Variety (April 1964)

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2, -presented at the. awards. luncheon on S “Wednesday, April 8)-1964.°° ° Television. and ‘radio: stations were. ‘honored over. the ‘weekend: at. the. | 30th. annual National ..Headliners Frolic ‘in: ‘Atlantic ‘City. Plaques were :. aturday (4). Television awards : were given to WXY¥Z-FV, Detroit, Mich, and its. -presidéent,. John: F:. | _Pival,. for outstanding ‘television editorials; to KMSP-TY,. ‘Minneapolis, for. public : Service as exemplified. by: “The Forgotten”, in which conditions. ». in’a Minnesota. security hospital were’ brought to. light: ‘and ‘to WRCV‘TV;: Philadelphia, -Pa.,: and. Robert .J. Shafer, news director, for -conSistently. outstanding: coverage. of news events: as exémplified.: “by. its. . -comprehensive. coverage: ‘of the. ‘dramatic rescue: ‘of two: miners imprisioned. in an abandoned shaft. for’ two weeks: . | -.In‘the radio category, awards went ‘to: KNX,. ‘Los. ‘Angeles. for. con. wo | o sistently outstanding: coverage: of. news ‘events; WSAC, ‘Fort Knox, Ky:,../ | and Byron. E.. Cowan, president, for consistently: outstanding editorials; | WAIT, Chicago, . Th, and Maurice Rosenfield, executive director, the Public. Service Award for its. successful ‘campaign: to free a. mati 1 facing: death. for murder. following conviction. eight years earlier... er 7 it won't’ ‘get. NBC. News: back: in‘Moscow, ‘but. the récent memo “to: me ‘staff from NBGC-TV toppers Robert Sarnoff and Robert Kinter reported. ly. will have its: upbeat ‘effect behind the Iron. Curtain. ‘NBC News staffer: Tamas .G.’Madarasz. wrote’ identical ‘letters to Sarnoff and. Kintner, ‘advising that. their ‘letter, which frankly. discussed the NBC’brass_posi.. | tion re ‘pay television, ‘made.a great impression: on a. friend visiting, the. 7 U, S. from Communist: ‘Hungary. : m ‘Madarasz: said the friend was. “amazed: at the. informal: tone in “whiéh. Peet -it was written, andthe lefter told: her. more about .the ‘American Capio -| talists” than I could: have.” #e said, in fact that the letter made as great: . -° ‘an: impression on the visitor. as the tour of NBC and Rockefeller:Center: “She will take with her back to Hungary lasting memories. of: the: United. : -} States,among them. the memory of your letter; and -I am‘ sure many ._0f: her husband’s: pupils (he’s a high: ‘school ‘teacher. in. Budapest) wits : Share those memories. with them."" ce ; _— eee Preview: of: Saturday's an: ““Defendérs” episode, starring ‘Milton. a _ ..| Berle in a ‘dramatic. ‘role, ‘will be held. today ¢(Wed.) ‘at Friars .Club. | Reason ‘for’ preview. is position: Berle. holds . with’. organization, ‘that of oa Abbot Emeritus. -For. the preview, : CBS-TV and arrangements com~ . | mittee ‘of. the.-Friars Club will. co-host a cocktail party. Film will be | Shown: in ‘the .Milton: Berle Room of the Club and’ .a direct telephone. } line’ will be. opened to Berle’s. the Desert “Inn in Las: ‘| club’ comic; faced . with an. incurable: disease, who attempts | suicide.. 7 -...1 Script -was: written: by: Roger. ‘Lewis, former United Artists ad-v.p. no Vegas for. some. initial reaction. . . Tn the: episode Berle lays a" “night. :| ° Both. BBC:TV and _Gianada-TV in: “Britain ‘have. ‘withdrawn, ‘their ; support. from. the quarterly “Egghead” tv: ‘publication: ‘Contrast: which 1they launched. ‘three . years. ago in: conjunction. with. the: British: ‘Film: ” ~~] Institute. LY oo ; “According. to. the: spring’ edition. of the: paper, ‘the ‘sponsors: “felt, ‘they. re ‘Jin the ‘Code ‘are “needed and. an | amended.” _[}age as the ‘amount of: stock bought. _ ‘could. no longer. ‘support it. and appeals: for coin. from -other. quarters " |-have ‘failed.. .Idea was for it to build up circulation ‘in order to ber a come : self-supporting. | So far ‘it has -not done so: . an Mag. will continue under" the: aegis. of ‘BEI but will be cut. in. sizes: | “Much: ‘praise is: acetuing ‘to: WHK,. the ‘Metromedia AMer. in: OleveYaad, for: distribution of its.“Hymns of Your Church” LP, billing. the -| choirs of 10churches ‘in. the Cleve area... Originally, release was ‘limited to ‘churches im: the town, but. distribution .has since. been ‘ex--: : I tended globally . to: religious and. governmental: leaders, including ‘the ~. "| governors: of .all 50 U.S. States, for. which: ‘there's ‘been: heaucoup. _ | appreciation expressed... “Annual: advertising ‘awards luncheon (bestowing. the “Silver Nail” a a : and: “Gold -Key’). auspiced_ by .the Station ‘Representative. Assn... is: down’ for April-28 in the Waldorf-Astoria, N.Y... Guest.'s peaker will : [be Walter E. Rogers, chairman ' of the’ House’ “subcommitt jon. come... munication and power. 3. Oe . *, nn. 2 — . ao ‘ a exercised,” Burke wrote. a = wee ~~ Panic Button -| FCC ‘also ‘had asked’ both: eom-: panies for the number_ of CATV Continued. from. page 3 — subscribers each has. : -Capital Cable had. 106 ‘on myn ome mle ‘March 20 but was ata disadvantage 7 | questiorinaire seems to. reflect’ a ‘because TV Cable beat it into “T new. feeling that. ‘trouble ‘could be: operation :by. four. months. . . [invited: by: creating the impression |: TV Cable said it had 2,264 but is losing customers because of: the. catores, Mie Code be cee in to blackout. on: programs planned for © ‘| -Jn° response to. “other: ‘Harris. | questions, : Collins -: extolled. self-. | regulation: both. by radio-tv. and -| distillers, praised: the Code ban on} ‘booze: ‘and ‘other’ morally. and |} a physicaily ‘Sensitive © products, said | | no. more ‘rules. than already listed |f.. week, TV Cable, said, 23 3 customers _ quit, . 2 | averred. there.“ was. a distinction |. a | between ‘hard liquor ‘and. beer and | clgaret: advertising. a ‘|: ‘Collins: averred there. “has been : nothing. to indicate’: any: likelihood | a ‘of change” in the Code’s anti-booze | f. provisions, ‘even though the » Code 1. Jis cont inu a ally. reviewed . a n a —| JOHNNY GILBERT : _EMCEE® ®. SINGER e ANNOUNCER . currently: | ~~ Capital Cable [pe | —. ‘Continued. from. page . ——4 tT “PRICE 1sRIGHT’ | the: ‘property. in. the same: percent: t: ; “ABC-TV ': a ‘ Mane BERGER, ROSS & STEINMAN PL. 1-2156. ‘Dir.s. FRANK ‘COOPER ‘ASSOC. 1° “Texas Broadcasting has” no. con-:| -| nection with:nor voice... in managejment:or financing of Capital Cable. .[ unless’ and until’ such option: is. “HOWARD E STARK “ Brokers—Consultants, 1. 50 East seTH STREET 2 “NEW YORK, N. Y. _ LDORADO 50405 ithe future -by*KTBC-TV: : Last. :