Variety (November 1963)

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/ 56. “NIGHT av REVIEWS Wednesday, November’ 27, 1963 7 “Harrak’s, Lake Takeo |. Lake Tahoe, Nov. 18. . Jimmy Durante, Peter: ‘Lawford, ‘Sonny. King, Eddie’ Jackson, John ny Mack, Eileen Gallagher, Moro-. Landis. -Singers' & Daneers' 13): ‘Leighton NableOrch (16); presentma | authoritative phrasing. an “Witherspoon. is a. ‘hear-consuin ed by" Bob. Vincent. stylings ‘were’ -adrott and” | Mitchell's. bass: solos. had: some 1m| Donald ‘Dean.|. ‘pressive. ‘passages. is deft. on™ the. skins. . Drive. ‘and In this annual playback at Harmate ‘artist in the always stimulat ‘rah’s a wealth of riew material showcased in Jimmy. Durante’s .act. and: it all comes. across for: top résult. It’s. ustill, ‘Duranties—the mayhem at the pi-| ano, the .murder of the’ English language, the raspy vocalstyling —that are ‘tthe big winners: =; New in the’ ‘Durante. troupe: for this stanza, is: Peter Lawford who}. turns in a creditable. performance} ‘abeit. a. brief ‘one. As per: usual;|....-and... Eddie Jackson | ‘ are the headliner’s regular partners: augmenting. the entertainment val-| nes of tne one-hour, -{5-minute. turn. i “Sonny King From. opener,“ DT m ‘Jimmy That = ‘Well-dressed Man,” to his exit with } “Inka: Dinka,”” Durante is the pace; setter and. he works with the. verve. of a teenager. He plays it tandem with: both King: and: Jackson, makes * with the choreography with rotun -Kileen Gallagher, bushes: the room. with his interpretation of “Septem-ber. Song,” and -scores .with. a. ten-der “Look Ahead Little Girl, a South Shore Room _there’s -ing idiom ‘of. the: blues. -His ‘ar rival onstage has:.a way. of making. every thing: that .has::preceded: him. ‘a kin’ -of.. overture. ‘Taking. com-. however,..the trademarked | Fang: ‘Spoon: seems. ‘to’ melt ‘right |. into’ ‘the anatomy of the. blues. His. “numbers” in ‘tunes he. sings: ° clude. “Muddy, “Water,” “C. + -Rider’-and “Times * . Gettin’ f “Tougher: cra ‘Show. is. in: 1 for two weeks: on # eee /Tube,: on oyal Y ork: Terento. 2". Toronte; Nev.-19:° > &. -His. Royal, York. Orch” (14); {cover.: 7 Sed eee aithe -Royal York.“ Hotel for .two’ weeks and. jamming. "em in’ with. his. noStalgic. singing. -: leader . turned. ‘single. stays ‘on’ 55 es-minutés for his nightly appearance. sayed as-he stands’ near a’ screen! = no: Sundays. . on which is* flashed. color: home}. movies of his cotter Cece. -.: Femmes. from: the MoroLandis | line are generously’ used through-. out show:. Lawford plays his serious. spot witha solo, “I’ve Grown: Ac customed to. Your Face,” .directed. to Duranté, and hoofs a bit with girls from: the line. ‘He also does.a _. Twist routine with Miss :Gallagher ' “ and Durante,’ vand takes a French lesson in. song :from:’ eight instruc: ; torettes from the line. § ~ : King’ continues ‘to. show: 2 dig: --yoeal talent and plays the perfec “foil to Durante. Jackson remains! the king of the ‘strut and reaps.a good hand forhis vocat. endeavors.. Johnny Mack is on for. one tap: number and-. some ‘smooth ‘maneu-. vers with a cane... Int toto; it’s a highly entertaining offering. — ‘New. show. set for Dee. 4: Long. “ Pidelands.. Houston” “>. ‘Houston; Nov. ‘19. Gene. Austin & the. Whipporwills, Marge Cameron,’ Freddie . Noble? ‘Orch (5); 5 entertainment charge: Gene. Austin. isn’t. as -compact ‘as |‘he once ‘was, nor. are those high | T obliges: bo * Stewben’s. ‘Resten | Able” to: “‘ehoose™ “his spots, ‘the: ; halladeer is” beguiling the satisfied ‘customers. “the ~ 450-capacity }. ‘room -with: 4 “concluding medley of ;chis ‘trademarked | “Racing -with. thé Moon,” “There T’ve. Said It Again;" * “Ballerina,” -: “Cool -Water” | and. “Ghost, Riders in. the’ Sky.’ “His* pipes never: in finer. shape, | | Monroe. -is'‘attracting | ‘crowds ‘into: yesteryear ‘atmosphere. They’ also’ ‘dig: -his-use of the. slide. trombone t from his big band. ‘conducting ‘days. | ‘Monroe . opens’: ‘with a. -bouncy r“This--Must. bethe Spat; *. then ‘| segues into ballad :style: of “y Lost | '_My’ Heart in -San Francisco. * Then | a switch in’ timing to: “Lazy: River,”: 5 “Toast to My Lady”: and. a: dramatic “Mack ‘the’ Knife. moe od Chatter. is engaging. as to. ‘puild‘fT up. of song. titles... But it is these _| “memory .songs’” ‘the customers are awaiting—dnd the: “velvet voice” im .a. meer of trade marked : ‘tunes. _M eStay.. “Boston, Nov. 14. “Bory Sinclair, Renard. & Jean: : ‘Alexander, ‘Orch. (3); “$1. 50° cover. intensity. “heighten. when: : tenor | ,. Saxist: Teddy Edwards chips’ in: and) °. leads. ‘the -way’..with --his. CHS, ‘to thé:ounce arid possessed of*more .| ounces ‘than her last showing:-here, |. -still.’ shouts: songs ‘in native. lan-'| | guages. which. must ‘make ‘natives | ‘wonder what: Janguages she As. us-,| ing now... = ‘cause. ‘her . eyes. -sparkle . and her { +hips weave -and ‘that’s’ understood Cc. by. rugmakers, everywhere. She. did a | Daddy but. the ‘extra ounces she’ ” les" picked up | are. obyiously.. her | hew comic, he ‘has 4 lot of original: -and: .informal..:material. ‘Spawned. ".+in Terre Haute, of.all places,: che has” vote tee: +: shueKed: himself: free’ of all corn “Vaughn Monroe | is: currently. ap-= |. pearing: at. the Imperial: ‘Roomy of }:. -that’ may: ‘have. been -on* orders: to} Balla out®: an’ opening .act;.. which | “wasn’t. there: Bill . Alexander’s: or| Vaughn Monroe; Mozie. Ge old. Rosie’s Red Garter. nitery intoi the. Imperial. ‘Room ‘who ‘yen that | the . weekend-wealthy UCLA. stu| store atmosphere: (the namie is that | | from UA’s “Thunder. Road’). and a fidence” ‘that, . belies. ‘host. Sparks’ | make. any: money ‘here.’ oe "| the:.bad taste and ‘timing: to: wel-| -| come: this newest -nitery’-with a. _-|.downpour, enough die-harders: and |. freeloaders. gathered. with the ‘boss |. of the New-. Christy : “Minstrels. to| © . officially. : ‘christen the spot and 7 notes quite as true that made “My ! I etts,. Don Dennis, Harry. DeAn-| Blue. Heaven” a. classic, But ‘the! gelis ‘Orch: ¢ 5)s $2. 50. minimum. ‘ showmanship:. is: there, ‘the pipes !a do suffice. and. he’s an: excellent j . Bounding out ‘on. ‘the. floor, come~ ‘entertainer,. ‘working atorgan! dienne Dory : Sinelair,. “a. flaming | throughout.. He leans heavily on! red “wigged. zany in-a white: silver tunes he. wrote. himself, which in-/ gown, lands: with. sockimpact in | clude “Look Down That :Lonesome | the.-jampacked ‘theatrical “boite of Road,” “How Come .You--Do’ Me | the freres Joe and Max -Schneider,. ‘Like ‘You Do?” ‘and “When. MY} She's ‘a hurricane :froim:: start to. make. the: entertainers feel appre-: . 1Ciated.: .” ‘for. the: exposure and: that: big: pos-'} ‘Sugar -WalksDown. the. “Street.” ‘With Austin’ are two muiscians, | the ‘Whipporwills, who open show. At times they back,. and on’ other ; -occasions jam. headliner, By. play-: ing several... -instruments—usually -two Jat. once—they.. Manage a big} . band sound. They. are loud and lively. “Marge. Cameron is a striking red haired: comedienne who ‘has’ fresh ; eyebrows,” r material with exception of her’ stan| dard Miss Rheingold of 1963. It’s Red Skelton’s w.k.. flack’ on ty wha: samples his product: and | Bets progressively: drunker... At .times she just tells” jokes, © | finish ‘in an’ unabated frenzy” Of} ‘Mike St. ‘Shaw ‘Trio,. a male’ three some’. -with an” ‘extremely “ageres| -eomicking | Ww hich: “sends ©: femme partyites into ‘hysterics: ben sowing © her — “apparation™ | b bowon, Miss Sinclair’ -warbles ‘“T’m Me,’’. Special. material, turns the wig. ‘around. and starts on -a parade of ‘sharp, . topical. one-liners. She: i flips: the red wig off, with’ line, “latest thing from | Paris—teased |. blonde. ‘Going: ‘into » a * bit on haircuts, Cleopatra and ‘Mare: Antony, . she gets. plenty’ of. laughs: with routines’ + on the. army, ‘commercials from tv -distasteful-lyricked : pit’ that. will and. she’s ‘a crew . cur |; tone: changes, letting’ diction and, the wayside. Unless you're already often she does: skits; one of. the} land, and.:clever' carbons. Night. best being a’ stripper. ‘auditioning : caught, ‘Thursday’ (21) opening,’ she for légit show. Her ‘pipes are good, : -had the big -audieice in..the 400as illustrated by her opening and; seater: full of..attention, a: difficult ‘familiar with the” words, . it’s ‘best. | Produce: ° ar : closing, “Such a ‘Lot of Living’ To. Do.” "Freddie Noble’ Orch’ performs | not-too-demanding chores well, j working with: Miss ‘ Cameron | ‘but sitting: out the ‘Austin: act. Show Plays: two frames... : “. Skip, " parnte Onion. LAL “Los Angeles; Nov: 19: ‘Maneuver in: this supper room. i where the. first: ‘show. goes” “On: at T 30. Miss Sinclair: ‘also. does: ‘a “great Vou? re Nobody. "ti: Somebody 4 Loves « “You” with.’ three . octave range vaice. following: -with “oper| atie aria... clowning, she , does: a neat. impresh: of Louis. Arm=|°):"~ i i strong. She “winds ‘up. with ‘boff].2." * Johnnie ‘Ray . carbon: tearing, ‘shirt | Jimmie: Witherspoon, Teddy® shreds (needs. a hew one: for} wards, Hampton Hawes Trio; twwo| drink minimum, . ; ‘Current ‘three-ply. attraction: at ‘emporium: is a cumulatively. “Satis| stage. expands to five.:.. every. performance), Uback-fnJapanese. costume with ‘a ‘+ monolog’ on: ‘boygirl* ‘stuff, ‘ending: with sock | ‘Roberta: Sherwood car ine” for big. voiced. rendition which beats off the ‘rafters. in. this L roam. where he’s ‘# fave.” " Renard :&Jeanette, personable ‘hour. iong span, the musicat: ‘sparks dance . team, ‘have’ some . updated Teally. begin an. fly. “Matters. ‘commence with a: pair o of -come.: se'~stions by the Hampton: Hawes. ritual :. Threesome performed skill _. Trio. . fully Et without particular oomph. or insniration | ‘on show caught, al-. ‘Orch cuts: the:: show. in | Slick though .; some. oF . Hawes’. Piano Be, modern: jazz. and ‘ballet. bits that: classy. Opening: with re “dance ‘number, -they j shift into. lifts: and spins. ‘They score. “solidly: ‘Harry ‘DeA-~>lis: Ge. a . ~. . : _ . 7 . a wt, othe i nr has we . ae: tet Tee + . . « al 7 * % “ ;unteer. acts ahd followed ‘by. even. ;|more, including ‘a° Randy’ Sparks’ | _Séssion eand. one. ‘by: . the: Dalton |. -Boys. There's. likely.” ‘fo" ‘be: ‘little. -time ‘for “contemplation ‘in. this {© “Toronto, ‘Nov. 20.-: promising “spot;': but. that’s” ‘all to]: ay : . Wabethe: Wilde, Aldo’ Montecone = advantage” af the “ae | Qi art et; $1. 50. cover... | me * Making her first visit to ‘Toronto’ F “Golden. Rene. posh: Franz Josef: Room jin the Reno, Nov. 19. | Walker Hotel, Zabethe Wilde. looms then. races}. “Weston, Christine &Piroska,° Bar-. (8);, no minimum, “no. cover. 7 Don: ‘Dennis, perennial : singing |'*. ‘fying show, one. that ‘starts slowly. emcee here, ‘takes “A Lot of Liv-|: and -mounts*in.excitement as the nucleus -of . three. performers.’ on‘When unit for the final -15-minutes ‘of its: cuit. in’ their new: Carnival Room. at ‘'Fomerlin have switched: to. tab pro-' usually top houses. (seating at 200plus) -for the first. two: shows ° and: “Tes, tionably,, ‘is: ‘Dick ‘Weston’ 3 marquee cht “chi; Palm. Springs : Palm: Springs, Nov.. 19. Eatel ita,” Dave Madden,” ‘Bill only area with un draped ‘femmes.. Also unquestioned in fact: that: ‘producer. | has: an -eye ‘Estelita, : “full. of. ‘more’ bounce. is giving the Chi Chi Starlite Room her standard quota. of zing: She} all.” élaborately ‘smartly . choreographed for the thrée ‘production numbers, ” . ing: “Perhaps. it’ ‘does: not’ matted: be: | show.’ “proves his: top.talentas voice tosser With: clever (and' often adhis . “Mannequin ° sidekicks. ‘Martha (a. sex-eonscious. spinster) ‘and ‘Clarence (a tramp-type | with heavy’ interest in ‘booze and the opposite gender). ‘believable, ‘lovable and’ endearing. Weston paces his: act without Tull, gives attention (via the dumrmies)to. stagesiders, and caps the several encoreson precious ‘little. | encouragement ‘in. -her:: effort ‘to. please... Her. heart : still: belongs: to. own. | | Dave Madden ¢ opens: the show: A woodenheads ina duet ‘to. gether.” 7: and is a: hip. big. town boy -by now... winner. Weston. . plays: full turn ‘Both ‘acts were on ‘too’ long, but'| a vocal. =.:.; ‘Barbara. ‘Barry, looker with ‘impressive ‘distribution. chestra backstops’, ‘Estelita’s' wild | a * dark:haired { Howard. a5 it? he. _ Were. _Riston “of the pouridage, takes a ‘vocal solo turn: with -the.. likes of” ‘‘Almost “Paul. Gilbert and ‘the ink Spots.| Like. Being in-Love,” “Bewitched” follow. a 7 Settle, -tand “Zing Went. the Strings. of: My Ledhetters.. Le AL . Los: Angeles, Nov.19: , “The: Mike. St. Show, Trio; she €. taission. : j the ‘slow tempo: ‘Christine & Piroska:. as featured |. “Randy: Sparks 1 turned. ‘West T. A's s ute their routines | with ease and. a. folksy, -frieidly’ song: -emporium, It’s, _strategically ‘located between thrown. in..for. ‘added endorsement. dent body: and. the: custom-tailored folk . who “camp. out in. Beverly. Hills.” There® Ss ‘asttivéd-for: general | ‘singer ‘is’ Jacques. ‘Kayal,; “who. es-.} “says his Gallic-flavored ‘titles -in ‘Continental fashion. He is.also présented: directing his.lyrics” (from | songs ‘with titles of girls’ names) to! various members of. ‘the troupe (av| ‘propriately.“clad) as they. Parade | ‘across the stage. : . _ Capably backstopping: the ‘entire ‘show. is the. John. Carleton... Ore, eight strong for this ‘segment. — “New.. Production Slated . ‘fo Dec: 4. _ _ “Long. of, a store Sparks. remembered: casual < *but-ealculated air. of :conclaim. that © “we don’t: expect to]: ‘Although. Jupiter” Pluvius “haa The “Losers,” L.. AG : . Los. Angeles,: Nov: 21, drink, minimum. Etta jones ‘and Joe Castro com‘plement each other, one a: ‘Specialty. | , jazz. ‘singer and the. other fast paced, swing jazz. piano. ‘Miss: Jones is ‘typical. of. the: old style. Jazz, her. delivery part blues. -and part swing with a little. bit: | of scat and: lots of rhythm. Singer. has -an.. up. témpo. Billie Holiday. style and sound, often with a twang.” She concentrates more on .lyrics and ‘phrasing than: on. -voeal tone. . Jazz’ buffs are. Miss ‘Jones’ “most appréciative .audience, but. ‘she would have’ trouble Teaching. ‘genéral audiences. “‘Like..Someone ‘in Love” and. “Don't-Go to Strangers” were solid entries:in show caught.. Pormat will b ‘be one: featured act | plus. béaucoup . -volunteérs " (latter working “without ‘billing ‘but.’ Zlad: sibility—a . spot: with the © -Min-|strels).: Added bit. here: is: use’ of short film ‘comedies; : Laurel” & Hardy: and others. * Opening © featured”: “get is the sive leader. -In fact; act. ‘comes-} over. as: more. ‘of. asolo. with support: “They. ‘work, over an, assort| ment ;of “hoot” -‘items;: ranging from ‘a. good “John. ‘Henry” to .a never make the ‘family hit. parade. |. -Self-accompanied -. on. guitar, banjo. and_bass,. the group ‘Strives. ‘for: unusual: “rhythms ‘and: vocal: bass, music that: attracts -audiences’-and with .it, most: of the lyries, ‘fall by | ‘makes them feel good, ‘the rhythms give life’ tothe. atmosphere. : Musi-| : to forget: them and enjoy. the in-| tricate. and. ‘tuneful: ‘variations they’ a. deep: rolling sound, almost simulTrio-is: preceded: by. several: vol. key .twinkle.: . Arrangements. are. solid, and run: through, general | list: of. staiidards. : “Franz, dosel, ‘Torente. as the ‘season’s.-lo¢al. leading ‘song:: far as: attracting customers bara’Barry,. Jacques. Kayal, Golden | for. her ‘twice-nightly: appearances. Girls (40), “John. ‘Carleton Orch.; On for.35 minutes: when caught, : .| Miss ‘Wilde .opéns *.with -a ‘bouncy’ “Pm Running Wilde”, with -special. lyries;. a tribute to: the: late: Fats Waller in. “Honeysuckle | Rose, ae A. Sexy. entertainer, . ‘with. a: little | ‘the. Golden, co-owners: Bill and Jim | girl catch in: her throat, plus belting. out. gutturals. where. selections. -warrant,. Miss’ Wilde shows : sales-’ manship. anda persuasive. personal oie "Playmates “with © ‘Diek “After ‘several "months of billing the top’ names from:the lounge cir| duction shows, and as: indicated by biz. during the’ first. few:-weeks: it was a wise move. : Freres’ Teport. ; ‘Aldo ‘Montecone: ‘quartet provides good turnout ‘for’ the. third: © expressive backing for the: -head-. Part ‘of. the: attraction; _anques‘liner besides playing for the. dance |/seshes.a, MeStay. | value at this: ‘spot: (he. proved heavy |. | draw in: prior dates-here) and fact |. ‘that: the Paris Playmates Tevue is for ‘selection: of. ‘undies: with lotsa’ ‘orb: ‘appeal:-The Golden Girls line’ includes four.:nudes, six dancers, ‘costumed ° and Weston, . who.: rates: the ‘star pili. -in: the ‘sone-hour, . 25-minute: libbed) lines and. routines through: : Aunt | Both are highly: ‘offering -by : giving voice. to both. “To‘Bit: is--a “sure audience-' with: no‘ obvious lip movement, .ac-. cents his talent: by downing a ‘glass of Allan Drake, and the: fine com-:. -of ‘wine. while. Clarence makes. with: edy. -juggling of. Bobby Winters bal Led ance: the bill, still sans: chorines.. :. “1 Heart.” Miss Barry’ ‘fills her ‘spot |: —nverfectly, exuding personality: ‘and:!; ‘showing an authoritative ‘way. with’ a song,-be’ it the beltier things Or j. ; Barelay‘Hoiel, Toronto, a. dancers, show: much rapport, -exe|: class. ‘Choreog is a. la. the’ ‘high=: stepping ‘ can:can; with some. acro ‘Handling the chores as production | : mother-in-law gags, capacity crowd. inthe 450-room at: -.! ~ j the ‘Barclay. Hotel. and ‘dealt: goodSY rj|naturedly: with the hecklers. But. :: it “was a* losing. battle, though he. ae -| Stayed -on.-30 Mins.* °-.. ae: : : Toby Butler, a. brunet: in: pink Cg . ./ from’ Boston who. -admits. that:she ~ .! TS a: Bite Jones, Joe Castro: Trio; te “Happy. Fac¢e,”'“Old Black Magie”: and ‘Blues’ Castro, ‘backed : with. Don. Greif, |. ‘and ‘Mike™ Romero, drums, | swings. -with ‘warm, friendly , andj... Yapid jazz piano. His is: the. kind. of |’ ‘pubbling with light and color that | ‘cian. swings with flathand piano in| 7 built : blond ‘and’ she’s a thorough At-is midway. .. ‘taneously : gives’ it a: lilting high} in third tune,:“You’re Nobody ‘Til © em. back + Continental. Room. a |: “Unehained Melody”. 4s: ‘superbly... a. done, with ‘slick arrangement snd ~ . | Other ' bits. of-.tan-.. 3 ‘dem. belting is in “If-Ever-1 Would ~ ™ ‘Leave — You": # ‘theme. Couple © “pays .. tribute to. Tony , Bennett with four of better. known for. . him “San. Francisco,” “I Want. To: | Be Around ”’-ete., then, sans mike, -.leave .after.. “Love: and. Marriage.” wo ‘There’s a little. ‘audience ‘participa: bot tion,.. Straw. hats. and’ canes,..and =. °” en: all-around: ‘solid. show for the. presentation:. ity in a spot where: diner-drinkers | : often sit through ‘two shows. oe : Flaminge,, Las. V égas ~ Las. Vegas, Nov. 21. ‘sen; $5. minimum. a 88er-conductor Andy Thomas: front ing ‘the. Russ Black ‘orch (14) with » oot ‘Dick Sternberg: on, drums, . The turn ‘is: thostly. -a: -reprisé of rye the: star’s. other: appearances -here,:._ | delightfully: highlighted by ‘movie ~ | musical’ impreshes‘of Lady'Godiva, ‘Catherine the Great, Camille, and «..Cleo ‘Fhe: Nymph of The: Nile. .~.:-. ‘Lighting. by. ‘Hugo: Granata. and *: costumes by = Ray: Agahayan_ are” strong: plusses. .. ‘The outstanding. standup ‘comedy: ‘Drake, a longtime fave in Vegas, isa “welcome returnee.’ His’ ‘stories. °:. Juliet Prowse, Allan Drake, Bob|. ‘by. Winters, Russ.Black Orch (14): ‘produced ‘by Mitch: DeWood;. Pres. sented: by Morvis Lansburgh; light |: ing, Hugo. Granata;* special lyrics,..-':~ Sammy.Cahn and Ji immy VanHeu Juliet Prowse,’ a major ‘Teague... a dancer and.a minor league Singer,” iS a. refreshing ‘personality; her act,. ‘slickly" staged’ ‘by:-Tony: Charmioli, -’.: is. fast... moving: and. pleasant. She 7 gets: excellent. assistance from. her: . five male: ‘terping teammates (Brad. .‘Craig, Lance Avant, Nick ‘Navarro, : David Nagy, Carl -Edwards) and. . 8 . . aoe . . . ta lt . 1‘ ye + Vote Ate Mart ach al Pt AE Nahe RL hed ko .. ww, ” . . . . . * at . . . PD AAT TE ol PR haat ers are of: the. hit-close-to-home . type, ae { hilarious enough to make audiences" ~~: laugh: at themselves’ ‘Via’ ‘what. they: i hear.. Cann wh “Show: ‘is in: ‘for 17‘days, show-.. Co room shutters then: until: Dec:.20°° when Ray. Charles opens. “Duke. Toronto, Nov. 20. ‘in. the’ cast. and acting as principal comic.and emcee, ‘it :was difficult”. 4 when’ caught to. judge ‘the ccomedi. 2 :°} an’s standup delivery. ‘because . he . og was surrounded by .acollection of! 2] boisterous conventioneers, :: _Allén, : with ° ‘a host. of. wife and. me : , amused: the: | “whisky. ‘tenor,”: “belts out . “Swanee” Chats and black “‘briefies for clever, | ‘cross-stage . ‘convolutions. . they’re:. back for “Bh Birth: of. the it’s a“ 75-miniite floor ‘show that “Al Siegel has assembled. for -twice--. -; a-night appearances. But. those cus-.° ‘ °.# {tomers who ‘had. enjoyed:too:much-.: ~ -§ elbow-bending never allowed. Allen’. to.” show’ what ‘he ‘could do!:Percy’ Curtis Orch: (7) lends staunch: sup ‘port: to. all acts, “besides” -playing the dance sessions: me MesStay. ‘Shamrock, Houston 7 ': Houston, Nov. 20.. : Joanne: Wheatley & ‘Hal ‘Kanner, © a 4 K. -Bert Sloan-Dick. Krueger. Orch. ott (10); no cover. ‘or minimum. ‘Thrush ‘Joanne. “Wheatley: is a. pro in ‘presentation. | Somebody Loves “You,” -that hus-. = . 3 ‘| band Hal -Kanner. ‘Joins. ‘her from. *. | his stand at 88 with the Sloan-Krue-. ». 4 _jger Orch. Both ‘have. plenty credits _ ld -|to prove ‘talents, an it-seems that.” ] “| six. years is too’ long: a wait to have -j “at. Shamrock : “Hilton's wing and: the. “Exodus” tunes: that -have™ “clicked. 45: tminutes. team: has’ stage. ‘and. rapport .will Skip... Siu “Allen: Toby Butler... Buster. tees Burnell Dancers (5), “Afet. & Zeena,: . Percy. Curtis Orch. ¢ 1); $1. 50. cover. oa “With”. ‘Stu “Allen the: corily” “male. ce . to score. with .the .~ customers in “her 15-minute ’-stint. | 4 : The Buster Burnell. Daricers, first”... -§ time here, open: the bill in. ‘tricorn... : Later v4 effect «in *gold-sequinced : 4 btiefies. "There's. ‘also -the’ inevitable an belly dancing. -of “Afet: & Zeena. ° The. Sloani-Krueger-Oreh . gives ex“ellent backing despite’ short re-. ‘Te esal: .time, ‘prabably be. better in: day or. ‘two. . _ Show. vplays two. frames, plus.:: "