Variety (November 1963)

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ae Verdi’s 150th ‘antiiversary. (Oct: {0,1963) and the ‘100th’ ‘anniversary. 1 of ‘Richard ‘Strauss. (April =11. 1964) are ‘two dates’ which: the ‘West: German :opera stages are. marking with’ several. significant perform-. ..,, ances,-13. Verdi operas given in West German opera houses. and | :'. 42 by Richard Strauss... The most. played -work. will be-Verdi’s “Rigo-.}} © _ letto,”: to. be given” by 19. theatres..10 new productions : of. “Nabucco”. |]. .. gre “get. as well as four of..“Simone Boceatiegra.’ ” “Rosenkavalier” will _. be Richard: Strauss’ most. played opera, -given in: 12 ‘houses * -while his |] “. “Salome”. will. “have. been. ‘performed . by 10° and “Elektra”: by nine .. @pera. stages. when the séason closes inthe summer Of 1964..There -will . “. also be niné new productions. of. “Ariadne,” seven. of" “Arabella,” " Gap |: ee Priccio”: and “Frau. ohne Schatten.” uae ae Sa Bee oe Martyn. Green, Jong identified: with: Gilbert & Sullivan, repertory: and: boo. _ an ‘alumnus of the D’Oyle: ‘Carte troupe in Britain, will sing the antic. 1. ‘birdman tole in. the Mozart. grand | opera, “Magic: Flute,’: next ‘Jan. 29. 1 Sarah Caldwell. who: ‘heads the ‘Boston Opera Group which: ‘presents: |] a performances: at the: ‘Donnelly Memorial : is’ mounting: a new. English| ere aon language version... It’s: one of five: works in the 1964 repertory. of. the _ 4) ‘Group along with’ Alban: Berg’s. 12-tone: “Lulu,” Bellini’s “I Puritani,” ” ‘Puccini’ Ss “Butterfly”: ‘and: Donizetti's. ML'Elisire d’Amore." aes nt a a A: reader. in. a letter to Variety, notes. ‘that “Barefoot in. 1 the: Park” |": ere -: was: listed’ as-a Sellout. ina: recent issue, although: the. BTOSS: was |. Poa $37, 494-on a. potential capacity of $38, 692. The. -gross was. ‘reported |: _ with. parties : ‘and: :the © reader ‘apparefitly.: ‘overlooked: a ‘Standing ex-| -. 3%. Jyries, J... ": Manager; Bi Ask; | aan ford: Clark. Stars Patrick O’Neal. ‘Opened | ot ‘21, °63, at the Orpheum. Theatre.’ NYS $4.35 top. weeknights,. ‘$4. 95. ‘week-. oC est: Patrick. .O’Neal,. ‘Margaret.,Phillips,.. : Marian Seldes, Stefan. Gierasch. 7 s ._ Of ‘his. novel, : :. It’s an-expert performance... .__. _. AS. the ‘wife:: who finally. Jedves: ‘her’ ‘husband and returns to: her. wl family. . in. England, Margaret : Phil-‘|“ : -‘Jips: has ‘less opportunity; but: does | what she.can.:: Stefan’ Gierasch: has | ; " amusing. scenes as’ a. grubby Trish: : . American ° ‘who yearns.for: séxual ".experiences. ‘The: Tole. Brows. tedi~.0US,, ‘however... “. > sung. Of. Patrick a Seldes 1 méxe it worth. seéing. eo oe Aldana’ ‘] .<:-*‘one..act by Jean Genet; ' ‘trans. S Tated by. Bernard _Frechtman. Staged’. by. |me .Don.. ‘Manfredi; os Eunice | Anderson,” Oe Braday Revs ~ planatory. note-:stating, "Grosses normally.-have ‘been. reduced ‘by. coni:. LO missions. where: theatre parties: are: ‘mentioned. iors The. Giger Man “Ivor, David Balding & ' Leo: Garen: tn ': _ association. with the “Establishment. Thea-. ‘tre Co. .& Hitcheéock-Balding: Productions, . “presentation . of a comedy-drama in. twoacts by J. P..Donleavy, based on his own. novel.. Staged. ‘by Leo Garden;: sets’ ‘and: eastumes, -Ed : Wittstein; lighting, -' Jules ’ Fisher; pouaie and. songs. by John. Duffy;'}. Donleavys. production. stage horus director, Clif oh Ae =e rate. The: leading charactef,,. played: by |: . Patrick ‘O’Neal, :is an’ ingratiating | fllegitimate. -who takes. what-he can | get: from people: andoffers little. in return, An “American. ostensibly _studying “law. in. Dublin, he’s in -l. gapable . -of .. Spends: most. of is time making ‘his _y Wife. miserable, running away. from. —"'\’ ereditors, ‘and getting-drunk. self-discipline,and The role offers O'Neal an.oppor:: “tunity, to clown “and ‘cavort,.: and repeatedly: to fast-talk. the’ ‘other : ‘eharacters into giving him: what’ he. wants, _Hedoes all. ‘these: en gagingly, and” makes the’ irrever . _ ant, immoral -hero. fascinating. “It’s ~"thefault°-of. the script, -ziot : of. : . .O’Neal, that, the. character’ Temairis ; re something of an enigma and. of 3’, litttle’.concern to the audience. « 3 AS an Trish | ‘spinster wha‘: is. se-} . duced by O’Neal, Marian Seldes is.| "a joy. . the “second: ‘act,.: but’ ‘then’.-brings | ": new. life to. the: “play. * nervous and. . gawky: ‘at. first,. she gains: warmth and: ‘believability as: ‘She. doesn't. come on until Amusingly her passion’ overcomes ‘her: piety. . Director. Leo. Garen: ‘might: have paced. the: first. act. -more. ‘speedily, but~ the. staging ‘is. generally. com-. .-; . Mendable..: The: lighting, by. ‘Jules. :: . Fisher;:is effective, and Ed Witt-1}-:. _.. “stein has: designed » ‘two . excellent. ¢ ~ sets, one a squalid house’ in. a poor -? district ‘of Dublin,’ the . “other an. “elegant home in-:a fashionable area. " . The* ‘between-scenes: music’ ‘by . John ‘Duffy is. : appropriate, * “But: -.: Donleavy’s. lyrics ‘are’. “inaudibly oo ~ “The -Ginger~ Man” . is. ‘an’ _ interesting, if not. thoroughly. suc” cessful: play, and. the performances. O'Neal ‘and... ‘Marian: “Kenn. the. ‘Maids: Theatre” presentation “’. ‘of ‘2 ~ “ney.” opened Nov. “14, °63 ‘at .One. Sheri$4.50. top. weeknights; ; dan .Square, N.Y. C5" -$4.90.‘weekends. ‘Cast: Kathleen | “Widdoes, , Devotees: of. Jean: Genet” “may "find deep meaning in “The “Maids,” ‘ but~most theatregoers are” likely’ to: be. _shonoughly. ‘bored ° by: this” . repetitious; .. biage... : The titular characters; “playea' |S intensely. by Lee. Grant. and. ‘Kath-. ‘are. sisters “who: loathe the. woman: for -whom'-they ‘work. -For the first three: ‘quarters | | Of an hour, they. discuss their plans ‘to murder: her; refer to ‘anonymous . een .Widdoes,. Doniéavy’s.. ‘dramatization. “The Ginger Man;”: -2 9s an uneven work, and “it.never 7 satisfactorily: explains what ‘makes J its hero. tick.;:But ‘the: play. conve tains: several: delightful. scenes, and |" oS dts. cast and production are. ‘first| Anderson, finally: entérs; she} clothes”: :to-. imaginary. confrontations. : departs... to. ‘discuss their despair. ‘endlessly. | _and. ‘hysterically... The .. play * ‘ends | | Nicholas. | Julian “Cohen, Staged by.: Fred Coe;. sets: “by: Shirley Knight, -. Lee. :Granty abese, oneé-acter. . It. lasts: “only |: about-. an hour: ‘and -a-half, bit as Staged. . “by.” the: -Aldana® _Theatre:| group, it. seems’ like ‘four hours.:of |= unilluminating. _ver-} letters’ they have. ‘sent to the: police condemning: her: lover: for :-some unknown . ‘crime, and: don -: her | “act ‘out. -réal .. and. -Wheri: the lady;: played by. ‘evaiea Proves to -be: extremely selfish but | not: -yery villainous. drinking | ‘poisoned. tea: -and soon Then the -‘maids* continue with “one: of -thé girls” evidently: drinking the: poisoned tea." ~Genet has ‘referred to‘the. play| as. an “allegory”. and the maids'‘as. “monsters:” Its “first purpése”. was “to. disgust ‘me-with ‘myself, Dy ‘in dicating‘and: Tefusing . ‘to. indicate | what Iwas.” To the: uninitiated, ‘however, it is. ‘simply. pretentious | and: dull:'To: the . credit ‘of: the ‘Misses. Grant; Widdoes. and: Anderson, if should be noted: that’ they. ‘seem: to know. what the’ Playis: all | about... Kenn. Jonraay to the: > Day: Gene Persson, ‘in -association with Fred ‘Coe; ‘preséntation:-of-a play by Roger O. Hirson;. produced ‘by Gene’ Persson and. -Hyams; associate -. producer, and lighting, ‘Charles’ Evans.:| Stars. Shir ley. Knight. Jack .Hollander, Flora Camp|. bell, Paul Sand. Opened Nov.-11, .’63,-at-1 | the Theatre de Lys; N.Y.C.3 $4.50" top | | Weeknights; $4.95. .weekenids.. Cast: Shirley . Knight, Jack Hoilarer, | “Campbell, Paul: .Sand;. Michael |: Baselon,. Rose: -Gregorio,. Robert. Pastene, | Peter /deVise, -Harold__ Herbstman. ; ” Although: there. ‘are “many en grossing. moments. in. “Journey to }. the Day,’ Roger: O, Hirson’s play about. -mental © ‘patients. in. group-|: | therapy is ‘unsatisfying: : Its ‘focal | character, -a. disturbed: girl: ‘played. written, and as a result the: -erucial. last’ scene ‘is. ineffective. ee ‘Phe. “other : ‘five. patients. in. the ‘|. group. are believable and. interést ing. ‘Flora. ‘Campbell. is ‘warm, and’). ‘trtie aS: a woman. wha ‘progresses . from: withdrawn: surliness: to. ‘self| control,’ “and” Paul” ‘Sand gives: a vital,” -amusing : performance as a .confused young. actor. Jack Hor-+ ‘lander. is: properly: loud and. heavy-" ‘footed as: a. boorish: bigamist,. ‘and 7 Peter: ‘deVise: ‘is fine as_a’ boy aban ‘donied. ‘by his mother.’ Rose: ‘Gre| ‘| gario‘makes the most: ‘of her role: as ‘a Silent.-patient, : and: “Michael. "| Baselon: isquietly. effective. as. the Psychiatrist. in. charge. | '| :“Hirson’s' script : has* -huinior, | De change. of: ‘pace,: and an aura’ of authenticity, and Fred: Coe’ S stag| ing. is. imaginative. “But... the. char; acter: : played © ‘Yather-. pallidly.. -by+ ‘Miss : Knight: is “unconvincing, and} ” {the :final. scené, in’ which: the: psy-. fchiatrist kisses ‘her. to: force ‘her to: release “her. pent-up: emotions, is | implatisible-and: murky. It ends. the | play on.‘ahollow--note.: ~: wo! : , “Journey | to ‘the Day,’ first al a Carolan Daniels, ‘|-MacGregor, Jordan Charney,’ Bonnie Bart: |. Taney Barnette. She ‘avoids |: Gs vaguely : ~ OPPENHEIMER’ “bas an amusing playlet of the Theatre ef the Absurd . in-@ bright. piece ; Genet Kissed. Me oe: ae ™ “anather Editorial Fectere’ a ‘im the upcoming =: so ‘Anniversary | N umber Plas: other itotistical ‘and deoterilled et 7 gharts and. articles. Tee ‘television’ “drama: and Tater ‘tried ‘}.out: in. Westport,” is ‘‘a~ laudable ||. co effort that doesn’t: Suite, come off. |. , : . Kenn. ’ °Telémachus Clay. Play-Pix, Productions (Leonard Davis, Robert A. Gold ston & Nancy W.Green) -presentation:. of ‘a. ‘dramatic. reading in by ‘Cyril. Simon; lighting, Jules Fisher. Opened . Nov... *63, Stage . Theatre, N Races $3.90 Lop. week ‘nights; $4.90 weekends... Cast: John. Tracy;,George’ Coe, . Scottie lett, -Gerald McGonagil, |. Lew Horn, Mitchell: Jason. “Lewis John: Carlino. “bills ‘his Telemachus Clay?” as. a “collage : for voices.” ‘That’s as good a name ‘as any for this’ “yinusual ; dramatic ‘reading, in which. 11 ‘actors. sit: on. -| stools} on‘-a darkened ‘stage: and, iving several roles each, -Vovally_ enact. the. story ‘of a: young | man's} ‘search for ® his. ‘identity. rats The: inventiveness’. of «dir ector Cyril Simon,:the imaginative lighting by. Jules Fisher,’ and the. skill. of. a. .good::cast.‘headed’ by John: -Tracy,. ‘Clayton. Corbin.and talented. ‘Carolan Daniels. keep the evening. : from: being static: But despite the efforts ‘of. all concerned, the: prod ‘uction’ cannot: surmount a. banal and: preténtioussseript, : : The : -here,:. “who .grows up in a -small,. folksy town:that might. have been. created by‘fhornton. Wilder in a had: mood. ‘Leaving’. ‘behind. .a:* pregnant girl friend, he* goes to Hollywood ‘to | sell a. seript. about the end: ‘of. the: world. Tnistead; he: is. seduced: by both ‘a@ Man and. a. “woman, .-and:: after:|other: adventures with the | movie} ‘and: beatnick” :erowds, : leaves ue is. continue his. “wanderings. message ’:to his: newborn .son__ is’ ‘that ‘he too. “should -séarch: for: his father, and: 3 in 80.’ doing. will: find: himself , ’ Much of. the. language, particu-| larly in the. narrative. portions, is "| florid” to: the. ‘point .of meaning-:|; ‘| lessness, ‘and “some. of :the ‘lines’ are in bad ° taste. Never does the|-” trite tale. seen:-worthy of the treat-| = ."Interesting: . in. ‘format, oe “Telemachus. ‘Clay’ is. nevertheless: ment..: -muehado about! very little. . ; 2 Kenn. : at the: Writers ‘Clayton ‘Corbin, | stiggested by” ‘the : ‘mystical’: "SON of. Odysseus. and | * Penelope, is. an. illegitimate: child ne = Coech ‘Hoffman’ * For Limited B’way. Ron . The Laterna Magika -production | ; of: Offenbach’s “Tales of Hoffman” “J{-will beimported from, Czechoslo_--"f| vakia. later ‘this: séason ‘by: Richard. 2 A Fleischer for:a limitéd Broadway | || engagement ‘and then. ‘a short U:S:: 4 -tour. Thepresentation, which com4+ bines live ‘performances with ‘film sequences, Has been presented. in’: ‘Leningrad and Moscow. now: in: its. second ‘Semester. in Prague. ‘A company of 42° and. 30 tons of ‘equipment will be brought over. by director,” ‘Samuel’ _Bronston ‘Harry : Czech ‘presentation to. the: U.S, Vaclav Kaslik and ‘Jan ‘Pokorny, |artistic, director.:and ‘technical’ di| rector, respectively, of the’ ‘Prague. ‘National. Theatre, arrived in New ‘York last ‘scout a suitable ‘Broadway. berth for. the" offering. : . N on-Pro. Arts. Theatre. “Melbourne,. ‘Nov.. 26. with: same ‘name. in. the Melbourne suburb of Richmond: ‘Because «of | the distance’ from town, she. was: . | foreed. to‘ shutter’. the spot : last: year, .* however, | despite ° ‘notable . prodiictions.: . *. Mrs. : ‘Mudge aims to | “produce. ‘plays of artistic'and literary: merit but..not. ‘commercially | suitable for | ‘large: theatres. She. also hopes to: ‘encourage ” Aussie “ playwrights, intending | ‘to stage one native worn -in every'six. Ultimately, it’s intend: | ‘| ed that the Arts ‘Theatre will sup-port’ a filly ‘professional: Tepertory company. Curious. Savage." oe “DANES JOIN WINNIPEG “ances ‘Only “Winnipeg. Nov. 26. “Danish dancers: Kirsten. ‘Simone and Henning Kronstam have ‘been: | Signed’ by. -the . Royal... Winnipeg .-.| Ballet:to guest with ‘the company. “4 Deéc, .26 and. 27. This: is the: third Touring 5 Shows | 6 Figures: cover. ‘Nov. 25:Dée. ot ‘Beyond the Fringe ‘a. ‘€o.)--Studea chr. (Novy. .25-30);. ‘Forrest; Philly Black. Nativity—Royal Alexandra: Téonto: (Nov. , 25:30); Civic, Chicago: Wee. = Camelot—Nixon, ‘Pitt. " (Nov. ‘Opera House; .Chi. Mec. Giri. {Whe | Came to ‘Supper “(eryout)— ‘Shubert,. Phill y (Nov. Hello, . Dolly’ (tryaut)—Fisher, ‘Det.. Nov. ‘25-Dec, ND. ‘How to: Succeed ‘Tn. Buiiness ‘without Really Trying: Gd" (Nov. "25-Dec.: 7%): ca ‘How -to‘Succeed. In Business Without “Really: Trying © Janta‘ (Nov. o5-2):@ Tivol _Chattanoogo (Nov. 29-30); “Dade: County. Auditorium; , (Det. 2-7). Miami Love ard Kisses Gryout)—Wilbitt, Bos ton (Nov. 25-30); Walnut; -Philly @Mec. 2-7). ‘Man.--for.. All -Seasons—Shubert;. “Cincy (Nov. 25-30); ‘Hanna, Cleve. {(Dec.. 2-7).: Man for All: Seasons (bus-truck)—Split “week. ov... 25-Dec. “Mary, Mary (bustruck)—Clowes,’ In‘dianapolis: “Nov, .” 25-26);. . ‘Nov. 28-30); “split-week: ‘Wec. : My. Fair Lady(bus-truck)—-O’Keefe, To| ronto. (Nov:.: 25-Dec:. 7). : National. “Repertory” Theatee_Nationiat, | ‘Wash. (Noy, 25-Dec. D.oye Never: Too: Late. Qa ‘Co. Blackstone, |: . Nov: 2 Nobedy ‘Loves an pibatross tryout) ov. 27-30)3. Wilbur, . Bos: |... Chi’ (Nov:.. 25-Dec: No, strings—Curran; ‘SF. Shubert, ‘N.H.: WN Pajama_ Tops: — Auditorium, Denver. Nay; ' 25-30); Studebaker, Chi -@ec.~ 2-7). | ' -. Stop“ the World—lI : Want: ‘to Get Off ‘a. -Co. }—Shubert, . Boston ‘Wov:, 25-30): -Capitol, Montreal. Mec: 2-7).. -Thousand .Clowns—Century,.. ‘Buffalo Wov. 25-27): “Auditorium, : ‘Rochester ‘Nov. 28-30); Nixon, Pitt. ‘Wee. a ad ose hy. | wee ov: Who's: Afraid ‘of ‘Virginia Woolf? ‘ea Co. >—Biltmore, LA. Nov. 25Dec: Da . pean -dancers. . _ 25-30); : ~ 25-30, ‘moves to N.Y.) : o.)-—-Shubert; Chi: €o.)—Municipal,." At} ‘Brown. -'L’ ville. 2-7). > 25-Dec. Seidman. and Sonic American. St. > i -2-7). “{bus-truck)—Split-| . occasion in: four ‘seasons on which -| the’ company. has‘ imported EuvroIn. -previous. years. | the. soloists. were: ‘members of. Rus| Sian’ ‘ballet companies. | ae ': Winnipegers / are currently on a , tour’ of eastern. Canada, with dates set in Sault ‘Ste. Marie, Sarnia, | 7). 2 ‘Hamilton; Kingston, ‘Ottawa and: os gemeter "(bus truch—-Split-week ‘ov, 7 Mentreal.: “Tour . winds : up. in Toronto the first ‘week in ‘Decem bér, where: the .22-member troupe: is scheduled to: videotape two ‘of its works—Agnes* DeMille’s . “‘Bit-: "| ter Weird” and Balanchine's: “Pas de: Dix”—for the ‘Canadian. Broadcasting. ‘Corp..~ 7 «Company. has ‘tours’ of ‘western 1964, wiffi: the possibility of. some important: eastern. United States} dates s being added to: the schedule.” ~ Bits of London "London, Nov.. 26.. ‘ducer Peter:Saunders-in the chair: ‘after: appearing. in “Stop the. ‘World. 7-1 Want to Get Off.” . .: Eric. ‘Porter has. taken. over ‘the. -role. of Pope’ Pius: “XII -in -““The Representative,’ ” “ate: the’ Aldwych | Theatre. _ . Raimund. Herinex will be Master of the’ 12th * Night. Revels at [Sadler's Wells, Jan. 3.. _ fs currently’ preparing : “Nightrunners - “Oo " r two. parts, by Lewis John Carlino: Staged: f’ Bengal’ ‘for | by “Productions. Bernsen. ‘Jr. will’ be ‘as-. sociated with~-him ‘in. bringing the” | Little Sheba, a | /) Started i in Melbourne front,” K non-professional. theatre: ‘with: art ‘gallery. attached has just. been ‘opened’ in the heart of Melbourne's | theatre‘ district. . Called: the: Arts. Theatre and. seating’ 150, the. ‘baby of Joy Mudge, who originally founded .and directed. a: theatre Canada: and: Jamaica planned ° for} : The: ‘Baker twins, Jennifer :and.| Susan, -are ‘back ‘from ‘Broadway ; hes pic | Tse in Dramatic a By LEONARD | ‘LEVINSON: It was. an. ‘out-of-the-ordinary | promotion to ‘bill: a program of Showcase scenes. featuring the former. ‘World's. mmiddleweight ‘champion. .as “An Evening With Jake LaMotta,”’ but. ‘anyone expecting another ‘eracked-voice Foster ‘Jenkins : ‘concert would have been. disappointed. : Before a rooting section of fans ‘and friends, LaMotta demonstrated. that he can-move about:a gtage, Tepéat lines ‘with. good timing but ‘not inflection above stock-company . 1 delivery, and display a pleasantly ‘truculent. personality. But then, no. “Cast. and Credits Peter. Petrella. & Philip Nolan presen tation of | ‘Program of dramatic excerpts, pith narration, continuity and. sta ging Nolen. . Stars Jake LaMotta; cast also includes Philip Nolan, Margaret . Radigan, Peter. . eetrella. Lynn Dahl -Marjorie Stapp, Nan Wilson. Single pe pane Nov.. 15 "63 “e . ances. ‘that’, ‘would make Sir Lau-: rence: give himself. & center inciser manicure: _ Scenés tatiored to the ex-biffer’ 8 abilities | and‘limitations * were. | shrewdly | ‘Selected. They were from. | “Born ° Yesterday,”.: “Come Back; “On t eWater-." ““Pwenty-Seven’ ‘Wagons -Full. of Cotton, ” “Streetcar. Named. | Desire," ” “Requiem for a Heavy weight, ” “Rose Tattoo,” “Marty,” and. “Of Mice ‘and Men.” . -Members of the supporting® cast. never overmatched: the main-event * headliner, and-in one or twa inStances were left: trailing. ‘Playing the Brando ex-pug part in “Water front,” LaMotta achieved a valid: -ity’ and. sincerity which could. be utilized by some playwright in cre-. .ating..a role where. the ex-middle>| weight might:score seriously. But ‘| at..the ‘moment he needs .more training © and. “experience, : to get. polish | ‘and subtlety. ‘The. between scenes: narration of Philip -NoJan was. mighty hard to ‘swallow, Added'to his pretentious ‘delivery was condescension toward his © audience and. snide, perhaps ‘purposely ungrammatical references to Shakespeare. LaMotta’s : ' | friends were tolerant—a Broadway The. opening production, “Which has been well -received,. is Frank | 0 D. Gilroy’s “Who'll Save the Plow: |. | boy,” for 2 four-week run: It will [IT be followed by John Patrick's. “The it audience. would have. hissed Nolaey. off. his podium. _ Lewes _ Footnote to Wool? | oy. “Leonard Schach, —— For Dee. 26-27. Ballet Perform: ‘| the Waldor | wrote as fol Ws: . |: Editor, ‘Vanrery: ager of. the. Capetown. compan bearing his. name, when he was at -Astoria, New ‘York, (As a: theatrical visitor .to ‘your country, and as national chairman’ ‘Of ‘the South: Africa Assn. of The atrical Managements. I was ‘de lighted to :read your fair—and ac‘curate—comments: on this “baning” -[Edward Albee’s. “Virginia. ‘Woolf”).. -At..a ‘time when many ‘hysterical | ‘and incorrect interpre-._ | tations .are almost. daily placed on “ events here,” it ‘was ‘a healthy | change.. to: see the. true facts zo clearly and cleanly presented “As I-wds away from South Af Tica at. the ‘time in question, this. letter. naturally is a péersonat one. -written: without. any knowledge of and authority from my association — —and I am. willing at the same time ‘to tell them, post haste, by" ‘air, “how. accurately they. have: . been’ Fecorded. Leonard Schach. » Legit: Signings -BROADWAY Conversations in the Dark: Jack | Warden; Sandra ‘Church, ‘Jon | Cypher, ‘Barbara Barrie. Dylan:. Joyce DeHarat. Fair Game for. “Levers: Maggie. | Hayes: ‘The: Stage Golfing’ Society ‘cele-}}brated its. “Diamond. Jubilee :at -a. Savoy .dinner Nov..:17,. ‘with. pro-{-. ‘High Spirits: Lawrence Keith. “Marathon -’33:: Brooks Morton.. ‘What. Makes’ Sammy Runt: George’ Coe, Mace. Barrett.. . : OFF-BROADWAY ’ Ballad for Bimshire: Ella Thompson. Schubert, Jean. LeBouvier.. Crime and. Crime: Alan Bergman, Olympia Dukakis, Louis Zorich, John Braden, ‘Moniea. Lovett, Donald Marye,. Ann Hennessey. —_. Pinter Playa: Michael Lombard. one: “anticipated that the perform -., | Plane: for ‘the Main: Stem: outing: *} whichis’ slated "to: ‘get Underway |: late in February. Fleischer, .a film. » at the Barbizon: Theatre, : ‘Nz ¥:5 ‘vitation. . 3 kdmission ‘by in ‘Burning: Jonathan Frid, William: rea ‘Deprato,. Michael McGuire, ‘Arland © te . oO ne a on, —_ >