Variety (November 1963)

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. ests Plan was’ averted. last: weekin’ “the ‘Sale. Kenneth: ‘Car| __Foad .of most of the’ stock in the] 7 investment-producing® ‘corporation. oc Phe’ ‘board ‘of directors of the firm,. which. hhad.-a ‘six-season_ "deficit of | _.: $308,027: ona’ -capitalization of. “:°-. $372,873 as of Jast June: 3¢,, iad: ine. “od formed. the. stoc kholders Last’ Sep-. ". tember that a. meeting: ‘would. be __ held in‘ October: to. vote on: its ree-. ommendation: that ‘the. ‘corporation i 7 be dissolved. cat “poned,: howeyer, when an_ offer. to.. “i+: purchase ‘the company’s. “stock. ‘was _.. ‘ Carroad, who's. associated ’. with James:B.: ‘McKenzie: in-various legit ventures.. McKenzie is presi ‘dent . of. the Producers: “Managing’| Guild, ‘which chas ‘been: ‘producing | ; “a fall ‘season of plays. at the West --port :(Conn.} Country. Playhouse. > the™ Cherry andthe Theatre in a Garden, Fish “of.theFish Creek ‘Summer. shows: TTP. Stock was -contingent, on his. “obtaining: pledges for. the. sale of 22.” 81% of the’ outstanding stock. Re-: we plies’. ‘to’ his offer. are still. coming '“:"4n.: from: stockholders, but’ as «of ..-" last’ week-he: had ‘purchased 31,000 Class.-A’ shares. at: -24¢ eath.: ‘arid 22,000 -shares” of’ Class B.-stock-: .at “le a-share.. The: issuing. price. was | . $10 for: Class. ‘A stock,and: Be for “oh Class: B stock. *. * ; _ corporation: beén dissolved -the in‘Stial. liquidating ‘distribution: would’) have run to iiot more.-than 5e-to:|" 10e. per. share: of: Class . A. stock. | ; . Under: ‘the déal made. ‘with. .Car-+ : -Yoad,-a’ “person selling 100: shares. “lof..Class A-.'stock, purchased ‘at (a’}: ’ eost: of $15000, ‘would. “get: back: -$24 ao ‘permit. .a write-off ‘up. to.-the. frst. GP eG oo . fae . .7t . oat . . . 7 . ” sth fe . ee . . ° ae . tee . . -. . . . we Screenplay; : Wounds,” nS novel. ° “cers ‘of: the corporation’ were Mcé-. “Kenzie, _ ‘Hereules, secretary-treasurer. . The | __ former officers. were :Theodore. Je : -Rittor;-president: and 'teasurer, and. -Tracy W. Brown, secretary. . Ritter: . .-and:John: ‘Gerstad, ‘a ‘one-time: TIP officer,” -. $2,750 ‘by. Carroad for: consultation . : “Horton, Rhodes and ‘Stang es ./"i. the “Way to: the. Ferum.’’ Martin. Tahse road . /presebtation 7) wall “also . have. . Edward : Everett’ a ~ Horton.and' “Erie Rhodes. in the | ''5 0... respective parts-first. played: on the-.. Main. Stem: by Raymond Waiburn. |: ~ at ‘and ‘John Carradine. : Wednesday, 3 November 27; 1963. _LEGITIMATE® : 61 ; ~ Lawyer Manager oy t To Operate Production-Th :-.Disselution . of | Theatrical. Inter+ --The vote on “the. riatter: was ‘post; The Westport ‘Showt¢ase was leased | by'-Carroad for the’ fall Season. ‘He'll reportedly ‘take over Opera-" tion..of the house ‘from.. Laurence: ‘Feldman, of the.-Laurence-Henry .Co:, for a three-year period after}. the: expiration next. summer of thet -latter’s lease.on the spot. “| Incidentally,” McKenzie, -syho's| os ~~ also. ‘president of :the* Council of . Stock: Theatres; an. organization. of ! key strawhatters, ‘had’ been‘ general manager : ‘for Feldman‘ for several. years. until . his ‘resignation last | ‘spring. -Carroad is also. owner of. -Lane ‘Theatie, . N-Y.,. Creek, Wis. . McKenzie. is: producer Carroad’s. offer’ to. purchase* the Tt’ had: been ° “estimated. by: ‘the:! TIP board of directors that had the’ : of: his” investment; It's: ‘understood however; .that ‘the present tax laws $1,000 on:sach an investment... 2 -Continuation: of the’: corporation, t. " by. -virtue. of -Carroad’s : stock* pur chase, means that. Carroad: ‘now. has’ . a substantial ‘interest -in dividends’ | J forthcoming: to. TIP’. from’ invest-: i ‘ments: madeby the firm. ‘There are “ -'. also ‘TIP: ‘options on ‘certain works: a that remain active, principally: two. --seripts by English playwit right. John-/. “Mortimer;. fort” and. “The” Wrong: Side. of. the |. : | Park,” -as.. well .as -film’: rights ‘to “Robert Thom’s: . Down: We. Go”. and: Frank Gilroy’s |. “The Shame. “of... Our. =based.: on 1 Arthur Roth’ sagt Mary;”. which: began. tour. “TwoStars. for: Com-. “Angel, Angel,: Elected: ‘last week. ‘as. new: -offi president; . ‘Spofford an Pe Beadle, ‘vice-president, ‘ ‘and Thea. were ‘paid. . -a---combined services -in the. operation of. the: Corporation... ° Dy Set for Touring ‘Forum’ ‘Arnold ‘Stang. will: play. the role: of “A Fanny Thing. Happened on” The. “As: ‘previously: ‘reported, Jerry’ ol . ‘Lester. -~who’s ‘subbed.:on. Broadway. oo "for. the star, Zero: ‘Mostel, will, head Dec. 18° at the’ Goodman.’ Theatte, the. road sompany.” aa. C3 a yt restaurant: completed, by 1967. . . . > . an yo a ng De a E a oy . ‘Choir, “singers, "| Orchestra. _ ‘The’ ‘Oberlin: group will be: in|. in. March-April: .of . next -year.. Following. in. May for a: two}. i. Russia. ‘Mary, Mary’ B-T Troupe ‘production . stage. ‘manager, “manager... T te les Siods k ; Te: Include Legit } House In Glasgow. Civic. Centre Glasgow; Nov:. 26... a new: civic theatre is ; ‘included. in plans for a new cultural. centre. here, replacing ‘the ‘burned-out St.: ‘Andrew’s ‘Hall: auditotium, ‘It will | -succeed the present Citizens’ ‘Thea-’ ‘tre, situatedin: the onceé-notorious: ‘Gorbals district of: the ‘city; This'} ‘Jatter :building will “be -razed “in |. 1965. under. redevelopment, plans. : ‘The new. . Citizens’ Theatre is | Hkely: to. be on the-site of the for-. ‘mer: Buchanan: Street ‘ ‘freight sta tion. In addition -to. the legit house; | it will have: a “large concert. hall, plus ‘an. art: pallery: arid “a: modern Yvonne Chauviret Paris, ‘Nov. “96.. -‘Shakeup | ‘in. “the: ‘Paris -Opera’s ballet ‘department, Lifar, -oldtime | overall’ ‘boss, Also out. “is “Harold “who. ‘has.* moment: “Lander, . where «. he; allegedly, own: At. the: * same. ‘time: “yvonne | ‘Chauviret, “who: was: the : Opera’s. primma.“ballerina for’ many: years, returns: to the theatre : with: her |. post” unclear; «but . probably as’ a: sort of:¢ombo. “artistic. supervisor,” replacing both. Lifar -and. ‘Lander, yon ‘and: -reporting -diréctly® to: George] Auric; -Opera’s” héad ‘man: ‘Auric |. says: Chauviret will also dance, ‘Hut | this: ‘is’, doubtful, except on * Tare | “gala? o¢casions. a ‘STATE DEPT. T 0 SEND ~ sPRO GROUPS TO USSR| ‘Washington, ‘Nov. 26, setup *. of | American... ‘shows.’ ‘amateur: ‘Selected for tours. to the USSR | and’. “the * ‘month: tour will ‘be ‘Holiday .on Ice,” ‘making areturn Soviet ..en|. .gagement. “The Pro Musica group. of New York: wiil travel in October N ovember, 1964; : The ‘Cleveland Orchestra’ Ss: ‘tour: is ‘scheduled: for. April-May, 1965. Ends: Tour. ‘Dec. 4 or 14! The. pusand-truck’: production : of | ing last: September in Los. ‘fengeles, will fold either Dec. 7. in Roanoke, | Va., or. Dec. 14: in: St. | Jean” Kerr. ¢omedy,. which: is ‘still ‘running. on Broadway; had.: three.. 1+ companies On tour. last. season, twoplaying” major. city. stands and. the “other ..a.‘ motorized: ‘edition: “mostly: ‘pliotographs.. ‘and. Al ‘Hirschfeld’s. Paul:Phe. ore | DROP PLANS T0 TOUR :| National: Performing® Arts. -circuit. ‘The project” is:to. he | Broadway Theatre League dates. no the -key city tour. lined-up ‘by. the-| Indépendent | Booking. ‘Office for:| |-another “Forum”. company, which: with. .Serge. out.-|sees. no: replacement ‘as: of . ‘the Been ” Dalletmaster’. for. the” past::12 years . ‘and who.returns. ‘to“his native Denmark | ‘is. ‘about to : | form. a “new. dance troupe . of. Ais} : Hewes Deviates Fro rom. “The: Siate ‘Dept, has divided. tts. for | Soviet. culturat.. exchange onthe . basis. of. three: professional ‘to one. ‘are ' the Oberlin’ College '} “Holiday . on Jce:”’. the.. Pro. -Musica™: chamber . -orchestra : ‘and |: Cleveland: clear to: the buying public. oe . Certainly;.. ‘Jast...season, . the: edi: |; tor. was hard-pressed to: find 10} ; Plays. ‘of merit... “His -additional |. : [Peggy Wood Set to Star | Ih Chi’s ‘Ansi ‘Menagerie’ |” . Chi¢ago, Nov. 26:: It: will be: the’ 20th: anniversary ‘Civic. -Theatre, -with-. the ate ‘Laurette. Taylor as star. Ls ~ BT OF FUNNY THING. "Henry © Guettel : has ‘scrapped. . plans: to send out a bus-and-truck ° ‘Happened . on -the : Way. to. the -Forum.” Itwas to: have. toured the. ‘of ‘. split-week <stands,. | including The ‘cancellation does. not. affect. Martin™ Tahse ‘is putting together rest, :Philadelphia. : “The -’‘bus-and-. ‘31 = at. ‘the © ‘Bushnell Auditorium,’ Off, 9. of the NPA: tinie that ‘had. been scheduled for “Forum: ‘That'll.-be. concentrated mostly -between : the ‘Louisville, and the. Feb...10.‘start of ‘a four-week’ ‘starid. at the ‘Royal Alexandra, Toronto. . “Guettel js. currently, represented ‘on: the road ‘as. coproducer with truck: ‘edition. of “Camelot. mo by | Henry. -Hewes. (Dodd: ‘Mead; 4 $6. 50). is. the: ‘current | ‘yearbook in| \-series,.established: in: 1919" by’ late. | Burns: “Mantle;: former. drama’ ‘critic al Of N.Y. Daily: "News. “ ‘Editor Hewes: selects two" off-. Broadway plays, “The Collection,’ ” and. “P.S;. 193,” among | so-called +10 best” ‘of: ‘the-year,. thus chang‘ing character and. intention -of. Man-. -tle’s work... Reader can’ ave.’ no” quarrel © with : editor’s opinion :.of plays‘ in “this. category. are. to“ be | productions done: away -from. New. .York; by. Tittle . theatres, amateur must. also be considered. | books ‘thus ‘cease. to: ‘pecomé reflec tion: of: Broadway’ s best, which, ‘of. course, is-privilege: of ptiblisher: and |} HUROK TO BOOK TOUR ‘editor, but ‘which -must .be “made “choices. “are: “Stop. the*. World—I y.Want to-Get. Off,” “She Loves Me,’*}Lt “Who's: Afraid. of. Virginia. Woolf?,”. -}“Tehin-Tehin,” “Rattle. ofa: Simple t Man,”: -“ Andorra.’ *.’““Mfother * Cour{.' age .and: Her: Childyen, * and: “The ‘Milk. ‘Train Doesn’t Stop ‘Here “Anymore.’”’despite’ critics’ gerieral opinion that -it’. was: Tennessee Williams’. least satisfactory. entry; and “Andorra, ”. ‘and “Mother...Courage”’.. were “unhappy attempts: to: present alleged -minor, European. ¢lassics” on. Broadwa “Book, “as “ asual, ‘eatries’ “several | © for. split-week‘bookings.. The. pic spirited “-stage: ‘drawings. from: the Roger: L.. ‘Stevens: ‘sent out the! current bus-and-truck ..edition”. on | primarily -on ‘broken time, with the’ dates booked. by National Perform: ‘ing. Arts, : “which. also ‘routed ‘the comedy's. ‘prior . ‘motorized | tour: Headlining ‘in the vehicle, current-. , ly: at. theShubert Theatre, . ‘Cin cinndati,; are Mindy. Carson,” Jeffrey | -Lynn and--Pirie. MacDonald. : “originated ‘on Broadway.: ‘by | Jack |. Gilford. in’ the: touring. production. The staff for the touring . pres: entation: in¢cludes:. Victor: Samrock,. general: “manager;, James Awe, com pany ‘manager: “Arthur. M: -Brilant,. pressagent; John L.. ‘Moorehead, Andy: Rasbury,.. » assistant, ‘Chekhov’s. “Three. “Sisters,” three-week engagement: Nov...’ 29-" ‘NChicago. and |* _ Stage | attraction, willbe a “Fledermaus’’ Richard | Waring will” "star in. for a oGe fee jments, “most: important: of" which is | VARIETY’S ‘tabulation: -of ‘hits: and’ misses.. plays. ‘produced outside New . York, -and. theatre. books, .. Late Sara ’En‘right; long one cf Broadway’ Ss most _picturesque.. talent: representatives, ‘would: be. astonished ‘ ‘to. find. him-Self. listed: ‘in Hewes" mecrology. as: a ; press agent, . -Rodo.. ‘Saleburg Readies. ‘Fleder’ oe Salzburg; ‘Noy. 26. Next ‘Salzburg ‘Festival’s ‘opera “(The ~ Bat) . ‘conducted -. ‘by .: Karl Boehm’ in.a. new -production. The = ‘staging ‘willbe. entrusted . ‘to Wal‘ter . Felsenstein, “Kast “Berlin's. much’ sought-after “stage director. : -Frosche probably * “willl: ‘be Played “4 by. Helmut. Qualtinger., ee oe “Péggy Wood will star in -a: Bis, | duction: of “The Glass. Menagerie,” | —1-at the Goodman Theatre here Jan. \=: 10-29: | | IE. Martin. Browne . of the Chicago. break-in © of: the | ° : original | production of :the~Ten|: nessee " “Williams.: drama . at: the |! ‘touring. edition of “A: Funny’ Thing |: ‘Joe Levine Plans | for. a Dec..-25° ‘geatway ‘at the Fort. Paris Op’ Pro Tem! -| Hartford: : “Stop the World—Want to Get |. ; current: at. . ‘the Shubert ‘Theatre, Boston, will pick up. some. truck’ tour ‘was to have started Dec. ‘Jan.4 conclusion . of “a. three-day. booking * atthe: Brown Theatre, . Arthur Cantor. ‘of. the. bus-and, | called.” ~ Best Plays’. ala Mantle © “The Best:Plays,1962-63." edited: ‘tation. off-Broadway: prodictions, : ‘put if. ‘héadlined ‘in “Best Plays, ” then néw. groups: and‘in-schools* and colleges: Year-" ‘ Last-named was. . chosen 4: | Emile. Littler to. N. i, z. Sees ‘Honorable’ Author | There. are’ incomplete ‘sec| -. tions. reporting’ prizes. and. awards, ; ‘tan. the West. End’ producer and: ‘his’ ‘Wife, -former actress’ Cora Gof| fin, will catch. the current. Broad“way. ‘shows. With .a view. to picking. ’ [properties for ‘presentation: at =the .|Palace and Cambridge: ‘Theatres. . The Littlers will ke at the. St. Regis ta Hollow © Crown, ”. Broadway. last season, opéns.. Dec: Stager-Teacher at B. U. ‘Boston, Nay. 26." . “Martin Browne: drama iirector Of: Coventry ‘drama by: British. playwright. Timo| thy: -Holme, ~ tentatively of participating directors; Browne ‘will also teach in’ the theatre arts | ‘division during his.BU stay.:He is. .|accompanied . -by his. wife, cactress Henzie: ‘Raeburn. . a OF Bway. House “Baving’ ‘already. “built. one film ‘ New ‘York ‘and with: an| other. still’ “under Joseph’ E. Levine has entered into ‘a’ partnership -to. build andoperate {an ‘off-Broadway : legit .house.. -The| new project, to. be called: the Estab lishment ‘Theatre; will be used as | a showcase for the: development: of | ‘new: -writing. -acting. “and: directing | talent: -which: Levine. hopes: will | wore be available: for. picture} WOr: Hf ‘Partnered “with: ‘Levine in. the project. “are .: legit. producer “Ivor | | David’ Balding: and:: -actor-writer. | Peter. ‘Cook. These -two .are:-pre-}. ‘| sently | xwponsible for _ the revue “The New Establishment” playing ‘at the. Strollers: Theatre. It} Will be onthe’ floor. above ~ the} ‘Strollers, which for: previous. years. was’ site. of: El Morocco. . Balding:-and Cook will: handle] ‘most of -theactual operation of the. showcase, at. which plays and re-| vues: will: bepresented. Levine’s | -Embassy-has the exclusive’ rights to all. material used by:-the.. opera-" tion, ‘with an eye. to. possible pic-. .ture:.material or the: possibility of “development. for: Broadway presenSybil: Burton’ will be casting director . for. the: project . and Bal “Doll: will handle .publicity. “The project: had : originally been : forecast ‘to. begin. a lot -earlier? “Ginger: Man”. which . opened ; ‘off|: “Broadway . last. “Thursday: evening: (21): was to have ‘been its: first. pres-'| ‘entation.. Press. of ‘business which’ -kept Levine on the go on-the Coast and. abroad. slowed. the: plans: OF 2D MET COMPANY | The Sol. ‘Hurok: office’ will book | the tour’ of the. second company; when.. organized,. of’ the Metropol, . tan Opéra. -This troiipe is ‘planned | +to-travel :most of” ‘each “season. Hurok ‘booked: ‘the -tour. ofthe | +-Met ‘proper " ‘sonmie: “years ago, in}.. association with Marks Levine, the then ‘head:.of National ‘Concerts & | -Artists..Corp. In “repent: -years -the |. ‘spring.-:tour ‘of the Met -has been fairly: well established. under. Jocal } ‘guarantees, with ‘the tour: handled by Francis: Robinson’ ‘as surrogate 1 for Rudolf Bing: . Second: Met. company. is expect| ed to hit Some. Cities and. Span: 34: week ‘season. . fure version. of thecomedy” is now: NY.. ‘Times; anid: it: has” customary ‘in national release:, London, Nov. 26. consult : During. a. 10-day. stop inManhat Hotel. . peare ‘Co.. “production” ‘of. “The 30." -at. the. ; . McCarter... Theatre, ‘Princeton, ie : peatre Made $6,933 Ne | Ao or Intl Rep Season in Mpls. (England). | Cathedral, is in residence -at. -Bos| | ton: Univ. ‘Theatre. to ‘directa new titled ° “Trial .at ‘Assisi, ” ta be: presented Dec: 12-14 with student. cast from the. theatre. arts” division: Of the ‘school -of fine and. applied. arts. : Under a.system. established nine’ “years ago by the school’s council -.| a. gross. of $184, 041. -eonstruction, with: A. U. S. tour of the Royal Shakes: 7 _which. played; : Minneapolis, ‘Nov.. 26. The’ Tyrone Guthrie Theatre’ ‘s. initial Season ‘was a financial suc-:.-... CESS, : according. to an earnings report ‘issued ‘by the operating company. The non-profit repertory group: finishéd its 20-week: season. $6,933. in the black. ~ “The net. earnings came. from an average weekly gross of more than $36,000 ‘at the: 1,407-seat house, the total having been. $721,941 for an: aggrégate of 159 performances. The season’s total audience of 193,344 reresented 770 of capacity. “Three Sisters,” ‘featuring. Jessica Tandy, Rita.Gam, Zoe Caldwell and Ellen. Geer, was the most popular of the: ‘first season’s. four of= ferings, playing to 82% capacity, for’ a total gross of $141,853 for 31 performances, an “average. of “ ap . proximately $4, 575. per. performe ance. . “The ° Miser, ” starring ‘Hume | Cronyn, ‘ran second, pulling 51,526 -customers, in 41 performances: for. “Death of a. Salesman,” ‘starring Cronyn: and.” Miss Tandy, . racked up $149,524, its. 41,786 customers ‘Tepresenting © 81% capacity for: the 32 berformances, | The: season’s opener, “Hamlet,” with George Grizzard in the. title: ; part,‘ pulled . 48,881 patrons... who. paid. $168, 596 for 45 performances. It..was.:the. weakest drawing card on.the. slate; chalking up only 67% . of capacity... . 7 .As ‘noted in the report, . the. 21,< 295 “season . ticket sales: brought $278,983: into the boxoffice. Single ticket sales fotaled 91,964, to. ac count. for $357,505 in receipts. Ad ‘ditional. income came from. souvenir program sales, . “concessions... anid gifts. ‘The. ‘report ° ‘observes that the ‘Minnesota ‘Theatre. £°_responsiblefor. the project, . a non-profit needed ‘to. finance the’ theatre a construction: _ : “Other points: ‘of. interest ‘in the statement included ‘mention. of the fered: at. reduced prices and free © tickets ‘were provided to. students: ‘unable. to. ante up the cost. Also, a’ foundation fellowshic propram was ‘set up. ‘dn... ‘conjunction . ‘with. the” Univ.’ of “Minnesota ©: to: provide ‘training’ for graduate: ‘students in of theatre.: operations, and. the 1 Minnesota” ‘Theatre. Co..:.was -the’ -beneficiary : of: a “$118; 000 -: ' Ford . Foundation’ grant. . The. segond season, | opening next” ‘May, | directing for ‘three of --the four plays ‘and, Alan Schneider imported: | to -stage. “The Glass. Menagerie:”. Other. entries. will. be “HenryV, nm “Saint. Joan”. and “Volpone. ° Campbell. will. direct “Saint Joan” and’ ‘will appear. in.. “Yoipone. san “IV: be. a” 22-week‘season, two morethan:the first. Of the company’s . stars. for: the, first. season; | only George : Grizzard. will return, . | ‘Edinburgh to Get Lady? Only Date in Scotland _ -, “Glasgow, Nov. ‘26. 7 Ny” Fair: ‘Lady,” currently. House, “Manchester, is now ‘skedded to play’.an extended season at the. Alhambra Theatre here next summer, «replacing the normal spring-summerrevue ,“‘Five-Past ‘Ejight.” It will be. the. show’s . only ‘date in’ Scotland.’ “7 am postponing the ‘Five-Past | “ih ‘Eight’ ‘show of 1964: only so. that Scottish... audiences. can have a chance to: ‘see ‘My Fair Lady,’ ” 1 Stewart -Cruikshank, managing-di“Emile Littler: flies to. New: -York: ‘today <(fues.):: ‘Michael . Dyne,: author, ‘of. “Right ‘Honorable “Gentleman,” the. Tights, to. which’: he has | ‘acquired. rector of: the. Howard -&. Wyndham chain, told VARIETY, “This is the. .only chance. If the show didn’t eome in next summer, it: might be . another ‘two . years: ‘before it -could be. seen in Scotland. 7%: The: ‘theatre manager. stressed. that the “Five-Past Eight” sho-«, again. ‘staged. Dy Dick: Hurran, .will return, here in 1965. Two years aga the: “Alhambra. -Theatre was given a $90, 000: face-lift to accommodate bigger, brighter ” “Five-Past. : Bight” in. “a. “Starlight © “Room”. -tsetting. ~: “My. Fair. Lady,” which opened Oct. . ‘31‘at’ Manchester, had advance.’ bookings . worth $510,000.: ‘It:-closed Get. 19. at Drury .Lane~ Theatre, London, after five-and-a© ; half years | and 2, 281 performances. foundation. : It ed the. $2,250,000 . fact that student matinees: were of-... the: dramatic. arts and all-branches .. will? have Guthrie. and. Douglas. Campbell again doing the. — breaking ‘b.o, records at the Opera’