Variety (November 1963)

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"Te Fe ‘a rel od Represing 3256 Deficit ” for. producers trying to get .tryoute | we sion of Anthony Hope’ 's ‘novel, .Prisoner.of. Zenda,” ‘closed. Nov.: 16. a Wetnesdey November A Things hava been’ tough recently + “from: the’ Coast -to: Broadway.. ‘Two | “shows ‘earmarked. for ‘Broadway 2 _ felosed. . in. California” during © ‘the |: rane at: fortnight.. One ‘was :the-musi=: ae Pye “Zenda;”: and: ‘the. -other, : ay Log straight. play, : “The | ‘Time. ‘of the: i Barracudas. mo Zenda,” a song’. and. dance. yer-. “The. “"s'. "Sgn Pasadena-at:the end of a week’s po ce Chanson Theatres Dee pee eee oppo ees Theatre, L.A., ” five theatres; : the’ Chansonniers,’ -are® doing. ‘good: business. : offer ‘topical revues : ‘that : ‘belabor. | : censorship,. . “De Gaulle’ itied’ to curb. them a | —<bit during. the Algerian troubles: -. He. gave up. the. effort; however, | J engagement: preceded by ‘runs. of ” -»igeven' weeks each: in San Francisco’ “and Los" Angeles. : The -tuner, a “+ += Civie: Light’ Opera: Assn:, “ presenta . _‘tion-on the. Coast, was. co-produced |. “by. George ‘Schaefer. (Compass Pro-|: . Tats ‘ductions). ‘and. ‘the ‘CLOA’s, Edwin ‘Lester... “The. production;: eapitalized “at +"! ,$400,000, played. to hefty. subscrip -. -: tion. business’ on~ the: Coast; and ".° there’s’ been no. disclosure’ thus. far: of. the.: loss . ‘on. the venture: ; which, it’s figured, must, ‘have: been: _ ‘more than'50% of the -investment. “~ Alfred-“Drake, Anne “Rogers and Chita: Rivera: costarred .-in. ‘the tuner :for™ whichEverett. ‘Freeman ‘wrote. the book, Vernon Duke the “.‘musie and. ‘Leonard. Adelson,:. Sid’ ”Kuller and Martin -Chanin’ the: _ ; lyri¢s. . ° . Last. Saturday: (23), “Barracudas” eer & folded: at. the: ‘Huntington Hartford:|. .-° after threeweeks os _ en. there: ‘That. engagement had. been |: -preceded’ by a ‘two-week. ‘stand ‘at -’ the Curran’ Theatre -in. Frisco.” A: ‘substantial chunk of the $100,000: ‘invested in: the. Peter ‘Barnes play, _ which~ costarred Laurence Harvey ~ and. Elaine’ Striteh, _ is: figured ‘to. . .. Fepresent®.a. deficit. : Nevertheless;: =. "°°! the’producers have-announeed. that aes . theyintend réactivating the show, . 2: ? "after doctoring; for.a Feb. 28 open: a ing in: New: York: -. . Although: most. * : shows “which: >. shutter ‘during-their. pre-Broadway. “."tryouts: don’t make it-to. the Main’ . Stem, . some. occasionally" do.” ‘One. “(Continued ‘on ‘page: 62): Pep. Paris Legit Scene: With Topical Spoofing Paris, “Nov. 26. . * Although ‘legit is: generally: in: the doldrums in. Paris -this: season; “They “politicos; people in ‘thenews-and intimate ‘spots’ with Dix-Heures | , -* hey” are’ deehitivalty: free. ‘of. ‘though. ‘President and . they | now. -have = ‘almost. un limited -freedom, ‘even libel. action, 1 ‘being. -virtually.unheard of... “The ‘Chansonniers . “shut® dows. during ‘the. German: ‘occupation, too. “SS Wany ~ references. . got laughs . that {3 2 ‘the ‘Nazi. officials : ‘did: not -under|] .gtand. Even. now, only Foreigners |At". ~: familiar with the French language {. -“ and :¢ontemporary ‘French ‘life’ are | a Jikely: to-appreciate. the. shows. . 1963. “a x, ere pls. Considering Apes On Guthrie: Theatre: Tax Minneapolis, Nov. 26... "Phe. city: attorney’s office here. is { | studying the possibility of an-ap-. | peal: from the: Minnesota tax com‘c aa ‘removes: the. ‘Tyrone: ‘Guthrie Thea|.”:y ‘ missioner's ruling -last . weekthat tre frem‘the.. Minneapolis ~ real “estate “tax rolls: The. tax: decision ‘was based.on. the.’.fnterpretation that. ‘the. repertory. operation isa’ “charitable: and non-profit. institu‘The: “Guthrie: Theatre. had: ‘ap pealed ' to: the ‘state: ‘attorney . gena | eral .after‘the local city. sassessor ‘had sought ‘to: Impose -a"$65,000 | -yearly. levy. \on--the. “ground: ‘that | the.’ -playhouse: charges. admission and jas an $800,000 ‘valuation; In’ ‘granting the theatre real. estate tax ‘immunity, :.the -comimissioner con‘curred. ‘in: -the. state | attorney gen-eFal's findings in the matte in the matter, * More US.Spa US. Spanish | |-vestment’'as of. that -date. Set} sit Deal Madrid, Nov: 26. othe. -association: of New™--York: lenin, agent Elizabeth “Marton -with Madrig-based. stage represefitative. Andres Kramer.-is strengthening a|j link: between; ‘Broadway -and. .the: Spanish capital’. ‘city. During -the: ‘former's: Madrid, ‘the: -Marton-Kramer ‘tandem acquired. ‘American: rights to -“E] Caso de-la ‘Mujer Asesinadita” “The Case of -/ the: Slightly: Assasinated.. “Wife’”’), which. ‘was’ staged: here. by: ‘Miguel ‘Mihura. earlier this. year from the. Script. he .eo-authoréd with Alvaro de‘la Iglesia. ‘The’ comedy. mystery. ‘thas -been. picked. ‘up: for’ Broadway. | Production. ‘by. Saint Subber..: 4 Having™: been. instrumental in. | bringing World: of. Suzie” Wong” . and: Rose’ ek 's “Claudia”: to the. Span-. is agency introduced: ‘this: year the. “Auntie “Mame,”: stage, the Marton-Kramer successful ““Mary;. Mary” -by. lead jing Tegit lady’ Conchita: ‘Montes: and |: | her: resident .company “at. -the: ‘Teatro. Valle -Inclan. The Jean | Kerr: comedy 4s expected to. -run until . next ©. Easter, . when. it. will. (Continued ’ on Page 62). social. fads, * with (no attempt at. — production values.” c | ... “Ehe houses: ring. ‘up ‘such: late. “hours: ‘ag -9 to. 10 -p.m.. “They. are. | ‘capacities | . «Yanging: from. -200 .-to. 300.‘seats; .. mostly. at .a’ $4 top. They. include. : * the. ‘Caveau: ‘Republique, Coucou, . Deux-Annes, . Lune-Rousse.. “Sey Right . Out You. Performers sometimes sing. ‘their. it ‘skits and parodies, which explains |} —. --.: the name. Chansonniers. ‘They. also | At. eb ‘pretend -to consult written notes, iW ..: V which.are: generally, just props. --|f] .: 3. Some..’shows have’ femcees.. in | <<." Jittleside: windows: alongside -the | oy yptage’ to heckle.. latecomers. aiid: ” performers..: “Shows. ‘change’ -yearly _ and. ‘usually have ‘punned titles. -Chansonnier . performers .:. jes. Some. of. the ‘better : known: are Jean Rigaux, ‘Pierre-Jean: ‘ailland,: i Maurice Horgues and Jean Be: Doulens Back Jan. 1°: Hhimphrey. Doulens; one ‘of. the a “partners. at’ Columbia: Artists* “Man-. sagement, ‘will be. able ‘to ‘resume; Wo. .-" fulltime’ work: ‘there ‘on: Jan. 1.7 Me oa Meanwhile,. he’s ‘uppart: of: each |: Ee, day. and ‘doing. Jight: work. . “also | ‘double: at music: halls ‘and: niter’ “NEW. york 10036 TOW. athe SP “LONDON; Ss. W. ie a ‘St. Jomes's. Street: : "Piccadilly . ‘Recovery: from his ‘cardiac. ‘trow| cn on = pies of: last summer: has-been. very) | ae CRA elas : eas Sa. watisfactory of date: os : ¥ Joe “Anthony Ne ew Prez : “Of Stagers:& Choreogs | "Joseph Anthony -has been élected | president of the Society of Stage ia irectors .& Choreographers, : sucom 0 $11,000 From RKO “The | “One: Big Season Deserves. ‘Another. “lovingly Warmed ‘And: ‘Watered. ceeding ‘Shepard ® ‘Traube. Other | . Lester H.° Prensky ‘continues:: as executive secretary of the society. ” n River’ Got | the Broadway. production of “Spoon. River” .to: videotape: the: ‘presentation for its. U: Channel 18 subscription: tv-‘operation ‘in Hart-. : ford, Conn. The Joseph Cates ‘production. netted’ $8,398 of .the:. pay‘ment: after various. expenses... This dricome is. reflected. in an. Oct:: 26]: ‘| audit. (mailed last... week): of the}. Main: Stem. venture, which. reveals | | 3 By way y Closings | ~ Had 2756 Deficit | a deficit of $8,961.on a $30,000: in“That marked the: end ‘of: the show’ s. fourth. frame’. ‘at the Booth Theatre, N.Y., where it. continued| for. another | ‘three stanzas prior to| | moving. last ‘week ‘to the: Belasco |: Theatre, .N. Y. at” the. ‘conclusion’ of its seven-week stand at. the Booth, the. production is ‘figured: to have |: just about ‘completed. recovery. of its investment, but ‘that .was: prior to: the: “expenditure. “of .$5,500°to the move to. the ‘Belasco. The “offering -had to-leave the Booth: ‘to. make way ‘for the .open-. ‘ing. there’ of. “Once for theAsk-'|. ing,” ‘which. closed: after-its preem: performance at. the ™: House. ast ‘weeK:..; “River, is an. ‘Charles : Aidan’ of. Edgar. Lee ‘Masters’ “Spoon. River. ‘Anthology,”: “was :. originally. ‘produced. on: the Coast ‘a. few: months’ .ago:by the “Theatre:. Group. at ‘the . pea of e around California: ‘in Los’ Angeles. show. cost: $17,688 to open .on ‘Broadway. The: word “Anthology” was dropped’ from. the title: after: the Broadway. preem. =~ ‘As of: Oct.: -26;, ‘the overall oper-‘ating profit. on. ‘four’ full ‘weeks of |. performances ‘and-. “two: previews ‘was: $329. -Weekly : grosses’ during. ‘that . ‘period. -Tanged from $H, 668, (Continued on 1 Page 62) Were’ A. Hit. The Sth Anniversary Eon of | “Your: HOLLYWOOD 90028 76408 Sunset. Bivd.” PARIS’ i ‘80 Ave:-te Nesiliy.Pon des Nesiiy Sue Seine, | : officers named for two-year. terms |'|-at:the organization's recent annual |. -. membership. meeting’ in’ New York: :-“dnelude Philip Burton, : -executive'| : vice-president;.: Agnes . ‘de. . Mille, |: -veepee;: Danny. Daniels, secretary, | pand. Bob. Fosse, ‘treasurer. : ‘Summer: Theatre, Latham, were. revealed last week. | by. Eddie Rich, the producer-own|" “Tet, as: having ‘caused losses totaling $10, 000. Reporting they have. taken’ “everything: they::can. carry: :and. wrecked the rest” in: storage | : ‘in five small buildings | around the.|.— -tent,. Rich ‘announced a. $300. re|. “ward for: information leading to. ‘the ‘arrest. and. conviction. of: the | Vandals. . Rich, : head: ‘of. the. ‘theatre: for the last’ five seasons, said. that the. loses. are not: t entirely: covered” by |. insurance. . 7 For Pay-TV Tape ‘RKO Gerieral ‘paid $11,000 to ‘adaptation by: Publish: Your License. to Prosper. 4 y : : : Admit You: “were ‘Going ‘at. ‘High _ Professional Speed. ‘Put Yourself In the Class Marathon. ‘Advertise i in’ if You. Don't. Plan: For: Continving: Credit, if ‘You Don't, Attend. To the Record, ‘Achievement. Can Wither _ On a The Vine.: Stay 4 ‘As * Bright As $ you are... oa Vandal Loot and Wreck | Colonie Summer. Theatre -AYbany, Nov.. 26: * three: raids ‘since. October: by | vandal-burglars _ at. “Over. $2775, 000. was ‘invested: in|. the three productions which ‘closed |. on. Broadway Jast-week.. One of the “Once for. the : Asking,” | shuttered after its: preem performance; another,: “The Golden: Age,” played oily. seven: performances, “Tambourines : to | :. Glory,’": racked up a. ‘total of. 24 ‘performances. - entries,. and. the. third, “Tambourines,” a. ‘gospel ‘singing play. by: Langston Hughes and Jobe | Huntley; was presented at the Lit-tle Theatre ‘and marked the return. of that 603-seater. to. the ‘Broadway: legit ‘fold, following: a stretch as a television showcase, The: S.°& H. ‘H. : Baron. ‘presentation is understood. ta’ have | been’ capitalized. ‘at $125,000;. ‘The. loss on-the ‘presentation Which gave previews: ‘in lieu of an out-of-town ‘tryout. and played. to. meagre busihess during its regular run, is -be| lieved: to be. in: “excess: of. its. eaph. |: talization: “Age,” a. ‘pesentation ‘Dy: “Arthur f Cantor and. ‘E. E.. Fogelson ‘of a ‘program of writings ‘and ‘songs ol bateck Elizabethan period, with mate| | an annual week's. ‘arts in Glasgow were taken here. Venture: and Sydney “AContinued : on ‘Page 66) “LENG T THE SCENE OF YOUR SUCCESS. ‘& A CRIME AGAINST YOUR STATUS... ~ Speak up. ‘Give Your: Nome, Le Prestige should Be CHICAGO 60611 © 400. 'N. Michigan Ave... “ROME 3° We Serdegea 4 a Stee re a re ee eet a ‘the’. Colonie in. -suburban: | . performances. : By. JESSE GROSS . Broadway’ s_.legitimate theatres | shut down . Friday night . (22) following: the assassination of Presi| dent .John. F. Kennedy and again” '| Monday evening (25).in observance’ J of the :day of national mourning. ‘A total: of 26. Main’ Stem productions ‘were blacked out Friday, plus. ‘off-Broadway: and‘touring shows... . There’ were. only 22 Broadway _ ‘shows : involved. . in ‘the Monday — night . cancellation. _. Two entries had closed following their evening . No Legit Grosses ‘The regular. VARIETY. boxof-. ; “fice: ‘estimates. for legit: on . ~ Broadway and. the road :are’ being ‘omitted this: week. Be@ause ‘of -the ‘cancellation | of Friday night (22) after the assassination of | . President. Kennedy and the “fe _:generally disastrous.-effects. of | . the tragedy on Saturday busi1. mess, last week’s receipts were’ not. represenfative and did not reflect the. standing. of the shows. involved.: » For the record, the figures will” “be published in ‘next. week's issue, however. ———— ‘performarices Saturday ‘and another two. regularly give Sunday matinees «in. lieu: of Monday: night. ‘presentations. The. closings. were “The Golden’ Age” “and “Tambourines to Glory,” -|while the other two offerings,. the. ‘only .Main ‘Stem entries this week to play. the usual ‘eight perform. . ances, are: “Man: and “Boy” and. “Spoon . River.’ -Off-Broadway pro-. ductions. also. generally. give .Sun~ day. matinees: instead of. Monday. night ° ‘performances... Had conditions: been normal. last ‘(Continued on page 62) Glasgow Wants Ow International Festival; “No: Edinburgh Challenge. ' Glasgow, Nov. 26. * Sreliminazy steps to setting up. festival of the Jast. week at a one-day “Lively: Arts” confab and show, with classi | cal, jazz, drama. and vaude artistes | ‘combining their talents. I! Citizen’s Theatre.. Alex MeCrindle, ) the chairman, said it is absurd that oe “Glasgow, : “the. second city. of-en{iil tertainment’ in’ Britain,” did. not. ‘have a festival of this: kind. . | > “There is. a: great deal of ‘talent 1 in the ..West. of Scotland; |4n -the theatre feel itshould be at ‘the. and we supported,” ” he asserted, adding | that ‘the’ “organization: does not. en| Visage a challenge to Edinburgh’s: jannual Festival ‘of Music and ‘Drama, but: there. is nevertheless -no reason why. Glasgow ‘should rot” HH have its. own . gathering. of . this | kind. ““McCrindle‘said. “local show biz . | had come through a bad patch; but | trends -were: now ‘hopeful. He con}-eluded, : “Jt “is now the. ‘with ‘it’. thing arhong young people to :go “to the ‘theatre and concerts, and the ‘square’ thing to stay. home if and watch the ‘goggle. box.’” The one-day show featured per | | formances ‘by the Scottish N ational rchestra; ‘conducted’ by Alex Wt ‘ander. Gibson: songs from-tv and. stage tenor. Kenneth McKellar; .a’. ll “vaude act by: comedian Johnnie. | Beattie; ‘light from the... Metropole Theatre. orch;. and legit |. acting -by~ the: Citizens’. Theatre. eompany.7 Duncan “Macrae,. Scot: ‘actor, ‘Jed. a discussion: ‘On. the” future ‘of live theatre. ' > Staff for Tor Fany G Girl’. Jack Schissel_ is general | dinate ‘ager, . Dave Pardo! is production “. 4H supervisor and Frank Goodman is | préssagent — for’ . | which. Ray’ ‘Stark and. David. Mer-. “Funny: ~Girl,” Tick: are producing for a Feb. 27. ‘at. the . Winter | ‘Garden Al ire, NY, is production associate -” — Yon: the: musical, . Fa ae et le or te ae eet oo