Variety (November 1963)

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s4 ‘NIGHT. cue REVIEW s _Wednenday, November 22, 1963. Establishment, London. ; London, Nov. 15... “The Muffled: Report,” with Eleanor Bron, Jeremy Geldt, John Bird; John. Fortune; ‘Steven. Vinaver;. ‘$3. 50 ‘minimum. The ‘return from. ‘the. US. of. the original. ‘Establishment .. quartet. ~gseems likely to: pive:.a: shot-in-thearm to this club, whose entertain ment. and finances have. pursued an erratic course over: the! last two ‘seasons. ‘Well primed. swith ‘tour letter: words, and peppering: “the : expected’ ‘range. of targets—the cops, the new. “Prime. Minister, the’ ‘Queen, title-. dropping. Lords, and ‘Arnold Wes‘ker—the session is crisp enough: to please ‘a ‘shockable audience,. some. -score most when. ‘they are: brief. ‘The theme. linking the. ‘items ‘is. that.the Tories: enlist a’ Judge: to: prepare. a report, ‘So. tuat ‘they can. have it ‘handy when some new unspecified ‘scandal hits the ‘head-=. lines. They ‘can ‘tell the: ‘publie. they. knew about it: all the time, and. the |: Judge ‘can insert -a few paragraphs’ whitewashing fhe -Government-— when ‘he knows . what he's Bot to: cover up. . Accordingly, the Judge starts in: ‘yestigating current Britain, and his : peregrinations around’ the. streets are shown .on a side-stage screen. ‘to break up the: ‘sketches... Steven: Vinaver’s. direction. adds ‘verve to ‘the proceedings, with -edgy..timing. ‘that gives: no time -to..weigh ' the. gags for wit and find them wanting. On. film, tos, Peter..Cook re~ peats ; his. devastating. : ‘MacMillan ing: interlude of ° the. all. An. elaborate ‘parody’ ‘eomes © off worst. -Thus,. Arnold. Wesker’s. activities aimed at. bringing -folk music: and ‘his.. own. plays: to the: ‘uncomprehending. Masses « are. ponderously.. pursed, ‘and: Harold Wilson’s desire to give. executive: power. to. individuals: rather. than |: committees’ is. -shown, : tediously, } as being thwarted. -bythe: selfinterest’ of: his -. ‘colleagues. show. comes to aheady _limax with film. of Eleanor Bron ‘deliv-. ering .a ‘Royal Christmas message ing interlude . of them. ‘all. 7. rate, . ‘poth singly and. as a. team. John: Bird ‘clicks as 2 police thief |: on: the. defensive, and the ‘Prime Minister’s. secretary, ‘and Jeremy Geidt;'-more foil than. activator, . “doesn’t intonation . -wrong.. Their precision -is “shared. .by: Eleanor. Bron. ‘and. John: Fortune. ~“Taking: a: broader’ view, ‘the satirical bandwagon is slowing down. mainly: because: it. has no.| ‘their. oldies, Andrews ‘§tyling,: and -they’re in .good form.And frequent mid-term. ‘play. approval is assurance auditors want: fo hear the titles © associated ‘with’ the Andrews’: “name. ‘In. ‘the. | Zenérous © ‘songbag-:are : “Rum and. . place’ to: go. All. suitable ‘derrieres have been. -kicked,.‘and the -showsuffers from its place in the cycle, Yather. than. from -its: inherent: defects. But it’s still the odd‘ lines ‘that bring’ the guffaws, rather. than. the debunking ‘intention; which has. lost. its power ta offend. “Or. pring on ‘long, low. whistles. ‘Otta.. Adolphus Hotel,” ‘Dallas: Was Nov.19.. .| .. Dallas, Nov... “Left ‘My Heart’: and: “Got a. Lot. ; “Bottoms Up, 63, ” musical. revue . produced dy. Breck” Wall, Joe Peterson; directed: by. Jimmie. Thompson; special.‘ material, . Jimmie.& Johnny. Thompson, Bill. Fan ning, . Kenny. Jerome; ‘musical: ar-' .. rangements, Johnny Thompson; choreography; Carl. Tressler: cos| ““tumes; Peterson; -lighting,. Riley Chennault: features . Bill: Fanning, . Breck Wall, Kenny Jerome,. Nancy ‘Austin, Suzarine Malone,. Jan .Sut-: ‘ton, Carl. Tressler; Ryna Hradecky;. . | Billy: Williams’ Orch Ds #l 50: 82, : cover. Local “producers Breck ‘Wall: ana! currently | Staging their eighth. ‘intimate’ revue,: have} _ another-hié on their hands. and an| other long: run in store. This sixth | Joe. Peterson, ‘edition of “Bottoms Up” agaiti‘con tains. ‘surefire sketches. and’ -black-: ‘outs,’ some exciting: terping “ard ‘with the “hefty “advance | should. lure lotsa ‘trade. to the plush Cen-. tury. Room, where it'll -roost-.until | ‘New Year’ sand. Cotton Bowl Week. The _ sophisticated — 45-minute 4 = ” show. is swiftly-paced, again with:} animated ‘staging in its -favor, ‘and . colorfully costumed. It’s. a. tighter offering than previous’ ones,: con{: taining fresh sketches, new :songs and some blue ~ ‘blackouts. accepted. : There are no arid: areas: . through: |“out, but the’ risgayety goes: below. the belt: in one sketch between t two} _ staged by]. ‘and .Jan’ Sutton ‘click ‘with “Tele-. vision .. is ; Nery: Educational,’ hefty .--..Miss| smoothly with “Kenny... ‘ Jerome,,. makes a risible. ‘SCOre with “Beat-‘ nik,” kidding w.k. ‘people’ “and | Christine Keeler. as. “the. ‘cabinet: sharp gags are sprinkled amongst pmaker. of . the. year.” some labored ones,: and sketches’ aivestionable, ‘with > Wall, Jerome’ ‘and. «Misses. . -Austin. * and “Malone | dressed’: as . ‘kids: Bill Fanning is. ‘again: a-standout with a comic read‘ing, “Cinderola -and the 37 Bears,” and. a. repeat of. “Forthia”.. ‘from. (1962. “. -Flash “bit: is: “Sunburst, ” a -mod|. ern -dance with .Ryna ~ -Hradecky, | -Miss Sutton arid Tressler. Best bitis. another holdover, “Are We. ‘Too Young??’—with. Wall-in-. gold: lame suit, . jackets, in a Presley takeoff. “Bove: At the Movies’” . features Jerome and . Miss ‘Austin, two. fine ‘talents,’.asmart ‘routine. with, the hefty:. femme . surprising. with some hoofing.: Theother femmes +. score easily. -and, with. ‘numerous costume changes; | gam. display. . as ‘Tressler,* a. top. } dancer, -leads the” lookers through: . good’. terp. routines. ~* act, and_ it is’ still’ the. most. jolt: ‘ Fagain gives. sock. showbacking’ With : ‘the zesty: J ohnny . ‘Thompson arrangements.. Per usual, Joe Peter-. son's -tasteful,. ‘célorful. costumes |; areerihanced: By: Riley ‘Chennault Ss expert lighting effects... | “Revue, with. options, ‘expects to stay: until’ Jan.. 4. . The }.: ‘sell, George-: ‘Arnold Singers’ and. ‘Dancers . Orch (10),. The. ‘performers. are. all fists [ show. ‘ vos they've. -employed | hefore:: It’s’ all. straight vocaling with. no’ costume | changes | ‘and -with’ ‘only. a. slight: ace: cent: ‘on the ‘comedies... © “shine,” “et ak. The. tablers .respond: . easily: to. ‘the. frenetic. offerings. and. the: ‘palm ; praise attests that. blue lines. are: mention: femmes, getting gasps « from: ‘distatt |. | tablers, and. they need. to sapolio |: the segmeni, “Men.” Otherwise the : azure “aura spices the outing. .~ After song,. “Here ‘We Are, ” in| | troing the. ‘entire cast in ‘cowboy: |. : }cowgarl costumes, Nancy: “Austin,‘300-pound: “comedienne in ‘ballet. costume, reprises suggestive lyrics: of “IE Always . ‘Say .-Hello to the Flowers,”. to “Wall, ‘the third ‘sex: overtones drawing laughs, as. in’ an: earlier ‘edition: Carl. : Tressler; “Suzanne ‘Matone and . Austin,” “Pornography” . is. “funny, . put -others : in. black ‘leather. ‘there’s:° ~mucho House. maestro Billy” Williams. Bark. : Nugget: ‘Sparks . ‘Sparks, Nev., Nov: 13: aaneiis Sisters (3); ‘Nipsy. Rus|? -( 16);,. Foster. Edwards. The“Andrews « Sisters,” in. . third: outing .atJohn. -Ascuaga’s: Nugget, ‘offer. ‘essentially the same. ‘show, as | on ‘their. last. starid here -but.-this prmatine Chez Louis. and: judging ‘from the -. display of ' ‘talent _and. femme :pulchritude’ ina revue. billed “A ‘Night In Old: ‘Havana, ” 40) ‘could Hnger. | ‘owners ‘Lou: and‘Guido | Caggiano ‘have: ‘extended -the’ unit’s ‘contract. from. twoweeks to four,. which :will keep’ it: ‘through November.. —_ time. ‘without the visual. ‘gimmicks. “The. ‘three: essay a long : list of in: . that-. ‘distinctive ‘Coca: ‘Cola,” “Apple ‘Blossom 1Time;” .. ““Penrisylvania Polka,” “Near You, 7” “You. Are My: Sum: ‘The. few. new: ‘titles’. ‘include: of. Lovin” ‘to Do2’ High. fun. point: isPatty’s.. spoof “of .a: burlesque. ‘stripper. Also: ‘voraled As. a ‘hootenanny medley: . Nipsey Russell: here, is. Jmpressively on ‘the: laugh | meter. ‘His material .is all new ‘to this ‘area. ‘He. delivé > erudite | manner “in: his: aebut withmueh.. fluidity: and continuity: -—moving. from one’ area to. another | with no “breaks in. ‘story line. His. ' fresh material.: is, “well worta his |. price, | ranging -from: the White -| House . to .television’ ‘satire, -from: women folk:: to items. Off the: front. ‘pages. There are ‘lings re. ‘the Negroes ‘natch, but Russell: carries* no mes-sage. Comic... departs. -the ‘standup | stuff for. demo: ‘of various: dances, showing in. smooth. fashion ‘terpretations’ of the ‘Twist, slop, ‘mash potatoes, ete,.:Hif commen ‘Russell’ is billed. “extra™ added,’ ””. ‘he’s of headline calibre:. “Dogpatch, U.S.A.” It’s .inventive, | ‘eolorful,‘and’:. expertly © choreo| graphed. Most ° familiar characters and. in: such a.manner that. even [ Al : Capp © would | ‘be. Special. lyrics * also Tate good “The “Foster: Edwards. Orch: .ef ‘Chanteymen ¢ 3); working ; fling ‘and: self-deprecatory~ to ‘pre ‘sent...a..comicimage : ‘Tight | away: ‘Then she proceeds to give a whole series. of: wildly . surrealistic. introductions to the. numbers she ‘sings. -Each of: the intros. isa ‘delight|: fully . ‘wild : hit of. ‘nonsense. that ‘is cae crack-up | -in. the. context “of. ‘folk. ‘music and. pretty. good: for. even al: ‘square audiénce. ‘Then: “she: sings. “1 Miss. ‘Henske ‘makes: mincemeat out too: long ‘for:a joke teller who. isn’t very -funny: in the ‘first. plaee, His: ‘far-out ..material’ on: ‘history ; the ancient good but needs trimming. -surplus lines’ to. throw. away. before. going on stage: $2 minimum Second. : ‘Rochey, ninemum.. | Stage. -to .the tune ‘of | “From: This the . mono-tagged |; Freddy, his four-girl. line’ and dark‘ly’. Handsome. singer ‘Manolo Tor‘rente ‘ignite ‘the’ atmosphere’ in -a. -whir ‘of: Spanish . -SOng | and: dance. | ‘ ‘Brilliant. costumes” surround. the: agile Cuban. as -he performs a clas-| ‘Sic. baton: dafice, native: Cuba after. it bécame -Castro‘Jand-.and.: -went:to Puerto. Rico’ to: ‘perform. at’. niteries. there, and ‘organize -his. ‘Latin revue. for. State‘side’ showing: y. . The: revue ‘does a: "creditable job| with. American standard tunes, but} in the tortid.:time of. the. Latin | numbers ‘it: clicks: with sure show| + manshibp.: ‘Particularly’ effective ‘are ‘Porrente’s “Latinized: versions .of “You — Belong. To.. My . _ Heart,” Moment On,” “sure ‘Winner. and: scores: tary.. also ‘wins’ ‘the. laughs.’ -Abeit from Li'l: -Abner | are ‘portrayed, |. ‘impressed. . fectively backstops. Frankie’ Laine due. Nov.. 28. “Long... “angry. Ls SF. : “San Francisco, ‘Nov. 19. ” Judy’ -Henske,. Judy: Henske. “makes * her. local nitery ‘debut headlining. the ‘current.. show at.:. Enrico” -Baiiducci’s |. ‘trend-making’ ‘bagement” club. A ‘thin, rangey : gal with’ a black wig likethe fop of.a rag. doll, -Miss: -Henske turns out one: of the | funniest. gals ever to appear locally and by -alk odds. the. zaniest: female |. to appear in folkmusic: ‘since. Min|, nie: ‘Pearl: = | She. comes on stage: Janky;shuf “Comie Simmy Low. ts. on “much and: ‘He’ also: has. plenty of ‘The: ‘Chanteymen, "Current Show: 1s: well: rounded. and. ‘should. be< solid -’b.o.. It runs} .; | until: Dee..21.-Club ‘is: closed. Dec."| oe 22° ‘through 29: and ‘reopens: Dec.. 30° “ with’ Glenn. Yarborough; Wes: ‘Har-: ison. and the’ ‘Town ‘Criers; “Rafe, Chex Louis, Tampa ‘Tampa, Nov...19.: ‘Freddy's Latin Revue A6); Rita Mary. cCintra; Latins ° iave® invaded: ‘the : sexy Jindefinitely. ° Club Exploding .. ‘onto ‘the . ‘miniature (Freddy: Ieft his: “There’§ No’ Tomorrow”. and. the ‘inevitable “Hava -Nigila: Mr tered ‘at . strategic. spots. : Femme routines. The ‘versatile 1 ‘Freddy 4s ‘Yespon‘sible: for ‘the ‘slick ‘choreography and’ costume designing. -Rita Roch ey, singing pianist, and. Mary. Cin-: | tra, billed as ‘the “Cuban Bombdepth and “volume of. cher. in-tune shell,” . provide . synchronized ~. be tween-show entertainment, backed | | : by. the’ house. band. | ' The. George: Arnold ‘Singers’ and: Dancers. take -the opening -spot ‘in.|. a-Smart production ‘themed: around | . “Odie. “lab Village, Dalias -. Dallas, Nov. 22:. "To: Ann Millér; Howard. Stafford Quartet; private club, no cover or minimum, ves to L Jo “Ann “Miller. has been a: focal | favorite: foryears, via ..stints in three other spots, but’ her’ current fortnight : “will add ‘laurels .to: cher career. The Texas thrush; with]. ‘SRO houses -the ‘first two nights, Should; pull. hefty biz all. the. way 4, _Stmmy Bow, $3. 50: admission. | ‘that twice it’ will. choose. the. same door’ a “new: “fork | | singing. trio: (see New: Acts); opens. with:a ‘solid selection of folk: material Ancluding | some’ wk. ‘1 tunes. ‘two‘drink | authority, jets -his teammates cop ‘album... for” Capitol. they’ ve-done six. local concerts, this “Granada”. brings out ‘the: ‘entire te ‘troupe, ; ‘with. femmes ‘bedecked in| flowing. ‘manitillas’ and. Sequins. scat: | $1. 50 cover. star Francella, senorita turned pla-|. tinum, is: easy -to look -at,: ‘has" ‘good pipes: and. also scores in’ darice: ‘at : this “posh. ‘suburban intimery. | 7 ‘| Her band: singing stints’ and a.turn | as one of Dorothy. Shay’s “kinfolks’’ |. ‘Show. through in. her. savvy outing. . Brownette: ‘boasts. a top ‘songlog. and; ‘in. fine. voice, knows how ‘to ‘deliver: for best results. Teeing . off |. with ‘a. husky. “Let There Be. Love,”| she ‘abets. “In: Other Words” with |. | vocal’. shading. Intimery fans are | ‘pacified with a. risgay: comic’ “bit, “Westport,” -and. ‘special: lyrics: to “Bewitched, “Bothered . and Bewil-. dered” for yocks.: at the Astor” : for’ lusty : palming. She: smartly | interlaces ‘the songs. -with: some. ‘spicy yarns, ‘and..ends. her’ big: score with “Kansas. City” for. a -begoff. “Howard: Stafford’s: quartet gives ‘flawless showbacking and offers in| terim dansapation for daicce. addicts, ‘Act -plays through Dec..1,, with the Chuck-A-Lucks ‘due Dec. 3. for f ‘of all the: pseudo traditional Jam wo f Tames: . gal: singers -by: satirizing them. . -Actually, ‘the singing. ‘portion’ OL: oe her ‘act..could be-.cutwith’ ‘reason,’ a ‘it’s the . -weakest. : ‘She's’ no singer, ‘She’s -acomedian and. the. vocalizing shouldbe’ only: an. ‘excuse. for the. ‘hilarious: monolog. “However; |. Miss Henske’s ' ‘a..winner chick in| the -nitery field -even though. ‘she'll’ ‘probably have trouble :getting this ‘particular brand: of nuttiness across, ‘on dises: : | Bark. ‘Troubadour, i. ‘al | . ... Los Angeles, Nov. ‘OT, Good’ ‘Time. ‘Singers. (10); $1.75 ‘admission: weekdays,. $2-$2. 50 week’ -ends—one: item minimum. ; net “phe Good: Time Singers, figuring “if opportunity. ‘doés knock: and be looking forthe same thing, have: not only patterned themselves: Lafter' the New. Christy | Minstrels’ ‘but. are following the..same ex-posure . pattern..: ‘For: they are de-: buting: as a~ nitery. -aet--at-The . its |. Troubadour, doing featured ‘spo ‘dating it: with ‘Richard . Burton :as on the-“Andy: Williams Show’ and. ‘presenting: similar material. ‘There the ‘resemblance. ends. . Based... on “ show the ~ group” {s ‘giving at the’ Troubadour, where. they opened Tuesday’ (12), the 10. tunesters have. ‘the: personality and voices; -with proper. guidance, to]. | carry: them to..success.: The unit: was formed just. four’ months ago;. (not the aetor) , -Mike Storm, Dave |. Jackson, Lee. Montgomery, ‘Doug |: i : | Brookins, ‘Bob Flesher, Craig Smith -“L—and the’ femme: trio—Margaret ..| Patton, Marilyn. Miller, Alexandra: .J-Hunton—give out with. a” goodly. ': -mumber . of “folk’” tunes, bona fide: Jand: otherwise. Their. “John: Peel”. a come. off ‘more . of .a. fabbit' shoot.|. than a fox hunt but. they, make itan “enjoyable -excursion.. -Drake,. who : ‘leads. quietly~ but. with: unmistaken i-most: ‘of . the spotlight: ‘but keeps the. solo: turn:-to ‘a: minimum.The }Jone exception is. Miss Hunton; ’-an Vligh ‘attractive ‘young: sepia singer, ‘who. lig ting -are. excellent, menu is’ at| has. the.-best:.voice. in ‘the combina tion. ‘She has: a. rousing power that: shows. itself in. a solo-and provides } ‘la “shimmery, understatement in: the group work. All: singers, . “except. the. ‘Misses Patton. and’. Hunton, .are . equally adept . at. ‘playing ‘such stringed instruments as. guitar, banjo, ‘bass. is indirectly: a‘: creation of. Doug -“hoots” ’ is cutting. its . first ' Although. ‘Troubadour,. is there first club’ date, ‘set: through + Dec. 8. “With -a bit less’ patter. which. comes off, at this stage, .as'-more: nerves. than wit (Drake’s remarks |. -Mimi Hinés was getting her show. | “biz baptism :inthe -Vancouver: ‘Sun ; : Follies.His: scripting chores since | then, include :local. and “network |. radio. shows. ~ q ‘about: the: Red Cross -are unfor-. tunate. and. should be droped), and: ti bigger. repertoire: of top arratige ‘ments, ‘the Good Time Singers. have: an: excellent potential... Robe. Skyroom;; ‘Tucson a Tucson,’ Nov.. 21. ‘Sine. Valli, Low, Garo. Quartet; June. Vall’ s Tucson 1 nitery debut, coming ‘during ‘a Tull bistro ‘time, nonetheless: “was ‘heartily received | : -by first night auditors. The. diminu-. ‘tive singer, looking like a freshman ‘on her. first prom’ date, surprised the. receptive -audienee with: the Pipes. Miss. Vallis. big number is “what ‘| Kind . of ‘Fool-.Am: 1I?”. which re1 ceived “heavy” mitting: Handled: . ‘equally well. by the brunette. singer | “It’s-. the. ‘Wrong. Face” .and “Got. A Lot. of : are... “San Francisco,” © Lovin’: To: ‘Do.” .After..two encores, “She. begged | | off -with “The: Party’s. ‘Over,’ Miss Valli’s _ performance: is so. evenly’ ‘paced and ‘deftly handled; ringsiders.‘didn’t realize she had. been on, 45 minutes.:. ~ ‘Next: Skyroom. headliner. is. Henny. Youngman, who comes. Ru Dee. ex. ° The soek 30-minute stint includes | \a belting “St. Louis. Blues,”’. with’ Totsa body English, and. a Shay dit.“She Had to Go and ‘Lose It | Funny ‘Valentine,’ ” . . chang es, she does accurate carbons’ -O ‘field, Betty” Boop, Dorothy Lamour. -j nie Baker, .Ethel Merman, 7sa° Zsa a ‘| Gabor, “Ruby Keeler, Shirley | Tem-. — ple, Jeanette: ‘MacDonald. Elizabeth | “Tm ‘Just--A Girl .Who ‘Can't. Say. latter being the ‘best. of. the: ‘punch. ‘| of ‘producing and staging the‘pleas-. ‘by. John Malfi and Roger: Perry. is a votent plus. * ee ‘ance’ thebill with their: distinctive: ‘ial. which~includes':a very ‘funny . |-tv quiz show. bit. They reprise their -| Milt “Bronson: gets: yocks ‘with: his” ‘friendly. “waiter . walk-on. role: which. is. in for four weeks, Duke: The: seven. ‘males—Tom Drake m: ‘second’ city” spot -.(after the. In-. the’ préup,: -the’ room. requires’ for ‘survival is. “Lis a.drawback ‘in that’ it ‘seems ‘to. } be a requisite for: success -in, this ! ‘field that. auditors: “be jammed ; . closely. together. for. maximum. en-‘thusiasm and mutual discomfort. : j ‘and. mandolin: The -group,: which | | ‘backgrounds... Mrs. ‘Frankel; apart. ! Weston, having. envolved from the }: Monday: night. at... the ‘musie and. a :singer-guitarist:. her4 ‘self, comes ‘from a:musical. family, § ‘vet Winnipeg. orch leader... Castel# ‘Jani, the tourist. hotel busitiess: f ‘couver Island until. burned out ‘re| cently; . dates his entertainment be-. | “follows -.-the -pattern® “Frankel & 4 os Castellani | have. “set-up for. this.4 operation, a judicious ‘mixture of. : 4 established . performers not” pre} viously showeased :in ‘this. -area . | -| along. with the: best. of local: pro5 cellent: choice for:the'room’s debut § ‘buffs “as the. purely entertainment-minded. an accom3 ing: is-solid and ‘sure throughout, } ‘most notably. with: the blues. conj ‘Women’, “Mind”, “Hurry Up. Sundown Blues”; and “Careless Love”. With a rich 4 | material perfectly, Miss Dane adds intelligent. intros: and _ ‘patter. -full§ “Biviera, Las: Vv éxas Las Vegas, Nov. 18... Edie ‘Adams:: Rowan :-& Martin: Je oyce: Roberts, Dick Hihphreys". Dancers “{11),. Jack Catheart.Orch (15). presented. .by. Elias “Atel; stage direction, Mit Bronson; $5 " minimum. “ a BO) Edie ‘Adams: cari “always ‘be: dee ; -pended on to present. a. fresh, ‘original approach to a.:nitery ‘turn, : and her’ latest: follows ‘the “format. : ‘$he gives:a. ‘wonderfully wacky plug: to:.the “Mad, Mad,.Mad, Mad: world” :film-‘via a ‘Follerskated. skit in-which. she appears in sable jump™ ‘suit: atid-mink ‘sweat shirt; in excel= ~ Tent “voice She. délivers:. “Namely -. ‘You, " “Wives ‘and Lovers;” “Blues | In The Night,’”: “I. -Wish’ 1 “Were ‘A: ‘Kid : Again, *.. “Un ‘Bel. “Di,” “My: -and Make, Someone Happy.” A With: : " athazingly ~ -fast ‘costume ayne: “‘Miss: Minefield” ‘Mans ’ oo. SLT rene ee cant ee oe! (complete. with “bubble: gum), Bon- No’ ’. Taylor, and: Marlene. Dietrich,. Earl Barton. did a. handsome. job” ant: session; ‘the:. special: material: “Dan: -Rowan. &. ‘Dick’ Martin’ bale comedy, offering: mostly: new mater: . . . . ', . td cle eae Farr ncnanana ausana rents, ynedint ne asta epten nine Bonnie a telaaten drunk.heckler sketch; this time upthe nitery star. doing: ‘Shakespeare... > Joyce Roberts, an. exceptionally. talented . térper, is: featured ‘in: the: holdover’ Dick Humphreys production. number... Jack: Catheart’s orch™ (15): ‘smoothly baeks ‘the: ‘package,’ : . saat enamel cates foaimianaa eacannwranion oe Att ie, ‘Vanesuver foe Vancouver, ‘B.C., Nov. 12: : Barbara: Dane; ‘$1. 50° admission. ‘The: Attic: is “Vantouver’s newest: ; coffee ~ house” ‘and: becomes: the: | quisition) :to offer professional en-: 3 tertainment. oriented . around «the. 3 current .-folk © appeal.. ‘Operators: "| Chickie Frankel.‘and Rene. Castel-.’: | Iani converted-a disused ‘warehouse : ‘in the university. area into ‘ | fortably-sized room capable © of. ac3 ‘commodating 135-150. paying. cus: 4 tomers. :" | Stage ” facilities, | ‘acoustics | and . : tractive, atmosphere is * “pleasant: | and. the | price: is reasonable. , ‘All a. healthy. turnout.” Perhaps the | very: spaciousness . it now. enjoys. | -Both: owners. have show business ‘| from a. personal: ‘interest: in folk } her -father. HyGinsberg ~being.a at: Campbell” River on upper :Van| ginning to. script writing days when: Initial booking. ‘of ‘Barbara. Dane | fessional talent in the folk: idiom. 4 Miss: Dane : constitutes’ an... ex4 pill. Befter.known «as ablues 3 specialist through. ‘her’ Capitol al3 bums, the: blonde: belter is. equally ; at home with folk-tunes. ‘The mixj ture, via her heady. -performance, E makes. for a fully flavored~ songa% log that. satisfies both. authentic % plished. ‘guitarist and. her self-back: tent ‘of: her. program. . Top: entries : includes" “wild § “You: Don’t.-Know My: and earthy voice: that. suits: her 3 of refreshing wit “and Ratural