Variety (April 1964)

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eA ae a eae! “For al the tact that thetr ¢ eyes 3 will, be on the: as “, pars ‘cocked to ‘the off-the-agenda talk, there’s’ an. posing list .of 7 roadcaster personalities with | major ‘financial-ownership stakes ~. a in tv-.and radio :properties. who; ‘in traditional absentee fashion, |. ‘ean™:be counted on. not to. attend. the’ ‘NAB: convention next week | . in Chicago. “These include; among others, J ohn’ Hay u ock) Whitaey, of the : Corinthian. Broadcasting chain; Dick Berlin,. of :the Hearst chain; | | ‘Sam: Newhouse, of the: Newhouse ‘broadcaating empires. ~ Walter. Annenberg, of. the Triangle. Stations;. ~:. Mrs. Lyndon B: Johnson, ‘whose ‘lucrative. ty station. ia Austin 7 has. "been. trust during the tenure of ner Fesldency,. at. 1600 . Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington; ” . Henry. R. ‘Luce, of. ‘the Time-Life ‘stations: __ |veWRY SEEMS ts “ARV TOFTIE énda ‘and. ate oe . “tn hs, Bing (Crosby. : aa ‘Washington, ‘March’ Si. ‘Two. strong doses. of. ‘Congres: _ elonal pressure. were added: to the | ., controversial. recipe wconjured. by |-. “the decision :of Gothom’s. WOXR | ‘to: advertise. hard liquor. . In the. Senate legislation tobar '. booze: blurbs “was introduced ‘by |” Commerce Committee: chairman | Sen. Warren’ Magnuson. (D-Wash.) ’ "and Communications: subcommitee -ditte Sen.John. Pastore (D-R.I.). . .. ‘Refusing to go quite that far-was |. . House Commerce Committee chair-.| -%Inan' Rep. Oren . Harris: (D-Ark Jd: ‘who wrote QXR exet:v.p | Elliot. Sanger of “his. “serious concern” about: the ° outlet’ s booze break-. through. The ‘Magnuison-Pastore bili not | _ only would: put .a.-bar on -broad| © ».easters. but would: also -hold’ the:| ” “liquor folkaccountable. Under: the | " : Dill Federal. . permits: ‘issued dis-.}. tillers by the Treasury Dept: ‘would |. be revoked if: ‘the: Prohibition was. wo violated... » Also called: for: are fines: ranging from $100-$1,000:and prison. terms: from. six months to-one year... Pastore’ s hep ...segregationist Senators as part.of oe their filibuster against . the. ‘civil . tights: bill could prevent. all. com ‘mittees. from meeting, ‘perhaps for ag long as: two."or‘three months. | 7 “In: his letter : ‘requesting: ‘Saniger hoe, ‘Fespond to seven: questions, Harris ‘gtressed his. preference. ‘for ‘self. ’ >: 8egulation. Les He asked. ‘Sanger: “if. he. Believed broadeast self-regulation: on .. booze: blurbs by-either broadcasters _.,or distillers or if legislation. or: gov i (Continued ‘on ‘ontinued on--page ¢ 56) BBC Radio Ser Radio Series. On Negro in US| -| Stanton suggested | ‘ow, former-FCC chairman, ‘as ..pos--|. Sible chairman of the group. Stan‘ton: pointed out that all. public}, London; March. 31. BBO’ ‘Radio‘has: “set. produce: : : writer. Geoffrey: Bridson to. liné up. van. “all-embracing _ serieS“of pro-— ‘grams on. the -American Negro— |}. cluding plays, musicals, ° poetry, folk’ songs, jaz, ‘Serious: music: ‘and : 0" on,’ "He is planing out: for 4 a-snonth's | gtay’ in the U.S, on ‘Saturday. (4) |. where. he: hopes. also. to snare lead ‘ing. Negro. writers for. on-air:| dickersabout. their work.’ He “is | _ also planning to-write an historical | : “documentary: in:-{wo.or three.‘parts:. Program eskedded -to hit grams .:-ar edded . or a mercial network, has: been yanked. .bythe company. because the Inde|Authority’ British. airwaves in. the: fall. . ; ‘Blot Lewis Pacted By. Bing: Crosby: Prods : : Hollywood, March 31. : Bing Crosby : ‘ring Lucille: Ball: Lewis-” ‘Has Tresigned.” ‘from’. the. Lucille: : ‘Ball ‘starrer: and endeéd. his ‘duties last-| weekwhen — ‘production | ‘on ‘this’ . J season’ s product. finished. : new. ‘projects : for: the: vidfilmery, also help on. the. new “half-hour _ Series. starring ¢ the company's: bass, heat Bill Would = pes for: quick thear-. ings’on the. bill by his subcommit| fee could: conceivably: be: ‘squeiched | ‘py. the civil rights debate. Southern : | ordered cuts” of" seenes. ik ‘two strippers.:: ; -The hourlong: progtant, amnade. byt: Dénis“Mitchell, shows the: backstage lives |. club and: music ‘hall. acts.. -It: included shots. of: .a ‘semi-nude. | dancer . andother skin ‘takes. But) |-rather “than “censor. -the: program. Granada has “postponed” it. Indef-. a “Productions. as: oo gigned Elliott Lewis, exec producer of Desilu’s “The Lucy. Show, ” star- Its Just Rediffusion ; London: ::March “31. ° ? London weekday. major. ‘com: " : mercial : ‘tv. station Associated-: -. Rediffusion ... is changing: dts’. “name. as from: April:6.. 0! _ According to. general man-:ager. John. -MeMillan:: . We’ aré changing. it to. ‘Redif “and. remember.” ae Stanton’ $ ‘Stance On TV Spellout Of A Coverage Cod ' Philadelphia; March 31: at “puiblie policy: for :tv: ‘Coverage ‘of legislative and judicial. proceed‘ings “and ‘of . pre-trial : ‘Situations’ should. be spelled: ‘out,. ‘it was. ‘ad-yotated:. by CBS prexy. Dr.. “Frank ‘Stanton. in’ a Annenberg School ‘gon: ‘Administration Henry, with his ‘ties to Robert Kennedy, has come ‘down .some."in ‘the . Washington. “power . ‘structure. ‘But the extent of |: his ‘decline; both: in terms of. per|. Lecture at. Pennsylvania. U.. ‘Stanton, in furthering his. ‘pro‘posal, ' ‘said that the Brookings In-: stitution, an. independent. research: ‘and education organization in. the. social. sciences, ‘has. agreed to. eon-"| scope of regulatory” policies ‘of'| ® | President. Johnson, . will ‘probably j, not: be known. until: ‘after ‘the ‘Ne sider. a CBS..grant -to. assemble. ‘a task force of. distinguished citizens: representing © the _ bar, .the. “bench,. the various branches.of journalism, -{:government,: public administration |: andthe ‘publi¢ ‘to. study and report. “on what could be a:national “code | of::fair ‘ practices’’. governing cov: erage -Of£: such news. ‘events. “I .CBS prexy, in. an. unusual: swipe , at: tv. coverage, aS-well as. coverage | | by: other news. media, called’ the.| | handling of. the Lee’ Oswald.:: case {in ‘Dallas .as tending. toward. “‘anar 4 chy. ”. Néeded; ‘Said: Stanton,. is ..a. | “voluntary;. inter-media code of fair’ speak: Bractices.’ ” “In‘connection with. the: proposed study: group, ewton ‘N,-Min-’ ‘Brookings. Institutio1 (Continued . on ‘page: -64) British Granada Yanks ‘Entertainers’ Rather Tha Censor Strip. Seg Gondon, March ‘31. Granada:TV’s ‘documentary “The: ‘Entertainers,”. scheduled for prime time. viewing on ‘:the;-whole com ‘pendent’ -Television featuring award-winning ' producer .. initely. Associated-Rediffusion. for. showing | a. strippé ‘its: pubaffairs | show.|. j “This. Week,” which: was’ taking. a “Serious. look -at_ the: “dirty. book | a trade”. in London... . “At the ~ present the name is very: long... | -. fusion’ which is easier. to-read: | of : ‘commercial fight, -. ‘managed: ‘to: bounce. ‘back: This che ‘demonstrated . last ‘winter in. “what ‘|-was:’.. probably: “his; most. spirited | ‘speech.when. he «told a. group. ofadvertisers. FCC. would still: crack down. on commercials, Tules. or: no. The. Gratiada-ITA. ‘élash Follows L “i..| the, -Authority’s ‘tough tebuke-of . ‘ Deal calls’ forLewis to ‘work on. Chicago, March BL oe : Though : the industry’ s ‘trophies 7 from last. year are..on prominent.| a ‘display,. NAB prez Le. Roy Collins: | wilf have to apply his charms and _— | forensics “in a continual. reminder. -§ | of the political: ‘and: economic forces: {making laurel, sitting: a dangerous. practice; . : aot a rélatively: sure ot themselves | | Fat: this: year’s Hilton. hassle the| | broadcasters: ‘are looking. to Wash-. | ington .to..discern the depths’: and | ‘| signifieance : to them of the change |}. the’ old order. question, :|.of .:the. several industry. puzzlers, | which might be answered. best of all | by: FCC :Chairman E. William | Henry at -his: Tuesday : ‘luncheon | : address, ae i. The ‘industry. ‘is: still. trying. with mited’ success, to probe the nature. . this: man.. From -his words and | _ | promises he seems part lion, but. his | ‘| record: in. bringing those ‘promises ‘|tofruition’ has. shown. him to be. part amb. Not .a. publicity liawk like “his | predecessor. Newton | Minow, ‘his | program is not the : talk. of the. general press. Furthermore his | | Congress ‘is: ‘subject to ‘continued interference: But. when. batted down, ‘as in the rules. : With the’ accession of ‘the ‘John sonalities _and_ within the .wider | vember ‘election..: Oren. Harris. To: Talk: "The topic: of::Henry’s | talc” fe its mains © ‘undisclosed: but. from’ content. ‘and spirit .the. industry | should. get: some inkling: of :where Lit: stands: in the new order: on the Potomac. The: view. from. Congress will be: ‘spoken ‘by: one: of Henry’s’ “hidden | Capitol. remeses. Rep. Harris (D“Ark.,);: ‘The House ‘Commerce. Com‘schéduled to] “at . the ‘Monday afternoon! mittee’. ‘chairman, ‘session, has been: content -with-sit-. ting. back: and letting. his Subaltern ‘Chairman ;Walter . Rogers. the. ‘Communications subcommittee stick ambitious FCC..: * The choice of: Harrig as.a ‘speaker reflects the concern ‘in some indus-'. « -try -circles of Rogers’ ‘campaign. a gainst. the FCC..and_ the. worry that some marginal. operators, feeling ‘they: have: Congressional ‘sanction, might. get: carried away . and bring -to an angry. Harris: to put the: Pieces. ‘back together, | j -Convention festivities. open Frit -day: (3) ‘with -the ‘National ‘Assn. of: FM. Broadcasters who: will: meet through. -‘Saturday.. The “Assn. of “Maximum. Télecasters’ will be ‘hav-. ing get togethers’ Sunday as’. most | of. the conventionéers. arrive. . -Collins' will ‘deliver: his keynote |: ‘address at. ‘the “ Monday: -luncheon -andundoubtedly. will proudly speak of.-his thwarting FCC on commer -elals and of other victories. ° “Like ‘Henry; “Colliris has. ‘also had. (Continued on Page. 58): : ithe: nation’s broadcasters . ‘pour }. my na inte Chicago this: weekend .to ‘learn re they. too are: in for. a “better . : dea ” ae . This ‘year’ aa NAB Convention ; on ‘phapes' ‘up as a time for ‘reassess‘Lment by. broadcasters both of .them_‘T selves and of the new. administra| tion: in Washington. . va. | : for Roger ‘Moore,star of. “The. “Henry. _has. of | Journalistic Big Gans. ‘Why: Texas: _Democrat. ‘Rogers, | . > who: would probably win any. Popu-}| -*| Tarity:poll: of. station owners,. was | ” “not: invited :tothe‘convention, Te-|. ‘| mains amystery: : , “ » .The inspiration. “Rogers ° might}. ‘| have provided: will :be. offered in| stead by: the. Rev. ‘Billy’.Graham | who ‘will. speak | at. ‘the Wednesday “noon Session. the. house crumbling: -down. Tf this ever became: the case, these: same’ { industry: folk: know -it would ‘be up. , primaries... “Grech a Dig* Saint ‘London, . March’ $1.: One TTC’ source reports ‘that .. an increasingly large fan. mail: “Saint”. vidseries, ‘is coming in from. Czechoslovkia, In fact, -fan’ mail output from the: . Czechsis: now larger. than any. other European | . : Which'is intriguing since ITC Uhias not sold. “The Saint”: to. " Gzechoslovakia © yet. 0 WGA Asks Agent | To Go Easier On 10%, of Ever = “Hollywood, March 31: Current talent. agency. practice of getting 10%. of ‘the top ona tv) package, . also. 10% of. residuals. ‘between Writers Guild of America and the ‘agents; with WGA seek-| |-ing clamp” down . on ‘both these practices. ‘Writers feel: strongly. that the percentery’s: current 10% off. the’ top..of a video ‘package acts as a. deterrent. to many a sale, and. is ‘harmful to the seripter.. . They feel’ equally’ as ‘strongly | that agents. are. not’ entitled to '10%.. of residuals and/ or royalties, their. contention: being. that the guild * membership went out: on strike on :two-: occasions to‘obtain formulas . for ‘residuals cand. Toyal ‘ties.’ Their.. ‘position: is .that: inas-: “much as: these were not ‘negotiated |: | by agents, :the percenters. are not entitled to a °cut.. It's”: expected agents: will ‘strongly: “resist -both |: these. “WGA. demands; . “WGA West council met. Monday:| night to go over: ‘proposals. to be{ presented the: agents in -detail..On April 4-5. there will be: a national WGA ‘session. in. Hollywood, with -| the: eastern: branch’ sending dele-. _| gates .-here’ for.: the. ‘conclave. .On the: agenda. are.” the’. agent. pro-. ‘ahd . these: will -be co-] posals;. ordinated between. ‘east ‘and. west memberships,’ to, be: ‘approvated at subsequent | ‘membership : ‘ineetings | here. and in N.Y. aE --Hollywood . members” “will vote: on. “proposals.” ‘for..a* new | ‘agents’ pact at, the ‘guild. building; at.aj. special” general ° membership meeting’ to. be held April 9, Guild’s. cur-' rent. pact. with: the. agents, expires. winthe: 15. “En Masse to:ABC Affil “Now. that: it’s: positioned: for -a hoss. Face : in. the: ‘three-network the NAB convention, Network: is... _ packing 7 Off the. contingent, with. Jesse Zous-: mer, tv. news. ‘director, also making : the scene. For ‘Smith and. Morgan, Rtg be. & bit of. a scramble since both. have. ‘Speaking: dates':in’ and ‘out of: Chi | ‘concurrent. with NAB. Key date: -for-both -is: a ‘joint ‘appearance tomorrow (Thurs:). night before. the. Chicago Council on Foreign Re-. | lations: in’ thePick-Congress ‘Hotel. _ Lower &-Co. are also: planning a -press..demofor: the. Burroughs B-5000 ‘computer. which. the’net f committed to" for this year’s. elec: tion .coverage, including the. up--|. ‘coming eis and. Oregon.’ | projected. shows, and. royalties will be the: principal. targets in. ypeoming . negotiations |. ~Meet: B-5000 ‘Preview’| \AllStar Cast For néws: sweeps,. -ABC-as never before | 4 “willbe .out to-impress. its affils at q ts| ‘jourtidlistic: big” ‘guns-to. ‘Chicago;. ie including: Edward P: Morgan, How| ‘ard: -K;. Smith, ‘Ron Cochran, Bob’ ‘Young. . ‘and . William. “Lawrence. News chieftain Elmer Lower: heads. tuk le is Locked In ‘London, March 31. ‘Less than three weeks before the ‘| kickoff, -BBC-2 .topper Michael. | Peacock has tight his ini-” | tial schedule. [worse, his arch-enemy, . time,. has. “1forced him to fill in the many gaps. For better or: for. ‘in his: 30-hours-a-week prime time Tineup.. ‘Tilustrative of Peacock’ s hectic:: 'Vhelter-skelter program-plotting life over the past months (in which ‘he } has had to build a schedule fora | web which, by decree, must have @ “new and different” concept but at the. same time prove “popular © ‘enough to catch the mass audience .. for at. least some of the time) Is. the the fact that many of the shows — he has slotted are either “experi-* | mental” or are still, even now, > | drawingboard projects which have | not had a dry run, It's a.time-en‘| forced: case ‘of throwing shows into ) , the: deep end to see which come . ,.j; UD swimming. But amid the welter of new and Peacock has ‘brought in another maior American series, “The Virginian.” Skedded to follow the “Danny . ‘Kaye. Show” on Mondays, the Western has been cut back from 90 to: 75° minutes. | -(Acauisition ‘of . “The Virginian” by: BBC is some-. -thing of a triumph for the network. | because, ‘it’s. understood, only after hard bargaining did MCA-TV. de-: cide. to. shelve its plan to theatri-.. cally release the western in these” parts: Third Yank program Inked. ‘for the opening of BBC-2 is “Arrest and Trial” berthed ‘on Fridays at. 6:45 p.m. For-the rest, within the framework of projecting seven faces of | BBC-2 on seven days of the week, the mix involves documentaries, discussions, current affairs, pubaf-. fairs,. politics to s larger extent ‘than either of the existing ty out-° lets, but, at the same time; has its quota of. drama, vaudeo,. comedy and music, — In his endeavor to come up with an alternative to. the commercial. ‘web. and “BBC-1, .. Peacock © has shuffled his pack in. such away that ‘the “serious” or. non-fiction. material . will be ‘in opposition tothe prime time “entertainment” Schedules of the existing networks ‘on Tuesday, Wednesday.. Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Monday and . ‘Friday on: BBC-2 are designed. on J: more. “entertaining” lines. Basically, Peacock’s first schedule for BBC-2, which will carry it forthe vitally important’ first. few ‘months of its life, is this: © Monday—7:30: “Tmpromptu,” t experimental half-hour come d y | show completely ad -libbed, | which five performers, ‘unre-.| hearsed, ‘gag it up from angles ‘thrown at them by a studio audi-. 4 ence. 8:00: “Danny Kaye Show.” in °8:50:“The Virginian” (approxi-. |:mately once a -month-latter will-be (Continued on. page 64). ABC's Affil Meet Only ABC.of the. three networks plans to’ make a splash. with. talent. for affils at the Chicago: NAB con vention. . . NBC's. show’ will. offer . ‘a “Tw? oo larnpoon ofthe net’s affils, and: ‘CBS will raise ‘he curtain on: the comedy team of Allen & Rossi, -chirper Tina Robin and. the Madi‘son Trio. ABC Iooks ‘to. have. its . Jargest lineup. yet. Crowding the’ marquee’ will be’ Gene. Barry, Ernest Borgnine,: ‘David Janssen,. Walter Bren-. “nan, : . George” “Burns,” Connie Stevens, Patty Duke, Inger Stevens, Tim Conway; William | Windom, Sammy Jackson, Joan. Staley, Cathy Nolan, Sheila. ‘James,. : Lois: Roberts and Dorothy Malone. AIT, natch, are in the fall sched-: ule, and that’s what ABC . ‘stress,