Variety (April 1964)

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TL FS OO eS OT Cd 7” te eo. | ne Soeeten | set 1, 1964 ae Film Reviews _ Me —— Continued: from page 6 “Advanee ‘To the Rear ° ” . misfits in the outfit-include a-bone-]_ . -@rushing .muscle’ man, a .punch-'|” drunk: former. fighter, an arsonist: . ‘abrupt. dissolution’ of an affair ‘be-{ - . ‘and. a."klepto. -Yarn’s . ‘complications take. in‘a ol Conféderate: femme spy,.a group |< ‘! of ladies of ill-repute, a’ band: of :. renegades ‘and’ .an’ Indian chief. : *’-Wside’.from. the: ‘scene’ where. -the .:. infantry. company. is’. ordered -£0 ue * take over © the . usual.” ‘cavalry aT Tage eet SI T0e a “ fogs woe ." ete . sO ae wt we 2 yt are oa oy : . nee a eee t CRITI STRIKER bt ny on ws . ’ 4 .. .. mounts.-arnd Jearn how. ‘to. drill: ‘On ls. horseback, which’ ‘is: :sheer slap° stick, ‘the-sequence where the: com: |: _. ., pany, sans uniforms’ and guns, at: -r ‘tacks ‘the southérn.. troops and “a | “battle: enisode” ‘in. which a. “hur ‘riedly-built’: rock-catapult.: ‘and | “other missiles. are used prove to. be. highlights. la. “Conjugal Bed.” a: brief ‘interlude . describing ’ the ‘tween. a ‘Milanese: Rolls-Royceterer and her Jover.. Third: item, “Mara,” |... is’: the flashiest but: hokiest: of ‘the: three. It: explores ‘the ‘adventures |: ‘in: Rome: ofa: ‘lovable prostitute, a fanciful | client and: a “confused { Z young ‘studentpriest. ' It amounts to: an. elaborately. contrived excuse, to} . get ‘Miss Loren. into.a bikini. : * Mastroianni ‘and Miss ‘Loren both are ‘excellent in: all threeof. their |": ‘OF the “ssupport-} ‘ ing players,, the. most’ ‘vivid. .and characterizations, lasting. . impressions. ‘are’ Made . _by Giovanni-. Ridolfi and‘Tina “Pica in | the “Mara” ‘episode and Aldo :Giuf “2 toe Eizo Sugawa, opening April a _ st: “scribed :from “Hollywood. by ~ |... Bube,, in. the. March 7, 62, ‘fiausted:, mercy-iie iegsing husband, a, Episode. number two, “Anna? 3g |” Ishihara on. -whose. novel: the Boer’ Ss “appetite: ‘OF. : reward his uri: |. -osity.. A-joint enterprise of Japan's. _ ‘America’s. Harold. ".Hecht —Films,| _ Direction is. flaccid: and a good "Challenge Te. Live: idea rarely brought’ off.. De Funes *, Japanese color pic. by direc--_ . .7 at the Toho Cinema, was ‘deme ‘VARIETY, as.“ having’ : “inspira-. .. tional value ‘and romantic ‘ap|.toretrieve: his. money. peal : for Japanese. market: in. this’ ‘country. but: lacks-the kind > of proyocative:.approach; novel _ ordinary: cinematic... technique ‘and :uni: versal significance ‘and. ‘larity : : *. that: can: Carry. an art house ; “entry, oo os : . . “Toho rélease, which: féatures "| Was a: flawless sense of ‘timing. : Yoko-: Tsukasa‘ ‘and Tatsuya . | Mihashi,: is ‘combined effort of .. _ Japanese new-waver.:.Sugawa and. modern” writer : Shintaro... “f ‘Below: Par. r Jensing. -also. detracts. mai oe Mosk. ‘film is based.” ‘Voir Venise Et Crever . (See . Venice and -Die): . ‘Daiei. Motion Picture Co. Ltd. -and]. (FRENCH-DYALISCOPE). |.is .a storekeeper whois fleeced of | his*money by:a-shady banker, He ‘decides: to. rob. the :bank. by bur| | rowing: under the street, from his | + store: to the bank: vault.. ‘And: thus But the obvious plotting, quickie: look of the. production and the. ‘thesping _ around. De: ‘Funes. soon.:.make:.. the laughter: forced : “and. the: idea everworked.. -He’ can: vacillate’ from‘ determined . ‘Sadism .towinning’ archness. and “He seems'.to-need a writer and . ‘director: that. could. channel~ this. | high comic ‘presence into theright. |vehieles. This ma ight here. ' may do alrieht. te treacherous officer in’ iove with | Jeffries’ daughter, .attractively _| played -by. June Thorburn... Jack. : ‘is capable as the. title. | character, ‘except that there’s no. -|such ‘thing as ‘the title character “| since the “Crimson Blade” is. re “\ Hedley. : sure; authoritative: portrayal of ‘the. “Union. captain,” who .is’ constantly _. held. back. ‘by his Superior,” Col. | “ "Douglas. Miss Stevens.makeés. an | -. excellent . femme: ‘Spy,‘displaying |: --. peal thespian. ability. in her role: as -a.-southern miss. Douglas ° comes: rather. jovial, interpretation cf.the. “ peace-loving. inept commander. oe oman. job as. the company sergeant |. | a ‘while ‘Miss ‘Blondell; relegated tol: ~.the ‘part. ofthe: Jady | in -charge..of |." “«:the™ ‘prosties, makes. something . of : ; _a: minor. role. Backus is Superb |’ ' “as | ‘the’ ‘pompous: general. . James” . Griffith, Jesse-.Pearson, . Andrew + /-Pate’ are, best of a darge supporting ~ & cast. . one’ of his hetter efforts, ‘being: es ing fora fast flow’ of. action. ‘Randy'| ~.Svarks’ ~ . “vides .a commendable assist: to. the. “./5 action. New. Christy. Minstrels are: ae ‘credited with’ playing and . “inging: lol the. music. we a an Kester*ays Today. And Se ‘epizodes <-Y Sophia: _. Mastroianni. Good mioneymak7 are ing potential. a, Ford follows his: ‘usual. low-pres “f teenage: heartthrob, “Rich production’ ‘Values ‘dtéss. ‘Up “Yesterday, ‘Today And Tomorrow” ‘the. astute’: contributions “of --Such men. :as photographer _Giuseppe Rotunno, composer. Armando: Tro‘vajoli,. editor. ‘Adriana. Novelli. ‘and | art director “Ezio Frigerio. Veteran Alan’ Hale: ‘does ‘a ‘yeo|. ~: thefting this: pie with’ his’ "Tribe... ‘Une Ravissante. Idiote a a7. Ravishing: Idiot) . (FRENCH) | Paris, Maigh 94. SNC: reléase: ot Belles. Rives production, | features: Gregoire’ Aslan, -Andre “Luguet, Prine, Whit Bissell «and . Michael J.°M.. Tennberg, Charles. Millot. Direeted + maro, Andre Tabet; Georges. Tabet from book -by .-Charles . ‘Exbrayat: ‘Camera, "Andreas Winding; ‘editor, Robert. Isnar “Direetion’ by George Marshali is: | Mig 5. nEnan ‘Paris. ‘Running time, pecially. tonflizht: on. visiial. comedy .| "Peiny weeseeN yveleceesee, “Brigitte : Bardot: ‘episodes::.Milton Krasner’s lensing | Boe a vermyisistts Anthony Perkins.| ds.. unusually: ‘fine? Archie: Mar*hek | pumfrey" Are Liteeat has edited. with :smartness, ‘mak-. Cartwright nL M. _Tennberg western-type ‘score -pro|* Main. handles ‘for:: this. “uneven -+| only caught with her seanties twice, “Wear: tor quick. flashes, ‘and ° this ‘does Tomortow. |comedic. aspects. for anything’ ‘but ies ALIAN-COLOR).. cl i . playoff Possibilities abroad. _given ~ DE ‘Nift by Eoren ‘and: Marcello: fre’ in the “Adelina”. installment. Ridolfi. hasall the’ earmarks: of, a! ‘|.is a: hodge podge of aerial, nautical ‘and. romantic -melodrama, unstable | sign: ‘and fuzzy in thematic: ‘destination” or ‘ resolution... “Ashiya” ‘never: really. gets, off: -the. ; a meaningless title), a reflection.of -by.. Edouard. Molinaro. Screenplay; Moli-.| acters -is’. sharply: or: substantially situation comedy-actioner : are’ -the’ names of Brigitte Bardot and An-|": thony. Perkins. But ‘Miss Bardot’ is’ least: one: redundancy. and so many | not. quite have the inventive ‘spark, ‘balanced -‘mock ‘seriousness. and: : Miss Bardot’ is’ itmhade to. play. al 4 ‘who turns out to: be a British secret. agent.She. takes: up with. Perkins, |: “who. .is' a. disgruntled" Britain of. “| Russo. origin, who gets..mixed | up | with thelatter itidividual ‘as pro-}.: ducer; the’ -United-. Artists. release’ and overly-involved in dramatic de“Flight. From ground. . The. three-pronged Scenario. ‘byl * | Elliott: “Arnold and ““Waldo Salt;| x : (4). Yul Brynner,’.a}” J apanese-P0. li ish: ‘-pararescueman | who ‘has a tragic’ affair: with ‘an Algerian. .girl,.-(2).. ‘Richard « Widmark, an. Air Force: officer who has. ‘a tragic affair with .an. American Magazine shutterbug, : -(3)George. Chakiris,: who: has ¢ ‘tragic affair with his own: conscience as} he’ absurdly... blames himself for. a/ disaster. . ‘None... of: the.-three ‘char ‘drawn “and: none of» the. _ three ‘stories .is. clearly: ‘resolved. ‘ ‘ The dramatic. architecture of. the|: film is rickety. and: erratic, with at ‘flashbacks that. a..spectator is un-{ able. to. ‘get -his bearings. «At one: point there is even: a’ flashbackq -within-a-flashback. ° What. . rewards |: | there. are, are strictly’ physical: or pictorial, “Some spectacular’ .and} convincing. special. effects by .the ‘Daiei.. craftsmen: : énrich ‘the pro-: duction, :.and::these | efforts. -aré ‘backed up. by those of: cinematographers. Joseph ‘MacDonald* and Burnett Guffey’ (thére’s' at least one| Films production.. German * andItalo. emerees:. shvbrid. ‘father than a Solid: Paris, March’ 24.. -Cocinor . release. ‘of ' Motzger& ‘Woo; Marceau ‘Cocinor, -Eichberg: Adelphia Screenplay,” Jacques Robert, Ver camera,: Andre Germain; editor; e2@eo9 ee easees a “Actor: séripior “Aidre ‘Versini. . ‘ shows: himself sans much in han|: ‘dling his. first: ‘directorial -stint. on |. a ‘familiar “spy. ‘actioner.: ‘Mainly home’ playoff chances, are in store for. this. “The: son "of: a deceased: ‘famous | secret ' Service ‘man gets embroiled | -with ‘saving an old friend. of. -his |: father’ s.who has: been deemed a -traitor, But:.the youth finds him | being: tortured. by ‘Reds ‘iri. Venice | and: rescues * ‘him after the usual: fights,.susnense and love ‘interest. Sean. Flynn,. son: of ‘the late} ‘Errol, is a good. looking youth but, as. yet, lacks much of. the charm: and" projection © of his father: ..{ Others fill in adequatelv in stereo| .type roles of friends, valet, heavies ‘and ‘bystanders. Fights lack the sSnan. an4. precision that these films | ‘need. The. story: ‘does ‘not get: the avid ‘treatment: and. interest it re-) tires, “Result: ts that. ‘this Jags. despite. some good: scrinting and the Ven fee backorovind.. Technicallv. okay, |. ‘this. ‘roproduction ‘(has « minoritv ‘action ‘onns, ‘Too many -nationalltiag, seomi ney have; ‘Spotted the filmic’: ‘broth. . Mosk.’ ; ‘With -‘Sean | Flynn, |. Karin Baal, Pierra Mondy, Ettore Manni, |. Hans: Messemer. Directed by. Andre Ver|‘gin sini from ‘book. by Jamés Hadley. ‘Chase; | enri| ‘Taverna.:-At Lord. Byron, Paris. ‘Running: time, 8s MINS. : a, yee Pierre’ -Mondy. are atewes “Hane ‘Messemer | based on the fermer'’s novel,.traces|* °°.» ues , "| the pasts. of three. members'-of ‘the| "| Air Rescue ‘Service as they. partici* pate in‘a daring: air-sea .. -operation |: ‘| to save a small group of: survivors} | shipwrecked ‘in.a-typhoon. Lengthy. “| flashbacks illustrate the personal. | problems. of Stars ‘Brigitte Bardot,: Anthony . Perkins; investments) ne “Ponti. production. : Marcello’ “Mastroianni: ° torio De : Eduardo _ De™ . “Adelina eb ndde achive Lawyer Verace.--Amedeo: Seanece: *.... 0... 3... _-. -Bianchina Verace _ ee ".":-Elvira Nardella -: crn Police. Captain -. eo: .Rusco Hollywood: “Mareh: ‘24: : Embassy . -Pictures release | of.” Carlo | . Stars: Sophia: ‘Loren,’ ‘Directed | by — Vit|. . Screenplay, A ‘Adelina’ + Isabella _Quaran-— . Billa: _. Billa,: from short’: story by: Alberto. Mora’ “wia;:.("Mara”), Zavattini; ‘camera, Giuseppe Rotunno; | : “Ynusic, ‘rector. . “Sica... ‘Filippo, ‘ tottis:(‘Anna”), Cesare. Zavattini, ‘editor, © “Adriana. Novelli: Luisa “Alessandri. Warner BevHills Theatre,. “March | 24,. 64. _. (Running: time. -320 MINS. WM: “ADELINA”: (NAPLES) © :.", Sovhia: Loren | Carmiitie’ =~. Marcelle: Mastroianni Pasquale Nardetia,. an Tecla Scarano .Silvia. Monelli | Auctioneer :. Carlo .Croccolo “Pa G 2). TANNA” (MILAN): : ‘Anna: ae ob ee Sophia Loren | :” Her ‘Lover. : Seated Marcello Mastroianni’ “The Other’ Man: Armando = Trovajoli. | ae ®). NARA ROME » «2 2 Mara’ . Sophia ‘Loren: wewaeees Marcello: Mastroianni-}. Grandmother: eee epecies Tina. Pica ” Umberto. 22. vet et es. Giovanni Ridolfi f“Grandfather, Fes “Gennaro Di ‘Gregorio | : he: wonders of ‘Italy and’ Sophia |~ “Loren. are: the objects: of intimate |. . ‘attention ~ ~ cerebral, © three-episoder.: ously’ mounted and’ sensually in-|: _-.:2.. elined, ‘Joseph E. ‘Levine’ s Embassy ve oreleasé is an: engaging trifle and} “" Has ‘what.-it takes to make lots. of | -:.: :. money | in ‘any’ ‘market.A: minor] ..”. __ drawback. to ‘ts. popularity: and. ap-|__-peal. in the mass exhibition. circuit .ii which it.has -been. ‘unleashed | is the use of. sub-titlés, in.this breezy. distraction ‘to’ ‘which . -the average ‘easygoing customer, unlike ‘his. :cul-; ‘ture-conscious cousin ‘who ‘inhabits | the art house, ‘isnot. accustomed. . All three. parts,: separate : entities — gave. for the fact:that. they are: sei | Co“> fi Italy--and: .co-star| Miss Loren| Lu “Vand Marcello’: Mastroianni, . .. been: directed. for-Carlo Ponti with'l. “-"“@inematic flair and -invested: with: “sensual gusto‘by Vittorio: De Sica. "<The. first episode,.“‘Adelina,” {1-1 “: lustrates\ the method by which al Q -; Neopolitan black-marketeer. evades| .. » imprisonment © over. a. seven-year |. ..Span. ‘women may. not be arrested, so‘she| _ sees to. ae This. creates. ‘an ex: . The law... says: pregnant Armondo -Trovajoil; assistant di-: Reviewed at: “Aldo Giuffre’. wecee’e " Agostino : : Salvietti. Lino Mattera |. squale Cennamo, non-.|' “Glamor-}. a ‘bothersonie’ ‘plays “Elli have | Mitsu ‘Capt.: ‘Walter Mound verted E.'S. Ince . -with:Russian spies. “Naturally . all} | turns .out: for. the .besf. after some | tilings, romantic byplay and usual.) ‘complications. -Miss. Bardot is. shapely, ‘pouting’ and. nimbly silly,; but without. the. ‘right. :comictouch and. timing as yet: .Perkins is forced: to. play his timid, smiling -. stereotype’. which also’ does not get.-much ‘help ‘from .|.the uneven. scripting and: directian.. It iust: lacks the free wheeling . creativeness to‘give this ‘the. pace-| and zest it calls for: to achieve that. ‘suspension. of. ‘disbelief that:: this type -of film demands. The: support-. ing: players ..are_ properly’. ‘heavy-* handed ‘and. menacing. -This ‘does “get a ‘good. production dress and’ the. proper lush lensing. B.B.. will | have: to ‘be. the. main. selling Point 1 and: it looks ‘more. _promising-. at | home| than: for. ‘foreign. cinematic |. climes. M fosk. Flight. Front: Ashiya _(PANAVISION—COLOR) re Poorly engineered action: meio-: -.drama about Air Rescue Serv‘ice’ exploits. Handsome. mount have. ‘t0 carry bo... ‘ball. "Hollywood, March 16: “ated Atists. ‘release_of HaroldHecht’ fo. " ‘production:. Stars . Yul --Brynner, “Richard “Widmark, George :Chakiris; features Suzy | .Parker, Shirley Knight, Daniele Gaubert. | Directed by Michael Anderson. ‘Screenott: Arnold,. Waldo Salt, based on Arnold's «. novel; | camera’ (Cast “Joseph ‘MacDonald, : . Burnett Guffey;. editor, Gordon™ Pi on;. music,. Frank: ‘Cordell; assistant « ‘director, ‘Milton ‘Feld man. Reviewed: at «Goldwyn. ~ Studios, “March 16, °64. ‘Running time, .102 MINS. Sst. Mike Takashima.... -Yul’ Brynner j. J Col. Glenn Stevenson: .Richard Widmark Lt. John Gregg <..+....eorge Chakiris. Lucille’ Carroll ’......2%.... .. Suzy Parker Caroline Gordon -.., waeebe Shirley Knight |. Feila meen eae oes ooedss See na . Sgt. Randy ‘Smith iteesir Joe de , Reda. Japanese Boy. Charlie. * Doctor. Horton: wpe es Andrew: Hughes ‘Save’ tor. some’ "pliysical: produetion ‘flair ‘and a. respectable array of marquee | ‘names, there's :very little. in’ this. Japanese-American: “| coproduction: to. “whet, * “picture | Daniele. Gaubert : makes. ‘the most. -_‘[-vivid impression “Brynner'’s. illCor | fated: Algerian. lady” love. : Suzy}. | Parker has: surprisingly little to ‘do,.| Dre . ‘sweetheart; ‘a role that requires. her | fitz ing and decorative players will 1 | man), | ¢ : Clech, -mont, ‘| play, little: man, ‘has: proved himself. an -adept. comedian..on .stage™-and ‘on: ‘screen. But. the limpid,' Jow budgeted vehicles he’s} .been.-inso far may-kill: him ‘off at. the-boxoffice. And this pic will not strikingly-composed: and. colored interior sequence) ,:‘and: art director! ~ Tom: Shimogawara. Frank Cordell’s ‘music is-melodic ‘and: atmospheric.|_ Editor _ ‘Gordon. | -Pilkington could |: still’ do a-Jot for this’ film with. his |: a shears,. especially in. the: Aethargic. i Preséntable. partner in a dual. ‘romantic. passages.. -’ 1: exploitation “package from Michael.: Anderson’s. direction is ” Britain: Adventure meller with ‘more’ successful in bringing flavor historical, Toots. os and ‘impact. to. action : sequences |: than. it is in’ ‘the more introspective | | love ‘scenes or.. ‘static -cockpit ex-}. changes. “There’s. nothing ; very im-; pressive -in the ‘histrionic department... Brynneér is. rather wooden: “‘There’s at least: oné spot. where. he fails to: “convey a required. ‘nuance ‘of éxpression.. Widmark is the most. effective, but. even he gets .a‘little| Colonel Judd... aa hes aa sticky around the edges. -Chakiris’ | Euwara ©: 25002 wee! iets Jack Hedley | range. of expression: is narrow.: Of |:Cla ‘the three . leading . ladies, . lovely | Sacop -.*ee os “ Phe Beit: see The. (Crimson. Blade a " (BRITISH-MEGASCOPE-: : " COLOR): . ‘Hollywood: March. 19. ‘Thorburn. John. Gi 3 cameéra' (Eastman), “Asher; editor,” .John: Dunsford; music, } Gary. Hughes; . assistant: director, Douglas 19; °64." “Running | times, 83. MINS. nean Lamont Clifford Elkin oene recseee nt sreeee nse eees, ohn Harvey | considering that she’s top: billed. of Ee poe Attic, Mightel, Byme the: three females. Shirley Knight}‘Copp 2920... : -:7 John ” Stewart labors. with ‘the part of: -Widmark’s ’ Watson: AU oy" headaneee weece e TPO OOOO OR OOD to: ‘say and, do. ‘some | very: odd |-Gonzates oe ert. Leslie Glazer | things. Lui Tube. ©. "| Baacanon Sccitecess, Som Wondautt | pane a | Chaplain Spsetiedreest Denis "Holmes fe aites Sauter La Columbia: ‘has. ‘marketable. ex‘Banque... zs | ploitation merchandise in: its ~ Rob. the. Bank). British-spawned.. coupling . of “The _ (FRENCH). ‘| Crimson .Blade’’: and. -“Devil-Ship |. ' Paris, March 24. * Comacico: release. of Copernic produc: ion. Stars. Lo :. Funes; . features. Anne. Doat, MGeurges Wilson, Yvonne: -Jean-Pierre Marielle, Jean Val-. Directed by: Jean .Girault. ScreenJacques Vilfrid, Girault, Louts Sapins camera, Andre. Germain; editor,;J.. M.. Gautier... “At ienrienan, | : Paris... tion. polish’ -that’ is’. a specialty of. ‘Hammer ‘Films. ‘ences will probably limit the draw; aan ing “times id MINS: i De Funes. |: but it’s an. attractive twin-bill for Du rand. we ecesenecs * Yean-Pierre Marielle: youngsters. in that the events are Daughter ...betes a eer epee wien | not’ only. ‘liberally. invested:. with | *hilippe ots verbs aceewees Jean, Valmont. action .but convey a rough idea of two. . periods. of. English .‘historv. “Louis: De Fone. a middleaged: “Blade”. is concerned with 17th .Sistance. to: the:. forces ‘of of Gliver Cromwell, | : . Anthony Nelson‘ ‘Keys produced the : -Associated .: British-Hammer ‘entry; ‘which was. written and _di help # And: is’ not. much for“export. I fected: ey John Gilling. Gilling, on “| stimulation. “Golumbia: Pictures: release. of Anthony. Nelson-’ Keys * “production, Stars : Lionel. ‘Jeffries, Oliver’ Reed, Jack: Hedley, June -, Directed and — screenplay by. -Hermes. . Reviewed: at ‘the studio, March: ‘Lionel | Jeffries. ‘Suzan Farmér aes VIII ehattes ‘Houston | Douglas Blackwell: |Pirates,” two historically-moti| ‘vated adventure melodrama Ss ‘endowed with -the coat of .produc Lack of: cast: names. recognizable to Yank: audi-. ‘century Royalist: underground re mendale: ‘job. His original: screen ‘play. has its holes and contrivances. ¥ 3 ~~ Ss = the. whole, has done. a highly com {some of the poorest marksmen in © history. seem to pull: Cromwell. triggers), but it is fairly strong on characterization, and ‘that’s. the heart. . of : any script.. As. for. the. especially © execution, Gilling. is fortunate in having enlisted the services. of some highly skilful players. oe Lionel . Jeffries. creates. an in-. shaded portrait of a. ‘“Roundhea@” colonel. torn. between... * |eoncern for. his: daughter, who's 1 serving the Royalist cause, and his ‘duty to. Cromwell,.which. he dis- teresting, ‘patches in ruthless fashion. Oliver Reed limns. with — intensity ‘a | ‘ferred to as the “Scarlet. Blade” in the ‘picture itself. Apparently, crimson blades are ‘out this year. and so are.the efforts of the pro‘duction team. Particularly” valu‘able are Bernard Robinson’s-hant some production designs and Ja ik: ‘o Asher’s valuable easy-to-follow | -phatography. : Also . -commenidable are John: ‘Dunsford’s editing | and. Gary ‘Hughes’ musical store, Tube, “Who's $ for Disney? — Continued from page q —— everything you can to sell it, and you. need the help. of: ‘centers of. ‘influence and opinion-makers. If ‘they don't know. about. the film, how. can they help?” Unhappy ‘Term? 'Radnitz hates the term “family picture” and says. that anyone who could come up with a better and more ‘accurate description would Yate. a medal. He insists that he ‘has never made children’s films, ‘as such..Admitting that in his films: children have been the protagonists, he claims that all great literary “works in which children ‘are the protagonists, as “The Yearling” and.“Great Expectations,” have an -appeal that transcends an appeal purely to children. He believes the same is true in-films. . On. the other hand he does. not ‘ignore the tastes and. opinions of -children.. His one. complaint with Disney’s films is. that they. use. too ‘much ‘sentimentality and violence. “I try to stimulate creative jdy. I. talk. up to children, never ‘down. I yee film in its true } sense. as an art form and to. make : it transcend age borders.” ‘Radnitz insists today’s. ‘children | are. too realistic to accept artificial. “They're aware. of. .~ death, they’re eve more: ‘aware. | of life. That is why throwing in’ | violence merely fer shock effect is not only wrong, it isn’t ‘necessary. “| There’s no reason why: a film that” concerns children, and which they _ -eamnot be: completely .-: «, sophisticated. It’s a matter of taste... |-and ‘your-. own. particular con ‘will see, science, Even nudity is natural ‘within. its proper framework.” From a dollars and cents: stand point ‘he. believes the: ‘most. shortsighted ‘thing the film industry Bee see dune Thorburn | ‘Michael Ripper. ovee s. ‘¢ ‘ Harold | ‘Goldblatt ‘ does. is to alienate tomorrow’s audiences. which,-of necessity, are today’s. children. “They provide ‘material that is so violent, so hop ped up, that the kids come.out of. the theatre reeling. If they con tinue to do this, the only audience. ° owb | that stays. will -always. ‘want this type of .film—or they'll be lost as’ an’ attdience. It’s stupid from a financial standpoint. Still they turn out all types of. Junk but. won't es compete with Disney." Engel Cireumnavigates For Missionary Picture °Hollywood,. March 31. ‘Samuel. G. Engel is ‘back from: a. 40, 000-mile world tour which. started in.the Far East in mid_ February, scouting: location sites ...: for “To the Golden Shore,” biopic of ‘first. American’ foreign missionary, thored. by Courtney. Anderson: Adoniram Judson, au-. Engel will produce for Imperator Productions Inc., newly-formed by ‘group of. churchmen with knowl‘edge of showbiz, including Meth‘odist BishopGerald Kennedy, prexy. of company. Accompanying Engel . on ‘Balance ofsupport is: effective, , tour were Walter Reisch, who is. script-. ing; ‘Frederick L. Essex, associate’ ‘producer,-and Jesse Coryallo, loca tion advisor.