Variety (December 1963)

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Se a Ly 2 TL ST OI EE a TT A NY TD IE LEG LS A 9 vt ie . me oo af . ae oe a Cf tne ae? = ay e ete : ‘ nee : ve mMeteetee . 9 . . ‘ ‘ . or an a * . a ae, a —. . ee . a ree . 4 fi so OGIO AAA AAA 8 ieee A . foe Say . . A". ; oO nantes! oy ae Ne . | : ws vo a : . . . ey weet o . bgt ore siete we Te ONT SMANPERPAEM NOSSO 84.98 she Ea eed ete Sethe date hae et Herunsa fashionable Ne ew York hotel from the front” elevator. He’ sa man. of compassion, confusion and : extraordinary command of the. King’ Ss English. (King _ Alphonso’s, that is.)-He i is, of « course, Jose: Ji imenez, oo star of NBC’s “Bill Dana Show.” Jose’s been on the: rise since comet unveiled him on television. (Contrary to rumor, Bill invented Jose, not the other way around. ) Four seasons, numerous guest: appearances, and six top-selling: record albums later, J ose’ s, | star has grown to major magnitude... NBC's Sunday evening ‘showcase features’ Set ore SL ERS WT ern, Man on the y ‘writer. Bill Dana ob Slo 0 we oe Saw d Fa. cP P¥ 20 9, ~ ” edit NM Mae. Jay up . fellow-bellboy. | tunes j just keep going higher and higher. Look to NBC for the best t combination of: news, ‘information and. entertainment. : ‘light, tight comedy plots that keep J ose bell-hopping: _ =. And this is not a one-banana salad. J onathan Harris: ~ registers strongly as the man who thinks hetnanages the hostelry, and Gary: Crosby: makes an. . attractive : . “Appealing” and “amusing” are among the critics’ ' favorite terms for “The Bill Dana Show.” And : “we at NBC were quietly overjoyed: when J ack: O'Brian of. the Ne ew ‘York J ournal-American > _ Wednesday, 1 December ni, 1963. “~ ae ot, found it “subtly hilarious.” So it is. Elevators os all have their ups and downs, but Jose’s for-._ ee ~ .