditorium: will in} set. an. all-time: attendance record a 400: N, Michigon ave... ROME 3 ‘We Serdegee. a tae ee ee it 5° : the: current: Yyear.. ’ That's the prediction: of. ‘Com-. | missioner Severin Mortinson.who | Wiis™ responsible . for the ‘operation © il|-managed by. showman Ed° Furni. The 1,000,000 attendance: mark ‘for % | the: 736 Auditorium: ‘performances |to: date already has been reached 44} the. earliest in: the ‘structure's. [Il] history, :according ‘to Mortinson. The .1:000,882: attendance up te ‘the end of Jast. month was 150,525 more -than for the corresponding ‘1 1962 Period,’ he ‘sald.