Variety (November 1963)

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52 VAUDEVILLE + mer, _Wedneiday, November 27, Je. | 3 Major a F ae ‘Biz! | s | | | From ‘62 Take; Winnipegs’ 4446 Loss ‘fla. had™-to. bow: ‘out-of her: Elm|: wood ‘Casino. engagement. couldn’t. make her first two shows last. Monday, (18): and Tuesday, did. ‘| the -first: “show. .Wednesday, :: couldn’t make the second show that . She then cancelled the. rest. Winnipeg, Nov:. 26. Red. River -Exhibition _ Assn. showed: a: net loss of $4,509 on 1963 operations. com. pare d with al $34,861: profit in *.1962: © Gross ‘revenue decreased $14,900: to $294,600. Total. attendance was :* 196,834, a. drop ‘of. 27, 755 from. the 1962 record year. black,, having managed profits in ‘three of the. last” five “years: _ Of operation. eS . Officials were atia. loss. to. explain} the decline ‘in. attendance : ‘and the ‘resulting deficit. Motions “were tabled: at: the.: annual. ‘meeting . to. eonsider a complete. overhaul: .of fairgrounds’. -buildings and a slump}: the grandstand show policy. and | the’ possibility. of hiring” profes-| sional assistance to study.the. ‘Sag-/ . ging: attendance problem. “tL Calgary: Down $142, 404 Calgary, Alta., Nov. 26. A net surplus of $536, 171° on} « the year’s. operations; ascompared. $395,645, down $14,110 from: 1962. . with a. record $678,575 last year,| Expenses. were. $336, 660. Attend-|:, ‘ was: recorded by the Calgary. Exhibition and Stampede. Ltd. Total revenue was $859,647,. com-}: pared with -$995;629 in 1962, ‘and: expenditur es. were. $323, 476, . -up $6,423. Take for the six-day. stam“pede was. $578,725, ‘down . $29,000; from last: year, largely. due to.a ““ nid-week_ rain: The stampede: gate totalled 572,246, down 13,000, “A ‘deficit’ of $26,136. was shown |{ | on operations ‘of: the. Stampede}, : Corral due toa decline inpro ‘. costs were $313, 858. “ Assn.’s . financial: statement: also oe ‘shawed ‘an’ increase in.operational|": © ‘costs of $13,000. Despite. this sea-|. _gon’s loss, the association is in the {from 1962... operations was | $4, 963... down: at. ‘the RCMP | musical’ ‘ride. was: fea-|. ‘tured. ‘The money” figure slid] | $19, ‘880, - | for.a. revenue. total. of. $69,699. “Midway. revenue was: $36,651, up|: the: “Calgary. ‘puilding continues: to show ‘the largest deficit. The. audi-| toriunis-were built in.1955 to’ mark the province’s :50th birthday. *. Edmonton's ‘auditorium . revenue totalled | $120,460, «and: ‘operating costs were $275, 073." ‘Calgary auditorium revenue. was $101, 038, and | Regina. Off. $24, 838. : -“» . Regina,’ Sask.,. Nov. 26..: The. ‘Regina Exhibition . “Assn. showed: a. ‘net: profit. of $58,985 on. its six-day summer fair, ‘off $10, 861 Profit .on ‘the year’s hefty $34,838. Declines ‘were‘attributed to’ “a drop in revenue’ from ‘rentals. of}. 2 McGuires Lose in: evening grandstand -atternidance. The grandstarid ‘show, produced by. ‘L. -N. Fleckles “Agency, Chicagos was ‘off 15;779 from. last. year, when Exhibition. week. reveriuetotalled) ance was 235, 324; an all-time high, $3,247.: Royal American Shows. played: the’ date..“Grand-Ole Opry,” ‘which ran’ for six-days in Exhibition Auditorium, _Showed: a “profit. of $3, 062: “Vaal Cafe Des fessional hockey: attendance. | The a surplus: 1 last: year’ Was $43, 021... i ae “Aiberta Auds in ‘Red. _.! Edmonton,’ Alta., Nov. 26. Jtibilee auditoriums operated ‘by. ‘the Alberta government: in Calgary | “and.:Edmonton showed ‘an operating deficit.‘ of $367,433. in 1962,. it was. disclosed. last-. week, and the tab. was. picked. up. by, ‘the: “govern= ment... The payment: of operating ‘losses is. $15, 000 more than in 1961, vand } Fee :-[[dast week . ‘Upstairs at Downstairs show, “Twice | « = [| Over.. Nightly,” ae | Dec. 2. Preem was. originally s slated ame for. yesterday: (Tues.): * [up 1963. ‘Ei Hot: Springs, Ark . || son causing some shuffling -of en- | “DONNA L LYNN ee ° Jimmy Durante’s singing ° protege te: “13. and going. on: STARDO : “See you. Saturday nish RIVIERA COUNTRY: CLUB Reps ERNESTINE: -McCLENDON ‘set for Basin St. ‘East. starting Jan. | 23 for 17.days. . | Agency for:. concerts. {mew act: at Eddys’ with : dates at: |the. Chateau, Cleveland, and. the-|: ‘Queen. Elizabeth, Montreal, to-wind: Sonny. Mars’ spends : “Thanksgiving. at home-in Chi; then. | opening’ Friday (29). for. a week. a with Peggy. Lord and. Frank D’Rone | ~ Dukes. of Dixieland ‘to. follow |. have: an. eight-day stand, Regular | Thursday openings will be resumed | | ‘Warner Mack in’ to. | warble. “Grand: Ol Opry”. ‘tunes: ‘at. Genova’ 's Chestnut -Inn. on a. four i: night § Stand. Jast weekend. . ‘Tl in: ’64 ~: {ond .show Saturday -night: at ‘Holi| day House ‘and is now in St: Francis. New York "Miran: ‘Makeba. and” Bill Cosby -Bob Melvin pacted. ‘for the. ‘Copacabana March: 19 for a ‘fortnight... . Lee Shaw Trio into: the Embers Dec.: Q° . Vaughn |* Monroe tapped: ‘for. ‘the’ Holiday |" House; Pittsburgh; Jan: 24°. Sergio Franchi to work the ‘Nugget, ‘Sparks, Nev.,. Feb: .6°. Mann inked. to ‘the William, Morris: “Alex “Shanks, -producer of “thie” Latin: ‘Quarter | show, ‘returned -to England, ..Prevués‘of.the new. -to..continue. until Kansas City. ”-Bilk Hayes follows opening “of his -has .a°10-dayStand. at The Vapors; -gagements. ‘at. Eddys’, next ::bill Pittsburgh, ‘Nov. 26.” "Liberace collapsed: after. his sec {| Hospital :suffering: from viral’ in* ..]}fection andexhaustion. He: did not T| perform Friday. ‘ight -out.-ofre3: |‘spect.: to “President. ‘Kennedy, ‘but | pir.s Harry Greben, 203 N. Wabash Av. . . DEarbern 2-0996, Chicago, illinois oo -shols ‘explaining his feelings... On “YOUR. HOROSCOPE: FINKS, (Jan. Ite Dec. 31) A very good. day: to > try and and ‘and that: ¥ comedian you need find named WILBURN N LOY yneee address... . 18 P.O. Box. W741, San Diego 12, Calif. “Harmony and _hapbiness are. BUS: . mented. a: : ‘Pianist . -had.. just: coming “here. and ‘Heller &. ‘Helene. ce ““Cleve:s 'S Ne ew Tee-ery.: Cleveland, Nov. 26. is now. ‘a’ ‘Tegular. nitery. with’ a ae itt Cockailery rs $. Sait | Ys: Politico Asks $50,000" For Vice Raid ‘Humiliation’ | Herbie. . Holiday sea| « the ‘crowded before ‘both.| ‘Saturday;. he -was: physically. upset. || between changes but ° ‘finished . the |= doctor: ordered: ‘him: to. ‘the. -hos-}. | pital in’ an ‘ambulance, after giving | . | him. emergency: oxygen. | ‘completed: String: of 38: oné-nighters .. before . Sammy -Shore~ will | 1 sub © ‘during Liberace’s. hospitaliz|.” ationing:joining Claire’ Alexander. resident. ice’ show. Show Is: “Jam-. -boree ‘on Tce,” . produced’ by.’.and. | starring Robin. Nelson, .a ; former. = |“Holiday, on, Tee”. bladester. . one: ot ‘Prior | to » the > Eddy show. .” . ‘ “| Aig Pearl Bailey Bows a ~ Ont of Det. Nitery Date foe . “Detroit, Nov. 26.. “Pearl. Bailey, ‘stricken | with. the but. hight: of. the: week’s. booking. . : Meanwhile, ‘comedian. Dick. Gre|. ~ fgory, ° 7 | Bailey .. ‘for: a fortnight,-was asked to ‘postrone his ‘appearance ‘be-. seheduled . to -follow. Miss cause -of: current: dates: in the Detroit area::‘which | the . the’ -bloom: off his Elmwood. open-/ ing. Gregory. show.. Gi in Hub Heist Boston; Nov:: 26: “Thieves ransacked the .rooms. of: two-of the: McGuire, Sisters,” Chris-.| ‘| tiné.. and. Dorothy, Suninday .(24), making. ‘off: ‘with. $32,000:'worth of. furs-and. jewlry, but. left the room. of the: ‘third : ‘sister, Phyllis, un-. touched | at ‘the. “Sheraton. Plaza Hotel ‘here. The ‘McGuires,who: completed. a : Biinstrub: ‘week. booking, ‘discovered. | | the. joss -when -they ‘returned to the 1H hotel..| been used ‘to: gain. entrance. 4 the : ‘Police’ said ‘false keys. had rooms. . Pittsburgh, Nov. 26. the county. election: -contends ‘he. ‘was The:complaint al-. abet: apolitical campaign.” signed: in advance, charging ‘him witha ‘specific crime; .Wa's: . fingerprinted .and: “mugged”. against. his will and. was deprived. of, his” | rights. « Adams — $10, 000: cand: $15, 000° for’ ‘the -eonfab, ‘when the matter can wait. for the: regular board‘ ‘powwow slated ‘ : | for ‘February. : Since Many. of: the: "| current:. moves. by. the” executive |.” . committee’: -have been. ‘made in the |" “h PITT: B EXHAUSTION | . 4-0f the” interim. -committée gets: a Salary. They. get ‘a. per-diem.: ex-$35 weekly: toward. hotel: rent: Healso pointed | out: that committee: members have. ‘had: to: forego: work: because of the press of: union: ‘matters, and the} “days. when miembers find -it necesSatry: to: ‘take’ off for..a job. or. for. | interests . of: economy, .a: ‘special meet “would. defeat the ‘purpose. Woods: statedthat no. Member ‘pense: of $20. Plus: a problem. -at ‘home,’ "they: Bet” ‘ho per-diem.. te Bo “Nelson Edy main » dark: for. two. weeks. . | viously: had ‘a successful: ‘New: Zea Abe Loe, ‘land ‘ tour—proved: such a’ flop. ‘at’ TH The Gay 90's, a ‘former strippery, ‘Her. Majesty's ‘in. -Sydney-that. .it had. ‘to be withdrawn. ‘The’ Tivoli: now. will reopen. Dec: -2. with: hyp|. -notist, . Van: ‘Loewe .. who..scored : at the same house ina two-week stand . . . e, eta my . ot . . 2 oe Sa coe. : . : * . . Te tl. # . = ‘She. Elmwood |-’ ‘management. thought: would. take’ ‘year;. .. | Gawrence. musical;. “Hatvey “Wander, ‘former ° nitery: |. -| owner.and op. of. Harvey’s house, .a Pitt coecktailery,;-has filed a: $50,-. 000; damage ‘suit. against: Alderman. | Joseph -P. ‘Rigby’ as a resilt of ‘the ‘embarrassment caused him in: the: -vice. Taids staged ‘by ‘the. state po‘lice on. Oct, 25,: two: weeks. before: -Wander's suit; filed. by ‘attorney | James -Ashton,-. charged: illegally-withkeeping . a’ | disordérly “house,. prostitution: and: fy assignation. .. leges that. Ri ieby. “abused” the legal “process ‘by * “attempting to aid: and: : The... action. ~ also claims “that. “Wander “was arrested: ‘without: in|-~ formation, show, that.-he “was denied . counsel. and: bond, . ~ Constitutional: ‘Continued from page 2S fe — = Continued from page. 5! — — ‘get: a. big: ‘enough name: to’ ‘Feplace | P ‘Eddy. ‘The house’ therefore will Te-. “A Tevival. of. “Annie . Get Your’ Gun,”. staged: by the. J.-C. William: |. :"| son” management, ~ was ° originally.|’ : scheduled to follow: the Eddy show. | -| However; the musical-—which: pre-’ ‘their rosters, and strong ones, they’ are. Eden: “Roc toppers are ‘play ing dtcool in. filling out ‘the .six|: week schedtile planned; only: three: or four. acts have ‘been. ‘set. or ten tatively conimitted.. The. Deauville. ‘wheels. off. with Sammy. ‘Davis. Jr., “Augie. ‘& Margo on Dec. .20 to: key © ‘a ‘mostly-tried } and. found-profitable set of. return-: ‘ees: Jack ‘Carter. with. Julie Lon-t' ‘don: as. the. new ‘face; Jimmy Dur-. “fhen Carol: Lawrence. making. her. first outing: in. these: “Comedian: Stu ‘Allen ‘and: singer | precincts with. Beach fave’ Myron Betty: Olinger will replace the. Dick _ -: “ante: ‘&: Co.,. [Cohen on. same’ * bill. Mitzi Gaynor, after. skipping Jast: | seasen, comes: back. for ‘a 10-day. | Tun, as. does. “Ella: Fitzgerald who'll. ‘| fallow «. in “March: -The‘big. b.o: -smash of. last ‘season Robert Gou-}:3 -Iet;. tops the talent lineup——he was‘. money in the. bank: for. Deauville. -For the Easter trade Tommy . Dor-| Sey -orch with Frank. Sinatra Jr., Helen. Forrest and : ‘the Pied Pipers. .. The: Diplomat:. “set its. share. ‘earlier than most; Again ‘it’s a set: of solid. returnees: with teeé-off slot. Dec. 21. turned: over ‘to: Allan. Sher-. ‘man--who ‘closed ‘the ; Cafe ; Cristal Tun. last’ ‘Spring. Room ‘then’ shut-| ters, as: noted,. “until ‘Jan. :29 when |" . Rosemary ‘Clooney: comes. back.: Then in’ order. come Tony Ben surprise switch from: Eden “Roc,:.where ‘he hit big last. ‘working. single-o. “now: that: Spouse Steve’ Broadway ar Williams follows,. | with « Peggy .Lee, “Buddy: Hackett |. and. Gordon -&:‘Sheila: ‘MacRae: to -Eydie _Gorme, ‘has’ ‘that Andy : round out... Incidentally; ‘all ‘Jiked: }thaf one -show ‘nightly. (two --onSaturdays. deal). which the Diplo mat features: nv Roe’s Big ‘Roster | . The. Roc's roster. atthe. ‘moment ‘has: Milton: Berle and his ‘aides set for.a Jan. .29: lightup. of the -Cafe | bar-lounges. ° Pompeii, Dinah. commit ‘ted, with exact date: to: be: arranged: and,-of course, .the: Pompeii’s : perennial: | returnee; ‘The. ‘town’s m frolies. ‘that: bear: a. new. title with | each . edition goes..into its sixth year at the Carillon. All new faces, costumes; -choréography-.and solo |: | acts,-’with first. top: feature the. -| Barry: ‘Sisters: who. are a big: ‘draw | in these parts. The: Americana poasts coming. a ‘Beach resident.’ — ‘votees...With: it; Jobnny_Bachemin | and. his trio caine in Monday (25). | for entertainment, to be followed |= by: ‘Betle Barth—a. most unusual | -|booking, considering : -. holiday: |} period ‘she’ll be workih iz and the: family: trade. that. : abounds:. -How| ever, her showtimes: at 11 ‘and two | . “This Year’ Ss Hotel’. | son, has: a. ‘dinner-dance: click in its spectacular-view: Starlight.. Roof, lh where Mal Malkin > and his orches-} tra. are. spotted. “In. the. 350-seat’ Shell. ‘Lounge off’ the lobby, Luis: with. jf a Damita Jo ‘set for. the year-end. 10. “ the’ ‘hit: item, . ‘Again’ “will: feattire “fresh talents: first two ~ acts: are ‘Jack Jones. for two weeks ‘starting. Dec, 26-.and Axita: ‘Ray &° Diane. Hall ~ (ex ‘Ray’ Anthony) . to ‘follow. 7 ‘ Carillon. has ‘changed ‘its “Tam-.. ‘bourine Room. into. Bar -of. Music, Joe -.E. Lewis | who'll. have: Diahann Carroll with ‘|-him... : “Worthy: ‘of. “note: “Harry: ‘Miifson. hhas‘options ‘on ‘services: of ‘Barbra’ Streisand to. be picked up‘ in event. her: musicomedy ‘foray ’.this winter: doesn’t jell-and:on Sergio Franchi... ‘He’s also. been:.talking with an-. ‘other’ ‘regular ©. at--the Roc, : ‘King. ‘Withal, there are three week.) ‘stands Still ‘to fill: oo ‘Tongest-running ne ;Lou ‘’ Walters’ . Parisienne | en “the: 7 1 second Jongest riitiner’ in’ its “ice|} | Show: package. produced. by George: Arnold: and: Jack. Young. Announ+} ‘ced: as set’ for a-season: Spot: for |}. ‘their: upcoming. new -edition is: Dick |} Haymes,’ who: is talking. about De-. te. “The sturdy ‘records: of ‘the. afore‘méntioned. production. perennials. + may ev rentually | influence : the rest jf. cre ‘of ‘the. ‘hotel. impresarios .on’ Jate |. spring and. summer planning with |}. again, the results.: at the’ Fontaineot ‘bleau ‘to. be considered. : a 12 ‘Another ; buildupin“attracting customers: ‘to: hotels. is: the’. surge ‘in: promotion ‘of: their -bar-lounges. Harry's: ‘American ‘Bar. (Eden Roc} |. is-an example. There are two-orchs:|}featured, currentlyAl. Escobar for | the Latino-rhythms ..} Kendis for -the society-dance de-|f. 7 “f e y [We :TEACH. -M.C’lng.. and. COMEDY) | “det: a. real Professional train: You). @ “and. ‘Sonny ; = go ‘260 W. sath St., NLY.C. 16019 CO 5-1316 pg cayem. ‘are : guaged | to the’ adult, tourists. os The Doral Beach, .. which : “inight \e “be called: “this. year’s ‘hotel’. what |= with. having. opened: late’. last sea-.|#.. ~ Talent Again Fla. ‘Lure 3. Continued frém page. 51. = 7 days “and: such: names: .as Benny Goodman | ‘being. . ‘mentioned ‘for. Jater bookings, | “The Deauville. sets up two. ‘bahds“plus: acts in its “Musketeer Lounge -with Don -Rickles a February » -pacThe Fontainebleau’ s Boom’ ‘Boom Room has. Ziggy: Lane: guid:~ing an” assortment ° of nightly: change acts, plus’. hero’. and’ his’ -Latinairs. ‘as.. well as a. trio, . for” -changé. of. pace.” ° tee: _ The* Diplomat’s | where’ Bill:: Jordan. and. his. ‘twin ‘pianos are now--in for a. long ‘run.. “He ‘has his. own spot | in mid-Beach for 17: years.. ‘Majority: . of: the. “Lotsa ‘Indie Clubs: the sinall indie clubs will: be: ‘as: numerous as -ever. Murray ° Frank.. : lin-is back, ‘having: taken.over Bil? Jordan’s ‘old: place. He'll have Kay,Carol, the ..femmeé | ventro. artist -who: has* -béen with. ‘him. ‘for years, “plus: his usual collection of oddball . acts and offbeat’ comics. ' “Peppermint Lounge, up on‘the _ 19th St: ‘Causeway, | is. opening: this: week .with Dee~ Dee. ‘Sharp .and : ° a pair‘of rocking: beat..bands. Play --: ‘Lotinge in: that? area: says. it. will havé the: Vagabonds and their. new. a act (8). for a season. date... Up on motel. ‘tow, theThunder: S ‘bird: ‘and ‘the: Castaways: are ‘the -:: bigger hot: spots. ‘with. dozens -of ‘legit’ novelty © draw . on: the Beach... “THE COMEDIAN”. ap e Only Real Monthly 1. PROFESSIONAL GAG SERVICE: " THE. LAT ES . HE .MOST-UP-TO0-DATEST .. . Now \n its. 157th . Issue,” containing: . Stories -one-liners, . poemettes, © Song . | titles, ‘hecklers, audience. stuff, mente oo Infros; impressions. and tm1° 7 ‘political, -interruptions. |. 4 ‘fogs, -. parodies, °. ‘Ideas, personations, Thoughts of the Day, Humorous Views double .. gags, of the. News, Vignettes, etc. (20 Pages). ; [ q + $25 YR SINGLE ISSUES: $3 $35. YR —SINGLE ‘ISSUES 4. No €.0.D.'9.“BILLY GLASON. 200: W. Sdth''St.. BILLY “GLASON'S PROFESSIONAL | ‘COMEDY MATERIAL. “For every branch of. theatricola.. “Wwe ‘SERVICE. THE STARSI” ae 3s Gag, files $15; plus $1: postage FOREIGN: 35 for $38 ‘e 03 Parody ee per Bk. ces ‘eo § Blackout: Books ‘1-2-3 Each. WNo..4 for $35—No. .5. for’ ‘30. ‘e iAinctrer. (white face). Budget a2 6 oo ° "How: to Master the. Ceremonies” © * $3 PER COPY." NO ¢. 0. D.'0 ‘BILLY: GLASON. = EEO OAK. ROOM, Beverly: Wilshire Hotel, Management: DAVID B. WHALEN: _ Beverly Witshire. Hotel, Beverly Hills. Calif. o Hoag: Kong's ‘Leading’ impresario, tra 0. OnE “Tack: ‘Room. young Scéanfront a ‘hotels: have. ‘open-to-public intime ~ ‘spots.. -where.™: trios .. and/or: full. . {erehs are.‘on hand: plus ‘the new:. show.” nightly .-routine ‘-that pro” vides .a lengthy ‘set of ‘dates for — ‘acts resident here and those who.. “hit town, for an: ‘appearance. in’ au ‘Cavaleade~ of “Stars. or ‘a. Shower -~ of stars ‘(free to guests: only . of." ‘the member-inn‘bookers).: oO . . oe oe . lo. . . tee we . . . ieee ° . 78 . ‘. . . ‘e 7” ry . . . . neta NA er B25 EA 8 ead re BY 00 ley a A Re eee nie een eae offering ° everything: eee ‘from piano solos: ‘to Calypso acts, _ to upcoming song talent. Sor, Per always, theré’ll be ‘a. couple’ i of. strip: spots. ThePlace Pigalle. Phas a’ Sweet ‘Richard and Princess Kitty.’ § in. wild: Limbo -exhibitions.:-On. | ‘South Beach, the Life Baris. still: | -in operation: Following last year’s | *-3 cop eleanups.and. license. cancellae. © -‘ ‘tions, these “are: the: only: | two. Tekt Alan | Toe TD, wee Bi yc etait caters oe aaa teas ins T — ‘THE GREATEST .— |. © “New: York. City 10019, CO. 51316 an sece ares |