Variety (April 1964)

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ooo Coast ductions’: “Meri in. Crisis”. -ah unusual. tribute, devoted his syndicated: ‘column’ last:week in praise’! ~, of-:the‘Tate. Ernie Stern, : who had been: in. charge of: CBS-TV Coast | : . publicity ; Jack ‘Sterling -show ‘becomes ‘a permanent: feature. off | © low. an. account exec for NBC-TV ‘Spot:Sales .°: in New York, ‘has ‘signed on with WBBM-TV as. gales research. director | IN. ‘NEW. YORK . re : ~ Broadcasters’ ‘annual méet: April 27. on Public. Administration in N.Y... Strategy: Seminar . at. Carlisle Barracks. in” June ; “Committee © -Richard | Heffner, “pendent communications consultant;has. “a: ‘deal. with. Simion &. ‘Schuster for. a book onthe role of. broadcasting‘in: ‘American. life . “Alan Dale has incorporated | himself. . projecting an album. ‘and. ‘post _ Bob: Toski: will also spiel . Gimbel Development . Corp. ‘prepping |. Sights -and Sounds,” what ‘it ‘calls a “new. concept”..for a ‘tv-musical |” a . Lisa. Howard, haviiig: staked out} Cuba. as .a prime: ‘beat, will’ front. “Cuba: and. Castro Today” via ABC :. show, To be filmed. on “location: . EV. April. 19: Ann. Morgan 'Guitbert, featured. in CBS-TV's “Dick Van Dyke Show, nf poe -in town from Coast .;.: Don Knotts. back to. Coast. Louis. ‘Teicher, ‘-CBS-TV. director: of. miusié. ‘operations, -back from ‘Coast. in Richmond,: Va: _p.a. in: Australia. and ‘vacation*in: ‘Tahiti.-. “*ment = Boast ‘Mockridze Show’ . ‘eon. of the Community League for Retarded..Children ~. exec ‘proditcer and director of “International Show: Time, ” back. in NY. after six ‘weeks of: shooting. circus . sequence. in “Munich, ‘Berlin, | . .Budapest, and: Bern, ‘Czechoslovakia .. Bery! : Berney’s. Alt Join Hands” on: CBS-TV will stay: on the’ ‘air. . during: the summer: via reruns for 20 weeks.. CBS ‘News’. Peter’ Kalischér, who ‘won on Overseas . Press Club: award, has: been signedby Random. House to-do a book on “his:18. years as a Far Eastern correspondent. : augurated. { twa: weekly ‘series of. special ‘reports: on: -the-Civil. Rights --' “debate: . Hollywood: columnist. Hal Humphrey, ‘in 2 “The Top of the World” restaurant at the N.Y. World’s Fair. ‘ NBC News general -manager: Robert (Shad’) ‘Northshield. back. from| three . week:.tour ‘of web’s news: bureaus in Europe .. .:NBC producer ~ Craig. Fisher takes. his. “Sunday” show. ‘to Washington Sunday (12) for cherry. blossom. festival.” “‘Toddy.” girl. Maureen O'Sullivan will ‘also | pbeéon-hand. to crown festival-queen ;. NBC. Press’: Alan: Ebert. wings | . “Bonanza’s” Lorne Greene |. <.. “<in‘town for ‘taping: of NBC’s. World Fair spec, on Friday: (10). ...' “Say: pea, When’. model ‘Ruth Hasely. ‘back! from Augusta, Ga,, “commercial task | Lo “NBC’s: pub ‘affairs ‘mer. George _Heinemann . ‘speaks’ at: Children’s]. to Hollywood..for féature assignments: . Theatre: Showcase today: (8). at -YMHA in city: ‘“Today”” writerreporter Paul Cunningham. speaks. at ‘luncheon for. ‘Community’ League for Retarded Children at the: Biltmore. Saturday -(11) ... .. Tom Donovan |. _ signed: to. direct. NBC-TV’s. new. .daytimer “Another. “World” «which |. debuts. May" 4. April 17°. Mew:posts’ at: NBC ‘ops and engineering: Larry Sissen,: ¢x-ad-promo writer: for. WPIX,” ‘hahied ad-pubreltop per for -KHOU-TV,. Houston. “Mel Bailey: and Art .Forrést,. exec “producer and director of. WNEW-TV’'s “Wonderama” kidshow;: heading | . for Finland. to scout locales and facilities for a May s stanza . 60,8 + Nicholas D.. Newton. signed: on with: the. WINS: sales ‘staff, IN’ HOLLYWOOD. . . Steve Blauner, who quit. personal!’ managing: Bobby ‘Darin’ ‘to! ‘take | an executive “production : berth’ .at. Screen Gems,’ reportedly . will be No. 2 man. to: Jackie Cooper when: he becomes: head. of SG production after. June 1 “when Cooper’s ‘pact with UA-TV. expires’. KNXT | “mewsman. John: Hart. drew: the plum assignment ‘from_ ‘CBS-TV, that. -of -bureau head. in . Washington. for the. web’s western. division’ coals .,-. Hollywood. Ad Club. poured for six femmes: whe were inipaneled to dis| euss “How ‘To Sueceed in ‘Advertising ‘Without: Being ‘ar-Advertising | man: Among them’ were. Mrs. Gail: ‘Patrick : Jackson, ‘executive. pro{| ducer : -of “Perry Mason,” and “Alberta Hackett (sister of Hal), KNXT| “Manager of. business affairs’ : Director ‘Seymour Burns. followed producer Cece Barker and head. writer Ed Simmons off: the Red: Skelton’ show... Berns joins Simmons:on the Martha: Raye-William Bendix | ‘comedy on CBS-TY:-* Only. réplacemént .to date by Skelton is Mort |" .: Lachman as producer .~:: .Arizona. ‘deejay Joseph: Patrick. sold ‘his . Flagstaff. station for $44,500 : . . KLAC’s: appeal for aid: for the earth ‘quake victims of. Alaska brought : over $1,000. in cash .and 50 tons: of.). food.and clothing. Thé station’s Charles Arlington and John ‘Dickson |. 7 flew the: cargo to the Air Force. hase in Anchorage in a-plane-supplied | by. Strategic Air Command -. . Walter Bunker; head. of Young & -‘Rubicam’s. ‘Hollywood office, "beefing. up for. the new season: with a . Wesley ‘I. Dumn, owner ‘of .a | six-week. ‘jaunt through ’.Europe'.'.; Seattle station but living in Pasadena, was “unflattered” by the. ‘item that he had‘ retired. from broad¢asting . Hollywood edifice. will: be dedicated April. 21°. -... Big’ dealbulletined ‘at CBS Television City:. ‘the CBS barber, Mr. ‘Cal Shipp, ‘will be here | Tuesday: instead of Monday”... KMPC. Sportscaster 1 Bob » Kelley'f forced | A to takeleave of absence. after, second heart battack. + 7 | bait: the ratings for its politico coverage this.year, has added:ex-White {: . House: staffer Arthur’ ‘Sehlesinger|— Bob: Pauley, ABC ‘Radio. prez. set to: ‘ovate cat. the ‘Texan: “Asin. of |e . Martin Waldman, prezy of |: ~ Communication Planners; speaks April: 416 at. the National Conference: . Bob Fleming, ABC News bureau: topper in’ Washington,: will attend ‘the. “Army. “War College: NationalCarl” Grandé, sports. ‘topper : ‘at: WNHC, ‘New: Haven, voted: top: sports ‘spieler® in .Conmecticut:. by ‘the: National : Sportscasters and: Sportswriters . “Awards: ex-WNDT. and latterly. an “inde| * se . Singer | # frontiersmen.” 17. midnight, teleshow .as..first ‘projects Ben” Okulski, sales service traffic |. ’“manager-for WABC-TV, appointed account: exec:-in. the sales: dept.:: -< -Chris. Schenkel’ will anchor: Sports ‘Network's ‘April. 18-19-. ‘coverage 9 Scalia Bis ~: of the Houston Classic golf. tourney. ‘John Derr, Jim McArthur and: wot . Father’ of Bud Materne (CBS-TV. v.p. and.-eastern ‘sales manager), died: ‘last. week | . Jack. Benny’ back: ta: “Hollywood: after: month’s’ . Phil Silvers ‘to Washington |.. . sApril . 15. ‘to launch “64 Savings Bond’ ‘Drive for the: Treasury’ ‘Depart-. . Sal annucci,*“CBS-TV. v.p. of. business -affairs, back from “Otto Premingerguests" today (Wed:) on WCBS Radio’s.| :-Sam ‘Cook: Dizgges, administrative v.p.. -of.CBS Films, seryes:as toastmaster Saturday (11): at the: Annual lunch | 1 a -CBS ‘Radio: has. in“Edmond O’Brien. “signed ‘as ‘host-narrator: of . Wolper Pro-' ‘Tony Randall guests with. Beb Hope ‘on ‘NBC-TV. NBC News sponsoring a “broadcasting: “internship” for |: students. of "american University in“ Washington. ,’. NBC. News: Wash-] . a ington: correspondent Martin. Agronsky. out of: hospital. and Tecouping |: ’: from. injuries .received-when home. caught fire last week :'. |; Joey! | Bishop’ s NBC-TV wife Abby ‘Dalton named. Queen of N.C.: ‘Azalea. Fes-/ . -fival . ..: Thomas. Tart,..Michael. Prescott. and Richard. Zelig upped. to os RCA, Victor ‘Records new | ABC News, ardent: tor: names. to} Jr. 'Wheress: the ‘web's other “guest |: ‘stars”—Gen. Efsenhower'and.Sena-| tors: Humphrey |.-and © .Ervin—will | playmore: limited roles. for the net, owing to their | Partisan ‘involve-|' iments, ‘Schlesinger .is set to pundit |. straight saianaiae election night | in ae November, Washfagton, April 4. FCC” took a long look .at nine: applications -of. Sanford’ -Schafitz. and tossed out: a. mixed decision’ on ‘proposals for. his Pennsylavnia and {Ohio Stations; ©’. : Commission: ‘denied : renewal. ‘for. WWIZ-AM,. -Lorain,'O.,'averring |-"" ‘Schafitz had. transferred: the outlet | . to ‘the Lorain. Journal -without. ap-j ° ‘proval and. violated technical .reg| ulations besides. Abid’ for ‘formal: transfer ‘ to.“the . Journal. was. also” j cession. to.Sir. Arthur fforde, who. retired. recently: for: health: reasons.}. Trejected.' ‘Similarly. nixed ¥ was: ‘the: ‘bia. ‘of ‘Community Telecasting Co.,. owned: |’ ‘by Schafitz and Guy Gully, -t0. asSign. ‘the: ‘construction permit of ‘WXTV-TV.. on. -License. for the outlet -was. also refused. needed to: grant: the’ switch. “Schafitz did .get. FCC ‘approval ‘for license. renewal.‘ofWFAR-AM, ‘Parrell, Pa. Commission. decided | ‘station's’: programming. . met : the town’s needs and that. the outlet’s practice did not substantially vary |. ‘from’ Schafitz's’ promises. : WFAR application: © VsP'S 2506. sur iS. _ MGM TELESTUDIOS| "Video: Sports.” ' Productions, : of | which: Gustave : Nathan ‘is: prez, .has filed’ a :$250,000damage: suit. ! in N.Y.:Supreme Court naming: MGM. Telestudios,.The vidtape. operation, | in turn; . has. counterclaimed. in. ‘quest. of . $25;000,. ‘including: monies |" it: says are still.owed by VSP.’ ~.. :. [She packager contends that the. oe ‘Metro subsid furnished. inadequate -. Pteehnical. faciilties ‘for the. taping| .of ‘a -stanza: for its. “Journey Into | Sports” half-hour skein, fronted by. -baseball...ace “Mickey “Mantle. Seg |: ‘in: question,.on subject. of golf, | ‘was to. ‘tiave: een: taped at Shady Oaks: Country ‘Club’ in Ft. ‘Worth. . --Telestudios -denies “the ‘charges |. . re its facilities -and: claims that: a contract..It also says another: ‘$5,000 wise: not: been ‘paid. Weslinghouse Ups ~ Mikita, Herman: nis Ay pair. of Group W. execs,. Joseph: Ke Mikita’and Herman -Land, have been. handed ‘promotions... “Mikita -has_ been. ‘named ‘to the} ‘poard and upped: to. vp. for finance |: He 2was férLand and administration: ‘merly. : only. ‘finance® v.p. ‘takes over new post of. ‘corporate projects: director; after. more than two. years as: + head. of creative Serv a ices. : oo IN" ‘CHICAGO . “Gop. gubernatorial: hopefuls ‘Chuck Percy: and: William Scott ‘nixed'| “-» @ debate, so WBBM-TV. will do a back-to-back: “Target: News” program aoe Saturday (11). with:each facing: John Madigan in a-30-minute grill ‘ses-| ‘sion... . Sheldon Cooper ‘was: upgraded to. asst. program: manager of}. Bs WGN-TV, -Tetaining: duties as éxec producer, upon ‘Phil -Mayer’s move |. to: WBKB ne joins WMAQ as manager. of special: projects, a program post.. He'll also. ‘do on-the-air work .|. . Gene Bohi, onetime sales. staffer for WBBN-TV, + Frank. Daly,. ex-T'VB “Vee “Barn” Dance,” now: on. WGN-AM-TV, becomes 40 years old. May 2 -«¢ a.« George Stone’s “Promenade Concert” on: WMAQ ‘marks: its 20th) anni this. Sunday ..:..: Frank Ee “oR ‘fhe issue of. “shared. time” for parochial and Public’ schools to be + (Continued on Page | 64) . Stanhope Gould named.-to.the new post of exec producer] ws “of ‘WBBM-TY. News,. with. Mort Edelstein. Moving up to his -previous spot as assignment editor ..: ; Chuck Benson, coming from WGR, Buffalo, Eeynolds.and Hugh Hill prepping a. special ‘tions. wT ” Sitverman’s 3 ABC Slot Ed Silverman, ; a -roving ABC: ; Newsman,-has.been tapped for the hew ‘post ‘of operations. director. Don Coe, with responsibil ‘ity: for planning © and Coordinating : the: web’s news coverage. He'll also |: ‘double : hence. as” -weekend ‘news |. manager. Silverman fag. een’ with: ‘the. niet, since: 1963, including ‘a two-year. hitch.:as news topper for WABC; “ the N.Y. Tadio flagship. vo ~ “|= Radio ‘Atlanta: ‘is. “backed by. a | -. group . -headed* by financier|. Oliver. Smedley and expects:to ..|?be. achored and operational Sometime. next month. : a . channel 45° in. Youngstown,.” O., to: WXTV ‘Ine: . FCC ‘charged = WXTV|In| skimped -in .supplying information ; | More Halt ir. Series, Commission’s: decision: overruled | -. an ‘Examiner’s recommendation’ in:| -March, 1963 which‘advised | ‘okaying |" ‘the “WWIZ. -applications.. The -Ex|: *: ‘aminer.-had‘suggested. denying ‘the |: WXTV: .bid .and.. “approving” ‘the continue. on it next semester. | | ick Van Dre 5 Show “yg For. the Sea-Saw oe London, : “April va Success of Ronan ‘O'Rahilly. in” establishing ‘an offshore | _eommercial ° ‘Fadio ’. ‘station | . “which ‘transmits: to the U.K.,.: _is: encouraging. -at. least. ‘one. other .. “pirate” broadcasting — Bode outfit, Radio’ Atlanta, to. get : "| into ‘operation. ‘Plan, it..seems -ig. to. berth” | “| “tadio Atlanta less . than. five _. miles ‘from, O’Rahilly’s Radio. |: ‘Caroline,-avhich. is riding . an chor nine ‘miles off Harwich. Normanbrook New hhairman of BBC} Pa London; April: ™ Lord Normanbrook hag been appointed chairman: of BBC in “‘suc New: chairman, ‘who. takes up his ‘duties: when. the new BBC. charter comes: into operation. in J uly, -was previously Secretary to: the: Cabi ‘net, from: 1947-62, and head of the: home civil. Service ‘from: 1956-62. Sir: James" Duff, who :has been| ‘acting. as temporary chairman’ of| -BBC,. -reverts to his former. role of | ‘vice-chairman of the Corporation. Londsn, April. 1 “Radio. Garoline a: j commercial __ ; | radio. station set aboard a onetime [passenger ferry vessel thas become the first commercial radio station to beam to Britain from:’.ananchorage just Outside. -| territorial waters. ‘Berthed approximately five miles. : lon the east coast of the U.K.,: the ‘ship ‘with a. powerful radio trans: | mitter. is broadcasting 12 hours a ‘| day (6 a.m.'to 6. p.m.) of ‘music to ‘these shores. So far the programs jare not supported by advertisers, | though the intention is that they should be. It is claimed. ‘that Radio. Caro 7 line’ s signals reach London and the Home Counties, ‘but no audience Surveys have yet. been carried out {to establish these initial | claims... ‘| There. is no doubt that the Caro." |line’s transmitters are powerful. enough to reach the capital's popu lace. because’ signals were picked up loud and clear at VaARtety’s. ‘London bureau.-on the first day of. transmissions (March 28).. .Man behind Radio Caroline is 28-year-old Irishman Ronan O'’Ra| hilly, .son .of. a wealthy “business. man, Aodogan O’Rahilly, whe owns the. port of 'Greenore where : the -TYadio ship was. fitted out for broad. casting: According to O'Rahilly Jr. the investment in ‘Radio Caroline so far ‘thas involved $750,000 and he estimates that it will cost. between $300,000 and. $350,000. a year to. ‘Tun, not counting programming costs. ‘Utter secrecy. with which Radio Caroline .was ‘O'Rahilly. ‘to start without adver | tiser support, but he reports that -| their interest. in the station now “Fewer 90-Min.. Shows Hollywood, “April 7. lined uptodate,’ should provide. more.-jobs for Hollywood workers, -\it-was reported’ in a survey. made | “} by the tv: esearch committee of. | IATSE: ‘cameraman’s -local 659,. ‘which found next séason’s. picture | overall. “encouraging: ? -Conimittee . said there will. be more: -half-hour : ‘series and less'| -90-min: shows, thus meaning additional crews and jobs. ‘Hour. series.: will be. abaut the same: in number, jis. contravening certaiii. international: laws (though it has mever. clearly emerged what these laws. are)? Also the native Coast Guard: ’{ claim that Radio Caroline’s signals ‘}are blurring thelr ship-to-shore | transmissions and, In case: OF: euiere.. | gencies where a jieteat is } in; yplved. the. coast AS ‘VIRGINIAN’ PRODS.| the. group. ‘reported... NY. vidpix production will hold | its ‘own. next ‘season, according. to:| ‘sales firmed.:up for next semester, the: committee ‘sald. TELFORD JOINS MILLER | Hollywood, ‘April 7.. Winston. ‘Miller ‘will continue as. Alone of: two producers . on Reyue VSP. check. ‘covering ‘$10,200 was’ Stoppéd;'* constituting: : breach ~ ‘of studio’s /90-min. ‘series. -,The. Virginian” next: ‘season, ‘and: Frank | {Telford joins the. series as. the} allegedly. owed: it by VSP. has, like-. other alternating producer, | in asls oo signments -just., set “by. exec pro-.|: op ducer Frank Price, . _ . 43° Telford was: ‘producer. of Revue’s]}) ->_4 “Destry”: series. for. part.of ‘this| ‘season, being. replaced later by | ‘Gene Coons. That series has fin| ished production... Don Ingalls, who -has ‘been analternating ‘producer on. the. NBC-TV. : show, will. ‘not Plans are being finalized for Clu Galager to -join ‘the cast of regu-. lars -in the 90-min. series; which |. begins. production | for. next. season |: “April .13. Thirty.” segs: ‘ave’ ‘been | ordered... as. Both, ‘execs,: as before, report. tol: 7 Rolland: Tooke, ‘exec vicepresident ‘Of ‘the ‘Westinghouse gtoup opera| __ Repacts Persky, ‘nt | “Hollywood,. April: a Bill Petsky and. Sam Denoff, who wrote 13: episodes: of “The Dick. Van. Dyke Show” this: season, have] been” -Signed _ as story. consultants | for the series and. will write 20 | or ‘More episodes. for the program. : .~ _ Cart”. ‘Reiner ‘will’ continue to | | write. ‘for. the. series, but will de‘vote-. more time to. | duties... “Reiner | also.-Is under. exec. “Producer. "Sheldon. . ‘Leonard. { months, but w thout. being: billed, ‘production. producer, Good News to IATSE| Television’ s 1964-65~ season; as: | that it has ‘hit the airwaves and the headlines has exceeded: his initial -4 expectations. . | vertisers, he contends, are now in. Large national ad dickers over airtime. -Programwise, the new station is broadcasting a.continual stream of. “pop.-musie helmed by four disk. -jockies—Christopher Moore, John Jumkin, Simon Dee. and Cari Cen| way—and is avoiding. “stepping ‘on anyones. toes” at thig stage by closing -down. ‘as. Radio‘ Luxem-_ bourg, European -based’ commercial station which also. beams to. ‘| Britain, -opens up. . While Radio Caroline is out of :the ‘British Post’ Office's anchoring in international waters, it is still: held by some Post Office officials. that the ship Bt ‘Oat aon at least 0 cnann broadcast oser to the coast guards freqnercy thar does the Caroline and, anyway, his. ‘ship’ would immediately go. go. to the aid OF any other vessel: in distress, “NBC-TV's program promotion magazine; ‘ ““Startime,” ' which last ‘) year was peddied to 1 000,000 view ers who sent i ‘in a quarter via on-air | plugs, ‘will reportedly be repeated this: year with modifications. cessful. “Startime” is ‘said. to have _ | been .a ‘costly proposition, and the. {mag for the new season will cut: — . _.| the-buck in. production tab. Also, “| the. text. reportedly will be toned | down, last: year's having been con: ‘Sidered Tengthy and high-brow for ‘the average viewer. — Bigger pix of talent and news : ‘personalities that can be cut out and pinned up will. be featured. ‘along with simpler blurhe, is. 3. the current. /Teport._ Lo KATZ: PRODUCES “NURSES” ‘Arthur: Joel: Katz, who is ¢.m. for Herb Brodkin’s Plautus banner, ‘henceforth . will’ rate a "producer's <redit: on’-“‘The Nurses.” _ He’s been on the. joh for several conceived. and... -anchored. -offshore,. has necessitated Although. considered highly suc. _ 8 eres =e ry t -_— «F&F &> ae ee we we aon i tlain salinatiinen