Variety (April 1964)

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TELEVISION REVIEWS. _ | ; Weidniéeday, April 8 8 1964 NM. ADE IN 1 AMERICA. With Hans Conried, Jan. Sterling, Don. ‘Murray, . Walter ~ Slezak, others = Producer: Steve Carlin . 30. Mins.; Sun., 9:30. “p.m. . CBS-TV (tape) : CBS-TV end MGM-TV,: carrier and producer of the new. quiz show; “fade In America,” have: been: enough ‘impressed | ‘by: the 14-year.| “success ‘What's My. Line” on fhe. sume web te rewrite it. “But, by. the old show biz axiom, “Vou. ‘don't: rewrite .a hit,” ““America” has a poverty of riches. in its: millienaire guests. The ‘only notable thing ebout: this: replacement for’ the second. half-hour. of the J udy: ‘Garland.. variety.’ ‘show. is emcee’ Hans .Conried; an. enlight|: . Mayor’ Wagner toa thick slice. of ened and ¢lever.. man doing. the Jthn ‘Daly bit. here (Conried can be seen in .more compatible: frame,. at day nights on. WOR-TV. as host of Jay Ward Product’on’s. zany syndicated half-hour, “Fractured Flick-' ers,” where -his fine talent. for blunt irreverence: {s put to fullest: use). And Conried 2s host: was.anafterthought, Bob Maxwell. being seratched. at the last minute. .. . ‘This is: “What's ~My: Line”: right down the line, except guests. are: folks who have packed. in a. mil‘lien bueks or more (emphasizing the show's theme. that. “the United States is still the land ‘of boundless |: opportunity,” and one of the best. fambits of “Line ’ has been eliminated. That: is: ‘that the. identities. of the puests on. “Line” are re-|-" vealed to the’ home and studio. ‘cee: ‘Paul Anka, ® young ‘slicker..under ‘ordinary. cir=| audience for the ‘benefits: ‘derived. from the old dramatic’ gimmick: of: ‘having the aud in-on something the knew 25 much in Ancient ‘Greece when it. came to. theatrics). — Opener guested a: woman. who. has made'a fortune on plant foad, aman who did ditto witha rubber-. tized dish rack and authoress Fan-: nie Hurst. She Avas the counterpart. of “Line’s” mystery celeb. She. was shown at an odd-angle in. ‘shadow. The’ panel didn’t identify. her— |. with this viewer's empathy,. since: he thought ‘it was Judy. Holliday. Regular celeb~ panel’ has some. sight values with. “blonde Jan: ‘Sterling and Don: Murray’s good: looks: and Walter: Slezak:seems a: bright addition: It will take Con-|.+ ried, however, to bale out the non-.| “was. a.. fumbling: |} sense... There. throughout: that may. clear. up with practice, and-some. disturbing. blips. a In -vidtape. editing. _ Bill. _ MARK OF: JAZZ Producers:. Searza . Director: : Searza 30 Mins., Thurs., 8:30. p.m. WHYY-TY; ‘Pailadelphia . Sid. Mark,. jazz buff and WHAT-’ FM. jock, helmed’ this. half-hour | session which was: distinguished. by” ‘its: high rapport: among ‘the partic~: ipants. This. set had‘ the Wes Mont-. gomery Trio as. performing guests ‘and. pianist vocalist Buddy Greco” ‘and conductor-composer Jimmy. dePriest at the round table: ~ Montgomery’s guitar, organ and’|: | Corelli in a. renditien . from -“'Cavallaria. -Rusticana,” “drums group. played. in: its elegant. style, with each note. given tender: consideration by : guitar,..and not. hypoed: by frenetic drumming ‘or organ riffs. Genuinely enthusiastic, “Greco. called Montgomery. the: “greatest guitarist: around.” ..° Both Greeo and dePriest had: just reiurned .. from ° appearing before’ royalty: Greco at.a command. :performance in London; dePriest. on Thailand. | Musicians. agreed that although. kings and: queens were only human beings, . they: ‘were. im-. pressed at. such events. . Mark’s: questioning brought out the. fact. also that both artists were: jn the process ‘of | finding. them selves—drummer: dePriest is -en-tering. the conducting field cand || “knocking: Greco after 20 years: around” as .a lotinge’. pianist’ and sihger has moved. into ‘standup. vocalist spots’ in the big rooms and. on concert stage... Scearza's direction coupled” with grade A. lensing ‘made what: is. or-dinarily | a graphic¢allyuninteresting’ set-up achieve pattern. and | ’ depth, “Mark of Jazz” adds an other entertainment... plus ‘to |.the roster of the.’ Rnilly educational: ‘ station. _ Gagh. TEX. weasters: MEET : Austih, April 7, The. spring: "convention. of aoe Texas : Assn. of Broadcasters will. be held in Galveston, Tex. for two ‘days opening April ‘26, ‘according to Steve Cowan,. of. Galveston, the. convention chairnffn. ; CAREERATHON | Producer:. David ‘B.:-Fein ©. | Director: Fein... |.90 Mins., Sun., April 5, 6 p.m. : a ‘| WABC-TV,. New York. _ -| Rico's: Départment of Labor: went | bookmaker ‘terms — the ‘abstract: values of an. educa tion. A solid course, in counterfeit ‘those. answers: light -up,:.explana tions. follow: and ‘the. fun. hope| fully ‘begins... : . . Questions: on ‘the preem session, ‘participants are net aware of. (they | duction ‘mishmash. of..musical’ and “acoustics. Many. of the. talents lip‘synced. their -disk hits’ for’ okay” re‘turns.’ But. when a singer like Teri. : a ‘wheeze, something is drastically wrong. “AHan ‘Sherman's | cynical ‘dropout. fight song. was: the ‘single: Sid Mark," Viicent ‘together on Sunday (5) ‘had a more | | sophisticated mien than is. normal. +The flavor. was: définitely interna| tional: ‘and: the. level: of perform: | ‘taken by. Nipsey Russell ‘who gave. a fresh and’ lively account of him-. -turns.. He seems. to” be surefire, in “most: any medium. a State Dept. visit to the King. of [ of ‘the’ crowd with. his ‘assortment | : -of inanimate. assistants... Although. his :turn. isn’t’ much different. than tusual, it’ remains. fresh. There -is; ‘of. course, ‘Topo Gigio,. the Italian ‘tomimed a piano. recital effectively. Again ‘Sullivan introduced’ a new. Britisti Frock :’n’' ‘roll group, The Searchers. In :conmymon With most. of the: imports. ‘of this genre -on. the: -|-Sullivan. show,. they’ indicate. vocal. and musical: ‘mediocrity and boom | b.o. Even the’ kids: brought: in to whoop it: up for, ‘The Searchers. With Paul Anka, thers. In ©. this well-meaning, _ special glomeration of | _‘finger= shaking ‘adult educational -factotums | and. ‘mainly bleating teen : rock n’. roll talents. ‘prime “beef: identified .. as. world east by New Yorkers, earlier Sunwrestling. champ (there’s a career), were full of. threats. and cajolery—— “stick ‘in high school, kid; -or the. ‘automation, boogeyman’ will: get you~. .°. Get. that. diploma; buddy boy; or you'll never. own a ‘Thun derbird.” Joseph: Monserrat; ; chief of the migration. office. for ‘Puerto so. far as to: ‘couch, his down-talk in “no price; ‘man,” he said. about: the: ‘odds on the drop-out... ‘It: appears ‘that -no|gizmo, one, in this: hell-bent-for-the-buck society, will hazard .a: comment on ing might be the real-answer. | ‘On the entertainment side, .em-. ani © experienced cumstances, ‘was: bogged. in-.a. pro camera miscues. ‘and. “atrocious: Thornton . comes’. across . as. success of the. entire’ 90 minutes,. Others..on: the. bill were Charlie’ Manna~ (in | an :: embarrassing . bit: about what goes ‘on in a teen head), | the Willis Sisters, Johnnie Tillot-son; © Brian Hyland, ‘Lesley Gore and others, Bi Ue jrae CELEBRITY:GAME. _.. | With Carl. Reiner, others.“ i ‘Producers: : ‘Merrill Heatter, Robert . back-to-baek — “with — America”’ the crawl as “consultant.”. for laughs, :.of course,: “and -Sun-. ‘The adult. ‘nabobs,, ranging: from -day’s.. (5). ‘preemer . managed: a. fair) ‘bunch: of "em... --. With: .a. ‘rotating panel. of’ nine: ‘showbiz celebs: (its. ‘only distine tion); the. temptation” to: ‘Step -on: fate is -.questionable. ~ ‘Quigley. = Director: Seymour Robbie | -1 30 Mins., Sun., 9 p.m. AMERICAN TOBACCO. -f Sullivan, Stauffer, . Bayles) ..'“The: Celebrity. Game,” “Made . Colwell & . represents. Garland’s: ‘hour,.. premises .. its gamesmanship ‘on armchair. psy| chology, and: you. better. believe it: because Dr: Joyce: Brothers | is on the. next. fellow’s line. is: awesome,. ‘but: discipline. on ‘the initialer was. ‘commendable, .This partly. owed to. _ the brisk’ manner. of Carl. Reiner. _in the.” ‘lion-taming ‘moderator’s: -chair.’ “Reiner. is” a. fairly, fleettongued ‘guy -himself, and:. gave: ‘some ‘indication he: won't. ‘brook. too: -much = : competitive. nonsense } from the guest talent. « “A question: ‘is. tossed . thé ‘nine. ‘stars. “They. respond “yes” ‘or “no”. -by a ‘concealed lock-in electronic | nd it's: ‘for ‘a: trio of: con-|} testants ' ‘to: anticipate | how the:reSponses went. |: As: the. -contestants, run “through | ‘the celeb: lineup, anid : presumably typical of. what’s: ahead, ran from “Will a Wwpman. fall:in: love.-faster with aman who has. “money?” -. to: (The But in’ the. primetime league -its. -For CBS, with 90 minutes of . panel’ shows going: for. it: Sunday . ‘night; it: ‘may he. they’ ve Tun. out of categories.: * nS | Pit: an ka ‘Sullivan. Show a Sullivan's “CBS-TV. "get: ances was. very. high, There. were ‘some: lnistial turns. kura’ and then into “Swanee”’ in ‘English. Their sound is: excellent } ‘and the stage deportment. is color‘ful. ‘Another’ “highspot™ “was” “Franco. “but: perhaps: the -most : entertaining: Spot. was: self. The | Negro comic within a ‘few: lines: established: himself -and. then: topped * the. . occasion . ‘with a demonstration.. of ‘modern. “dance: " Wences ‘also. ‘took: | the. ‘measure mouse who-is.-virtually a.fixture on this’ show, and Mata & Hari pan seemed: ‘unusually ‘reserved. . Inthe: closing: slot, : Teéesa Breivey ‘delivered “Bye Bye Black‘bird”-forgood ‘results and. the show was completed with:acompilation | | of World. Fair’ ‘sequences ‘narrated | a well 1 Py ‘Sullivan. Jose. : ‘The Lieutenant. Rejected first in script’ form: and “finally. in its-eomplete’ state by. the: -Marineé Corps, this. episode ‘found its way. to the NBC-TV airwaves Saturday ‘night (4): without. official: or Sanction, Tes. not: clear why" thie “Tele Follow-Lip Comment mother. sue, but the * eautious, : funda mentally. inconclusive . results are |’ disappointing.. ” Shaw’s.. teleplay: ‘poses the: ‘prob: | a lem of what to-do. about:a Marine sergeant who is being. . considered: “>| for. officers. training ‘but whose mother is @ registered’ ‘Communist. agent. It boils down ‘to a “question of individual. rights vs. the security | ‘of the -Corps.. There: isa -melodramatic. séene.. in’ which. the. lad ‘confronts: his: mom, ‘whois princi pal speak@r-‘at a peace rally, and defends: the. Marines. against | cher.. -Ultimately,. the: sergeant is rejected ‘for ‘officers schoot “not. because of his. lack of ‘loyalty orguilt by: association: ‘arising’ out ‘of his mother’s beliefs, but because: he has allowed. asa. Marine (a ‘fistfight and © an over-the-hill. venture). Had the story. conie. to grips with the. -issue. by ‘keeping the.‘ central character an: -emotionally. stable, ‘ desirable officer candidate, a. ‘meaningful: point. ‘might. have been /made: ‘But; even:so, how. about the“‘boy’s" loyalty . “as. a. ‘sergeant—or even -aS' a mere private?.. Officer ship. seems: ta, be. basically: ‘irrele-| -vant. where | ‘loyalty js the issue.” ‘The: episode: contained ‘some. in; tense, high-powered | histrionies:. by ‘regulars Gary Lockwood. and: Rob‘ert: Vaughn, Walter. Koenig as the sergeant and Neva Patterson as his rected crisply. ce Tube.’ “CBS. Reports The ‘backgroud. of. ‘the : ‘frustrat: ing: Vietnam ‘situation was given, ‘some: of ‘the . principals ‘involved. yes their say, and no words were (Continued, on page. 52) CHANGING MATILDA. . ‘With | Chet | Huntley; . Producer-Writer: . —_ 60. Mitis., ‘Tues. 10 Pan... | .CBS-TV, f H da: (ta | aimed. at. the. ‘mighty. tin “numbers): oB rom Hollywood ( pe) -Jegion of New : York. City © ‘bigh| . ‘school drop-outs, ‘WABC-TV regis tered. one’ of the weirdest : ‘90 .min’-Tates: on-.record; Live. from: Elysee: Theatre, “Careerathon” was a‘con : NBC-TV(film, ‘eolor) which | 'CBS-TV's new. panel ‘~parlay’ in lieu of. Judy. |. ‘ Show’ Ss. -esting hour .of television. . Birch’s footage. revealed Australia ‘asa ‘cheerful land of. charming” tradi-tions, wide-open for expansion. into ‘the interior. and full of. ‘opportunity . ‘its. uneasy: involvement with: Su| karno’s Indonesia . owing to: shared: its |. “Do European Jactresses. “have. . more. sex. appeal ‘than. . American. actresses?” . response was. T ‘to | 2 in ‘the negative.) . “Celebrity. Game”. ‘may” ‘be. ‘To: Jess: consequential,.or imaginaiive, than :some .of ‘the’ daytime parlor: ‘games «pitched. ‘to.. the = hausfrau:. what seemed to be the genuine }in-. the desolate: ‘school is ‘attended. by. short . wave | | Sidney. where .the: Evropean influ-. ‘|ences* themselves in + | fashions, the arts, drinking customs > | and popular -SONS.. 4 | change: going on in. ‘Australia was. . epitomized. ‘by: a. sequence on /a. ¢ {beach in which a-voeal group: har-/| »|-monized: a:::rhythmic : ] Matilda” jn Italian: ae “USMC was. so" “concerned. “Nother : ‘-Enemy” does set: ‘up a controversial -premise, ‘but then proceeds ‘to sidestep as neat an ‘example. of dodging: the issue. as: one could: ‘expect td find. Producer.Gene Rod-. -denberry’ and. seripter. Robert J-: -Shaw: rate ‘some. commendation for starting off with. the Little. ‘Singers |! least -approaching a ticklish. is of Tokyo garbed in bright kimonas who rendered. the. traditional “Sa tional symbols . of’ travelog’: AuStralia, the Kangaroos’ and ‘koala bears, : ‘seen. ‘only: in the: Yoo.. As it :was | pointed. out; | that’s” practically | the only place. ‘the. native Australian ever sees: them. This in point: of | and ‘misconceptions. “in . order fo: realize. Australia: as: Ht is today." With. Alfred Drake, ‘others _ ‘Producer: Michael. R. Santangelo’ ‘Directors:. Joseph _Wishy, : Gordon -WOR-TV, N.Y: tiape) Bernstein-Sondheim-Laurent “West. ‘Shakespearean, hosts in! forthright, ‘variations © include Gounod's. opera, ‘the .Todd ‘Bollender -:‘choreoed ‘Tschaikowsky.. ballet;. and the “To-' night”: ‘seg from ‘West Side.” -All English by Frank: Porretta and-Lee‘! well-done; : albeit: ‘the: Teast: charming, since’ it is basically: a pale car| -bon of the original. Bollender’s’ bal‘let. is a captivating opus (the clasVincent McEveety di-| sie ‘score. doesn’t. hurt; it), danced: -{Emily. -Frankel. ¥ finale from “West: Side” isa re . Tn: ‘maiiy: ways,. Wednesday's ay | édition of “CBS Reports” ‘on: the. .| Vietnam war. ‘was. _Unsatisfactorily love. It’s ‘fine . pairing. rendered. | flagship’ was,’ however,. jarring: for" 8] sequence. had. ‘concluded, reporters | ‘others: Gerald Green: ‘HUMBLE. Ool.. “(M eCann-Erickson) “It’s time to: dispose of: ‘the old | ‘fravelog ‘cliches and. recognize ‘the } new Australia: a melting pot ‘of Anglo-Saxons. and -middle™ Euro/pean immigrants,.an industrial and urbanized nation that is enjoying | ‘great prosperity, . “and: a. country. that. may play a crucial ‘role’ in world affairs with the: natiorfs of Asia. . crisp. and: often witty script by pro-| ducer -Gerald Green. and: lively. pictorial accompaniment ‘by. direc‘tor-camernfan William Birch, Not. quite:.a. news special "and. neither a trayelog, it had elements of both and was.‘a thoroughly inter for the “new. ‘settler, Whether in. the: . cities’. or in the outback; .the ‘way of. life.’attractive it. seemed. almost idealized, but. Just when ‘the. country grew most. in-| viting Huntley. added the: ‘perspec|: tive . of ~ Australia’s: -place. ‘in. the. modern world... ‘He: noted ‘its proximity ‘to Asia, : governorship. ‘of New Guinea, growing: trade with-Red China, the. diplomatic : embarrassment : of its immigration | “restrictions. ‘ against. Africans, ‘and: the coming threat of the Asian upon ‘its Jabor market. ‘The: “cameras. were thorough ‘in the: tour of the. country. and caught flavor. of: Australian 1ife, “whether ‘interior. where radio and — medical. help: flown in, or in the cities like’ Melbourne ‘and. -The. cultural “Waltzing Not “overlooked: “were. ‘the tradi -but:. purposely. . they ‘were the need. to eradicate the: fiction. ROMEOS: & ‘JOLIETS: A THEME’ ‘WITH. VARIATIONS: — Rigsby . Participating a This: one: polishes the’ * Westing |-house: ‘Broadcasting escutcheon.. It’s a classy hour. on the Romeo & Ju| liet theme ‘from: Shakespeare. to: the. Side’ Story” klondike; with tasteful: revererice. |. Alfred Drake, . himself. “an. old. produced” sparing fashion, and ‘the .thematic. in. the wake of, to be -sure, the Bard’s ‘original. “balcony scene,” . ‘which gets’ an‘ excellent etching by | Paul ‘Roebling . and Olga :Bellin, . ‘The ‘operatic excerpt, sung: ‘in. Venora, is, ‘like the other sections, agreeably : by" ‘Terrence. ‘Miller. -and. The’ elinch. prise . for Broadway. original. Larry Kert, with ‘Marlys Watters ‘as. his This airing by the. RKO: General (a) ‘the calibre. of.-blurbs, and ‘(b) an _ impatient: cut. to a. ‘detergent commercial ‘even before the ballet » Pit. ao ‘Producers: .. ‘This -was. the thematic -es-: “gence of-the: Chet Huntley-narrated ; special. -on..NBC-TV . last week, '.a: ‘program | ‘that’ wasfavored. with. a 60 -Mins., Sun,, April: 5, 6: 30 P m, a ‘ald’s life from his birth in St. Paul, “| in ‘September, 1896,°. to “his. death + in. 1940,. was: several’ months in the | produced and ‘directed, a WIZ-TV camera .-" crews: "em } | -subject.: -versial figure.. some tolerated him, ‘and ‘some dis=~ oy |.liked..him..:-He was-not the: stuff” of ‘which. saints: are-made; and the. -harrative ‘approach is, ‘at times, too. 1-dolorous for the subject... ‘ANATOMY. OF ‘A’ TEAM: THE 1964: ‘WHITE Sox". ony With: Jack. Brickhouse, narrator; ‘Al _ . Lopez, Ed. Short, others = ‘Dick . Hance, _ Rosenberg “te ; a Director: Hance =>” _ > | Writer: Rosenberg". . ~ | 30.Mins., Mon. 8:30 p am.” ‘WGN-TV, -Chicago. (film). For ‘the. uninitiated, WGN-TV’s . ‘special. Teport from the White Sox: training camp” in. . Sarasota, : Fla. probably. answered. a. number of ‘elementary © questions :about pro fessional baseball, but .the> buffs ‘would have found: little’ in“ it. to. ‘satisfy . their: curiosity about the . 1964 edition of.the southside. team. 7 The questioris that need answering this time of year.centre on how: the new: team shapes up at. each posi-. tion; how the rookies Jook and. what ©. the. pennant -:: prospects are. Pro-. ducer : ‘Dick:.Hance’ made. it less a ‘preview. of. the -ball club -‘than a | peak. af. the. workings. ‘of a: Spring. ‘training camp. . Since it: must. ‘be assumed that the audience ‘for the special . report . | would be. approximately. the same” as. that for the regular: season tele-" ae -casts,, much of the ‘footage would. have. to :be: evaluated ‘as commonplace or..even superfiuous.. Except. ‘for. an.. occasional instance, as when. ‘manager. Al ‘Lopez: ‘and™ general | Manager Ed Short. -analyzed the: batting’. of ©: power . hitter © -Dave Nicholson, the. program. was’ ‘Sure. -prisingly. lacking ‘in dope.. Much. time was’ given to mony. ‘Cuccinello’s: “explanation of ‘the. | coaching: signs,” Something _that’s ; done at least once‘a.year. during the regular season in the pre-game pro- -grams:-: Ditto. J: .C... Martin’s* @xe 0° planation of ‘the catching signs and . a | the unrevealing~ small : talk-“-with: owner’. Art: .Allyn.”.Of even. less. value. to < the’ true--ball’ ‘fan—and. ‘especially. those. who ° ‘passed “up. AndyGriffith ° or “Wagon “Train” | ‘in: :their : Monday ‘night ritual for this. White . Sox special—-were the’: lengthy interviews: with. a. couple. of. baseball ‘wives. The .club:: house; “the; training room and the. practice. field: were. shown; -but to paraphrase the Bard, the player’ s the thing, and’ Players : ‘were scarcely: ‘on: ‘view. There. ‘Wwas,. however, .a good. glimpse. of rookie : second. “baseman. Don Buford". in. _action,. and this. was ‘a: piece’ of: * footage. thatthe buffs’. ‘must-have been”. grateful. for: More Of: the: sort: was. needed. . aL Les. Bh MARKED FOR ‘GLORY: Narrator: ‘Joe: Templeton * -Producer-Director: Jolin Q. Qiigiey = Editor; H. Prentiss. Crouse: ae Writer: Gwinn Owens. ° 60 Mins.;: Thurs., 9:30. pn, WIZ-TV,. ‘Baltimore. (film) © te BALTIMORE FEDERAL» SAVE." “CINGS... “| WIZ-TV, ‘Westinighouge “outlet, “holder. of the .1963 DuPont. Awards _} for: “outstanding ‘and ° meritorious | . “1 serviece,”. gives. further. ‘and more © ' conclusive. to. why it won. | it, with “Marked. For. Glory,” ” ‘their | -hour-long ‘biographical look::at F.-. _. f Seott: Fitzgerald,. the. ‘author: -whose © "| tragic: life: paralleled: ‘some -of the * : characters: ‘he. “wrote: about in’ his |. novels.. The: special,” covering: Fiteger ‘who % ‘tapped. many sources. for: the. biography.” . jour-.. neyed to: Chicago, : Minneapolis, Wilmington, “, Washington, . -Prince-. | ton, -Conn.: Great’ Neck, -N:. Y.s making. John. .Q.. ‘Quigley,’ ‘|-Bostonand’ New: -York> City “where: they: filmed ‘interviews with: ‘people who knew the. -author,’ ‘These in-~ ‘clude John’ Biggs Jr., chief judge”: of the Third U.S: Circuit. ‘Court | of Appeals in "philadelphia: ‘Lois ~~" ‘Moran; actress and Louis “Azreal, ‘Baltimore. ‘News-Ametican colum nist. : All. this. has been: “expertly matched. with. some 200 still. photo “graphs ‘and decuments,. rare film | clips of. the Fitzgeralds ‘and.. news: . ‘Teels that. serve as. time bridges: © “The serip t ‘written, by Gwinn. . OWens:.and based on: the. Fitzgerald -. biography .. by. Andrew ~ Turnbull,: ‘was: excellent -inProviding : both fluidity and cohesion. _ If there is.any ‘fault to ‘be found, it -isa:-minor .one. The: narrator. delivers: the. script ina manner that: is not: always’ ‘harmonious: with the _ ; Fitzgerald was: ‘a’ cuntroe -: ea, Some liked him, ' ‘Luce, Sak