Variety (December 1963)

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. Doris Day, James features: Chuck © Connors, Thelma Ritter,. ‘Taw,. and. Chuck Connors as” “the. Meve ‘Over,. Barling oa years, that once: staple. of: the fscreen, the sophisticated comédy; Hot and cold ‘remake ef “My ~ 4C’'SCOPE—COLOR) Faverite. Wife.” Good b.o. candidate,. blockbuster. Hollywood: ‘Dee. 3... . Twentieth-Fox release of Aaron RosenMelcher Garner, Poly Berge Fred. Clark, Don -Knotta, Elliott. .. Directed. by: Michael ‘Gordon. ‘Screenplay,‘Hal Kanter, Jack Sher, based on screen-" . play by Bella. and .Samuel Spewack from. e,Ar Stephen ‘Burkett—Adam™ ' phenomenally-po ~ 0s ow ‘Nicholas. Arden Steel " Didi “story by the Spewacks and Leo McCarey;. camera (De Luxe), Daniel L: Fapp; editor, Robert, rector, "Ad Bch Lionel .Newman; weet. irector, Schaumer. Reviewed t Picwood tre, Dec. 3,. °63. Running. Abme. 103 MINS. Ejlen Arden. .. voor weeee ce... Doris. ‘Day: Jeveeeuce James Garner ‘Bianca | * Chuck. ‘Connors ‘Grace Arden .:.. viegeees “Thelma Ritter Gr Cod dd... eeeeree ee eeceFred Clark ‘Shoe Clerk aanes eweee: ‘Don Knotts Dr. Schlick. . cinreeneeee eae ‘Elliott Reid Judge Bryson. Edgar, Buchanan -Prokey . Astin. District. Attorney... ogee “pat Harrington Jr. Bellbo ee eee eee e essere Eddie. Quillan. 'Desk Clerk “ipseoenbage, Max Showalter Waiter ; ew eovecceces ‘Alvy. Moore. .. Jenny ‘Arden’ wimecposcvcecsare Pami.Lee Twentieth has a: ‘sound: monéy: ‘making prospect in “Move Over, a reproduction of ‘the | 4940 romantic comedy, “My Favorite Wife,” which. then ‘costarred: ‘Cary Grant and Irene Dunne... The: Darling,” Aaron Rosenberg-Martin Melcher production isin the. approximate. mold of some big boxoffice block busters of recent--years, --and ‘has. as its chief Marquee ‘bait the. pular Doris Day—— | a combination that holds particular promise for. this upcoming holiday : . release. . When “Move Over, Darling” re lies for the most part on. the in-| spiration: of the past, it. delivers. comedy — that is ageless: and = uni-/ versal -inappeal. When it breaks || anchor and drifts. from. its moor| nigs, the reconstructed: vessel winds up in turbulent, ‘uncharted | ~ waters and starts to’ flounder. ‘In |} short, the: comedy. inspiration and restraint that . distinguished the | original is missing: in the embell-| ishments with. which the remake js adorned. In anapparent commercially-motivated. effort to ° sat-| : isfy the tastes of the Jess ‘sophisti cated by going. Off . on. occasional |: ‘slapstick. tangents and thus: -broad-. ening the -base of appeal, the new creative unit has. actually succeeded in limiting the appeal. of A the picture by attaching heavy-|* handed and fundamentally. ‘irrele. -sically surefire ‘premise: Something old, re thing new,: something borrowed. ‘something the nature of. “Move Over, | Its complicated: history | $ is revealed in the writing. credit: j screenplay by Hal Kanter and: Jack |. Sher. based. on. a screenplay . by’: Darling.” Bella .Spewack. ‘and Samuel’ Spe| wack from ‘a-story Ly Bella. ‘Spe-. wack, ‘Samuet ‘Spewack and.Leo} McCarey. And, somewhere in there, the ill-fated “Something's | ‘Got to Give.” The “old” ds: the basic: yarn | about the guy .who remarries five years after his first wife -is thaught:| ‘to have. pérished only. to: have his. : first wife turn up alive and kick-| ing at the outset of his. honeymoon;'| The “new” are: the chiefly. .lack-! ‘lustre embellishments tagged . on:. The “borrowed,” ‘to cite one. exis a telephone’ ‘Sequence that owes more. than. a: little ‘some| ‘The “Blue” -isn’t of ‘a. really. , offensive | nature, but several. ‘remarks and. activities ‘May seem: toe. ‘border. somewhat. unnecessarily ‘on’ that |: _Shade for less: liberal. minded audi ample, thing to ‘Shelley ~ Berman.: ences. Miss Day and: James Garner play + it to the. hilt, comically, . dramatie| ally and. last, ‘but: not. least: (par-"| 7 ticularly in the case of the former), ‘athletically. . What. is missing in production. . sae .. Polly | Bergen ! Arden See weae “Leslie. ‘Farrell “Teun in ‘sophistication’ over the has given ‘way increasingly. to: the | | fareical approach. « though: short ‘of. are. Polly: Bergen as the sexually|. Others. of ‘proriinence in the. cast} obsessed. second. wife” (it’s . never. { really much of a “contest between. her and ‘Miss Day), Thelma -Ritter |" ‘as. the dinderstanding another-in-| mInale. animal ‘who shared. the. small | performances | ‘are. . satisfactory. -| Good | comedy. efforts: ‘are contributed. by: Fred: Clark,’ Don Knotts, Edgar. Buchanan, John Astin and: ‘Max -Showalter.. ‘Appealing: moppet characterizations are etched | “hy ‘Pami Lee ‘and. Leslie Yarrell. -. Daniel L: Fapp’ S photography’ ‘is | handsome’ and «a: ‘helpful . comedy factor: There’ are capable. ‘produc | Simpson, art directors Jack: Martin: Smith and Hilyard: Brown ‘and | composer Lionel Newman, to cite. a. few. Moss Mabry’s. ‘costumes | are ‘fashionable, .Kanter and ‘Terry Melcher, : sung. by Miss Day over -the titles, has a modern sound -and beat that coul¢. make: it a healthy commercial. bis-' cuit with. the teenage set. and;.con-. currently, serve as an exploitation stimulus for the picture. Lubin has also: composed: another. ditty, “Twinkle -Lullaby; “-the: title ‘of. which tells the story. . ; Tube. . Ladybug, Ladybug ! Second: -effort ‘of “David: and ‘ " Lisa” . creators. Chilling .but —— wheven. ‘study of children and: -adults in a nuclear crisis. Good coin. ‘Tesponse: is: out of range. _ ~ Hollywood, Nov. "29, . “United. Artists release of. Frank Perry. roduction.” No. stars: ‘Directed .by -Frank “Perry... Screenplay, Eleanor ‘Perry, sugby an article -by ‘Lois ‘Dickert, ased on an -actual. incident; camera, Leonard ‘ “Hirschfield: ‘editor, Armond Lebowitz; . music, Robert. Cobert; asst:. @irector,. Anthony LaMarca, Reviewed at ‘Academy Awards: Theatre, Nov.-29,-? ; Running: time, -81: MIN NS. ; p welche gts ots "William | Daniels ‘Truck ‘Driver: epaseecis... James. Frawley ‘ JoAnn’s: Father. -.Richard ‘Hamilton Mrs. Forbes, the Secretary. Jane’ Ho ‘Hays Mrs. Hayworth. .. ane ‘Hoffman: Mother. ...:..6..0+.....,>Ekena. Karam | ‘Grandmother _ veeeee wees ‘Judith ‘Lowry | Mrs. Andrews: ~ Naney Marchand | JoAnn’s. Mother . pee . Parsons ary’. Die ee or x oaee . Doug: ‘Chapin: Pl.) .) rere “Mile. chap { Peter .....> We a ele cesar eine ’ Jill“saanedecerseses eaveoe “Dianne "Hiegine. . } Luke ececccweaet “Alan Howard:|’ 4 Steve. ee. a ° os oe e vre “Christopher ‘Howard. i Don wdae eae de seove wees ‘ David. Komoroff. ‘Brian. acces rece essence : Donnie * Melvin Trudy .i..c cece ee esesce. >. SUSAN’ Melvin: JOAND ..nccccccsccccdoncias Linda Meyer Harriet. ....0..0-5.6..:+. . Alice ‘Playten arah ...c2csee eases a ae . Marilyn. Rogers: Pattie wedaveeeeee aes : Jennifer Stone: ‘wife creators of “David. and..Lisa” ‘comes . this. ‘second. ‘endeavor;,. «a: rather harrowing .aecount .of ‘what: a falsely triggered alert of a’nu-. _ significance, ‘insight. -and: they’ © have’ roughly $325,000 | and | oodles. -of. ‘only ‘partially successful. Gripping, disturbing and. mean-. | ingtul ‘scenes: alternate with ‘quences. . given “to: the pace engineered’ by Perry, the. producer-director. Itis; inshort, ‘a “film. of. strange “contrasts, . the ‘Artists Telease has the: timeliness: and: ‘topiéality: their: portrayals is ‘a light. touch—.| as. “David and, Lisa.” ‘the ability to humorously: convey with a suptle eyelash-bat-or‘eyebrow-arch tends ta -take “It’s anordinary. day ‘at school, according. to Mrs. Perry's scenario, ‘which was ‘suggested by. an article them a kick: in-the shins toaccom | ‘by ‘Lois. Dickert: that. was.-based on plish. It. is: this element of comedy deftness that seems ‘to have. eluded scenarists: Kanter and: Sher; direc: tor Michael. Gordon. and his stars. _As a matter of fact, it has been : a ‘consistently elusive commodity | in the romantic comedies of recent ‘Years, which. more and more seem. to have drifted. into ‘the right-uppercut or... hit-him-over-the-head-. with-an-umbrella school of comedy. Perhaps it is’ time to reevaluate, |: and stop underestimating ‘modern. film: audiences. It is, after. all, something of a> “paradox: that” as filmgoers. presumably f have: ‘{n les? ; an actual incident:. ‘The only dis ‘cord is the ‘yellow. ‘light “flashing | and . buzzing in “the -principal’s. office: It means. i imminent within the hour.” Since, been ...-: well, not: good,” -teacher-per-group. | Fear begins. to circulate: It be island” hunk. of : real. ‘estate . alone with Miss Day. for five years. Their. ; man” | the. ‘bomb. ‘In his cries. of ‘anguish | at the'.terror. of-his:: experience. “rests an indictment ‘of the kind of. world :he is heir. to—a. world for: A title tune: by. Joe: Lubin, Hail “arty ‘prospects,but previous. _ |: . Jane Connell: -sometimes . too -much so... Cobert’s. “melancholy ° score. is con-'| yay From. the. resourceful: man-and-|: -Ceptively ‘cut: ‘might conceivably -transpire were |. elear: attack :to ‘be received at. al ™ ‘small rural, school. There is much {: °: in: “Ladybug, ‘Ladybug’: ‘of values | and |. Frank.and Eleanor ‘Perry ' ‘are cer-4tainly to: -be commended ‘for what |: accomplished: ‘with. ‘ingly. sluggish: ‘character. . | Tubs li Monde di Notte Noe. 3 (World: at Night: No. 3). (ITALIAN). , (Color). artistic. integrity: But their film, is |. ‘Rome. inexplicable” lethargy or overly: “self-conscious: -artinéss.: And: there “is Something. tadically. Wrong. With: the. timing, whole of’ which is superior fo some-}-: of its parts. ‘inferior .to others.. As. an art house ‘attraction, ‘the United | (plus . the. . ‘Perry. stamp). ‘to. do’ well, ‘though it: isn’t likely:to doanywhere: near as well : ing -on loéal: ‘susceptibilities “lItaly, -though| banned.” for’ .those under 18, it’s a ‘wonder how. much. ‘of it-came through. unscathed. nitery’. strip: vehicle, s.| documentary; ‘film ‘touiches‘on such. varied. subjects as: German: Uni-: _ Sticking. “nuclear :-atta¢k i among other ‘things, “the. news. has: | as: news: ‘generally is, the children, as. speci-. fied: by Civil: ‘Defense ‘orders, . are. formed into groups: and dispatched. -home ‘under : the . supervision. of a. gins. to. -siftthrough * from the adults, who. are. more..or. Jess -able’ to. cope. ‘with. it Yationally, to. the children, most. of ‘whom are not: a’ major. plus.” ‘emotionally equipped ‘to. deal with [= Or even.understand: such ‘circum‘stances. Much has been conjectured. ‘of the selfishness that might erupt | ‘with regard to: ‘bomb ‘shelters in a} time of -nucléar crisis. In: “Lady: y-. bug; Ladybug,” this: horrible pros| “pect. takes: on: .an‘ even |-more. ‘chilling. tone. as. dramatized: with | -children. | A cruel, ‘pfficious. ‘girl ‘who. has | ‘taken charge of her ‘parents’. stiel} ter: intheir.:absen¢e ‘refuses to allow a ‘panic-stricken girl to enter: | e ‘through. the barren: fields’ and finally crawls. into a discarded, overturned: -icebox: in “the — town. .dump and locks herself: in:: ‘Her boy ‘friend -dashes: through the fields'|. ‘after her. Hearing the sound of a y | Plane, ‘he. begins ‘burrowing, | des| latter hysterically ~ -Naces. pérately. seeking « sanctuary : from. that terrifyingly tangible “boogie. ‘of. the .-mid-20th-century— which ‘he: is not, oat. ‘the. moment; responsible. off quite. -well—as . characters. and “actors: Not so the adults. It seems ‘that: almost. everytime the camera |: returns to the grownups a curious lag and anaura. of .melodramatic artificiality. arises:: For example, .ascene: wherein ‘the school princi -Pal’s secretary, _avho. -is® pregnant, is observed in the act of tidying up‘a deserted: kindergarten classroom a ‘as she awaits her: fate..It is a false : | and: interminable sequence. Assum-. . Jing from. ‘her pregnancy she has ‘a } ‘husband, .it' seems. tiore ‘apt’ that | she'd be : ‘busy attempting to. make | ‘some sort.of contact,: not -wander” ing aimlessly’ “and tearfully ‘around. | -in‘a.schoolroom..And another mys-“tery: of the. picture is—whatever -happened to Conelrad?, ; a Emergency — ‘Broadcast. ‘System; as | it-is mow called. No-one. seems to. shave. the’ presence of mind. to check it. out. . But these are. balanced to some -extent: by. the merits, notably the. scenes. ia the..bomb_ shelter and which. the. children dis-. 63. | ‘cuss. ‘such matters : as death:. as’ noted,: "go: ‘ Acting | honors, . mostly. to the ‘children, with ‘espe-. eially. telling: enactments ‘by Mari--.| , lyn ‘Rogers, Christopher Howard, \. ‘Miles | Chapin; Linda ‘Meyer, Alice. ‘William: ‘Daniels, ‘Connell,’ : Jane’ Hoffman. | ‘Much... of Leonard | ‘Hirs¢thfield’s photography is quite -artful—but ’ Robert: vn veyed -via flute and string: There -is-. a_lumpiness. about the editing, for'|... -which “Armond, ‘Lebowitz: is. cred-. | ‘ited “but -inwhich .difector’ Perry” no doubt played. a-major. role. Per Rome, | Dee. 3. s “Warner. Bros. ‘Yrelease’:: of'.a. ‘Juli: ‘Film Production.. Directed.-. by. Gianni Proia. Commentary, Francesco Mazzie. Music Riz (CLA, eM at _Ortolani = Running, ‘time Julia Film has another ‘winner j in. its . -pioneering ‘“World:at Night’. ‘series -with this. third. installment. ‘It--has all. the: jngredients: which belted ‘across ‘its: ‘prédessors, and maintains a. ‘position | considerably. above most: pix: of its genre which:| have literally. invaded’ Italo-screens +in” the ‘past | year, ‘Took: rosy. It’s “true. that "3 many) “will “feel some. of. the ‘footage -is Jacking, in taste. and discretion, that other seg ments ’.are.: ‘over-violent’ and. verg -ing’‘on the. obscéne: and that some ' of the material is repetitious. Sure| dy, too, ‘censor -shears:.will be-em||. ployed _ in . various. areas,’ depend. n: . sideshow, and-: travel. -Combination circus © versity... duels," Fakhir ® knives. through ‘his. body,. a -whale. hunt with’ small: boats off. Portugal, ‘Lapland reindeer ‘roundup, ‘British | black.magie sessions, ‘with a: built in orgy, artificial .. insemination, ‘plus’ ‘several: Strip _ numbers ‘set ‘against various. action and images. | Riz. Ortolani® (who: penned | “Mondo. Cane”. score) has:come up with ‘another lush ‘musical. ‘track which’. is ‘generally: are. very, Sood. Hawk, . 9 MINS... The children. of “Ladybug” “come |. or. the. individual. scenes. | alternate ‘with. ones. of'.an_ annioy-: Hollywood: _| Story ‘begins on the 250th: day: of batberini. Export chances Technical credits: we Ga Vancouver F ‘Open. the Door and See | : 2 A the. People Vaneouver, Dee. 5. . Jerome Hill ‘production. and release. |: Written, : produces. and ‘directed by ie ; ee . Wilder, Jeremiah: Sullivan, Ellen.. Martin, . Lester -Judson, Louise Rush, John HolSusana De: Mello, Charles: Rydell, : rome Hill ‘Maybelle Nash; land, ‘Chris Schroll, Johanna Hill, ‘tride. “Lance, ‘Sheilah Leavitt. Photography, music, Aléc. Wilder. ° Reviewed ‘couver. Film “Festival... "Running. Chang and. Billy ‘Gayne Rescher: 7 This. new Jerome ‘Hill comedy: | fantasy, given its North American. preem at the. Vancouver film fest, : has some. whimsical. moments and several sequetices of airy non sense inits .91minutes but -not. enough of these to offset the vague : plot line and=sustain rapt interest throughout. : ly by Maybelle Nash; who:was. also int Hill’s.1961 ° production: of “The: Sarid. Castle.” Alec Wilder; who} did the music. for this as | well as ‘previous Hill pic, is cast. as unemployed the:.poor but happy. . twin ‘sister’ and registers. well in an. inieffectual. part. Back--ground. score is pleasant. but not. memorable. Newcomers: of: promise include Ellen’ Martin and Jeremiah. ‘Sullivan; who. carry one of the two: Jove interest sub-plots, and-Susana De Mello and ‘Charles. Rydell, who ‘manage. the other...” -Gayne Rescher's black. and: white’ lensing issharp-and other. techni cal credits are. competent: but. film meanders along. too. diffidently.. to /éstablish.. _dtgelf : BS a major artie entry. vt mo Shaw. “Three. Days After. r “Immortality” Playten and Donnie Melvin: Promi. : a ‘Sutek Posle" Bessmertiya) ; ‘nent .in ‘the adult: department are |: ‘Kathryn: ‘Hays,. Jane Dell Nancy Marchand ‘and Judith Lowry. (USSR) .. Vancouver, ‘Dee. 4. udio,. Kiev, ‘production. Vladimir’ Dov Dovgan. . Cast: “Vladimir. ‘Zaman :sky; -Nikolay: Krinkoy,Georgy ‘Yumatov, Screen-. Galina : ‘Liapina, Lilia Kalatcheva. play,‘Konstantin Kudiyevaky;. .camera; Vadim: Vereshtchak: music, Yuri Shurov-: “sky. Reviewed: vat Vancouver. Film FestiMins. is Festival. -Film. is grandiose epic ‘melodrama with: old-fashioned: vis-’ ‘ual. flair that. .disappeared from |: in the. mid-thirties. the bitter defense. of Sebastopol by | Soviet units against. Overwhelming =‘; German: forces: that resulted in of| .. *| ficial Red Army surrender. of: the. . -Leity: but: resistance -is continued: by a.-small,. mixed. group -of. sailors,’ “including soldiers. .arid civilians; women,’ as” ‘they’ retreat. stubbornly ‘to the: ‘shores. of: the Black-Sea. A’ : + J romance. that springs up. between. ‘a female. archeologist and seaman-. leader of the group..ends when he: watches. from, the beach while she |-* Sails: away’ to possible safety. and he: stays : sbehing . to ‘meet. certain: death: with his. ‘comrades.. ..Film has’. all: :the qelodramatic |’: corniness the story jine | suggests |.-: but simple . narrative ® ‘style | ‘em|. | ployed: by director: Vladimir. Dov-}: . gan’ conyeys. a‘ certain power. and |: é glory. ta the hackneyed plot. Viad-.. imir : Zamansky~ is -almost a .look| alike: for. Dane’ Clark as he enacts. the brooding . _hero-leader, . | and ine: with .. ‘her gain. time for ‘the. others iS played: larger-than-life | ‘along : traditional. | seript. lines -andsubsidiary. love : interest that ends. happily is taken: ‘by Lilia: Kalatcheva and: Georgy : Yumatov. Music, * photography. and. lighting’ are suitably keled tothe -epic. as| pect and closing: scene ‘is a blazing | mieri. ‘visual criss-cross of: facial front lighting for main characters while machine gun. fire. and : ‘rifle shots: | crack atid’ background music. Swells. sonorously to glorious fade-out ‘in the grand ‘manner. Film’ is technic-’ ‘ally okay and ‘sub-titles. read. ade quately against the black and white ‘background. but. subject matter and production make it. a. limited import 4. A prospect. Shaw.” ae “GrandScope); ‘Toichiro : ‘Tony Ballen, Paul Chu, Faylor Mead, Mel-. Toru ‘Takemitsu; editor, Hisashi Sagaraz.. . Vina Boykin; Day. Tuttle, Douglas Ho, Chao ‘Li ‘Chi, : Gwen. Davies, ‘Gene.-Fallon, As.Chieco: & ‘Naeko ‘at. Van|. time, : Film is ostensibly’ concerned: with | the differing social. values.and.con| ¢r -flicting personalities of two NewEngland families headed: by 70|. ‘year-old identical twin ‘sisters, one a. wealthy, superstitious and dom| neering. hypochondriac, : the other. a happy-go-lucky grandmother who works as a cashiey in a supermar-. ‘ket. Dual parts are handled. expert-. _. Sovexport release of: Dovzhénko: Film: St Directed . by _ White. _Running time, 85. a “;Shima. Iwashita inthe dual role” ‘of the: two sisters: -highlights: ‘pic ... ‘Narushima’s. stun.ning color photography in Sho-. | -chiku’ GrandScope. ‘is: tourist bait. Pete to. the -last degree. ‘Wartime heroism = ‘is theme: -of. Russian. entry’ in’ Vancouver: Film. ‘and Toichiro Galina Liapina ‘is a fetching. hero-. _classically-blonde. beauty.” Nikolay Kriukov’s: part as. ‘the giant who sacrifices. himself. to. Twin Sisters. of. Kyote® '. (JAPAN -COLOR-SCOPE) | _ “!Maricouver, Dec. 6. ‘Shochiku Film production and release. ‘Preduced by Ryotaro Kuwata. Directed by Neboru. Nakamura. Stars ‘Shima iwashita. “(dual role), .Seiji‘Miyaguchi, ‘Teruo. Yoshi‘da, Tamitsu Hayakawa. Screenplay, Toshi hide Gondo; camera — (Eastmancolot -& jay , December 1, 1963 oe estival Reviews | | is “WBUSIC, atr dir., Junichi. Ohzumi.: Reviewed at oo 107 MINS. ’ (dual Parts) Vancouyer . Film Festival.: Running times, ae TO “etie+ Shima, ‘Iwashita: da Sees Seit: ‘Miyaguchi ¢ ae rn Teruo. Yoshida. i ves: Tamotsu: Hayakawa _ “Grand: ‘prize . -winner : ‘of: ‘the: 1963 S . Asian Film Festival: in Seoul;. “Twin... 02° ‘Sisters: of Kyoto” is a ‘simple.but | dramatically. © éffective . story. of ~--: Japanese traditions the. mod-. | ern. day.’ Plot unfolds leisurely and ~ 7 a tellingly around. the only daughter. — | of-a well-to-do merchant in ancient -: . ‘teity. of Kyoto who suspects that her» arents have been hiding something: rom her ‘in their story: of. how. she ‘Came. to be adopted... . | “They have, in fact, avoided telling: her. that she had been abandoned - aS an infant in accordance with‘old_ superstition -when: twin girls. were” ::.~ born. Twins :were tegarded as un--. ‘natural, unlueky, as ‘socially: ‘outcast: as the illegitimate child in: ‘Western society, and:‘to.. be: abandoned -by.. one’s.-parents is ‘something to. be ashamed of but worse ‘still is the... *. shame of being an abandoned twin.. |. ‘Custom has survived longest in the TF venerable. and. charming old .tapi-. tal city of Kyoto and. its surroundCRY on. ing countryside: ° oe “When the rich girl. cones fice ° to. face: with -a young peasant girl _ ey who is her exact image the chance -. ns revelation that . ‘they’. encounter ‘leads.‘to the traumatie:.. re. indeed. ~~ | twin. sisters’ and film p' oceeds. to, } examine . ‘the’ emotional conflicts ‘that. spring up’ in. the two: ‘girls, The . poor. one, now an’ orphan, .. . feelsa‘particular sense of guilt... ‘lin. that .her sister, the rich city. 0... girl, was the adandoned one,.and: ©. :. a ultimate resolution “of ‘the: girls’ — feelings is handled: with great ~ . rsensitivity’ by.. director. Noboru: |: é Nakamura. Running counter is love _— theme with ‘rich girl sought by a: jand the poor. ‘Felation yearned after by Weaver's son.: Film ends: on: telling. ‘note: that ‘girls are liv~ ing. in: anew: ‘Japan, in which women have a freedom. of. -equal old tradition-ridden: ‘days. | modern;. educated Japanese -male: ‘ity and choice. unknown. in. the. ‘Superb’ acting -: ‘performance’ by. Music. score is: “good and. ieth-2 “nical handling of” dual scenes ig. excellent, with -other. credits: up. ‘to. standard.-of modern’ Japanese’ production. English" sub-titles . are .... sometimes amusing in translation». but. story transcends the: -uncon-..— scious. humor. On-' the ‘plus side -. are . the’ sequences ‘detailing rich’ pageantry: .of: traditional Japanese’. : festivals and” compelling °.. _which --nature : blends: inherently 8, into the: Japanese way of life. Pic: -: sibility. Shaw." MANILA BANS FREUD’; T00 EASY ON SINNERS? “Manila, Dee. 10. Jow. ‘sinners: an: easy out. FEDERAL SANCTION. GIVEN Federal. Judge Edmund L. :Pal ping Center, Dupage County, ‘Tl. Originally, the ‘Federal judge had: ‘reserved. decision. ‘tostudy: the: ob|: jections: of ‘six exhibitors in. the . -area. who: had: opposed ‘the plan, . Balaban. & Katz. cireuit will” operate. the theatre for. AB-PT. | ‘Universal's release, “Freud,”’. dk ea rected: by. John: Hustori, with Mont°-: 0) ‘gomeryClift: playing the ‘founder: — ; of psycho-analysis, has been denied. ‘licénse” by‘ the’ board. -of: ‘censors .here. -Exaet-rationale is-not known’. but relates-to film’s “glorification” wots of ‘the Viennese doctor. De believed that Roman Cathne | olic authorities “here -hold to the’. ‘view, ‘once more. general in. the *~..‘|chureh, that Freud’s -°. ‘flict with the ‘confessional -and a oD a has «approved. American oe ‘Broadeasting-Paramount-: Theatres’ *:petition :to construct. a1, .200-seat...... oe theatre inthe “Oakbrook. Shop© looms as ‘distinct. art houses Pos: . a