Variety (November 1963)

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JACKIE. VERNON. Dee, vs ‘solo with: ‘the. Bob ‘Ferro. Trio ‘pack=) dng him:. It’s ‘subtly. ‘offkey, . build-: -! ing’ from, apoint. where: the’ audi..: enee “knows «whether ‘‘to laugh ‘or “.* not, to-a laugh-laden exit. bit.: He _-2 seems: ready. for some important: 2. rooms. DoS tthe < MURV. SHINER 3 oe "Songs |. 0 on 25 -.Mins.. . . Living Room, N. ¥.. put. he -hasn’t . been. documented. ‘in > “the Varrery New: Act file.’ He's: an. "accomplished .comedian’ who.: gets’ healthy: results -by~ underplaying. ,.. “He has’a. soft sell: which sometimes :. ‘puts’ ‘the: responsibility ‘on ‘the’ au--.. diente to catch up with: his lines. |. “Early. in. his turn. he leaves: the -impression . that. it’s worthwhile for the entertainment -seekers to -stay: “with him, -and: they seem: to follow. this implied. ‘suggestion. : ‘pread. details. He provides a. base 30 Mins. Sone “l.:, Normiandie, . Detroit” “Wednesday, November 27, Comedy ° Jackie Vernon. is “no a beginner, ‘One ‘of “his strong’: points is. “a oo | séries -of-. outrageous images _and: some of ‘them :take a. ‘catch on.: He ‘doesn’t : have. to: ‘give. the and: frequently ‘the “audience fills’ in: “More Manischewitz, . Mr. Rock-j; well?” seems. a. good, example | of caught, and. he. pened wedk; :with that kind. of humor, . -A truly: ° funny: ‘bit is. “a trumpet. Ose. Q _Murv” Shiner: “has”: ‘made ‘the |. os! gwiteh from. children’s. ‘songs: and-| country &" ‘Western music ‘to: folk "songs with -ease’ :and is “embarked: smoothly’ on a. new -eareer, One of | his. children’s records, “Peter Cot _tontail; ” “few: years: ‘back.. ‘He’ s got the voice: | sold: .a million copies .a and -the style. to. hit big again, ‘given. the. . proper: folk . tune. Shiner . sings: with a inafuralness 7 ‘anid. with: a. pleasantly gruff quality -to: his voice. that: are: ‘custom-made |: mrs for, folk. singing eens peti He .ac 7 average.‘Shiner. sports: a. beard and on. ‘him: manner -. it looks :good. -, Among ° the: sondshe: sang: nest ”. {nthe set caught were “Lonesome “fraveler,” “Greenland: Whale. :. Fisheries,” . Four . Strong “Winds” oS and “Greenback Dollar.” oe RICHARD ANTHONY: i Songs | ns i Olympia; Paris et “Richard... Anthony = is ‘one: “ot the. *.-. Jead local r'n’r.pureveyors., There’) fainer’ isneeded. a Tew eo Shiner. :hasa’ good. voice; “plenty. of experiencé, . ranging: from’ live: ~ Audiences, to: radio’. cand ‘ty, tO" re-: cording’ studios, and-an appearance. ‘which’. -should. make’ him. a. standout. fo'k ‘singer. -He’s ready for: any ‘spot: where ‘a ‘quality folksy. enfer-. es js not much -export. potential -here 2 for. it would.. be ‘coals-to-Newcastle |; for .theU.S: but. he ‘has .a -high,. sharp ‘voice. which: does” justice -to the ‘scatty. love : ‘lyrics; and. he. is well. backed by.a cogently ‘arranged |. one electro” ‘guitar-drums-piano combo. He: essays the. echo. .chamber ‘bit “tia -‘a-special ‘outsize. mike which: _ might have’ been ‘eschewed for. ‘a house «. stint. If. somewhat : lacking -. in projection, he has-:a ‘personable: : presence ‘and looks ‘somewhat like. a -dishevelled Paul’ ‘Anka: ‘Most of: his ‘lyrics ‘are ‘intelligible. but. are |: “isn. the usual reiteration ‘of. gentle, not or dramatic, and. yearning, Tove’ bal"dads. _ repetitive . ballads,. fast numbers, that eventually: ‘get | a ‘Riverside Hotel, ‘Ottawa. a _ Marina Rozell © is a. tall, tiand ' He: “still: appears more “a disk “than. fiame draw but sis’ ‘pleasarit if. -give a .fillip. to: the [: ~gego ‘monotonous. oo _ However... “Anthony: does | show. ‘*. S game ‘musicianship -. and. may. be ~ one -of those ‘who: will be. cable’. to. .bridge’ the .time ‘when: rock: dies. out as:a fad hére.” But. that. looks: “-gome -way off yet.. “He. is” on’ ‘Pathe ‘Marconi Platters. . Mosk. 7 _ MARINA. ROZELL a on we “Songs: 2. . 20Mins. ~ ‘some, coffee-olive ” thrush~ “with | a. aa phenomenal © superstructure, . fluid _ gestures: ‘and’ pleasing wide-range’ 7: pipes. Of: Spanish. : and ~ several: other | strains, -‘she’s. been volun-. tarily: out: of -show.‘Business for. a __. eouple.of years but should ‘do nice-. a, ly now that: she’s back. She’s prep| oc. ping. a regular. nightclub : act” and 2 ‘eould make it:there. . .. .~ A lounge natural, she has: sfand-: out ‘audience ‘rapport. ‘and. agood sense of humor. but;: when | caught, adjusted HKerbodice too frequent-. yy Her. _ Misty ‘was ‘tres, intime,, | a. CROMWELL” ae ° 34 Mins. . Le. Hibou, : Ottawa, ore -. "Phis: young; ‘handsome, -sinevwy | Perez. Blanco. spot.. ‘NovaScotia-born ‘Negro singer -is. |.old Decca version, “Dupree Blués,”’ -and. ‘rights. of. the Philadelphia local which. -AGVA_ took. over’ ‘several |: ‘years. ago’. and ‘refused. to re-| fF Jinquish. ‘Fhe. Féderal’ ‘Goverriment | has a. suit’ pending ‘against AGVA |: to: force: it’ ‘to restore. the. rights: ‘of: “+ | board meet: in February: Should .’ | her offer not: be’ accepted, she. ‘will reopen the suit. ." "The: exec: committee... was’. ‘also biz. for." $200, 000. “libel. ray er eto eee 7, 1968 oe ‘her. San ‘Francigeo”: individual j in’ .| treasment—no :mean. feat. with the: *: | mileage it’s ~./ half the usual. speed: and’ effective: “that -way:Extremely. avell. backed | by: “wound” with. had: her: “Chicago”. ‘88er Charles. ° ‘Coleman, ‘she: a Humorsstressing: “Mack: -the. Knife.” ” . Diction’ is. ex cellent. She <also sings in. Spanish; . French and: Jewish. and 3 is’ learning | : Italian. we Gard... Folksongs _ 7 Sar hemes oo ame Aba te rere me ca ee Loe: ‘the. flamenco:styled’ songs. DO at at lied WR SE RS tT SF RE eT _F es Songs Lf 20 Mins. °°... ‘Liborio,, N. LY, tae “Rosa Morena’ is one Of the: more. exciting". ‘singers. ‘to “.come:: to the attention of New York’s Lats: colony... Miss. Morena: is"a Spanish. iniport.. who “still -‘speaks’. English ‘phonetieally. She’s’.'a ‘youngster who has’ caught on. fast-to the. fury]. belts: out ‘the:tunes savagely, hitting | “{the: flamenco runs and.-trills.-ina. _ {manner ‘to “please ‘the -Knowing™ |} audiences that. congregate: in. ‘this. She }. SF ST NS Te ee ee ee a Oe ee, Ce aes ee. a . wv . ee . eat : Tee aa eat -* . sos . wee oe ‘need. “apontaneity and. ‘individual: 2. ity. Arpangments. are. atraight,: 7 often. ‘dull .and “they haven't. yet: ve Jearned‘how: ‘to... ‘handle... -comedy.. ‘Miss ‘Farro “stands. ‘out: nicely | in| group numbers, has a. ‘good: ‘sound: with the. belts: ‘in‘full voice.. How‘ever; on.solo of “House of. the: Ris ‘ing Sun’. she fell: back™.to. intro-: verted tones. not’ quite’ as. attrac tive ‘as’ she. is able ‘to .do..:. six: ‘months: during’ which they have |: played: ~ ‘College dates: -On’ the] whole, :they ‘have . the basis for playable: act that will, improve with -’ ‘time and :experience. “If. I ‘Had a “Miss Morena gives thé: ‘initial im: ‘Hamper’. ‘proved a. Tousing. hand "wil. “across. Canada -but® hasn't: yet: pression’ of: being. acute and. ‘petite clapper: and “Blowi in’ vIn the. Wind”. ballads. and |.work:. “songs-——he’s ‘a: standout, -both on Vocals and guitar. 7 Rainy night, “poor. crowd, “when. ‘played.the U.S.-It shouldn't be long’ item. But as she belts: out:ler nuninow, because at, his best—-in blues, !hers” this impression’ * disappears, | a. cher coiff'/soon bedomes undone |" j with each... successive : gesture gy psyletting: out’: a “sustained fle |e head” until ‘she. looks ie . some ‘monotonous: string: work, ‘and! of fury... his’ Voice. dropped. a lot: but soon’ ‘warmed up strongly. ‘Quite’ good: on:; “Betty and Dupree” (though -not. a. pateh ‘on:: , Woody Herman's. great ~which. "night ! stand « reviving), ie soared. ona. pair of ballads done ‘im: a. gentle, . . beautiful: voice, “with | skillful guitar.’ ‘backing. Voice. "was: |even-richer in “Train, Bound-for: : Glory” (“Ain’t no: discrimination” on» J } this. train!”) His intros® ‘were. okay, . -}but. mostly: not joud enough. =: ° Gromwell ‘: “wisely .chose. Henry” ‘for‘his powerful. closer and; ‘when Called back, ’ ‘topped | it -with “Downhearted Blues, * in’ which hé: ‘did -a. tricky: guitar ‘interlude: He’s. | bound: for: -DIBEEr ‘things, a ho ra ee “Gard: ner;: Rowena is: a -natural. ‘for. the. disks. JOSE & JOSELLA ae Dance: fe -14° Mins: : coe Liborio, NY. eee ae Jose & Josella. “are expérienced | ‘Spanish’ ‘dancers,’ They. work: in thea | flamenca : ‘aS: Well-as in more “format >| dance’ designs : and provide an in-{ terlude strong .enolgh: ‘:to.. warrant. | long: applatise. They.can do well on :their. own..and can . also’: “give a -strong lift » to: “Latin ‘producti on ‘numbers | vin the: ‘more | ortho cafes. ‘The team: is: tall: nieelygroomed. elegantly’. .costumed. ~ AGVA Exec Ba. — Coritinued froin. page. SLi —_— stood. that | ‘she: had. some: backing for: this: post. However, Noaction has: ‘been: taken: | : execitive: board was. to: restoré the the Philly : group. It’s. believed. ‘that. the: “board? st = step: will: ‘halt’. the ~“Goveriiment’s. ‘suit. This’ would :sayé’:AGVA. con-} ” | siderable. ‘legal ‘costs; “The. board’s |.” position © was. that: continuation of |: the union’s trusteeship..over Phila-: ‘he lacks: the drive, personal’ -pro-. ‘delphia _ jection..and insight: to get. to: audiLanditim-Griffin, “Act. ences “and Was. illegal ‘under « "the The exec’. ‘eonimittée‘préviously “and. slow “.and ; was’: ‘taking “whatever ‘action ..was necessary to ‘halt: the huge. outlay| of. legal: fees. ‘that: “had: ‘been -plageing: the: union. ‘The restoration of |: ‘former. prexy... Penny. | ‘Singleton’s | membership. rights,’ following a 10 “‘year‘suspension, was also done in that. light. _* Miss: Singleton has . offered’ to: tsettle.-hér’ $75,000. suit against ‘the |amion ‘for $10,000 costs. Acceptance: ‘{[ will | be: . decided. by. the “national rocked. -by’ a $400,000 suit. : filed: against: the union. late “last weekin ‘Chicago by’-agent’ Al Dvorin‘ resulting. from the pereenter’s place‘hen. on the AGVA. ‘unfair: list. He ‘is suing. for -$200, 000. ‘damages’ and. story). Treasurer. ‘Swann ig ‘studying AGVA’s books ‘and he’ ‘may .recommend ‘retaining . an ‘independent as well as. the: ‘interim, committee, take the: view: that they: want: to leave. Faye’s’ Successor. with. ‘books in top. order, | os a se at: this Point.. ““John'| | ROWENA op ture, p smile ‘anda trim figure:. “1“Seven Old. Marrowbones,” a They |. ‘ake. one’ change of garb.. Bulk. of: their. work in in the broad brimimed -hat, “short: . jacket and _frouséred “costume: ‘closely associated the. Castilians: Their .top. numbers: ‘are in-the spirited manner. -They | -{-perform. a--zapateado. and. ati: alé” }.grias, both. of which have excellent’). ae “choreographic designs.:: Their: work. | eal l TR. authentic, -and. spirited.’ Jose. “with: | ‘Skidoo, “L.A. | George ‘Reich . Ballet. (13), | (See Separate ‘accounitant: to. assist.: him. ‘Swann, | While ; this is onie: of: -the. ‘str ong an‘admission. ‘Pangeé “of $2 to’ $4: 80. : points inher act; itis also.a weak-|ness.” She. provides ami ‘unreliévea: ‘hie will. spin: the story. though. sev-. . » The ‘senorita eral media. which ‘will inelude’side, | would have. ‘given.a miore: ‘reunded forward and. rear film’ projection, portrait..of herself with a ‘quieter | -Similtaneous ‘closed-circuit tv,. and: “Nonetheless,|three huge turntables’. which .-inturn will contain smaller revolving. ‘stages. Old newsreel clips ‘will set. the. atmosphere for *the various. display: of’ passions. interlude. Promising. ‘singer. in. any genre. ‘She. also *knocks. :..of€. : : some .. Strong. flamenéo : “dance passages, ° -and: ‘seems. to be’ an: all-around “per-. former: for specialized.” ‘audiences: Br Jose. Songs. . 30. Mins.:: ©: ; Normandie, Detroit. ‘In. “voice; -appearance. “and | ‘man: | folk. singing ‘eircuit:.:She is a ‘mas ‘white-haired lady with -an. attractive, unlined. “face,. a wari She’. radiates :friendlitiess: and quickly. establishes: ‘rapport ‘with | but... informative intros ‘-to her ‘songs. She. plucks:’ expertly © on. azither,. whieh she. holds on her. Jap, while’ she’ sings.’ oe ; Her voice. is--rich, futi and: true . ‘and “Fair-Thee-well.’ ne: Rowena. is? -an™ * above-average folksinger whose’ ability fo. ‘project to-find asset. which willbe. earning. ‘her. a. well-deserved. reeeption for many. years... Few. Pee ‘CHERRY ‘CREEK SINGERS: Folk: ‘Songs... we 20. “Mins.. Cherry Creek Singeis -are a typi-} -| ally ‘collegiate: new. folk group] “Who: have a nice sound, good: vocal.| ; al blerid and attractive look on, Stage,: ‘but: as yet. they: haven’t the .indi viduality. to make them.:.stand..out ‘beyond the. myriad dozens of other such groups:who have: lately begun {to crawl: out. of the: walls: ae! :: One. of: the ‘first: acts of: thenéw.| “Quartet, Don. Saroyan, ’. Alan’ Light, “Dale ‘Monroe ‘and::. Talya’ Farro,. sing quite: well, _butthey. Olympia, Paris | Paris, Nov. 13, Richard: Anthony, Francoise ‘Hardy, :" Jacques Martin, . Thedy, Pompof.. & Family (3), Rivas (5)y.Comte;. Miloit -Duchamp,. $4 top. 000.. records .since “1958,..and:: Fran this’ flagship.’ “yauder... ‘Both. show boards ~-with ‘Anthony more. poised. ‘But the more: ‘af‘fluent. youngster. “patrons” ‘should |. rock ‘and. roll .crazé.-but : may. be drawn by: curiosity, Anthony. has: r'n’r ditties about:love: while: Miss ‘viewed. under New Acts: last. week. corks a: good. singer imitation. and cannily | apes: “the. ‘POP: wars. in mi — -her ‘audience. through’ the informal . a “ Although’ warmth. and friendliness is.a hard| ‘|Lmany'’ who. would: doexcellently in. Ne House Review i an 7 austin ‘but! has enough. inventive .Roger’ 7 -Roger : ‘Comie, Daniel. Janin: Orch. (21); ‘coise. Hardy, -over’: 1,500,000:: plat‘ters:in 18 months, are costarring at}; | clownishness.“to: “his. ‘routine ‘that some stiffness and monotony on the: somewhat. give. this. -four-week. Program solid : ‘than: ‘a “production . gloss. . ‘shows: that: hé. has «absorbed: clas“They are also backed” ‘by: a savvy: ‘absorbed Cia show: to. help smooth : over. older }'y ‘regulars .who ‘may not go for the ‘the right: voice for: rasping: out. ‘have smarter. and. sharper arrange-. ‘ments for musical.-interludeésand} also ‘does well: in baekirig the acts. |: Roger Comte‘is a. pleasant ‘standup ‘comedian who shines in. little:one‘liners: and short ‘gags on: ‘his: own ; Hardy is-more: languid ‘and: gentle ‘even ‘if her. basic . rhythms | follow: the same: patterns. .Both ‘were re ‘Jacques ‘Martin, : héretéfore a: Snappy emcee: at ‘this house, . un-. show’s “numbers. cementing for” this snappy ‘Pro: duetion.: . Mo. sks. ‘impression . number that :not only: ‘nicely balladed *. : Dale. ~ Adapt Missile ‘Continued from page i — — ‘Periods depicted in the production: 2 Vmiedia‘merging: in this: musical, will -. Lereate: new: ‘techniques ‘w orthy. -of application, to: .other . Shows. Season’ ‘Boxes: ‘house ‘will be the. sale of. season. will” distribute the tickets. to. their ‘guests. Food and drink. will be. sold. in -this section to be known.a as. the: Diamond, Horseshoe: other forms of: revenue ‘that. ‘could be exploited. in-. “connection with |". ‘this “venture. ‘They are talking» aq. -bout making the house a tv erigina tion.point-at the Fair. There. will be “on: such niimbers -as“Poor. -Bill,” facilities which: will be’ available x | cgohnny. Has. Gone ‘for-a Soldier,” | to: ‘networks. and . for. those: ‘taping. ‘shows. Artists, which permits. 21. shows. weekly. ‘at no extra salary, the Staff. feels. that ‘it: -will be “too. ardtious. 1 to expecta cast to. be. fresh. during. ‘: {that time. ‘with ‘né days _off..Con-: | sequéntly;: they. are: duplicating the: [east ‘so that no. ‘ performer: will: ai. | give: two shows’ in. succession. Dup.~-Hicate: ‘costizmes --will: also “aid _ in’ “| providing ‘a ‘fresh. facade for each presentation. ' ae three “weeks 4: interviewing. before: auditions. Sight . form in the dark at auditions; ‘and. the ‘parts | ‘are ‘eliminated because: they cannot. ‘know the. effect’ the director’: is: striving: for: Ta ness ‘in lyrics ‘to: make. the . bit | sharply satirical ‘as well aS. a ‘take-. Off, Asaucy: but local: number ; this.. -Thedy, Pompoff. &Family -are a classic. musical clown act with: the | right buffoonery, . ‘timing. and trick. gadgets. It adds ‘up to an expert filler. Rivas. -aré “three. women: cand _|fwo' men’ who do ‘fine: ‘Precision: aa ol jugeling for. god. ; EWo isk star rock idois: ‘Rictiard q ge ing good. results, _Anthony wha lias sold. over 5,000,|" ‘Milou.. Duchamp: ‘gives — ia. ‘ship. and verve. -for. these. demand could.:make: if. an okay “entry. for ‘Doites’ or revues ‘here. But theact | is. offkey at this: flagship. house. : ‘George: Reich Ballet i is: now more: Reich. sic; musical‘and house terp‘to come up. with sharp, inventive and flurried: thumbnail ballets: ‘that please, stimulate: and: divert: in their own right. ‘Daniel: Janin: | “Orch. ‘abpéars. tol. as. well: as pertinently introing the. He’ ‘a’ good: ‘Group. has * beentogether “only |. tion, ’, | sounding voice blend.. Bob. Raines. | and Rick” Stover ‘play guitar and. = +) Chuck Hensley, ‘bass. ‘Stover -han-. | dIes the m.c. chores. for the group, In) addition, Da Costa says ‘that | Both: Da Costa. ‘and. Wynne: feel: that the ‘multitude of. show ‘biz |: ‘boxes. at the .Music* Hall” for ‘this: presentation. Sales. are. being made‘|" to. various ‘industrial .firms’ which BILL: HAYES” | Songs. “To Broadway: Ww ith ‘Love"twill bé -under jurisdiction |of. The American Guild of ‘Variety into :~-the * ! characterizations sought.: Actors, he’ says,-often | per-' -Coun 7, “with — NEW Acts — 87. ‘THE CHANTEYMEN, ow Folk. Singers: oon 40 Mins.-: oF hungrii, Frisco” . : These : three » youngsters: from ‘Fresno are (a discovery... of. Lou frequently. ‘It's indiv iduality:. ‘ “Super-Skier” (a ing), and: standard: folkitems like “Putten” ‘on: the. Style” and | ‘the ‘| sual agony: SONS like *‘Blood: and. 2 Tes 7 ‘a. miners’. number. They. do’ ‘them all. with convieassurance and a §smooth in.:an’. affable fashion. . group: could. ‘take its’ place in the ‘folk circuit and: ‘be. a. ‘solidly ‘pro‘fessional act .on” any. nitery’. bill, especially “in. those spots cateririg. to: the folk crowd.” Rafe. VICTORIA: VELEZ ‘Songs. 7 15 Mins. _ . -Liborio, N.Y. ican’ singer working in. an ornate Velez is easy to fake. Her’ tunes manner is: disarming. that: holds universal entertainment valués, | ' Jase, 45. Mins. _ ‘Eddys’, Kansas. City . After: several years ‘in realins ‘of show: business. from. Broadway: ‘to operettas, ‘television, ‘summer. the atre:and. -motion pictures, : Bill ‘Hayes’ has. Set. his” sights on: night Clubs. on. the | premise there ‘is.a rising ‘interest ° in ‘the romantic Singer .a-la Goulet and others. His ‘the: love ‘theme:He does .a three rhythmic. standards from the present | on . -back. There ° is no. “doubt. that ‘this ‘{s poe SEED a BL STE CER TS AO TER Ne -GottHeb. of The. Limeliters who obviously has coached them musically~ ‘since’ they get. the Limes’. sound ' a. good sound but..'s getting :a-litle conimon in: the. . folk: field’.and is no substitute. for oe ., Pheirrepertoire’ consists ofsome new:-material, satirical and comic takeoff ‘on “Superman” and ©. ski-. “After: a * little: ‘seasoning ‘this Victoria Velez i is a pleasant Mex7 ‘Aztec costume. who: sings the songs. “| of hér native heath punctuated by _ | | {incidental native. dancing. Miss’ One of -ttie. innovations in ‘the are’-melodic.” and earthly and. her . During ‘her. top number, Miss” Velez: has :a° lengthy. dance inter-. | lude in which: she: ties a knot into. -: a rope .by pedal action alone. This °* " ‘seems to be. a folkloric: item of the t Rio’ Grande country, but: still on : Staff also. believes: that’ there are | . . debut. here: reveals. a. >bright pack: ‘age of tunes with. ‘emphasis. on phase. ‘treatment’ from the -lov-e.. ‘songs of: the current. era: to: ‘great | ballads -of. recent. years: and. ‘Da Costa’ asserts: ‘that. he ‘spent aets | He. felt: it |. -best: that. performers ‘have® an -in| a highly saleable performer . be. causé ‘he has: ‘unusually strong rap port with the : femmes: in voice, : Z indicates «the musical} entertainment. “It ‘is all capably crafted from Hayes”:own “singing ‘ed by Sherman Frank as a Hayes Cardinal”. soon“ to: ‘be released, in The. Tove song ‘interlude: has ‘such as. Fly ‘Me To the Moon” and “Misty,” ‘with special bits, “Love's. the © “Onty.‘Thing That | ‘Tdentity — That's. and © Me.’ Among. the ballads” are. “dIrresponsible’®. and “No. Other Love” {from ‘his ‘Broadway show $list). The: standard. “Bye, Bye Black bird”. draws’ a rousing reception -You” and “It Had .To Be “You-~Made, Me Love You” | good follow through. “The latter. parodied. is a. suitable closer. drawing. |. B. -sock ‘salvo. Sonny Mar. is: down from ChiCago™ .for an opening 20-minute laugh ° Session, Dbarbing. a. variety. of issues’-and ;proving he. is, -as billed, a master of tumult: He. has a. running line. of laughs, | a per: -Sonal‘mannerism. or: two, ‘Special ‘attention to’ a drunk bit, a’ whis-:” ‘tling finish and. a. bowoft with his... {Patented “standing ovation.” in. ‘to.the’ special _ material by Lyn. ‘Duddy ‘and. Jerry Bressler, the 2} producing: by. Luba, the: orch .enJarged. from: five to nine conduct-. cohort, and. the jazz. feeling of the. ‘arrangement. ~.His role .in “The cidentally,” should be a plus in: ‘en-. gro-| gagements for sometime to come: tesque, version of.” bop “and rock |: singers: which. lacks ‘the «musician-: -looks....and tasteful. presentation. vss Men_ ‘will enjoy: this because the.’ “music Complies -with the trend. to. | the modern. jazz lift. This is a new * ..” }-@areer dimension for Hayes, and 4 ‘he. takes the. ‘step with a big. stride and ‘high excitement. . : Presentation ‘of 25. songs in 45. ‘minutes. depth, ‘and the singer’s ‘ personal =| zest: makes. this a.-main. course: of