Variety (November 1963)

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o ‘-as -an. actor ‘in: -Cecil .B.: DeMille’s | _'“The Squaw -Man,”. later: became‘a }.. ey Diré¢tors Guild.” of America, . * Jong. was . an’ assistint ‘production -" Manager ‘as. Well as assistant direc-'|:. os : Eye’”’ teleseries. Prior to’ that: -he + was: swith 20th-Fox-TV for. five: oc. Evening: : . News. also. served: as’ ‘drama. critic to New} =. “gical dancing and edited Everyman. “6< also was: assistant: editor of, oe he. was) a legit. pressagent... “The: Cockney: Princess,” “Obituaries —— ' Continued, ‘trom: ‘page: 58 "pianist and: ‘assistant’ ‘director and . stayed: with the band for 45 years. ~ Before. disbanding: early: in the} “1950s,. theoreh also worked at the prary’ Service. i in: 7929: Four’ ‘years: “Jater, as-director of the League for: :-Publie*’ ‘Discussion; he: : produced |: public “debates atCarnegie Hall... ..: Surviving ‘is “a-son, .Raphael,ai-| rector’. of: the. American" Library: a Service. “RECHARD LESTRANGE .*., Richard . (Dick) ‘L’Estrange, , film pioneer who: started-his career ”” Keystone ‘Kop for “Mack Sennett.|" . -and eventually. turned. to’ assistant . '.. directing, -died--Nov.9° in. ‘Holly-.: wood. | He. was: also’: a: director’ in. early ‘silent: pix. for-a brief period.: A. founding member of ‘the. As-+. sistant Directors‘: branch © of.-the tor: His. last. credits. were -on” WB’s “77 Sunset..Strip’”. and “Hawaiian. years. . daughters. i . WILLIAM. R. TITTERTON-. . “William: ‘R. Titterton,: editor, ‘poet, author, -dramatist ? ‘and : press’ agent,’ died. Nov. 2h. --England.... At various: times: ‘ie éouitributed _vaudeville notes to London‘Opnion, *. Pall: Mall” Gazette” and. London. . Occasionally. . he ‘Age, “Vanity Fair;. ‘Sunday. Herald, . ‘Lioyd’s. Tide... a a “Energetic” and ‘Yersatile,. Pittér‘ton wrote.a: column. called. ‘ “Mainly: :About... Actors”. for Pall. Mall on Gazette, critical’ articles /on: -clas -G)-K.’s Weekly. For .a. brief: period. notably. as. well aS. several‘ books: ‘and ‘volumes oF verse and: lyri ies, ae He. ‘wrote. three” plays, “DAN “A. “CAMERON Dan: A. Cameron, 83,.. Tonztime | __.-music and. drama ‘critic for: The | Leader-Post, Regina, Sask’,. died |. 2 of a ‘heart attack: -Nov. 13. ‘in, the: ‘,.. newspaper. office: awhile’ working on ‘” shis weekly.-music column. % He. studied music: in “New York, taught. voice’: at. Albert: College, : Belleville, Ont., ‘gina in 1923 as: ‘head of the voice ‘department: at the: ‘Conservatory of a pseudonym: Simon ‘the Jester.~Cameron: .also-: ‘wrote | book Tre-. aa views, concert news; ‘covered music i festivals and :didinterviews. in the. *'music and‘ drama field: He became a fulltime ‘staffer. ‘of: the: paper in’ "1954, as an” editorial: ‘writer, and. ‘Musi¢: columnist.: There . are “no. immediate sure -vivors.: a a GLADYS. ‘GOODING: ‘Gladys. Gooding, 70, ‘organist “atl. “Madison Square: Garden ON: OY, -who. also. gang. for athletic: events “at : Brooklyn's old. ‘Ebbets: Field, ‘died. of a heart. attack. Nov. 18 in|: Toronto when 13..and: Jater |: in Chicago. and. ‘Milan, Italy. ‘He. sang: in‘ a. number. | of .U-S. concerts and also. ‘appeared |: New: York. ‘She ‘-was. a. particular. favorite. in Brooklyn because Of | her . musiéal . commentary . on. the _ Dodger games. — ‘". Her: top ‘musical : gags: ‘Were: ‘the. playing. 0 After:.I:-Say I’m Sorry”. following the. home: team’s oss “of the 1952 .. Series, and her rendition of “Three } . Blind Mice” during ‘an unpopular: decision . by’. the ‘umpires, Among | ‘her major duties ‘at the Garden in ". chided * singing national °. anthems | ‘before. sports events: _ _ Survived by. a son ‘and. ‘aught Lore) THOMAS M: ‘DE HUFE: the: Zakin “Co.; attack. in ‘his’ ‘office. : Former VP. | and . “director. ‘of ‘television ~ ‘for | “Cunningham, &*: Walsh ° agency, he | _ Joined Zakinlast “Margh.. A’ resident. of “Westport, -Gonh., “De. Huff, is. survived. by“ his wife, | ‘s0n,. daughter, ‘motiter . and two _ ‘sisters. . _ FRED. SEIBERT Fred‘. Seibert, : ‘68,;.. one. “nickelodeon ‘Pianist: who. Ao Theatres Newark « -also--in* ‘Newark, More’. recently | Seibert ‘was a musical. therapist at | fe ‘mental: hospital in Cedar Grove, i ‘ae 73/1. ‘stuntman. ” “and: aietor,. ‘heart. attack. Nov: 20 in: Hollywood: |. He entered. films in’ -1926:Among |. |stars for whont he doubled: were “Rudolph” Valentino and . ‘Thomson. In recent years: he ‘had’ operated: a riding’ stable: in ‘nearby’ Glendale.: _ ‘ Surving’ are ‘his. ‘wife: three ‘Sons;]. ‘Donald, ‘Newton, Jimmy, and three ‘daughters, Lucille,.“Geraldine: and. ‘Dorothy, latter Mrs. Andy. Devine; ‘children. all. are actors. . oe; he |. Surviving” are his wite’ and ‘two"| o “87, “eritic. if ‘System called ‘Sunday: News. and ‘Time & “ -and. came ‘to Re--| and . Herbert Lom: ~.. ::. ab Survived by his wife, ’ diet. Nov: A native: of: Jamaica, B WL: he: “with ' ‘radio. station WHHH, Warren, O.,.died. of leukemia. Nov: 8 in. that: i “What. Gan I Say. Dear| in: “Youn. estown.. ..time. 7 later} o played: jin Newark;.-N.J;, ‘theatres | a ‘during: vaude’s heyday, ° died. Nov;-{ 7 1B Ain: ‘Newark. He joined. Joseph: “"_ Fecher’s © orchestra at :Proctor’s| Adams and. Paramount Theatres, : LN. J. “Surviving © are ‘his: “Wife; J ACK HOUSE. “Jack: ‘House; died:.ofa DR. “WILLIAM E; BRANDT ‘commentator °: and Baseball. League, who. Was.” osteopath, died. Nov.. 19 inNorris|: ‘town, .Pa..°He-did.‘a' sports com|mh mentary for. ‘Mutual: Broadcasting. “The Inside. of Sports.” He .also™ authored. a” book, “Do You | ‘Know. Your . “Baseball?” |“as. well. “as: numerous “Plagazine: articles.” “Survived by a sister. — “=D HEOD ORE ‘SPEAKER “mhesdore Speaker, concert parties‘. “FREDERICK J. “MOLOHIN: Bloomington, and engineering | supervisor’. for ‘the Sarkes Tarzian. group, was electrocuted. last week: | while -working . on::the company’ 's WPTA,. Ft. Wayne, ‘transmitter: MICKEY ‘Woop: ~Peter. “Haigh;: Stewart :‘Granger,. Sophia’ Loren, Leo. Genn EEONARD ‘WOOKEY. “Leonard Wookey, » ‘opera’. ‘singer. 13 : “near studied: voice | in’ radio.-series: “THOMAS: PELUSO' aot . Peluso, 64," former | American: Broadeasting Co. ‘music | director ‘in Hollywood;: died there |. Nov.’ 16. He headed: the network ; music . dept. in: 1943‘44 ‘and. free | lanced ; in. recent years” as: a. com-: ; poser-conductor, “PRANK: AG STADLER Prank: A-:. Stadler, +87; pioneer in: ‘operating dancehalls ‘time owned. ‘Southern: Park... He: “also‘operated: ‘the’ Chatterbox: Club » Survi¥ ing. are’ g Lo FRANKLYN D. “ROCHE. frankiyn. Dix “Roche, 59;‘screen. and. ‘stage’actor who. ‘danced with | 8 the late. Marilyn Miller’ when: she ‘was’ a star ‘on. Broadway. in. ‘the}* ‘musical. ¢omedy, : “Sunny,” © died ‘son; |" daughter, sister. and. a brother.. ee a 16, “veteran film. Fred: -65;° "veteran magician, “ .sea’ -while on a’ -recent | vacation trip. to" Australia’ in: the ‘liner: Orcadés. “The. vessel J. was inthe Pacific on :the run from | Vancouver ‘to. Honolulu: : ‘Speaker was. a’ ‘ember. of the: 4 Brotherhood:“of Magicians, Sots ‘British Ring. and. the’London. Magic. ae Cirele.: During the: war. years. he}. organized .. _f helped: raise. over: r $90, 000° for. ‘ehari-} 7 Hes. | Lie ee! the | ‘and. He* had. been” with ‘the “group: since: 1957, previously ‘working for)’ ‘MusieAS .a-sideline, “he. started ‘WTVH, ‘Peoria,, TH. ‘a:-Mmusic and. ‘drama column ‘for The]. Leader-Post’ in .'-1923: under. : the: rrr oe “Mickey. Wood, 65,. film stunt: ‘man, collapsed and. died. Nov:: 20 at. his ‘London: studiowhile. coaching an| ice-skating | actress in-certain falls. . Wood: either. taught: the’ stars’-or] stood in for them: Among his: many. pupils ‘were. Hugh ‘O'Brian; -Dawn!: _| Addams, 18, . Y ciaée| and hotelkeeper, 12 Toronto, |. daughters survive. aaa _ Survived by a brother and. sister. ' Vat firstwith Willy Clarkson; “accompanist for”: . John: Thomas*-and. more. recently: organ| . ENov: 5. ‘in. Hollywood.’ Surviving: are ‘his wife, five: sons Thomas. M. De Huff, a partner. rin) and. a daughter. ‘New. York adj“agency, died. Nov. 12. of a. heart |. | orchestras” = Ito ‘Hollywood. 35 years ‘ago. o for ‘films: Surviving are ‘his . wife; ‘two ” | daughters, two brothers: and: three : Mars Sisters. Ton ; a ae ot ‘FRANK ‘WARD: “ame Ward, 67, ‘assistant arpase: ment department. ma 0 ‘a g € ro in 7 . tising on.” ‘Chicago’s“American for: ‘42: years, died Nov.. 19: in‘Chicago.. He was? ‘considered ‘the. dean of Chi . ‘film ‘ad ‘salesmen: ... i ‘Wife, sister: ‘and’ four: brothers | survive: re *. “OLGA: DESTE Ciga“DEste, | ‘Novello shows: as Her. . biggest. success, SAM. PORFIRIO® Sam Porfirio, 42. music’ arranger and . leader -ofthe. studio: -orch at : WBBM Radio; Chicago, died. Nov. : | 18 in that city..He had earlier -ar-. i * "+ ranged and: led ‘units at WBKB-TV.‘. ~ band WGN. in: Chi; . His :own. instru' who. ‘performed: ‘With: ‘Various . Ver-{ _/{ ments :were accordion. and. piano... “pr. William E... Brandt, former. : sports’: writer, . : “ ‘publicity director’ of * the: ‘National. ant}: : Wife, two, ‘Sons Vand. a "daughter survive. . ROBERT. WALTERS | “Robert: K,.. (Bob). Walters,’ 99, : ‘drama editor: of The. Oregonian. 16 -in. Port-j | newspaper, ‘died. Novy. and, -Ore.,. in. an“ auto ‘accident. Inj}. "1960; he “Teft: ‘the: “Medford. Mail: Tribune’ to. join” The: “Oregonian Staff. _ . Suryived ‘by. his: w fe ‘and mother, ic “SYLVIA: WESTON man, died of a-heard. ‘attack. Nov. 19 in Hollywood. She. joined studio years later ‘and. returried. in 1950: ; ~Motherand: brother ‘survive: RAY VAN. HESSEN : Fay Van: Hessen, 50, formerly ‘inj 20th‘Fox “and: ‘Universal . editing. two. ‘daughters; ‘ailment Nov. 8 -in Youngstown, O.. sician. with’ ‘the. Red. Lane Trio.: ‘Son; ‘Howard, former: film producer, ‘Universal. -TV,-.Dallas, died Nov. 7 in Irving, Tex., ~ of aheart ‘attack:‘Survived by. ‘his wife, daughter and: ‘son, Victor: Betis: “42, ‘film publicist: : | Fat of: a’-heart attack. Noy, “15. in | Dail E. ‘Thomas, 47;: ‘an. “engirieer. city: : ‘His -wife,‘four ‘Sons: and. two: “ James Watson, theatre costumer, died Nov.: 17 in London. He. worwes with the Berman. firm.” ist: at the. Hollywood. Church, died ‘Leon. WUndérwood,-” os : "| yeanzeer, teed | Nov. 12° in: England.. | He. specia in touring: such mu sicals‘ as “The. Beggar's 5 Opera” and Dwi n Allen and: actors: the. “Lilac Time.” o: ,° Youngstown, ‘O.:, area,’ ‘died Nov. 8}... in that city. He. built the“Yankee. | Lake’ Ballroom in 1928. and: at:one “John E: ‘Bartley, | 5B, pianist ‘tor “in « the ° “‘Menélaus. Dianiond, 53, vetiaa musician: ‘who: played-.a half-dozen’ -_. instruments, : ‘died Novy. : attack.’ Norman: ‘Walker, s wd: veteran *: actress, . died: Nov. 10 in. London. . Specializing in misic-comedy, she appeared: in many: Jack. Buclranan® and Ivor. ~however,, ‘Was an Alicia-in Eric’ Maschwitz’ 's: “Waltz Without. End, : "based. on ‘the! life of Chopin. is : Charleston, S. Ce depts., died: of “cancer. Nov. 9 in a a Hollywood: * ; 24 Surviving ; are her husband, Rich| | ara” ‘sound. engineer. at: Desilu,. and | Fredérick J. Molohin, -32; chief’ we engineer. ‘of: WITV, Indianapolis: | @arl Testa,. “51, accordionist with] tlie: “Melody: Frio, died: of a héart:!: His wife, ‘daughter -and. two © "sons-| | Survive. Oné. son, Patrick, is: a. mua Alt LeRoy: Urseth, 52, foriier in’ order” to maintain the hairCharles |-combing | trademark he: made ‘famous on-.\“77 . Sunset Strip;" a. Style originated byTristan: as: tis i _ }jown twist combing. '|-his “high-priced: clients? -Théy.. in“95: theatre -Clude . agent. Dick Clayton, man|: “ager Leonard: Grant, “| Eddie ‘Fisher, : Paul Anka; Contino: and -the late’ James. ‘Dean: 2 The penthouse : itself. has: four .|~ lavishly furnished ‘roams -and’ two |: patios, includes a conference. room | | for execs. who hold: ‘meetings. while: | >.) €ach ‘is’ getting ‘his grooming and | a. grand. piano, “where.Liberace | frequently: : practices: between. hair 10°. in courses, And,-to add: an. additional Dover, NE ot: an: ‘apparent ‘heart “personal touch, : the telephone: js _ | answered in ‘the: name of the busi-. : Greensboro, : ‘N.C,,. ‘area, “died. Fecently’ in that. city. ‘Authorities: ruled his death. a| _ | Suleide. oo I maiiy. parts at Covent Garden, , Lou a | gon.’ Stanley ‘Morélle,.. Survived by his wife, ” Mother, 69, of ‘syndicated. Sian _ cial . -eolumnist Sylvia‘ Porter,. died | | Nov. 18 in-San Diego, ‘Calif, after. a three-month illness. ‘trenrae. ‘Childs,’ ‘72, ‘stage. and |. screen: -actor.. (real. ame, Je -Mon-roe -. Rothschild), Monica, Cals, “Nov.: ‘Te | Wife, Of. pandleaderDick Stabile, died. of a cerebral hem ‘orrhage . Nov. 10: in Burbank, Calif: | A son also’ survives. William | “ES. Gladstone Foulkes, 81. retired: ‘vaude_ ‘performer, died. . Nov..12 in.Portland,.Me. His wife: y and: a: sister. “survive: *. “George LL. Chatfield, ‘81; ‘violinist | ‘mont. orchestras, died: Noy.; 8 ‘inj , Montpelier, Vie * Concord: tN: HL). ‘Theatre, : ‘died. Nov. 13° in Manchester,. NEY after: * Short illness. "Joseph Be ‘Learner: "3, ‘Fetired: ‘former owner ‘of. the “Argo. ‘Eheatre. in ArEO,, HL, v died. Nov. 34a in. Chi-, |. €ago. : Widow of Harry F Ashitoa,:1 man | ager of the King’s ‘Theatre, ‘Glas|" Sylvia Weston, |49,-‘sécretary ‘to! 1 BOW, died . Nov, m. ‘in Glasgow. : Métro. studio. chief. Robert M.. Weit| “Son 30, or ‘Emnie“Fast, former | i midwest | director. of AGVA, died. on Who ‘in-the American Theatre.” ‘Eleanor. Roth to. Tony Grasso,mo. ‘Las. Vegas, recently.. Bride. is the. ~ to. Jack -En--.. -4 tratter,. president of the Sands: Ho-: a Oct. 27. in: Hartford; ‘Conu,.. Thomas F. Ward, retired. vaudle | Sp erformer, died _Tecently. Going to Barher —e ‘Continued from. page I: — : get’ the whole’ works. — ‘from: ‘new | look, individuality: -to: personal hair 4 | -eombin g. instruction, . ‘shampoos. ;. ;.and ‘a: ‘tonsorial analysis. to ‘chatige | Na pretty boy: face into: rough. and | ‘tough maseulinity: or: Pretty ‘Up. his’ opposite. . Top. dog of: ‘the’ dine: ‘is. Tristan, ‘who. caters ‘to big-name Hollywood ; “Mrs. ‘William oH. (Anna) Pine, 75, Tegowa in .a plush penthouse suite’ “| Wwidow. of late filmproducer, died.| onthe Suriset ‘Strip andcharges} ‘lin Hollywood. Nov..24. Survived: by: for it. In this. case,. the '75¢ -has 1. which, ‘Tristan’s | “Ow unit production: fnanager vat. customegs all pay for the first: two-. 7 ‘hour: session under his hands:.He’s: ‘stretched. .to < $75; , nen os not. competitive, candidly ‘admits | Jamed' Ww: “Goodwin, “36, photo his. prices. ($20. per cut after the Jaboratory ‘supervisor : at: WFAAfirst). . are ‘. “the. “highést.-: ‘those. ‘customers “who: fit’ both his j | personal -and : financial’. ‘require=. 4+ ments.. The ‘personal requirements.| are that elients“have strong. busi| ness. affiliations. ‘that. “make: them. ‘1 -Folkestone, Kent, England. ‘As aj regy] . ‘freelance, he had worked. for: most parently, He “shots. Of: the major British. companies: ttle he's: got them:Among — entertainers: The. rest ° ‘of.t . producer |. Tab HunSal ‘Mineo, Gary | Lockwood, ape “Wite; "10, off A Be 'y alley; farm: * a editor. of. KRLD .and agricultural | > ‘+ editorof ‘the. Dallas. ‘Times: "Herald, died Nov.. Ag in that. city. ‘died in: ‘Santa 4 “Nov. 24, : professional ‘Manager ‘of . Famous ‘Musie¢ .Corp.,: »| publishing ‘subsid.. | Las Vegas, | ; actress; © n+ executive. ‘in’. the world” and‘says he will take. only _ Ap-| : ‘yeguiarly’|.| bowing to his scissors:and. comb |. a (he stresses: he won't. use the “in-|'_ creasingly ‘popular © stylings) “is Liberace, who has him | | On set: every day’ he’s: filming and | a frequently. has paid him’ $500 for a: full-day’s home treatment. or flown |: him to-Las Vegas and: other -areas | for hair: treatments: during .a show.: “[later... as. departmental manager. ‘Similarly, Edd. “Kookie” Byrnes “a ‘ponee flew : Tristan to: New. York |: {during a personal: appearance tour |. “razor blade ; Dick | “MARRIAGES “Dolores Lloyd to. Barry. Brooks, North’ Hollywood, ‘Nov. 10. Bride: is daughter. ‘of: agent Al Lloyd and. “groom js tv. prodiicer ‘and script . ‘| writer. ‘Marriage. fook place at the.~ | Bob Hopes’: home; they are the’. | Punch’. “ana | | Judy -man ‘magician and. -puppeteer, | -died:' recently “in Birmingham, Eng. | pride’s | godparents. = Gaby King to Ferdinand. Sthlam-: meri, .Gretna. Green, ‘Scotland, -’ [| Nov. 19. Bride i is German. recording singer. Lori: ter Horst. to. “Fred. M: Thrower, Greenwich, Conn., Nov: .23.' He is exec-veepee and ‘general |: manager of WPIX, N. Y. “Eileen: Barber: to cy. Jaffe, ‘Lon‘don,. ‘Nov. 16.° Bride js. with. An ‘glia:. Television, he’s a’ producer-/ director: with. Rhodesia TV.. Sally Zeitz to. Edward A, Wolpin,. . _New. York.:.He’s . general ::. Paramount’ Ss music ~~ Tichi .Wilkerson. “to William ‘Etchison, EL Paso, Teéx:., Nov. 21. ‘Bride: ig publisher of Hollyw ood ‘Reporter, widow of. its founder: |-publisher, William’: R. . Wilkerson, ‘who. died. Sept. 2s. 1962; _ he’s a: ‘realtor. | Lo _Araminita’ Calaw ell ito. ‘Leslie ; Dunnage,. ‘London,: Nov. 21. Bride is: the widow of. ty producer: Henry: a ee = Caldwell, as Wenceslas Cantin, ¢ ‘ower. of the}. Terry: Leducto Jack ‘MePartlin, Ottawa, Nov. 16. He’s. an: organistcomedian: _ Wendy: McClure to’ David Knight, ‘London, “Nov. 25. Bride is an actress; he’s. ‘an actor... ‘Roberta : Day. to’ BerjHagopian, Nov. ‘2:.: Bride’s -an: he’s ‘a former: . film: pro‘|-ducer. “DOW: electronics : manufac‘turer. | ~ Dorothy: “Smith to. Bradford 7 “Shearer, Nov..'22,. Hoboken, N.J.-. Both. are. assistants ‘to the editor ~ ‘of the fortheomingbook, “Who's secretary semen | tel, pas _Weeas. | “BIRTHS | “Mr. and ‘Mrs. Mace Neufeld, ‘daughter, ‘Hollywood; Nov. . 10; : ‘Pather: is NRB :Associates, staffer, Mr: end Mrs..: “Paul Kent, daugh-.ter, Hollywood, Nov.. 20:. Father’ s.. ‘an actor... 7 ’ Mr. and ‘Mrs. Dean ‘Mier, son, ‘Columbus, Nov...15. Father. is film . and television’ personality and host © of Dean. Miller Show ‘on: WLW-C. Mr. and Mrs. . Norman Katz, daughter, London, Noy.18. Father. .” Veep. Of Seven “Arts: Antes: national. . “Mr. . ‘anid: “Mrs*: “Russ Cantor, . daughter, . Las — Vegas,’ Nov;..14. Father, a ‘violinist, -heads own. ‘group. in “Sahara. Hotel lounge.. Mr... and’ Mrs. ‘Phil Wasserman, daughter, ‘Rockville Centre, N.Y:, Nov:.:15. Father is. an-account exec “with pub-rel. firm: ‘of Rogers», & Cowan. ote Mr. ‘and “Mes... ‘Allan. ‘Kiirman,. daughter, Chicago, Nov: 19. Father 4s .operations “manager, of WBBM Radio aise a —_—— Céntimied. from | page 1 — Beatles—ascended last week from. a mere. household word to oné ‘that ‘is bandied about in top circles: The erowd-pulling foursome, whose ‘popularity ‘is not’ caleulated. to. -make British policemen’s Jot a: ‘happy .one,. have now stimulated. questions’ in. -ParHament. One MP,’ Sir ‘Charles.’ Taylor, ‘implored’: the’ Home Secretary. to. ‘let the police off the hook by... ‘withdrawing their ‘protection ‘of “the ‘beat group. In: the meantime, Edward. Heath,. the’Lord “Privy -Seal; has. referred: to: them .as the’ ‘saviors’ of the ‘corduroy. industry, : and Field: ‘Marshal. Lord . Mont‘gomery, ..Britain’s. best. known ‘soldier, ‘indicated in: the House of. Lords that if ever’ they were con-. iseripted ‘the. Army would make ‘short work, ‘of their haircuts. : * “Millhands: Mesnierized Accrington, Eng., Nov. 26. ‘ Some 200 girls, mostly teenagers,. stopped work here for 45 minutes. at. a I6ceal: cotton: mill in protest vafter the..mill’s: radio system’ had... ‘been switched off. Alleged reason. oe for the switchoff was. that some of ‘the girls. had ‘joined: The Beatles’. Lote ; essman . in® the. chair during ‘his: recording of “From. Me To You. or operatic session there, allowing. most eus-‘| .Girls. resumied’ work after. a bass,’ died ‘Nov:: 4 in ‘England. _Be‘tomers to. continue their ‘business | union. :offielal chad Femonstrated An: 71918. as Nov. 20: in in Burbank, Calif, He’ ewent fore World. ‘War: Ir he: appeared in. ‘Schedules while ‘bene. ‘groomed. OE aS DRT DS ICL TORS SLPS ENE Tee I aeerrers So tata a am TE la a a meena ah Ems! ae aa with’ ‘them. on