Variety (April 1964)

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. y: his’ release ‘promotion: activities.. _-éations, _. tate,” French language production; “Those Magnifi-|. a ‘:Franee,; May; arty for Buenos Aires ’ Buenos Aires, ‘Macch -3 . “Despite earlier protestations ‘that. the policy-setting . eracn, ot ':° :the Buenos Aires Film Fest: were “not.interested” in-any out-of an competition “showings, Tony: Richardson’s “Tom ‘Jones™:, (UA-Los:. ” pert) ‘kicks’ off. the 10-day. affair here ‘tonight, (Wed, dwith: a special woke out-of-comp ‘screening.’ . ‘Karl: Maldeiiheads the official U. Ss. ‘delegation te the ‘test: “with. _ . (husband ‘of : Miss: Prentiss)... ... . NatalieWood, ‘star: Of: ‘the: ‘official: ‘U. s: ‘entry; “Love With: ‘The. . “Proper. Stranger,”.| was .a last-minute cancellation:: ~ thur ‘Loew Jr.; who: set to’ come; bowed -out ‘with. Miss Wood. : 7 -. Director David Miller: is the vU. S. member of: the fest’s intérria-, . tional jury.. In addition’ to. SStranger.” 7 the’ Yanks ‘Also. are. . being “officially. “repped ‘py. the’ U.S. Taformational.. Agency’ ‘documentary, ‘short, a 7 “Grand. Central: Market. Fred His : 5 : will: Handle 20th-Fox 1-Fox Production Publicity ~ = : : Rosenfield Separates: , + “with. “two: pix: now. “shooting in|’ Engiand’ and no. Tess. than’ 15: more |. Lot _ due to lens’ wholly. or in ‘part. in:| “ ‘Britain. and Europe betweennow | | ~ ‘and ‘late. fall, 20th-Fox ad-pub: veep |. ’ Jonas. RoseifieldJr... is “separating. European’ production and. distribu|“ Mass. ” heretofore | | culation. under 100,000). + : nerup was. Houston: Press. Paul tion. publicity chores, vested: in’ ‘one guy.” . Fred. Hift, who has been: ad-pub: Dae, ‘director for-: ‘Britain, Europe. “and: "-the. Near’ East, .based: in’ Paris;. is: -. being ‘named. director of production “0 publicity’ for Britain and: Europe: -’ Hift.will move his headquarters to} » ‘London. next.month, base-of-opera| _ tions .of 20th’s: European. produc: |. “tion ‘boss; . -. ‘working: in. close cooperation. with |. :*.. Williams, will be directly: responsia ‘ble to Rosenfield: See are AS. yet, no. man “has yet: ‘been. wo found to ‘take -over: the | distrib _ publicity. chores -in Paris.Under. “| the newset-up, however, this: exec’s le! territory: will ‘be: limited .to_Europe ‘2\" andthe Near East. John. Fairbairn, .. -: pub‘ Britain. who. -used |’ “!. to report to Hift,. will in the future Eimo .. Williams. . Feport.-directly to Rosenfield anént Prior to ‘taking ‘on the European: om ad-pub. post for: 20th in September; | ~~ 1962;.-Hift: had° headed production |. 7 publicity units on Otto: Preminger’ S|: “Exodus,” ‘Robert: ‘Rossen’s ' ::‘“Fhe Hustler” . ‘and’ Darryl. F,. -Zanuck’s --/ “The. Longest ‘Day.”.. : ".. Among the | pix on: -2Oth’s: ‘overseas :. ealendar are the. ‘currently shooting ‘(Britain) : ‘and. “Guns At. Batasi”. “ “Zorba The: -Greek” (Crete), .plus: “Sound | ‘of’ Music,” ' ‘starting: “April 21; . “Pa' France,: May. ‘10: cent Men. in: Their. Flying ‘Mach-}ines,” Britain, . * May: 18;. “Bonfire,’ m : French. language: production, “Fhe. Pléasure Seek|. “ars,” locations: ‘in Spain; May-June; “The: Agony: and -:.The ‘Ecstacy,’ -' Rome, June: 1;. Rags,” France; ' June; July: a September; for fall starts,-.. World,” Britain,” and “AS Sleepless . Night ‘in. Capris’ ” Italy.. : -In. order to. simplify. liaison, the: ‘new European production’ publicity: chief. Will’ be responsible | ‘for all. 20th... pix..-shooting ‘in: ‘Britain and. Europe, . whether or not they .-aré -being filmed :there in their entirety, or! are Coast ‘studio pix on. i. location Junkets. : “Shirley. ‘Clarke’ Ss: Checkup’: | “Femme film . ‘director’: “Shirley . Clarke. checked. ‘into. ‘Medical: Arts «Hospital Monday (30). for a check _ ap ‘to: clear: up touch of -flushe’ we ‘has. been: unable to ‘shake... ~<: “Miss. Clarke. who helmed. “The Connection, ”. expects’ to: be. ‘back: . at work: by y Monday. rae Hift; [ ‘Austrian™’ lo-' | Pat Boone Looms as Yank » Star (First) in Feature tion. and. ‘Kindred industry’ workers. For a non-Las Vegas.operation, the. “| mass-capacity Melodyland hasbeen: -“Rapture ‘In, My |: “*& * High |: “Wind in Jamaica,” Britain; Suly3} Von Ryan’s“Express,”. Ttaly; ‘July; |. “Epitaph for -“AnEnemy,” Fr¥arice, :“Promise, At: Dawn,”: France, |: _ “My ‘Mother’s House,” | Britain,’ -September; “Lady -of The _Camillias;”:* French. language pro-: ‘duction;.France,: October: and,. both. “A. Share: of. The the ” picture -concerns © ‘American baseball: player ‘coming |. here 4nd -painfully discovering that. he: must. extend himself if:he. wants: to ‘be a: ‘winner—bothon cand: off | . the: field.. le . . a Robert” -Corkery, -veep of the Motion. Picture ‘Export: Agsn., and”: ~i2 “George. Rylance, deputy. public. ‘affairs. officer: at: the U. Ss. Embassy, : “y ° chere,.completing the official. delegation, . soe Yank “film” personalities ‘due. in-. include’. actresses. Janet ‘Leigh ; "and ‘Paula Prentiss, actors: Tony: ‘Perkins and. Richard. Benjamin hit to , odon Distribution. Touting. “Nod to ‘Quincy, Mass: ; Also. a. winner,. but: ‘not. list ; original. .story, -. MPAA’s. ‘Boyd’ Martin. ‘Motion = _ Picture: Page’ Awards -was the © ‘Patriot. J Pedger oF: Quincy,’ . * @d "in. “Tt. won. ‘in group: : three: (eir-° [‘Run . Producer “ATS _ i FAEGTS A | “CINEMA cin’. ~ By VIN CENT’ CANBY. » aire: which: has: ‘long’ ‘régardea| | itself as: ‘the ‘Hollywood. of the-Arab| .: 4. World, is now. about ‘to make:a bid. “for: status: as an’ international ‘pro-|: duction ‘center. To .this’-end, the]. | government” of. ‘the’ ‘United~ ‘Arab a Republic . is: = (2). ‘Sponsoring the coristrietion of a. giant, $10,000,000 ‘Cinema City }on the. outskirts: of Cairé, :contain| ing: within: its.50° acres ninesound}. . | stages, labs, exterior ‘shooting:areas, . animation © facilities .. and even a ; ‘motel; (2) Prepared’ to enter into: ‘co2| production agreements’ with: over|‘ -| seas producers;.even to the. extent fof. putting up: ‘actual -broduction = ” | cess to. governmental. archives © . (3) Making plans to’ ‘host its: “first | international film: festival inCairo. “ _} this. e coming ‘October: . *:. Details of Egypt's: ambitious film ; program: .were ‘revealed’ ‘in 'New} | York ‘this: week by. -Fathy. Ibrahim, | ‘| vet motion picture .éxec..who, until | a7} late ‘last year;. was ‘head of. 20th-| “| Fox: ‘operations in. the. UAR. Ibra“| him is: now: ‘chairman.’ -of. . the ; Egyptian General Co.” for. International Film. ‘Production.and ‘Dis. | tribution.. Company -is: part ‘of. the} | government’s Cinema; Broadcasting -|and Television. Organization. which, . fin turn; is governed. ‘by the. Ministry, . an of Culture. and: Tourism. ~ . * The Ibrahim | company, .. in “addi-| ‘tion to overseeing: the constriction. and -operation of Cinema: {eapital, ‘and : .| City, blieprinted. for: completion ‘i in “Paul: N.. “Lazarus” or, “recently Out: as... exec: -Veepee™ of ‘Samuel. ‘Bronston’ Productions,” is. ‘joining. ‘the. producer: ranks; Exec: reveals that: his’. first ‘production. has, in fact, been. quietly in L-work: for some | m weeks.) 0.55. ths “Pic is ia “featute-length’ doci indie . company,. Penell -Pictures. |, Rosenberg already. has shot-footage | _ in.. England’.and France. and is}: currently: working. in Japan. ° “Pro= aoe ‘| duction will wind with shooting’ in | the: U.S. Rosenberg: produced. “Girl. of ‘the. Night” for: Warners several years ago. “According ’ to Lagat,’ ‘no: ‘distrib |: deal. has ‘been set, but it’s under--|: stod: that there: have. been: talks, at ‘20th-Fox., ee ~ Made By: Japanese | = “Tokyo, ‘Mareh 31. Winding’ a: mash singing. tour ‘of Nippon, Pat. Boone: began . discus-, sions. with a major Japanese: ‘studio for him fo. star. in-a feature to be > lensed’ liere: Although: | he’ s° flexible: on the project, -what Boone ‘has ‘ in mind Ais’ a Japanese-language‘picture in° whieh he'd’ be. ‘the only. foreigner. If. necessary, hé -might .go ‘cO-pro-_ duction, but:at: this time:he’s-think ing~in terms: of ‘a guarantee. ‘salary against .a percentage for. the Japa-~ nese market; If the film: gets.-re-. -leased-. beyond these. Shores; he * | would want. a: heftier Slice. < . Should . The: story ° ‘Boone. ‘suggests. ‘for a: cocky "118 months, -ers the. a | the film ‘materialize, 1. Boone ‘would become. the. first bon-.| | afide non-Nipponese ‘star to appear ina. Japanese: picture. Principal.” purpose “of. ‘the new 1; Pr odu o Cinema. ‘City. -is to: attract .\to ‘the urns cer ‘duction interests’ who, in ‘turn, will [aid Egypt in. -eracking : the inter‘national .. film. ‘market: foreign. ‘producers Have .come. to Egypt. ona strictly: ‘occasional basis, | shores .of the. Nile ovérseas pro either © for-quick’. .location ‘work (20th’s “Cleopatra”. “unit was.:there ‘for. 11 days): or: ‘grade’ ‘B. specs and]; mellers.. “C'Son “of “Cairo, *-ete.). Spartacus,’ ” “While. ‘up: to. 70: or 80 ‘Egyptian films’ made ‘annually. -have ‘a ready mentary,’ “Report: ' The. Teenager ; | and Sex,” which producer. Max: J. ‘Rosenberg, : of : Van Gurd Produc: |: tions, .is shooting’ for Lazarus’: “new |. market: throughout North «Africa | and. the” Middle East. (and can . Pet _ (Continued on ontinued on page 2 21) Fi isher As Maker of Wagon’ | ‘(Lerner & Loewe)| 8,000, 000 from the adjacent avia playing top names. at: top terms. “Fisher gets $30,000 a week for his.|1 one-week stand. against ° 75-25%, terms. | The. ‘second project _ Ws: “‘acquisi tion. -by. him’ of film rights: from.|* | the Louis B..: “Mayer estate.-ta “The |. -Painted~ “Wagon”. which he consid|. Lerner : &.. Loewe |. : musical. ‘He: will. produce : it :inde-4} pendently, probably’. ‘in Cinerama. 4. ‘He paid. $199,000 ‘(a gag figure. to: get: under the::200G). for’ a -prop-: “best”. -erty: which : the: late “movie. mogul: planned. ‘as. his’ “comebac *” undertaking but’ wastaken . “UE -Mayer | : -had-some $450,000 invested: in., the | (Spain; cas property. at the time: > “Alan: Jay : -Lernet ‘jneantime: ‘has. been .working:.on. the screenplay -and he, ‘with. comiposer-collaborator : : Frederick Loéwe,:are committed to t four. new ‘songs: as. Part ‘of: the. Pie ture: package: -Fisher, : in between" Jooking for'|. ...” Fernaidez © Cuenca. ‘the . Eddie: Fisher: wrapped up. three. ‘projects before he yester| :| day (Tues.) from New: York. to open. ‘at: Sammy Lewis’ Melodyland, -Ana4 heim, Calif., the “Kingsize . nitery: which has a:drawing population of | Aires;. “Fabbri, at ' 7 © Spain’ Ss “Own Reply “Madrid, March $1. . Spain: will -undertake:.a documentary reply to the -unfavor« able. French: film .“Morir.’a . Madrid” (ToDie. -in: ‘Madrid) Yensed: in ‘part’ by. ‘French di| rector. Rosif here. “A.-” Spanish. documentary, con ~ “Morir en-Espana” (To.-Die. in. “ -Spain) will. -be’ directed: by , Esteban Madruga from a script... by. ex-film: critic and current ~ San’ Sebastian director, -Carlos . Mateo‘is producing and: Sebastian. Luca de. Tena. will: act. as * é “military advisor... . Film makers will have ‘ac_ of Civil: War: newsreels..and ' : documentary footage. The film, . be rushed, into production to. “meet a press screening date’ at: the San Sebastian film festival in early June... an UA Spreadout OF | Tom Jones’ in NY. ‘United Artists‘Lopert’s smash pic: which has been. pom:.-Jones,”. doing ‘rubber: walls. biz at.'Cinema I.& Il, .N: ¥:, will open a ‘15-theatre’ A also. controls”. three Gotham are’ break April 8.: on ‘existing. Cairo. studios, :the: Misr: El -| Ahram aiid Galal, which. contain a .; | total of: nine " stages. The Tony ‘Richardson: pic, which \‘has -been doing. sock biz throughout. ‘the country «since “spreading © ‘into upwards of '.100: situations ‘a while |: ago, will continue at Cinema 1 & IIwhen ‘making. its spread. Interest-: ingly, : house’ ‘Splita “Golden: Showcase”’ . "To. date; ‘or other’ tag. to that effect .as ‘it. UA vis. not “billing ‘the’ 15 has done in the past. with. such situations. =~" It. cis ; “understood: ‘that; ‘following -15-theatre’gpread, will go into: some -kind-:of:-“show case”: release, | ‘including neighbor| -hood. situations, Such“a “showcase”. release. would. merely ‘be a Nabe: ‘multiple, however, :. ‘since the pie would. already ‘have. played «a: ‘frisi<. run. and: limited multiple: booking, | thereby hardly -‘qualifying’. for: 4 “showcase” handling as: presently: .| defined: Such. -plaris further dem-. ‘onstrate. the ‘widening: application place.’ _One™ of: the tiajor ‘chatiges:. “for | example, . ds: the. faet that “Jones”. "may, not: go on . the: ‘RKO-Skouras “showcase”* plot: This is indicative . of | a -Browing | ‘dissatisfaction being r expressed: by.: some. disfribs ‘as ‘to how “showcase”. is working out ‘on. the major ‘circuits. It may also: in-. ‘dicate .a--possible ‘split by. UA’ ‘with. RKO-Skouras . “‘showcase” plan. as it’ now. exists—running _ ‘several tracks at once to. ‘accommodate -Universal, Warner Bros: .as Well -as . UA and. others. the year’s: ‘major attractions and if it. doesn’t: go to -RKO as other les-1 9 ‘ser’ pix -liave, the omission. could” ‘|point. to’ other. “showcase” "moves a “Jones”. is one -of in ‘the : ‘Thaking. " Buenos hires i est ary _ Includes Zoltan Fabbri, Last: Year's Winner Buenos. Aires, ‘March. ae . Seveh-member -jury for... competitive pictures -at. the fate national ‘Film Festival: of Buenos, ‘opening: April “Ts: “as: follows: 7... : Carlos. -F er na 1. d: eZ. Cuanea: David -. “Miller,.* U.S.A. _Demy, | France: Zoltan. ‘Hungary; Sergio \ Amidei, |: Italy; -and ‘one Argentine—either ; Jacques .. Leopoldo. Torre Nilsson, the diréc-: ‘tor: or Orestes: Caviglia,: the actor; j i: -or Robert. Falice,. the playwright; ‘| or Hector. Grossi, .a “film: tritic. Seventh” “member, from.West: a director “of the calibre’ of Jerome | | Germany, _ to. _be pick e > a _any ‘Robbins. or: Gower Champfon, ” who he. feels “right”: for the. ‘Cinerama: : Continiied ‘on page 28). m:° ‘nute: . Fabbri is the. ‘director of: ast: Vyear's ‘Mar. del, Plata. prize-winner. pines Reutes “lene fn Gos / -+ Rafael © : using’ ‘professional’: ‘actors; ‘will: e | inger, | Assn. . of America’for the partici-_ =| ation » of “The Cardinal.” sid HS ones”. -The. rap “handed Columbia Ple-, oft tures re the no-show: of Otto Prem-inger’s : “The, ‘Cardinal” at therecent | Cartagena (Colombia) film: ‘fest: was: fotally.. unjustified and. .| based: completely on misinforma-_ -tion, according to. Col Internation: oy al. exec veépee Mo Rothman. Exec. takes: sharp exception to ‘almost. all the “facts” that | “were | ‘related’ by Arlene Dahl in a Holly-. ‘wood’ datelined. story in the. March ‘25. issue of: VarteTy. Star: had ~ charged that: Uz. Ss, good will efforts | at. the fest’ had: been crippled by | Col’s “last-minute yanking”. of “The ‘| Cardinal,”* This could hardly -be 4 true, Says Rothman, because the. o ‘picture. had. never. been skedded “| for ‘the’ fest. : Nobody conaected with the -Cartagena-fest; he. continues, . ever asked Columbia, producer Premnor the «Motion Picture. On Feb. 12, two. weeks ‘before -|-the fest’s start; ‘he says, Columbia’ {was informed: that “Cardinal” star 1 Tom: ‘Tryon -was. to. be. a. member of the...U.Sdelegation. Inthis ‘connection, Col. dispatched‘ &@ num-~ ‘ber of publicity. kits to. their man in ‘Bogota for’ use at the festival. . ‘Rothman heard.‘no more about the fest .until’ March 2. when he. re-. ceived from Col first veep Mike Frankovich: who told Roth© ~ | man-he had just had. a_call from. Miss Dahl in Cartagena. asking him. -where “Cardinal” print .was. -. Since there had. never been any idea. of the. picture’s being shown ‘at:-the ‘fest, Rothman on March -3. dispatched _a-cable to. Col’s man-ager to.Bogota telling him the facts ‘and: asking him to tell: Miss’ Dahl, adding that if there was any confusion, ‘Miss. Dahl could can |-tact him (Rothman). directly. Miss . ‘Dahl’ $s. subsequent report to a VAaRieTy reporter that -she. had. cabled: Rothman: and had in turn ‘received a “sorry — film cannot be: shown” reply. was -com‘pletely false, the .:‘Col Int'l exec Vveepee’ states flatly: He’ had no. communication. with | -her --whatsoever. Perhaps, ‘le . adds, her. remarks. to were ‘inspired. more-by “a. desire «for publicity. than. from a sense of. national out ‘of . the “showcase”: handle .and the Tage: {Widespread "changes . also” taking |. ' + word spread. that the picture. Rothman: is’ ‘baffled as to ‘how would be’ shown since. there wasn't even-a print. of the’ film in Colombia. and the picture still. hasn’t ‘been ‘set for release there.. “The: Cok: exec’ is further rankled ‘by. the fact that Columbia, of all ‘film’ companies, should be so bumrapped re. Cartagena. This is the first year since 1960 that Col has not ‘been repped at the fest, Col ‘having had: entries in 1961, 1962 and 1963. In’ fact,. the company: ‘was cited’ -by the ‘Cartagena fest heads in 1962: with an award. prais-.. ing Columbia for-its “constant cooperation”. with the: fest. “Dahl. Cart: Reporter. . Hollywood, March 31; . “Arlene. Dah commenting. on. Mo" -VRothman’srebuttal, said that” when she arrived in Cartagena. “TRest: Officials assured her that ar: rangeéements : hed -been firmed for “The Cardinal” to he shown ‘there . out-of competition. Actress also. _ | asserted -she.:did/ not “mean: to ' give impression” she had’ cabled . Rothman directly, which -impres-~ sion she did give. She communi. | cated with: Rothman. through’ a .j phone. call relnyed by Col: proguc-. Py chief Mike: Frankovich. “Le sbyiorth to Coast S * Foseph:: “Lebworth. ‘former production’ assistant..for Darryl F.. : Zanuck at. 20th-Fox, and. now: set {up ‘aS an. indie producer, flew. to. | ‘Hollywood ‘for a ‘week's consulta: ' tions: with’ 20th studio chief. | Richard. Zanuek,. Concerns . ‘filming. of. Joseph. ‘Conrad’s ‘novel “Nostromo. vo