Variety (November 1963)

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Ml ORGANISATION LONDON THEATRES [PRINCE OF WHS {fT | PRINCE WALES = . 1 Bernard Delfont Eltiot ‘igo “D Granville” nial Rofiywoed = TAURANT | | + present JOAN Present | Be ont BENNETT 1p ee 1. e” tan — REVUE mpyeveR TOO LATE” | “HIGH Lire Pte Ray 1:30: P.M. My Direc ciort GEORGE > , T ; ; ; oi a = — "SAVILLE: _ THEATRE, W BERNARD. "TOM: DELFONT & ARNOLD *: : _ Present HARRY SECOMBE ““PleawCK” "Director: Peter Coe. . | Messing f , THEATRE, West 49th Se. DAVID . _MERR Rick . ., in *st0Clation. With K IFIED |e : SUSAN ‘MAUG cHION + os WANT. *0 SET OFF | \ ROBERT. NESBITT prop =i ato World a Testing « Co.! . i ROYAL COURT THEATRE, LONDON . with °° |. The: ear ‘Theatre Co. Sop SPUR PRODUCTIONS. LTD.: and. BERNARD. DELFONT , present “GINGER R MAN” ee “by J.-P: Donleavy Directed by _ ° _PHILIP ‘WISEMAN 7 oF EL E vis TT | | Tony Hancock Series * Charlie are ae | | Morecambe & Wise Series” Ant ORGANISATION LONDON ILA Light Opera Season _| : | ote Assn, racked up’ an. alltime |. {|-30-week 1963. season. ended, Nov. 9. | Four. musicals ‘drew 5.13%. -more _.. ff} than the previous record. of $2,327,|, . {| 350: -for ‘the. .29-week 1961season }' Fy] and -11.17%.-.over the’ $2,219, 719 | for, the. 28-week 1962. Semester. ' / | show, was. ‘the: standout. boxoffice 7 | eight. weeks. . Next: was “Howto I take for a similar. span.-‘‘Carousel”’ _. Fiwas third at. $581, 300. for “seven. “~ Tl) weeks; and.: the : season. : finale, | we “Zenda, a “got. $535, 300. ‘for. seven. | weeks.. Whenty. Fair Lady,” with a $778, 800: fi take in: 10. weeks. in 1957. . i | ‘Mark Playhouse ‘Opens; ; . qi | New K. C. Non-Pro Group: oa ‘theatre group: is.the Mark. Play-. f|-house,: which’. opened“Oct. 29° ‘a. ~p. ff ‘production -.of...Jean: Anouith’s |. Hl “Becket.” “Just. two nights. ‘earlier |: I} the ‘Coach House. Players opened | with. .the Jean’ Giraudouxdrama, fl “Tiger: at.-the Gates,”’ : Then: the | -[ Cirele -Theatre’s “second. offering of the. season, “Hay Fever,” opened | ‘Resident Theatre -isoffering ft Community: Center. t by: the University” Players, of ‘the: > Univ, of Missouri at Kansas: City, . -fi-and. the ‘Barn.Players,’ a summer | group.. ‘So. far,: the Mark: group. is’ | vamped: icehouse ‘in ‘the. ‘southside’ | residential ‘community: of Waldo. :MargieMarkine, both alumni: ‘of _ || the: Resident. and other:: groups; : | the. Mark. stressing « ‘classics. : oP “3 B’ way | losings aan | — ‘Continued from, ‘page 59 «| : 7 bial. assembled by: ‘Richard Johnson: |. || and. music devised. by. Sydney Beck, | was capitalized at -$27,500..The. of: Hl the. Lyceum Theatre, N. Y., after: | four previews the. -previous week,’ Po | Campbell; Nancy: Wickwire, Doug: | las Rain. and: Lestér Rawlings. were |) omitted .a tryout. ‘tour, | Soar te oe | * MERNAK ~DELFONT ~ pe | asin ALONG” | JOEL Grey : | UR HAYNES PF ongy ue VP rye THE Wortp — ] Arno, was produced: by’ Jon Burgin |. 3. fl and? “Bruno ‘di Cosmi ona capital-. -[) ization: of. $125,000. It opened .and _f{.closed last: ‘Wednesday~ night (20). By at.the Booth: Theatre, N. -Y. The. ‘and Jan Sterling, had a. substantial ceivable that the deficit. on..the venture. exceeds | its: capitalization. 7 ~rloures. denote opentng dates). Albatross, Theatre Royal ‘Ez. 1469, } . Bed Sitting Room, Comedy 2060, am | ‘Beyond Frings, Fortune 10-6. | central figure is'an elderly citizen:|}ae BATH . a ° @:20-63).: “who ‘has done so much good to his: ” Biflerence of Qptnion, dane ti22, | town that the iater’s society setu ||. _ RATE. Meld Seren. Feany. Thing: noppened: i, Strand (20-3-63). decides .to.make. him “an honorary ||; _ Midtowa. ° * Mall & Sixpence, Cambridge G2isa, ‘| Citizen.” In a burst of conscience || OXford. 5-717. How. to Succeed, Shaftesbury -(3-28-63). 5 Possessed, . Mermaid "G0-23-63). It Severed. Head, Criterion . (6-27-63 1°. Sty. of -One.Adelnhi (9-26-63). ' Sound of Music, Palace (@18-61). *) Kossott, Prince Charles’ 615: 63); closed’ if 1 ‘formances, Shows Abroad | Continued from page’ 60. mee “Unele Vanya | “ground for the opening scene. in. a. garden,, ‘and is. simply. adapted to serve asa -dining .room, drawing. room and‘Uncle Vanya’s room.:. The. play itself ‘is a fascinating. exercise in hope and despair, and -its significance: is strengthened by the skillful interpretation of the other key: roles. There is a wealth ‘of. understariding and -pity -in‘ the | characterizations, which. emerge| “with telling ¢larity: by. the inspired. and. he -also. scores, ‘while another performance. | by Werner Pledath as judge. Chris : Laurence Olivier... for example, is at his best as Dr. Astrov,.a part | time Diersch, is visually lovely as ‘he played. with the ‘Old Vie some. 17 years ago. He ‘is superb in his. ‘jocular. drunk.scene, and outstand|. -.| ing when he rejects the professor's | ‘The. record. single grosser Was | daughter and makes his permanent. ‘departure. ‘The latter, probably: the }-key “scene. .in ‘the play, is’ done ‘| With® great. sympathy -and integrity. Joan“ Plowright ds: a radiant ‘Sonya, once again giving a magnifi| == ‘cent performance: As the hopeful] ||: +f aspirant | for.the docctor’s hand she. : is:a delight to watch; and -her deft |[ 2255 change to resigned determination I] Bese after she’ has been. rejected is aj] 22:55 model: of restrairied acting: . AU. BE MichaelRedgrave completes. the. J Bee ‘stellar-trio as the. title character, ||. “playing. on an. impish note in the earlier scenes, but changing his |}. & “style: in. the third -and: fourth:.acts {]-when he, too, accepts that: his’ fu-. ‘ture will be no better than his ‘past: || ‘Max Adrian’s ‘erotchety professor |] and: ‘Rosemary Harris, as his sec|]. jond, -younger. wife are of the: same }| |. matching quality as the star per-: formances. -Miss Harris’ Ss. charm shines through inher. big | scene: when she tells the doctor that her ||. ~ step-daughter isin love-with him, |}. = unique in. that’ these ‘players. have. patho rest of the up in his s a Tar. | their own .199-seat ‘theatre, ‘a reable. support, with Wynne Clark as-| the nurse, Keith ‘Marsh. as an-im}f poverished Tandowner, Enid -Lori|]. ‘mer as. Uncle Vanya’s formidable | -‘mother‘and Robert. Lang in @ minor’ ~'| a laborer. _ ~ Drew Record $2,467, 750 Bo Los ‘Angeles, Nov. 26... -| ee “the ‘Los. Angeles Civie Tight’! ‘record. gross of: $2,467,750. for the honorary citizen after’ ‘all. “has: staged“the play skillfully, concentrating ‘on the witty dialog and: situations.. Emil . Feldmar, of: Tel Aviv,. gives:‘a fine’ portrayal. of the: title. role, being ‘both amusing and. touching. “Camelot,”. this year’s: opening -puller,. with. $677,200 .g F-0.s s.. for. Succeed in Business” Without]: Really™ Trying,’ ” with’ a. $673,950. but adequate... a wo _ Hans. : Playhouse,: Millburn, ‘N.J., Dec. 26‘Jan. 12,° and:: the’ Mineola Gy Playhouse,_ Jan... 14-26. . ' Kansas City, Nov.. 26... the. latest “Kansas City‘Tittle. ‘Oct. -30. Meanwhile, ‘the venerable: “Mary, Mary,” at ~ ‘the: Jewish: Other local. ‘stage fare is offered. Co-Starring. fn. Currently ‘Jad. Week ’ “THUNDERBIRD HOTEL... “ Las Vegas. “Per: Mgr. t sack BEEKMAN, au, 162336 Gaylord. Marr and | As in all other departments, ‘the | foe oo _ Member techniéal eredits are also standout: |[° — . « Conference, ‘| Beatrice -‘Dawson’s costume designs |} are attractive andJohn’ Read’s {| “lighting: gives..the. right | -emphasis. to ‘the Kenny ‘decor. ‘Muro. oO ~ Managers, i ‘Ne. American Debut — ; “ART EXHIBITION | EL. VE R N A Z Zz A Circus “Ballet Scenes.’ OILS. — Thru. ‘December GALERIE PAULA INSEL. Der Khrenbuerger. (The Honorary: Citizen). Berlin, Nov. 20. . ie Schausp jelhaus ‘Hansa © presentation of | i ‘comedy x in eight scenes, by Victor Clem|}: : .ent;’ German translation by Ellinor Har| ‘tung. Staged by Paul Gordon;. asstistant;. Ulrich, del. Mestre; setting, Kurt. Mark-wardt; _. technical’: supervisor, | Dietrich 2 WIiilfE. Stars" Emil . Feld dmar, -Paul Esser, . Werner Pledath; features ‘Konrad ‘: ‘Hors: ; ‘e ine Diersch, Arnold. Voss: ‘Opened Nov. 18, 763; ‘at the Schauspielbaus + Hansa, ‘West Berlin;. Sot _Mayor °:.:.... eee wee wae Paul ‘Esser : |-Publister. eecedetesecea Konrad Horschik -Madeline. ‘parker’ weaees * Annaliese Wuertz Hotel: ‘Owner oer ese eee: SRopert. Konzack ‘Lawyer :.....3....8.... Rober enric Peter. Werner me -.eeeece Emil Feldmar-: to relocate in L.A. Rev, Sebastian Gonins. -. Arnold. Voss | ¥..-. ‘Write. Box. V-3539, VARIETY | . ‘Judy Parker. :....:.:.: Christine Diersch |: od ‘Ww. dl Sty New: Works: k N, ve 14036. Judge “ened eeebeeseseseue Werner, Pledath ‘ fering, which opened: Nov...18 ‘at.}. is figured to have. run through. virtually ‘all its Capitalization. Douglas “YOUNG AGENT | costarred in: the « vehicle, "Which. ae Asking,” 'a come dy. by Owen. G aggressive creative agent. -Experi College grad, law. ‘schooly. 28.. ‘Witt, ‘The. Schatispielhaus Hansa, al West Berlin legit operation” ‘ile vately run by Paul Esser, an -actor, ‘has had it rather ‘tough. since. its-|. ‘inauguration one year ago. After a'|. _ | series of either classical or -mod| ern offbeat items, hé has presented t: ‘| a-hormal comedy and: an apparent |t_ success,. “The Honorary Citizen,” |} bby. a Hungarian-born American, | Victor Clement. AT . “The: Honorary Citizen” ‘is: lo-. {cated in an-American town. The play, ‘which costarred Scott McKay: POSITION WANTED. tryout .loss‘out-of-town.and it’s .con-. Production: Secretary. and ‘Legal. Minimum start $125 ‘efter amas: -._».. Box V-3538,. VARIETY. 14 ‘W. 46th Street, ‘New York. London Shows. Alfie; Duchess (7-22 ‘Angels Fear Tread,. rs Martins (6-6-63). At: Drop Hat, Haymarket . (10-2-63). ROOMS WITH. PRIVATE he admits having once committed al _ Lock Daughters,. Her Maijesty’s. (5-17-60). Mary, Mary, Queens (2-27-63). | : | dhasters: ‘Piccadilly (5-9-62).. -” '' Minstrels, Vic. Palace: (5-25-62): Mousetrap; Ambassador ( 12550.° _ Bever Tee Late, Prince Wales (9-24-63). Oh, What Lovely, Wyndham’s s G196R-/ 1 oe A NI E W | H IT ee. | ECONOMY TOY SUPERMART Out of esi am (259 CANAL. ST. oi. N .Y. Ce CA 6-4394 ‘UNUSUAL and. LARGE SELECTION OF @ TOYS ano BICYCLES ar DISCOUNT PRICES» OPEN ‘SUNDAYS | / Private: Lives, Duke York's. a ... Repertory,. ‘Aldwych (12-15-60). . Repertory, . National ‘Theatre (2022-69), Shout. for ‘Life; "Vaudeville “CLT. 63). ‘Six .Characters,: May Fair (6-17-63). :. «_ = Swing Along, Palladium (5-17-63)., 7 “CLOSED Saturday,-‘Nov.. 16,. after limited — “en: gage ement: of:: 29 performances. An fos s . Be . Frank, Vaudeville . (11-6-63);" cers . Closed last ‘Satarday. @3) after 21. pertt formances. 7. .. Peincess:: “Pocohontas, . “Byrie (11-14-63):. Closed last Saturday’ 23),after ia per+ ~: SCHEDULED OPENINGS © ‘Gentle Jack, ‘Queen’s (11-28-63) ° ~ John G. Borkman; Duchess: (124-63); __Bioyly’ Carte, Savoy: (12-16-63)..’ “Ne Strings. Her. Malesty’s a 30-69). a | ‘Wednesday, Novenalier 27,1963 fp bank’ robbery, biit the. townspeople | decide. that he “has -sincerely Té-‘formed: and should be. made an Paul Gordon, ‘also. an’ American, 7 Esser. enacts ‘the ‘town’s Mayor. fine. performance ‘is. contributed ‘the romantic. interest, and Kurt” Markwardt’s settings. are. simple: eee “Hal ‘March’ will, star’ ‘in: “The -Tender. Trap” at the Paper Mill “ARLENE FONTANA “FLOWER. DRUM: SONG™. | 987 Third “Ave; nr..59%h,N. Y.@. |---| " Seeks position with ‘agency needing | 5: ToT enced. casting Broadway, Movies, TV.:9° =: oy “Thoroughly. experienced theatrical | = s. AAR ta Aine nS a ote