Variety (April 1964)

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Tanner’ $ Travelling Tote ; Continued from. page: 26. information ‘for _&: demographic at breakdown. | The mobile: rating. machine . ‘nas | upstaged a number ‘of other. nota-| ble exhibits at -the. convention. among them the four new ‘items which CBS Laboratories i is reenter ing. the equipment business, ‘those: package. for. remoteés, “a miniature |: being. technical. innovations it has + ‘developed : itself. "They include Volumax; an “automatic peak con-" troller described. as a successor .to the old-fashioned limiter, & ‘single unit digital: display kit | originally designed for CBS News’. reporting. of. election ‘returns;.a solid. state| .. signal generator for testing..and ad| ‘justing. video equipment and com: ‘ponents; and ‘2 line .of. solid: state{. video amplifiers for. color or black“ and-white. Miniature and. highly: portable tape recorders-and television ‘cam-. eras, capable of being used in news coverage, interviews and: onthe-scene commercials, are: other. revelations of this year’s. electronic wonderland. ‘Fhe Sylvania. ‘00m, 16-pound camera. -with -abuilt-in monitor,. one of ‘the smallest tv cameras . yet developed, . ‘is: being shown, — For newereel. work it’s intended. to be used with one of the pint-sized. tape recorders, such as PEED RIEL ANEMEPIOID, RADIO-TELEVISION ae the 78-pound. Machtronics. ($15; 750). Or :the 96-pound : Ampex. VER66G} ($14, 500); or the: two-piece and con siderably heavier’ Sony: : ($13,900) | ‘the: latter ‘two. using. two-inch tape. AM are’ capable. of working out: of the trunk of-a car.: : Sylvania. also has a miniature ‘camera that comes with -a 2,000 megacycle ‘studio ‘link. transmitter. for sound. and picture which the. | operator ‘straps onto. his. : back: ABC-TV: has” ordered. a dozen of these for.its coverage of ‘the poli-|: | ‘Ucal: ‘conventions at. $16, 500 each. "By Bristol Myers’ Exit ‘Young &. Rubicam’ 3 tv ‘publicity ‘department, which ‘has ‘been drastically. trimmed: in’ the years in| | which shows. have. ‘been™ ‘sliced. ‘up: amorfg several ‘sponsors, received. ‘another setback this. year as -Bristol-Myers withdrew. its. $50,000. un-derwriting . of publicity ‘for CBS: TV's “Candid Camera.” ; Now. manned bya mere two men, ‘the Y&R video drums. will ‘still beat. for suchas the Gulf sponsorship of: the" coming elections and Goodyear’ s gold series. =| Radio Web for Schools ‘Launched With $66,000 | ~ Grant From US, Agency a Washirigton, ‘April . 7. Plans’ to ‘link the nation’ S schools in a live. non-commercial radio network. were’ ‘underway: last“ week, with. a. Kickoff. meeting i in: Washing‘ton. oo “One “necessary. : NAEB’ “will: handle. the coin. dur ‘ing a’ nine-month study: of ~ the needs and possibilities inherént .in ., pine oa 3 hookup. .: Meeting here,. a ‘jiational: advisory. | ecommittée’of. “university ‘broad-| casters . “and. professors which.’ will-|. announced. _ ‘broadcast “exec. Jerrold: Sandler}. | will. be the staff. topper” of the. program. ‘Sandler, who is. now on]. leave from. the: Univ. of: Michigan, will ‘be backed by: Theodore Conant, |. ‘gram » toppers: — edeational . communications oversee the ‘project, presently -a-consultant. with. the National ‘Film. ‘Board of . Canada. The staff will ‘have. Offices ‘here fand in Gotham... —: Initially ‘the project. will. ‘center ‘in the east and midwest with, hookups in Boston, ‘Philadelphia, ‘De-} asst: ° Ew) BK-TV. | Holt. and: ‘Chicago. as. well as. in Washington. and New. York, . “ingredient Money—was.. added: with.. the | an-|houncement that’ the. U:S..: Office of Education issued ‘a $65:895' grant. ‘to: the National Assn. ‘of Educational. ; Broadcasters. for. the. plan, * fe ” Ottawa; “April. 7. wien the ss Princess . ‘Messer 3 i « a ‘+ Breakdown” in. this capital ‘in *SI,t | ‘Don Messer’s network. radio. show z ‘zoomed in popularity. In'5é“Don[ ¥ Messer’s Jubilee’. began weekly on[" CBC-TV’s. web and. .soon topped |. | “Ed Sullivan’ Show”. ‘as. ‘Canada’s | ‘most: “popular. (except. when. up ’ against national-league hockey). © Monday (13): ‘Messer, who. studied | Violin and. falk™ music. in Boston, | ‘marks. his’ 30th. year: in:'network| broadcasting ‘with a‘ ‘tversion of ”..{one’ of. his: ‘earliest radio shows. | Besides regular singers ‘Marg | Os burne’: and -Charlie .Chamberlain, | he'll. have originals ‘Duke. Neilsen, Ned: Landry. and George Cromwell. | | Chamberlain “was. also. an. original. | Storer’ s. ‘Swap: Mee Milwaukee, ‘April Ya Two. of” ‘the . Storer “stations, WITI-TV, Milwaukee, and. WIBK-.| TV, Detroit,: ‘have. ‘Swapped. pro|: Dean.” McCarthy; who had ‘been: operations: ‘and pro| ‘gram manager of the Milwaukee -{ station, was switched to the Detroit: ‘anchor: as ‘program. ‘director. He’s succeeded. in his. previous | post by’ Bob Oliver, who. had been |. Program . ~ director ~ of os WHEN IT COMES TO WOMEN...we've got al the good numbers In the. booming 5th market, WJ BK Vv covers the biggest spenders like an umbrel la! Who: are the i biggest spenders?The 18to-39year old queens of the pocketbook who shower: uswith affection: 7 We've been going steady with them fora long, long time because we’ve got whatit takes to keep: them ha Pppy . +s . intriguing programming, featuring: great movies:and variety shows, the best of CBS, a full hour of dinnertime: news. Call your: STS man. He? It introduce you to.our charmers. ° siwaueee : WITETY .. MIAMI s cWweBS. -CLEVELAN D*. “wi Tv _ CEE LAND ©. Wiw 7 a “ATLANTA S oW NAGATV ae ‘svorER ° TEL. EV IStON SALES. INC. ~ a IMPORTANT STATIONS i = ‘Hepreientatives for ‘alt Biorer television stations, IN: IMPORTANT MARKETS. | =|ote — ‘BROADCASTING COMPINY af Sa aie. ene ne ee ete ete Te “Frentywood: "pelt Be As the: “USO. ‘cannot send’ per: ‘formers. fo entertain: the ‘16.000 oS a -~ULS. servicemen. in. ‘South Viet--:nam,° Hollywood showfolk are do ‘ing, ‘it by’ proxy—via™ what prob ably will be: one .of ‘the most: starstudded: and: talent-enriched radio . Shows ever taped.. } out of ‘Saigon. April. 26.” Certainly . ‘not: since height “ of. . : | World War IF has.there been such pan undertaking—and ‘probably Noe. even that conflict | Saw. so -vast.a-. : ie, so’ much: top: ; show planned, | ‘talent: on-ofe program.” ~.. Unique aspect of South Vietnam is. that American troops have no = area—either along’ fringes of fluid. hit-and-run war in the field where they ‘serve. as: advisers, or. in “Sai~ | gon:..itself° where rear.’ "echelons: awe based—at which. large: groups ‘can © be concentrated | ‘to. -wateh a” ‘ or any ‘other type en .tertainment .. involving . ‘eoncentra-. ‘| tion Of ‘onlookers. : _ Miet.Cong red infiltrators twice. have: bombed film ‘theatres. in .Sai-:. {gon attended -by ‘American * Serve 2 an bes vt . soe yt t . yo, wat : Sorte o wo. “ oo . . . ” SECA OS ae ema eke te ye terormebe Aa eeasee ‘Hal Kanter’ has ‘been: mustered as producer ° and how: in. turn is: ‘enlisting top. pix,.tv. and musie: 5 ‘names. He. also. will: taptop. seript5.5 ‘ers and get. it-.all downon tape -. ‘for airing:by Armed Forces: Radio : icemen. No attempt™ ever has-been 27.0". 4 |.made to put ona live show: for. | ‘they, a Henry “Cabot 7 ‘them -in ‘the © boondocks: would: ‘be sitting. ducks. ‘ Consequently. ‘| Lodge, U.S.. ‘Ambasador ‘toe South. | Vietnam, and. Gen:. ‘Paul? “D. Har. | Kins, who. commands: U.S. troops © ‘in that ‘compat: theatre, asked . Ed -win ‘Bond, exec: direétor of. USO, > + to: “help | ‘in situation:. Lb. Bond appealed. to William Mor | vis’-ageney prez Abe | -Lastfogel,.. . ¢f } who. was ..wartime head -of. USO). 2) ‘| Camp | Shows. ‘The giant radio prae | eram project. thereupon -was born. ‘It will. be -recalled that last... | Christmas | Bob . ‘Hope. vlanned. en| tertaining in South Vietnam,. but ‘was. detoured' fo Turkey ‘at insist-~. fence _of.. Gen. -Harkins. ‘When. and. | if-situation permits, USO will send. : {Smallunits. to. area. {NBC Racks: thi SRO For. | ‘World Series of Golf? " Chicago, April 7. The 1964, edition of. ‘World ‘Se ne ‘ries ‘of Golf,” two-day: tv" tourna-. |-ment to’ be: :carried on. ‘NBC-TY. ---Sept.’ 12-13, has wrapped. up. its... A , "|. Sponsors: with Zenith Radio: Corp.. ‘going: for 50%. of the*coverage and. | United Air Lines and Kaiser taking. ‘a quarter each. Zenith has-been _ an underwriter ‘of the event “since. Lit was started two years ago. *°. 00. : offers" pt ‘o-golf’s. top. oo prize, $50,000: for :the’ winner, . and. . “Series” : : annually ‘involves ‘the. _winners.. of | the: Masters, PGA;US. and British. |-Opens.: Television coverage’ ‘is of.” ‘pthe: final six holes: ‘in. each. round, . For 90: minutes -worth ‘on ‘each the | Saturday and. Sunday afternoons... CKXL: 4006 Sale. Calgary, Alta., Apxit Tt Sale of radio. station CKXE, | Calgary, ‘to... James’ and Donna. ‘bPryor. of Winnipeg. has. beén.:rec -f ommended by. the Board’ of. “Broadan | cast ‘Governors. in. Ottawa. -Thé. Pryors will: ‘acquire. the: as tsets of .CKXL © from. ‘Tel-Ray.. Ltd oe 4 which js‘ moving. into new, ‘unspeci-. ‘Ffied fields of endeavor. Sale price. Lis $400,000: — ‘Fransfer will’ be: ‘completed on ‘or about:: Soril : 30. a oe ee ee