Variety (April 1964)

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IVARIETY's" LONDON: Orrien: —_ a9 St. James's. Street, wiccadiily wae “London Peggy. ‘Mount ‘thked. by ‘Woodfall ‘Films for. a “key roié. in “One Way’ a “Pic; which ‘is: based:| © “on ‘the. N. F. Simpson’ play, is being. -produced. by” MichaelDeeley,..di-| récted -by Peter -Yates,' and: is. for release through ‘United | Artists: 4 7 ‘Jonathan yr. . A -pro-|. ‘motional. tieup -betwéen Odeon and’ 'Gauniont’ Theatres. andLyons. ee Quick Brew. Tea, to. start-next month and’ will be linked as_a. start | The. ‘Lyons } outfit: has bought.-:20, 000. Odéon:. and .Gaumont tickets: ‘which will. be | ‘awarded to housewives ina: contest. in which’ they: chave. ‘to: name ‘in Pendulum,’ ’*. NOW ‘rolling. at. Twickenham: ‘Stidios.. Starring toles are: being: filled: by. Eric’ Sykes, George’ Cole: _: Miller, Alison :‘Legegatt,. Julia Foster. and Mona: Washbourne :: “with -the opening of “The: Fall of .the~ Roman Empire.” order of importance | eight good reasons why people enjoy the: cinema. presented by the Rank Organization -. 15: British contenders. are being. picked from’ about 200. entries”, as shipped to. Hollywood £ for a. Bala. fashion show. a Paris. “Arthur. ‘Miller ‘caught a "private: Screening of: Stanley. Kubiiek’s “ep | Strangelove’ -or How’ I. Stopped Worrying -‘and‘Learned -to “‘Lovethe -Bonib”(Col), ha’d: all through ‘it, then: said he ‘was’ glad. to: feel. alive. ‘after it. Pic comes: out~here’ ‘April 15... Jean Schmidt prepping a i, ‘pie to be based on Yank: ‘piano: player. Bud. ‘Powell “The: Bud.: Powell. “i+. Story” and. looking: for “an. American | Negro. thesp. ° --Powelt. has: been here ‘several ‘years ‘and. is: recovering in'a TB -sanitorium .. Film would. cover mainly his Paris. days ; ; which .she reads. the late Jean: Cocteau’s Greece for a. starring role in “Zorba ‘the Greek”. (20thy * De .Czeehoslavakia next July ; did the script, -but: found herself, instead, pushed. into -bit: parts when _éverybody ‘turned: seasick ., on’. a. ‘boat ‘in which~ ‘they. . Edouard Molinaro:directs ; _ Marcel: Achard. play‘‘Patate.’ “ue jix clined. ‘up... In’. May. he _ suffering from. Tadiation in'.“A Dav Like: Another” to be directed by: ~ Georges Lampin--her coming stint” in: AL ‘G., Clouzot’s. vic. “Hell.” w bere’s “Miss: Julie”. _ She: would do. Strind “firstrun’ here . Cannes. Fest. since: ‘releases can not be: held: up, -They still: ‘feel late December would. be. ‘better. -gun ‘and sand:are integral ‘parts ofevent. pattern | of firstrun that will. also: encompass outlying. districts -.; . direction: ‘of Tony Richardson starache”’.. the script of his next” “The. ‘Adventures of Harry ‘Digkson;” ~ Rome. : -. “Brigante ‘di Tacca’. del: Lupo,” .“Ferroviere;” “Uomo di Paglia,” and “Divorce, : Italian Style”; last-named. won.a2. prize at Riviera’ gathering: ‘Eduardo de: Filippo. has, seripted. “Marriage, Italian “Style” ‘which }.° “starts early‘in April in Naples for Ponti-Levine, basing it on his own. hit stage play, “Filumeéna: -Marturano,” * “written ‘originally as statrer for | his late’ Sister, Titina: . ": -and..since ‘Seprised: bo Ttaly’s telenet, RAI . New. ending being: ‘shot-for’ Carlo Pon! “ ‘ing, which. for a ‘While ‘was. out.short. by. Ponti, then’ Te-instated. . -.. . Miss.Giradot does “La ‘Ragazza. in: 1 -Prestito”” SA ‘Girl on. Loan). for: ‘dis:Kector, Alfredo Giannetti-next.: Registered. at ‘ANICA. titlebureau: “Oxgi, Doiriani, ‘a : Dopodomani” Coa _{Today;: . Tomorrow, and Day. After. Tomorrow), ne Champion Films ‘apparently: has:-in. mind . '.3 days): (titled -“Intrigue -in’ Stockholm” for “Italo: run), = Paris”. by. FIDA, its local distribs. a totals have.-reached -.4;706,000.: ‘Head-’em -‘off.. at “the. Colosseum. . “dept: a Rome. Studio,. Helios: “Bilins, is. building a western street. to |: a jump on the” ‘current European. -oater. boom ., -“gters),. produced by Fairfilm: & : featuring Ugo. “Tognazzi. ‘and. Vittorio Gassmann, : has ‘beeninvited: to. Buenos: ‘Aires Fest: “I “Compagni’”’.. (Vides). is ‘official ‘Italo entry. .: . George Sherman. hereto ‘prep Italo“Spanish : item, “Joaquin: Murieta”.. ' Italian Resistance: films, leading off ‘with. “Paisan”; also. series on.US: gangster.cycle of. the. ’30s. (*G-Men, *ete.), plus .another’ dedicated* to . Ingrid Bergman starrers. . “| Guy. ‘Madison, Franca Bettojaco-featured. © Maleno Malenotti: prepping: “La Passione” (Passion) “from ‘story by : Brunello Rondi, which Rondi would’ diréct: |, thesp -espects: to start -here soon. for Rasfilm: 2 ‘Dino ‘DeLaurentiis .°, -Yeportedly screened. material shot by Alberto Sordi: against Rio Carniwal. backdrop forupcoming feature;: Sordi’ just back from: S.: American i Stay .... Giuseppe Patroni_-Griffi. ‘Prepping his Second feature, ‘to. be ‘based. on. “life of Emperor: Caligula.. . Marcelli. Baldi has gunned “Saul ~ and. ‘David’ at -Cinecitta’” with ‘another. épisoder:. _/Jugmar Bergman’s “The Silence’ “minor: cuts, gets::mid-April release’ in Rome: ‘local’ trimmings -saidto “ approximate: those. in: US.. ‘version :°.". releasing:five: -dldies: ” ; Simone. Signoret: finished’ a disk in “The Human. Voice?’ about-a woman given.the. air. over. the: phone by’ her lover, before: heading for. . French all: | singing -pie ; “Les Parapluies . De Cherbourg”. (Umbrellas Gf Cherbourg) 2 wih ‘probably. be the: French entry .at' the Karlovy. Vary Film: Fest -inos Newshen France: Roche, who--penned ‘the. os script of. a. French ‘pic “La: ‘Chasse A: L’Homme” (Manhunt), now. shoot-. ing. ‘exteriors in Greece, tried to do-a ‘story on ‘it. by ‘overlooking she: -Boito’s ts | Achille. Corona. . : were snoo ing. . rtened.:r ular’ | Andre Hakim’s: next pie ‘production for |; Apart from bs ‘sha te ed. eg 20th-Fox rélease worldwide, “after “La Bonne :Soupe.”. is based on the’ : Like: for “Soupe,”: Robert Thomas is le. adapting” and directing. ~ -Jean: Marais,. Pierre Dux,. ‘Danielle Darrieux " and. Aune Vernon ‘are cast anda search is on -for “a 19-year-old girl’ : Singer-composer Charles’ Aznavour: back from his. recordbreaking : pero singing: tour in Russia and then off for a U.S. stint arid then back. here: pote” TO: .continue. his. pic: acting career. “with two plays a. secret ‘service: agent in “The. Advent ‘ures of : -San-Antonio” ‘and -then.a man ‘who -gives some of. his. bone ‘marrow: to. Yugoslav Scientists |. .-Romy Schneider may:do a play ‘again -here after. Prix Jean Vigo, -critic’s prize; going to Robert. . Enrico’s first: ‘pic, “La Belle Vie” .(The Good. Life) which ‘had a short:| hereas the hard. presséd theatres, |.‘ needing” ‘the ‘payroll, » dloans: with’ .a: ‘Fepayment (at. 87%: interest). . Some producers: feel that: ‘May. is: a bad date ‘for the} ‘But.“Cannes : would not hear ‘of. it. since, 7 : Irwin Marks. named _as|’: ‘sistant. to: UA Continental and. Near -East manager’ Norbert Auerbach -'g. 2 2. Governmental Centre: Du: Cinema willgive.-special loans. tofavor | the. -building: of“ the “new. residential centres. springing up: _ around ‘France and” especially. Paris... This. emphasizes: the hanging |. 1 Ste] Yves. Montand is ‘set. to rome back to. pix. with | the . first -film of -tvdirector Jean-Christophe Averty.. “Cou-.|"* ~ Alain | Resnaishaving ‘trouble with his producers, over. ‘by the PMPPA, 1 éxploit. foreign. markets: intensively, “Ape. Woman, oF “with | ae “Marco. ‘Ferreri. directing ‘Ugo. ‘Tognazzi'and Annie 'Giradot. in new:| ‘:: Naples-set : ‘wind-up scenes; Italian. ‘audiences. have. seen original “end whieh -Carlo .Ponti’s’ ane ... Still: on-titles: after. ~ ” snappy local b.o. results.fot. Metro’s. “The: Prize”. ($35; 000. in . first’ ; ‘comes .an| . Mouncement’ that ‘latest: ‘Jean Gabin reléase : chere™ will: be called {Tas “| ONE" WAY. 10 BEAT CREDITORS The opposition: . “Tatest. figures ‘show “RAI-TV's ‘video. ‘subsoription | ‘RAL-TV. featuring: a’ series Of . ; . Ray Danton here to start -two. “Sandokan” . oy adventure items: for Ottavio Poggi’ s Leer Films; ‘Luigi. Capuena directs; : ““Docitmento’ follows up. “HishInfidelity” ca -Complessi”.” (Complexes), ‘with segments: contributed by: Franco « Rossi. ‘Antonio ‘Pietrangeli, and Mario Monice.. ’has’ passed | the Italo: censor with’ Dear Films’ 20th’s division re“Tove Ts. Many: -‘Snlendored: Thine” “Broken. a Lanice,’ **Jesse: Jamnes,." ” “The. Fall Men,” ”? and: “The Rains. of. t-Ranehipur” “Tnstitute on Films. 7 * Belgrade, March 24. OE An ‘Tastitute on Film. ‘has ane been founded here recently to. — -| . seek: improvement’ in the -work . + OF “Yugoslavian. film _ techni_ aa cians, ' a In* ‘addition, . the Institute oo & ‘will deal with: the. film -scientific: research: phase. of. ‘motion — “picture. production ‘and’ ‘reproductive © cinamatography, ' ‘plus . : unentaries. Bey Summer Festivals -. The first three prizewinners: will. get a fortnight’s -holiday in Spain, |. . And yet:.another. film. festival. |" : M The fifth International Industrial. "Film Fest, which’ -will-run ‘inTondon [ cel -for five days starting. Nov. 2, -is’ being: ‘Supported: by 16 countries. op : ‘special. “Chalk .:Garden”’ gown, designed by Julie: “Harris; ‘is = heing| | * Milan, ‘March 31. ngain, as in January. 1960, Italy’ Ss state. ‘backed /opera-houses” have. been. silenced. Some. 4,000. musicians, stage’ -hands,. ° in’ their basic -pay. and. improved ‘over-time compensation. La. Scala. ‘eancelled.-the scheduled Palm: Sun-: ‘day. night. performance . of: Arrigo the. -opera:| in Rome ‘cancelled its “Boheme”. and the. SanCarlo : : Theatre. ‘in. | ‘its “Carmen.” ‘Talks with |. ‘union ‘representatives. continued. in -Rome,. ‘called: by. the Minister for | .Entertainment, * “Mefistofele,”’. Naples, : Tourism -~° and. opera ‘Season,. the conflict. -affects.: ‘also the: summer. season and: Fes|: ‘tivals of such. houses ‘as. the: opera in Florence -where ‘important re-" ‘hearsals are. to begin shortly for ‘the -May Festival and. the open air -opera. in: -Rome’s. ‘ancient theatre Terme di. Caracalla and: the Arena | ‘in: -Verona:.. oe ‘Italy . gives. $12, 000. 000° ‘(estiinat; “ed) ‘in .opera: “subsidies, although. ft exact. figures have’ never been: dis closed. because. contributions: are. paid .at‘the end of the. fiscal years, iy iipno Pix Producers. ‘Manila, March 24. according to: PMPPA countries’ ‘alm industries.” -Following._ -recent . studies ‘made the’ following recommendations were made: “dustry ‘here, ‘it, would” be wise fo |. _particularly: the tele market: ~2..The ‘PMPPA ‘should adopt: a 4ong-range : program in : exhibiting |. | films abroad at trade festivals... | 3. International .relations. should | 7 | be. maintained. more vigorously. J. English.. Smith, “an “executive of General: Film| Laboratories, was: here -recently to visit. the: studios | of FAME, Inc. 7, © ‘Hungarian. ‘Composer: Uses ‘Novel. . Means Of Avoiding’ 100G. in. Debts .“T..Mostri’” (The Mon| _ vienna, “March: 31. ' with “the . sideline. wholésale-merchant of -.veg leased ‘on -bailafter. ‘charges . ‘of | fraud. had.” been: ‘brought: against ‘him: . ““Phe Last’ Gun’’. is new |. “title. for: Cameron Mitchell western (originally called “Jim the: First’): Valent, induced “his: “creditors to permit him to fly. to Budapest for’ the preem of: his: “Symphony of:the Great Hungarian Plains.” :This. ap parently. was : the “only: tratth he toldthem.-On. the ‘day: of: : the: preem, ‘he: arrived. at the. ‘Schwéstat. ‘airfield. South America,’’ the. report. issued : ‘by police headquar-. ters: ‘The. “Preem Jn. . Budapest ‘was canceled. ot k Horrid: Weekends ‘in Scot. Village the systematic collection. of .|). 0... 0:7 . domestic and foreign film: docoan cee ne : =| viage signed, a. petition. calling on 1 the: management. to keep the town’s ‘|-¢inema. open: {them : attended* a public: ‘meeting om Italian ~ Opera Se aso. wns ome + the. British: Legion. and thé Ameni singers © and: dancers. went: on: strike because : the | ‘trade. unions asked’ for 20% . raise. -seek. -bank }: tate: guarantee, a meit with, Morocean authorities to i'l set up a ‘partnership. film “‘Jistribu“I tion company, ° for. ‘the {release of. + To Contact 27. Nations |: oo to: -relay | Eurovision across *..the “The. Jocal film: producers: asso| -eiation. (PMPPA) ‘has “establisiied | ‘tliaison with °27. film-producing a “countries. all-over the world, ‘The Loe Bae ee, _ “| purpose,” og , 7 Secretary.’ ‘Ben, -Pinga, | Pietro Germi; ‘whose. “Seduced. and ‘Abandoned” ‘(vides)’ is: “Ttaly’ s|“official Cannes entry; :is Carnes.-vet; with five previous: pix of his: in: .-running -at’ event -over: ‘past decade or so: : “Cammino ‘della’ Speranza,” | ' ‘be assigned: to Madrid. and; Rabat “is 0 fee _ +. felimination: of: visas for travel .be-|. woe 1, Considering ‘the“presenit un favorable: Situation, of the film: in-: Toko Shooting Pair” the: ‘islands’ last year. : --Gampéser: Janos Valent; 45, Hun-. German "Bakers Seok garian.. exile, of . tables, not’ only: tricked ‘his. busi| | ness ‘associates out: of $100, 000; but |: also. managéd. to arrange: ‘the, most ‘spectacular. escape. “Valent: was. re every. German home.early in the’ *:| to-.wateh the later ‘tele programs | early. ar And ‘somehow. or other-he managed ve ‘to.-get ‘on-board. a: plane. flying: to Zurich: ‘He ‘ on: his: way: to: NETS ae | __EITRANATIONAL. = _ 7 hs Key Gi, Now Hardie ‘Sydney, March 24. "Presently in this key city, there. jis only~ one weekly-change house, ‘The others are hardticket or semi--hardticket. ‘operations, The. day’ of the family. price cinema. has faded. .|from the Aussie scene or at. least {in| ‘Sydney. Even ‘the foreign language’ cinemas. are operating with upped admissions. Key sub-* urban cinemas _ likewise have = upped admissions to $1.75, with the top city firstruns | hitting. as high as $3, : ~ Current. ‘hardticket pix: here in-. ‘clude. ‘“‘Celopatra” (20th), *‘Lawrence of. Arabia” (Col), “55 ‘Days. at } Peking” . (AA), “Great Escape” (UA),. “Brothers Grimm” (MGM), “Irma ia Duce” tUA). and. “814” (Col)... Semi-hardtickets are “Yum ‘Yum =.Tree” (Col), “Love With Proper: Stranger” (Par), “Gathering of Eagles” (U) and. “Take ‘Her, “TADS. oN. ‘LASSES. WAIL” ~” Sans: Cinema: . Tain, “March: 31. Giang Alvigoers: in this: Scottish. ‘More ‘than 80° of -ealled: to’ raise ‘support to carry on the cinema. . Known. at. Tain .Picture House, it has ‘been shuttered ‘by: the owners, Caledonian Asso: ~The young people formed acommittee. to-examine prospects of re-opening. Two local -organizations, ties Association, will be: asked. to help finance fhe: ‘scheme. -In-. their: petition, ' the town’s _She’s Mine” (20th). | young. residents. said: “lf this cine|: Figuring. by distributors’ here ig ma. is closed, most of the children.| that with the Aussie keys swinging. in: town will have nothing::to ° ‘do |'strictlyto hardticket, the revenue. at week-ends: The age of the chilintake will show a great. upswing dren is ‘from 12. to. 17 .years, and | after a ‘downbeat with run-of-mill we don't hang: around. the | Pix. ‘One report is that on many streets ‘as: -others:: do.’ woe films. routed to :this territory | print, costs have not. ‘been re}eovered by distributors; hence, the | {reason much red showing. Spain & Morocco. -|.with minor. product. Another head{| ache, long facing distribs is a:25%. | right-.of .rejection played to the. S i TV, AM | limit by the local exhibs who are wap X, {only interested in buying big pix, | -_ “1eyen at..60% of. the gross, and Madrid, March 81. scrapping other contract product “Spain: ‘and. Moroceod will cooper-. via that right. of rejection. -ate actively. in. the field of cinema,{ ‘The Aussie cinema patron is. | television, ‘and ‘radio according to; ‘willing. to pay ‘high admissions. for ‘the terms’ ofan -agreemont signed | class. product,. refusing to. buy: last. week “by: Spain’s‘Inf armation| ordinary fare at any. price. This is ‘Minister “Manuel. -Fraga Iribarne back. of ‘current trend by distribuand his’. . Moroccan‘: counterpart. ‘Muley .Ahmed -Alaui. : | cate the public that a the ‘Film: section: of the’ pact, opens cinema ‘is. now ‘equal to a night at. the way~for reciprocal importation|.a~ even if. at of films in. original version, exlegit ducat scales.. ‘change of’ cultural and scientific} *. ‘Hardest hit today: in this terripics and -the eventual. interchange tory. is ‘the ‘indie. suburban exhibiof newsreel. footage. ‘tor fighting to win family trade. “During ‘official | talks,” “Uniespana | with run-of-the-mill pix, Some in‘ehiefs ‘reached: preliminary agree-| die exhibitors point out that by the ‘time the big pix come his way, the: product has lost its drawing ‘power. The: indie man also is faced -withopposition from sporting © Spanish «.pics’” in. Morocco... ‘as an. initial step toward expansion’ in 1 North. Africa. and.the African continent: : ‘The pact: ‘also authorizes Spal 16m’ pix; and some hotels building. ‘up. their. .beer biz with flesh-and‘blood shows. : Many” ‘show . biz toppers here figure that: before very long sub~ urban. cinemas will cease to operate. Right now the shutters. sare going up each week, even the| atres thooked to such key circuits’ ‘to’ develop’: areas . “ of cooperative as Greater Union Theatres and | activity. me { Hoyts also. are. losing. “Agreement. also. covers ‘tourism |. Joe. Fry Gets World and information. ‘Immediate results of ‘ceremonies: -in “Madrid -‘is the. __ Release’ on ‘Amore’ Rome, March § 3. . Joseph: ‘Fryd has secured world= wide release rights to the new™ ES, Italo episoder, “Amore in Four Diii mensioni” (Love in Four Dimen«OF Films: lh Hawa ]}} sions), which is Peian to fet “y ‘+ loeal. -release. elphi produced. .. Honolulu, March 31. | Also on the Fryd agerida are “An . “Toho: ‘Ss ‘udios of Japan will: ‘make | Italian ‘in. Warsaw,” comedy shot |two ‘color’ films: here. this: Summer, | in. Poland with. Italo thesp Antonio “Hawaii: no Kisetsu”: and’ “Ekimae ‘Ciffariello.and a 13-pic tele. series. Ondo.” Decision reflects. the -’b.o, Latter is via a deal: just inked draw:. of. four ‘films: ‘Toho: made. ‘in in. Rome with sSouthern. ‘Cross 7 which calis for films to be lensed First of: the. two’ films: will. get in Italy with a Yank principal in‘under ‘way’ in: June ‘or July,.coinci-|. each of the 13.segments, Antonio: dental. with the opening of the |-Margheriti directs, withthe start™ $1,000,000 Toho ‘theatre, going up| expeced late in June. Fryd retains -on..asite. between. ‘downtown and ‘Telease of telepix in Italy and Ger| Waikiki-. | many. “Southern Cross: holds . the : | remainder. of the world. «| Glasgow 's Show Biz Center ‘Glasgow, March. 24. ae start jis likely to be made before December on the construction ‘of the. city’s new. multi-milliori-dolJar: Culture. Genter, replacing’ the -burned-out St. Andrews Hall, razed ‘to: the ground in ‘October .1962.. Plang include a main concert hall, small. theatre, exhibition ‘hall, and,-in. a ‘Separate building, the new Glasgow Citizens’ Theatre. _ The concert. auditorium will have seating capacity for ‘2,000 customers, and the new. “Citizens” [Theatre © will ‘house: about: 1,000. -payees. City treasurer, Richard: . Buchanan, said the new Center. -must take into’ account changing... habits,'a higher standard of living, ‘the better ‘use of more leisure time ars: a growing eppreciation: of the Mediterranean. to Morocco. and exchange program material for ‘small screen audiences in both. countries: A radio and.television delegate ‘will. ‘4d tween the two. nations outa : ‘ing: : 0f information contacts Culture: for. Members Frankfurt, March 24. | pity the™ ‘poor’ baker! He has: to ‘get ‘up at four in ‘the. morning: to heat’ the: ovens: for the. morning: .“broetchen”’ (littte.“ breads)" or ‘the -buns which are’ delivered to nearly morning. “AS. a: ‘result : his’ culture is lacking: ue . "The. poor. bakers : ‘are. “inlable to go ta: the. ‘stage. performances “at night, attend the -cinema or: even }. ‘because they... ‘have. to” Bet. UP. SO ‘Survey: “revealed. "that: bakers’ . helpers are ruining their health: ‘and :letting. their ‘culture drop below the dough-level. . Hence,. the ‘bakers’. union has protested, asking. that the. bakers. come . to: work . no. "bearlier’ ‘than: 6 am. tors andthe major lodps to edu-.... lubs ‘with gambling machines and -..