Variety (April 1964)

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. At ‘least’ 21 ‘syndicated properties will be. unveiled af the’ NAB: conclave. which. opens.. Sunday. (5). an Chi, with the Majority, ‘of the” i gyndie product . reruns. . ‘> o-be offered at the. broadcasters’ sessions’ are three from: Desilu | Sales:. Lt Club. J an aet oper geipanwe oe dee y \ . a le . : * . a Hi * Colonel: a _.. CBS Films:. “America. aan Jack. Webb, “True. me : *. . Twentieth-Fox TV, ay! ‘Day. to. “Remember, ” » firstrun, a -_ :--"JTC, “Man. of :the’ ‘World; ” 20 hours starring. ‘Craig Stevens, and — s possibly. “The :Saint.” ol MGA, “Wells: Fargo.”: ; ~~ NBC, “The Richard. Boone. Show” and “Lawless Years: Official Films, ““Survival,”: first-run... -_Seven Arts. ‘Associated, ‘second: year: of: Boston ‘aymph.. UA TV, “East Side, ‘West. Side,” The’ New. Phil: Silvers: show" and “The: "Human Jungle.” ~~ Warner Bros., 97: Sunset. Strip.” “The Dakotas”: and ‘Room for “@ne More.” =” ae oe Screen -Gems,. “empire.” vo Four. ‘Star; “Ensign O'Toole;"" and ‘possibly. McKeever: and, thé: ae lhere that: jets from’ downtown. out]... >: “Marshall, Dillon,” Teruns “of. “Gunsmoke, ” __ and “< J into the-desert hills which is called. ~ vu aoe “ce i +.) the Miracle Mile: ‘The: only: ‘miracle |. 2 Lis that-itcould: have ‘so many. Jights . and. so little | ‘action. |= ; A : Along” this © "Holly wood-sttip-on} ok. the-hoof, that ‘giant, twirling neon | *.° «fsign which. should. signal -aposh}: ” “The Greatest: Show: on Earth,”. three. 90-minute pix” and “Alcatraz: The Lonely Rock,” latter a. first-run. ‘From. Walt Disney, . the third-year.. reruns | ‘on’. “Mickey Mouse a yturns. out. fo-. _|I MOTHER (O0E | it LOCAL spOrs| “By: BILL. GREELEY.” "Tucson, “March . 31. ‘phere ‘ts. a -section © of ‘roadway | : : “ | nitery” with“ naked. ‘dancing: girls}. we je the’ lure: for .the. : ~"\ drive-in branch. of: a bank. Those |’ ” dazzling: strings. of mazdas that look. ‘] from: -‘a’ little: ‘ways: off like. .the Phily Story’ Gets aD Tony , Swap Nears Its: ( ima + oy “FCC,: “style; ‘drew. closer to the. finish’ line a 7 “as lawyers from NBC, -Phileo, RKO}. : General, the FCC Broadcast Bureau |. _ ” pnd Westinghouse spent three hours: “rearguing.. the .:dizzying -nine-year |. ». . history ° of. ever-embroiled . “WRCV _ : ah _ As N “Washington, March 31. -? The Philadelphia. story. *. Shere. shed. itsQuaker, City ,outlet. fo" originally ” programming, . Lashing out at’ tha point stressed . by FCC’s .Chief Hearing Examiner] .[f : James. Cunningham in recommend-|" -“*™ ee renewal:.for WRCV that NBC}. d the most ‘broadcast. experience,,|, ; yeaver said: . Og experience “produces the: re‘experience . produced. + puts. NBC's: . ‘Philadelphia, you can’t renew this: license.” “The ‘gist. of the. Broadcast ‘Bure _eau's | argument” against NBC . _ppelled out in a virtually’ minute‘recapitulation ‘of deal between . Westinghouse. and: NBC brass in the’ web's acquisition oes of. WRCV.. g-for the ‘Bureau, “Thomas. ;. Arguin * Fitepatrick attempted to ‘drive home}; the point -that NBC abused ‘its af-} Be ation power and coerce Westing use Broadcasting in 1955 to trade. its Philadelphia’ channel for. one: NBC: occupied in Cleveland... ureau’s with: that. issue, | : a a 7 (Continued. On. ontinued on page 3 56). MMT TVs Spires. aye Int'l Slot |= -John B: Spires, Paris-based . Eu: pean. sales chief. of. MGM-TV, is. ping moved ‘up to~ international : gales: director. This is a. newpost, not ‘to be construed_as filling ‘the |: | ‘gap. left’ by Dick. Harper's move|: {ever to Samuel Goldwyn:. Harper, & syndication’ sales: topper, ‘ruled e domestic:-roost ‘but had.been. “increasingly active in.'the foreign: “Dhee. to boot. His. slot remains ee ‘Yacant, and. reportedly. will for some: _ : thereafter. des Spires has. been ‘sales topkick for.) ao ‘Britain. and the. Continent. since. : August of "61: Prior to that’ he’d. “Ween. with-MCA and: several movie. “@gompanies, The ‘new: . post’ will ‘gwitch-him from Paris-to the New. ‘York Homeoffice.‘in early. Sune... a Four. Comimissioners were « on. ’ het to hear. oral arguments -in |. ‘the hotly .contested: éffort.of NBC; . .to: trade: off..its.0 &0 WRCV radio}: .“gnd tv. for. RKO General’s WNAC |: Fadio. and. ‘ty: in Boston. Philcp. is}. ~ frying” ‘to: nab _Philadelphia’s ¢han-| "el. 3-before NBC can. ‘comply: with |. ‘@ Justice Dept. consent. decree to|: Leading . ‘off the : colloquy. ‘was]:” TF E65... ee Henry: Weaver who said)" oe CC: would have: to make * judg“jments’.on' how far licensees. can’ place the _private. interest, above | the public interest, NBC’s “‘gross| . .. pbuse” of network affiliation power | ' y. garner.the station in| 1955, and: WRCV's “ineredibly’ Poor” lideal. headliner in Arthur Godfr Baldwin & Humphrey Paired By. Metromedia “Took to. TFE265 The executive. ‘committee: ‘of film ‘ distributors-in: N-Y.: the “balk: rolling: for, the. next. TRE, ; “ event ‘in: ' “This .was. ‘decided. at. a “coms. 7 TFE-’64 in“Chicago, heldApril. : §-8 in! conjunction: with “the -'-NAB. cofivention, .The “main: “business : of -the -end-of:April Meeting : toSelect an8xec. committee to: _ Beer. ilies BT ” Chicago; ‘Mareti. 31. ‘climaxed_ ‘by’ a. banquet and special broadcast in the evening, ‘had: the ey, the: medium’s’. foremost’ salesman. and ‘ambassador. To a group: of een men who. had: ‘spent most of. ‘tential -but lamenting. the ‘lack ‘of ‘audience: measurement. tools, the CBS star let loose his’ well-traveled Sermon ‘on the. évils’ of: buying ‘by. afternoon praising radio's: po humbers andthe virtues of -measur ing radio. by.‘sales:.resiilts..He re-. . joiced over : NieIsen’s: departure: from the scene and. said: he couldn't. understand why anyone. would still try to. measure. listening: habits’. t Looking .slightly.. askance * at’ the yen. it's obviously a. -impossibil-|: intense preoccupation |*" Commissioner 7 tisers could be: sure of three things: | “that. there: are people. out: there,io that’ ‘they: are. listening. and: that they: will .respond.”. He. strongly | advocated :the use. by: ‘advertisers ‘lof “personal sell” ‘by the medium’s. | proven personalities, either: on the nets. or : local «stations. town there are a. few ‘personalities : (Continued. on: page 56): A “two childhoods”. hour special on: Negro author: James Baldwin’ and. U.S. :.solon. Hybert. Humphrey | ‘has been prepped: by: Me‘ropolitan: Broadcasting -for. the «Metromedia. ‘stations. and projected syndication. : Oo ease. ‘On: radio,they” ‘just might. ‘lift. ‘a. whole “network ‘spot. On... a ’. Both “ gutbjects “voiceover camera. fiarkbacks ¢o their. respec ‘tive .boyhood: -locales—Baldwin's Harlem ‘and. ‘Humphrey’s’ : upper. midwest: :. Each retrospective ‘has been designed:-as. itg-own: half-hour entity, OF; forback-to-back: -alring. | : in jail Ask ‘jailer, attorney. or friend: _ cy callus, Fast, courteous, confi-'| a -dential,: ‘24-hour service—eity, state | ; fi aderal n an -, mittee . meeting a. week before. ar eoera bo ds: last week of ‘April to'start the’. * --| Jones” Radio. Day,. being an. afternoon’ of. seminars for the local: ‘industry. }-6 ‘p.m.; Godfrey ‘said: ‘that ‘gadioadver-| “In. every. * the: || Johnny. J: Jones: midway. come.-up } — -** J nothing’ but’ a-massive used car lot|_.._--.. | as'-quiet: as the cemetery in ‘Tomb|. with :no life but. a]: | nightside: ‘drummer: adoze in. ‘the | | stone; Ariz., | lot ‘shack... -But if. vaude and night life. dre. ‘Lot only . dead: but. stillborn, «. this. blooming desert. community, ‘which |. has grown. ‘from: 25,000 to:'300,000.: population since: the war: (with |.| about °1,000 increase’ a month) ‘is. “| miich Jalive ‘in. -its broadcast» and. am | print media—andother advertising ‘| carriers «(there are those ‘swirling }. Television Film’ . Exhibit"64 ~ Meons ‘on: old. East ‘Speedway, ” “and : “will ‘call -a meeting ‘of all tv’. a match. folderof wide’ distribution “TE you. Jand*| carries: this , Message: ‘There ‘are: as many ty: ‘channels as in .Philadelphia—four.: There are | ~-|14 radio stations. with .a variety ‘of. program formats-and: some surpris| ing: regional. vigor. And. for news|. | papers; Tucson is in the lucky: 5%. :| or. so in ‘the-nation. ‘hat -has two of: .-epposing editorial slant. And’ can{anybody ‘think. of. a better date for “Tom than. ‘4 drive-in ‘theatre? . | Said pic | is’ showing here. at. an ‘[ozoner on -a day-date with a hard{ top” for. ‘those who. just ® want. to io p Adverse: fs 1 of Arizona’ has..KUAT-TV_ (6), ‘an , educational outlet; The. ‘tietwork affiliates are caught in’ the ‘Moun-. tain Time. Zone ‘between. the mid| west and. far-west feeds, and solve | the problem mainly: by taking the: the .-‘British:.. feature ‘film watch... ‘TV -(9),' -ABC—and.. the University early line:. Thus, -oOn"sa Monday. ‘night, “T’ve Got .a‘Secret” ‘plays. at’ “Outer Limits” at 6:30; and: such. “adult” Shows:as “East Side, ‘West Side”. and. “Breaking Point” air at 8 p.m. ‘and 9 p.m. respective| ly, Same time, by: delays, the likes of “Tell the Truth”. ‘run: Monday nights at 9:30:p.m. “Richard Boone Show”. airs. Tuesday: nights~ at. 7. and.” Mitch. Miller's. singing. nostalgia. hits the locals a‘ 6:30:p.m, ‘Mondays: (sing. along with mouthful . ‘of dinner). p.m., ‘That. Extra Com’ film. . rerun: for its... ‘package ‘better. than theirs (the UA: bundles). Anyhow, Miller got +he station to sing |. along on .a‘delayed. basis: at ° the |: -early hour, : ‘which could ‘be. dore. ‘after a second vidtape machine was} acquired. If. the. early. schedules | ‘Land: delays:..are -caleulated:: to. kill ; the. network sense of. humor,. there is one -provineial trick gauged to | make ¢hem cry out: Joud.: In what. apparently. is:a nationwide. practice, | he. stations ‘here will chop the net-. ‘work fades ‘by. up to~10 seconds. to ‘squeeze. in another commercial; at | the. break.. Visiting web :program. folk: have recently been. heard ‘to howl like .a «desert coyote:: ‘But. the ty“boys. shouldbe: at. recent. night,.2. monitor eatght | Mutual Broadcasting. co-op. news-. cast .inwhich the ‘Tucson -affiliate | tossed. in: a. commercial for .the Las’ Vegas Dunes Hotel . French airlie: ~ (Continued. ¢ on: “page | 62). [NAB Convention as Syndicators” Showcase for New Product Kickoff Bat Most of It iter Off Networks “Sum * and’ Substance,” April 18 on. WCBS-TV and KNXT. “Lor. This! oa ‘Washingion, Marth. ai: WTOP, which ‘willcarry’ the . Senators. Jhome-and-away. ‘pall-. easts, -got-out a “program, log = .correction to wit: re Te) a “The, opening gameof ‘the fas “regular. season will'be played: .. in” Washington. against. the ‘Los: : Angeles ; Angels in. the .new-. -D.Ci: Stadium, | game. time| _ eonvenient ‘to the President of the U. S:. oo oo, N NEWS Stricly :| From Show Biz’ Status Unimpaired By JACK ‘PITMAN. | While most: ‘of. the: ‘AM radio band. across the land“ projects. a formula} image of onesort or. another—reliance’ on ‘the ‘talk”:or. music-and|: .}news-formats—WNEW;N. Y., seem-. ingly has dominant ‘claim by a long-} ‘shot. to. identification’ as ‘the. show business’ station. -Not-'so-much in | consequence.. of artful publicity. ‘as in. on-air performance.” Be. ‘it .an Audrey © Hepburn ‘or Robert’ Horton. * promos, a. live. nitery’ Big ‘with. an|: Ella..or Tony Bennett,. or-a Sarah} ‘Vaughn doing: the deejay bit for a .week (commercials and all), the Metromedia outlet’s ‘affinity. for the]. ‘showbiz milieu easily puts it in the unmatched,: -if ‘not unique, status. ‘Square Garden; : N. (benefiting * the' Musicians ' “Y., last. July] _Aid Society), .packing.the place: with eleven-three-oh: ‘faithful: .So suc cessful’ ‘was goodwill : harvest: as. well as. the benefit b.o.. (scaled. to .a $5 top)—| that station’ steward John ‘V;:'B. Sullivan is. planning a.repeat,. and: > it’s possible «the: shindig could: be-|" come. a ‘perennial. ‘ Part. ofthe logic in. the ‘indie’ | ‘penchant ‘for personality. is. the fact}. of. “ New: : York -as . showbusiness |’ -mecca::: Thus, . any: station” in they ‘market, can Presume an unusually. ‘hip audience: Inpresuming, ‘WNEW generally. eschews the -pablum palaver.and plays. it for the hip]. values. Hence, and apart from some relatively. square. formats, the dis position. under major. domo Sullivan is to the elongated (up to an hour) | conversation:: with. artists. that. may o ‘probe _ such categories ‘as —race,{ Soe ‘personal : trauma, _ polities, “Miller ds.:lucky at. that: Heper-7 -sonally « ‘called KVOAto. get on} the’ .air at <all:. Station: throws_ out: the. « “Monday : night ‘NBC. feature -own pix. A} Spokesman -said;: “We simply ‘went. ‘out and. bought. a Jazz. ‘formis, éte. -. Likewise ‘in the. ‘sense of: “hip " the. ‘staffers’: (and. station’s) taste inclines : ‘mostly: to the better pops ‘and -jazz. ‘Besides. the. disks. in this} groove, the: live’ hourlong. nitery remotes have spotlighted. a Duke (Continued: ‘on page 56). cas 080. Pubaffairs ~Exchange Bows Apel 8 -CBS-TV o&o's annual public af-} fairs ‘program: exchange. kick’ off this. year ‘April .18; when. each 0&0 contributes .20 half-hour. programs |. of’ a. local public affairs series’ for. ‘broadcast ‘by all five stations. : This year’s. series and producing: ‘stations are: “: The American. Mu sical . Theatre (WCBS-TV, N.Y.); -. (KNXT,. Los: ‘Angeles);: “Science. Unlimitea” |. (WBBM-TYV, .. -Chicago);. “Love . to Read,” (WCAU-TV, Philadelphia), and “Food for. Fun”, (KMOX-TY,, St: Louis). The . ‘excharige “will. commence ‘April'25.0n WBBM-TV and WCAU _ TY; and, May. fan -on. KMOX-TY,. ‘it—-premumably ~ in|: global | ‘Thailand: ‘Costa Rica; Ecuador, E!: Salvador, ‘Nature of. the syndication terrain :.) onthe eve of next week’s National -| Assn, of Broadcasters convention ‘|finds new product in the’ field, ‘more openings for’ possible: win- | ners, and: the competition tougher ‘than, ever, _ Annual conclave of NAB, to. be. held. this year again in Chicago, to. all intents and ‘purposes marks -! the. start. of -the selling” season for i vidfilm. +, syndication ‘ houses. ‘This ‘year, too, the bulk of the new. . product -. being launched for the J market-by-market route is off-net-. work ‘properties. | -The. relative few first-runners | will ‘either: be British made or: {documentary in nature. In ‘terms | of. total product, there are fewer. .Newentries than last year in this ° | spring: period of the NAB meet. Most | ‘heartening | development | this selling season, from the viewpoint. of. ‘syndicators, is: the: ABCTV. move to return the periods. of from 10:30: to 11 p.m, four nights.: a -week'to local stations. Another plus is the return of Tuesdays from 7 to.:7:30 p.m. to CBS-TV affils. These’ developments, in toto; open up hundreds of possible slots: ‘for syndicators which . heretofore had been progfammed bythe networks.*Compared to the syndicated product available: time’ slots. even . with ‘the’ moves. of ABC-TV. and CBS-TV,. Temain. in terrible short ‘supply. ‘Although virtually all. major ‘syndicators. have new entries to offer; fimed to-the NAB conven-. tion, the total product is less than: in the past. In recent years, major -syndication:’. houses: had a backlog of off-network product. When this ‘backlog was released, it swelled: | the total.-number of vidfilm’ series. Because: WNEW. digs the show-} ‘folk, they:in. turn are usually: quick ‘to. respond, ‘and: not. only for _air-' ‘time. A bunch of ’em. crowded the| ‘marquee. when the station tossed. ‘| itself a 30th anni. bash in ‘Madison | There’ 'g: a “ty. ‘channel ‘for ‘each Network :— KOLD-TV. (13), «CBS;" KVOA-TV “‘(4), -NBC; ‘and KGUN in-the product pool. This year out, very few syndicators have more. than. two or. three new entries, . many of. them having one. . Prices, generally, have been de-. pressed, although the better ‘series have. been earning their way. With station . management . now. savvier . than..ever, selling in’ ‘syndication has. ‘become’ research oriented.. AD : other development is. that station: deals on the major. off-network — ‘series, those . entries involving (Continued on. page 58) prazik I Nuts About Kildare? Bon’za’ . Hottest ty shows in Brazil. currently are the NBC-TY series, “Dr. Kildare” and “Bonanza,” says Ralph Norman sales rep for NBC ‘International in the Séuth American country who was in the. New. ‘York ‘offices last week. —. “Bonanza,” :Norman. reports, is. South: America’s. first color show, ~ being .aired in tintin Sao Paolo, : Which has-six other ‘channels. oper-... ating. He says two more of theStations: plan to go to-color this. year, as will one of Rio de J anelro’s stations. “~ Norman Says ‘that: Brazil, which a {8 South America’s. No. 1 tv: market, 1 is roughly comparable-to the Canajdian market. The SA country now has 35 tv Stations. {all commercial): on. the: air. a “Outer Limits” a Hot 4 _ Sales Item Overseas “Outer Limits,” ‘science-fictioner completing. a. year's run on ABGTV, -has been sold in. 20: countries: by United Artists’ Television International... Deals were made “with Granada: Television: in the United. Kingdom: TV Excelsior in Brazil: WAPA-TY, ‘Puerto: Rico: Mirror Enterprises: in | Australia; NippenEducational | Television. in Japan; Philippines,: Argentina, Uruguay, A Mexico, among | ether countries,