Variety (February 1964)

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SORE 54 “Wednesday, February 12, 1964 cee . , _ = . . ae . = : = “Tunetents © — Continued ‘from. page 1 =e years : and. three. months ago as s the result: of re hassle: with top brass at [ “1 Gardner. Ad Agency, which handles the -account..of sponsor Anhéuser|: | Busch... .. . Howard F..Streeter. appointed news director and on-the-air | newsman for .KTVI-TV; ‘effective March. 1..:.Streeter will. come to. St. ‘Louis ‘from the Washington Bureau of. NBC News. : He: replaces Bruce { ;| Hayward,. who. was tapped:for public affairs show chores. . . VentriloGuist-puppeieer: Shari. Lewis ‘booked. for a. ‘p.a. ‘here on ‘Friday’. (21) < All ofthe: major tv-radio outlets planning coverage: ‘of President. John| From The Production Centres _ ot eee ee ten ens tee 5 Continued from page, 40 ing: to give MATA. proper: ‘notice ss that it. wanted. to open talks fora ‘new pact.’ “This: led to-an. ‘atito~ ce “matic: ‘extension’ of the, contract: for. Te pearance on WBEM-TV's “At Random” last’ year, comes: in on. 1 Saturday . $s v _ for a once over. on ‘the station's. “Target: Ney s "1. son’s Friday. 414) address. before’ a. St. Louis. Bicentennial ‘dinner ‘cele-. we | bration”. ., foward K. ‘Smith: addressed’ a: gathering. at Southern thie got pls anes ‘shot rhythm & blues special “RJ.& RB”... . Gray. appointed: a member’of : the: Independent. Television. Authority. AS, ote ate the ‘British group’s. ‘first WS. live: concert. Bo atin at “git eraton: Plaza hotel . “Seoatt ery he wa. for ali We >i INGSAN FR. ANCISCO: sbecial report | ~OKE RC presenting The Synanon: Story” in: two: installments Visi 2 UE, “reporis an we AU -TV 16). INLONDON: WW 'sAv, studios: in: ‘Cardiff. “have shuttered: following: the. takeover of the station by -TWW. © “Latter commercial : indie ‘already: has: large |" studios inCardiff and. Bristol’. . .. BBC-TV Enterprises . shifted, around 5 proyercms to! ‘the’ just. opened vidStation” in. Liberia Rovin Hall aid Jimmy Macgregor: following -wow ratings -for ‘a: ‘one He will make’ the intefests of Scotland: his special care’. : ‘Mooted for-the City of London’ Festival, skedded for July 6 to. 18,‘is.a poetry: . BBC Radio’ launched’ a quiz. team, compt ote With: production © crew, on: ‘a. 30. 000 mile: flip around: sesh With The Beatles: as ‘star-orators ; . British tore: s. in. Middle and Far East. commands .'. . Comedians Mike & Sernie Winters. set to anchor ABC-TV's : weekend ‘variety ; Special “Big Nitht “Out” which: returns, ‘in July. L . Iv WASHINGTON 0 S| Jen 3 chael signs on: with. WGMs. radio as emcee of “the 2 “Classiéat | He has. been with. Voice. of America » : WTOP will tele| bad : . tou x ; Se : Vise 33. Fone: and road’ games. of the Washington Senators’ baseball. team, 739 Daniels and. John Maclean. will: again handle the: play-by phav . .. with WC LS, ‘Batory Rouge, will for ‘third -year emcee. ‘tthe’ Mardi Gras ‘Director | Angus. Wrizht. of’ Southern-TV¥. canned” Six shows. starring’ folksingers : Provost. William. Macfarlane. . Ler Coney, Washington rep. for: CBS Reports, and formerly . | nols. University’ §°East St. Louis Center Auditorium on Saturday. (8) 2.08) .WIL Fadio: added deejay: Rick Morgan to the music-show w lineup. IN PI FYSBU RGH.. “Ray ‘Schneider: ‘and’ wwsw. will. ‘celebrate. ‘their: 30tHi anniversary together: on Weed: (12), well, Bob. Prince and the’ late Jack Craddock . ...:WTAE’s news editor, George: Thomas, will. be ‘the: guest: speaker at: West ‘Virginia VY. on Thurs: (183° Caley Augustine, WIIC. promotion. head, has been atinounced as: chairman of the 1964 -Easter Seals campaign .. ‘wotnan diree‘or, . Jean Connelly;. was named the county chairman -. Golf ‘lessons: for women by district pros is’ anew: Monday feature on | WIIC’s at. thebanquet: ‘Mon. (10) at the Hotel ‘Pierre ‘to honor. ‘the ‘station ‘: J WIIc . is. now: featuring ; -Pittsburgh’s Superintendent: of. Schools. Dr. Sidney. Marland. on “Pittsburgh Report Card” éach Sunday: at.2:45. p.m: “Tad Reeves, g.m.. at KDKA-TV, has been awarded. the. first annual “Luncheon: atthe Ones”. _ KDKA’s Roger Cordic; ‘was the m.c. National Founders’ Award: of the’ ‘Catholic ‘War. Veterans: . IN. D: AL LAS “Charles Fy Payne hack: ag: ‘new ‘getieral ‘manager: of: KLIF and: sales “He's been: sales: manager’ V.p.: “of the. seven. McLendon radio: stations, He is the: dean of Pitt: ‘radio mikemen. ‘Former, ‘staff: mates. inciudeBill: Cullen, Walt ‘Framer,. Al ‘Helfer, Rosey. Rows : WTAE's : an. -extrar ‘year ‘through “next _| Maren 31. cee So Mtr, 2 The. situation. was natisrally ems ue nn barrasing to. ‘Equity and. ‘obviously. ® ‘not ‘conducive to ‘cordial ° relations no for’. the. negotiations, which have : a been. going” on ‘for.. the’: last two an MATA. ‘claims... that the: union’s: demands “in ‘salary’ hikes, : ~" otherbenefits. and safe-and-sani~*~ -tary” improvement. would: increase’. ‘Lweekly . expenses at" -each tent by: . , | over $1,000:. "On" an’ average: :13-"* “week season; the hike would be. ‘over $13,000 and could go. as high’ as around’ $22,000at‘ certain’ spots, “ “the tent organization. figures. © 0.2 -f0.. ‘1° MATA's ‘decision to. withdraw. . on {| from ne gotiations followed. Equity’ s. ‘| latest -contractproposal last week. --Aceording to .a. spokesman. for -the 7 -Canvastops,: Equity” initially asked”. ‘between: the. two. associations.’ months, * Ball of ths ‘Louisiana! State. Society’ here Feb. 8 . ... WWDC ‘radio. is | of KABL McLendon -airer in. San’ ‘Francisco. for three: years, ‘and pre-|'for a ‘20% increase ‘in: all: salary. _ goin! 1 stzh. its own ‘Beatlemania ” “Station “disk jockey. Carroll} yiousl¥. ws ¢>1e2ralmanager of: KIXL here. --Payne succeeds’ William | categories. That “would -comie to. af James t "AS, veredit for: airing. first ° ‘Beatle: record in US. "He. had |S. Mere Paar signed... : Hugh. Lampman.: who left his “Music: Till $16. per: resident. company member. 4 "Singer S ap peared af..the Washington Coliseum. ‘Tuesday. (11). -“WETG-TV’s “Comnninty Dialog” dipped: ‘into ‘the: birth. eontrol | controversy ‘Sunday | “with Nonzhair’ musié: from: ‘midnight to. 6. a.m, owner. here. : 733 turned -to. deejay::slot -gs.. all-night ‘voice on: WRR . . Bab ‘Brown, ‘cafe. The. Levee. a ngers,. ‘anéhored here at-Ed Beérnet’s Levee. nitery,. ‘tapad’ |-ports, per week,.” ‘altered last week, the. tent’ rep Tea with the union asking .. ae-“three-year deal. withacross-the:. (9: with “Pabies by: Prescription” ‘progrant. Guesting were. a: juvenile |... ‘second..a> Yiarance’ last ‘week. for. the “Steve-Allen Show"... Diek'} poard wage boosts of 132%. this” 7 | court Jud ye. a) Pianned | Parenthood Assn, TED. a Unitarian. ‘minister Wheeler ‘a2:!ed' to: the KRLD-TV. newsrasters:staff, coming from. Tulsa. year, 15%: ext: year an dl 20%, in. of and a IOC, Healt Dept. ‘official, os nie, “THe ‘once.was news director of WFAA-TV: here , .... KTVT, Fort “Worth, | 1936.. . fe, dropped its live daily-early. show. : J added“the. s"dicated ‘Mike Douglas Show. at 2° p:m.. daily: ‘prexy J IN BOSTON . Bod Chresne, promotion: mane 2eT WHDH “TV, and Joe: Costanza, press rep, hs Hod press confab. at Jimmy’s -Har borside Monday (10%° for: Sid)” Pike ways tating his “cousin to cousin” progam. around ‘the. world... :. Donal.{ 3, newiy formed ‘Broadcast RatingsCouncil, ‘speaks. on” “Broadcast . Tue., Ratines nud Researeh: 1964" today: 411); “at: annual joint: lunch Broad| cand ‘Advertising Club-“of Greater. : WN AC-1V. puts its new -1, 069-ft.: castine Exerutives Club. of _N. E. ' ‘ } Tower, 1,181 ft. above sea level;: tallest ve. earn jthan te eittel 7 one, operation Feb. 23-at noon and ‘will to: join: Gre ay o'd-Eshleman. advertising’s ‘PR™ department. _Also: Joining that pact, stage: man agers Eet. $125. promote if with “T-Day’’. activities, brainehiid: of: Al.Korn, adv.-promo}_ |S: Mrs. Te“ry. Considine. Williams, onetime Wi ORE flack ...... Bab: Nash“weekly for “jobbing’ and . working chief public service award from commissioner Intertial Revente for station's eslerty in explaining income. tax: Jaws . 2. WBZ-FY ‘nabbed, heavy fan mal On. Ws » loeally produced “Dear Scottie reading: of letters from F. oral to his daughter, . performed by. Farley | Granger when m1 iin with the National | Reper tor y. Coe Ht 5 being, considered as) Y shouse: stations. we 1. TV has Wi t aw ard from Professional Photosr aphers: of Nortlierti California: for, news.-reporting. in 1953 ... .. KRON-TV’s “Assignment Four’ Al Kontyss and filmed by Al Kihn and Roger Krupp . . Radio: KSFO tosidiaa pacity for Blenda O'Brien, oldest employee in. “point of service, with fhe osiutfon ‘Sinee. 1934: “Phe. Wondr -rfulWorld of .San Frimersco,” fin: need, Dy. ‘city and ‘spon: cared ‘by travel and. convention bureau: bas peen seen -by ‘an. estimated 259,000 over KNON.. Prat isco”. ‘Saturday nis whiter farmer Ky known: as ‘From KRON’s “Money“in Motion”, which, Spells: out financial “Ero, Sun the hun try i” facts of tee. hei sia Studied byhigh ‘school economics: classes ole -KSFOQ and KEPC bh Ma ‘tackling the drug. addiction story. .°.:KSFO airing a “The Habit,” in which Aaron: Edwards. conducts interv IEW Ss s.. Sune, ws neh IN PIL, {DELPHIA: ECC ¢-cumiss’aner. ‘Frederick W: -Foraand ‘Drayton: Bryant, pies. of : “Galaxi Beth % : of. coo soreial tv -and.‘educational. tv_ in the. community, before the. PUB erator of AW RT-at. the Sheraton -Hotel.:18)). . . Bob Klose, formerly vith WEIL, . appointed “general -neinager _of-Triangle’s Bing-. fhamyton staffon WNBE wo. Joe. Bonaduce,: préssagent forthe Phila. Zoo: left ter fhe Coast: to. “work: ‘with Dick .Clark’s. new tv setup .; Clyde Suitznery goneral ales. manager ‘of. Triangle’s radio and. tv. di Reaudin s‘the publicity forthe. Easter ‘Seal campaign. : Bill Farren row worting as news. dir éctor for station manager Dick: Paisley. at WAY, Roadins. wee sae, Jones H. J. Tate institutes: a. serics’ of ‘monthly . half-hour. . Gary Schupp. former tv news editor’ and assist ant news. diréctor’. for. WBZ-TV, Boston.” joins WAU as .re= porter: wr ' Rev.. John DeBrine,. director of: Youtharama and. keesyet st WRC . Son, tev mornings... Central Penn-Natioval Bank inked for 52 weeks as fob sponsor-of WCAU’s ev ening : ‘nas stanza. “Update” with John. Fresnd Ae. . Walliam | McCormick, WNAC-TV.. pvéxy, nabbed: metritorious | * doe umentary, “The Voiceless Millians, ” referring. to. one-tenth of}. the Stites pipulation who bear Spanish: sur hames, .is. w ritten: by. Staffer 1. es Rigt |-retary Roy Wi vilkins,. Jerry: Stiller. aad Asne Meara, husband-and-w ifeterm,’ début on KGO-TV’ S| ‘for weekly Herb. Csrnckb “| Paul Civic ‘AXSara’s ‘production. of. “Wildcat.” visors. Board: the Tis al Ebr ational Television Council;. will @iscuss ‘the. relationship: °_—_—_ | | moh ; OR : AY 9 > Review EX ‘MeCRaARy TIME 7 . 45 Mins., on. -FTi., Farren: was: Paisley’ 8: boss 20: yearsago at WFIL'| the popular’. nighttinie “interview: € LEVEL i ND’: . Rift. Fournier; associated producer. of KYW’'s. 20a Douglas. show, exiting. for. producer's: role atWBNS . Jack Moy ‘t.exerutive producer. WEWS, leaving station after. AT years ick, -KPYS,) consulting. with. KY Ww radio. . Jim. Stage Yaised ; . Three police ears ‘assigned: to. escort: him:.over . Bill Slater upped: to’ WABQ public: ‘Service, dinestsr . : Bruce MacDonald proinoted: WaFW“Town ‘Meeting. of. the. ‘Ais char ith: Clev. eland League of Women Voters and eity. bigwigs ey ‘initiating. ‘Oberlin: ‘| Coliese" Sund ay afternoon: series “Religi ion. in: Ameri ica. me: Jaex Ry," KYW-EV public. affairs director, IN. MINNEAPOEIS “WCCO-TYV and Radio, “together. with: ‘two. Uy of “Minnesota. groups, | will: cosponsor public. symposium on “Issues. of States ‘Rights and. -Civil. at “the university ‘Feb. ‘17. Representing. opposite viewpoints. of contract ‘negotiations is appat-" will, be. Alsh'ma: Goy..-George’-C. Wallace. and NAAGP. Executive ‘Sec-. -KSTP Radio’s Lee Vogel. will be seminar leader | ‘event that.a-new agreement is: not. ‘in samé serios. Feb. 19, participating. Scith John Birch -Society’s jeader | reached,.. it’s’ ‘possible some tents “WCCO news : director. Jim. | may not open,’ while -:others. may Welch: and. Socialist : Norman. Thomas. : Bormann" *eetod president: of: “Minnesota ‘Press. Club: : Minnesota Twiris . b> 2h ill -slusger Bob. Allison’ inked’ by Time-Life's. ‘WTCN-TV shaseball series... He'll eollaboratéwith Twins sportscaster’ | -Robert Ridder, WECO-TV: president, to head Min| neapolis: ent, ‘ot: SE: ‘Paul :Arts: ‘and ‘Sciences: $300,000 fund: drive.-next |. month...“ V' thesp Don ‘Liberto coming in next frame for. role in St. ‘Musical opens Feb...20. Willian. 0. Douglas Jr.-in ‘town. last’ stanza plugging’ ABC-TY’s. Me -Como Park..z00 ‘naturalist Bob: Duerr: who .‘hosts | "Exploring Nature” WTCN: “TV *s_ appointed: to ‘National Science . “Ad + . AES Joseph P. “Kennedy. Sp “was . killed: Show ‘will: focus this. summer on a} fhe’ World's Fair... ease ere ~ Bill: Producer:. MieCrary ..” a eet 15 P. m. WOR, NY. WBC Radio “Tex: “MeCrary,. who j in 1959. quit} . —‘Continued from: page 43 omens — _ Ken Coleman, WDOX: “sportsea? stor. sisned to do pro’ ‘golf: with. PGA... around | Se 4) during: ‘his 14-hour. Akron;Clev eland KYW promo march | ‘for ‘ Mareh c Times”. calmost ail: MI Te hike. br oke ‘down: 38 The countess first: religious deeiay ‘spins ‘new: session’ on John Frasca is. scripter and br: oadeaster fora series {| | show: ‘that le“ and. wife: ‘Jinx. Falk senburg° ran’ fora ‘dozen. “years, ‘is ‘back, solo. t+. dag: : 45-minute p.m. strip. for RKO. Gener al’s New "York: talk and: news station WOR: 11:15: to midnight, and_ “The Vin| -eg@at Tracv..Show, 1:15 to 10-:p:m.. 4eCary,: With. wife ‘dinx FEaulken-. “Reveille.” with BillCamfield, andj ~ KVIL | , “ha Cove honored by Town North: Optimists Club. with. a ‘plague. for his. pa t. aS ‘EK in behalf of heedy boys. " . _ AN “teGannon, -prexy. Group’ W,.-W estinghouse, and: chairman } -berg, was ‘a longtime. WNBC late . interview’ ‘team: in’ the .50’s. ° ‘Tracy. \ :, is an ex-aleoholie who-has become 7} well Known -in thefield of addict those ‘with unit companies | “$100 weekly. °. In. each “case: ‘provision | was” made for: a ‘cost of. living. in-* -Under. terms. “of: crease in: 1962." -theatres © ‘without, resident ‘compas | nies and’ ‘$150: if employed: with. a + Unit: company. o Among °*. other ‘demands which, MATA‘ finds “objectionable is’ the. -union's pension: plan: proposal. call-. ‘for management. contributions. of: 2° of ‘the salaries: paid to’ Equity 7 performers this..year, 213%. next.” “1 year ‘and .3°% in -’66;..: These. per-" 1] centage : figures ‘would: apply only, ‘to salaries up to $1, 500.-: ‘The next:move:for a resimption . ently: up-to Equity." ‘In the. unlikely an esa solely . ‘on... non-Equity: . pro ‘rams such “AS pop:-concerts,. Euro-. ” pean: opera companies, variety. proprams, folk. ‘music: festivals... ‘portant factor: however, businéss ‘Of lining up productions -and casts usually’ gets underway a few’ months. -prior ‘to’.the actual | start of. the summer: session: and a continuing “-deadlock ‘in’ contract neZofiations ‘could seriously: im-, pede progress. ©. “MATA, contending: that ‘Equity is” | not’ negotiating ‘realistically, says / that-most ‘meniber tents ‘sustained > _a loss last season’ and ‘that they've: | already begun, experiencing resist-": ance to boxoffice scales -in’ .effect, | last | “season.. | limit on. ticket. prices : has been’ reached and. ‘that: it would be: uns! wise to. increase’ “admission. fees. in: _ | an: effort. ‘to meet: rising costs. “Medal: for MecGannon . Bridgeport, Feb: Wy ‘Donald .H.. McGannoni, : Westing.. The. contract negotiated: between. MATA and: Equity in.1960 and still.” ‘in: effect gave: residént. perforniers..°' $890 © “weekly, jobbers $85 | weekly,” “ : |-Lhoseplaying theatres without resi-:: ‘| dent. companies * $90 ° weekly ‘and Johnny TAH ay. is: leaving. WHK for a. reported $2, 700: disk: spine ning. assianmon rb ‘with ‘WINS «.. ‘Ice. .shows and. Jazz aon, “as. the | Thus,’ they. say” ‘the. . « ¢ " . “ . . . .-. . sot . vor . ty ee erat “ose _ . re a . . “AD a enter Cha khe amet teeter a ret Ae Later senpiematti es | LAL ees Ts . . Ste CaO Ate toe! ven, oa ee Pats TE OM poysrhs un i PEN, Initial ‘Program: Bee Was: ‘theged “Anatomy off. This: will Ro: ‘doubt ‘be | a firm rehabilitation.” how se Broadcasting prexy: received 3 Fiyyeny yh nT o re | Poves a a vo | Pree ones eee al This leaves:-WOR with only 90] nigh lay honor of the: Roman Cathz= IV DN] ROIT . i os [str ongmike :personality: and’ can’ “minutes ° of musie.-in the 24-hour olic-church, from. Bishop Walter: Ww: 4 a o. vs “1 get contr dversial: -. Showis. pr ~o.'| broadeast day. Disks are. heard now} Curtis in.ceremoniés here: -~ . Wie Xe ews h sassigned veteran. political. reporter Ven ‘Marshall | duced: Jassociation ‘with’ )-Meonly on ‘Sunrise Serenade,’ and|~ Lay. chairman: of ‘the’ deve alop-: =: tye We i wh whe Republican and D omocratie “national ‘ ‘conventions, |'Gall’s,. Reda: ok, and. ‘Saturday: Re-|: ‘Rambling * with “Gambling,” «two ment fund’ of’ the. . Diocese. of. WHES Po bear ‘tor Britton Temby will “cover. thé UAW. national econcen! wy Te . Mm soath | _. WWJ-TV. will: inaugurate Detroit's only: éarly Suidaeevening news, -weatheor and) sports report” this: week in the “view editors, a wealth. of subject... matter. personalities. for’ the ‘spread: which should ‘provide: cand}: mornings: shows,.and in. “Radio. ‘New York.” from 4:15. ta.:6: p.m. Besides 2 E . {| the. many. :solo: talk. and: interview. Jartists’ and. teams. through. the day, Bridgeport, MeGannon is the first ae of -the many commuter: exécutives. who reside. in this area to" be so’ 7 7-720 wan’ slot. with. Ven Marshall handling: néws; ‘Ed Carson the |}. N . honored. ' “te otable ‘about ttié’-initial. stanza W. Det wy ee Maryn the: sports Report cntati zig in| Monday. night was.the obvious wR? sociaht Fcutes of news a rants ay el ea eee otto! Checetbatinne ih presen ation, moves preparation. | AMeCraty: put into.the ‘thé half. hour along with helicopte ‘Columbus. — Mrs. Réberta O:. into | hur mat oni showcasing. after’ presentations in. New ‘York and Chi-. intros, ‘cutins cand ‘closers | which s a Cat? . ning pr Syrams from 7:10. to. 7:40. pm. Avil be. broadcast: by WWJ radio: ‘ie Cooperation with the Foreign’ Policy” Assn. radio’s “Sports Digest” program ‘after /a “suspension” that goes. back to October, 1961. sports scene in editorial fashion. He Was | fired | from the. Show two “Great Decisions-1964,”.a’ special ‘series. of eight-Monday ‘eve-" . Dr. Ellen. : Winston, | US. Commissioner: of Welfare; will be: quest speaker, this: Week. on “Show is a/‘nightly” ser ies:: where. Caray. covers the built: the. interviews. into. “what | 7 "| was. taped: in‘ a conversation while. Veteran Cardinal baseball: ‘announcer Harry Caray ‘back . on “KMOX: riding alonz. in. his: Cadillac: More} dramatic *. was an James ‘Rand. might. be -calléd. talking magazine’ features. This ‘gave the 45-minutes’ “fa good pace andKept the.idle interview: with. ‘Air .Force command-er of the. special. project on. which tratfie reports, ‘time checks, weather; market reports, . school closings, “ski. -munity . and pubservice | antrounce and fishing irifo and: com ‘summer, :willalso be’ heard. via the international, facilities. of :WRUL. ‘(Radio New York World. Wide), the. nation’s... ‘orily shortwave ‘mercial station. — com . Ni ixon, WWJ-TV's ‘Town Meetin show,, ments. ay -general:.manager. says: Mrs, Nixon. ° ° | chatter down to ‘a’ minimum. \~ ‘The. Tex: ‘MeCrary’ show, -which will inauguratéa‘ combined public — . LN: ST. L OU tT S we ‘New. York Mayor Robert Wagner “will ‘ go. ‘to: the -World’s: Fair ; this. service operation: for the radio and ‘wideo outlets. Jack. Hunter| signed. as -WBNS-TV public: affairs — _ diréctor -to. accept a position. as. di-'-: -Tector ‘of. special programming for” a 7 WIZ;EVs, Baltimore. : in. ‘proadeasting. “for 20: . years, : has: been appointed director | " of. public affairs for WBNSradio: °. and: WBNS-TV.' Richard : A. Borel, a baad