Variety (November 1963)

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| 70 7 CHATTER Broadway _| week. It was done ‘incognito. . ( subsidized. ‘Theatre De ‘France ‘lest ; a ‘ -Tours Short.: Film:. Fest being:{ ‘New. Delmonico’s has” as its cable ‘address, “Elegance: from’ Nov. .28-Dec.. are: given at. this: fest. Freneh:: Govt.. Tourist. . Office ; held in: that Loire Valley ‘town. aan 2. It is: under|’ ” Gerold Frank-“profiling”: Milton | written by ‘the governimental film: Berle. for’ a spring. McCall's issue; | arm, Jounrees. Du. Cinema. Prizes.{. Over 10,000 subscribers’ “already: introdueing new. director.’ general | ! clocked. for the’ state-subsidized “Rene: ‘Bardy: to: the press at« a Res ency.’ -eocktailery. ; ‘George: “Schaef er discharged’ ‘fioin. Will Rogers. Hospital at’ Sara-‘nac Lake, NY., following surgery, So and” “convalescing at home: “Otto E. Koegel: Foundation Inc., of _ Westchester County, ‘~ has changed to Koegel Foun -dation Inc. Royall, Koegel & Rog-| ‘ers were filing attorneys. at “Albany. Erskine | Caldwell ‘will “visit Vienna in D2cember. to lecture. on. “What’ Readers Know. About. Writers” first ‘at™ ‘Vienna’s, -. America’ House,’ thencat: ‘Vienna. University. no: Jack Entratterinviting the na -tionalpress to. The ‘Sands, Las}. Vegas, Dec. 13 on. occasion. -of. the |. 11th .anni.. Danny. Thomas; ‘Sammy. ‘Davis Jr, and ‘others. will officiate 7 as co-hosts. Encyclopedia. “Brittani: “Press| yesterday: ¢Tues. hosted | at’ “21” for Genéral Sarnoff: -and John _-Tebbel. -on. occasion. of the. latter’s “book, © “Putting” : Electronics -To: Work—David. Sarnoff. ” “CPA J. S: ‘Seidman (8 Seidman); Paul Getty. in London. next : wek, . will. address a Paris group on: his: findings ‘in. Outer Mongolia which’ he visited last: summer. Lincoln : Center | has’ joined ‘the tourist ‘attractions in Gotham. with | conducted tours and will-be in full swing. with. the 'N. ¥. World’s. Fair. commencement: next’ April. .. “UN Guided Tours is in‘ charge, © Overheard at “How: To: Succeed”. “by a -UN--rep-of: ‘one: of :the :new. African: : ‘natioris:. . to Jaugh | at yourself: because this’ “Isa great spoof on. American bisi fess. In some. other country ‘the | “only applause — would be from Ri. ‘firing: squad!” ~~ ‘Songsmith-borscht ‘pelt: “impresario Henry. . Tobias -: has. ‘written “Borscht: In My. Blood, *P anecdotal. anthology of .experiences by and with Eddie. Cantor, George Jessel, “Milton ° Berle,:: Sam. Levenson, Myron ‘Cohen and. other borscht}. circuit alumni. . Queers" Borough. day. Queens County as a ‘salute’ ‘to fhe: .L., 1. Press: and L.. To Star-Journal-}" columnist. ‘on: his.. 10th anniversary } of staging: parties’ for’ underpriv ileged children. Kaner. that. day | “stages his 10th” anni. Thanksgiving: party for..750: .homeless, ‘handi-. capped. ‘and: needy: ‘kiddiesvat. the Boulevard, Rego: Park. . Sir--Fraiicis . Scully, the ‘only be-knighted (Vati-ean) ” columnist — on: VARIETY, in -from -his ‘Palm ‘Springs’ ‘base. New']° “York a. Trafalgar Hospital for. spe| cial, medical attention. .Alice. P.. {Mrs. Seully). is‘ under the: kindly: ministrations of Fanny: Ho]tzmann, the show.. biz Portia. . George C.. Bevel Ir. has‘ ‘resigned | as senior veep. of. Tom ‘Deegan's. shop. to partner with Morton M. | Winthrop | as. Bevel . &. Winthrop, | new p.r.. firm. Paris. oe. By Gene Moskowitz ve, (80. Ave. Neuilly; Sab. 0712) Russo, pianist Sviataslov ‘Richter: giv ing his ‘one French recital : in. |. the ‘city’ ‘of: Tours, ‘not’ in Paris this, year... : -Prejean’s .Son, “The -Paris Addicts: ae tein’ back to his office. here: after a .sojourn’ in. “Hollywood. Hollywood pix. upbeat. Comedian: Fernand. Raynaud. doing his’ oné-man show at the -Al. ‘hambra Music ‘Hall after thé. early | -foldo ‘ofthe -musical “A Golden 2 ‘Profession’. at this house. TV. newscaster ~ Georges. ‘Del Caunes: baek . with 13. ‘programs | on. | the U.S...for the ‘coming second vid ‘channel -here. De. Cauunes is | also" ‘bullish: about NU. S:. tele. President De. Gaulle. attended. ‘al -performariée'' of ‘Paul © Claudel’s “The. Satin. Slipper”. at. ‘the. Btate ‘beau, ‘Teatro Goya:. -Andy Ruésell goes: ‘deross: ‘town | © | from. “bis hit -appearance at the Hotel. Hilton's Rendezvous Room ' while. poewwowing ‘with. client Jean |} ‘|-fonso ' -Pano’s Flabby?” Onn, Annie. Girardot’ went: ‘south for ‘location filming in: ‘Murcia:. head-ing-the cast ‘with Richard. Johnson. Carl | and . Francisco ‘Rabat ‘in : “La: ‘Otra. Cannon, who had organized ‘the. “ts. wonderful , ‘dine,’ President 7 Mario: Careillo. ‘proclaimed. yester| (26) Walter. Kaner.. Day . in appearance at: U.-0£: -New. Mexico here.” (Prank. ’ to: you? ; ‘run for. Christmas issue. ‘Fun‘is: about 40,000 copies. monthly. New -ozoner (the Silver: Dollar. Drive-In). opened ‘here: by, Video’ | Theatres, bringing total:number of |-.. pix city:to19, nine. ‘hard:: tops. and 10 drive-iis. : . Staff . ‘announcer with KABQ ‘here (all-Spanish in-‘| |-dieradio: station),. now teaching’ a. | course” in‘conversational Spanish. ne at local. YMCA. chapter. . -| ° KGGM-TY : (local ‘CBS. affiliate Ae ‘its. -Supper-time TET ‘news to’a full: hour, ‘with hana ; ‘|and* the’ net ‘coming ‘on: at. 5 p.m:,. wool followed by a.-half-hour™ of :local | ~. there). Noted pre-war | pic, ‘star Abert Patrick, now .20,-/-‘undertaking his first: film. role ‘in ’ . Bern|: hein cameback bullish’ about’ the} -local Paris legit :company,. Theatre ||De E’Est Parisien. ‘This .tips how audiences. want; the theatre if they can afford’ it.. TEP. has.‘a $1. top." Producer. John.’ Horseback.” ” Waid ‘By ‘Hank Werba | | caeaat Habana, 86. Tel: 2590497) |. Academician: Jose’ Maria. Peman-| ‘preems his” “The : River. Flows. Through Sevilla” at. ‘the. to theClub Imperator. : Thé Isabel: Carces resident: cot the Teatro: Infanta: ‘climbed +} past. its: 100th. performance of. AI“Some” Like” Mujer” (The ‘Other. Woman). choreography. «. at ‘Ty Hardin ‘took. “over. “Madison Club Cabaret . ‘spotlight with: a} ‘guitar . and. -western ‘Song-a-log, af-. {ter. winding up his: ‘triple ‘assist on. |. “Bou -director , and. COF, the Spainmade: Western as. Stars producer, 9 . ‘Albuquerque . By ‘Chuck: ‘Mittlestadt -.(DIamond 4-1596) : ‘Coinie: ‘Dick Gregory in concert KOAT-TV ‘here. applied. to. the. FCC. for:.a. permit. to: operate: ani: FM radio Station. oo a -Paul. Bain: “former ° ‘promotion. “head. with’.,: nanied’} ‘program: director® on. radio. side.’ of.| station. . ‘Frontier ‘Theatres’: movéd Doug ‘Speakerman. from. ‘manager .. of their Hiland’ house: to the Sunshine BY for Special run of. “Cleopatra. ”* State-ewned slick .“New. ‘Mexico “Magazine” had'a-100 ,000. copy press. Usual “Fred “Chavez, . expanded NEWS... sports’ and weather. | ~ hustria By. “Emil. Maass ““EGrosse: Schiffgasse ia; '356156).. starting. and ending. in Carnegie: , hall. _ Theo ‘Hermann, Salzburg. Seminary in: ‘American: studies.:.:at: Leopoldskron. -an-. ‘nounced lectures 00. “The, Arts: in i -Amertica”. for: 1964, City. of Vienna: “pull” a ‘stage ‘On: the: artificial: ‘lake Tris:in the new ||: ‘Garden City. for. the botanic world: ‘exhibition next ‘year. . 2: ‘Chamber. opera of. ‘Vienna | -prepping oh “The. ‘Music’ is by. oldy.. Jean ‘Gabor will direct... -Nasht . scoring “The Keeler. Affair” . here with a | first. release ‘due. in. Copenhagen. ‘sometime “next.:month. Pic~ was |: made in the™ ‘English language in: ‘Denmark re. the British “scandal. "Local. star Alain Delon. due. for. a stint in.:a: -Yank‘western ‘for: Metro ‘next May; with ‘Arthur’ Penn | to. direct. ‘His “own: -company,. Del-is then oatet’ in: English to‘bee done. -in: Mexico. afterwards. with. Sam. .Peckinpah ' | directing.” It: is: ‘galled . “Man con} Em ie the |: “LRepertoryTheatre. oS 'G:. ““Morisén -. ankling |: "1 BBD -& O’s Minneapolis office Dec. ‘|1 to. become public relations. head. of Tyrone .Guthire Theatre.: i | -Old. :Log. . lof the Marine. Ball. here: t “Ben. -Vienna. ‘Philharmonics. signed up} Yank literary agent Alain Bern.| fF Feb. .2-March 15 U.S.” totir,, “on “their upcoming : (summer ~ 64) “Two: ‘Pedagogues.”’. |: ‘Mendelssohn Barth “London SHY. de Park. 4561/ 2/3 3): next Saturday | (30). --, Lita: -Roza™ follows: her ‘current Criterion Tast.. ‘night. (Tues.). . Gary. Marshal ‘took over ‘No: 4 spot ‘inthe -Pigallerevue, “Tropical. Paradise,” last Monday: (25)... Harry | Meadows: Tan a ‘charity night,: in ‘aid ‘of ‘the National. So ‘Wednesday | (20): ‘season; which includes. “Anna: and | King: “of | ‘Siam,’ and: “Major: ‘Barbara, oa of the Roman Empire” pend. .— last: week afternoon press. screening of . “The Victors,” which. was: launched with ‘Odeon, Leicester Square.” ’ Lord. Archibald; chairman :of the | Federation. Of British. Film. Mak fers; had ‘to“:abandon his’ plan. ‘tol: “attend the -Acapilco* Film Fest | because ‘of: ° ‘pressure arising ‘from ‘the current. British’ film. crisis. © ‘The. Royalty. Theatre, ‘Started out*as a legit house ; ‘and “was. ‘subsequently | ‘leased to Metro, ‘turns. Cinerama ‘. tonight; (Wed.) “when. vit. opens: ‘with: -Grimm,”” which. Mls. St. Paul . By: Bob. Rees 12308: Kenwood Parkway; 3744015). ‘Longtime: VARIETY. correspond-| : ent’ ‘Les: Rees. celebrated” his’ thy birthday’ last. stanza. Minneapolis Tribune seht: ‘drama ‘critic Dan: Sullivan to Seattle last ‘frame to: Cover .opening | Of Seattle ‘Bradley... Theatre, round. Equity’ stock .company’ here, preems.“‘Desk Set”. ‘Thursday. (28). Comedy: remains. three, weeks. All-star Hootenanny: show, ‘shap-|_ . ing as a‘b.o. -bust,. cancelled out in|" “ Minneapolis :* “Tast. ‘week _ shortly | ‘after -another’ folksinging concert: ‘flopped padly. . Guest. ‘stars . with ‘Minneapolis “| Syitiptiony. last round were -Yehudi: Menuhin ‘and . jazz -pianist : Peter Nero... ‘Guest batoner’ Friday | (29), will be Istvan Kertesz.. _ ‘production. of “Barber: of | Seville’ to. Guthrie: ‘Theatre in Minneapolis, ‘Saturday. -(30).“Same ‘:showhouse: ‘has. pianist Eva Knardahl. with the night.. oo “Sheraton Ritz, “Minneapolis. hotel, “unveiled. ‘its ‘Ted Rotman, .former “Holiday. on | Ice”. show. . performer, is rink man Dorothy.. Lewis” is. “entertainment director. : : Q ~ Rome: By. Robert F. Hawking. “(Via Sardegna,’ “43; -Tel. 479316). Rosanna: Schiaffino voted: queen Erich “Maria. Remarque: featured. <<") on hour RAI-TV show ‘dedicated 1 to his “life work.:. ‘and Mrs.) ‘Silverstein ‘of. ‘later head: for: Malaga,: Spain. festival with’ his. theatre . group. Goffredo Lombardo in-“América’ ‘with ‘wife ‘to: 0:0. Titanus’ Telease. “pattern -* there, ' Including’. “The Leopard” (20th). [ap ‘Giuseppe’ . “Rotunno:: -lenser,. to. Egypt to shoot: a docu‘mentary. -on italian © achievements in. that country. . -: Vittorio “DeSiIca’ back: from: Rivierahuddles: with Samuel: Bronston joint: ‘project, “Paris: Exhibit. 1900.’ ”. Director. also may Stage. play “in ‘Paris.: pen En enw tH alia Ee A IS Cn 2 . ‘Zeffirelli poured “for: the: press: to ae launch. new production ‘of ‘‘Ham|’: _ Wednesdays November 2%, & 1963 _ The Screen Writers" ‘Guild. nota-(2 ing -its .annual general ‘meeting Society: cabaret -stint: with. ‘an’ en-} | gagement.. ‘in. Barcelona. : ; Innovation for Wariéty. Club: ‘was a.-.Cartoonists’. “Ball; held” at -the ciety for the‘Prevention of Cruelty: to Children,’ at: his’ 21. Club Jast. ‘Theatre. .The National” ‘Film: Theatre is! currently. running ‘a° Rex Harrison. Blithe . Spirié"). . .National” Screen Service. &xec. | ‘producer. Esther Harris represent-. ed the company at. Samuel: ‘Bron‘ston’s : Madrid: conference. on “Fall: a royal . charity’ ~ preem ©: “at the. | breaker at Uncle Milty’s, in Jersey; ‘brought: back .for a. second week-. ‘Brown .-amorg . the vocalists |: .|.Frank -X Holiday. Hootenanny at ‘Philadelphia Athletic: Club (28): : which. ““Brothers |. is’. transferring | , {from the ‘Coliseum: . The’ Rodney . Jazz Ballet making: capital’ of “West. Side Story’s” -ex| ‘|-tended: --run with .a .45.-minute a ‘cabaret: replice. Of the “Jerome -Robbins* : Biombo -Chino. © 7 — Continued: from page z. — | eliminate; some ‘of. the, abuses of | -mittance | problems and. other. TreStrictions. : only. . year-| »! crease .the organization’s . -worldwide. effectiveness. by. electing one. if eouncil? arn ‘viding for the new structure. willbe :-voted:: on. at ‘a. meeting: early, ' fnext: spring. . : St.Paul Civic: Opera. ‘exports: its his first | since “becoming: “acting. I. head ° of. the MPAA—Hetzelalso -met with. MPAA: reps: and major “St. Paul . Chamber. Orchestra” to-| London. swanky “new | ‘outdoor ice ‘skating ‘Tink last: week. — Continued from page 2 ‘ager:. and éx-ice’. show ‘producer’| Therapy” which-“allegedly: prom ‘isedcuré-all from. ‘headaches, in-|; __-4 indigestion, overeating, alcoholism,.| ..') frigidity, | cerebral Lpalsy, | _| tacks,: blindness, ¢ancer.and a score. jot other: bedy malfunctions. | os of ‘pseudo-medi-. . ‘cal disking. reputedly exploits. the. . same home-hypnotherapy. bit (spin: ‘the record: and’re mesmerized to. health). only this timie“they: don’t | Beverly : ‘Hilton ‘here: ‘on vacation; | Peppino: de: Filippo invited to . | the -:1964 Stratford-on-Avon’ legit Two. color films. ‘on. “Prepara= | ‘tions for:: the 1964 -Olympie winter'|.“-games: at Innisbruck, ” finished by. — Continued from page. Le new: “version. of the boogie... © “Leopard” ‘f ison; Twist, ‘Hootenanny: and. other | music’ and -datice: modes, the.:East Germans have “invented”: five new.|: Jéoks: as-if. the Makota is likeliest: | "1 under scrutiny » for: “political.” in. Giorgio ‘Albertazai: ond Franco | : OS, let’. by. Albertazzi-Proclemer ‘com | ‘pany. ... Milan: disk’ company. ‘Theatre veep; :. Stanley . Warners’ Nat D.. Feldman; Mr... and ‘Mrs. FE. ‘Zanuck; -Alfred. Jorgensen. here; Soraya. to: Paris .after: ‘costume and. Laurentiis); ” Philadelphia c . By: Jerry. Gaghan: _ “G19. N.. 18th St.; Locust 4.4848). ” Rosemary Clooney: in from. Coast’ to. catch. “Girl Who “Came to. ‘Sup|. per”. in which’ ‘Husband. Jose. Fer-| rer... ‘stars: ‘in Star Club:: production of “Girl Who Came to. ‘Stipper,’’.into New. York’s. Mt, Sinai | hospital. for hepatitis. ‘Christine. Jorgensen; .a rééord:, end,. by :owner. Milton Arhbittier: Eagles ‘backfield star” ‘Timmy, boys: at the Sahara, Las Vegas. . ~ Hetzel’s Post recent years.” Deseribed . by: Hetzel ; as a “second | |. | important. proposal adopted by. the . Federation’s administrative council-was the reorientation ‘of. the’ in ternational. body-..towards current: * economic ‘problems. “Appropriate action,” he says, is. ‘planned ‘re-import. quotas, taxes, censorship;. re-" ' Also, early consideration. will be given: to. a USS. proposal to in regional yeep | each: for. Europe, A: constitutional: amendment: pro. During his 10-day ‘teip: abroad— company execs in. ‘both. Paris and. ” Recorded Gure-All somnia, ‘smoking. habit, nailbiting, -impotence, bedwetting, : ‘asthmatic: -at ~The 63: editioi promise to. cure everything—only alcoholism and obesity “Reds Nix Twist Makota, and which: is: defined as a “Just to: get. away from the ‘Mad: of those “devilish western: world dances for their own folks: And it to ‘make: “headway: in’ a” country’ where even. the” rhythms | come fluences.” "Giuseppe. Giannini, cap. ‘Inter: | national. ‘topper, | -off to Los An-.| ‘| geles anid N.Y. -on: biz. talks: for his: In-and-but: Matty. “Polon; RKO: Charles" ‘Moss to. London; | Darryl |. makeup tests for “The Secret” (De|Erskine: Caldwell: in. |: Bill Haley,’ wlio played Germany | | June, booked’ ‘back again. in “| January, four weeks : at: Hambure’s ‘Carl ‘Foreman ‘hosted’ ae "Sunday | dinner: forthe crix following. an| . Joe. ‘Layton, -who~ ‘staged. ‘entire | “local ‘staffer, “Cowan praisery in-tv. dept. : ‘Andrew. and Virginia ‘Stone back | * from London: filming ‘of. Metro’ 3° * “Never Put. It" ‘in ‘Writing: pe, ‘Sonny. Troy, former ‘guitar. ac| -companist. .for.. Frankie Avalon, joined. Freddie Bell and his: ‘Bell= ~| Smith” production, : r | came *for .WB:: | Movietone-: ol | named production coordinator : on. -Tom: Harmon’s : football. short: ‘subS Ject, | “Martin Ti uréw’ s: ; guest house. and. ‘garage damaged by. fire; ‘Dave ‘Barry. opens his 10th tind” at: ‘Sahata” ‘Hotel, Las. Vegas, ‘Feb... it. “ATE: ‘Linkletter™ ‘recuping trom abdominal. Surgery’. ‘but™ back at. -work. | Robert. “Aldrich ‘in London: to ai ballyEuropean ‘Preems : of. “4 for’ ‘Amedeo Nazzari. back: from.: “Span-. ish pic.stint; Eli Wallach to. ‘Greece for “The Moonspinners”, Princess: Texas.” Ben Lessy arid Pattt ‘Moore head: os | bill for. Friar’s:. Club: ‘Thanksgiving Us ” program. Lor Tobias ‘agency. . Lionel: Ames . -his’’ upcoming ~ “Brouhaha”. ue “Sheik: ‘of Araby.” > " “Robert. ‘Wise. ‘hopped: ‘to;: ‘London and ‘back last week for. casting ine : -terviews ‘on “Sound: ‘of: Music.” -Helen. “Keister, . | burs annually: » William. : Porter, former: legit. prodhicer, new : »manager of World. -Theatre, ‘Singer’ ‘Bob: Anthony. As ‘new: ‘assistant ‘night. manager.. Son and. I.” ..) Dorothy Jordan and. ‘Merian_ Cc. ee ‘Cooper’s: daughter, Teresa, makes ~ thespic ‘bow. in’ John Ford-Bernard. co Cheyenne: Aunt S, Arthur: DeTitta, ’ News . Coast “Quarterback. one complete’ ‘her ‘‘role‘in. Columbia’s: “Good Neighbor Sam” in time... _ Chicago “(DElaware 74984)" Lyrie: ‘Opera ” ‘holds.’ | auditions for next year Dee.: 2-3 at | the Opera ‘House... for. a role in “Funny... Girl.”.She snared “Tchin-Tchin” for the preem.. ‘of his “new Candlelight ‘Dinner‘Playhouse. ‘in January. -. ‘William: G.-Zane. ‘named ‘director. a ‘of. the newly. created Visitors ‘Bu-: eau ‘Division. of the Chicago Assn. | of Commerce. and Industry. . ‘Former Daity.. VARIETY . staffer ~§ Muriel “Bean; © now ‘a freelance _.[seribe in. Chi, is-initiating an.over4 = = -the-phone book. reading service. for. a ~[Shut-ins; toy ~ Legit: pressagent ‘Herb. ‘Carlin. 4 | vacationing in the. Orient “for six | \j = | weeks: with. spouse and winding ° aa "/.up. on. the. Coast. to see. . the new’ | grandchild. gambling. in the area.: Universal: Pictures : Ben. Katz takes: off ‘on:.a. six-state. ‘swing © ‘ahead of “Charade” this " week. ‘Roger’ Smith: in. "Tokyo. on. first: leg of. p.a. tour for. “Sunset Strip” oo “ ‘teleseries. . 3 “Mary:: Pickford to. be grand. miarDats oi shal. of Hollywood's Santa: Claus: wa -pbane. parade. . oe :.| “Herb. Tobias home trom: four." weeks: ‘in “Europe f for Goldstone.” ey back. at Jerry re Lewis’ Restaurant: for ‘third stint in four: months." . Len Kaplan shifted to N y. ‘by. ‘William Schuller. ‘Agency . to. head : firm's legit dept: | Robert. Aldrich ‘changed: title: to to Dan Jenkins, ‘former TV. ‘Guide fo. :joined Rogers & os -Ceéil Beaton. returned: to: Lon. ‘don over weekend: after six :months -.. of working. ‘with | WB's. “My Fair Sole f. recently” with Loe Donahue .&° Co. Ine., Joined: ‘Mon-: _.paee, Greenthal Co.” Ine. “as: ‘media. oe | director. ' ee Gerry. Mulligan. tikedthree-year: a record pact with: Philips, . division. of. Mercury,.. calling for three.” aloles ‘Jack’, Lemmon "and Frederick: . r Brisson will attend Jan.-15Tokyo... preem.. of “Under ‘the Yum Yum-! ‘Tree,” -and ‘then go to. Hong Kong. ...| _ Osear Ostroff and Joe.Roschko | .| opens':series of Yiddish: plays . at... Music’ Box Theatre. Déc. -25,. with Herman . Yablokoff. troupe. in “My. . former: Fox: a4 chief," Romy’ Schneider . forced: “to: bow’, 4 {out of. Blake.-Edwards' “A: Shot in’ . | Dark’: for: UA ‘due to inability to | ‘its: chortis. . _ Chi thespJoyce’ O'Neill : signed. ; was formerly: with ‘the “Twist: of! 7 Lemon”: revue" here.. : Producér-owner: William: Pullinsi a Chi: agent Jordan ; Ross: “tapped” wd “as. talent. director for new: Lucayan -* ‘Beach the Bahama Islands.” | It opens: Dee. first: hotel. with | 4 Segional: og sales manager. Pete. Rosian in town © 4 for -confabs with staff and distribs.. -~ | ‘Universal : Midwest “adpub. ‘chief: § . . a . *, . . ed