Variety (November 1963)

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"have an. evening’ of . sweet senti-. * “der the direction:‘of ‘Sam -Donahue, . pleased. ‘by ‘the-’sound -of the.-16: . ‘piece orchestra “that: operates. un. der his: banner. Such Dorsey stand|" :.ards as “Opus One,” “Song of -In|. > dia’. (). flat:and: ‘barely palatable. °~ “Within ‘the’ context ‘of. this” nos-: "talent: ‘to be’ more. ‘than .a. meré -.earbon:-copy,if he doesn’t let: the:}. Wednesday, November: 27, 1968” “IN iGuT cLuR. | REVIEWS * Covoanut Grove; 1 As :: Los: Angeles, ‘Nov.. 21.. “Tommy. Dorsey Orch (16): “under . airection. of. Sam. Donahue, Frank. ’“'Sinatra Jr., Helen Forrest,. Charlie _ Shavers. Pied: ‘Pipers. (4),. Jeannie | 7 Thomas: $3. 50: cover, $3, ‘minimim,. . “Those who. dote on. “nostalgia “=ment in’ store’ with -flie’ Grove's. “current. booking through Deé...1 of. the ‘Tommy. Dorsey: ‘Orchestra’ un featuring --upstart Frank: Sinatra. ._ Jr. and. such: vet:stalwarts as Helen ':Forrest;,: Charlie ‘Shavers, : _ But. folks who would just. as ‘$00rK preserve. their . found: memories in an. original, uneluttered, un-° tarnished state are’-apt toregard: this wholesale ° quasi-resurrection | | of. the: past. as a: somewhat. crass, anachronistic: intrusion—or“mene : ories for fun: and profit.” “Even” “TD. -himself:: “would: “be . and . “Marie”: “ for */ familiar. | instrumental. treatments, “with Larry™ O’Brien. holding forth’ :. on:-the :TD~ solos” “and Donahue tripling: ‘in brass. ... ° -lie. Shavers. sounds almost. -as: good: “as ‘ever:.on his ‘expressive’ execu_-tion: of “Embraceable . You”: ‘simile .of the old verve. ‘_ Helen’ Forrest. “her superb voice oa as: vibrant. and. crystal clear. ; asin : whieh she. is. associated With. : ‘By: far. ‘the most: provocative ‘part of. the program is that. section .de atra. Jr.* “He. isan invaluable : :com ‘ponent. in ‘the. packagé. Although’ essentially’ a novelty, .he’:is’ actu ally the nucleus ofthe. cell—or. the’ . ‘dash ‘of ‘seasoning without | Which the’ whole concoction “would ‘Seem, o talgie. ‘vaudeville; he plays’ his role. masterfully, -most” painstaking: shape. of. a. me-. lodic phrase. ‘or: Practiced blink of] ‘the: eye.: _, But, alas,” ‘young ‘Sinatra . at ‘the -oment-is a ‘kind ‘of:glorified gim-. . mick—the® -prisoner of. an’ image :: that. could ‘well devour. him and. destroy: ‘his career. if’ he. “does not: . develop. his : Own ‘distinct: identity... For sooner: or’ later. the novelty. will begin to. wear’ off... The’ public}: accepts: an. imitation. only. so long.“But” ‘there is evidence: that ‘this-| . “Yad: hhas. inherited’ sufficient. vocal 7 imitation | routine’ get so. much of. ‘a toehold on his.:vocal. and ‘per forming. personality. that:, he loses. oo his | own Adentity. in. othe’ acess. we totee "Tube." “Mister ‘Kelly's. Chi. “Chicago, ‘Nov. 19. ; “Mister. ‘Kelly’s: lias: ‘the: “sort. of |: “bir ‘that. made. it’ what it is’ today | unique, ° singer. and. an’. offbeat” comedy. "an “‘unusual,~ ‘perhaps -team. “It’s ‘the sort, of ‘talent: that has made this spot: one: of the‘rare “discovery” ‘rooms in-the country and has given first major.exvosure .. ta the -likes-.of Shelley. Berman; _ Nichols :& May ‘and Diek Gregory. . This is not to. Say that either act: is’ New, since Felicia. ‘Sanders. is .a firmly: entrenched topliner ‘and |" .. .Grecco & ‘Willard. have been re-. ceiving « ‘increasing attention, both in clubs. and. on‘ television..: -Miss Sanders is not: a. singer ‘whos _ style is. ‘likely to-be ‘con“fused. with other .vocalists.. She. ac-complishes her’ emotional impact ~ by: -way-of “extremelysophisticated | ‘phrasing, pungent: dramatizing and. .. -a.voice that is variously subtle’ and’, >: -Yieh in texture: ‘Herforte is . the: ballad. of un: :.. ‘Fequited. love, :and ‘as a‘specialist. ". fn’ heart.renderers she: manages to touch all the bases. of: sadness, ‘Te--gret, . melancholy,. sorrow,: . misery and just: ‘plain grief: It’s: all. done ‘with a. -peculiar mixture of. passion . and restraint. Her’ repertoire: : ‘fricludes. many | ‘4 'm . _AIl I’ve Got;’”: “Have I. Stayed. Toa a “lésser-heard tunes such. as : Long’ At The. Fair,” and “I'll ‘Buy: -:: You. Brooklyn Bridge.” . She. also, , , scores. With: “Milord” and. a. bright -| from’ “New Girl In ‘Town.” -. the Pied: Pipers ° ‘and’ : Raigewater, Reach:. Chi. and: “+. “Best ‘Things . In: Life,” and, thes “Pipers ‘pipe “such oldies: as: “Sunny. ... Side. of. the, Street,” “Dream’”’..and | “Chicago” . With °a. Teasonable face _ ‘appropriately .aping“his” celebrated: dad: down ‘to the Jeather. ‘pushers. . lay whimsical fendition. ot: “Flings” -'Grecea & ‘Willard first cams to |: Chi about. a-year ago at the Gate |: of Horn folk nitery” anid‘ were gen-+| : erally: recéived. as. the freshest. new]: talentto come ‘along-::in Yany-| moons. -They. are: extremely -alert.| comie actors“and their sight. Bags, |" blackouts ‘and: sketches: are an en|. ‘gaging: mixture.. |-comedic: techniques : ‘with modern’ | ‘material. cof traditional “But. while: their’ set isDasically : unchanged from their’: ast -appéar‘ance,’ the: -unaccountably. ‘drawing’ only ° mild: response: at} * |-Mister Kelly’ s. Attribute: it: to: ‘the | ‘vagaries of the. ‘business. ‘Althougii: this spot. attracts a cafe-wise crowd,. -the ‘same. sketches: that broke’ ‘it | up at-the Gate ‘of. ‘Horn are. falling” flat here. =: “commercial” “More Chicago, ‘Nov. 20: ‘Gretchen «: Wyler, © “Edgewater. each. Guys &. “Dolls; Don: ‘Davis. | Orch; $2. 50-$3 ‘cover. ae ” Jeannie Thomas. crisply ‘@elivers . ‘a pair of vocal. ‘solos, ‘durable ‘Char: |... that although Gretchen Wyler: may. be the Tast.'solo act to: play: the. Polynesian. ‘Village, . ‘she°.is-oneof the “handful of.’ singles: tomaster j this spacious ‘layout: and’ to“ project ‘excitement :in: this ‘admittedly ‘dif. : "| Reult-toplay room: The. Polynesian. ‘Village. may: ‘not \be the biggest. room: in: town,: but its : sprawling” South”: Seas decor | tends ‘to dissipate whatever energy -|is génerated on: stage... ‘Next ‘show. .jis-'a South .American “revue, .and. -bmnanagement is ‘considering. sticking |: , -}-withthis sort: of. Production, which, |is. probably a: ‘wise ‘move. ‘voted to. the-: ‘appearance of | Sin-} F y. -The “key ‘te: ‘Miss. -Wyler’s| “mas ‘tery: ‘of. this Spot. is her. extensive. musical: comedy..: background: | Unlike:.acts used. to playing~ intimate ‘clubs; she .does everything: in ‘an ‘expansive way. Her cleverly: chore-ographed and. ‘dramatically ‘execu‘I tived dancing ‘is. ‘done ‘with a: zest and -gusto: that. plays : as ' strongly | U to’ the. . back’ rows as. it. ‘does ‘to the ringsiders, and ‘she has ‘a--voice ‘that ‘reaches. out: in ‘both © -belters and ballads. .° Ls ’ Miss. Wyler’: s50-ininute. turn is a song and dance. recap-.of the hit: legitunérs. in. ‘which ‘she: has: ap ‘peared, with the‘story | line: ‘provided by imaginary telephone calls ‘to and from -her .mother.The : act, -|-put ‘together by. folksinger . “will ‘Holt, is superbly. tailored: to’ Miss: |wyler’ s-high spirits and: ‘sheer phy|" sical’ énergy. For instarice: there are. : eight ‘costume: changes ‘in ‘an’ ‘onstage dressing room.: Chief char acteristic . of. the: costume: is: that they ‘show ‘off one of. the: best Pair of gams .in the-biz. ‘Particularly . successful ate “her | ‘jngratiating: singalong -‘version~“of “Once In Love ‘With:Amy”,-an art= fully: comie: rendition. of “A: ‘Per‘son: Can: ‘Develop .:A. Cald” . and. a sexy. rendering: of “Whatever: Lola |. _ |: Wants". ‘Other stops ‘on -her person|: _| al Jegituner :tour. include ‘numbers | ° ‘1 from.:“Silk. Stockings’” | é Ri id A a9.) ~ Felicia Sanders, .Grecco. & | Wil-. and ee oe gain’: lard, John Frigo Oreh; $2. 50 cover. ” Mor. ‘Statler:Hiilton, Dallas’ “Dallas, Nov. -22. ° $2. 50°$3. cover. In his. ‘first. Texas. ‘date, ‘singer Robert. Clary’ made the most of. an impressive :songalog ‘Thursday. {21} and,: his“risible lines ‘and frenetic -feotwork, offered cay pleasant: 40-minute. ‘turn ‘before ‘a ‘small. audience in, the Plush Empire Room: nice“returns: ° es : “His ‘between ‘tunes throwaways ‘as. does his body: English ‘when: ‘voicing. “You::Make: Me: Feel ‘So: :Young.” Outing: in-}. cludes : “Penny _Candy,”: .“I’m © In pet: chuckles;: Love With Miss. Logan” ‘and voice tricks. on. the uptempoed: “Love ‘Is a: Simple Thing.” Pace’: increases ‘as-he bows, marching. and chanting, with “76 . _ Trombones”. palming.. for. nice . House: ‘inaestro Don Ragon, doub-| ‘ling ‘onpiano. ‘and . -trumpet; -gives solid ‘support -on . the -: intricate scores, and loads. the: floor: with Bark. . vate 7 47 oe.” * Grecco © &: ‘Willard. ‘seer. ‘to: ‘be. “playing. their” roles. | . fashien,. perhaps’ in. ‘deference tot. “the” MOFe. this. club; but. to: ‘little avail,” -. Dick. ‘Gregory | ‘and Vicki Fr. azier: OPER Det.. 2 for: three weeks, in * broader |. ‘trade ‘at | There's. a dit. of irony in. the 2 fact “Redhead” | ( ‘Robert “Clary; Don: ‘Ragon: Ore (10)3 nae The : ‘native Parisian | “promptly: ‘ditches the opening: ‘French. accent. oth /to :reveal . big pipes: with. perfect. | English -Tyries_ of. “I: ‘Love Paris.” ‘He: bourices..about with: French. ly‘ries. of a.’ Charles.’ ‘Trénier tune; ‘also. clicking ‘with: “When the’ World ‘Was Young’. arid’ -gives.. top: lyrical treatment: to“All About Love” for’ ‘good for: a big hand. Martin. ‘Denny: and: his. group of four: make’ more music than some -orchs, many times this: size: “The ‘tunes ‘are ‘pleasantly-familiar to the] -eollectors'.of his. disks, including. “Quiet Village;” “Taste Of. Honey; ”. ‘Landmark After 3 Years: ~Damone. -Reopening® Star: Chicago,. Nov... “15. The name: ‘Chez Paree is. ‘pack |. on Ja; marquee | in Chicago | after :a three-year... “hiatus * and .boniface: Donjo: Medlevine is. plandly telling} the’ faithful ‘that it. just. took ‘that Jong’ to. move. the. nitery: from. its: old’ : Fairbanks”. “where it flourished for.28 years as ‘Court’ Chi’s. flagship: ‘night spot. . sented nitery Swank: in: the. *308. Vie.’ “Damon, Tracy. e: Curtis: Hf. 50: a 50 ro Breen;* bass, . ‘both back Miss ° Fra-. -}zier. and Play. for dancing. ‘hetween’ : Room, of the unique: song styling Parnello, “Orch; cover.. One side: of. ihe | room: is _ entirely: mirrored and-,the: other. Side has. .. three’ -huge~ shadowboxes: in-:which _-| Stand’. lifesize, illuminated .‘bJack-|" amoor Statues. One ‘Wall is draped. .. 1) with <3’ gold: French ‘Silk brocaded:|. i fabric. aptly. -described.. ‘in’ a. press | . ‘release. .as'‘ “creating the’ iHusion’ | Of the. hangings in-a’ Moorish: tem| ple. or-.even: a. boudoir . out: of the | Arabian Nights.” The stage is’ framed ‘by: a. serolled-| ’ |:shadOwbox and-therearé:two small. ‘cut-out stages on either: side: of. the. | bandstand for use by. chor al: -groups or specialty. acts.: The 15 musicians forthe. opening | show were seated: on: three © sharply ‘staggered ° plat forms: in the rear of the stage; the} jtop ‘tier of which is about-15 feet |. | off. the.-stage. Perhaps -because« of | the thick | carpeting. and the ° ex-. tensive use -of* drapes ~-accoustics -on ‘the night’ ‘caught were not’ ‘par= ticularly sharp, ‘but: this.. maybe a ‘matter | of. speaker. adjustment. . was 4a.’ firstrate. choice. for..a preem headliner,’ but}. although he is -:anacknowledged: accomplished’ saloon meistersinger |: he has been ‘heard in better voice. ‘Damone: ‘appeared to be. fighting. ‘a head" .cold and” the ringing: esonance with. whichhe ordinarily ‘dramatizes . his. tunés: was: often /. |.missing.:. Hisportfolio’ of charts, ‘both ‘orchestral -and vocal; are per. ‘usual: asimaginative and. ‘musically. | sophisticated as. those of. any ‘cafe chanteur in the ‘business, ‘and. the: ‘band arrangements were -artfully |: .and ‘sensitively: interpreted by‘ Joe Parnelio’ s augmented house:group, . _: Among the standouts in ‘his: 50-. -minute turn were.“‘Once In: A Lifetime,” “Got A‘. Lot “Of Living,” “Lover Has Gone,” ‘ana cappella | * ‘rendition. of. “Tonight,” ‘“‘Fascinat-ing -Rhythm,” ” “Adios” and.“Fool | . Am: I; 99 “os ° As the first ‘act’ ‘to play the: new |. ‘Chez ‘Paree,. (Bill). Tracy: &. (Jack)-|. Curtis’ were at first -handicapped |: by: an’ inattentive, celeb-gawking |’ house, However, ‘the. comedy. duo. Gvercame the chatter: with an‘ener| getically-delivered « ‘array of: gags |-° -They were: gen|." erally --effective,: although: the .ini-. paet. of some ‘oftheir. better ‘mate-. rial was : diminished | by. a sizable Portion ‘of ‘tired tajes.:. ' -Vit: Damone © and“ anecdotes. .:. iM ore * (Creseendo’; a . Los: Angeles, “Nov: 34. ~'There’ 's everything’ ‘from Hawaii. -an hands ‘to. Yiddish :yuks in this]: + Sunset. Strippery’s | current bill.: So, ; sate ‘you can’t please all of:the cust-. ‘omers ‘all-ofthe time, boss Shelly’ ‘Davis figures to-please some, 'Somietime, during the. Tong | evening’ s cover-and-minimum. . It's Jackie Mason’ s. “first.” ‘outing. in’ the -boite; having:: previously. played ‘the. ‘Grove: and’.Slates..He’s .| getting: to. know ° his way.. around | . ‘town, . but’ probably his.. strongest: ‘ from neighborhoods: ‘where his: dialect -is. the usual: parlez-vous. : ' Mason’s ability to humor. from: points ‘other. than:‘the ‘Borscht belt! ‘is . evident. in “his. classy: Alfred:|: ‘Hitcheock takeoff. It would: be. to. his. advantage to’ expand ‘the.-act along. his multilingual Jines rather | than well-known -and. per|: haps: overdone New. -Yorkese. His. Ed: .Sullivan ‘imitation’ ‘is. always “Black: Orchid” —and : a surpriser— | “Hava Nagilah.” © : Denny's personality. hetween “88. a7 ing isin keéping <wit': the. mood. And when ‘the _audien: : = ¥S.onthe verge of dreaming or . over. the een ‘Denny beings: ‘on. . South: Seas {dancer Lona, a | Chet Paree Back. “as Chi Chi ‘location, _Ain’t “Down. Yet’: Brown. ” She has a. solid. ‘potential. -boff: ingredients. which distinguish ‘tunes like “Milord” ‘and. “La Mer;” «Jackie Mason, ‘Martin Denny: (4), 1 Vicki Frazier, Bob Armstrong: ‘Frio; | $2. 50: cover. “plus two: odrink mini: ‘mum. : pen UALS, ‘lwith a figure: ‘that’ won't. quit—who |. loo p-winding Tahitian’ num: rs, ~ Musicians. with: Benny. “include Buddy Fo on bongoes; Hagood.Har ‘dy on vibes, Harvey Ragsdale, ‘bass, |. and Frank. Kim: ‘on. drums... --. Brunette, beauty. Vicki ‘Frazier. | opens. the. show: with ‘her ‘talented. ‘pipes. She’ has a flair for’ dramatic ‘numbers, ‘demonstrated too : infrequently. in her: ‘repertoire’ which ds ‘She is attractively: owned j in. “Splack: ‘but a little ‘subtler lighting would oo add to, the: mood -she easily creates.. ‘The.. main® showroom : is” a: nos-: talgic ‘throwbaek -to.. what “repre: | “Miss. ‘Frazier’s. flair for produetion: numbers ‘is. socko’ in: her.:“I ‘from: “Molly ‘Trio ‘of: Bob: Armstrong; | piano; Howard ‘Oliver, drums, and :Larry shows.:: ~-Next,. Jerry. Van ‘Dyke ‘and’ the | ' _ Army. i what. they. are, not. to: mention the Queen Elizabeth, Mont’ Paris. Sisters, ‘Dec. >. : ‘Montreal, Nov. -13:: Vicky ‘Autier, Andy: & ‘Charles “Taylor, Nick. Martin Orch: -(12), Salle». Bonaventure |. ‘Trio: $2. 50 cover,’ “$3 ‘Sat; no ‘Sunday, ‘show.; “Vitky ‘Autier’s: stint at the. Salle ‘Bonaventure adds: up’ :to“bread-. and-butter. “booking. inasmuch as e: ‘years, Miss Autier’s: ‘approach’ is: strict dy parochial,. playing on ‘the ‘tastes. of..the local fans, even ‘if ‘her :turn |: © does not:'add. up: to’ the “ultimate |} | in’ the. so-called: smart. and sophis-: ‘ticated style: “Songs: are: pleasing and ‘delivered -with gusto, ° fitting into: the: image. She’ ‘Projects as an entertainer. . There’ sa” -narray of nicely-sung after which Miss. Autier heads for |the88. where she. whips off ‘some| arrangements. on-pop’ and standard ‘tunes -: with . good .. -results.° “Her ‘gowning could: be subdued,. some-. ‘what;. neither does the. tiny: ‘mike hanging..from her decolletage add: to. her femme: allure.’ ” ae Opening the. bill are two. promisjing: Canadian 2 terpers,.. all. | Nick. ‘Martin's: -orchis fine for ‘the ‘show and: dancing. «. -Next:: ‘Bill: Tabbert. Tae: ‘Hotel Roosevelt, NO. ~. New -Orleans,. Nov. 22. “Joe E.: Lewis (with Austin Mack); (11); $4: ‘Sats... Weiss’. plush .Blue--Room;. with ‘comedian Joe. E: Lewis. back for! ‘his. annual two-frame ‘stand: that of coincides ° -with -the ‘ Thanksgiving |; = Day opening: of the bangtail season .-J-at the historic. Fair. Grounds course. ‘aficionados. and new. fans: filled’ the. ‘spot to /eapacity. ‘opening « night ‘Thursday -(21)...and it’s certain the velvet]. o rope will .be up: nightly, judging |. |from the: flood: of advance: “reserva: tions. _~ . “This trip, ‘as: ustial; Lewis “toses |. . Hoffman: Orch (6); _ private club. ing with new business. and. lines. | a He. -throatily. starts many. risiblé.|. rliymes, ‘but interrupts. himself to: toss. off ‘shady one-liners™“that_capjture his tablers. and: increase, the mitting. And. that’s what:they came: : He’s . been. missed: no: getting the room roar to -hear—the. ageless Lewis’: naugh ty. lines, his wild. comedy. < .. “It -was a nostalgic: ‘opening. with: Lewis. in form. He alone. ‘ean. get. .away ‘with -the type of. material used. in: the. Blue Room.. A: -lesser .skilled comic would-be: told ‘to. -go..home, but Lewis pulls. ‘em. in...Austin ‘Mack. vet accom-| panist, -plays. ‘the show admirabiy,: oftimes backed. by ‘Leon. ‘Kelner’ s band... :-Begoft: comes ‘after. ‘séme65 ‘min: utes of ‘satisfying the firstnight full house, which included Politicos. and ‘sportsfigures. =. Teeing off thenew | “layout: is: Elaine. -McKenna, - an. . Australian «making. her’ initial .appearShe looks: ‘good, is nicely. gowned. ‘and. shows relaxed. anima-} ‘tion: combined with easy ‘grace and a fine voice. She ves a highly |. ei é wt of his act; He brings them back ‘from time. to. time while fingering cards, scarfs, and: a ‘silver ball. A ‘young, . handsome fellow, Rico de-. pleasing’ performance.. ‘gf. Kelner:.and his crewfill out the bill expertly, both in: complement: ing the acts and in their-own right: ‘Band. Keeps © floor? Joadedduring s'terp. ‘sessions, / Liu, “baby-faced . dish combination of. : chantoosey ‘with... pianistics: “thrown | in”-as./an|.extra-added, . as. it.:were,.__ has been ‘a’ crowd ‘pleaser -among : the local: French-Canadian crowd... for: some ‘Its post time: again. “at: Seymour Waldori-Astoria, N. e We. ‘Janet Blair (with: George Bass | man); Meyer Davis: orch, conducted: by: ‘Paul Spurr Horace Diaz. ‘combo; $3-$4. cover. oo Carvot-topped “Janet | Blair has. run: the show biz gamut, from bandsinger. with ‘the late-Hal Kemp, to ‘a -vaude.-act with the Blackburn. _ Twins; into-pix and legit. musicals; and back“into the. niteries.. Exactly. ja year ago this month she returned: ‘ta ‘the saloons. with“a. male quartet —opening -with® a: spoof on. ‘the “dancing boys”—at. Las Vegas’ ‘Riv~iera,and now in her ‘first ‘Gotham stint in-some time she is sans boys .. ‘but with substantially. the same act. . It's .a’ pleasant. enough songalog although somehow: lacking .in the either. the versatile. comedics of the ‘MacRaes. (Gordon and Sheila), who: reopened the Waldorf’s Empire of a-Lena Horne or Ella Fitzgerald. ‘Sophisticated ‘nitery tastes being education: given the -Masses over. the “years. via ‘video, it’s no small’ ‘| order for. a thrush to come up with. ‘something unique and_extraordina ry when personaling to a $3. and. whee couvert, Showwise Miss: Blair knows that | : and: ‘sought to fortify her stuff with . -dual’..authorship . (Shirley Henry: and :Jack Brooks) ‘not, to. mention _ the. skilfull | ‘batoneering assist: of. © maestro-arranger ‘George Bassman. However, when it’s all'.said and... done’ it is’ the’ personable: song© ‘Stress’ medley. of shows in. which. ‘she ‘has. toured {“Bells: Are Ring-. ing’; “Oné Touch of Venus”. ‘and “South Pacific”) which remains the. substance. . ‘In: fact ‘her entire repertoire is ‘musicomedy’ ‘gaited.:-Opener is. a” “West: Side. Story.” excerpt. followed: by “Got Your’ Number” (from: “Little Me”), the World’), ‘“T his Is. My Beloved’: «| (“Kismet’’): and (From “Gypsy”).: Interlarded: are. “Fool. Am I” (“Stop -“Some . People” pops: by Porter, Peggy Lee and another ballad. ‘The. piece de resistance is the J ack Brooks “tv commer¢ial” satire’. with the “bubble dress”* including real soapbubbles generated by an | electronic ‘contraption. While the = -gimmick is designed’ to. give it ‘| uniqueness somehow. it sometimes . ‘borders’ on the ludicrous instead of | ‘youthful the satirical, bizare and overly pro ‘Andy: .& Charles ‘Taylor who give | ‘zest to the various ‘tap routines, |. including a -Softshoe, ‘skimmer: ‘and: ductionéd. instead of hip: ’ Miss Blair seeks versatility “Day In”. is somewhat in the Lena Horne idiom for example, and “Fool Am __ I’. (somewhat, overtouted, by now an as: a ballad outstander) is also ¢ | erarranged. The -“Stop The World” -1excerpt was.fresh a year ago;. for. “| the ‘Waldorf. city ‘slickers it’s. now | kinda’ familiar. ‘Songstress had a | posh: turnout | with extra tables on’ the floor, Elaine: :McKenna; Leon Kelner. Orch Sie 50. weeknight minimum; Paul Sparr. batoning. the: Meyer | Davis. orch is as good a show band ‘as for the dansapatiow, and the | Horace Diaz ensembles a in the. relief. sets. Maitre . d’hotel | ‘Louis . Siceardi : and’ the . Empire spelis them . Room’s. bossman ‘Clyde ‘Harris are still talking about the standout bus iness. standup comedian Alan King : did “just preceding.’ Incidentally, ‘Harris ‘must. have. given. ‘the kitchen the . once ‘needed ° attention; the “groceries” are back to parity on: the cuisine: department. Abel, Detroit Athletic Clah *. Detroit, Nov. 15. Katyna: ‘Ranieri, . Rico, ‘Seymour. > Katyna: Ranieri | ig “ the. sexiest ; -pombshell to hit this‘private playspot..of: the motor magnates in years.. There is nothing subtle in her’ sexiness, either; Hers is. the ‘earthy,. mature ‘woman type. of sex, ‘and’ she projects it by voice and ‘by full “body -English” that de velops some fiery. Italian gyrations just short of a bumps and grinds. ‘routine:. ‘Yet, ‘she™ never offends good. taste. © The ‘Italian. songstress puts much bite. and:-emotion into’ her lyrics. ‘and generates plenty of eleetricity. ‘with ‘the gutty’ sounds: she emits.. ‘When she’ sings “My:'Man” there ‘is no doubt that:he is.. ’ the bilingual ‘Miss. ‘Ranieri puts plenty of feel‘ing, “Arrivederci ‘Roma;”. “El Pecador,” ‘and: “More,”: the: latter: written. by: her husband, Riz. Ortolani. : ‘also, .into. “San Francisco,” Rico, an. accomplished ‘magician, makes lighted candles: appear and disappear and they are the theme served the ovation he. received. Z Tew.